Home Hygiene What awaits the nature of the earth in the future. Disasters: what awaits the Earth in the future and what happened to it in the past

What awaits the nature of the earth in the future. Disasters: what awaits the Earth in the future and what happened to it in the past

Cat pose in yoga is one of the simplest poses available to almost everyone. This pose gently stretches the spine and gently massages the organs. abdominal cavity. This asana or yoga pose is good for gaining initial overall. Of course, you shouldn’t expect miracles of flexibility, but if you’re just starting to practice yoga, then this pose will be an excellent warm-up before the main complex.

Cat Pose During Pregnancy

Marjariasana (or bidalasana; also called stretching cat pose) is useful for women of all ages, because... has a beneficial effect on women reproductive system. The asana is also useful, but only up to three months.

Another benefit for women is helping with menstrual disorders and leucorrhoea. Marjariasana can also be practiced during menstruation for relief.

Although I have not indicated any particular benefit from this pose for men, nevertheless, this asana is very good for initially warming up the spine and gaining its primary flexibility.


Get on your knees; hands stand shoulder-width apart and rest on the floor all the time. Legs can be kept together or slightly apart; heels apart, feet pointing back, big toes crossed. This is the starting position.

Inhale and bend down, while throwing your head up and back. The arms and legs are motionless when the back is bent. Stay in this position for a couple of seconds.

As you exhale, tilt your head and press your chin to the interclavicular fossa, at the same time arching your back upward, as an angry cat does (or a cat, if you prefer :)). This is one cycle. Do 10 cycles, but without tension. Remember to breathe!

TIP: If you tighten your stomach as you exhale, the effect of cat pose will be greater.

As you can see, the cat pose is good for both pregnant women and women. Despite its simplicity, the pose is really effective, and is great for warming up before practicing asanas.

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The earth is in a constant state of change. Whether the result of human activity or solar disturbances, the future of Earth is guaranteed to be more than interesting, but not without chaos. The following list presents the ten major events that the Earth is predicted to experience over the next billions of years.

1. New Ocean
~10 million years
One of the hottest places on Earth, the Afar Depression is located between Ethiopia and Eritrea - on average 100 meters below sea level. At this point, there is only 20 km between the surface and the boiling hot magma, and the land is slowly thinning due to tectonic movements. Comprising a killer array of volcanoes, geysers, earthquakes and toxic heated water, the depression is unlikely to become a resort; but in 10 million years, when this geological activity ceases, leaving only a dry basin, this place will eventually fill with water and a new ocean will form - perfect place for water skiing in summer.

2. An event with a huge impact on Earth

~100 million years
Given Earth's rich history and the relatively large amount of random debris swirling through space threatening planets, scientists predict that within the next 100 million years, Earth will be impacted by some kind of event comparable to the event that caused the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event 65 million years ago. Of course, bad news for any life on planet Earth. And while some species will undoubtedly survive, the impact will likely mark the end of the Age of Mammals - the current Cenozoic era - and the Earth will instead enter new era complex life forms. Who knows what kind of life will flourish on this newly cleansed Earth? Maybe one day we will share the universe with intelligent invertebrates or amphibians. On this moment, we can only imagine what will happen.

3. Pangea Ultima
~250 million years
Over the next 50 million years, Africa, which has been migrating northward for the last 40 million years, will eventually begin to collide with southern Europe. This movement will seal the Mediterranean Sea for 100 million years, and create thousands of kilometers of new mountain ranges to the delight of climbers around the world. Australia and Antarctica are also eager to be part of this new supercontinent, and will continue to move north to merge with Asia. While all this is happening, America will continue its course westward, further away from Europe and Africa, towards Asia.
What happens next is still being discussed. It is believed that while the Atlantic Ocean is rising, a subduction zone will form at the western boundary, which will stretch from the floor of the Atlantic Ocean deep into the earth. This would effectively change the direction in which America is heading, eventually bringing it to the eastern edge of the Eurasian supercontinent within about 250 million years. If this does not happen, we can expect both Americas to continue their journey westward until they merge with Asia. In any case, we can hope for the formation of a new hypercontinent: Pangea Ultima - 500 million years after the creation of the previous continent, Pangea. After this, it will likely split again and begin a new cycle of drift and merger.

4. Gamma Ray Burst
~600 million years
If an event with a huge impact on the Earth, repeating every few hundred million years, seems like a good idea, then know that the Earth constantly has to contend with rare gamma-ray bursts - streams of ultra-high energy radiation usually emitted by supernovas. Although we experience weak gamma-ray bursts every day, an explosion occurring in a nearby solar system - within 6,500 light-years of us - has enough potential to wreak havoc in its path.

With more energy than the Sun produced in its entire life life cycle, which would hit Earth in minutes or even seconds, gamma rays would burn up much of the Earth's ozone layer, causing radical climate change and widespread environmental damage, including mass extinctions.
Some believe that this burst of gamma rays triggered the second largest mass extinction in history: the Ordovician-Silurian extinction event 450 million years ago, which wiped out 60% of all life on Earth.
Like all events in astronomy, the exact timing of the set of events that will trigger an Earth-bound gamma-ray burst is very difficult to predict, although typical estimates put the period at 0.5-2 billion years. But this time could be reduced to a million years if the threat of the Eta Carinae Nebula is realized.

5. Uninhabitable
~1.5 billion years
Because the Sun gets hotter as it grows in size, the Earth will eventually become uninhabitable due to its proximity to the hot sun. By this time, everyone, even the most stable forms of life on Earth, will die. The oceans will dry up completely, leaving only deserts of burnt earth. As time passes and temperatures rise, the Earth may follow the path of Venus and become a toxic wasteland as it heats up to the boiling point of many toxic metals. What remains of humanity will have to vacate this space in order to survive. Fortunately, by that time Mars will have entered the habitable zone and will be able to serve as a temporary shelter for the remaining people.

6. Disappearance magnetic field
~2.5 billion years
Some believe, based on today's understanding of the Earth's core, that within 2.5 billion years the Earth's outer core will no longer be liquid, but will begin to freeze. As the core cools, the Earth's magnetic field will slowly decay until it ceases to exist at all. In the absence of a magnetic field, there will be nothing to protect the Earth from solar winds, and the Earth's atmosphere will gradually lose its light compounds - such as ozone - and gradually turn into miserable remains of itself. Now with an atmosphere similar to Venus, the Earth will experience the full force of solar radiation, making an already inhospitable land even more treacherous.

7. Internal catastrophe of the solar system
~3.5 billion years
In about 3 billion years, there is a small but significant chance that Mercury's orbit will elongate in such a way that it will cross the path of Venus. At the moment we cannot predict exactly what will happen and when it will happen, but in the best case, Mercury will simply be absorbed by the Sun or destroyed as a result of a collision with its older sister Venus. What about the worst case scenario? Earth could collide with any of the other non-gaseous planets, whose orbits would be radically destabilized by Mercury. If somehow internal solar system remains intact and continues to operate uninterrupted, then within five billion years the orbit of Mars will intersect with the Earth, once again creating the possibility of disaster.

8. New picture of the night sky
~4 billion years
Years will pass, and any life on Earth will be pleased to observe the steady growth of the Andromeda galaxy in the picture of our starry sky. It will be a truly magnificent sight to see a perfectly formed spiral galaxy glowing in the sky, full of majesty, but it won't last forever. Over time, it will begin to become horribly distorted and merge with Milky Way, throwing the stable star arena into chaos. Even though there is a direct collision celestial bodies unlikely, there is a small chance that our solar system could be extracted and thrown into the abyss of the universe. Either way, our night sky will be, at least temporarily, decorated with trillions of new stars

9. Garbage Ring
~5 billion years
Despite the fact that the Moon is constantly receding at a distance of 4 cm per year, the Sun has entered the red giant phase and it is likely that the current trend will stop. The additional force exerted on the Moon by the huge, inflated star would be enough to crash the Moon directly onto Earth. When the Moon reaches its Roche limit, it will begin to disintegrate as the force of gravity exceeds the force holding the satellite together. After this, perhaps a ring of debris will form around the Earth, giving any life on earth a beautiful display until the debris falls to the ground after many millions of years.
If this doesn't happen, there is another way the Moon could fall back to its parent planet. If the Earth and Moon continue to exist in their current form with their unchanged orbits, then in about 50 billion years the Earth will become tidally locked with the Moon. Shortly after this event, the Moon's orbital altitude will begin to decay, while the Earth's rotation rate will rapidly increase. This process will continue until the Moon reaches the Roche limit and disintegrates, forming a ring around the Earth.

10. Destruction
The likelihood that the Earth will collapse within the next tens of billions of years is very high. Whether in the cold grip of a treacherous planet, or from suffocation in the arms of our dying Sun, it will undoubtedly be a sad moment for all the surviving people - even if they do not remember which planet it is.

The earth is in a constant state of change. This list highlights the top ten events that our planet is predicted to experience over the next billion years.

~10 million years

New satellite observations show that a new ocean is slowly forming on planet Earth, beginning in the fall of 2012 and gradually continuing to grow. This ocean, apparently, in the future, will divide Africa into 2 continents. It began to form after an earthquake in eastern Africa - a crack 8 meters wide and 60 kilometers long instantly appeared. It is estimated that 10 million years will pass before geological activity in this region ceases, leaving behind only dry pools that will fill with water and form a new ocean.

~100 million years

Considering the large number of objects that circulate chaotically in space, there is a possibility that in the next 100 million years, our planet will collide with such an object. This would be comparable to what caused the extinction of the dinosaurs 65 million years ago. No doubt some species will survive.
Who knows what kind of life would thrive on such a planet? Maybe one day we will share the Earth with intelligent invertebrates or amphibians.

~250 million years

Pangea Ultima is a hypothetical supercontinent into which all existing continents are predicted to merge in approximately 200-300 million years. In the future of planet Earth, or more precisely, approximately 50 million years from now, Africa will migrate north and eventually collide with southern Europe. Australia and Antarctica will also become part of the new supercontinent, moving north until they collide with Asia.

~600 million years

A gamma-ray burst is a large-scale cosmic pulse of explosive energy observed in distant parts of the galaxy that is capable of wiping out much of the Earth's ozone layer, thereby causing radical changes in climate and widespread environmental damage, including mass extinctions. In a few seconds, a gamma-ray burst can release as much energy as our Sun releases over 10 billion years.

~1.5 billion years

The Sun is gradually getting hotter and slowly increasing in size, which will eventually lead to the Earth being too close to the Sun. Due to this, the oceans will dry out completely, leaving behind only deserts with burning soil. But fortunately, Mars at this moment can serve as a temporary refuge for all the remaining people.

~2.5 billion years

Scientists believe, based on today's understanding of the Earth's core, that the Earth's outer core will no longer be liquid - it will harden. The Earth's magnetic field will slowly disappear until it ceases to exist at all. In the absence of a magnetic field, which protects the planet from harmful solar radiation, the earth's atmosphere will gradually lose its light compounds, such as ozone.

~3.5 billion years

There is a small chance that in the future, Mercury's orbit will elongate and cut off the path of Venus. Although we cannot imagine exactly what will happen when this happens. At best, Mercury will simply be absorbed by the Sun or destroyed as a result of a collision with Venus. At worst? Earth could collide with any other large non-gaseous planet - orbits that would be radically destabilized by Mercury.

~4 billion years

There is a possibility that new stars will appear in our night sky - the Andromeda Galaxy. It will probably be a truly wonderful sight. But over time, these new stars will begin to terribly distort the Milky Way, merging together they will create a chaotic picture of the night sky we are familiar with. If anything, our night sky will be, at least temporarily, decorated with trillions of newest stars.

~5 billion years

The additional force acting on the Moon - the stars - will be enough for the Moon to slowly fall onto the Earth. When the Moon reaches the Roche limit, it will begin to disintegrate. After this, it is possible that debris from the Moon will form a ring around the Earth, which will fall on our planet for many millions of years.

The likelihood that the Earth will collapse within the next tens of billions of years is high. Either it will become a rogue planet, or will be absorbed into the “embrace” of the dying Sun, or... Let's just hope that the Earth does not suffer a sad fate.

On the scale of the history of the planet and even of humanity, the life of one particular person is catastrophically short. We, born at the turn of the millennium, were lucky to witness unprecedented technological progress and the flourishing of civilization. But what will happen next? In 50, 10, 1000 years? In these documentaries, eminent scientists and researchers will try to imagine what awaits humanity and our planet in the future.

Age of Fools

The film will paint us a picture of the near future (2055), when global warming is already destroying humanity. Main character The film should send a message to those people who may survive. The purpose of the message is to draw conclusions about why all this happened.

From a scientific point of view: Earth Apocalypse

Imagine our planet in 250 million years. It will faintly resemble today's Earth; most likely it will be one large continent, mostly occupied by deserts. There will be no oceans in today's view. Coastal zones will be destroyed by devastating storms. Ultimately, planet Earth is doomed to destruction.

Wild world of the future

Without a time machine, you will be transported into the future 5,000,000, 100,000,000 and 200,000,000 years to see a world worthy of the pen of a brilliant science fiction writer. But what appears before your eyes is not fiction at all! Using the most complex calculations, strictly substantiated forecasts and a wealth of knowledge in biology and geology, leading scientists from the USA, Great Britain, Germany and Canada, together with masters of computer animation, created a portrait of our planet and its inhabitants many centuries after the last person leaves it.

The world in 2050

Can you imagine our world in 2050? By mid-century, there will already be about 9 billion people on the planet, consuming more and more resources, surrounded by an increasingly technological environment. What will our cities be like? How will we eat in the future? Is global warming coming or will engineers have the opportunity to prevent the climate crisis? This BBC documentary examines the problem of overpopulation on earth. Of course, demographic problems await us in the future. Rockefeller Institute theoretical biologist Joel Cohen suggests that it is likely that most people in the world will live in urban areas and their average duration life will be significantly higher.

New world- Future life on earth

Programs from the “New World” series tell us about the latest technologies, developments, radical ideas that are already shaping the world of the future today. What will life on our planet be like in a few decades? Will there really be cities under the ocean, bio-suits and space tourism; will machines be able to develop super-speed, and human life expectancy will reach 150 years? Scientists say our descendants will live in floating cities, fly to work and travel underwater. The time of polluted megacities will end, because people will stop driving cars, and the invention of the teleport will save cities from eternal traffic jams.

Earth 2100

The very idea that within the next century, life as we know it could end will seem very strange to many. Our civilization may collapse, leaving only traces of human existence. To change your future, you must first imagine it. It seems outlandish, extraordinary and even impossible. But according to ultra-modern scientific research, this is very real opportunity. And if we continue to live the way we live now, all this will definitely happen.

Life after people

This film is based on the results of a study of territories suddenly abandoned by people, as well as possible consequences stopping the maintenance of buildings and urban infrastructure. Hypothesis about abandoned world Illustrated with digital images showing the subsequent fate of such architectural masterpieces as the Empire State Building, Buckingham Palace, Sears Tower, Space Needle, Golden Gate Bridge and Eiffel Tower.

From a scientific point of view: The Death of the Earth

Planet Earth: 4 billion years of evolution, all this will disappear. Titanic forces are already at work that will destroy the world as we know it. Together with scientific researchers we will make a grand journey into the future of the Earth in which natural disasters They will wipe out all life and destroy the planet itself. We begin the countdown to the end of the world.

Consequences: An Overcrowded Planet

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