Home Gums Anthropometric data when selecting a wheelchair. Types of wheelchairs Wheelchair weight

Anthropometric data when selecting a wheelchair. Types of wheelchairs Wheelchair weight

To choose the right wheelchair, you need to pay attention not only to the patient’s parameters (height, weight, knee length), but also to the features of using the model. Outdoor and indoor types differ in characteristics, and this is important to keep in mind when choosing a stroller.

To take care of the comfortable rehabilitation of a disabled person who has lost the ability to walk - important task. The main measure of assistance is the competent choice of a wheelchair. When purchasing a model, you need to pay attention to a large number of nuances, which you will learn about below.

Design features of strollers

The design of each stroller contains several elements:

  • supporting frame;
  • seat;
  • front and rear wheels;
  • armrests;
  • running boards

Folding strollers are mainly produced because this design is more convenient to use. It is as durable as monolithic ones, but thanks to the folding mechanism it becomes possible to save space when holding the product at home.

Wheelchairs for indoors and outdoors: how to make the right choice

Types of strollers

There are many types of wheelchairs. The choice of option depends not only on physiological characteristics the patient, but also on the lifestyle that he will lead in the future. There are 2 main groups of products.

  1. Basic strollers, which are a common design for disabled people leading a typical (inactive) lifestyle.
  2. Active ones are intended for patients who expect to frequently move around the city or in the house, lead an active lifestyle and even engage in some sports.

There are also 3 groups of products depending on where the stroller will most often be used.

  1. For home.

Such models are purchased if the patient spends almost all his time at home.

  1. For the street.

Street models are equipped with pneumatic rubber wheels that soften shock while driving

  1. For home and street (universal).

Most often, universal strollers are purchased, which are used both at home and on the street.

Another classification is related to how the stroller moves.

  1. Manual wheelchairs are the most common among active models. Thanks to a pair of levers, the disabled person himself sets in motion a simple mechanical system. This is a lightweight version of the basic stroller because it is easier to move.

  1. In the case of an electric drive, models are more expensive, but they provide the disabled person with maximum comfort. By setting the mechanism in motion, the patient controls the stroller without outside help and even without his own physical effort.

Separately, we can distinguish three-wheeled strollers, teenagers, models for children with cerebral palsy and sports ones.

How to make the right choice: step-by-step instructions

When choosing a wheelchair, you need to pay attention not only to its cost. The main task is to ensure maximum comfort for a disabled person and provide for all the nuances:

  • physiological characteristics of a person (height, weight, clothing size);
  • engine features (manual or electric)
  • what should be the depth of the chair;
  • height of the main parts (armrests, seat);
  • where the stroller will mainly be used - at home or on the street;
  • additional features (mechanism that protects against tipping, the ability to change components and adjust their height).

An analysis of the main selection criteria is given below.


It is important to select home and outdoor wheelchairs for a specific patient. You need to take into account not only height and weight, but also clothing size, which allows you to navigate according to medium width products (the ratio of parameters is given in the table).

Both extremes are harmful: if you choose a seat that is too narrow, the patient will be uncomfortable, and if it is too wide, there is a risk of falling out, because the chair must securely fix the person.

Note! It is best to take the width with a margin of 2-3 cm, taking into account the dense winter clothes and that the patient may gain a little weight from a sedentary lifestyle.

Chair depth

This is an important parameter, especially if wheelchairs are intended to be used outdoors. Depth refers to the distance from the back to the edge. When assessing the depth, it should be taken into account that the patient’s position must be facilitated as much as possible.

  1. The patient should not slip while moving freely around the chair.
  2. The weight should be evenly distributed over the surface so that the body does not swell, there are no bedsores or other skin disorders.

Choosing an adult or children's stroller is simple: you need to measure the distance from the beginning of the thigh to the knees and subtract 5 cm. Extremes must be avoided: if the surface is not large enough, the patient strains the seat, and when the chair is too deep, over time a rash appears on the skin under the knees.

Seat and armrest height

To facilitate the position of a disabled person during movement, it is important to accurately calculate the height of the armrests and seat. To do this, it is necessary to take measurements from the patient: measure the distance from the surface of the feet to the knees, add 5 cm and obtain the required seat height.

You should decide on the height of the backrest: measure the distance (in a sitting position) from the surface of the seat to the armpits and subtract 10 cm. And to get the optimal height of the armrests, you need to measure the distance from the elbows to the surface of the chair, and then add 3 cm to this figure.

The right choice is a stroller that provides the ability to adjust:

  • footrests;
  • armrests;
  • backrests

Then it is not necessary to carry out all measurements, because in any case you can adjust the product to the desired height, in accordance with the characteristics of the patient.

Note! Even if the height of the wheelchair is not suitable, it can be adjusted using an orthopedic pillow. It is purchased separately based on the required parameters.


There are two types of wheels.

  1. Cast ones are best used when moving inside buildings (apartment, hospital, sanatorium). They last a long time because they are made of durable materials, but are not suitable for walking options.
  2. Pneumatic ones soften shock while riding, although they are not as durable as cast ones. Pneumatic wheels are convenient if you expect an active lifestyle with frequent movements on the street - they dampen shocks on bumps and uneven surfaces.

Review of models and prices

An overview of popular models and their prices are presented in the table.

GOST R 50602-93

Group P23



Maximum overall dimensions

Whelchairs. Maximum overall dimension

Date of introduction 1995-01-01


1 DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Central Research Institute of Mechanical Engineering

2 APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated November 10, 1993 N 230

3 This state standard fully applies international standard ISO 7193-85 "Wheelchairs - Maximum overall dimensions"




This standard applies to wheelchairs (hereinafter referred to as wheelchairs) and establishes their maximum overall dimensions (hereinafter referred to as overall dimensions), which must be taken into account by architects, engineers, manufacturers and local authorities power to ensure user movement in buildings, vehicles(buses, ships, airplanes, elevators) and for general maneuverability.

This standard is used by wheelchair manufacturers for new developments.

Requirements for buildings and premises for the movement of persons with physical disabilities- By .

The requirements of this standard are mandatory.


This standard uses references to the following standards:

ISO 6440-85* Wheelchairs. Nomenclature, terms and definitions
* Until the direct application of this document as a state standard, it is distributed by VNIIKI.

GOST R 50605-93 Wheelchairs. Methods for determining overall dimensions, weight, minimum turning radius and minimum turning width


In this standard, the terms used in ISO 6440 apply.


4.1 Overall dimensions are established for wheelchairs not occupied by a user.

4.2 Overall dimensions are shown in Figure 1.

Picture 1

Overall length - the horizontal dimension between the most protruding front and rear parts of wheelchairs,

1200 mm

Overall width - the horizontal dimension between the protruding side parts of wheelchairs when fully unfolded,

700 mm

Overall height - vertical dimension from the floor to the most protruding top point of the wheelchairs,

1090 mm

Overall dimensions are measured in accordance with GOST R 50605

4.3 When manufacturing wheelchairs for particularly heavy users and amputees, the overall dimensions can be increased:

length - up to 1750 mm,

width - up to 810 mm.

4.4 When designing buildings and passages, to take into account the user’s legs, the overall length is increased by 50 mm.

4.5 For wheelchairs with manual control a clearance to the wall is required to drive the rims of the main wheels; when designing buildings and driveways, the overall width is increased by 100 mm on each side.

APPENDIX A (informational). Bibliography


Model instructions for ensuring the movement of disabled people using wheelchairs in projects public buildings, planning and development of populated areas

The text of the document is verified according to:
official publication
M.: Standards Publishing House, 1994

For some people, a wheelchair becomes a necessity. To make the difficult life of a person with a disability easier, you need to make the right choice, and not purchase the first model you come across.

First of all, it is important to decide where the mechanism will be used. If the patient spends most of his time at home, then it makes sense to purchase a home or universal stroller. This article tells you what parameters you need to pay attention to when choosing wheelchairs for your home.

Classification of strollers

There are wheelchairs different types, based on the place of their application:

  • Outdoor ones are preferable to use outdoors. They are equipped with pneumatic wheels. Their purpose is to absorb road irregularities and conceal small shocks. This type of wheel is similar to a bicycle; it consists of a tube that is inflated and tires equipped with various treads. Typically represented by the black color category. If there is a need to use it at home, it is recommended to opt for a cast tire, since the home floor has a smoother surface compared to the street. This option is not suitable for traveling over rough streets, but is durable for home use.
  • Home ones have solid wheels. A rubber rim of gray or white shade is placed on their rim, which allows you not to spoil the home floor. If a breakdown occurs, the entire wheel will have to be replaced. This is not a problem, since wheels for different types of home strollers are standard and are always available.
  • Universal, which can be used outdoors and at home.

In addition, despite the large selection of models, designs for the disabled come in the following types:

  • Gurneys, which are necessary for those persons who have completely lost the ability to move independently and are not able to control the structure themselves.
  • Wheelchairs that are used by patients who are able to move independently. They have larger wheels than the previous type and technical capabilities that allow you to regulate the speed of movement and physical activity.

Features of choice

When choosing a wheelchair, you should pay attention not only to the price factor. The main objectives of this device are to ensure the movement of a person with limited mobility, maximum comfort and provide the following nuances:

  • physiological characteristics of the patient (height, clothing size, weight);
  • chair depth;
  • seat heights, armrests;
  • the presence of additional features, for example, a mechanism that protects the product from tipping over, adjusting the height of the components;
  • presence of an electric motor. This function does not require more effort than models with a lever drive. But it greatly affects the rise in price of the model;
  • lifting capacity – important factor, which allows the product to last a long time;
  • age and condition of the patient. For example, choosing technical means for children, it is necessary to pay more attention to the possibility of taking a comfortable body position;
  • the weight of the model is important if there are sharp corners and furniture in the apartment;
  • the size of the structure and doorways, the presence of interior doors. Before deciding on a home wheelchair, you should take measurements of the openings. Then decide on the dimensions of the product. This will allow you to avoid unforeseen circumstances when moving in space;
  • where the stroller will be used.

Next, the criteria are analyzed, according to which a choice is made. If the stroller is taken by a seriously ill patient, then it is worth choosing the additional equipment for a toilet. Which will make it most convenient to use.

Note: when choosing a wheelchair, you should pay attention to how the components are changed.

Dimensions of the patient

A home wheelchair is tailored to the patient. Moreover, it is necessary to take into account not only his weight and height, but also the size of his clothing. This factor allows orientation along the average width of the mechanism.

  • if the patient has a clothing size of 48, then the width of the stroller should vary from 38 to 40 cm;
  • for sizes 48-50, the width of the product should be within 42 cm;
  • for sizes 52-56 – 43 cm;
  • for sizes 56-58 – 45 cm;
  • for sizes 58-64 – 50 cm.

You should not choose a seat that is too narrow, as the patient will feel uncomfortable. If the seat is too wide, the chance of falling out increases, since the task of the product is to securely fix the disabled person. It is better to use a 2-3 centimeter reserve for thick clothes. This reserve is necessary because a sedentary person increases the risk of gaining excess weight.

Seat depth

An important parameter, even for home use, is the depth of the chair. This size is taken from the edge of the seat to the back. When assessing the depth of the chair, it is important to understand that the position of the disabled person should be made as easy as possible. Therefore, you should pay attention to the following. The patient should move freely around the seat and should not slide.

The person’s weight should be evenly distributed over the surface. It is important to prevent swelling of the body, bedsores, and skin breakdown. To choose a child or adult seat, you need to measure the distance from the knee to the beginning of the thigh and subtract 5 cm. If too large size While sitting, the patient's seat becomes tense. If the chair is too deep skin under the knee area, a rash may appear.

Size of armrests, seats

In order for people with disabilities to be most comfortable, an accurate calculation of the height of the seat and armrests is necessary. To do this, take a measurement from the patient: measure the distance from the knees to the armrests, add 5 cm. The result is the seat height required by the patient. To understand what backrest height the patient needs, measure the distance from the armpits to the seat surface in a sitting position and subtract 10 cm.

To obtain the required size of armrests, it is important to measure the distance from the surface of the chair to the elbows and add 3 cm. In addition, when choosing a wheelchair for the disabled, you should pay attention to the ability to adjust:

  • back;
  • armrests;
  • running boards

In this case, it is not necessary to measure the patient, since the product can be adjusted to the required height based on the patient's characteristics. If the height of the wheelchair is incorrectly selected, adjustment can be made using an orthopedic pillow. It is purchased separately, based on required parameters.

Additional equipment

Indoor wheelchairs can be equipped with additional equipment, which increases the cost of purchase. The required minimum is the presence of armrests and footrests. Armrests are:

  • fixed type, which is most suitable for people with impaired coordination of movements. They refer to a more stable and durable device;
  • non-fixed type, reclining and removable. This type preferable for people who independently transfer from bed to chair, without resorting to the help of third parties.

The wheelchair footrest also comes in a fixed and non-fixed, tilt-and-turn type. All models are height adjustable. It is important to take into account the presence of a reclining backrest. Need for quick change horizontal position in a vertical position is necessary for patients who find it difficult to sit for a long time.

Advice: in order to move comfortably in narrow doorways, it is better to choose models that have a minimum frame length and seat width.

Additional features that facilitate the implementation of the product in everyday life, which affect the rise in price of models, include:

  • the presence of an anti-reclining system;
  • folding frame;
  • adjustable headrest;
  • adjustable size between wheels;
  • adjusting the tilt of the product;
  • equipping the structure with a belt;
  • the presence of an abduction and anti-decubitus pillow.

Features of the electric model

Electric wheelchairs may have unequal wheel ratios, which has its own properties. Equipping with small front wheels makes the structure more maneuverable, which can turn around on the spot. The drive wheels are pressed against the weight of the patient and the engine, thereby reducing the likelihood of slipping. These models are widely used at home.

Designs that are equipped with large front wheels require more space to turn, are less maneuverable, can be used indoors, but are not as convenient. There are models with a control panel that regulates the speed and rotation of the product. In addition, it should be remembered that constant use of an electric wheelchair leads to weakening of the body, reduces physical activity patient.

To prevent the patient’s condition from worsening, it is better to alternate the electrical model with a mechanical one or load the body with physical exercise. When buying a stroller with an electric motor, you should choose small front wheels.

Characteristics of the mechanical model

Manual wheelchairs can be driven by a wheel that is attached parallel to the main one. The reversal occurs due to its scrolling backwards. In addition, there is a lever type drive. Then the structure is driven by a lever.

Turning occurs thanks to small front wheels and another lever. The latter type is less maneuverable, more difficult to control, and weighs more. Therefore, the most suitable option for a mechanical product indoors is a wheeled one.

Baby strollers

Choosing home stroller for children, their type of activity should be taken into account. Active structures will be ideal in school corridors, gyms. They are easy to maneuver. When purchasing a product for an active child, it is better to choose these models. They allow you to keep fit and develop physical abilities.

Strollers active type are durable and can withstand extreme loads. At the same time, they have a lightweight structure of large and small wheels. This type is most suitable for youth environment, as it is characterized by quick disassembly and assembly. Models with removable armrests are suitable for children. Because they will be most convenient when transplanting.

However, if the child serious disease, then you need a fixed type that will reliably protect you from falling. It is also recommended to consider the adjustable height of the armrests, since this design is often purchased “for growth.” It is necessary to be selective when choosing a wheelchair, since an incorrectly selected design can worsen the patient’s condition.

People with disabilities have the same right to movement as others. They can do it with the help of wheelchairs. To create conditions and avoid any inconvenience, you need to know the dimensions of the strollers.

Knowing the dimensions will make it possible to arrange convenient ramps or install doors of the required width. In principle, most often the opposite happens; the dimensions of the stroller are selected to suit the conditions that already exist. How to choose the right stroller and avoid mistakes will be discussed in this article.

Structure of wheelchairs

A wheelchair is a device that becomes an integral part for people who suffer from diseases that do not allow them to move independently either at home or on the street. The chair for disabled people consists of a seat compartment with a comfortable backrest, equipped with wheels and a mechanism for setting the device in motion.

Moreover, this device can be mechanical or electrical. By and large, this is the only way for people with disabilities to be active, to take walks fresh air, visit public places.

As already mentioned, the wheelchair can be moved by itself, or, if the degree of morbidity does not allow this, then relatives, health workers, etc. This device allows you not to break away from your active life, perform certain work, etc. A wheelchair is indispensable for children who suffer cerebral palsy disease. It is also used not on long term when it is necessary to carry out rehabilitation after injury.

Types by functional purpose

There are several types of strollers, which are classified according to their functional purpose:

  • A passive type device (functional), which is intended for temporary use. Usually used for some time of rehabilitation of the patient;
  • Basic type (home type) - a universal device that requires long-term use. Design options can be varied;
  • Active type device (activator, lever) – designed for users who can independently control a wheelchair.

For different types of activities

Mobility devices are also divided according to their modification:

  • sports wheelchairs used for sports of any kind;
  • children's wheelchairs with manual or electric drive;
  • folding strollers, for those who prefer to travel a lot;
  • devices with sanitary equipment, i.e. having a removable vessel.

Dimensions of wheelchairs

When choosing a wheelchair size important characteristic are its dimensions. First of all, this affects the ease of movement around the rooms, when entering the elevator, when using the ramp.

Therefore, manufacturers pay special attention to the size of wheelchairs:

  • in width they are 62 - 67 cm;
  • maximum length – 1 m 10 cm;
  • the occupied space has dimensions of 85×120 cm.

Let us now consider the options for devices that have some distinctive features. Basically they lie in its purpose. The classification by modification was given above, which directly affects the dimensions of the product. For example, a baby stroller differs significantly from a product for adults in the size of the seat and the width of the wheels. And some devices are manufactured with the function of adapting the width of the chair to any age of the child.

But in any case, the size of the stroller is influenced by the conditions with which people with disabilities Everyday life. For example, free passage through a doorway. This problem is solved by compactness, small diameter and width of the wheels.

Sports products are equipped in such a way as to increase stability and provide the ability to adjust the width of the wheels. For outdoor strollers, the stability and versatility of the wheelbase is also very important. They should easily overcome obstacles encountered along the way.

The lightest ones are sports strollers, also called “active strollers”. Their weight varies from 6 to 14 kg. Width is classified according to clothing size.

Choosing the width of the chair is the main point

In my opinion, when choosing a wheelchair, the most important thing is to determine the width of the seat. Since this is the most important thing for a disabled person.

Let's say you bought a wheelchair without paying attention to the width of the seat. And then it turns out that the seat is a bit narrow. And you think, no big deal, you can sit.

If the seat is narrow

Yes it is, but what consequences could there be:

  1. With a narrow seat, the legs are pressed against the sides, due to which the tissues are pinched and blood circulation slows down. As a result, persistent redness begins, gradually developing into bedsores;
  2. Also on inside the legs, closer to the groin, become pinched. As a result, your feet sweat more often. And the surface of the skin becomes constantly wet. I think you can guess what consequences this will lead to;
  3. Also, when sitting narrowly, it’s simply not comfortable;
  4. In cases of weight gain, you need to change your wheelchair;
  5. Transferring from and into a stroller becomes more difficult;

If a wide chair

As experience shows, a wide seat that is not the right size is not critical. But it also has its downsides.

Let's look at them in more detail:

  1. Let's start with the fact that with a wide seat, the disabled person sits shaky and unsure;
  2. Also, if someone sits you down, maybe they’ll seat you crookedly towards one of the sides. As a result, after sitting for a long time, the whole body begins to swell;

But in this case, of course, there are more advantages compared to a wide seat. And which ones you can describe in the review below the article.

Wheelchair Seat Width Standards

For disabled people who have size definitions, choose the width of the chair:

  • stroller width 38 – 40 cm suitable for size 46;
  • 42 – 43 cm for sizes from 48 to 50;
  • 44 – 46 cm for sizes from 52 to 54;
  • 44 – 46 cm over size 54;
  • 47 cm and above, strollers for obese people.

For strollers that are manually controlled by rotating the wheels, the width of the chair is determined taking into account the contour of the wheels and the width of the opening.

For users who have significant weight or do not have limbs, the dimensions of the strollers must be expanded to 81 cm, and the length is a maximum of 175 cm.

Properly selected dimensions of the stroller will ensure ease of movement without much effort.

Ramp for disabled people and its parameters

Ramp – inclined plane, which connects two platforms located below and at some elevation. That is, it makes a smooth transition over differences that a wheelchair cannot overcome. For example, steps or high thresholds. By state standards they have some features in arrangement and dimensions.

Based on GOST standards, all types of ramps are subject to the following structure:

  • from the lower platform;
  • connecting plane;
  • upper platform.

Certain uniform requirements are put forward for all these elements:

  • must have a fairly flat surface;
  • have the correct length and width parameters;
  • ensuring the free passage of a wheelchair and turning around on the spot.

If we talk about the width of the ramp, then it is necessary to take into account not only the size of the wheelchair, but also the location where the handrails and barriers are mounted. In addition, ramps can be not only one-sided. In many cases, they are equipped with double-sided ones.

If for one-way movement the width of the ramp is 0.9 m, then for two-way movement it is 1.8 m.

Ramp length and slope

The length of the ramps also varies. But its maximum value is 36 m. In such cases, ramps are assembled from several lifting platforms, each of which should not exceed 9 m. The space between the platforms must be equipped with a turn. There must be a curb on the sides of the platforms to prevent wheels from sliding off the ramp. It has a height of at least 5 cm.

Now let's pay attention to the slope of the ramps. It is usually calculated in degrees or percentages. This indicator significantly affects the ease of movement along the climb. With a small degree of slope, the length of the climb increases; with a greater degree than specified in GOST, the climb will be quite difficult. The slope should be 5% or 2.90 according to the standards. With these indicators, the difference between the planes is 0.8 m.

There are some permissible deviations, which can be used in non-standard situations. For example, if the surface has significant unevenness, then a slope of up to 10% or 5.70 can be allowed. In this case, it is mandatory to install handrails that a person moving in a wheelchair can hold on to. For a two-way ramp, the permissible slope value is 6.70.


When choosing the size of a stroller chair, be sure to pay attention to the points described in the article. At making the right choice you will not experience discomfort when sitting for a long time, and you will also avoid unnecessary sores. In addition, when moving in the apartment and on the street, you can easily overcome a doorway or ramp. If you think about it in advance, before purchasing.

Perhaps we missed something, if you have something to share, write your recommendations in the reviews below.

IN modern world partial loss of motor functions does not isolate a person from society and does not force him to give up his life. The huge selection of wheelchairs once again confirms this. The main thing is to choose the right vehicle to suit your individual needs.

It is necessary to evaluate a wheelchair based on the expected period of its use. Let's see together what the market in Russia is ready to offer.

Wheelchair or gurney: feel the difference!

A distinction must be made between wheelchairs and wheelchairs. The wheelchair is independently controlled by the person sitting in it, and the gurney is rolled by another person - for example, a nurse or a relative. The gurneys are designed for short-term transportation of a patient who cannot move independently. Therefore, they are light, without an anti-tip device, equipped with small wheels, and the only convenience they may have is a toilet device in the seat. The patient is not expected to remain alone in the gurney long time. The exception is transport gurneys, which are no longer a chair, but a mobile bed. They are intended for ambulances, intensive care units and surgical departments hospitals.

A wheelchair is a means of transportation designed for people who have temporarily or permanently lost the ability to walk independently but can sit for long periods of time. Depending on the individual characteristics and lifestyle, one patient may require not one, but two or three different wheelchairs.

Types of wheelchairs for disabled people

Wheelchairs may vary depending on their mode of use and control method.

By purpose:

  • Basic. Designed for permanent use at home and outdoors. Can be designed for daily use for several months or years.
  • Active. For those who are going to lead an active lifestyle, take long walks, go out into nature, and do physical exercise. They have a large number of adjustments.
  • Sports. For professional sports and dancing. As light as possible, with shortened armrests, the front wheels have a reduced diameter. Designed for constant movement and extreme loads.
  • Lightweight. They are made of aluminum, weigh 7–15 kg, and are often foldable. They are used in cases where the stroller often needs to be carried and transported, and the disabled person’s assistant cannot lift heavy objects.
  • Sanitary. They are distinguished by the presence of a toilet device built into the seat. Designed for people with disabilities excretory systems body.
  • Children's. Lightweight strollers are small in size, usually equipped with safety harnesses for the body. Some models provide tables so that the child can eat, play, and draw. Children's wheelchairs are similar in appearance to regular strollers for healthy children, but are designed for long-term use and have various special features (for example, a head support for children with cerebral palsy).

By drive type:

  • With manual drive. The simplest strollers have large rear wheels. The wheel tire is duplicated by a metal rim of smaller diameter for the hands. By pushing the rim forward or backward with your hands, the user moves the rear wheels and the entire wheelchair.
  • With a lever or mechanical drive. These strollers are more convenient to operate due to the use of two levers with ergonomic handles. You can move around on them faster than on conventional manual wheelchairs.
  • Electrically driven. Such strollers are controlled using a remote control and have functions for adjusting speed and braking. They are recommended for those who are physically unable to constantly rotate the wheels using a manual or lever drive.

Once you have determined what type of wheelchair you need, all that remains is to choose a model. This is not so simple, because you have to take into account a number of parameters.

Characteristics of the wheelchair

What should you pay attention to when comparing different models?

  • Manufacturer. Focus on the brand reputation, availability of product certificates and service centers, functionality of models and availability of components. From this point of view, well-known domestic manufacturers are not inferior to foreign ones, while offering products at less high price. The financial liquidity of a wheelchair is also important: if necessary, a wheelchair famous brand it will be easier to sell.
  • Housing material . Wheelchairs are made of steel, aluminum, titanium, carbon. The lightest are carbon, the most durable are steel.
  • Geometric parameters: chair depth, seat height, backrest and armrests, seat width. The best option is a stroller in which all this can be individually adjusted to the user’s parameters, since different people with the same height there can be different proportions.
  • Stroller weight. Depends on the materials of the body and upholstery, geometric parameters, design, functionality. The lightest carbon strollers weigh 7 kg, the average weight of a wheelchair is about 20 kg.
  • Footrest design. Footrests can be solid or for each leg separately, fixed or removable and folding. Removable and foldable footrests are designed for those who can a short time stand up or do not need one of the footrests (for example, due to amputation).
  • Availability of an anti-tip system. The higher the requirements for the maneuverability of a stroller, the lighter it should be, but a lightweight stroller should be as durable as possible and needs an anti-tip system.
  • Availability of a folding frame. The frame under the seat may be rigid, then the stroller cannot be folded, which leads to difficulties in transporting it. Or it can be foldable, so that the stroller can be transported in the trunk of a car.
  • Wheels. Can be cast metal or pneumatic. Cast wheels are more wear-resistant, but have low shock-absorbing properties, so they are more used at home. They require virtually no maintenance. Pneumatic wheels for wheelchairs are similar to bicycle wheels: they provide soft movement, but they need to be inflated periodically.
  • Load capacity. There are wheelchairs with regular (up to 75–100 kg) and increased load capacity (up to 160, 180, 205 kg).

Despite the fact that there are a lot of parameters and it seems as if it is impossible to choose the ideal wheelchair for each unique case, this is absolutely not the case.

What to choose: a ready-made wheelchair or a custom-made one?

It is now not difficult to order an individual wheelchair, but the need for this arises extremely rarely. Most manufacturers strive to offer the widest possible range of models - from the simplest wheelchairs, designed for use for several months, to real “monsters” with a large number of settings and wide functionality. Suffice it to mention that sports wheelchairs, for example for basketball players, have modifications for different positions on the field (center, forward, defender).

The simplest temporary wheelchair can be purchased for 6,000–7,000 rubles. Universal ones sell for an average of 9,000–12,000 rubles. They already have some functionality for comfortable use for several years (for example, width adjustment in case of weight gain). Strollers with lever controls are more expensive - about 18,000 rubles. If you require a wheelchair for active rest, you can also choose it from ready-made options costing 50,000–100,000 rubles. Expensive strollers for long-term use can cost from half a million to a million rubles; their differences are ease of settings, high cross-country ability due to wide pneumatic tires, high load capacity (up to 200 kg), the presence of an electric drive, maneuverability and ease of control.

For people who have temporarily or permanently lost the ability to walk, price-quality ratio is very important when choosing a wheelchair. Modern manufacturers are trying to take this into account, so there are enough offers on the market that are affordable.

Where can I buy a wheelchair?

We turned to a specialist from the Armed company for comment, and this is what he told us:

“Purchasing a wheelchair is not a problem now: there are a lot of online and offline stores rehabilitation equipment, where a large selection of domestic and foreign products is presented. Certainly, Better conditions offered by official representatives of manufacturing plants. And here the question arises, which manufacturer to contact, because strollers are very similar in their functionality, and sometimes they are even made for different brands at the same factory. Where the wheelchair is manufactured is not as important as the brand philosophy. Let me explain this statement using the example of “Armed”. Our company has been known on the market for 20 years, and all this time we have been working under the motto “Not going forward means going backwards.” We are constantly working to expand the range and functionality of our products. Armed strollers are not only comfortable, but also affordable. In addition, we have more than 20 service centers throughout Russia, which gives us an advantage over Western manufacturers. Due to this, our brand is highly popular, including by requests on the Internet. If you need a stroller for a while - for example, for rehabilitation period after an injury or surgery, you can easily sell it later. We develop and produce all types of wheelchairs, different sizes and lifting capacity to meet the needs of a wide range of users.”

P.S. Wheelchairs produced by Armed can be purchased wholesale and retail on the website.

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