Home Wisdom teeth What's new in the world of science in the Russian Federation. Scientific news

What's new in the world of science in the Russian Federation. Scientific news

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    Specialists of the materials science and technology department of composite, magnetic and special materials of JSC High-Tech Research Institute of Inorganic Materials named after. A.A. Bochvara (part of the TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom) were one of the first in Russia to obtain samples of silicon carbide fiber (SiC fiber) containing 10-12% oxygen. This is the first step towards the creation of oxygen-free SiC fiber (with an oxygen content of less than 5%), which will allow scientists to get closer to creating a new generation of fuel elements based on silicon carbide.

    Further improvement of oxygen-free fiber manufacturing technology will significantly increase the heat resistance, heat resistance and corrosion resistance of the SiC composite. “There is great demand for silicon carbide fiber in Russia, as it is used in aircraft and shipbuilding, space and many other industries. Currently, long-length - more than 100 meters - fiber in Russian Federation no one produces. This makes the VNIINM project in demand for the development of not only nuclear energy, but also other sectors of domestic industry,” emphasized Alexey Glebov, project manager at VNIINM JSC.

    Video from youtube.com

    Development by a resident of the Skolkovo biomedical technology cluster - disabled carriage with an electric drive, which allows you to use stairs without ramps and outside assistance - has been certified in the European Union and can be sold on the European market. The press service of the Skolkovo Foundation reported this on Wednesday.

    “The Caterwil GTS electric wheelchair from Caterwil has been certified in the European Union and is entering the European market. Using a Caterwil electric wheelchair, a person can independently climb and descend stairs without lifts, ramps or outside assistance,” the message says.

    Caterwil GTS is equipped with electric drive on wheeled and tracked platforms. A wheeled platform is used to move on a flat surface, and a tracked platform is used to overcome stairs, curbs and other obstacles. At the same time, it is no larger in size than a regular electric wheelchair.

  • phototass2.cdnvideo.ru

For more than ten years, engineers have been developing the mechanism and operating principle of a machine that can provide an entire house with heat, light, hot and clean drinking water. We'll tell you what happened in the end.

Now there will be no problems with heat, light and water. And all this without the use of boiler rooms, power lines and other communications. Such a “communal paradise without hassle and worries,” as the song says, may appear in Russia in the near future thanks to the unique development of Pskov scientists. In the laboratories of Pskov State University, they designed an autonomous life support module, the “heart” of which is a rotary-blade engine with an external heat supply.

  • rostec.ru
  • The Shvabe holding of the Rostec State Corporation has manufactured a prototype of a domestic device for non-invasive nasal breathing support. It will help reduce the risk of chronic lung diseases in children born ahead of schedule. The device itself is lightweight and compact in size, and its use does not require surgical intervention.

    A sample of the new CPAP breathing support device was developed and manufactured at one of the enterprises of the Shvabe holding - the Ural Optical-Mechanical Plant named after E.S. Yalamova (UOMZ). The device is intended for respiratory therapy of newborns without the use of intubation. Serial production of the product will begin in 2019. The device will be in demand by perinatal centers and other obstetric institutions.

  • optim.kalashnikov.media
  • ZALA AERO presented a unique alternative navigation system GIRSAM at international exhibition"INTERPOLITEX-2018". It allows unmanned aerial vehicles not to lose control in conditions of suppression of the SNS signal (GPS/GLONASS) - a similar method is used by most anti-drone devices.

    The advantages of GIRSAM include fast deployment, noise immunity, low radio visibility, positioning accuracy, and the functioning of cascade signal relay. The alternative navigation system GIRSAM ensures the successful completion of assigned tasks regardless of the presence of a signal from satellite systems.

    In addition, ZALA presented other latest developments at the exhibition: UAVs with the ability to land on a water surface, effective aerial monitoring from altitudes of 1500-2500 m, automatic object recognition using artificial intelligence significantly expand the range of tasks to be solved, as well as a new line of electronic warfare equipment.

  • rostec.ru
  • The Shvabe Holding of the Rostec State Corporation received a patent for a device for monitoring the proportion of aromatics in light petroleum products. The polarimeter can be used in oil refineries, oil depots and fuel quality control centers.

    A patent for the invention was issued to specialists of the holding company - Shvabe - Technological Laboratory. The use of the finished invention at oil refineries, oil depots and other industries will be able to increase the efficiency of assessing the quality of gasoline, diesel fuel, kerosene and other petroleum products.

    There are no similar devices in Russia. According to the developers, the proportion of aromatic hydrocarbons is now measured by chromatographs, but they are expensive and are used only in laboratory conditions.

    Specialists from the St. Petersburg State Marine Technical University (SPbGMTU) have produced the first prototype of an aircraft engine outer ring blank. The diameter of their titanium workpiece exceeds 2 m, the weight reaches 80 kg.

  • sudostroenie.info

  • cdn1.img.inosmi.ru
  • "Lada Niva" is the oldest one sold on this moment SUV with the best price. But now he is preparing a successor: the Lada 4x4 Vision is presented. The fashionable “tactical” design catches the eye. True, it costs money, but Lada needs to preserve its main thing competitive advantage— accessibility, says Stern. But for now there is every chance of success in Europe.

  • roscosmos.ru
  • Young scientists from the Russian Space Systems holding (RKS, part of the Roscosmos State Corporation) presented a project for a spacecraft for collecting and recycling debris in Earth orbit (SCM - space debris collector) at the International Salon of Inventions and innovative technologies"Archimedes-2019". This is an original solution that involves the possibility of recycling fragments of spent satellites and upper stages into fuel, which will then be used by the device itself to continue clearing debris from higher orbits.

    The presented project, developed and patented by an RKS employee on his own initiative, involves the creation of a spacecraft that, using a special network, will be able to collect failed small satellites, debris from spacecraft and upper stages, and other operational debris.

    The author of the project, RKS research engineer Maria Barkova: “The fundamental difference between our solution and existing similar projects is the processing of space debris into pseudo-liquid fuel. This makes it possible to solve several problems at once - to ensure waste-free destruction of debris and maximum service life of the device, as well as to minimize the cost of its launch into orbit. In fact, our device will act like a predator that hunts garbage to get additional energy."

  • The Chepetsk Mechanical Plant (ChMZ JSC, part of the TVEL Fuel Company of Rosatom) received a Russian patent for wire for processing metallurgical melts and a method for its manufacture.

    The patented method is used for the production, among other things, of calcium injection wire (CIW). The unique technology was developed by specialists from the Chepetsk Mechanical Plant several years ago, which opened up new opportunities for the domestic metallurgical industry. And today the Chepetsk Mechanical Plant is the only Russian manufacturer of calcium injection wire from electrolytic calcium of its own production.

    The instrumentation is a monolithic electrolytic calcium in a steel shell. It is used for the optimal mode of out-of-furnace processing of metallurgical melts, which allows increasing the performance properties of steel. Due to better absorption of calcium, it provides material savings of 3-5 times compared to traditional calcium-containing powder wire.

    Sechenov University announced the development of a mobile artificial kidney. The invention will make it possible to “untie” those suffering renal failure. For now, they are forced to spend several hours in a lying position.

    Patients are forced to remain in a lying or semi-sitting position for several hours due to the bulkiness of the devices that filter the blood. This is the so-called dialysis, or blood purification. The alternative is a kidney transplant. But while the transplant takes place, the person suffering from kidney failure has to be tied to a hospital bed.

    Sechenov University has proposed a new alternative. Scientists have invented a device that will allow dialysis solution to be pumped through a catheter into the abdominal cavity. The device can be carried in a backpack. It weighs 3.5 kilograms. This is an artificial portable kidney.

    “The device consists of a system of pumps and valves that circulate liquid through a system of filters for mechanical cleaning, while the device is controlled via a smartphone,” explained the university press service.

    The first tests have already been completed. The device has been tested on animals. Tests have shown that the device is safe. It is claimed that it helped increase the efficiency of blood purification several times.

    If you take you back to the mid-90s, it will take you a very long time to get used to life there. And it’s not a fact that you’ll get used to it. The point is not that the dollar then cost 3,926 rubles, but that it was a world without widespread Internet and without mobile phones. We decided to figure out which technologies will also change our reality in the coming years.


    We initially liked Google Glass with its augmented reality and ability to capture everything you see, but then we realized they had one a big problem. It's not the price or the software, but the fact that Google Glass makes anyone look like a complete idiot. By the way, people from Google also understood this - they invited a designer from Apple and sent the product for revision. But while the glasses are being completed, it may turn out that no one will need them anymore, because “smart” contact lenses are on the way.

    Less pretentious and noticeable to others, they are capable of giving a person Terminator-like super vision. Thus, the Innovega company, which once worked on a project of such lenses for the US military in collaboration with the DARPA agency, now plans to release a civilian version called iOptik.

    With these lenses, of course, you won’t be able to, like Schwarzenegger’s hero, immediately determine whether the size of your opponent’s clothes in a fight will suit you, but you will receive email and messages from social networks immediately in your eye, as well as see navigator tips right on the road to Sarah Connor. In addition, these “smart” lenses, like their regular counterparts, will correct your vision: you will be able to read signs on the street even from a skyscraper window (they promise that iOptik will have a built-in zoom).

    And since we started this article with Google products, we’ll end with it - in addition to the mentioned glasses, this company is also working on lenses. Google is testing a model for diabetics: a system is built into the lenses that checks the sugar level in a person's tears every second and sends the data to a smartphone. Perhaps in the future it will be able to display the sugar level directly on the picture that a person sees with the eye, as in computer game you see the health status of your hero.

    Expected: in 2020

    Possible problems: and now about the sad thing - at the moment, for full-fledged operation, iOptik “smart” lenses need glasses with built-in projectors, which display all the additional information on their surface. Well, at least you don’t have to carry a backpack with batteries with you.


    The sky outside your window will soon become much noisier - drones will deliver mail, parcels and purchases from stores. However, that’s why we’ll better tell you what will happen to this food next. Scanners are coming that will be able to tell in detail exactly how much of certain useful substances are contained in what you are about to eat.

    It will be easier than ever to control your diet. The Israeli company Consumer Physics is ready to begin production of such gadgets, called SciO, as soon as it raises $200,000 on a crowdfunding platform.

    A device the size of a flash card will understand from the light reflected from the product what it consists of, and, after checking with cloud service, via Bluetooth will display the exact composition on the screen of your smartphone. Finally, it will be possible to check how environmentally friendly “farm products” are.

    Expected: in 2017

    Possible problems: There don’t seem to be any problems with the scanner, but as far as drones are concerned, things are not so rosy. Already, robot flights are banned in some cities, and given the ever-increasing security measures, it will not be easy for them to get the green light.


    Virtual reality is becoming more and more real, and headsets like the Oculus Rift are proof of this. Soon it will be possible, wearing special glasses or a helmet, to instantly not only see the most distant countries from your sofa, but also feel their aroma. Harvard University professor David Edwards, in partnership with his student Rachelle Field, has already shown a device called oPhone, which can form up to 300,000 odors from special cartridges, so this future is just around the corner.

    “Virtual leisure can be an excellent way to relieve stress,” says Professor Karol Żliczyński from the Silesian University of Technology. - Research shows that a virtual walk is even more relaxing than a regular one.

    Expected: in 2017

    Possible problems: It is better to refrain from using it when watching porn and horror films.


    Arkady Raikin also called for attaching a dynamo to the ballerina’s leg so that it would generate current. And he was right. “Our bodies are constantly producing energy, some of which is wasted,” says Dr Joe Briscoe from Queen Mary University of London. “If we could use at least part of it, the problem of unexpectedly dead phones would be solved.”

    Dr. Briscoe is experimenting with piezoelectric materials that generate energy when they are stretched or compressed. This technology also has a second advantage - clothing made from such materials allows you to track every movement of a person, which can be useful when caring for the sick or monitoring criminals under house arrest.

    Expected: in the coming year

    Possible problems: For now, the material turns out to be quite hard and unpleasant for the body, so such clothes will not suit either ballerinas or athletes.


    Evgeny Leonov’s hero in “Big Change” also tried to study in his sleep. It didn't work out for him. And you might succeed.

    Dream analysis was useful in Freud's time, but your dream may serve you differently in the future. Neurological studies show that learning in sleep is real, the main thing is to synchronize it with the phases of a person’s sleep (and today even fitness bracelets have learned to track them). How about learning kung fu using the Neo system from The Matrix?

    During sleep, the brain structures and “organizes” the knowledge acquired during the day, and it is quite possible to influence this process, stimulating neurons and strengthening memory.

    Expected: in 2030

    Possible problems: Most likely, it will not be possible to completely shift learning to sleep time, and at night we will only be able to consolidate previously learned material.


    "Green" ways of generating electricity are already saving the planet, but this does not reflect in any way on your electricity bills. But never mind, soon everything will fall into place: environmentally friendly current will flow into your sockets, and “green” (and this time we’re talking about dollars) will flow into your pockets.

    Draw a meter by meter square on the wall next to the window of your apartment. One fine (and not too distant) day, as soon as the sun floods it with its light, you will receive a flow of electricity capable of lighting 7 100-watt light bulbs.

    Scientists are now close to creating a paint that replaces solar panels, which could supply your home with energy, and possibly money (if you decide to sell excess electricity to your neighbors). This paint contains so-called quantum dots - microscopic conductors or semiconductors. When it goes on sale, you will be able to read with a smile the news that “tariffs for the population will grow at a faster pace in 2017–18.”

    Expected: in 2019

    Possible problems: So far, the efficiency of the paint is 15–20 times lower than that of conventional solar panels.


    Scientists will soon be able to grow new legs, lungs, fingers or scalps with hair directly on the patient's body. You don't have much in common with an amphibian. Alas. Cut off her leg and it will grow back, fully functional and absolutely healthy. Perform the same trick on you, and the result will be tragic.

    Scientists believe this is temporary. They are working on a technology for growing spare parts based on the patient's own stem cells directly on his body. If now, after a donor organ transplant, a person has to take drugs that suppress the immune system for the rest of his life, then it will be much easier for the body to get used to an organ or limb obtained from its own cells. Especially if transplant surgery is not required.

    In the summer of 2015, biotechnologists from the Massachusetts General Hospital at Harvard University were able to obtain a fully functional rat's paw in a few weeks, and they are much more proud of it than the kidneys, lungs and heart that were previously recreated using a similar algorithm.

    The fact is that the paw (read - leg or arm) is more complex, as it consists of muscles, bones, cartilage, ligaments, nerves and blood vessels, but everything went well. And although this paw grew in a test tube, in the future there are plans to transfer this process to the patient's body.

    “Already today we see almost unlimited potential for creating any part of the human body,” says Dr David Pan, director of the research program at the British Regenerative Medicine Platform. “The goal is to learn how to use the patient’s own stem cells to repair cells or tissues on site, which could revolutionize transplantation, because the very need to do transplants of anything will disappear. This will be a revolution in medicine!”

    Expected: in 2025

    Possible problems: for the foreseeable future, such treatments will be very expensive. Even small “spare parts” for experimental rodents cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.


    Late diagnosis and incorrect treatment- the main killers on our planet. It's time to send them to three letters - DNA. It could be just a dust allergy, or it could be dengue fever, syphilis or the Ebola virus. Fears of disease may become a thing of the past, along with unpleasant medical procedures like gastro- or colonoscopy, which will seem as barbaric as bloodletting seems today.

    The era of DNA medicine is coming. The UK National Health Service (NHS) has allocated £300,000,000 for the massive 100,000 Genomes Project, which will sequence the genomes of 100,000 people with cancer or one of the rare diseases. hereditary diseases. Similar projects, but on a smaller scale, exist in other countries. Their goal is not only to learn as much as possible early stages notice the signs future illness, but also select the most appropriate one based on the patient’s DNA effective remedy fight her.

    Dr. Jeff Barrett, practicing genetic research at the Sanger Institute, believes that our DNA will replace the usual medical records, which will allow doctors to get all the necessary information about what is happening inside you, without having to invade your body from the front or back door.

    Expected: in 2022

    Possible problems: DNA databases will become a new target for criminals, because they will allow them to blackmail people and even kill them without weapons, selecting individual poisons that may consist of completely harmless substances.


    The flu mutates year after year, so we never have a vaccine that would guarantee full protection. While scientists are developing a new one, the disease itself is changing. This was the case, but soon everything will change: a medicine is already in development that affects the proteins in the core of the virus, through which the disease spreads throughout your body. If everything works out, the new medicine will nip the flu in the bud, and you won’t even notice how you got infected and recovered.

    Expected: in 2023

    Possible problems: you'll have to find a new excuse for missing work.


    As you know, all restrictions and boundaries are in your head. Turn it off, and your results in sports will increase; it’s not for nothing that violent crazy people sometimes show strength and invulnerability that Superman himself would envy. However, even sensible people are capable of unexpected feats at certain moments. For example, when their life is in danger.

    If Rocky had used a real angry tiger while training instead of the song Eye of the Tiger, he would have run up not only the stairs, but the wall of the building. And that's a fact. The body always reserves a certain amount of energy for emergencies.

    Scientists are now looking for ways to easily access this NT. If they succeed, perhaps we, at will, will be able to not only instantly open a second wind, but we will even learn to slow down time for ourselves, as happens in the case of great danger, when in seconds you manage to remember the smallest details.

    Expected: in 2019

    Possible problems: Some techniques are being tested, but their safety for your health is still in question.

    • Anton Ivanov


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      Scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Princeton University and Harvard University have determined safe levels of aerosol emissions into the atmosphere to reflect sunlight and reduce the increase in global warming. In other words, solar geoengineering can be used as the only effective...

      2019-03-12 132 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

      Experts from the American Academy of Neurology have found that drinking sugary drinks and soda increases the severity of symptoms of multiple sclerosis, a common autoimmune disease, in which the central nervous system. This was reported in a press release on EurekAlert!. The study involved 135 people..

      2019-03-10 171 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

      What is SEO? Search Engine Optimization – search engine optimization of your website to raise it to the top of search engine leaders. People most often click on the first 2-3 options. Nowadays, any self-respecting company has a website. People are ordering more and more products...

      2019-03-10 143 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

      Specialists from the US National Center for Atmospheric Research and Rutgers University explained the dangers of using atomic weapons in the conflict between India and Pakistan. Even if only a fraction of the countries' nuclear missiles are launched, it will seriously affect the global climate...

      2019-03-03 145 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

      Scientists at Rutgers University in the United States have found that rising ocean temperatures due to climate change are leading to a significant decline in fisheries, which is exacerbated by overfishing. This was reported in a press release on Phys.org. Researchers studied the impact of warming of the world's oceans on 235 populations..

      2019-03-03 132 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

      Many of us who travel frequently sometimes plan our route not just to be the shortest, but also to ensure that it goes through certain airports. The reason is that at some airports there is simply nothing to do, and at some you won't even have enough time to...

      2018-11-15 1112 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

      From November 10 to November 16, 2004, aircraft and ships of the US Navy Nimitz carrier strike group three times attempted to pursue a maneuvering unidentified flying object (UFO) over the waters off the Baja California Peninsula (Mexico). Details of the incident are reported by The War Zone. Although information about the meeting of the US Navy with Tic Tac is for the first time..

      2018-06-04 21779 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

      Chinese scientists plan to increase rainfall in the Tibetan Plateau to 10 billion cubic meters per year. As part of the Tianhe (Sky River) project, tens of thousands of chambers will be installed in the mountains, which will release particles of silver iodide into the atmosphere - a compound...

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      Swiss physicists have demonstrated for the first time the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox (EPR paradox) on a quantum system consisting of 600 rubidium atoms. Scientists managed to break local realism by creating entanglement between two parts of a cloud of super-cooled gas and proving the possibility of control.

      2018-05-02 5674 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

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      2018-03-04 3713 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

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      2018-01-28 2719 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

      An international group of scientists from France and Canada has suggested that human consciousness is a byproduct of the growth of entropy. In mathematics, the latter is equal to the amount of information that a system can contain. In the human brain, entropy is determined by the maximum possible number of configurations...

      2018-01-28 3165 0 Miscellaneous, interesting

      MSU scientists studied chemical composition organic films left in the folded imprints of ancient Beltanelliformis organisms. It turned out that the mysterious creatures were colonies of bottom cyanobacteria. This was reported in a press release received by the editors of Lenta.ru. Beltanelliformis are one of the oldest forms..

      2016 was rich in high-profile scientific discoveries and spectacular technical achievements. The discoveries are widely covered in the media, and the most interesting new gadgets were demonstrated at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES). For 50 years now it has been a launching pad for innovation and hi-end technologies.

      December has arrived and it's time to sum it up the most interesting results of 2016 in science and technology.

      10. Multicellular life is the result of genetic mutation

      The GK-PID molecule allows cells to divide by avoiding malignant tumors. At the same time, the ancient gene, an analogue of GK-PID, was a building enzyme necessary for the creation of DNA. Scientists have suggested that in some ancient single-celled organism 800 million years ago the GK gene was duplicated, one of the copies of which then mutated. This caused the appearance of the GK-PID molecule, which allowed cells to divide correctly. This is how multicellular organisms appeared

      9. New prime number

      It became 2^74,207,281 – 1. The discovery is useful for cryptography problems where both very complex and simple Mersenne numbers are used (49 of them were discovered in total).

      8. Planet Nine

      Scientists from the California Institute of Technology have provided evidence that solar system there is a ninth planet. Its orbital period is 15,000 years. However, due to its colossal orbit, not a single astronomer was able to see this planet.

      7. Eternal data storage

      This 2016 invention was made possible thanks to nanostructured glass, on which information is recorded using ultra-high-speed short and laser pulses. The glass disk holds up to 360 TB of data and can withstand temperatures up to a thousand degrees.

      6. Relationship between the blind eye and four-toed vertebrates

      A fish called the Taiwan blind eye, which can crawl along walls, has been found to have anatomical abilities similar to amphibians or reptiles. This discovery will allow biologists to better study how the process of transformation of prehistoric fish into terrestrial tetrapods took place.

      5. Vertical landing of a space rocket

      Typically, spent rocket stages either fall into the ocean or burn up in the atmosphere. Now they can be used for subsequent projects. The launch process will be significantly faster and cheaper, and the time between launches will be reduced.

      4. Cybernetic implant

      A special chip implanted into the brain of a completely paralyzed man has restored his ability to move his fingers. It sends signals to a glove worn on the subject's hand, which contains electrical wires that stimulate certain muscles and cause the fingers to move.

      3. Stem cells will help people after a stroke

      Scientists at Stanford University School of Medicine injected human stem cells into the brains of 18 volunteers who had suffered a stroke. All subjects showed improvement in mobility and general well-being.

      2. Carbon dioxide stones

      Icelandic scientists pumped carbon dioxide into volcanic rock. Thanks to this, the process of transforming basalt into carbonate minerals (later becoming limestone) took only 2 years, instead of hundreds and thousands of years. This discovery will make it possible to store carbon dioxide underground or use it for construction needs without releasing it into the atmosphere.

      1. Another Moon

      NASA has discovered an asteroid that was captured by Earth's gravity. Now it is in its orbit, in fact being the second natural satellite of the planet.

      List of unusual new gadgets of 2016 (CES)

      10. Casio WSD-F10 smart watch

      This waterproof and very durable gadget works at a depth of up to 50 meters. The “brain” of the watch is the Android Wear OS. can synchronize with Android and iOS devices.

      9. Spherical drone

      The drone's blades may injure the owner or bystanders. To deal with this problem, FLEYE created a drone with a spherical design. Its blades are hidden, which means they are completely safe.

      8. Arke 3D printer

      Mcor has introduced a desktop device that allows you to print color models in 3D format using conventional office paper. Print resolution is 4800x2400DPI.

      7. Garmin Augmented Reality Device

      Varia Vision is a special display for cyclists placed on sunglasses. It not only informs you about your heart rate and blood pressure, but also helps you plan the optimal route.

      6. Origami drone

      The new paper product from POWERUP is controlled via Wi-Fi and can be equipped with an augmented reality helmet.

      5. Virtual reality helmet from HTC

      The HTC Vive Pre helmet allows you to physically move around objects in virtual space. The device claims: improved display brightness with greater detail and a built-in camera that allows the gadget to work in augmented reality mode.

      4. LG SIGNATURE G6V Super Slim OLED TV

      LG engineers integrated the OLED screen of the 65-inch TV model into 2.57 mm thick glass. Thanks to the stated color depth of 10 bits, the TV can display fantastically colorful images.

      3. Solar Grill

      The GoSun grill has a unique design that directs sunlight towards a cylinder that can heat up to 290 degrees in 10 or 20 minutes (depending on model).

      2. Passenger drone EHang 184

      The stylish new technology of 2016 will be able to carry one passenger for 23 minutes at a speed of 100 km/h. The destination is indicated on the tablet.

      1. Flexible screen for a smartphone from LG Display

      In the first position of the top 10 is a prototype of an 18-inch screen that can be folded like a sheet of paper. This type of futuristic display is promising for use in smartphones, TVs and tablets.

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