Home Oral cavity Interesting facts about advertising campaigns of world brands. A brief history of famous world car brands

Interesting facts about advertising campaigns of world brands. A brief history of famous world car brands

Today, as part of our “World Brands” section, we decided to deviate a little from the tradition of publication topics and talk about a seemingly ordinary product - scissors, only their price starts from 1000 euros. IN modern world Often the origin of a thing speaks volumes about its quality. Remember, for example, Swiss Watches, German car, Russian caviar. All these things are united not only high price, but also...

Even children know that the world consists of particles. We recently had the opportunity to look at such particles with the naked eye. Moreover, now you can even touch them. The conversation will be about Lego. People spend about 5 billion hours solving cubes every year. If this number is divided by all the inhabitants of the earth, it will be about an hour for each person.

There are cars that are good on their own. Riding them is a pleasure. Such cars include cars of the famous Bugatti brand. The French company Bugatti and its amazing products have left a noticeable mark on the history of the world automotive industry. Therefore, today, as part of our regular column “World Brands,” we will introduce you to the history of the creation and development of the famous Bugatti brand.

Today, in the “World Brands” section, we decided to publish a biography of one of the most secretive, but at the same time popular women in Russia. We will talk about the ex-wife of Vladimir Putin - Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Putina (nee Shkrebneva). In 1958, on January 2, Lyudmila Shkrebneva (Putina) was born in Kaliningrad. Lyudmila's father worked first as a postman and then as a turner at a repair plant, and her mother worked in...

There are many examples where young people, passionate about an idea, achieved a lot in their lives. Some of them did not have a rich inheritance, while others rose to the pinnacle of fame literally from poverty. There are many examples of this. One of the takeoffs was made by a poor teenager named Jason Daniels, carrying through the years the famous taste and recipe of Jack Daniels whiskey. Mr. Daniels was very devoted to his beloved...

Today, as part of the “World Brands” section, Andrei Shipilov has prepared for you a publication about the largest fast food chain in the world. The future owner of thousands of restaurants around the world, Fred de Luca, was born into a family of immigrants from Italy in 1948. From an early age the boy tried to earn money on his own and his parents saw that their child would grow up to be big man. Beginning with...

In Germany (in Wiesbaden) in October 96 of the last century, shocking information about the famous speculator of the planet, George Soros, was published on the pages of a report from a bureau called the Executive Intelligence Review. Soros was accused of worldwide scams and speculation that affected the lives of ordinary people in entire countries. Until now, a number of experts believe that he ruined the main Bank of England, whose leadership responded...

Bernard Arnault is the owner of LVMH and a successful French businessman. Born on 03/05/1949 in a wealthy family. Already in his youth, Bernard Arnault began to be interested in luxury things, he studied fashion trends, art and knew good wines. Bernard Arnault is known in the world as the number one figure in the production of luxury goods and wealth. Arno's company controls at least sixty brands from the world...

Victoria's Secret

One day, Roy Raymond decided to give his wife a gift and went to the store in search of beautiful lingerie. He wandered for a long time among the shelves with products, confused in the “otherworldly” world of women's accessories. And even salespeople trained to serve women could not help him make a purchase. So Roy left empty-handed, but with a revolutionary idea. In 1977, he opened his first store, Victoria's Secret, positioned as a new type of lingerie store. The store combined European elegance with a friendly environment that made even men feel comfortable. And by launching a program to sell lingerie through catalogs, Raymond made a real revolution in the very approach to selling lingerie in the world.

However, five years later, Roy Raymond was forced to sell Victoria's Secret to Leslie Wexner, who immediately got rid of the image " paradise for men”, focusing on the female audience. Fashionable lingerie from Victoria's Secret began to be positioned as affordable luxury.

And Roy Raymond, at the age of 47, after several unsuccessful business ventures, committed suicide in 1993 by jumping from the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco.

One of the oldest chains of fast food restaurants in the United States was founded by Garlan Sanders (1890-1980) when he was over 60. Before that, he led a rather miserable life. Having only 6 years of education, by the age of 40 Garlan managed to change several dozen professions. He sold tires, was a fireman, a soldier, a conductor, helped farmers, worked as a peddler and much more. Having tried a lot of professions, he never found one that he could hold on to. for a long time. The family lived poorly, but the wife endured all her husband’s problems steadfastly and believed in him until the very end.

In 1930, Sanders opened his own auto repair shop. Soon, he decides that he needs to make a small dining room for clients. Garlan allocated one room of the workshop as a dining room (his family lived in several others). This room contained a dining table and 6 chairs. Sanders cooked his food right in his home kitchen. Soon his auto repair shop became famous throughout Kentucky for its fried chicken. It was called: "Garlan Sanders' Kentucky Fried Chicken." All customers noted the quality of his seasoning, which he prepared from 11 different spices.

In 1937, he opened the Sanders Court & Cafe motel, which was also a fast-food restaurant in its own right. In the 1950s, Sanders began selling his "Garlan Sanders" chicken to other restaurants across America. In the early 60s, Garlan Sanders already had several hundred US restaurants as clients.


The founder of the largest Woolworth store chain and the inventor of grocery price tags and supermarkets found the right insight that allowed him to make millions. A shy and stuttering young man from the village at the age of 21 got a job as a sales assistant in a small shop. At that time, the price of goods in stores placed on the counter behind the seller was not indicated. The seller “by eye” determined the buyer’s solvency and named his price. Then the buyer either bargained or left. Poor Frank did not know how and was very afraid to invite customers, praise the goods, and bargain. I was so afraid that one day I even fainted while working. As punishment, the store owner left him trading alone for the whole day, threatening that if the earnings were less than the usual daily income, he would fire him.

Before opening the store, Frank attached a piece of paper with the lowest possible price to all goods (a prototype of a modern price tag). He laid out all the stale goods dumped in the warehouse on a huge table, attaching a sign to it that said “Everything for five cents.” He placed the table near the window so that both the product and the sign could be seen from the street. And shaking with fear, he began to wait for customers, hiding behind the counter.

All the goods were sold out in a few hours, and the revenue per day was equal to a week. Buyers, holding the product in their hands and seeing the price written on it, gave up their money without haggling.

Frank left his owner, borrowed money and opened his own store. In 1919, the Woolworth empire consisted of a thousand stores, and Frank's personal fortune was approximately 65 million.


The history of a Japanese company specializing in the creation computer games and game consoles, began in 1889. At that time the company was called Marufuku and produced playing cards in a special Japanese style, which were hand-painted and then varnished. In 1902, the company began producing Western-style cards, which were unknown to the Japanese at that time, and soon became one of the leaders in the gambling industry.

In the 1970s, Nintendo transitioned from cards to simple toys. At that time, many interesting toys were invented: the Ultra Machine, a baseball machine, mechanical arm“The Ultra Hand” and a humorous device for testing the level of love “Love Tester”. In 1978, Nintendo began producing arcade games.


Leading chemist-technologist at Procter & Gamble, Victor Mills, who helped his daughter care for her children, had to repeatedly pull out wet diapers from under his own grandchildren, wash and dry them. Of course, he didn’t like the process and wanted to somehow make his life easier. Then the idea of ​​a disposable “diaper” came to mind - a folded pad with high absorbency, which was planned to be placed in a specially shaped panty. Mills tested the first models on his own grandchildren - he actually tested everything on members of his family. At a time when everyone was brushing their teeth with toothpowder, his wife and daughter did it with liquid toothpaste, which Mills invented.

After several experiments with different materials, Mills developed a new product for P&G, which they began to produce under the Pampers brand, which became a household name. In retirement, the inventor of “diapers” became interested in traveling and mountaineering. Mills was well into his 80s and still climbing mountains. Victor Mills died at the age of 100 in 1997.


Boris Ostrobrod left the USSR in the early 90s for Israel. There he settled in Tel Aviv and started trading. He began to bring swimsuits from Israel to Russia. A small batch of the first swimsuits, bought by Ostrobrod together with his brother Arkady Pekarsky with their small savings, sold out almost instantly.

Next came work with the Chinese. The brothers began to order clothes from China. After his first successes in the sales field, Boris realized that real success could only be achieved by taking control of production. Which is what he did. After all, world-famous clothing brands also made clothes in China. Since they were able to conduct quality control in China, why not try?

This is how the Sela brand appeared, the main market of which was Russia. At the same time, all production was concentrated in China, and the company's headquarters were located in the capital of Israel, Tel Aviv. Interestingly, the word Sela itself means “rock” in Hebrew.


Phil Knight was a middle distance runner for the University of Oregon. He was a very mediocre athlete. But he knew very well how terrible American sneakers are. At the same time, German Adidas for most people in the 60s were a real luxury, as they were much more expensive than local products, although they were ten times higher in quality. Knight decided to rectify the situation and create the Blue Ribbon Sports company, which would produce cheap American sneakers that would be of equal quality to German Adidas and Puma.

Knight came to the conclusion that it was possible to sell high-quality, and at the same time inexpensive, sneakers only by producing them in Asia. In 1964, with an investment of $500, Knight and his coach Bowerman ordered 300 pairs of sneakers from the Japanese company Onitsuka Tiger (now ASICS). Phil began selling Japanese sneakers in the United States from his van.

Sales began to grow, and little by little the business began to grow from simply reselling other people's sneakers to producing its own under the Nike brand.


In June 1919, Conrad Hilton, who was then 31 years old, arrived in the town of Cisco in the US state of Texas. He recently experienced the bankruptcy of his first enterprise, a bank, which did not stay afloat for even a year. After its liquidation, Conrad still had 5,000 US dollars left, and he was going to open a new bank or, if possible, buy a suitable one. But very soon his plans changed.

In search of accommodation for the night, he went to the local Mobley Hotel. The failed banker was amazed by the crowd of people in the lobby who were literally fighting for free rooms. Crowds of clientele are a real dream for any businessman, Hilton thought at that moment. But the hotel owner was not happy about this, and it turned out that he was not averse to selling his 60-room Mobley. This was enough for Hilton to forget about any banks forever. A few days later he became the owner of his first hotel, and six years later he opened the first hotel of his name in Dallas - the Dallas Hilton.

Adidas and Puma

Shortly after the First World War, at the beginning of 1920, the Dasslers family council decided to organize a family business - sewing shoes under the Dassler brand. The first products of the Dassler family were slippers and orthopedic shoes for training disabled athletes (of whom there were many after the war). The material for them was decommissioned military uniforms, and the soles were cut from old car tires.

In 1924, the Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory was founded. Two brothers with opposite characters complemented each other - Adolf is a calm and balanced producer, while Rudolf is an active and sociable salesman. A year later, Adolf invented and sewed the world's first football boots with spikes, which were forged by the blacksmiths the Zelein brothers. The football model turned out to be comfortable and, together with gymnastic slippers, became the main product of the Dasslers. On summer olympic games By 1928, several athletes were already performing in Dassler shoes.

After the death of their father in 1948, the brothers quarreled and, dividing factories, founded new companies Adidas and Puma. After the collapse of the family business, the brothers did not speak to each other, and Puma and Adidas became their fiercest competitors.


In 1992, in the town of Pfizer Sandwich (UK), Pfizer conducted research on a new medicine- sildenafil citrate, which was created to treat many heart problems. The developers believed that sildenafil citrate would increase blood flow to the heart muscle and lower blood pressure.

But in the course of research it was found that sildenafil citrate does not particularly affect blood circulation in the myocardium or on arterial pressure. It was also discovered that some male participants in the experiment did not want to return the pills at the end of the test (and one even broke into the laboratory where sildenafil was being made to stock up on the drug for future use). In all of them, the reason for refusal was a sharp improvement in erectile function.

Scientists from the pharmaceutical company Pfizer did not lose sight of this unexpected property of sildenafil citrate and recognized it as good remedy to combat erectile dysfunction. This is how the drug Viagra appeared, the name came from the combination of the words “Vigor” (strength, power) and Niagara Falls - the most powerful waterfall in North America.


In 1911, 28-year-old Frank Mars, using money earned from selling sweets, which he had been engaged in since the age of 19, opened his own store with his wife. The confectionery shop was located right in Mars’s house, and trade was carried out through the kitchen window. The assortment of the confectionery shop consisted of candies with different fillings, which Frank and Ethel sculpted by hand.

One day Mars and his son were walking around the city, and the little son asked his father to buy him chocolate. In those years, chocolate was sold only by weight, as were Henkel washing powders. This created inconvenience for people, especially on hot summer days - even if you carefully eat chocolate that quickly melts in the sun, you could very easily get dirty with it. At that moment, Frank thought, what if?... And this “if” was embodied in small pieces of chocolate that were wrapped in foil.

As a result, a chocolate bar called Milky Way becomes a bestseller for the young enterprise in a matter of days. In 1925, the new bar was recognized as the leader in the chocolate market. Sales are growing steadily, and the company is developing further, opening new markets for sales of its products.

Photos from open sources

Our past makes us who we are. Everyone has a story behind them that has somehow changed their worldview and life. Some stories are quite boring, while others you can listen to with bated breath and wonder what is even possible. This also applies to brands, such as those described below.

1. FedEx Rescue
In the early 1970s, just a few years after FedEx was created, the fledgling company was already in dire shape, losing up to a million dollars a month. At one point it seemed that they would not be able to meet their financial obligations. While waiting for his plane, Fred Smith, the company's founder, impulsively boarded a flight to Las Vegas, where he won $27,000 in blackjack. The company was saved.

2.Lamborghini sports cars were born thanks to the pride of Enzo Ferrari
Lamborghini was originally a tractor manufacturer. Its owner, Ferruccio Lamborghini, was interested in luxury cars, especially Ferraris. While performing a routine check, Lamborghini discovered that the clutch in his Ferrari was broken. He also noticed that the car used the same clutch as his tractors. When he suggested that Enzo Ferrari replace the clutches in his cars with better ones, Ferrari simply kicked him out, saying that he was a tractor manufacturer and knew nothing about racing cars. We all know what happened next.

3. BMW started producing cars because Germany lost the First World War.
BMW was originally an aircraft manufacturing company. After Germany's defeat in World War I, all aircraft manufacturing companies were required to cease production as part of one of the many conditions of the Armistice Treaty signed at Versailles. When the company faced bankruptcy, BMW switched to producing motorcycles and soon after, in 1928, began producing cars. The company's current logo is a tribute to its aviation heritage.

4. Coca-Cola and American Prohibition
Coca-Cola was originally created by John Pemberton, a wounded Confederate colonel who wanted to find something that would help him overcome his morphine addiction. He called it the French Vin Coca, a nerve tonic. When Atlanta passed prohibition legislation in 1886, Pemberton had to redo the formula and make a non-alcoholic version of his tonic. He named the drink Coca-Cola, the drink we all know and love.

5. History of the McDonald's logo
The McDonald's logo is one of the most recognizable in the world, probably second only to Coca-Cola. But the truth is that the name of the owner of the company was not taken into account when creating the logo. The architecture of the original store had golden arches on both sides, because the owner wanted people noticed McDonald's from a distance. Therefore, when creating the logo, this particular architectural feature of the restaurant was taken into account.

6. The meaning of the Nike icon
Originally called BRS (Blue Ribbon Sports), the company was renamed Nike, the winged Greek goddess of victory. The famous symbol symbolizes her wings and speed.

7. The Apple logo is not a tribute to Alan Turing
The Truth of Logo Creation famous company far from poetic. The most popular version is that Steve Jobs' favorite fruit was an apple. This also explains why their first computer was named after his favorite apple, McIntosh.

8. UPS Was Founded By 2 Kids With A Bicycle And $100
United Parcel Service, or UPS, as it is known, started from scratch. In 1907, 19-year-old James Casey founded the company with only $100 borrowed from a friend and a bicycle. The teenager took over as president general director and the chairman of the company. Today, UPS is one of the world's largest package delivery companies.

9. Fanta was created in Nazi Germany
At the height of World War II, Nazi Germany was subject to several trade embargoes. Due to a shortage of raw materials and ingredients, the head of Coca-Cola Deutschland. Max Keith decided to create a new drink for the German market using what they had - "leftover leftovers". The name comes from the German word for fantasy (Fantasie).

10. Puma and Adidas exist because of a family feud.
In the 1920s, brothers Rudolf and Adolf “Adi” Dassler ran the successful shoe company Dassler Brothers Shoe Factory. However, during World War II, misunderstandings became noticeable between the brothers. Rudolf was captured by American soldiers and accused of being a member of the Waffen SS, although in fact he was not. Rudolf was sure that his own brother had told him. The split saw the emergence of two companies, Rudolph founded Ruda (later renamed Puma) while Adi founded Adidas. They never reconciled, and were buried in the same cemetery, but as far away from each other as possible.

Today, as part of our “World Brands” section, we decided to deviate a little from the tradition of publication topics and talk about a seemingly ordinary product - scissors, only their price starts from 1000 euros. In the modern world, the origin of a thing often speaks about its quality. Remember, for example, Swiss watches, German cars, Russian caviar. All these things are united not only by a high price, but also...

Even children know that the world around them consists of particles. We recently had the opportunity to look at such particles with the naked eye. Moreover, now you can even touch them. The conversation will be about Lego. People spend about 5 billion hours solving cubes every year. If this number is divided by all the inhabitants of the earth, it will be about an hour for each person.

There are cars that are good on their own. Riding them is a pleasure. Such cars include cars of the famous Bugatti brand. The French company Bugatti and its amazing products have left a noticeable mark on the history of the world automotive industry. Therefore, today, as part of our regular column “World Brands,” we will introduce you to the history of the creation and development of the famous Bugatti brand.

Today, in the “World Brands” section, we decided to publish a biography of one of the most secretive, but at the same time popular women in Russia. We will talk about the ex-wife of Vladimir Putin - Lyudmila Aleksandrovna Putina (nee Shkrebneva). In 1958, on January 2, Lyudmila Shkrebneva (Putina) was born in Kaliningrad. Lyudmila's father worked first as a postman and then as a turner at a repair plant, and her mother worked in...

There are many examples where young people, passionate about an idea, achieved a lot in their lives. Some of them did not have a rich inheritance, while others rose to the pinnacle of fame literally from poverty. There are many examples of this. One of the takeoffs was made by a poor teenager named Jason Daniels, carrying through the years the famous taste and recipe of Jack Daniels whiskey. Mr. Daniels was very devoted to his beloved...

Today, as part of the “World Brands” section, Andrei Shipilov has prepared for you a publication about the largest fast food chain in the world. The future owner of thousands of restaurants around the world, Fred de Luca, was born into a family of immigrants from Italy in 1948. From an early age the boy tried to earn money on his own and his parents saw that their child would grow up to be a big man. Beginning with...

In Germany (in Wiesbaden) in October 96 of the last century, shocking information about the famous speculator of the planet, George Soros, was published on the pages of a report from a bureau called the Executive Intelligence Review. Soros was accused of worldwide scams and speculation that affected the lives of ordinary people in entire countries. Until now, a number of experts believe that he ruined the main Bank of England, whose leadership responded...

Bernard Arnault is the owner of LVMH and a successful French businessman. Born on 03/05/1949 in a wealthy family. Already in his youth, Bernard Arnault began to be interested in luxury things, he studied fashion trends, art and knew good wines. Bernard Arnault is known in the world as the number one figure in the production of luxury goods and wealth. Arno's company controls at least sixty brands from the world...

The Industrial Revolution gave impetus to the development of scientific and technological progress. The transition from a traditional society to an industrial one was accompanied by improvements in technology, the appearance of new goods on the world market, and an increase in the range of existing ones. Then the need arose to differentiate products from one segment. The information society dictated its own laws, the keen eye of the consumer was looking for something new, unique, special. Manufacturers whose products met the expectations of the masses received worldwide recognition, being loved by more than one generation. However, few people know that the stories famous brands- primarily stories of ordinary people, who did not strive for fame at all; rather, on the contrary, they suffered from crisis and poverty.

Hugo Boss: clothing for soldiers of the Third Reich

Today the Hugo Boss company produces luxury clothing under the separate brands Hugo and Boss, perfumes, as well as sunglasses and a watch. IN Lately Hugo Boss, together with Samsung, released a mobile phone.

It all started back in 1923, when tailor Hugo Ferdinand Boss founded a textile manufacturing company in the small German town of Metzingen. The family business was run by several people - the Boss's inner circle. Soon a small store opened. The tailor's clients were mainly policemen and workers. But things go badly, and in 1930 Hugo Boss announces the closure of the business.

However, the enterprising tailor did not have to sit idle. Having joined the National Socialist Party of Germany in 1931, he again opened his own business, this time on a larger scale - a clothing factory. The enterprise is gradually growing, so the owner is forced to use work force prisoners of war with different countries Europe: France, Poland, Austria, etc. This was a period of success and recognition, the Boss' clients included Wehrmacht officers, high-ranking officials of Nazi Germany and even Hitler's close associates.

After the end of World War II, the tailor was accused of collaborating with the Nazis, fined and deprived of the opportunity to vote. Apparently, having never recovered from the blow, Hugo Boss dies in 1948.

After this, the factory passes into the hands of his son-in-law Eugen Holy. Clothes for general workers and postmen are being produced again. In 1953, the company released its first men's suit. It was this event that marked the new future of Hugo Boss as a luxury clothing brand.

In 1967, the founder's grandchildren, Jochen and Uwe Holy, became the company's directors. They are promoting the brand for the first time, making it famous and recognized throughout the world.

In the 70s of the twentieth century, the company turned into a fashion house, which united famous fashion designers and designers.

Release of a perfume line, collection of clothes for children, demonstration mobile phone under its own brand - this is exactly how we know the Hugo Boss brand today: luxurious, sophisticated and unique.

Tefal and Teflon: they found each other

The history of the Tefal brand, one of the world's most famous brands, begins in 1954 and is associated with the great discovery of the French engineer and fisherman Marc Gregoire. While thinking about how to eliminate the problem of the sliding spinning rod jamming, he found out that polytetrafluoroethylene or Teflon could be applied to aluminum surfaces. The matter was put into practice, and the problem with the sliding system of the fishing device disappeared forever.

At first, Gregoire's discovery was used in areas far from the production of kitchen appliances, mainly in the design of aerospace equipment.

The first Teflon-coated frying pan was made by the Gregoire family. The couple realized that aluminum, to which nothing sticks, is a salvation for hundreds of thousands of women. After the successful testing of the miracle frying pan by the discoverer's wife, a long period of obtaining a patent began.

Tefal was founded in 1956. The newly created manufacturer received an ingenious name, a combination of two words - TEFlon and Aluminum. The frying pans quickly gained the trust of both housewives and experienced chefs. In 1958, more than a million frying pans were sold, a year later - about three.

In the 60s, the Tefal brand, recognized in Europe, began to conquer the overseas market. In America they were delighted with the new product; about a million pans were sold a month.

Business boomed, with non-stick frying pan manufacturing facilities being established all over the world. Then Marc Gregoire decided to hand over the management furrows to experienced managers, and he himself took up his favorite thing - inventing. And as always, I achieved an excellent result. Soon, Tefal expanded its product range - the production of household appliances was added to the production of various kitchen appliances.

Nike is a brand recognizable by its swoosh

The brand legend began in 1964, when American student Phil Knight was faced with the problem of choosing sports shoes. He was a runner and needed comfortable shoes for training. At that time, only branded Adidas sneakers were available for sale, which only a world champion runner could afford, and ordinary sports shoes for $5, after wearing which my feet hurt.

Phil Knight studied economics at Stanford University and the idea was to create his own trademark came to him at one of his marketing seminars. Each student worked on his own project. As homework it was necessary to think through a business development strategy and marketing plan. This is how the first steps were taken in the development of a global brand.

Phil believed in his idea until the end. Therefore, when the time came to decide how to produce affordable and high-quality shoes, he was not at a loss, because he already had a mature plan. The student goes to Japan and enters into a contract with a local company to supply sneakers overseas.

At first, the Blue Ribbon Sports company (that’s what it was called) didn’t even have its own store. Phil traveled all over the country in a van, selling shoes on the street.

One day he met a man named Jeff Johnson. Everything has changed since then. The experienced athlete turned out to be an excellent marketer who launched a campaign to promote the brand.

In 1965, the company's founders came up with a new name for it - Nike. Johnson allegedly dreamed of Nick, the winged goddess of victory.

A logo in the shape of a check mark, simple to the point of genius, appeared in 1971. It was invented by Portland University student Carolyn Davidson for just $30. Later, Phil Knight will correct himself and reward her with a statuette with diamonds and even give her part of the company’s shares.

The famous tick has the name “Swoosh”, translated from English as “flying with a whistle”. It symbolizes the wing of the goddess who brings victory.

Indeed, Nike has defeated many of its competitors, but its main achievement is trust huge amount people from different parts of the planet.

Popular brands, long recognized throughout the world, were usually created by ordinary people. Often the stories of famous brands are an amazing series of coincidences that combine into an incredible chain of events, giving birth to legends before the eyes of generations.

If you are planning to launch your own product on the market, KOLORO specialists will help you create and come up with a fascinating story of its development.

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