Home Wisdom teeth The meaning of playing fortune telling cards. Fortune telling card meanings

The meaning of playing fortune telling cards. Fortune telling card meanings

Do you want to learn how to tell fortunes? There is nothing complicated about this, the author believes. After all, our subconscious and, perhaps, our soul know the future. Fortune telling is only a way to extract a prediction from it. What exactly will you gain? After all, there are many options for the future, and what exactly will you determine for yourself? The author hopes that this book will help you guess for yourself the best option your future. The book contains: fortune telling by cards, fortune telling by hand, fortune telling by coffee grounds, Christmas fortune telling. Tell yourself good luck!


Maps appeared in Europe relatively recently - in the 16th century. Ordinary playing cards are used to predict love affairs, attachments, marriages, identify friends, rivals, dangers, and unexpected income. This kind of fortune telling has a low rating simply because it does not pretend to create a strong impression due to external attributes. There is no mystery, brilliance, and there seems to be no mystery either. In most cases, fortune tellers are people of the most different ages and temperaments. Some people engage in fortune telling for fun, while others do it for the purpose of extracting money from gullible clients. Among the latter there are extremely clever people and swindlers. But one should not think that fortune telling by cards has nothing behind it other than a mechanical interpretation of a randomly drawn combination of cards. Fortune telling is fraught with something much more. Some fortune tellers have an amazing ability to feel other people and sometimes quite accurately predict future events based on minor details. For such insightful people, cards apparently act as a stimulator of their abilities. In addition, it must be taken into account that most often predictions are based on vague and ambiguous formulations, allowing in all cases to interpret what is said as convenient or as it turns out.

Many fortune tellers, before starting fortune telling, casually start innocent conversations about the client’s past, lay out cards to find out this past with the help of the client, and only then begin to predict the future. It must be emphasized: the past is especially important when predicting or predetermining the future. We can say that the past, like the present, determines the future.

Every day a person builds his future. Every decision we make today affects tomorrow.

It is curious that everyone remembers their past, but not everyone can connect it with the present. The energy and inertia of the past not only follow us, but overtake us, shaping our lives today and tomorrow. It is for this reason that a highly qualified fortune teller strives from the very first moment to understand the client’s character and find out his past. Knowing it, you can answer questions related to the present and formulate possible options developments of events for a specific person in the future. The ritual of fortune telling, even in the inappropriate setting of a train station or gateway, is full of inspiration. Fortune telling with cards is not an easy task, since with the help of a large number of cards an endless number of options are created. Let's add to this that the meaning of each card can change depending on which cards are next to it. And the meanings of these cards, in turn, also depend on neighboring ones.

The number of cards in a fortune-telling deck was constantly changing: once there were 78, but over time it decreased to 52. This is the deck of cards that fortune-tellers currently use, but 32 cards are used for fortune-telling, starting with seven and ending with ace.

However, if the need arises to find out your destiny, there are special solitaire games, by playing which you can find out whether it is worth guessing for yourself.

You can do otherwise, that is, simply ask whether fate is favorable to you today or not. To do this, fortune tellers usually use a layout called "Witch".

The technology is simple. They pick up a deck of 32 cards and begin to open one at a time. When placing the first card, they say “seven” out loud, when placing the second, “eight”, and so they count up to “ace”. Next, the counting and layout again starts from seven. If the actual meaning of the card coincides with the spoken one, this card is put aside. As a result, the entire deck must run out, or the fortuneteller’s patience will run out and he will throw away the cards. In any case, this will be the answer to the question: to guess or not to guess. The more cards are put aside, the happier and luckier this day is for you. And vice versa, the fewer cards are put aside, the worse, since fate in this case shows unfavorability.

Below we'll talk about laying out cards when telling fortunes to someone. In all cases, the fortuneteller will have to resort to his imagination and intuition in order to meaningfully interpret the resulting layout of the cards. To inspire the client’s trust, you need to know all the meanings of the cards by heart, and not every time leaf through a fortune-telling manual in search of their symbolism. This will look even more unprofessional, since the interpretation of a particular card may change in one way or another depending on the proximity of other cards - here the manual is unlikely to help.

Professionals say that cards get tired. It is worth listening to their words. This happens if the cards are really under any influence external forces or if they are not handled seriously and responsibly.

As a rule, the fortune-telling process is limited to one circle per evening, or, in extreme cases, two, but with a break. (One circle can include up to a dozen layouts.)

The cards are laid out according to a certain pattern; there are many such patterns. Before starting the layout, the cards are carefully shuffled. Usually the client shuffles, and at this time he must concentrate on his plans or questions that he wants to get an answer to. He puts the cards on the table, moves part of the deck with his left hand and gives it to the fortune teller with his left hand, after which the fortune teller’s solo part begins.

Since the reader is unlikely to be familiar with the practice of fortune telling with cards, we will consider in detail the simplest layout of cards.

Deck of 36 cards

So, take a deck of cards with sixes, preferably a new one, shuffle it, take it to your left hand and, removing three cards at a time, look for yours. What does it mean? Single men and women are looking for the king and queen of diamonds, married men and women are looking for the king and queen of hearts, and older people are looking for the king and queen of clubs. When removing three cards at a time and finding yours, pay attention to the cards that are in this three, i.e., clarify their meanings (given below).

So, we put our card on the table, shuffle the deck again and, mentally asking ourselves “what will happen?”, We take out one card at random and put it on ours - “on the heart.” This is the most important card, it gives you an idea of ​​what concerns your heart most. All the figures on the cards represent people who think about you or remember you. Jacks denote worries or troubles, a queen of spades on the heart - boredom and melancholy, ten and eight of spades - illness, seven - troubles, six - loss or loss. The most unpleasant are fallen clubs and spades that have one point in the middle (sevens, nines and aces). The latter, however, is only true if the cards are face up. Then sevens and tens are tears, ace of clubs is failure in business, ace of spades is trouble. If the same cards lie point down, this should be understood as minor troubles, i.e. insults, insults, fear, bruise, etc. An ace of diamonds on the heart is always a letter; ace of hearts - package, news; nine or ten diamonds - receiving money, profit. If nine or ten of hearts land on your heart, you can rejoice.

Next, without shuffling the deck, they place it above their card and leave about a quarter of the deck there, then - to the left and right of the card and at the end - at the bottom of their card (at the feet) they leave a quarter of the deck in the same way.

After this, they take a stack of cards that was above their card (above their head) and, having removed the top two cards, place them face down above the head of their card. The second stack of cards (at the feet) is placed on the remaining cards of the first pack, two cards are again removed and placed open at the feet of your card. Next, do the same with the left and right piles of cards. After this, again without shuffling the cards, they take two cards each and place them in the upper left corner, then in the lower left, then in the upper right and, finally, in the lower right corner of the layout. There should be 16 cards around your card. The remaining cards are shuffled further, discarding the top three cards each time, placing the fourth face down “on the heart”, and so on until the entire deck has been sorted “on the heart”, and together with the first card you have five cards.

When the cards are laid out, they begin to be examined. First of all, take the cards that are “on your heart.” They contain information about your near future. The predominance of spades in these cards indicates future troubles, and the figure shows from whom exactly they can come. The predominance of worms is a harbinger of joy and happiness.

A pair of cards above your head and three pairs of cards to your right represent the near future. A pair of cards under your feet means something that is transitory, that is, something that is or will be, but will go away. If this is a disease (ten or eight of spades) or other cards indicating troubles, then rejoice that they are transitory. It’s bad if some figure in which you guess a person close to you is often under your feet. In this case, the alignment means that this person will soon disappear from your life.

The two cards to your left represent the past or present, the two cards in the upper left corner represent what is currently happening away from you, and finally the two cards in the lower left symbolize the distant future.

If all 9 hearts fall out at once, you will be happy in love, 9 diamonds - big money awaits you. And the 9th peak, falling immediately, foreshadows grief.

In almost all cases, aces symbolize time. Typically, if the Ace is in the place that explains the near future (to your right), it represents the time of day. If it is in the lower left corner (i.e., where the prediction of the distant future is stored), then it usually indicates the time of year.

Four aces dropped at the same time mean the fulfillment of wishes (as do four tens). If in your reading four aces and four tens appear at the same time, then you can be sure that great joy and good luck await you in the very near future. However, sometimes four aces can mean an unpleasant surprise.

Four kings predict good deeds and success. If they fall in fortune telling on a stranger, they show his high position in society, origin from a good family, etc.

Four ladies in fortune telling for a woman are extremely undesirable. They mean that people are gossiping about you. If one of the four ladies is next to your card, this means that a woman close to you is gossiping about you. Four ladies that fell at the same time are interpreted differently in fortune telling for a man. In this case, they mean that he loves ladies' company and is surrounded by ladies.

Four jacks - trouble. If one of them is on the heart, this should be interpreted as worries. Whether they are heavy or not depends on which cards - dark or light - predominate on the right side of the layout. With a king of the same suit, lying not even next to the jack, the jack shows his (the king’s) thoughts and intentions, and with nine or ten hearts, the king and jack of the same suit indicate this king’s passionate desire to see you.

Four tens must be understood as the fulfillment of a desire, but not a heartfelt one. Tens are business cards, and the more there are, the more brilliant your business and prospects.

Four nines are interpreted as surprise. Whether it is pleasant or not depends on the nine that lies closest to you, and in general, depending on the cards from the right side of the layout.

Four eights, like four sevens, have practically no special meaning. The predominance of small cards is bleak times, lack of money, “gray” days, especially if these cards are concentrated on the right side of the layout (in the near future). In general, the eight denotes the house of the queen corresponding to the suit, and the ace denotes the house of the king. Otherwise, four eights mean a blow, and four sevens mean intrigue.

Four sixes are interpreted as the fulfillment of desires. In general, the meaning of six is ​​road. The sixes on the right side of the layout above your head and under your feet mark the path for you. Sixes, corresponding to the suit of the figures located here, predict the path of these persons to you. A six that does not correspond to the suit, and located next to any figure, indicates what kind of road lies ahead for this person. So, 6 peak is a dark, night road; 6 clubs – evening; 6 hearts is a walk, and 6 diamonds is a close journey.

Card meanings

♠ Spades ♠

Ace of spades– loss, sad letter, blow, fear, trouble, repentance; time is defined as night, winter; an ace with the king pointing up means passionate love towards the queen; someone else's rich house. An Ace with a 10 of the same suit predicts an unexpected receipt of money; with 10 diamonds (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money; with six - a horse ride; with an ace of clubs (both cards pointing up) - fear.

King of Spades denotes a respectable person; This is an enemy, a rival, a bad person.

The king of spades with other spades portends good things; with clubs - opposition and villainy; with the eight of spades (on the side of your card) - prolonged troubles and grief; if the king of diamonds immediately falls out, you can expect help from a fair person.

Queen of Spades- This is an old woman, a bad woman. The card symbolizes boredom, gossip, interference, quarrels; between two figures it foreshadows a quarrel between them. The queen of spades next to your card promises grief and trouble (this especially applies to the 7 of clubs or 9 of spades).

If there is a peak next to your card at all, this is a good old lady. But with a club - a villain.

Nearby is the woman of diamonds - a greedy and envious woman who should be avoided, as she interferes in affairs, including love.

Next to the worm is the patroness of love, you can expect help in business.

Next to 9 hearts is happiness.

Jack of spades portends a quarrel or fight. This is a bad or black-haired person, a commoner; bad news, thoughts of the king of spades. A jack of spades with a lance is generally a faithful ally, but with a club - a liar, an envious person, a gossip; with a card of diamonds next to it - an accomplice, a messenger, a drunken person, with a card of hearts - a friend.

Next to the queen of spades, you should expect a big quarrel, a fight. From the 8th of spades - serious troubles for lovers.

The king of spades with a queen and a jack of spades indicates the help of a respectable person.

King of spades with queen and jack of clubs is his hatred. King of spades with queen and jack of diamonds - its location. King of spades with queen and jack of hearts - its placement.

Ten of Spades– black thing, disease; with the king and lady - the wedding bed; unrealistic desires, failures; with a king or queen of spades, he is interested. Ten of spades with the same ace foreshadows an unexpected receipt of money, and with 9 of spades - misfortune.

9 clubs next to the ten spades - trouble in financial sector. Ten of spades with ace of diamonds is a sad letter; with any other ace - a fake letter. A ten of spades with an 8 of spades is a disease, with any 8 – unpleasant news.

Ten of spades with 7 of spades promises unexpected news of a change in circumstances, with 7 of diamonds - an unexpected offer, with 7 of hearts - the same, with 10 of clubs - recovery, and with 10 of hearts - great financial interest in the future.

Nine of Spades predicts getting ready for the trip, losing a friend. The nine of spades with the same king or queen is love, with a different king it reveals immodest desires towards the lady. The nine of spades with the point up is a quarrel and tears. The nine of spades next to the ace of spades is a disease.

Nine of spades with an ace of clubs - benefit or harm, which depends on the nearest card: whether it is light or dark.

The nine of spades with the ace of hearts draws attention to the closeness of a man or woman, and predicts a joyful time with a friend.

The nine of spades with the ace of diamonds warns of cunning and deception of loved ones, with the 10 of spades - of unexpected receipt of money.

Eight of Spades– this is failure, sadness, conversation, illness; room, apartment of a wealthy person. An eight of spades with a seven of the same suit indicates that you should not guess on this day. Eight of spades with nine of clubs predicts misfortune.

The Eight of Spades with the Jack of Hearts prepares for the news of the illness or death of one of your loved ones or acquaintances.

The eight of spades with the seven of clubs means betrayal of your beloved. With four kings, the eight of spades portends revelry and drunkenness.

Seven of spades- this is a surprise, a deception. Seven of spades pointing up - tears, quarrel, loss of a friend, the house where you live. With a lady, the seven of spades indicates that the lady is in an interesting position.

With the jack of diamonds, the seven of spades represents a rich person. With a jack of clubs, it portends misfortune and the machinations of ill-wishers.

Seven of spades with 10 of the same suit denotes unexpected news of a change in circumstances.

A seven of spades with one of the eights is a treat, but with a figure - a nuisance.

Grief in relatives can be expected if the seven of spades appears with the figure and the 9 of spades.

The seven of spades with 6 of diamonds foretells trouble in the house.

Six of Spades- long journey, late journey. A six of spades next to its card indicates a loss. The six of spades is the road of the king of spades, the queen. With a card of the spades suit it’s a happy road, with a card of clubs it’s a bad road.

Six of spades with 9 or 10 tambourines is the road for money, and with 7 or 8 tambourines - worry and troubles about money.

Six of spades with a heart card - a road and a date with dear people, with a club (over the head) - a successful outcome of the fortuneteller’s bad intentions.

♦ Diamonds ♦

Ace of diamonds- this is a letter (the nearest figure says from whom), news; with a figure - a person engaged in writing; about time - day, summer.

An Ace of Diamonds with a Diamond card next to it predicts the imminent receipt of money, and with 7, 9 or 10 hearts - a joyful or love letter. An ace of diamonds with a club or spade next to it warns of the delay of the desired minute, of troubles.

Ace of diamonds with 6 clubs - a date and conversation on the street at dusk; from the 9th peak - cunning and deception of loved ones. The Ace of Diamonds with 10 of Hearts promises a love letter, and with the 10 of Spades (on the left) a sad (mourning) letter. Ace of diamonds with 10 of diamonds - money letter.

King of Diamonds stands for young man; love date, meeting a sweetheart; this is a single person if there is no queen of diamonds nearby.

The king of diamonds with 10 of the same suit means support in the future from a new acquaintance or future groom. King of diamonds with 6 diamonds - an indispensable fulfillment of desire, with a heart card - fun, oblivion of the past and a change in life.

Queen of Diamonds- this is a young girl, an unfaithful woman, a servant.

Queen of diamonds next to Jack of diamonds and 10 of spades is an unpleasant guest, with 9 of hearts is good for a woman, and theft for a man.

Jack of diamonds denotes a boy, a messenger, a trusted person; good news. The jack of diamonds next to the figure determines its character (a dubious person, a materialist), the thoughts of the king of diamonds (with the king). Jack of diamonds with 7 of spades - a rich man.

The jack of diamonds next to any king denotes a merchant, a crafty person.

Jack of diamonds with 7 or 9 diamonds is a hostile person, we should expect betrayal in the near future.

The jack of diamonds next to the queen of clubs characterizes the proximity to this lady as undesirable and does not bode well.

Jack of diamonds with 6 clubs - an unexpected and quick trip with some kind of king.

King, queen and jack of diamonds with a card of the fortuneteller's suit promise success in financial matters.

Ten of Diamonds– this is money, a village, a gift, a date. Ten diamonds in the head - receiving money. A dozen diamonds next to a king or queen of the same suit indicates interest. The ten of diamonds on the right side of your card promises a date, and the ace of spades on the side of your card promises a quarrel over money. A ten of diamonds next to a 9 of the same suit promises immediate and immediate receipt of money, and with an 8 of diamonds a distant receipt of money.

Ten of tambourines with 7 of tambourines are successful efforts about money. With 6 diamonds - complete fulfillment of desire, money. The 8 of spades to the right of the ten of diamonds is the road to the money. Ten of diamonds with a jack of clubs means success in money matters, with 10 of clubs is a mandatory receipt of money, with 7 of hearts is an inheritance, and with 9 of hearts is a profitable job.

Nine of diamonds- a money card, with a king or queen of the same suit - love.

6 spades on the right side of the nine of diamonds - the road to the money; bad luck, bad luck.

The nine of diamonds with the jack of hearts promises the cancellation of an unpleasant journey. Nine of diamonds with 10 of diamonds - an indispensable and quick receipt of money, with four kings - a cheerful conversation.

Eight of diamonds– this is just a conversation about money; hatred; pleasant dreams, dreams.

The Eight of Diamonds with 8 of Clubs and 6 of Hearts indicates a fire, with a King or Queen of Spades on the sides of your card means damage caused by the enemy.

Eight of diamonds with a jack of hearts - a conversation about money, with 10 of diamonds - distant receipt of money.

The eight diamond next to the 7 diamond, which lies near the figure, speaks of the infidelity and inconstancy of this figure.

Seven of diamonds promises joy; infidelity; chores, affairs, business meeting, purchase, sale, commercial deal (good or bad depends on the nearest card), travel, a gift made of gold, silver (or other metal), thoughts of a lady (with a lady, a tambourine). The seven of tambourines next to the figure means happy events, with the 10 of spades - an unexpected offer, with the 10 of tambourines - successful troubles related to money.

Six of diamonds– this is the “happiest” card, it softens even the bad meaning of the ace of spades; merry road, wish fulfillment, road of the king of diamonds, ladies (with their cards). Six of diamonds with nine cards of the spades suit - grief in relatives, with 9 or 10 of spades - illness, even death.

Six of tambourines from 10 of the same suit is the complete fulfillment of a desire associated with receiving money, and from 9 of spades is death, from 7 of tambourines is family trouble.

♣ Clubs ♣

Ace of clubs- this is a false rumor, a government house, success; about time - evening, autumn. An ace of clubs with the point up is failure, with a figure - a gift (from her), without a figure - a gift from a stranger, a house of clubs (the house of a respectable or middle-aged person, a respectable family). Ace of clubs with six - Railway, with the king (in relation to the lady) - immodest love, courtship.

Ace of clubs with 7 of the same suit - winning, victory, with 9 of hearts - tender love.

Ace of clubs with 6 clubs - date, conversation on the street, on the road. Ace of clubs with cards of the spades suit is death.

Ace of clubs with 9 of spades is quick news of good luck, with the point up - damage. Ace with king of clubs - a happy outcome of a planned enterprise, the fulfillment of a desire.

King of Clubs denotes a military gentleman. This is a faithful friend: a friend is in a hurry. King of clubs with cards of his suit - close person, friend, husband, groom, lover; This situation foretells happiness in general.

King of clubs with 9 clubs pointing down is an influential person, a supportive person; point up - trouble with this person. With 8 clubs - rumors about sea vessels, the death of a ship. The king of clubs with an ace of his own suit portends a happy outcome of the planned enterprise, as well as the fulfillment of desires.

King of clubs with jack of clubs (with your card, if you are not of the club suit) - great grief. With one of the sixes on the jack, the king of clubs predicts the road associated with gaining interest. If the king of clubs misses the fortune telling, it means failure.

Queen of Clubs- this is a respectable lady, a friend; illegitimate child. With the lady of spades (with your card) - another circumstance, courts, troubles associated with marriage. Queen of clubs with 8 clubs - help from a relative, close woman.

Jack of clubs- this is a person in uniform or a military man, but not an officer, a friend, an intercessor, a friend. A jack of clubs without an ace or king portends big troubles; in the heart - government affairs, thoughts of the king of clubs.

If the jack of clubs falls out first of the other jacks during fortune telling, this indicates that the fortune telling is correct. Jack of clubs with 7 spades is a misfortune due to the machinations of enemies. Between two ladies - an unfaithful wife, with 10 diamonds - success in money matters.

The jack of clubs with the 8 of clubs denotes a military man, an unexpected happy turn of events. With an ace of diamonds, a jack of clubs promises help in trouble, and, being between two jacks, a restless future.

Ten of Clubs– change, with cards of the peak suit means deception, poverty, work; with the figure of ten clubs - this is business man; great dangers, fires; with cards of the heart suit - a find, winning the lottery; with a king or queen of the same suit, it indicates interest. Ten of clubs with 7 of clubs - joy, news of business; with 6 clubs - a random offer of departure. Ten clubs with 10 diamonds - an indispensable receipt of money, with 10 hearts - success in love, with 10 spades - recovery from illness. Ten of clubs with the 9th of its suit means fun with loved ones, and with the 8th of clubs - quick receipt of big money, inheritance, wealth, happiness.

Ten of clubs with 7, 8 or 9 clubs is one of lucky combinations; luck, success.

With the ace of clubs, the ten of clubs promises a change for the better, and with the 7 of spades (without the ace) - deception and tears, with the 6 or 7 of clubs - a large society.

Nine of Clubs denotes inheritance and doubt; This is a card of absence; when the figure appears, it indicates that it will disappear from your life; nice conversation. The nine of clubs, pointing up, is gossip, annoyance, tears. With a king or a lady it’s the same – love. With 9 or 10 hearts - success in love.

With a card of the diamond suit, the nine of clubs denotes the correct receipt of money and the useless waste of it.

Nine of clubs with a card of the heart suit speaks of mutual love; with a ten peak predicts trouble in financial matters; with the jack of hearts promises a journey; with a king of clubs denotes an influential person, a supportive person; with 10 clubs - fun with loved ones, surprise.

Nine of clubs with 7, 8 or 10 clubs is one of the luckiest combinations.

Eight of Clubs denotes tears, the death of a loved one, annoyance, the house of respectable people.

An eight of clubs with an ace of its own suit portends success, and if it is positioned with its point up, it foretells failure. With the king of clubs - rumors about the sea, the death of a ship. With a lady of clubs - help from relatives and close women. With a jack of clubs - an unexpected turn of events in favor of the fortuneteller.

Eight of clubs with 10 of clubs - quick acquisition of real estate, inheritance, wealth; happiness. The eight of clubs dropped with the jack of hearts foreshadows a conversation about losses. Paired with 7 clubs in front of your card - unexpected happiness. Eight of Clubs with 7 of Clubs and Ace of Hearts - a happy marriage or inheritance.

Seven of Clubs- a close road, news of success, inheritance, thoughts of the queen of clubs (with the lady), point up - tears. Seven of clubs with an ace of clubs - winning a business, victory, with 10 of clubs - wealth and happiness. This is also predicted by the 8 and 9 clubs. The seven of clubs with the eight of spades indicates that the fortuneteller is being cheated on by his beloved.

The seven of clubs with the jack of hearts with four queens and sevens promises the birth of a son.

Seven clubs with 10 hearts with the other three sevens and queens or jacks warns of the approach of an interesting situation.

Six of clubs predicts a sea road. This may be a useless road; date outside, in the garden. Six of clubs is the way to a government establishment; road of the club person; a six of clubs falling between the figures promises a big party. With 10 clubs - a random offer of departure, with an ace of hearts (with a figure) - a date in the morning, with an ace of diamonds - a date in the afternoon, with an ace of clubs - a date in the evening, with an ace of spades - a date at night.


Ace of Hearts– gift, package; house of reds (house of married people); about time - morning, spring.

The Ace of Hearts with the Ace of Diamonds is a joyful letter, and with 10 of spades, on the contrary, it is a sad letter.

With the Jack of Hearts, the Ace of Hearts denotes good news; with 6 clubs - a date and conversation on the street, in the evening; from the 9th peak - revelry, pleasure, date, favor of a friend.

King of Hearts denotes a married man (with the same lady), brown-haired, unexpected meeting, profit, good news. With a card of the spades suit, the king of hearts means trouble, with a card of diamonds - receiving money, with a card of clubs - troubles, and with a card of hearts - success.

Queen of Hearts symbolizes married woman. With 6 and 10 hearts, the queen of hearts promises tears for the fortuneteller, and with the jack of clubs - unexpected joy.

The Queen of Hearts with a card of her suit foretells success in love for a man. With cards of other suits - success in an uncertain future.

A queen of hearts with 10 hearts is rated as a friend.

Jack of hearts– light brown; a person of not very high position in society; unpleasant guest; good news, funny company; thoughts of the king of hearts (with the king).

A jack of hearts with a card of its suit means success, with an ace of hearts - good news, with 9 clubs - a journey, with 9 diamonds - ignoring an unpleasant journey, with 8 hearts - a cordial conversation, with 8 diamonds - a conversation about financial interests, with 8 clubs - unpleasant conversation, from the 8th peak - news of the illness of a loved one.

Jack of hearts with a queen or king - expect a guest. With 7 clubs with four queens and sevens, the jack of hearts speaks of the imminent birth of a son, while four aces, if they also fell, foreshadow the heir's intelligence and wealth.

Ten of Hearts– this is a city, happiness. If the card is placed on the heart, it means joy, in the head – wedding, platonic love. Ten of hearts with a lady - love, loyalty to the woman you love; with the king - the love and loyalty of a loved one; with 10 diamonds - great financial interest in the near future, with 7 clubs with the other three sevens, queens or four jacks - the proximity of an interesting position for the fortuneteller; with 8 of hearts - a secluded date with your beloved woman; with 7 of hearts - a solitary date, consolation in grief; with 6 tambourines - fun at a party.

A ten of hearts with 9 of its suit and with a full suit of hearts means complete enjoyment of love, with a queen and a king - a wedding; change in the apartment; with 6 hearts - a joyful date; with 9 clubs - your beloved person will give you her heart, a message or thing from her beloved person; with 10 clubs - success in love; with an ace of diamonds - a love or joyful letter.

Nine of Hearts– a love letter, a surprise (pleasant or unpleasant depends on the nearby cards), love in general. The nine of hearts with any king or queen means love. With 10 hearts (with a full suit of reds) you can hope for complete enjoyment of love; in front of a king or lady - a wedding; renovation in the apartment.

Nine of hearts with 7 or 8 of its own suit - a date with your beloved person, with 9 clubs - your beloved person will give you her heart; news or thing from a loved one.

Nine of hearts with some six is ​​an unexpected meeting, with a queen of spades - happiness.

Eight of Hearts promises a cheerful conversation, pleasure, a long journey, the home of a special person. With the jack of hearts, the eight portends a cordial conversation, with the 7 clubs (left) - unexpected happiness, with the 10 hearts - a solitary date, with the 9 hearts - a date.

Eight of hearts with 10 diamonds next to your card - receiving money, inheritance.

Seven of Hearts– fun, change of life, thoughts of the queen of hearts.

Seven of hearts with 10 of spades - an unexpected proposal, with 10 of hearts - a pleasant or secluded date, with 9 of hearts - a date, with four kings - a cheerful conversation.

Six of Hearts– a walk, an obstacle or a delay in business (but not in love); the road of the king or queen of hearts. Six of hearts with another card of hearts predicts the road to a dear person, with 10 of hearts - the road and a date. Nine worms dropped in a reading are definitely taken as success in love.

The simplest fortune telling on cards

First, let's give some general tips.

So, the best way to tell fortunes is to use fortune telling cards. If they are not available, you can use ordinary playing cards, but before fortune telling you need to place an unkissed person on the deck of cards, that is, someone who has never kissed a guy or girl.

IN mandatory Before each fortune telling, the cards must be shuffled, then removed with the little finger of the left hand towards you (so to speak, towards the heart).

Best day for card fortune telling– Friday the 13th. There is no point in telling fortunes on Monday, since on this day the cards, as a rule, tell lies. The most accurate fortune telling are obtained on the 13th, on your birthday and on the first day of the new year.

If you start fortune telling, and the cards constantly fall out of your hands, or the meanings that fall out cannot be reconciled with one another, then it is better to postpone fortune telling for a more favorable time.

It is better not to share your fortune telling cards with others. It is believed that some kind of invisible connection is established between the owner and the cards, which is best not to break.

When fortune telling, you should not be distracted by a cat in the house; its presence helps fortune telling.

If, when shuffling the cards, one of them falls, you need to look at its value.

Now you can start fortune telling.

“What was, what is, what will be.”

Take a deck of 36 cards and shuffle them, with the little finger of your left hand facing you. Choose one card, making a guess for the person you are going to guess for (usually this card is called the client’s card). Let's say it's the king of clubs. Place the king in the middle, arrange the remaining cards into four piles (above, to the right, below, to the left of the king). It should be laid out in unequal parts, but always clockwise, starting from the top.

Then take 2 cards from each pile and turn them face up. Fold the deck, pull out 2 cards from the middle and place the layout diagonally, as shown in Fig. 2.

Rice. 2. Fortune telling about the king of clubs

Then you need to shuffle the cards and place one on top of two cards located above, below, to the right and to the left of the client’s card.

The result is a layout that is horizontally divided into three levels. Each level carries the following information:

I – what was, II – what is in the present, III – what will be. Now you need to look at the drawn cards and their meanings.

Card meanings:

♠ Spades ♠

6 - way home.

7 - sadness, tears.

8 - difficult conversation.

9 - disease.

10 - dark interest.

Jack- troubles.

Lady- a homewrecker, paired with a nine - illness.

King– military.

Ace- up with a pike - joy, down with a pike - blow.

♦ Diamonds ♦

6 - a fun road.

7 - fun chores.

8 - business conversation.

9 - money.

10 - monetary interest.

Jack- money worries.

Lady- single woman.

King- young man.

Ace- letter, paper.

♣ Clubs ♣

6 - work related to the road.

7 – sadness in an official home.

8 - business conversation.

9 – love in an official home.

10 - government interest.

Jack- troubles.

Lady- government lady.

King- official man.

Ace- government House.

6 - the heartfelt path to home.

7 - pleasant conversation.

8 - heartfelt conversation.

9 - Love.

10 – heartfelt interest at home.

Jack- matters of the heart.

Lady- married woman.

King- married man.

Ace- native home.

"Wish Fulfillment"

Make a wish. Take a deck of 36 cards, shuffle, remove and place one at a time into four piles in a row.

Turn the first pile face up and remove all cards up to the first ace of any suit. Then turn the second pile face up and place it on top of the first, and also remove all cards up to the Ace. Then you need to do the same with the third and fourth piles.

The remaining cards, without shuffling, must be laid out into three piles face down and repeat the same steps, i.e., remove all cards up to the first ace of any suit.

Then arrange the remaining cards into two piles and repeat the same operation, namely: turn the first pile face up and discard all the cards up to the Ace.

At the end, shuffle the remaining cards and place them in a line. If all the aces come together, your wish will come true.

A few simple fortune-telling wishes.

Make a wish. Take a deck of 36 cards and divide it into two approximately equal parts. Then look at each part of the deck from below and above.

If at least one pair of cards matches, your wish will definitely come true.

The second fortune telling is a little more complicated. Make a wish. Shuffle the deck and lay out the cards in a line. In this case, you need to carefully monitor:

– if a card of the same suit falls through the card, you must discard the first of them;

– if cards of the same suit are adjacent, the second card is discarded. The remaining cards are collected, shuffled and laid out in the same way 2 more times.

If at the end of the fortune telling there are four cards of different suits left, the wish will come true.

"What's in his heart."

This is fortune telling for a loved one. Take a deck of cards, shuffle and move the little finger of your left hand towards you (towards your heart). Next, you need to shuffle and remove before laying out each card. Then place the cards in one row in the following order: 1st card – “in the head”, 2nd – “in the heart”, 3rd – “what will happen”, 4th – “what you want”, 5th – “what he doesn’t expect”, 6th – “what is his life like”. After this, all that remains is to look at the drawn cards and get acquainted with their meanings.

Card meanings:

♠ Spades ♠

6 - an unpleasant road.

7 - an unpleasant meeting.

8 - unpleasant conversation.

9 - disease.

10 - kiss an unpleasant person

Jack- unpleasant chores.

Lady- rivals.

King- an unpleasant guy.

Ace- a nasty blow.

♦ Diamonds ♦

6 - love path.

7 - love meeting.

8 - love date.

9 - love conversation.

10 - kiss.

Jack- love affairs.

Lady- you are all in love.

King- Darling.

Ace- love letter.

♣ Clubs ♣

6 - road on business.

7 - a business meeting.

8 - business date.

9 - business conversation.

10 - official kiss.

Jack- business worries.

Lady- School friend.

King- school friend.

Ace- government House.

6 - the way home, from home.

7 - meeting at home.

8 - date at home.

9 - home conversation.

10 - kiss at home.

Jack- household chores.

Lady- mother.

King- father.

Ace- house.

“Whether I need him or not.”

Think of the name of your loved one. Divide the deck into a number of piles equal to the number of letters in his name. Let's take, for example, the name Igor - 5 letters. We lay out the deck into five piles in one row. The fifth pile, where the deck ends, is divided into four piles. Then arrange the pile on which the layout ended, into three piles, and so on until two piles remain. Then place the right pile on the left one and lay out two cards at a time. When a pair with the same value or cards appear, one of which is a six of any suit, look at the fortune telling value.


diamond and hearts- you like him;

hearts and spades– he thinks about you;

hearts and clubs- tears;

diamond and spades- way to a friend:

clubs and spades– he thinks your figure is beautiful;

diamond and clubs– he likes your character.

diamond and hearts- he will come to you;

hearts and spades– he will flirt;

hearts and clubs- he thinks about you all the time;

diamond and spades– he is interested in you;

spades and clubs– he is embarrassed by you;

diamond and clubs- He will make an appointment.


diamond and hearts- he loves you;

hearts and spades– he respects you;

hearts and clubs- he is not indifferent;

diamond and spades- he is indifferent;

clubs and spades- love at first sight;

diamond and clubs- he is jealous.

diamond and hearts- he misses;

hearts and spadesmutual love;

hearts and clubs- you will quarrel;

diamond and spades– don’t forget that he is touchy;

clubs and spades- kisses you;

diamond and clubs- forget him.

diamond and hearts- will write you a letter;

hearts and spades- he will offer you friendship;

hearts and clubs- he will invite you somewhere;

diamond and spades– he wants to prove something;

clubs and spades- he likes you;

diamond and clubs- he will insult you.

diamond and hearts- there will be a conversation with you;

hearts and spades– he wants to get to know each other better;

hearts and clubs- he laughs at you;

diamond and spades- he is waiting for you;

clubs and spades- he will take you home;

diamond and clubs- there will be separation.

diamond and hearts– he thinks how to approach you;

hearts and spades- he suffers;

hearts and clubs- he confesses his love;

diamond and spades- you will meet someone else;

clubs and spades– he often remembers you;

diamond and clubs– he wants a close relationship.

diamond and hearts- he will follow you;

hearts and spades- some kind of surprise;

hearts and clubs- he will offend;

diamond and spades- new friend;

clubs and spades– wants to go out with you;

diamond and clubs– his friend is jealous of you.

diamond and hearts- he wants to see you;

hearts and spades– will fall out of love;

hearts and clubs- can’t live without you;

diamond and spades- will love you;

clubs and spades- present;

diamond and clubs- He loves you deeply.

Pairs from different cards:

6 hearts and 7 diamonds– he is embarrassed by you;

6 of hearts and 7 of spades– he is interested in you;

6 hearts and 7 clubs- date;

6 of hearts and 7 of hearts– he wants to see you;

6 tambourine and 7 tambourine– he respects you;

6 diamonds and 7 spades- He loves;

6 diamonds and 7 clubs- he tests you:

6 diamonds and 7 hearts- he will leave someone because of you;

6 clubs and 7 diamonds– he thinks you are rude;

6 clubs and 7 spades- you are everything to him;

6 clubs and 7 clubs– he doesn’t love you;

6 clubs and 7 hearts- he dreams of another;

6 spades and 7 diamonds- he deceives you;

6 spades and 7 spades- he suffers;

6 spades and 7 clubs- he is jealous;

6 of spades and 7 of hearts- he dreams of another;

6 hearts and 8 diamonds- hates it when you are with him;

6 of hearts and 8 of spades– treason;

6 hearts and 8 clubs– separation;

6 of hearts and 8 of hearts- introduces you to a friend;

6 tambourine and 8 tambourine- will hug you;

6 diamonds and 8 spades– offer friendship;

6 diamonds and 8 clubs- letter;

6 diamonds and 8 hearts– kiss;

6 clubs and 8 diamonds- he is indifferent;

6 clubs and 8 spades– he likes your girlfriend;

6 clubs and 8 clubs- he is touchy;

6 clubs and 8 hearts- love at first sight;

6 spades and 8 diamonds- he misses;

6 spades and 8 spades- Love;

6 spades and 8 clubs- argument:

6 spades and 8 hearts- forget about him;

6 hearts and 9 diamonds- will invite you somewhere;

6 of hearts and 9 of spades- he wants to achieve you;

6 hearts and 9 clubs- he is trying to prove something;

6 of hearts and 9 of hearts- I like you;

6 diamonds and 9 diamonds– will insult;

6 diamonds and 9 spades- talk;

6 diamonds and 9 clubs– he wants to be with you;

6 diamonds and 9 hearts- laughs at you;

6 clubs and 9 diamonds- one is waiting for you;

6 clubs and 9 spades– takes you home;

6 clubs and 9 clubs– thinks how to approach;

6 clubs and 9 hearts- declare his love;

6 of spades and 9 of diamonds- you will love another;

6 spades and 9 spades– wants close relationships;

6 spades and 9 clubs– often remembers you;

6 spades and 9 hearts– will follow you;

6 hearts and 10 diamonds- he likes someone else;

6 of hearts and 10 of spades- unexpected meeting;

6 hearts and 10 clubs– his friend likes you more;

6 of hearts and 10 of hearts– wants to be with someone else;

6 diamonds and 10 diamonds- can’t live without you;

6 diamonds and 10 spades- present;

6 diamonds and 10 clubs– loves your girlfriend;

6 diamonds and 10 hearts- will be with you;

6 clubs and 10 diamonds- will love you;

6 clubs and 10 spades- will stop loving you;

6 clubs and 10 clubs- can’t live without you;

6 clubs and 10 hearts- loves deeply;

6 spades and 10 diamonds– kiss;

6 spades and 10 spades- you will cheat on him;

6 spades and 10 clubs- he will deceive you;

6 spades and 10 hearts- you are all in love;

6 hearts and jack of diamonds- will come to you;

6 hearts and jack of spades- something will prevent him from approaching you;

6 of hearts and jack of clubs- cheerful news;

6 of hearts and jack of hearts- pleasure;

6 of diamonds and jack of diamonds– hatred, deceit;

6 hearts and jack of spades– a loving explanation;

6 of hearts and jack of clubs– will offer something pleasant;

6 of hearts and jack of hearts– unexpected happiness;

6 clubs and jack of diamonds- unpleasant conversation;

6 clubs and jack of spades– sees you in a dream;

6 of clubs and jack of clubs- he will never leave you;

6 of clubs and jack of hearts- love you;

6 of spades and jack of diamonds- go for a walk;

6 spades and jack of spades- get to know each other better;

6 of spades and jack of clubs– his friend likes you;

6 of spades and jack of hearts– kiss;

6 of hearts and queen of diamonds- does not love;

6 hearts and queen of spades- bored;

6 of hearts and queen of clubs- will go with you;

6 of hearts and queen of hearts– we must leave him;

6 of diamonds and queen of diamonds– thinks about you;

6 diamonds and queen of spades- in love with you;

6 of diamonds and queen of clubs– waiting for you to take the first step;

6 of diamonds and queen of hearts– wants to be friends;

6 of clubs and queen of diamonds– knows that you love him;

6 clubs and queen of spades– jealous;

6 of clubs and queen of clubs- waits for the moment;

6 of clubs and queen of hearts– kiss;

6 of spades and queen of diamonds- you will meet him;

6 of spades and queen of spades– hug;

6 of spades and queen of clubs- make an appointment;

6 of spades and queen of hearts- he dreams of you;

6 of hearts and king of diamonds– he doesn’t suit you, leave him;

6 of hearts and king of spades– jealous;

6 of hearts and king of clubs- loves you very much;

6 of hearts and king of hearts- betrayal of a friend;

6 diamonds and king of diamonds- quarrel over a trifle;

6 of diamonds and king of spades- laughs;

6 diamonds and king of clubs- does not love;

6 of diamonds and king of hearts– deceives;

6 clubs and king of diamonds- trouble is nearby;

6 clubs and king of spades– he doesn’t need you;

6 of clubs and king of clubs– loves, but is afraid to admit;

6 clubs and king of hearts- you will be with him;

6 of spades and king of diamonds- you will be together;

6 of spades and king of spades– considers you his girlfriend;

6 of spades and king of clubssexual relations;

6 of spades and king of hearts- he has another one;

6 hearts and ace of diamonds- unpleasant conversation;

6 hearts and ace of spades- mutual love;

6 hearts and ace of clubs– he has another, but he doesn’t love her;

6 of hearts and ace of hearts- you will have a close relationship with him;

6 of diamonds and ace of diamonds- your love is not serious;

6 diamonds and ace of spades– talks about you with friends;

6 diamonds and ace of clubs- deceive him;

6 diamonds and ace of hearts– often remembers;

6 clubs and ace of diamonds– loves another;

6 clubs and ace of spades- will leave;

6 clubs and ace of clubs- remember, he will not forgive deception;

6 of clubs and ace of hearts- will go to someone else;

6 of spades and ace of diamonds– separation;

6 spades and ace of spades- will come to you;

6 of spades and ace of clubs- can’t live without you;

6 of spades and ace of hearts- loves very much.

Deck of 32 cards


Lay a deck of cards face down on the table and ask the client to randomly select 13 cards. (Do not rush to collect the remaining and currently unnecessary cards of the deck, they will come in handy in the future.)

Take the selected 13 cards and arrange them in a fan shape, face up. If there is no client card among these 13 cards, it can be replaced by a seven of the corresponding suit. If not a single seven also falls out, they start the layout again, or they say that now is not the time to tell fortunes and postpone the fortune telling for another day or another time.

If there is a client’s card (or a seven replacing it), then, conditionally taking this card as a starting point, they begin to interpret (read) the cards as follows.

From the client's card, they count from left to right (clockwise) and every fifth card is interpreted. Moreover, the first card in the next count should always be the newly interpreted card. When the countdown reaches the last card in the fan, counting continues from the first card in the fan.

It is clear that the client’s card is “not read”; the counting continues until all 12 cards laid out are read.

Next, the client is asked to select 5 more cards from the deck, which was left face down on the table. Lay out these 5 cards face up in a separate fan. These cards are read in pairs in this order: first with fifth, second with fourth, middle card one is interpreted.

After this, it is very important to summarize everything that the cards “told” and draw a line so that the information received by the client is more or less clear, accurate and understandable.

Card meanings:

Ace– love, affection, family happiness, warmth, love adventure, good news.

King- a generous, handsome, fair-haired man (handsome blond).

Lady– the king’s companion, charming, fair-haired, loving.

Jack– friend (lover), not distinguished by fidelity.

Ten- success, happiness, luck.

Nine- wish fulfillment, happy ending.

Eight– invitation, visit, home peace and joy.

Seven– satisfaction in all interests, especially in marriage.

♠ Spades ♠

Ace– legal matters, business or love proposal.

King– lawyer (advocate), perhaps not reliable (dark horse).

Lady- a widow or divorced, cunning, treacherous woman.

Jack- a dark-haired, crafty (insincere), treacherous young man.

Ten– anxiety after receiving a letter, a trip or imprisonment.

Nine- collapse of the event, failure.

Eight– sadness caused by receiving bad news.

Seven- quarrels, scandals.

♦ Diamonds ♦

Ace- important letter.

Kinginfluential person.

Lady– beautiful, but sarcastic, malicious.

Jack- the one who brought the news; man in uniform (military).

Ten- change; perhaps a trip.

Nine– news concerning financial affairs or the organization of a new business (enterprise).

Eight– a pleasant trip, if in the summer – a picnic.

Seven- an unexpected gift or, conversely, offensive criticism.

♣ Clubs ♣

Ace- luck of a financial nature.

King- a dark-haired man, friend and assistant, adviser.

Lady- a friendly, attractive, dark-haired woman.

Jack- a dark-haired young man, sincere in love.

Ten– unexpected money; perhaps an unexpected inheritance.

Nine- a successful marriage of convenience.

Eight– a dark-haired girl (girl or woman) who brings joy and happiness.

Seven- Small child.

Predominance of one suit

When laying out cards, sometimes it turns out that one or two suits prevail over others. This means that the predominant card suit to some extent reduces the values ​​of individual cards of a different suit, which must be taken into account when interpreting.

General value card suits are as follows.

Hearts– love, attraction, friendship, marriage, family. The feelings are positive and warm. King, queen and jack represent fair-haired people.

Peaks– failures and their prevention. Enemies, scandals, betrayals, suffering, losses. King, queen and jack represent people with dark hair (brunets).

Diamonds– very important matters that rarely depend on a combination of circumstances. King, queen and jack represent fair-haired people.

Clubs contain mainly information about friendship, loyalty and money. They talk about worries and worries. King, queen and jack represent dark-haired people.

Pairs of cards of different values

Ten of diamonds next to the client card- journey, journey.

Ten of diamonds next to ten of another suit- inheritance.

Ten of diamonds next to the Ace of diamonds- letter from abroad.

Ace of diamonds next to ten of spades- a serious illness.

Ace of diamonds next to seven of diamonds- argument.

Ace of Diamonds next to Eight or Nine of Spades- gloomy future, betrayal of friends, deception, business failures, breakdown of agreements.

Eight of diamonds next to any heart– the trip will be short. Eight of diamonds next to any other tambourine card - the trip will be long.

Seven of diamonds next to any club- tight financial circumstances lie ahead.

Nine of diamonds next to the client card– obstacles are expected along the way.

The client's card lies next to the nine of spades– very bad news, possibility of illness.

Pairs, threes and fours of the same cards

If cards of the same value are placed next to each other in a pair, three or four in a row, this has a certain meaning and requires appropriate interpretation. Moreover, they must be interpreted first of all, since their meaning increases depending on the multiplicity: the more identical cards, the more reliable and stronger their effect.

2 cards- upcoming wedding.

3 cards- a love adventure.

4 cards– success.

2 cards- a good omen.

3 cards- success in business.

4 cards- success in all endeavors.

2 cards- friendship that is threatened by intrigue.

3 cards– guests, friendly conversation, possible jealousy.

4 cards- threat of scandal, betrayal.

2 cards- quarrel, brawl.

3 cards- family disorder.

4 cards- ongoing quarrels.

2 cards– unexpected receipt of a small sum of money.

3 cards– financial and (or) hereditary problems.

4 cards- success, promotion.

2 cards– success (financial).

3 cards– success.

4 cards- a happy surprise.


2 cards– problems, lack of agreement.

3 cards- family problems.

4 cards- Time of Troubles.

2 cards– old enemies; perhaps the appearance of a new lover.

3 cards- a child will be born.

4 cards- surrounded by enemies.

"Seven Cards"

As usual, they ask the client to shuffle the cards, remove them with his left hand and, picking up the deck, count out and lay out seven cards on the table, putting every seventh card aside. The remaining six cards are returned to the bottom of the deck. This continues until 12 cards have been laid aside.

These 12 cards are laid out in a row (pictures up) in the order in which they were pulled from the deck. Find a customer card. If it is not among the 12 cards, then it is taken from the deck. If the client's card is among the 12 cards, then the 13th card is randomly pulled out of the deck and placed in a row with the others.

So, there are 13 cards in a row on the table. Starting from the client's card (it can be any number in a row), seven cards are counted (from left to right), the seventh card is interpreted. Then the seven cards are counted again, and the seventh is interpreted. Moreover, the first one in the countdown will always be the newly interpreted card. This continues until all the cards have been interpreted.

When all the cards have been interpreted, they are collected, shuffled and the client is asked to remove them. The top six cards are laid out in a row, face up (from left to right), leaving seven cards in your hand. On each of the first five cards, one additional card is placed from those remaining, the sixth card remains alone.

Now they put another card on the first two cards and begin to interpret.

The first set of three cards will characterize the client as a person.

The second set of three cards will tell about his house. The third set of three cards will tell you what he expects.

The fourth set of two cards will tell you something he doesn't expect.

The fifth set of two cards will tell you what awaits in the near future and what will surprise you.

The last, sixth, card will communicate the client’s thoughts or desires.

"Mysterious Star"

Find the client's card in the deck and place it face up in the middle of the table.

The client shuffles the deck, removes it twice, and places the resulting three stacks of cards face down on the table. The three stacks are successively turned over with the picture up, and first each card is interpreted individually, and then a combination of three cards.

This procedure creates a general impression of what awaits the client in the future.

Then the client shuffles the deck again. Take the top 8 cards and lay them out (counterclockwise) around the client's card lying on the table. The first card is placed directly above the client's card, face down. An eight-pointed star is laid out in this way. Then the client takes the remaining deck and places two more cards on each of the eight cards lying on the table, one per circle, moving counterclockwise, starting from the card lying directly above the client's card. These cards are also placed face down.

You should end up with eight stacks of three cards.

"Fortune telling with four aces."

When the client shuffles the deck, the first 13 cards are placed face up on the table. If among these cards there is an ace, it is put aside.

They collect cards from the table, put them in a deck, shuffle and again lay out 13 cards on the table, put the aces aside.

They do the same thing the third time.

If there is not a single ace on the table, fortune telling must be stopped.

If the fortuneteller is confident in himself and sees no reason to give up fortune telling, the procedure described above can be repeated again until four aces fall out. Let us emphasize: in this fortune-telling it is important to have all the aces on the table. In addition, you must be careful not to disturb the order in which the aces fell out. The order in which they appear is very important, since the first aces have more power than the rest. And in all cases, the sooner the aces appear, the better.

Now about the interpretation.

If the first among the postponed aces is the ace of spades, the answer to the client's question is negative. If the ace of clubs comes first, nothing can be achieved without problems. The first aces of hearts and diamonds speak of favorable outcome planned business and fulfillment of desires.

"Fortune telling by the first seven cards."

A very simple and quick way to get an answer to your question. From the first seven cards, taken in order from the top of the deck and laid face down on the table, the 1st, 4th and 7th are turned over. These cards provide the answer to the question posed.

In this case, both the value of a single card and the value of a combination of all three are taken into account.

Sometimes the meaning of the cards drawn seems meaningless. If the thought comes to mind that the cards are hiding something, you can lay them out a second time. If this time they show nothing again, this result means that the cards are silent for some reason.

"Prediction for the week."

In this fortune telling, the meaning of the suit is taken into account when interpreting.

The client shuffles the cards, removes them and arranges them into three piles. Then they take one top card from each pile and place it face down in front of them.

Cards from three piles are collected into a deck. The client must again shuffle them and lay out the deck into three piles. The fortuneteller again removes one top card from each pile and places them in a row with the first three cards.

Now there are 6 cards in a row. Next, repeat the entire procedure 3 more times to get a row consisting of 15 cards. After this, you need to turn over the two cards lying at the ends of the row, face up. They will tell you what you can expect tomorrow. The right card will tell you what will happen in the morning, the left one – in the afternoon and evening.

Next, two more cards in the row are turned face up, also one from each end of the row. These cards will predict events that can be expected the day after tomorrow. This is repeated until all 14 cards are revealed at the end. As a result, a prediction will be given for the entire week.

This will be a prediction of fate for each of the seven days of the week.

In this fortune-telling they sometimes turn great attention on numeric value each card. It can be important from this point of view. If you get an “unlucky” suit, for example spades, the client should avoid the nominal digital value of the card throughout the day, i.e. if you get a nine of spades - don’t get on the bus with the number 9, don’t make dates or important meetings at 9 o’clock.

And vice versa, you need to use the “lucky” digital values ​​of the cards.

As we know, there were 15 cards in the row, one in the center remained unopened. It is used to ask a question. The card is then revealed and the suit gives the answer. Thus, hearts and clubs should inspire and give confidence in your endeavors, diamonds promise stability, and spades will tell you that the planned event or action is best postponed to a more appropriate time.

"Temple of Fate (Gate of Fate)."

The client shuffles and removes the cards as usual. The cards begin to be laid out in the following order.

On the right, in a column, lay out 6 cards face up, one above the other from bottom to top. They do the same on the left. Then, close to the right column of six cards, another row of four cards is laid out on the left, also from bottom to top, while the middles of the cards of the new row should be at the level of the joints of the cards in the right column.

Then a row of four cards is also laid out at the left column of six cards. Next, they form a vault (gate), laying out 5 cards at the top horizontally, from right to left, and not exceeding the level of the top cards from columns of 6 cards.

After this, the right and left columns are connected; for this, the remaining 7 cards are laid out over a arch of five cards (from left to right).

The layout is ready. When interpreting, it is assumed that the two side rows of cards on the right mean the past. The two rows of cards on the left represent the future. The top two horizontal rows mean the present.

The cards are interpreted in the order in which they were laid out.

"Twenty-first card."

In this fortune telling with a deck of thirty-two cards, only twenty-one cards are used. The client shuffles the cards and withdraws. Then the top eleven cards are counted out and set aside as unnecessary.

Next, they begin to unfold. Of the remaining cards, the top one is set aside, which will be a “surprise”. The rest are laid out face down in one long row, while respecting the distinction between “straight” and “reversed” cards.

Let's explain these terms. Vintage cards looked the same in the upright and inverted positions, i.e. they were one-sided. In divination with thirty-two cards, this distinction has been preserved, which is why pencil marks are made on the top of modern cards.

The cards can be laid out so that one lies slightly on top of the other. They can be laid out face down, and then turned over one after another, giving the necessary interpretation.

Having completed the interpretation of each of the cards according to the table of meanings given below, we begin to interpret the combinations of cards. You can do it differently: first give general characteristics the resulting series of twenty cards depending on their combinations, and then interpret each card separately. There is a mixed method, in which cards are opened not one at a time, but several at a time, which will add intrigue to fortune telling, since unexpected combinations require interpretation.

In all cases, special significance is attached to the twenty-first card, which is always the last to be opened, its meaning becomes decisive, this, in fact, is the essence of “surprise”.

After the end of the first stage of fortune telling, a deck of twenty-one cards is collected, shuffled, removed and laid out in three groups: seven, seven and six cards. This is an additional fortune telling. One card is again put aside as a “surprise”. The client blindly selects any of the three groups, the fortuneteller lays out the cards of this group face up and gives an interpretation to each card and combination.

After this, twenty cards are collected, shuffled, removed and laid face down into three groups: seven, six and six cards (7 + 6 + 6). The latter is postponed in the form of another “surprise”. Again, the client blindly chooses one of the groups, and the fortuneteller interprets the drawn cards and combinations.

Now the remaining nineteen cards are collected, shuffled, "skimmed" and divided into three groups of six cards, putting one aside as a third "surprise". In the same order, interpretation is given to the cards of one of the groups chosen by the client. The final judgment is formulated after revealing the “big surprise” of three cards.

Comment: At all stages of fortune telling, it is important to carefully monitor not to confuse “straight” and “inverted” cards.

Interpretation of card groups:

About “pictures”. Aces, kings, queens and jacks, in no particular order, symbolize a cheerful life filled with entertainment, trips, picnics.

If in a group of ten or twenty cards the majority are “pictures,” then this does not mean anything, since four or five “pictures” together have meaning.

The meaning of “straight” and “reversed” cards is the same.

Cards with a numerical value, or "score". The predominance of “point cards” in smaller decks means good luck and happiness. Moreover, the more such cards, the better.

Each suit has its own meaning, which is especially true if cards of the same suit follow one another or make up the majority.

Hearts– love, affection, passion or directly opposite feelings. The intensity of passions can have good and bad consequences. The predominance of worms in the layout is a good sign. Worms determine the harmony of relationships in the family and beyond.

Clubs– prestige, strength, wealth, comfort, pleasure, etc. The suit represents strong family ties and the presence of influential friends.

Diamonds predict ups and downs depending on life circumstances. This suit represents business and money. It is a good sign if the diamond cards follow one another or are in the majority. In all other cases, as they say, options are possible, i.e. everything depends on the other cards.

Peaks- a sign of misfortune, and its reliability increases with the number of peak cards in a row, and the longer the peak tail, the worse.

If the peaks are scattered, although they make up the majority, the matter is not hopeless, since strong cards can neutralize the peak attack.

In a full deck, the cards are arranged in a strict sequence of cards in order of seniority. In smaller groups, there is no need for a strict sequence; here the frequency of appearance of certain cards matters.

So, four aces denote a sudden change, perhaps for the worse. Subsequent cards can soften the situation, preferably any other card in the group of aces. The worst forecast is in a combination of four “straight” aces. The more “inverted” ones, the more likely the situation is to be corrected.

Four Kings- Amazing. Success in business, wonderful surroundings, wonderful life. If the kings are “straight”, expect wealth and the fulfillment of all desires. If some of the kings are reversed, wishes will be fulfilled faster, but not to the same extent.

Four ladies predict a life filled with communication. However, every “inverted” lady foreshadows deep disappointment in the future.

Four Jacks- fun, holidays. If you do not curb your cheerful carelessness, trouble is expected. Each “reversed” jack helps to keep the situation under control, and all four in this position indicate despondency and apathy.

Three Aces– changes, but not radical ones. Problems, but not serious. Problems can even be ignored unless the Aces are "reversed".

Three Kings confirm concerted efforts to achieve the stated goal. Each of the “inverted” kings must be understood as an obstacle that will have to be overcome. Three “reversed” kings reduce the chances of success to zero.

Three ladies– meetings, parties with women, intrigues and quarrels. The latter depends on the number of “reversed” queens.

Three Jacks- conversation with smart person will bring wonderful results if two cards are “straight”; uncertainty if one card is “straight” and the other is “reversed”; disagreements if two cards are “turned over”.

Two kings. If both are “direct”, you can count on the support of your friend; if one is “inverted”, cooperation will be interrupted; both are “inverted” - interests coincide over trifles.

Two ladies denote a chance meeting, exchange of opinions or secrets. If one is “straight” and the other is “inverted,” a conflict of interests is possible. Plans will go down the drain if both cards are “reversed”.

Two Jacks- intrigues are being woven against you, be careful. If two jacks are "straight", the losses will be insignificant and easily replaced; if one is “straight” and the other is “inverted”, danger is already nearby; both are “reversed” - the blow can be delivered when the expectation of danger has passed.

Four tens- achievements of goals; if two, three or four cards are “turned over”, luck will be required to overcome the obstacles that appear along the way.

Four nines- a surprise, perhaps a favorable one. If all the cards are “straight”, a surprise will follow immediately, “inverted” nines call for the need to be patient. The best combination is all four “reversed” nines, they promise honors as a reward for patience.

Four eights– a sign of uncertainty, change of plans, change of place of work. The more “turned” cards, the more catastrophic the confusion.

Four sevens- persecution of ill-wishers. Salvation lies in “inverted” cards: the more of them, the greater the likelihood that the machinations of enemies will turn against them.

Three tens– financial difficulties, at the same time there may be troubles due to violation of the law, and other complications. However, the more “reversed” cards, the smaller the losses, although difficulties of a different kind are likely.

Three nines- prosperity and contentment, but every “reversed” card that appears in the layout promises a quarrel and failure in financial matters. Three “reversed” nines reduce “prosperity and contentment” to zero.

Three eights– love, romantic adventures, marriage. “Reversed” cards will reduce events to light flirting and ultimately to separation.

Three sevens- a sign of fatigue, melancholy, the need to show strength of spirit. Reversed cards indicate that the trials will soon end.

Two tens- a change in fate or circumstances, usually for the better. If one card is “reversed”, changes will be delayed somewhat; if both are “reversed”, changes will not come soon.

Two nines– solid profit or strengthening of market position. One “reversed” nine will delay good luck, and two will promise compensation for previous losses.

Two eights- fleeting love. “Straight” eights give reason to hope for more.

Two sevens- predict ardent love; if one of the cards is “reversed”, then with ups and downs. If both are “inverted”, it is more realistic to expect a disagreement.

Interpretation of individual cards

Ace "straight"– successful marriage, satisfaction with the environment. Joyful meetings are possible, most likely of a romantic nature.

"Flipped over"– unresolved problems, unexpected guests, the likelihood of moving or changing surroundings.

King "straight"– a generous friend or adviser, success in professional activities, willingness to help. High position.

"Flipped over"– an indecisive nature, prone to breaking promises. Often pompous.

Lady "straight"– kind, attentive, cheerful nature. Dark hair; a man of average build.

"Inverted"– is capable of harboring a grudge and cruelly taking revenge for rejected love.

Jack "straight"– a cheerful, carefree person, a good friend. Prone to romantic hobbies, especially if he is young and not married.

"Flipped over"– good luck or insult; perhaps a military man is involved.

Ten "straight"- satisfied ambition. Easy, cheerful disposition. Overcoming obstacles. The card enhances good omens and neutralizes negative ones.

"Inverted"– temporary disappointment or uncertainty; You may need to change plans due to relatives.

Nine "straight"- fulfillment of desires, honors, wealth. Achieving harmony through sincerity. The card is very happy.

"Inverted"– a short unlucky period. Fatigue from working too hard to overcome obstacles. Luck and self-confidence will help you overcome difficulties.

Eight "straight"- love affair, romance. Fulfillment of a long-standing desire. The solution to all problems.

"Inverted"– indifference to the opposite sex. There is an urgent need for real friends. The joy is personal, but a quarrel over a trifle can overshadow it.

Seven "straight"- a sign of wisdom. Tendency to contemplation and reflection, rich imagination. Independence, desire to be alone.

"Inverted"– a strong desire for recognition, despondency and depression due to its absence. An amorous, flirtatious, but also jealous nature.

♣ Clubs ♣

Ace "straight"- wealth, health and happiness. Success in financial affairs, significant money. A successful marriage.

"Flipped over"– success is short-lived or delayed. Receiving a letter can be frustrating. A sudden hobby will improve the situation somewhat.

King "straight"– a reliable, generous friend, an ideal companion or business partner. Faithful husband.

"Flipped over"– anxiety and disappointment due to the collapse of plans or lack of good intentions.

Lady "straight"– an extremely romantic nature, enthusiastic and talkative, warm-hearted, but prone to posing.

"Inverted"– relies more on intuition than reason. A cunning, vindictive nature can be dangerous, especially when deceived or rejected.

Jack "straight"– quick-witted, energetic, enterprising nature. Reliable friend and faithful spouse.

"Flipped over"- flatterer by vocation. An insincere, deceitful nature, although quite harmless if you don’t piss her off.

Ten "straight"- a sign of money. Promises a stable income or a wonderful future in the financial sector. It can bring good luck and exciting adventures, but you must be prepared for something sad.

"Inverted"– quarrels can hinder the achievement of wealth. A long journey is expected. Luck will eventually compensate for minor losses.

Nine "straight"- a sign of immediate result, it can be a gift, inheritance, an interesting offer, etc.

"Inverted"– an insignificant gift, expectations were not met. A strong desire to take risks for future success. But there is a danger of losing what you have.

Eight "straight"– love, abundance. Choose your spouse or partner carefully and avoid all-or-nothing extremes.

"Inverted"– love for an unworthy person can bring misfortune and financial difficulties. Don't make the wrong choice.

Seven "straight"– returned debt will strengthen friendship. It is necessary to pay attention to children.

"Inverted"– everything is the other way around. Small financial problems can hurt harmonious relationships.

♦ Diamonds ♦

Ace "straight"– one must expect a message in the form of a letter, gift or promise. This is good, but you need to carefully weigh the circumstances and decide whether it is worth accepting.

"Flipped over"- most likely, the message will be bad and will add to your worries.

King "straight"- a person with extensive experience in military or government service, influential, capable of providing assistance, but can be dangerous due to his excessive pride.

"Flipped over"- the same thing, with the difference that the mistake dangerous person will prevent the worst.

Lady "straight"- a gossip, a brawler, with great self-esteem. Hair and skin are light.

"Inverted"- an even more malicious person, ready to involve completely innocent people in a dangerous business. Overly flirtatious.

Jack "straight"- official person; trustworthy if he occupies a high position, otherwise he is a banal deceiver, a bribe-taker.

"Flipped over"- scoundrel, swindler.

Ten "straight"– a valuable acquisition or great achievement in work or in another field. The main thing is not to waste time on trifles.

"Inverted"– the same, but great care must be taken. Change can create new problems, so you need to weigh everything carefully.

Nine "straight"– a sign of enterprise, the priority of one’s own interests guarantees profit, but can lead to a break with friends, as well as other losses.

"Inverted"– a major failure due to disagreements in the family and with business partners. Lack of initiative will create problems; stubbornness must be curbed.

Eight "straight"– holiday in a charming place. A promising hobby, perhaps an affair; sometimes - a belated marriage.

"Inverted"- excessive wanderlust, a hasty, reckless romance will end in annoyance and grief. Obviously, when stepping on thin ice, you need to be extremely careful.

Seven "straight"- a sign of communication, foreshadows empty conversations, a party, unexpected news and a lot of pleasant, but trivial contacts.

"Inverted"– pay attention to children or pets.

♠ Spades ♠

Ace "straight"– pleasures, good intentions, caution is required in legal matters. Depending on the accompanying cards, ardent love is possible.

"Flipped over"– bad news, possibly involving injury or death. A warning about impending failure, a risky undertaking or the treachery of others.

King "straight"- a person occupying a high position, but unreliable as a friend and deadly as an enemy. At the same time, he is a faithful person in love, even after the death of his wife.

"Flipped over"- Beware of the greedy, unscrupulous type, whose evilness is limited, fortunately, only by his lack of opportunities.

Lady "straight"– a friendly, generous nature, very susceptible to flattery, but once deceived, she can become overly distrustful. Possibly a widow.

"Inverted"– a very romantic and at the same time purposeful nature, ready to do anything to achieve her goal. However, cunning and deceit, if she resorts to them, can harm herself.

Jack "straight"- a rude, ill-mannered person, although intelligent and diligent in his work. It can be useful if you refrain from condemning everything and everyone.

"Flipped over"– a hypocrite, loves to spy. Not trustworthy in the slightest.

Ten "straight"– misfortune; wasted time; perhaps ruin as a result of wild jealousy or an emotional breakdown.

"Inverted"– serious shock or illness; loss of friend or property.

Nine "straight"– conflict, defeat, illness, mourning. An extremely unlucky card, although other cards are partially capable of neutralizing its negative effect.

"Inverted"– trouble doesn’t come alone, you have to be on your guard.

Eight "straight"– an illness or concern that can be avoided by taking the necessary precautions. Even the slightest risk is absolutely contraindicated.

"Inverted"- disappointment in love, which may be followed by unnecessary financial expenses and extravagance. We need to find an activity related to spiritual fulfillment.

Seven "straight"- anxiety, although many problems are just a figment of the imagination, so hope and faith in a better future will prevail.

"Inverted"- indecision in love and in business. Advice from friends and strict adherence to it will protect you from wrong actions and bring stability.

Fortune telling on a deck of 52 cards

This method of fortune telling does not attach importance to the position (“straight” or “inverted”) of the cards. In addition, the suits in this type of fortune telling acquire a broader interpretation. So, hearts They personify love, kindness, they warn of a possible shock if unfavorable cards fall out in the environment. Clubs I testify to authority and prestige; they can to some extent weaken the negative influence of other cards, but nothing more. Diamonds are aimed at practical interests, they signal emerging difficulties and indicate unfinished business. Peaks Usually interpreted as bad cards, harbingers of misfortune, in this fortune-telling they can also serve a useful purpose, warning in a timely manner of approaching danger.

Card meanings:


Worms– denotes home, the happiness of the hearth, domestic problems; possible changes in the situation and news from friends and family.

Clubs- symbolizes success, wealth, fame, predicts many friends who help achieve success and wealth.

Tambourine- money or gift. In the vicinity of any card, it predicts the receipt of news. The girls are about to get married.

Peak- “death card”, brings bad luck to the fortuneteller or one of his friends and relatives. Brings bad news; may mean a quarrel with a friend or loved one.


Worms- an influential person who wants to help, but everything will end in disagreement.

Clubs– a faithful friend and adviser, a relative of the client. If they tell fortunes to a man, he is a generous and lucky opponent.

Tambourine- “tough” in business, dangerous rival in love.

Peak- an ambitious person who can destroy your business and family life. With appropriate adjacent cards, it can warn a woman about the worthlessness of a person close to her.


Worms– for men, this card prophesies true love and passion; warns women about a rival.

Clubs– for men, this is a wonderful woman, wife or confidant; for women - a close friend.

Tambourine– a woman who interferes in men’s affairs; a dangerous and jealous woman; perhaps a homewrecker.

Peak- a sign of a cruel and immoral woman who uses women and men for her own purposes. She resorts to using a false mask in the form of a friendly, sympathetic and sympathetic friend.


Worms– a close person, long-time friend or close relative.

Clubs– boyfriend or girlfriend, kind and attentive person; a reliable assistant and advisor who appreciates the best traits in you.

Tambourine– for women it usually means bad news brought by a male friend or relative. Neighboring cards can change the meaning of the prediction and the news will not be too bad, particularly for men.

Peak- a partner or friend who is indifferent to your concerns; he is in no hurry to come to your aid.


Worms– this is a very good card, it means success, good luck. In addition, it balances the meaning of bad cards and enhances the meaning of good ones.

Clubs– a card that brings happiness and prosperity. Neutralizes negative influences other cards; may mean a long journey.

Tambourine– usually talks about money, may indicate an unexpected journey, a wedding.

Peak– devalues ​​all neighboring good ones and doubles the strength of the bad ones. A very bad card.


Worms- it is called the “card of desires”, it promises the fulfillment of all desires and the success of all endeavors, unless neighboring cards contradict this. If the neighboring cards are bad, the nine indicates that difficulties and obstacles will be overcome.

Clubs– not a very good card, predicts disagreements with friends, indicates stubbornness that can cause harm.

Tambourine– money needed to complete a project, trip or adventure. If the neighboring cards are bad, there is no point in expecting good news about money.

Peak- loss of funds, illness, bad news - everything came together in this card, the most ominous in the entire deck. Even the best cards in the neighborhood can't help.


Worms– a pleasant event that is planned and for which everything is ready. Neighboring cards either confirm this or promise slight disappointment.

Clubs– passion for money, reaching the point of recklessness; impatience; the willingness to borrow money and immediately gamble it in order to immediately get more. This could be a project undertaken with friends.

Tambourine– has several meanings, but all of them include courtship, marriage and travel. The prediction can come true at the beginning or at the end of life. Neighboring maps can clarify the timing.

Peak- a warning about unreliable and crafty friends. It will sound in a timely manner and will help prevent collapse and solve problems that have arisen.


Worms– the main meaning of this card is disappointment due to failures in business. A warning about a possible mistake; you should not rashly trust friends or acquaintances who are somehow involved in your plans.

Clubs– if the neighboring cards are good, you can hope for success and good luck. However, interference or opposition from members of the opposite sex should be avoided.

Tambourine– a sign of failure; if a person is prone to gambling, a loss is expected. This is not a good time to start a new venture or switch to another field of activity. It is also a warning against unfounded criticism.

Peak– sad card; Avoid quarrels with anyone, do not insist on your own. It is advisable to stop disputes and dangerous discussions until better times.


Worms- a warning that loved ones are going to abuse your generosity. People who condone this weakness want to take advantage of your weakness.

Clubs- a lucky card, it lights up the business that you conduct together with friends. The time has come to turn to them for advice and get money.

Tambourine– the card means an early marriage that ends in complete disappointment; a threat to happiness in remarriage, which neighboring cards should inform (or refute).

Peak– fruitless dreams and plans. However, you should not lose hope; diligence can turn failure into success.


Worms– indecision is an enemy in business and personal life. Adjacent cards may indicate the desirability of changing the situation in order to get away from accumulated problems.

Clubs- indicates an upcoming marriage or strengthening of a connection with a very wealthy partner; in the second case, prosperity is expected for both. The reliability of this prediction must be checked using neighboring maps.

Tambourine- luck and prosperity, happiness in married life. Long wonderful relationships with friends.

Peak– a tendency to panic, weakness of self-confidence, however, good neighboring cards, if they fall, guarantee a happy marriage and success, despite all the bad omens.


Worms- means a man or woman who remains single for personal reasons or due to some kind of disadvantage. However, the favorable environment of the cards can promise a late marriage.

Clubs– dishonest or unreliable friends can bring misfortune, danger or material loss. To clarify the forecast, you need to check the neighboring maps and outline ways of salvation or exit from a dangerous situation.

Tambourine– a sign of quarrels with friends or family members. It is necessary to remember old friends and renew relationships with them. Interference in the affairs of relatives and overly caring friends should not be allowed.

Peaks– jealousy, illness or financial troubles will upset business and personal life. Neighboring cards can suggest a way out.


Worms– an unfavorable sign that predicts impulsive, ill-considered decisions and actions. Maximum restraint must be exercised.

Clubs- a card promising several marriages may mean a period of long courtship or engagement, which will most likely be dissolved and followed by marriage to a completely different person.

Tambourine– problems are expected in marital life, which can lead to divorce or separation. There may be disputes and disagreements in business that will end in litigation.

Peak- unhappiness and deep disappointment in love or marriage. It is necessary to distract yourself in order to forget failures.


Worms- wealth and high position for which there was no hope. If neighboring cards are unfavorable, this indicates that due to minor obstacles, success will come a little later.

Clubs– the card warns that all efforts to achieve the goal will have to be made alone, since no one will want to help, so there is no point in asking for help from anyone.

Tambourine- a love affair can end in marriage, unless, of course, other cards object. If the marriage does not take place, the infatuation will interfere with the implementation of other plans that could lead to success.

Peak– “death card” also means separation and change. May portend separation from a loved one, loss or travel. In the latter case, adjacent cards can clarify the nature of the changes.

Interpretation of card combinations

Presence of Ace of Hearts speaks of soon receiving big money.

Ace of Clubs in combination with any cards symbolize strong friendship, and cards of a “love” nature give nobility.

Ace of hearts combined with eight of clubs warns of a big scandal over a trifle.

Two of Clubs and Three of Diamonds- harbingers of the fulfillment of your wildest desires.

Five of hearts combined with nine of spades indicates an obstacle in obtaining money.

Hearts five, six and seven mean an unexpected gift.

Combination of five of spades and eight of diamonds speaks of the possible receipt of a modest sum of money.

Seven of Hearts and Nine of Diamonds warn of short-lived prosperity.

Ace of hearts and ten of hearts indicate obstacles that need to be overcome as soon as possible.

Ace of Hearts and King of Clubs represent the help of an influential person.

Queen of Hearts and Jack of Diamonds warn of an ambiguous situation.


This method of fortune telling with a deck of 52 cards is quite simple.

As always, the deck is carefully shuffled, then the deck is removed and fifteen cards are dealt. They are laid out in rows from top to bottom like this: one, two, three, four, five cards.

That's all, actually. Interpretation begins from the top of the pyramid.

One important point: the middle card in the middle (third) row occupies a special place in the layout. This is the so-called central map. In the event that there is a hitch in the interpretation, the central card is considered as an additional positive or negative factor for a more complete reading of the pyramid.

This method Fortune telling, in addition to being extremely simple, gives the fortuneteller excellent opportunities to compare connections between different cards, giving preference to one of them. When interpreting the layout, you must listen sensitively to your intuition, which plays a very important role and which you simply cannot do without in fortune telling.

At all times, people have sought to know their fate and wondered about the future. Representatives of the fair sex were especially concerned about such questions. Some were interested in love relationships, others - the prospect of getting rich, others were worried about their health and that of their loved ones. To answer all of the above and many other questions, the ladies went to professional fortune tellers. And they were already determining the way in which they could look into the future. And most often these were cards. Today they are also the most popular option for those who seek to know their destiny. And if Tarot cards require certain abilities and skills, then an ordinary playing deck can be used by any interested person. On the Internet you can find many descriptions of layouts for love, career or marriage. However, before you start telling fortunes with cards, you need to thoroughly study their meaning (10 of hearts, for example, is responsible for relationships). In addition, it is important to understand the characteristics of each suit and how the interpretation of a card changes depending on its combination with others. Today in the article we will tell readers a little about the general rules of deck layout, and also dwell in more detail on the meaning of 10 hearts in fortune telling.

Preparatory stage

Of course, any specialist will tell you how important it is to know the meaning of the card (10 hearts, or for example 8 clubs), but preparation for fortune telling is no less important. If you don’t follow some of the nuances, the layout may not provide the necessary information or it simply won’t work out. Therefore, it is with this topic that we will begin our article.

In order to receive accurate predictions from cards, you need to purchase a fortune-telling deck. Usually, beginners believe that it is enough to take playing cards, use the description of the layout, and everything will work out. However, it is not. If you have already decided to look into the future, then do not be lazy and take the time to go to a specialized store and purchase a deck with cards on which the pictures are depicted on a black background. So they are suitable for fortune telling.

If you don’t have this opportunity, then you can use a regular playing deck. But it still has to be new, you can’t take cards that someone has already played with before. The layout made on them will not be correct.

A new deck needs to be prepared. To do this, it is placed in a place where moonlight will fall on the cards. This is done from new moon to new moon. Within a month, the deck will be charged with the energy necessary for fortune telling and will provide only correct information.

Clubs, diamonds, 7 of spades or, for example, 10 of hearts - in fortune telling you cannot do without the ability to interpret their meanings. But besides this, the skill of choosing the right surface for the layout is also important. Beginners often do this for kitchen table, while the energy of food and meat, among other things, has a huge impact on the cards. For the layout, it is better to choose a flat, flat surface and remove all metal objects from it.

After all the above preparations, you can begin fortune telling. But it is important to take into account the posture of the person who wants to get answers to his questions. He should be relaxed, sit quite comfortably and not cross his limbs. Before the layout, you need to mentally ask all the exciting questions. For those who are guessing, you can briefly describe the essence of the problem. This way it will be easier to interpret the meaning of the card: 10 hearts, for example, depending on its position and proximity to other cards, can promise diametrically opposite events. Therefore, it is important to clearly understand what exactly you want to learn from the deck.

Sometimes those who begin to tell fortunes with cards complain that the layout does not give them reliable information and quit doing this. But experienced experts say that it is enough to stick to a few simple rules so that everything starts to work out.

So, the gender of the person who wants to look into the future is important. Women can ask all their questions on Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. But representatives of the stronger half of humanity will receive information about their fate on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Keep in mind that you should not engage in card layouts on Sundays and dates related to important church holidays. It is also forbidden to tell fortunes for one person more than once a day. The second time, the cards can deceive the unlucky beginner.

There is also a time of day for fortune telling. It is generally accepted that night is ideal for all mystical manipulations. But you can’t guess when the sun goes down. The fact is that at this time of day they begin to rule on earth dark forces. And for them there is nothing more attractive than deceiving a person. Therefore, cards in the evening and at night almost always lie. It would be more correct to do the schedule in the first half of the day before noon.

The number of fortune tellings that can be performed per day is also clearly regulated. Seven layouts are considered the limit for a beginner or an experienced specialist. Always try to achieve the desired answer to the question posed. It happens that the cards do not give it. Then you need to rephrase the question and do the layout one more time. Thus, sometimes only one or two people can receive answers per day.

Experienced fortune tellers advise that when asking a question to the cards, be prepared for any outcome. People very often want to hear only positive aspects, and when they encounter misfortunes, difficulties, trials, or a clear answer “no” is given to a question, they demand to do the layout again. But in these cases, the cards are likely to begin to deceive.

Fortune tellers who have been doing their business for many years say that sometimes the situation gets out of control. In the same layout, contradictory meanings of the card appear in fortune-telling (10 hearts can, for example, simultaneously promise the fulfillment of desires and the postponement of their implementation). Immediately the cards begin to fall to the floor, the mood deteriorates, and the state of health worsens. These signs indicate that it is better to postpone the fortune telling process. The deck gives you a clear sign that this is not a good day to look into the future.

If you are just starting to become familiar with the mystery of fortune telling with cards, then come to a specialist with your deck. Only she can reveal to you all the secrets of fate. When cards fall into the wrong hands, they begin to deceive.

Experienced fortune tellers never make readings for themselves and their immediate family. They fear that their fate will change because of this. Therefore, think several times about whether you should try to look into the future. Maybe it should keep its secret?

Suit values

Since we are interested in the meaning of 10 hearts, we first need to get an idea of ​​the characteristics of each suit. Experts know that this information contains a lot of interesting things about the cards.

For example, peaks at all times carried danger, a bad omen, and even fatal outcome. This value remains the same in almost all layouts, with the exception of some combinations with other cards. It is also worth considering that each suit has its own element: air, water, fire or earth. Peaks belong to the element of air.

Clubs or “crosses,” as they are often called by ordinary people, reveal the secrets of human life. They can also talk about his career ups and downs, they will show possible ways to professional fulfillment. In addition, clubs can orient a person in those areas where he may be most influential. If the layout is made on relationships, then this suit will symbolize the level of communication skills of the one asking the questions. The element of clubs is fire.

Diamonds are positive cards, whose appearance in the layout is an undoubted success in the business sphere. This suit also promises constant good luck in material matters. Depending on the situation, diamonds will predict profitable agreements, contracts, or a change of job to a higher paying one. In certain fortune telling, this suit can simply mean good news. Her element is earth.

Fortune tellers consider hearts to be a very good omen. This suit is very kind and promises happiness to a person who wants to know his destiny. Typically, the meaning of worms in fortune telling (10, among others) can be described as good luck in your personal life. This includes love relationships, solving everyday issues, and happiness in family life. Many experts know that the loss of nine cards of this suit in one layout is interpreted as an omen of great love. Therefore, almost all women with a great sense of excitement expect the appearance of such cards in fortune telling. The element symbolizing worms is water.

Let's talk about ten

To finally come close to studying the meaning of 10 hearts, it is necessary to reveal the secret of this number itself. People involved in esotericism believe that everything in our Universe is interconnected. Therefore, in fortune telling, the meanings of a number and the suit assigned to it on cards seem to complement each other. They work for mutual reinforcement, becoming a natural continuation of their interpretations.

Precisely considering this moment, we decided to turn to the secrets of the meaning of the number itself, which interests us so much in fortune telling.

In the language of numbers, 10 is the alpha and omega of everything. It symbolizes the beginning and the end, completion and the birth of new ideas, as well as spiritual enlightenment. Numerologists consider this number an amazing and wonderful symbol of unification.

If we look at the number ten from different angles, it can mean desire and energy. Esotericists firmly connect these two concepts, since without energy desire is not born, and without it the transformation of the energy flow is impossible.

Summarizing everything said above, a conclusion arises about a certain symbolism of this number. It carries great spirituality, positive energy and a combination of masculine and feminine. Therefore, the meaning of 10 hearts in a relationship carries the message of a strong, happy and long love union.

So, let's move on directly to the interpretation of the dropped ten in the layout.

The meaning of 10 hearts: general information

When this card appears in your layout, in order to interpret it correctly, you need to take into account several important nuances:

  • Position. Any professional in the field of esotericism will tell you that the card can lie upright or upside down. In the first version, it promises a lot of positive things, but in the second, on the contrary, it warns that good things may not happen.
  • Neighborhood with other maps. In the case of hearts, the loss of several cards of this suit only strengthens the positive message. But being nearby other suits can give a completely unexpected and not always pleasant result.
  • The nature of the layout. What you are guessing at is also important in interpretation. The 10 of Hearts card in fortune-telling for a career can indicate trust in partners, and in a reading for love, it can promise a quick wedding.

Also, the fortuneteller should know how the drawn pictures differ from the numbers. The abundance of the former in the chart means turbulent events that can radically change life. And a larger percentage of cards of small value indicates a certain routine and the impossibility at this stage of changing one’s fate.

Main characteristics

If we are talking about the standard and basic meaning of the 10 of Hearts card in fortune telling, then first of all it is necessary to consider its direct position. In this sense, it carries within itself a certain flair of expectations. We can say that the ten are plans and dreams that are just emerging in a person or have been formalized in a specific form for a long time. In some fortune telling, this card can even be interpreted as anticipation and joy from what you have been waiting for for a long time and are standing on the threshold of fulfillment. In those scenarios where it is necessary to characterize a specific person, to whom deciphering the meaning of fortune telling is aimed, the ten is an influential and wealthy person. The card can also mean the breadwinner of the family, on whom the material benefits of several people depend.

Some fortune telling involves clear and short answers - “yes” or “no”. If your question shows a ten of hearts, it means that the Universe favors you and this is a definite “yes”.

The meaning of 10 hearts in fortune telling regular maps very multifaceted. If you get an upside down ten, don’t be alarmed. It does not promise obvious troubles, but rather slightly reduces the positive that it initially carries. In certain scenarios, the card promises a number of difficulties on the path to your dream, which means that its fulfillment will be slightly delayed. Ten inverted represents anxiety, restlessness, doubts about one’s success and retreat in the face of future difficulties.

Love relationship

Relationships between men and women have been of concern to both since time immemorial. Therefore, it is simply vital for many to know what is in their partner’s heart. The meaning of 10 hearts in fortune telling for love and relationships also depends on its position.

In the upright position, the card means love, harmony, mutual understanding and happiness. If the alignment is made for some event, then ten means an imminent wedding. Also, its loss is interpreted as long-term relationships, marriage, constancy, passion and interest in each other.

When reversed, the ten symbolizes some trust issues. Depending on the situation, it can mean a desire to sacrifice oneself for the sake of a relationship, excessive and unjustified gullibility, and the risk of being deceived by people from one’s close circle. In addition to this ten, these are huge doubts about your partner.


We have already talked about the meaning of 10 hearts in a relationship between two people. Now it's time to look at this card in the context of professional relationships and opportunities.

In the scenario for career ten symbolizes triumph. It may not be noticeable to everyone, but for a particular person, its success is a real triumph, to which a long and difficult path led. In another context, a card of this suit can be seen as a symbol of trust in one's colleagues. You can rely on them difficult situation, and also get practical advice if necessary.

An inverted ten of hearts in fortune telling for professional success does not promise material benefits and career advancement. Rather, she predicts spending her own time teaching interns or helping colleagues. Moreover, you should not expect additional payment; your time and effort in this situation will be a free investment.

fate: 10 hearts

There are fortune telling, the main goal of which is to reveal the map of fate. They often use a person’s date of birth. After difficult manipulations one falls out the only card, under the influence of which your whole life passes. Therefore, you should be very careful about the map - the matrix of fate.

The meaning of 10 of hearts in this sense is very broad, it is not so easy to express it in a few words. First of all, this card symbolizes creative talent, ambition and great ambitions.

However, the combination of these qualities can bring its owner into trouble. If the soul has already acquired certain experience in past life, then she will be able to avoid new mistakes. Otherwise, there is a high risk of going through a series of fateful lessons.

If your card is 10 of hearts, then you are a clear leader who cannot obey even for a short period of time. His surroundings are admiring fans, especially since such a person chooses a public profession.

This card of fate is responsible for self-knowledge, therefore it directs its owner to search for the truth, his own philosophy and opportunities for self-realization. Sometimes these aspirations border on selfishness, but in most situations this is just a deceptive impression.

A ten rolled out is interpreted as good fortune. Worm people are very prosperous; they receive maximum attention from others and recognition of their talents. In love, they are a little indecisive, so some problems on the personal front arise from time to time. Experts in the field of esotericism advise people in the tens to be a little bolder, and then no one will be able to resist their charm and charisma.

Card combinations

In layouts, it is very important which card comes up with 10 hearts. This may change its meaning. Sometimes these combinations can be very complex, so only a professional can understand the intricacies of the layout. But we will still describe some tandems in this section of the article.

When determining the value of 10 hearts for the king of hearts, it is important that the cards fall straight. If so, then the combination symbolizes the passion between partners. It literally seethes between them, so it can become both the basis of a long-term relationship and the reason for its disintegration. This combination has another meaning for women. When such cards appear, the lady can be sure that her partner is faithful to her.

Sometimes 10 spades and 10 hearts appear side by side in layouts. Many people are afraid of the meaning of such a combination, because they know that peaks always symbolize trouble. But in this situation there is no need to wait for trouble. The combination of cards is interpreted as an omen of something large-scale. In a narrower sense, we can say that a person faces accomplishments, serious matters and large-scale projects. But their results are still unpredictable and largely depend on the fortuneteller himself.

The cards 10 hearts and 10 crosses lying next to each other have a material meaning. The combination promises that in the near future a person will have the opportunity to significantly improve his financial condition. Perhaps he will receive a lucrative offer, sign a long-awaited contract, learn about his promotion, or win the lottery. Moreover, the financial injections will be very impressive and can completely change a person’s destiny.

When the cards 7 of hearts and 10 of hearts are placed next to each other, the value changes greatly depending on the position of the cards. Directly, the combination promises a quick date in an intimate setting. Typically, such a pair occurs when the partners are separated or in a quarrel. It symbolizes reconciliation and new stage relationships. But when turned upside down, the combination means consolation in trouble or difficult situation. The cards warn that at the right moment there will be a person nearby who will help in word or deed.

In conclusion, I would like to say that in the article we only lifted the veil of secrecy over card fortune telling. In fact, this process is very multifaceted and has a large number of nuances. But experts in the field of esotericism claim that once a person turns to the cards, he will no longer be able to refuse their help. After all, she always arrives on time and allows you to avoid fatal mistakes.

ACE OF SPEAKS– pleasures and good intentions, but caution is required in legal matters. Depending on the accompanying cards, ardent love is possible.

In an inverted position - bad news, possibly related to injury; a warning about impending failure, a risky, short-sighted enterprise or betrayal by deceitful friends.

With 10 ♦ (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money.

With some six - a horse ride.

With Ace ♣ (both upright) – fear.

KING OF PEAK- a person occupying a high position, but unreliable as a friend and deadly as an enemy. At the same time, faithful in love.

In an inverted position - a greedy, unscrupulous type, whose malevolence is limited only by a lack of opportunity.

With Queen and Jack - the help of a respectable person, a respectable family.

C ♠ – portends good things.

With 8 ♠ (on the sides of your card) - lasting troubles and grief; if there is a King ♦ - help from a noble person.

C ♣ – his hatred, opposition and villainy.

C ♦ – its location.

C – its location.

QUEEN OF SPADES– a friendly, generous nature, often very susceptible to flattery, but once deceived, she can become overly distrustful; possibly a widow; complexion dark.

In an inverted position - a very romantic and at the same time purposeful nature, ready to do anything to achieve a goal; her cunning and deceit can harm herself; perhaps an old woman.

Between two figures - a disagreement between them, (near your card) - grief, trouble, especially with 7 ♣ or 9 ♠.

With ♠, except for 9 – a kind old lady.

C ♣ – villain.

S ♦ – a greedy, envious woman who interferes in business and in love.

From 9 to 10 – happiness.

JACK OF SPEAKS- quarrel or fight; a rude, ill-mannered type, although often intelligent and diligent. Can become a useful friend if he refrains from criticizing.

In an inverted position - a hypocrite, outwardly friendly, but loves to spy. Doesn't deserve the slightest trust.

In general, C ♠ is a faithful ally.

S ♣ – liar, envious, gossip.

C ♦ – accomplice, messenger, drunken person.

S – friend.

With Lady ♠ – a big quarrel, a fight.

With 8 ♠ - a big nuisance between lovers.

TEN OF SPEAKS– misfortune, wasted time, possible ruin, usually as a result of jealousy or emotional breakdown.

In an inverted position - a serious shock or illness. Loss of friend or property. The key can be the accompanying cards.

With Ace ♠ – unexpected receipt of money.

With 9 ♠ – misfortune.

With 9 ♣ – trouble in money matters.

With Ace ♦ – a mournful, sad letter.

With one of the Aces - a fake letter.

With 8 ♠ – illness.

With one out of 8 - unpleasant news.

With 7 ♠ – unexpected news of a change in circumstances.

With 7 ♦ – an unexpected offer.

From 10 ♣ – recovery from illness.

From 10 – great monetary interest in the future.

NINE OF SPEAKS– conflict, defeat, illness, mourning and other troubles. An extremely unlucky card, but good cards nearby they neutralize it, albeit partially.

In an inverted position, trouble does not come alone. God grant that these troubles are not too serious.

With Ace ♠ – illness.

With Ace ♣ – benefit or harm (depending on the nearest light or dark card).

With Ace - the closeness of a man, a woman, a joyful stay with a friend.

With Ace ♦ – cunning and deception of loved ones.

From 10 ♠ – unexpected receipt of money.

EIGHT OF SPEAK– illness or anxiety, but they can be avoided by taking the necessary precautions. The slightest risk is absolutely contraindicated. At nine ♣ – misfortune.

In an inverted position - disappointment in love, which may be followed by unnecessary losses due to wastefulness.

With Jack - news of illness or death of loved ones or acquaintances.

With 7 ♣ – betrayal of your beloved.

Under four Kings - revelry, drunkenness.

SEVEN PEAK- anxiety. However, many of your problems are just a figment of the imagination and hopes for a better future will dispel them. With the Lady - the Lady is in an interesting position.

In an inverted position - indecision both in love and in business. Advice from friends and refraining from hasty, ill-considered actions will bring stability.

With Jack ♦ – depicts a merchant.

With Jack ♣ – misfortune from enemies.

From 10 ♠ – unexpected news of a change in circumstances.

One of the eights gets a treat.

With a figure - trouble, especially with 9 ♠ - grief in relatives.

From 6 ♦ – troubles in the house.

SIX OF SPEAKS– long journey, late journey, with your card – loss.

In an inverted position - deceitful friends.

C ♠ – a merry way.

C ♣ – bad road.

With 9 or 10 ♦ – (with right hand to the left) - the road for money.

From 7 or 8 ♦ – worries and worries about money.

S – road and meeting with dear people.

With ♣ (above the head) - a successful outcome of the fortuneteller’s bad intentions.


ACE OF DAMAIN– You will receive some kind of message in the form of a letter, gift or promise. In general, this is good, but weigh everything carefully and decide whether you should take it. With a figure - a person engaged in writing.

In an inverted position - a message. Most likely it will be unpleasant and will add to your worries.

With ♦ – quick receipt of money.

From 7, 9 or 10 - a joyful or love letter.

With ♣ or ♠ - delay of the desired minute, big troubles.

From 6 ♣ – date or conversation at dusk.

With 9 ♠ – cunning, deception of loved ones.

From 10 – love letter.

From 10 ♠ (left) – mourning or sad letter.

From 10 ♦ – money letter.

KING OF TAMMOMBERS- a person with extensive experience in military or government service, influential and capable of providing assistance, but can be dangerous due to his excessive pride.

In an inverted position - an influential person who can be dangerous due to his excessive pride. However, due to minor mistakes it makes, it is safe for you.

From 10 ♦ (with Jack) – support in the future from a new acquaintance or future groom.

With 6 ♦ – indispensable fulfillment of desires.

C – fun, forgetting the past and changing life.

LADY Tambourine- a gossip, a brawler, often ignorant, but with great conceit. Hair and skin are light.

In an inverted position - a malicious gossip and brawler, ready to involve completely innocent people in a dangerous business. Besides, she's terribly flirtatious.

With Jack ♦ and 10 ♠ - an unpleasant guest.

From 9 - good for women, for men - theft.

JACK OF DAMAIN- official person. Trustworthy if he occupies a high position. Otherwise, he is a deceiver, a flatterer and a bribe-taker.

In an inverted position - a real scoundrel, an impostor and a fraudster.

With 7 ♠ – merchant.

With the King - a commercial, false person.

With 7 ♠ or 9 ♦ – a hostile person, quick betrayal.

With Lady ♣ – not good.

With 6 ♣ - an unexpected and quick trip with some King.

When the King, Queen and Jack ♦ are with the card of the fortuneteller(s) of the person - success in money matters.

TEN OF DAMBISONS– with other favorable signs – a valuable acquisition or a great achievement in work or any other activity. The main thing is not to waste time on trifles.

Reversed, the opportunity for a valuable acquisition or great achievement, but requiring some caution at an early stage. Change can create problems, so consider it carefully.

With Ace ♠ (on the sides of your card) - a quarrel over money.

From 9 ♦ – inevitable and quick receipt of money.

From 8 ♦ – distant receipt of money, big money.

From 7 ♦ – successful worries about money.

From 6 ♦ – complete fulfillment of desires, receiving money.

With 6 ♠ (right) – the road for money.

With Jack ♣ – success in money matters.

From 10 ♣ – an indispensable receipt of money.

from 7 – a large inheritance, receiving money.

From 9 – profitable work.

NINE OF DAMBISONS– a card of money, a sign of enterprise. The priority of one's own interests guarantees profit, but can lead to a break with friends and other losses.

In an inverted position - a major failure due to disagreements in the family and among business partners. Lack of initiative will create obstacles. Try to curb your stubbornness.

With 6 ♠ (right) - the road to get money, an unpleasant incident, failure.

With Jack - avoiding an unpleasant journey.

From 10 ♦ – an indispensable and quick receipt of money.

A fun conversation with the Four Kings.

EIGHT OF TAMIO– a pleasant trip or vacation in a charming place. A promising hobby or romance. Sometimes it’s a belated marriage.

In an inverted position - excessive desire to change places. A hasty, reckless romance will end in a very unfortunate way. Think carefully first!

From 8 ♣ and 6 – news of a fire.

With the King or Queen ♠ (on the sides of your card) - harm from a false and bad person.

With Valet - talk about money.

With 10 ♦ – distant receipt of money, large receipt of money.

With 7 ♦ (near the figure) – its infidelity, inconstancy.

SEVEN OF TAMIE- a sign of communication, foreshadows empty conversations, a friendly party, unexpected news, in short, a lot of pleasant, but trivial things.

In an inverted position, an elephant will grow from a fly. Pay attention to your children or pets.

With the figure - a happy incident.

From 10 ♦ – successful worries about money.

SIX OF TAMINGS– the happiest card, softens even the bad meaning of Ace ♠. Fast, cheerful road, wish fulfillment; road King of Diamonds, Ladies.

In an inverted position, losses are likely, but they will be compensated by unexpected gains.

From 9 ♠ – grief in relatives.

With 10 and 9 ♠ – illness, even death.

From 10 ♦ – complete fulfillment of desire in receiving money.

With 9 ♠ – death.

From 7 ♦ – troubles in the house.


ACE OF CLUB- wealth, health, happiness. Receiving news, letters or legal documents, and as a result - money and success. The marriage will be harmonious.

In an inverted position - success is short-lived or delayed. Receiving a letter can be frustrating. A sudden hobby or romance will probably improve the situation somewhat.

With six - railway. Under the King (in relation to a lady) - immodest love, courtship.

With 7 ♣ – winning the case, victory.

From 9 – tender love.

From 6 ♣ – date and conversation on the street, generally on the road, in the evening; at peaks - death.

From 9 ♠ – quick news of benefits; in an upright position - about benefits.

With the King ♣ - a happy outcome of a planned enterprise, a quick fulfillment of a desire.

KING OF CLUBS- a reliable, generous friend. An ideal companion or business partner. Faithful husband. Dark appearance.

In an inverted position - anxiety and disappointment due to the collapse of plans or lack of good intentions. A good face for a bad game.

C ♣ – close person, friend, husband, groom, lover; In general, it portends happiness.

From 9 ♣ (reversed) – an influential person, a supportive person; (upright) – trouble with this person.

From 8 ♣ - rumors about enterprises at sea, the death of a ship.

With Ace ♣ - a happy outcome of a planned business, the fulfillment of desires.

With Jack ♣ on your card (if you are not ♣ of suit) - great grief.

With one of the sixes - the way to gain interest. If the King ♣ does not fall in the fortune telling, it is a failure.

Queen of Clubs– an extremely romantic nature, enthusiastic and talkative, warm-hearted, sympathetic, but prone to posing. Dark appearance.

In an inverted position - a cunning, vindictive nature, which can be dangerous, especially when deceived or rejected.

With Lady ♠ (with your card) - bad circumstances, courts, troubles due to marriage.

From 8 ♣ – help from a relative or close woman.

JACK OF CLUB– quick-witted, energetic, enterprising nature. A good friend and faithful husband. Very reliable. Dark-skinned. Without an Ace or without a King there is a lot of trouble, there are official troubles in the heart, thoughts of the King ♣. If Jack ♣ comes up first in a fortune-telling, the fortune-telling is correct.

In an inverted position - a professional flatterer. An insincere deceitful nature, but quite harmless if you don’t piss her off.

With 7 ♠ (occurs rarely) - misfortune due to the machinations of enemies, between two Ladies - an unfaithful wife.

From 10 ♦ – success in money matters.

With 8 ♣ – a military man, an unexpected turn of happiness.

Between the two Jacks there is a restless future.

TEN OF CLUBS- Money sign. Promises a stable income or a wonderful future in the financial sector. Can bring good luck and exciting adventures, but be prepared for something sad. With ♠ - deception of hope, poverty, work; with a figure - a business person, great danger, fires; at - find, happiness in the lottery; with the same King, Lady - someone is interested in you.

In an inverted position, quarrels can hinder the achievement of wealth. Possibly a long trip. Luck compensates for minor losses.

From 7 ♣ – joy, news of business.

With 6 ♣ – an unexpected proposal to leave.

From 10 ♦ – an indispensable receipt of money.

From 10 – success in love.

From 9 ♣ – fun with loved ones, surprise.

With 8 ♣ - quick receipt of big money, inheritance, wealth, happiness.

With 9 and 8 or 7 ♣ - one of the luckiest combinations, very good.

With Ace ♣ – change for the better.

With 7 ♠ (without Ace) – deception, tears.

With 7 and 6 ♣ – a large society.

NINE OF CLUBS- a sign of immediate results - this could be an unexpected gift, an interesting offer, an inheritance, etc. Don't miss your chance! When a figure appears, it indicates that it will disappear from your life; With the same King, Lady - to love.

In an inverted position - an insignificant gift - you expected more. A strong desire to take risks for future success. The danger of losing what you already have.

With 9 or 10 hearts - success in love.

C ♦ – sure receipt of money and useless spending of it on pleasure.

S – mutual love.

With 10 ♠ – money troubles.

Travel with Valet.

With the King ♣ – an influential person, a supportive person.

From 10 ♣ – fun with loved ones, surprise.

With 10 and 8 or 7 ♣ is one of the luckiest combinations.

EIGHT OF CLUB– love and abundance. Choose your spouse or partner carefully and avoid the all-or-nothing principle.

In an inverted position, love for an unworthy person can bring financial difficulties. Avoid making mistakes in choosing!

With Ace ♣ - success, reversed - failure.

With the King ♣ – rumors about the sea, the death of a ship.

With Lady ♣ – help from a relative or close woman.

With Jack ♣ - an unexpected turn of happiness in favor of the fortuneteller.

From 10 ♣ - quick acquisition of real estate, inheritance, wealth and happiness.

With Valet – talk about losses.

With 7 ♣ (in front of your card) - unexpected happiness.

With 7 ♣ and Ace - a happy marriage, or inheritance.

SEVEN OF CLUB- a low but important card. Returning the debt will strengthen friendship and goodwill. Pay attention to the children.

In an inverted position - minor financial problems can damage harmonious relationships in friendship or alliance. Keep this in mind.

With Ace ♣ - winning the case, victory.

With 10 ♣ – wealth and happiness (same as 9 and 8 clubs).

From 8 ♠ – a fortune-telling man is cheated on by his wife, his beloved.

With Jack (with 4 queens and sevens) - the imminent birth of a son.

From 10 (with the other three 7s and Queens or Jacks) - the proximity of an interesting position.

SIX OF CLUBS- sea road, useless road, date on the street, in the garden; path to the specified location; road of the club person; there is a big party between the figures.

In an inverted position - you will find yourself in an unpleasant situation, your friends may turn away.

From 10 ♣ – an unexpected proposal to leave.

With an Ace (in figure) - a date in the morning.

With Ace ♦ – date in the afternoon.

With Ace ♣ – date in the evening.

With Ace ♠ – date at night.


ACE OF HEARTS– successful marriage, happiness in the family, satisfaction with the existing environment. Joyful meetings are possible, most likely of a romantic nature.

In an inverted position - unresolved problems, unexpected guests. The likelihood of moving or changing surroundings.

With Ace ♣ – a joyful letter.

C 10 ♠ – sad letter.

With Valet - good news.

From 6 ♣ – date and conversation on the street, in the evening.

From 9 ♠ – revelry and pleasure, a date and a friend’s affection.

KING OF HEARTS– a generous, fair friend or adviser. Success in professional activities. Willingness to help. Influential position. A man with a pale face.

In an inverted position - a changeable, indecisive nature, prone to breaking its own promises. Friendly, but unreliable. Often pompous.

C ♠ – trouble.

C ♣ – receiving money.

C ♣ – troubles.

S – success.

Queen of Hearts– kind, attentive, romantic, cheerful nature. Dark hair, average build.

In an inverted position, she is capable of harboring a grudge and severely taking revenge for rejected love. In other cases, such a Lady can be appeased.

With 6 and 10 - tears for the fortuneteller, but with Jack of Clubs - unexpected joy.

S – success in love for a man.

With other suits - success in an uncertain future.

From 10 - friend.

JACK OF HEARTS– a cheerful, carefree person, a good friend. Prone to romantic interests, especially if he is young and not married.

In an inverted position - serious failure or resentment. Perhaps a person from the military sphere is involved. Antagonism needs to be mitigated.

S – success.

With Ace - good news, a declaration of love.

From 9 ♣ – travel.

With 9 ♣ – avoiding an unpleasant journey.

From 8 – cordial conversation.

From 8 ♣ – talk about monetary interest.

From 8 ♠ – news of the illness or death of a neighbor.

With 8 ♣ – an unpleasant conversation.

With a Lady or King - a guest.

With 7 ♣ (with 4 Queens or sevens) - the imminent birth of a son (while 4 Aces indicate the intelligence and wealth of the son).

TEN OF WORMS- satisfied ambition. Easy, cheerful disposition. Overcoming all obstacles. This card enhances good readings and neutralizes bad ones.

In an inverted position, temporary disappointment or uncertainty may require a change in plans, which probably has something to do with relatives. Limited success.

With the King - love and loyalty of a loved one.

With 10 ♣ – great monetary interest in the near future.

With 7 ♣ - with the other three 7s, with Queens or Jacks - the proximity of an interesting position for the fortuneteller.

From 8 - a private date with your beloved woman.

From 7 - a solitary date, consolation in grief.

From 6 ♣ – fun at a party.

From 9 (with a full suit of reds) - complete enjoyment of love, with a Lady or King - a wedding; otherwise a change in the apartment.

From 6 – a joyful date.

From 9 ♣ - your beloved person will give you her heart, a message or thing from her beloved person.

With 10 ♣ – success in love.

With Ace ♣ – a love or joyful letter.

NINE OF HEARTS- fulfillment of desires. Future honors may bring wealth. Achieving harmony through sincerity and effort. This card is very lucky. With every King and Lady - to love.

In an inverted position - a short unlucky period. Fatigue from excessive work or an abundance of interruptions. Luck and self-confidence will help you overcome difficulties.

From 10 with a full suit of reds - complete pleasure of love, with the King, Queen - a wedding.

From 8 or 7 – a date with your loved one.

From 9 ♣ – your beloved person will give you her heart; news or thing from a loved one.

With some six - an unexpected meeting.

With Lady ♠ – happiness.

EIGHT OF WORMS- love affair, romance. Fulfillment of a long-standing desire. Friends, invitations. The solution to all problems.

In an inverted position - indifference to the opposite sex. Need for sympathetic friends. A big joy of a personal nature, but a quarrel over a trifle can overshadow it.

With Valet - a cordial conversation.

With 7 ♣ – unexpected happiness (left).

From 10 – private meeting.

From 9 – date.

From 10 ♣ (near yours) - receiving money, a large inheritance.

SEVEN OF WORMS- a sign of wisdom. A penchant for contemplation and reflection, combined with a rich imagination. Independence, love of solitude.

In an inverted position - a strong desire for recognition, despondency and depression in its absence. Amorous, flirtatious, jealous nature.

With 10 ♠ – an unexpected offer.

From 10 – a pleasant, secluded date.

From 9 – date.

With 4 Kings - a fun conversation.

SIX OF WORMS– complete success, recognition guaranteed.

In an inverted position - the road for the King, Lady.

C is the path to a dear person.

From 10 – the road and a cordial date.

All nine are undoubted success in love.

March 19th, 2018

There are thousands of species of worms on planet Earth. Some of them are microscopic, but there are also giant ones - for example, Megascolidesaustralis can grow up to 3 meters in length. It is now under protection due to its low reproduction rate and slow development. In addition, its population has suffered greatly due to agricultural development.

However, even these giant worms pale in comparison to ocean worms, whose length can be comparable to the length of an Olympic swimming pool. There are more than 1,000 species of tapeworms. Most reach 1.8-2.1 m in length and approximately 2.5 cm in diameter, but some specimens have reportedly grown up to 60 meters in length.

Most worms serve as food for larger animals. But people have learned to use them in other areas, including, but not limited to: medicine, cosmetics, compost, clothing and food.

10. Night Crawlers

It is well known that various ingredients of animal origin are often used in the cosmetics industry. These ingredients include earthworm feces. After digging and eating the soil, worms leave behind their waste. According to skin care manufacturers, this waste works wonders on people's skin.

Night Crawlers are one of the most common types of earthworms. They can be found in almost every garden, and they are divided into two types: European and Canadian.

European Night Crawlers reach 7.6 centimeters in length and are sometimes used for fishing, composting, or as food for lizards or turtles. Meanwhile, their Canadian counterparts can grow up to 36 centimeters, and they make excellent bait, which even underwater remains alive for more than five minutes, attracting fish with its movements.

Night Crawlers feces are even bought and sold online. They are collected and checked for quality. They are then stored in a humid, ventilated area until shipment.

Manufacturers of anti-aging skin care products containing earthworm excrement claim that they are rich in peptides, auxins, kinetins, humates and cytokinins. Their benefits include hydration, absorption nutrients, strengthening the skin, producing collagen and stimulating the growth of healthy cells.

9. Bloodworm

Bloodworms can be found at the bottom of reservoirs; they have a characteristic red color. Almost all types of fish eat bloodworms, making them an ideal food for even the pickiest eaters.

Bloodworms are widely used by fishermen and are one of the most valuable marine products. Experts estimate that 121,000 tons of these worms are used as bait around the world every year. total amount about 7.5 billion US dollars. This is more than three times the annual income of the American sushi industry.

Connoisseurs say that sea worms are more expensive than any other seafood you can imagine. They are about four times more expensive than lobsters: half a kilo of bloodworms costs more than $80 in the United States.

8. Trematodes

Scientists have discovered that, despite all the harm from these worms, they can also be beneficial. They can help in wound healing. They have special natural compounds in their bodies that promote the growth and healing of blood vessels. Worms use these compounds to heal the wounds they inflict on the body of their host.

7. Butterworms

Butterworms are another species that are often used in fishing. These are the larvae of the Chilean moth, which are considered pests anywhere, but not in Chile. The potential threat of contamination by them has led to strict import controls, however? worms are still regularly imported into the United States. To prevent them from pupating and reproducing, they are irradiated with low doses of radiation.

The main feature of this species is its strong fruity smell, which attracts many types of fish. In addition to catching fish, these worms can also serve as bait for more finicky animals such as iguanas and other reptiles.

6. Mealworms

Mealworms are used in cooking. These are flour beetle larvae that can be grown right in your kitchen to produce a high-protein product.

People make fun of this idea. According to Katharina Unger, founder of home worm farm LivinFarms, you just have to think it's shrimp. She states that worms are so closely related to some seafood that they should not be consumed by those with shellfish allergies.

Livin Farms offers the world's first indoor hives for raising edible insects. Mealworms can feed on vegetable scraps, and the hive will provide them with the microclimate they need for optimal growth. LED lights will indicate when the worms are ready for harvest.

Conceivably, mealworms could replace meat or other protein-rich foods, which is easier and safer than raising other animals for consumption. The worms are said to have a nutty flavor and a crunchy texture.

5. Dung worms

Vermicomposting (composting with worms) is a convenient way to dispose of organic waste. Homemade compost is great for feeding plants. Worms happily process organic trash and food scraps into fertilizer for garden soils while living their normal lives.

Although many other types of earthworms can do this same job, none do it better than dung worms. Some species, for example, cannot live solely on food waste. However, this is not a problem for dung worms. If they are provided with sufficient food and good housing, their numbers can double every 90 days.

Naturally, any organic material goes through a process of decomposition over time. However, thanks to worms, this process is significantly accelerated. Farmers can also compost some of their manure. If you feed the worms with eggshells, the compost will be enriched with calcium. And if you add coffee liquid, the fertilizer will be rich in phosphorus and potassium.

In addition, dung worms can eat tea bags, bread, all fruits except citrus fruits, vegetables, grains and grains. It is recommended to avoid feeding them meat and dairy waste and fats. Humidity is important for worms; they require about 240 milliliters (1 cup) of water per day.

4. Cheese fly larvae

Italy is famous for its delicious food. However, in the eyes of most people, casu marzu cheese, full of fly larvae, is not such a food. This cheese owes its origin to pecorino, a cheese that does not contain any living creatures. Hundreds of years ago, the people of Sardinia decided to fix this.

Casu marzu is made by injecting fly larvae into pecorino cheese to achieve a high level of fermentation. Some people prefer to remove the larvae from the cheese before serving it. Otherwise, they must be eaten alive. It is believed that after the death of the larvae, the cheese becomes dangerous. In the EU, sales of casu marzu are prohibited precisely because of health and safety concerns.

The fats in the cheese quickly decompose and make it soft, almost liquid. The cheese is filled with ammonia, which can cause a slight tingling sensation when eating the cheese and leaves an aftertaste that lasts for hours. Sardinia continues to make casu marzu and continues to try to return it to the list of EU-approved products.

If you don’t have enough larvae in your cheese, you can use them in another way. Their sole purpose for existence is to consume as much food as possible, and their passion for consuming dead flesh can be used to heal people.

Larval therapy is a cleaning method purulent wounds using the larvae of some flies. This method of healing has been used for centuries, dating back to ancient tribes and civilizations. It is possible that the very idea of ​​placing larvae in open wounds sounds scary, but this method has often worked wonders.

The larvae secrete enzymes that coat and break down dead tissue. They then absorb the semi-dissolved substance. In addition, their secretions kill several types of bacteria. There are no treatments yet that can compete with maggots in wound healing.

3. Hookworm

Despite the unsuccessful clinical trials, several cases of recovery from allergies, hay fever and Crohn's disease have been reported. However, such side effects, as the diarrhea and cramps that these worms sometimes cause can outweigh their benefits.

2. Silkworm larvae

Silkworms were first used by humans about 8,500 years ago in China. The Chinese were the first to discover that silkworm cocoons could be unwound and this thread could be woven into beautiful fabrics. Expensive silk was worn exclusively by members of the royal family. The secrets of silk production have been guarded by the Chinese for thousands of years.

In 300 AD silkworms came to Korea and then to Japan. By order of Emperor Justinian, the monks secretly transported silkworm cocoons from China to Europe. Over several centuries, silk production spread throughout Europe and Asia.

Over the years, scientists have learned to genetically modify silkworms to produce the world's strongest natural fiber. It is impossible to use spiders for the same purposes; if they accumulate in one colony, they begin to eat each other.

Kraig Biocraft Laboratories modified silkworms to produce spider threads. This genetically modified silk is stronger than steel, capable of absorbing more than 100,000 joules of kinetic energy.

One of the special grades of fiber was called DragonSilk and was used in the manufacture of protective equipment for American soldiers. Tests conducted by the military showed that its effectiveness was sufficient for the US Army to invest in financing the development of sericulture. The total amount of funds allocated for this purpose amounted to 1.02 million US dollars. The company continues to produce new types of fibers that are superior in quality to the original DragonSilk.

1. Solitaires

Once ingested, the worms attach to the intestinal wall and absorb nutrients, grow continuously and lay eggs, which are expelled in the feces. Some tapeworms live up to 20 years in the body of their host and grow up to 5-10 meters in length.

While most infected people try to get rid of tapeworms, some people deliberately ingest them. One of the symptoms of having a tapeworm is poor absorption of nutrients, so a person, even consuming high-calorie foods, begins to lose weight.

According to scientists, an infected host can lose 0.5-0.9 kilograms per week. Once the target weight is reached, the tapeworm is killed using special drugs. However this is extremely dangerous treatment, and it's only available in Mexico for $1,500.

In practice, this method does result in weight loss, but the weight is immediately restored after the worm is removed. In addition, the worm can cause bloating in the stomach, which goes against desired result. Tapeworms pull vitamins from the body, thereby creating a deficiency in their host. In some cases, the use of tapeworms has resulted in death.

Translation: muz4in.net

Like the Aces of Hearts, the Tens of Hearts are very ambitious, and their ambitions can take them too far. However, they have already grasped the truth in a previous cycle of experience and can be guided by it in this life. They are inventive and usually artistic. These are leaders, not subordinates. They love children and groups that can be perceived as children or an admiring audience. Typically, Tens of Hearts choose a profession related to public speaking, or devote themselves to work for the benefit of a large family. Somehow they are surrounded loving hearts, whose symbols are depicted on their Birth Chart.
Having two Aces in its Life Set and being itself to some extent an Ace (1 + 0 = 10), the Ten of Hearts has a strong desire for self-knowledge. She needs to understand herself and determine what is most important to her in life. Because many Tens of Hearts take on this quest with great enthusiasm, forgetting about everything else, other people may consider them selfish or self-centered. However, selfishness truly manifests itself only in those of them who strive to accumulate money and valuables, neglecting the needs of others. As a rule, Dozens of Hearts value their relationships with people above material acquisitions. They are kind and sympathetic.

A major issue with this card is honesty. The Ten of Hearts must be honest with itself and develop a philosophy for itself that would help it to be frank with other people in any circumstances. Until the Ten of Hearts does this, all its strength will be spent on maintaining the illusions it has created. It would be much more effective to spend this energy on constructive forms of self-expression.

Brief description of the meaning of the card:

  • leadership
  • awareness of one's uniqueness in the world
  • demand
  • public success
  • recognition, awards, popularity
  • need for compliments, recognition
  • obsession with status
  • "star fever

Tens of Hearts are true innovators; they are able to make great contributions to their chosen field if they maintain clarity of judgment. Usually their success depends entirely on what motives they are guided by: selfish or philanthropic.

Ten of Hearts (Hearts) - Card of people born:
July 31 August 29 September 27 October 25 November 23 December 21

Dozens of Hearts are independent and impulsive, but, as a rule, wisdom helps them maintain balance. They can achieve a lot thanks to their innate talents. They are usually gentle and wise; wisdom protects them and guides them in most cases of life.

Relationships with other people

The Ten of Hearts is endowed with the power of love and attracts partners who have the same power. Usually people with this Birth Card are not afraid to pursue love. They are charming and cute. They readily take the first step in a relationship. This is their formula for success in love and marriage. In general, the love karma of the Tens of Hearts is not bad, but some of the indecisiveness inherent in them can still create problems. Relationships with women of the Tambourine suit are usually difficult and karmically determined for them, since it is these women who are capable of awakening indecision and self-doubt in the Ten of Hearts.

Dozens of Hearts are quite witty; but when they try to apply the power of their intellect to love affairs, it can bring trouble. Love can't be planned the way we plan business life. The Ten of Hearts must learn to perceive love emotionally rather than intellectually.

Compatibility with other birth cards

Ten of Hearts men are often attracted to Clubs women. Dozens of Worms of both sexes should, if possible, avoid female Diamonds; Queens of Diamonds are especially dangerous for them. For Ten of Hearts women, relationships with most men of the club suit are also very difficult. Peak men can gain a lot of benefit from communicating with Tens of Hearts of both sexes. Tens of Hearts men can enter into a successful marriage with some Spades women.

Michael Jackson - Ten of Hearts

Many Tens of Hearts strive to work with children or large teams. The fact is that the suit of Hearts generally symbolizes children and the very first years of our lives, and every Ten has a tendency to get overly carried away by things related to its suit. Therefore, it is easy for Tens of Hearts to overdo it when it comes to children, family members, audiences, or students. Michael Jackson is a classic Ten of Hearts as he dedicates most of his life to the public and to children. He even created an amusement park for children on his own land: nothing like this had ever been done by any person before. It is quite obvious that he loves children with all his heart and loves his performances, which are addressed primarily to young audiences. And it is likely that his passion for both at times turns into a real obsession.

It is known that Michael Jackson sometimes works until he is completely exhausted. On tour, he performs almost every night in a row for several months. From the outside it is not entirely clear what makes him adhere to such a difficult work schedule. But if we look at other people born under the influence of the Ten of Hearts, we will most likely notice in them similar features. Their Birth Chart shows ten hearts. The Tens symbolize a large group, and the Ten of Hearts symbolizes a group of children or people gathered together to enjoy art. The Ten of Hearts also represents a wedding, where many people have gathered to celebrate love. People with this Birth Card are characterized by a strong emotional attachment to any group. For Michael Jackson, this team is all the children of our planet. For other Tens of Hearts, this could be a group of students or even subordinates at work.

The Ten of Hearts is a true “Peter Pan card” because its first Karmic Card is the Jack of Clubs. The suit of Hearts itself already speaks of a certain “childishness,” and the young and cheerful Jack as a Karmic Card finally makes the Ten of Hearts an “eternal child” who has decided for himself: “I don’t want to grow up!” It is curious that Michael Jackson actually played the role of Peter Pan - the “Pied Piper of Hamelin” for the little ones.

Number of the card “Ten of Hearts (Hearts)”: 10

Birth Card - Ten of Hearts (Hearts)

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