Home Stomatitis Is it possible to have sex during Ramadan? Marital intimacy during fasting

Is it possible to have sex during Ramadan? Marital intimacy during fasting

During the month of Ramadan, during fasting hours (from dawn to sunset), it is strictly forbidden to have direct sexual intimacy with your wife. From sunset to start time morning prayer spouses can have intimate relationship without any restrictions. If sexual intercourse took place during fasting hours, then the fast will be broken. A person who violates it in this way is obliged to atone for his sin by two months /1/ of continuous fasting /2/. If, due to physical weakness, he is not able to fast for two months in a row, then he must feed sixty poor people /3/, allocating for each the amount that on average he (the one who broke the fast) spends on the daily food of an adult member of his family /4/. As for the question of who is entrusted with this form of atonement for sin - the husband or the wife, all theologians speak about the husband and many about the wife /5/. But Shafi'i theologians, for example, are more inclined to believe that this form of atonement does not concern the wife. She will need to restore only one day of broken fast /6/.

In the case where the spouses committed this out of forgetfulness or ignorance, atonement for the sin is not provided.

If such a (deliberate) violation of fasting occurred multiple times, then the violated sanctity of each of the days of compulsory fasting must be redeemed by the spouses by two months of continuous fasting /7/.

1. Does ejaculation (ejaculation) break the fast? 2. If, without having had sexual relations with your spouse, you still ejaculate, does this break the fast? Timur.

1. If this is a wet dream, then the fast is not broken /8/, but if it is sexual intercourse with a spouse, then there is a problem. In atonement, you will have to fast for two months in a row.
2. See the previous answer or subsequent ones.

Is it possible for spouses to have sex during the day during Ramadan? intimate relationships, if they do not fast some days for a good reason? Rustam.

If they do not fast, for example when they are travelers, then everything that is permitted becomes permitted in the usual manner.

Is the fast considered broken if there was oral sex with the husband during the day during the fast? D.

The fast has not been broken. It is violated only by direct sexual intercourse.

During Ramadan last year, I kissed and hugged my wife during daylight hours. There was no sexual intercourse, but I ejaculated. It turns out that my fast that day was broken? After the month of Ramadan ended, I made up for this day. Was it enough to make up for the broken day or should I fast for two months in a row to atone? A.

Most likely, no, it was not violated, since there was no sexual intercourse (only kisses and hugs), and therefore more like a wet dream, which does not break the fast. There is no direct argument regarding the case you described in the Sunnah. At the same time, there is a theological opinion that such ejaculation breaks fasting /9/. Just in case, you fasted for one day. This is definitely enough /10/.

I am looking for an answer to one question about marital intimacy during Lent. I read in the material “ Marital intimacy during fasting"that oral sex does not break the fast. I would like to clarify whether this also includes oral sex by the wife of her husband’s genital organ, if subsequent ejaculation occurs? This question worries me very much. Rasim.

Since as a result of the process you described (not just kisses and hugs, but something much more) ejaculation occurred, your fast was broken /11/. Replenish it one to one after completing the month of Ramadan. This will be enough /12/.

Does strong excitement spoil the fast? My wife and I got very carried away during the day, but did not get to the point of sexual intercourse. I would like to know whether the fast was broken or not?

The fast is not broken if there was no direct sexual intercourse.

Two years ago, during Lent, I had intimate sex with my girlfriend. What does this entail? Ruslan.

This does not break the fast.

If she was not your wife, then such a relationship is a sin, a serious sin, regardless of which month of the year it happened.

Is the fast broken if you kiss your wife on the lips during the daytime?

Please tell me, is it possible to hug and kiss your wife during the day, during fasting?

Is it possible to kiss during the month of Ramadan? After all, saliva is transmitted during a kiss .

While fasting, you can kiss your wife. The Prophet Muhammad himself (may the Almighty bless him and greet him) kissed his wife ‘Aisha in Ramadan during the daytime, which is reported from her words in several reliable hadiths /13/.

Let me remind you that fasting is abstaining from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset.

1. Is it possible to kiss your wife during the month of Ramadan while fasting? I'm surprised after reading your answer. I wanted to make sure again. 2. My friend is getting married. Is it possible to read nikkah in the month of Ramadan during the day, during fasting?

1. Yes, you can, and you can kiss and hug. The permissibility of this is clearly stated in reliable hadiths /14/.
2. Yes, you can. Definitely.

Is the fast broken if you masturbate at night?

Not violated.
Read more about what you asked in my book “ Men and Islam».

Tell me, is it possible to masturbate during the daytime during the fast?

You can’t, it will break your fast /15/. Let me note that a wet dream (ejaculation in a dream) does not break the fast.

Is fasting broken if ejaculation occurs in a dream? Andrey.

Does a wet dream in a dream ruin fasting?

Doesn't spoil it.

Is my fast broken if when kissing my wife, fluid comes out, but not sperm? A.

No, not violated /16/.

My wife is a Christian, but we got married according to Islamic canons. She respects my religion. I know that during fasting you can be intimate with your wife after sunset, but my wife is attracted to me in the morning, after sunrise. Will it be a violation of the fast if I provide her with “minimal intimate caresses” without engaging in sexual intercourse? Alexander.

Intimate caresses do not break the fast /17/, but strictly beware of close proximity (sexual intercourse)! /18/

/1/ He will be able to start it only after the end of the month of Ramadan and the holiday of breaking the fast (Eid al-Adha).
/2/ The form of atonement for deliberately broken fasts mentioned here applies only to the month of Ramadan. If the two-month fast is suddenly interrupted, you will have to start all over again. It is important to note that two months of continuous fasting should not fall on holidays (Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Fitr), when fasting is prohibited (haram). Concerning menstrual cycle in women, then these periods are not considered a violation of the continuity of two month's fast. That is, during this period the woman interrupts the post-atonement, and upon completion, continues, taking into account those days that she has already fasted. If a person has made a mistake in counting the days, then he should not resume fasting from the very beginning.
/3/ Theologians of the Hanafi madhhab allowed the possibility of feeding one beggar for two months. Shafi'i theologians considered it appropriate to limit themselves to the text of the hadith, which speaks of feeding "sixty poor people."
/4/ The mentioned difficult form of atonement for sin is provided for by the canons only in the case of breaking the fast by deliberately engaging in sexual intercourse with a wife (husband). See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya [Modern fatwas]. In 2 volumes. Cairo: al-Salam, 2010. Vol. 2. P. 71. Some scholars spoke about a similar atonement in case of breaking the fast by deliberately eating and drinking water. However, this theological judgment does not have direct confirmation in the verses and reliable hadiths, and therefore remains a judgment with which one may not agree. See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh [Islamic law and its arguments]. In 11 volumes. Damascus: al-Fikr, 1997. Vol. 3. P. 1709. Here it is useful to recall the hadith: “If a believer who did not belong to any of the categories exempt from fasting did not fast on one of the days month of Ramadan, [then let him know that] he cannot make up for this day even with a whole century of fasting. [That is, every day of obligatory fasting is extremely important and valuable. If a person for whom fasting is obligatory ignores this, neglects this form of worship of the Creator, and misses a day, then not a single day of earthly life will be able to compensate for this loss. The scale is huge and unique. Of course, the believer makes up for what he missed in the future, but no other day of the year has any special significance for each day of the month of Ramadan].” Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. Ahmad, Abu Daud, Ibn Majah and others. See, for example: At-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-Tirmidhi [Code of hadiths of Imam at-Tirmidhi]. Beirut: Ibn Hazm, 2002. P. 238, Hadith No. 722; Abu Dawud S. Sunan abi Dawud [Compendium of Hadiths of Abu Dawud]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 272, Hadith No. 2396; Ibn Majah M. Sunan [Compendium of Hadiths]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 183, Hadith No. 1672; as-Suyuty J. Al-jami‘ as-sagyr [Small collection]. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 1990. P. 517, hadith No. 8492, “Hasan”; al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra [Modern fatwas]. In 2 volumes. Beirut: al-Kalam, 1996. T. 1. P. 308.
/5/ It is important to mention that along with these two months of fasting-atonement, one should make up for the broken day of fasting in the month of Ramadan with one day of fasting. That is, a total of two lunar months plus one day.
/6/ The same opinion is shared, for example, by the famous theologian of our time ‘Ali Jum’a, relying on authentic hadith, where it is said about the husband and nothing is mentioned about the wife. See: 'Ali Jum'a M. Fatawa 'asriya. T. 1. P. 91.
/7/ See more on this topic: Holy Koran, 2:187; al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 8 vols. T. 2. S. 655, 667, 669, 674, 682; al-Shavkyani M. Neil al-avtar [Achieving goals]. In 8 volumes. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 1995. Vol. 4. pp. 228–231; Amin M. (known as Ibn ‘Abidin). Radd al-mukhtar. In 8 volumes. Beirut: al-Fikr, 1966. T. 2. P. 412; al-Khatib ash-Shirbiniy Sh. Mughni al-mukhtaj. In 6 vols. T. 2. P. 190–194; al-Margynani B. Al-hidaya [Manual]. In 2 volumes, 4 hours. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 1990. Vol. 1. Part 1. P. 134.
/8/ See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 2. P. 72.
/9/ See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. S. 1707, 1708, 1721; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya [Modern fatwas]. In 2 volumes. Cairo: al-Salam, 2010. T. 2. P. 71.
/10/ See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. S. 1705, 1718; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 2. P. 71.
/11/ See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. S. 1707, 1708, 1721; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 2. P. 71.
/12/ See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. S. 1705, 1718; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 2. P. 71.
/13/See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari [Code of hadiths of Imam al-Bukhari]: In 5 volumes. Beirut: al-Maktaba al-'asriya, 1997. Vol. 2. P. 572, 573, Hadith No. 1928, 1929; Ibn Majah M. Sunan. P. 184, hadiths No. 1683-1685, all “sahih”.
/14/ See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. T. 2. P. 572, Hadith No. 1927; Abu Daoud S. Sunan abi Daoud. P. 270, hadiths No. 2382-2385, all “sahih”.
/15/ See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. S. 1707, 1708, 1721; al-Buty R. Ma'a an-nas. Mashurat wa fatava [With people. Advice and fatwas]. Damascus: al-Fikr, 1999. P. 31.
/16/ See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 2. P. 71.
/17/ Hadiths from this, see, for example: Abu Daud S. Sunan abi Daud. P. 270, hadiths No. 2382–2385, all “sahih”; Ibn Majah M. Sunan. P. 184, hadiths No. 1683-1685, all “sahih”.
/18/ The atonement for a fast broken in this way is a continuous two-month fast.

During the month of Ramadan, during fasting hours (from dawn to sunset), it is strictly forbidden to have direct sexual intimacy with your wife. From the moment the sun sets until the time the morning prayer begins, spouses can have intimate relations without any restrictions. If sexual intercourse took place during fasting hours, then the fast will be broken. A person who violates it in this way is obliged to atone for his sin by two months /1/ of continuous fasting /2/. If, due to physical weakness, he is not able to fast for two months in a row, then he must feed sixty poor people /3/, allocating for each the amount that on average he (the one who broke the fast) spends on the daily food of an adult member of his family /4/. As for the question of who is entrusted with this form of atonement for sin - the husband or the wife, all theologians speak about the husband and many about the wife /5/. But Shafi'i theologians, for example, are more inclined to believe that this form of atonement does not concern the wife. She will need to restore only one day of broken fast /6/.

In the case where the spouses committed this out of forgetfulness or ignorance, atonement for the sin is not provided.

If such a (deliberate) violation of fasting occurred multiple times, then the violated sanctity of each of the days of compulsory fasting must be redeemed by the spouses by two months of continuous fasting /7/.

1. Does ejaculation (ejaculation) break the fast? 2. If, without having had sexual relations with your spouse, you still ejaculate, does this break the fast? Timur.

1. If this is a wet dream, then the fast is not broken /8/, but if it is sexual intercourse with a spouse, then there is a problem. In atonement, you will have to fast for two months in a row.
2. See the previous answer or subsequent ones.

Is it possible for spouses to have intimate relations during the daytime during Ramadan if they do not fast for some days for a good reason? Rustam.

If they do not fast, for example when they are travelers, then everything that is permitted becomes permitted in the usual manner.

Is the fast considered broken if there was oral sex with the husband during the day during the fast? D.

The fast has not been broken. It is violated only by direct sexual intercourse.

During Ramadan last year, I kissed and hugged my wife during daylight hours. There was no sexual intercourse, but I ejaculated. It turns out that my fast that day was broken? After the month of Ramadan ended, I made up for this day. Was it enough to make up for the broken day or should I fast for two months in a row to atone? A.

Most likely, no, it was not violated, since there was no sexual intercourse (only kisses and hugs), and therefore more like a wet dream, which does not break the fast. There is no direct argument regarding the case you described in the Sunnah. At the same time, there is a theological opinion that such ejaculation breaks fasting /9/. Just in case, you fasted for one day. This is definitely enough /10/.

I am looking for an answer to one question about marital intimacy during Lent. I read in the material “ Marital intimacy during fasting"that oral sex does not break the fast. I would like to clarify whether this also includes oral sex by the wife of her husband’s genital organ, if subsequent ejaculation occurs? This question worries me very much. Rasim.

Since as a result of the process you described (not just kisses and hugs, but something much more) ejaculation occurred, your fast was broken /11/. Replenish it one to one after completing the month of Ramadan. This will be enough /12/.

Does strong excitement spoil the fast? My wife and I got very carried away during the day, but did not get to the point of sexual intercourse. I would like to know whether the fast was broken or not?

The fast is not broken if there was no direct sexual intercourse.

Two years ago, during Lent, I had intimate sex with my girlfriend. What does this entail? Ruslan.

This does not break the fast.

If she was not your wife, then such a relationship is a sin, a serious sin, regardless of which month of the year it happened.

Is the fast broken if you kiss your wife on the lips during the daytime?

Please tell me, is it possible to hug and kiss your wife during the day, during fasting?

Is it possible to kiss during the month of Ramadan? After all, saliva is transmitted during a kiss .

While fasting, you can kiss your wife. The Prophet Muhammad himself (may the Almighty bless him and greet him) kissed his wife ‘Aisha in Ramadan during the daytime, which is reported from her words in several reliable hadiths /13/.

Let me remind you that fasting is abstaining from food, drink and sexual intercourse from dawn to sunset.

1. Is it possible to kiss your wife during the month of Ramadan while fasting? I'm surprised after reading your answer. I wanted to make sure again. 2. My friend is getting married. Is it possible to read nikkah in the month of Ramadan during the day, during fasting?

1. Yes, you can, and you can kiss and hug. The permissibility of this is clearly stated in reliable hadiths /14/.
2. Yes, you can. Definitely.

Is the fast broken if you masturbate at night?

Not violated.
Read more about what you asked in my book “ Men and Islam».

Tell me, is it possible to masturbate during the daytime during the fast?

You can’t, it will break your fast /15/. Let me note that a wet dream (ejaculation in a dream) does not break the fast.

Is fasting broken if ejaculation occurs in a dream? Andrey.

Does a wet dream in a dream ruin fasting?

Doesn't spoil it.

Is my fast broken if when kissing my wife, fluid comes out, but not sperm? A.

No, not violated /16/.

My wife is a Christian, but we got married according to Islamic canons. She respects my religion. I know that during fasting you can be intimate with your wife after sunset, but my wife is attracted to me in the morning, after sunrise. Will it be a violation of the fast if I provide her with “minimal intimate caresses” without engaging in sexual intercourse? Alexander.

Intimate caresses do not break the fast /17/, but strictly beware of close proximity (sexual intercourse)! /18/

/1/ He will be able to start it only after the end of the month of Ramadan and the holiday of breaking the fast (Eid al-Adha).
/2/ The form of atonement for deliberately broken fasts mentioned here applies only to the month of Ramadan. If the two-month fast is suddenly interrupted, you will have to start all over again. It is important to note that two months of continuous fasting should not fall on holidays (Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Fitr), when fasting is prohibited (haram). As for the menstrual cycle in women, these periods are not considered a violation of the continuity of the two-month fast. That is, during this period the woman interrupts the post-atonement, and upon completion, continues, taking into account those days that she has already fasted. If a person has made a mistake in counting the days, then he should not resume fasting from the very beginning.
/3/ Theologians of the Hanafi madhhab allowed the possibility of feeding one beggar for two months. Shafi'i theologians considered it appropriate to limit themselves to the text of the hadith, which speaks of feeding "sixty poor people."
/4/ The mentioned difficult form of atonement for sin is provided for by the canons only in the case of breaking the fast by deliberately engaging in sexual intercourse with a wife (husband). See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya [Modern fatwas]. In 2 volumes. Cairo: al-Salam, 2010. Vol. 2. P. 71. Some scholars spoke about a similar atonement in case of breaking the fast by deliberately eating and drinking water. However, this theological judgment does not have direct confirmation in the verses and reliable hadiths, and therefore remains a judgment with which one may not agree. See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh [Islamic law and its arguments]. In 11 volumes. Damascus: al-Fikr, 1997. Vol. 3. P. 1709. Here it is useful to recall the hadith: “If a believer who did not belong to any of the categories exempt from fasting did not fast on one of the days month of Ramadan, [then let him know that] he cannot make up for this day even with a whole century of fasting. [That is, every day of obligatory fasting is extremely important and valuable. If a person for whom fasting is obligatory ignores this, neglects this form of worship of the Creator, and misses a day, then not a single day of earthly life will be able to compensate for this loss. The scale is huge and unique. Of course, the believer makes up for what he missed in the future, but no other day of the year has any special significance for each day of the month of Ramadan].” Hadith from Abu Hurayrah; St. X. Ahmad, Abu Daud, Ibn Majah and others. See, for example: At-Tirmidhi M. Sunan at-Tirmidhi [Code of hadiths of Imam at-Tirmidhi]. Beirut: Ibn Hazm, 2002. P. 238, Hadith No. 722; Abu Dawud S. Sunan abi Dawud [Compendium of Hadiths of Abu Dawud]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 272, Hadith No. 2396; Ibn Majah M. Sunan [Compendium of Hadiths]. Riyadh: al-Afkar ad-Dawliyya, 1999. P. 183, Hadith No. 1672; as-Suyuty J. Al-jami‘ as-sagyr [Small collection]. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 1990. P. 517, hadith No. 8492, “Hasan”; al-Qaradawi Y. Fatawa mu'asyra [Modern fatwas]. In 2 volumes. Beirut: al-Kalam, 1996. T. 1. P. 308.
/5/ It is important to mention that along with these two months of fasting-atonement, one should make up for the broken day of fasting in the month of Ramadan with one day of fasting. That is, a total of two lunar months plus one day.
/6/ The same opinion is shared, for example, by the famous theologian of our time ‘Ali Jum’a, relying on an authentic hadith, which speaks of the husband and nothing is mentioned about the wife. See: 'Ali Jum'a M. Fatawa 'asriya. T. 1. P. 91.
/7/ See more on this topic: Holy Koran, 2:187; al-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 8 vols. T. 2. S. 655, 667, 669, 674, 682; al-Shavkyani M. Neil al-avtar [Achieving goals]. In 8 volumes. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 1995. Vol. 4. pp. 228–231; Amin M. (known as Ibn ‘Abidin). Radd al-mukhtar. In 8 volumes. Beirut: al-Fikr, 1966. T. 2. P. 412; al-Khatib ash-Shirbiniy Sh. Mughni al-mukhtaj. In 6 vols. T. 2. P. 190–194; al-Margynani B. Al-hidaya [Manual]. In 2 volumes, 4 hours. Beirut: al-Kutub al-‘ilmiya, 1990. Vol. 1. Part 1. P. 134.
/8/ See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 2. P. 72.
/9/ See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. S. 1707, 1708, 1721; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya [Modern fatwas]. In 2 volumes. Cairo: al-Salam, 2010. T. 2. P. 71.
/10/ See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. S. 1705, 1718; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 2. P. 71.
/11/ See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. S. 1707, 1708, 1721; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 2. P. 71.
/12/ See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. S. 1705, 1718; ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 2. P. 71.
/13/See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari [Code of hadiths of Imam al-Bukhari]: In 5 volumes. Beirut: al-Maktaba al-'asriya, 1997. Vol. 2. P. 572, 573, Hadith No. 1928, 1929; Ibn Majah M. Sunan. P. 184, hadiths No. 1683-1685, all “sahih”.
/14/ See, for example: Al-Bukhari M. Sahih al-Bukhari. T. 2. P. 572, Hadith No. 1927; Abu Daoud S. Sunan abi Daoud. P. 270, hadiths No. 2382-2385, all “sahih”.
/15/ See, for example: Az-Zuhayli V. Al-fiqh al-Islami wa adillatuh. In 11 vols. T. 3. S. 1707, 1708, 1721; al-Buty R. Ma'a an-nas. Mashurat wa fatava [With people. Advice and fatwas]. Damascus: al-Fikr, 1999. P. 31.
/16/ See, for example: ‘Ali Jum’a M. Fatawa ‘asriya. T. 2. P. 71.
/17/ Hadiths from this, see, for example: Abu Daud S. Sunan abi Daud. P. 270, hadiths No. 2382–2385, all “sahih”; Ibn Majah M. Sunan. P. 184, hadiths No. 1683-1685, all “sahih”.
/18/ The atonement for a fast broken in this way is a continuous two-month fast.

Intimate relations between husband and wife, from the point of view of Sharia, are a permissible act. If marital relations serve as a protection against adultery, a huge reward is due for them.

However, the intimate life of spouses is not only joy, but also a huge responsibility.

In some exceptional cases, Islam places restrictions on marital intimacy. One such case is the ban on intimate relations between spouses during the entire daylight hours, when both or one of them is fasting.

From dawn to sunset, it is strictly forbidden to have sexual intercourse with your wife. If sexual intimacy occurs between spouses while fasting, then their fast is broken.

However, there are no restrictions on this at night. From sunset until dawn, spouses can have intimate relations without any restrictions. Allah Almighty said in the Quran:

أُحِلَّ لَكُمْ لَيْلَةَ الصِّيَامِ الرَّفَثُ إِلَىٰ نِسَائِكُمْ ۚ هُنَّ لِبَاسٌ لَكُمْ وَأَنْتُمْ لِبَاسٌ لَهُنَّ

« You are allowed to approach your wives intimately on any night of fasting. They are a garment for you, and you (O husbands) are a garment for them (husband and wife need each other, just as a man needs clothing) " (Surah Al-Baqarah: 187)

With this verse, Allah Almighty permitted sexual intercourse, eating and drinking throughout the night and showed mercy to people.

However, during fasting, it is advisable for spouses to stop intimate relationships, as well as eating, in advance of dawn, so as not to fall into doubt. Moreover, it will be better if they have time to perform a complete ablution before the time begins. morning prayer, because when swimming in fasting there is a risk of water getting into the ears and other natural openings on the body.

If, nevertheless, dawn found the spouses having sexual intercourse, they must immediately interrupt intercourse, then perform the obligatory complete ablution and fast. In this case, their post will be valid. There is no need to pay a fine or reimbursement for this day of fasting.

If the spouses hesitate and do not interrupt sexual intercourse at the same moment, then their fast is considered broken. But, despite this, they are both charged with the duty to avoid everything that breaks the fast throughout the daylight hours.

It is worth noting that fasting in the month of Ramadan is one of the pillars of Islam, for violation of which Islam provides for fairly strict sanctions. And whoever breaks the fast in the month of Ramadan by sexual intercourse is entitled to atonement (kaffarata) to fast for two months in a row.

Kaffarat is imposed on a man who at will, being an adult and conscientious, during the fasting month of Ramadan, broke his fast through sexual intercourse, without good reason, and is a representative of the category of people on whom fasting is entrusted.

Sexual intercourse is considered valid if the sexual organ or anus of a person or animal, the part of the penis that is exposed during circumcision enters.

Kaffarat is imposed only on the one who committed sexual intercourse, but not on the one with whom it was committed. If you make love several times in one day, kaffarat is imposed only once.

In this case, kaffarat is equal to the liberation of the slave, and if there is no slave, then you need to fast for two months in a row; if you miss at least one day, then the countdown begins again. Even if you miss the post on the last day; forget about the intention at least for one day; If you miss it due to illness or while on the road, you still need to start counting the time again.

For this post ( post of kaffarat), as for everyone mandatory posts, you need to make an intention on the eve of each day and at the same time emphasize that this fast is kaffarat, but you don’t need to say that you fast in a row. Both months are counted according to lunar calendar.

If a person cannot fast (due to health reasons) for two months in a row, then he needs to feed sixty poor or needy people. Health condition refers to the inability to fast or the inability to fast for two consecutive months at any time of the year.

And those sixty poor people who need to be fed should belong to the category of people who deserve zakat. They need to be given one muddu of the most common product in the area.

As for other relationships between spouses: kisses, hugs, caresses, etc., then if the husband is sure that, for example, by kissing his wife, he will not become aroused and will not break the fast (by sexual intercourse, ejaculation, etc.), in this no ban. However, even in this case, kissing and caressing your spouse during fasting is undesirable.

If there is a possibility of arousal from a kiss or other caresses, then it is completely sinful to do this, and if ejaculation occurs from this, the fast will be broken. Fasting also interferes with the swallowing of the spouse's saliva. In this case, you only need to make up for the fast on another day.


Muslims strictly observe the traditions and covenants written in the Koran. One of the greatest celebrations is Ramadan holiday. This is a sacred month that has special meaning for everyone wrapped in this faith. Let's take a closer look at this traditional religious action, and also tell you when Ramadan is celebrated in 2019.

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When is Ramadan celebrated in 2019: schedule - what date does the holy month of Ramadan begin and end?

Islamic calendar, or as it is also called Hijri calendar is a lunar calendar whose months begin with new moons. The 9th month of the Muslim year is called Ramadan. which can last 29–30 days. It begins at dawn after the ninth new moon. Since the calendar is tied to the Moon and its growth, every year (in comparison with our Gregorian calendar) the Ramadan holiday shifts to 11 days.

In 2019, the beginning of the ninth month of the Islamic calendar will fall at dawn on May 5th. It will last a month until dark on June 3rd.

This month representatives Arab world fast during daylight hours. This fast is obligatory for every “son of Allah”, because through it the power of faith is demonstrated, the spirit and will are strengthened. Fasting implies not only the renunciation of food, but also the cleansing of the body and soul through the renunciation of vices, lusts and worldly desires (prohibitions).

Brief history, essence, traditions, intention and meaning of Ramadan among Muslims

During Ramadan, the Koran is especially studied, the commandments of Allah are fulfilled, and believers adhere to the prescribed prohibitions.

  • During the first 10 days, it is believed that Allah shows mercy to his believers.
  • Over the next 10 days, the soul becomes pure, cleansing itself of sins and unclean thoughts.
  • The final decade symbolizes salvation from Gehenna.

It is these last days that are considered the most sacred, since this period falls Night of al-Qadr (night of Power). It is generally accepted that on this night Allah “distributes” the fate of every believer for the next year, based on his deeds .

It is not known for certain which last days The Prophet Muhammad saw the appearance of the messenger Jibril, so it is revered every day. To be more precise, the Night of Determination of Destiny is celebrated several times during the last 10 days of Ramadan on odd days.

Rules of the holy month of Ramadan: what is allowed and what is not allowed during fasting in the month of Ramadan?

All believers in Allah must follow the rules of Ramadan, but there are exceptions that relate to:

  • children (minors according to Sharia law);
  • menstruating women;
  • sick people, including the mentally ill;
  • old people;
  • women in labor and breastfeeding.

Eating during Ramadan is allowed at night, but only twice:

  1. Suhur- eating food is expected, which should end with prayer 20-30 minutes before the time of Fajr (before dawn).
  2. Iftar is the breaking of the fast that occurs after sunset (Maghrib time). It starts with dates and water. After satisfying hunger, be sure to say the Isha prayer (this is the 5th obligatory night prayer among Muslims).

Skipping meals is prohibited.

According to the Holy Scriptures, during daylight hours believers in Allah devote themselves to work and prayer (there are 5 obligatory daily prayers), to distract from sinful thoughts and motives. IN free time you need to read the Koran.

Activities during daylight hours that may violate the holy fast include:

  • eating;
  • drinking (alcohol, water, drinks, juices, etc.);
  • smoking;
  • having sex;
  • involuntary cleansing of the body (vomiting, enema);
  • taking medications.

How to prepare and how to properly observe the month of Ramadan?

You should prepare for Ramadan in advance. To do this, before the 9th month You should fast every Monday and Thursday of the week. Also, refuse food on the 13th, 14th, 15th of the month of Shaban . A rule should be entered get up 20–30 minutes before dawn. This time should be devoted to reading the Quran and prayer.

All the rules that should be followed during the month of Ramadan are prescribed in the Koran. Their observance helps believers to fast and refuse all temptations. To keep Ramadan, you need to remember the following:

  • Iftar should consist of light foods.
  • Suhur provides more high-calorie food, which serves as a “charge” of energy for the entire next day.
  • When eating, it is better to avoid eating fatty and spicy foods, as they provoke a feeling of thirst.
  • To prepare yourself, on the next day of fasting you need to read Niyat (translated as intention). It is read after dark. Theologians recommend repeating Niyat before dawn, since it is believed that such an intention is closer to the light post, and therefore stronger.
  • It is believed that Niyat not said at night or read after dawn breaks the fast.

Which is correct: Ramadan or Ramazan?

The Muslim faith has two names, both Ramadan and Ramadan. The thing is that the only language in which the letter “dad” exists, used in the name of the month, is found only in Arabic. In all other languages ​​and dialects the letter “za” is used. Because of this, the holiday of the ninth month can be pronounced both Ramadan and Ramadan.

It should be noted that regardless of the specific pronunciation of the Muslim people, when reading the Koran, the name of the holiday is pronounced exclusively as Ramadan. Since distortion when reading sacred scripture is unacceptable.

Water during Ramadan: is it safe to drink?

The answer is clear - Drinking during daylight hours of the month of Ramadan is prohibited. This rule applies to all liquids (alcohol, water, juice, fruit drink). The rule applies until sunset, after which believers are allowed to drink to their heart's content.

It should be noted that swallowing saliva is not a violation of fasting, but swallowing water that gets into the mouth while bathing is a break in fasting, for which a debt arises to Allah.

Is it possible to have sex during Ramadan?

Fasting on the holiday of Ramadan provides for the renunciation of carnal pleasures and the fulfillment of marital duties during daylight hours. After sunset, this prohibition does not apply, and sex is perfectly acceptable if desired or necessary. But if a believer breaks this rule and makes love to a woman during the day, then for this he will be punished “punishment” in the form of compensation for fasting for 60 days. Almsgiving and feeding the poor are also considered atonement for breaking fast.

How many Ramadans are there in a year and how many days does it last?

Ramadan happens only once a year. It is tied to the lunar calendar, so its occurrence changes annually, the website informs. The beginning of the ninth lunar month is considered the beginning of Ramadan. Its duration is calculated lunar days, so last Ramadan can last 29–30 days.

It should be noted that in different Muslim countries the first day of Ramadan may be slightly shifted (different).

The fact is that the first day of the 9th month can be calculated:

  • astronomically;
  • observation of the night celestial body;
  • to be declared by theologians of the Muslim world.

These factors lead some believers to begin the anointing a day or two earlier than their fellow believers located on another continent.

Why do people only eat at night during Ramadan?

If you ask Muslims why it is only allowed to eat at night during Ramadan, everyone will have the same answer: "This is the will of Allah". Indeed, if you look for explanations in the Koran, it is impossible to find them. But by looking at history, we can shed some light on this type of abstinence.

Even before Islam, the Arabs lived according to a fixed calendar, and the month of Ramadan fell during the hottest period. It was the heat that gave the name to the ninth month, because the word Ramadan has a translation - intense heat (sultry time). It was impossible to be under the scorching sun at this time. The steppes were burned out, and people tried to hide from the rays of the hot sun. It seemed that life stood still this month, and only in the dark the Moon rose above the heads of the Arabs, giving them long-awaited coolness. It was at night that people could work, and therefore the need for food arose. Since food supplies were very scarce due to the scorching sun, and the main source of water was rain, that is, during the period of “doing nothing” (during the day) it was prohibited. It was from these origins that the tradition of eating during Ramadan only at night came.

What to do if you break your Ramadan fast?

Of course, everyone can't be perfect. Therefore, violations occur during Ramadan, for which believers bear a debt to Allah. To explain it more clearly, for every sin during the holy month of Ramadan you will need to pay off to Allah. What “rates” for farming are there in the Holy Scriptures?

  • In cases where a believer ended the fast not of his own free will(unintentional violation). These include: the onset of menstruation in women, unintentional vomiting, accidentally swallowed a fly, etc. For such a violation of fasting, a ransom is required in the form of an extension of the interrupted Ramadan by the number of days (making up for missed days) and alms to the poor. You are allowed to pay your debt to Allah any day of the year before the next Ramadan.
  • If the sin was deliberate(eating and drinking during the day, taking medications, having sex), the debt is repaid with an additional 60 days of abstinence and mercy to those in need in the form of money or food.

VIDEO: The best video about Ramadan

Behind holy month follows the next Shawwal (10th lunar month), on the first day of light of which it is customary to celebrate the celebration of breaking the fast of Eid al-Adha. This day is marked by the first meals during daylight hours, as well as the recitation of the Eid prayer. Also on this day, the head of the family must pay zakat al-fitr (this is an obligatory alms) for each member of his family.

Question: Please tell me when Oraza begins in 2016?

Azan.kz: If Allah wills, Eid this year begins on June 6 and ends on July 4.

Question: Where can I download the “fasting schedule” for Almaty and for all cities of Kazakhstan?

Azan.kz: “Fasting schedule” can be downloaded on our website. Click on the link "download schedule" and select the city you need .

Question: I have never kept an eye. How to hold an oraza correctly? What is possible and what is not?

Question: Is it possible to keep the oraza if I do not pray?

Azan.kz: Yes, you can. Since Oraza is one of the five pillars of Islam. Insha Allah, your fast will be accepted by the Almighty.

Question: What should you say before suhoor?

Azan.kz: Intention of fasting (niyat):

“I intend to fast for the month of Ramadan for the sake of Allah Almighty.”

Question: What should you say before breaking the fast (auyz ashu)?
Azan.kz: Words that a fasting person says when breaking his fast:

“Zahaba zzama-u uabtalatil-‘uruk, wa sabatal-ajru insha-Allah”

The thirst has gone, and the veins have filled with moisture, and the reward is already waiting, if Allah wills.” (Abu Dawud 2357)

“Allahum ma, lyakya sumtu, wa bikya amantu, wa “alai-kya tawakkyaltu, wa “ala rizkykya aftartu”

Translation: “O Allah, for Your sake I fasted, I believed in You, I relied on You, and I broke my fast with the gift You gave me.”

Question: What is the best thing to do while fasting?
Azan.kz: You should show zeal in worship, give alms, do good to people, read the Koran. If it is possible to take a vacation during fasting, it is better to do so in order to have more time to arrive at the mosque with the intention of worshiping the Almighty.

Question: How important is it to take suhoor? If I slept through suhoor and didn’t eat or drink anything during the day, wouldn’t this be considered a violation?
Azan.kz: If you don’t get up for Suhur in the morning, then this does not break your fast. The main condition is that you cannot eat or drink before iftar. But try not to skip suhoor.

In Ramadan, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) hurried to break the fast himself and encouraged others to do the same. In addition, he (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) encouraged people to take food before dawn and, if possible, to do so just before dawn.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Suhoor is a blessed time all the time, so do not miss it, and let each of you drink at least a sip of water, for verily, Allah and His angels bless those who eat, or drinks before dawn” (Ahmad).

Question: Is it important to rush to break the fast?
Azan.kz: The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:

“Everyone will be fine as long as they hurry to break their fast.” (Al Bukhari no. 1957, Muslim no. 1098)

Question: What is the best way to break your fast?
Azan.kz: The Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, said:

“Whoever has dates, let him break his fast with them, and whoever doesn’t have them, let him break his fast with water, for it purifies.” (Ahmad No. 15798, At Tirmidhi No. 695, Abu Dawud No. 2355)

Question: Is it possible to eat after Fajr prayer before sunrise?
Azan.kz: After Fajr prayer, you cannot eat. It is necessary to stop eating 10 minutes before dawn.

“Eat and drink until you can distinguish the white thread of dawn from the black one, and then fast until nightfall.” (Quran 2:187)

Question: If, out of forgetfulness, I ate food and drank water during the day, is my fast broken?
Azan.kz: Eating food and water out of forgetfulness does not break the fast. As soon as you remember that you are fasting, you need to immediately stop eating.

There is a hadith of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace: “Whoever has eaten or drunk while forgetting, let him continue his fast, for it is Allah who has fed and given him something to drink.” (Al-Bukhari no. 6669)

Question: Is it possible to fast continuously, for example, 2 days in a row, without breaking the fast?
Azan.kz: No, you can’t.

It is reported from the words of Abu Sa'id, may Allah be pleased with him, that he heard the Prophet, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, say: “Do not fast continuously, and whoever of you wants to do this, let him break his fast before dawn ( next day)". (Al Bukhari No. 1963)

Question: Is it possible to keep the oraza for several days? For example, 3 days at the beginning and 3 days at the end?
Azan.kz: No, this is prohibited.

“In the month of Ramadan, the Qur'an was revealed - true guidance for people, clear evidence of right guidance and discernment. Whoever this month finds among you must fast.” (Quran 2:185)

Question: During the oraza, I am sent on a business trip to another city. Can I pause my fast?
Azan.kz: Allah allowed the traveler to suspend fasting, even if he does not experience any difficulties during the trip. After the end of the period, you will need to make up the missed days. The Almighty said:

“And if anyone is sick or on a journey, then let him fast for the same number of days at other times. Allah desires ease for you and does not desire hardship for you." (Quran 2:185)

Question: Can I keep a fast even though I am going on a business trip to another city?
Azan.kz: Yes, you can.

Hamza ibn Amr al-Aslami, may Allah be pleased with him, asked the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace: “O Messenger of Allah, I feel that I have enough strength to fast while traveling, so will it be on me is it a sin if I do this? The Prophet said: “This is a permission (relaxation) from Allah, and whoever takes advantage of it will do well, and whoever wishes to fast, there is no sin on him.” (Muslim No. 1891)

Question: Is it possible to undergo circumcision (wedding, etc.) during Lent?

Azan.kz: Yes, during the period of time, you can circumcise your child (celebrate a wedding, etc.). But in this case, you need to move the holiday treat to the evening (after breaking the fast).

Question: Is it possible to exercise during fasting?
Azan.kz: Yes, you can, but don’t forget that during fasting it’s already hard for the body, try not to burden it. It is advisable to take a break during the fasting period.

Question: Is it possible to swallow saliva while fasting?
Azan.kz: Swallowing saliva does not spoil the image. But you cannot deliberately “accumulate” saliva and swallow it, as this spoils the fast.

Question: Can I chew chewing gum?
Azan.kz: No, you can’t. Chewing gum contains sugar (or a substitute).

In addition, when chewed on an empty stomach, chewing gum stimulates the production of gastric juice, which contributes to the development of gastritis or exacerbation of peptic ulcer.

Question: Is it possible to use creams during fasting?
Azan.kz: Yes, you can. The main thing is that you do not ingest them.

Question: Is it possible to brush your teeth with toothpaste during the fasting period without swallowing saliva?
Azan.kz: The use of toothpaste is allowed, but it falls under the category of makrooh. When using toothpaste, saliva is not swallowed until the taste has passed. Getting toothpaste into the stomach breaks the fast. You need to rinse your mouth thoroughly and be extremely careful. It is better and safer to use miswak. The latter is Sunnah.

Question: I have Lately My teeth often bleed, and I collect saliva and spit it out, sometimes I forget to swallow it. Is the fast broken because of this and what can be done?
Azan.kz: Oraza does not spoil, but there is no need to swallow blood on purpose. We recommend that you be extremely careful.

Question: Is smoking during the day allowed during Oraz?
Azan.kz: No, it is not allowed. Smoking is generally prohibited in Islam.

Question: Is it permissible to consume nasvay during Oraz?
Azan.kz: No, it is not allowed. Since this applies to intoxicating substances.

Question: Is it possible to take a shower or bath during the oraza?
Azan.kz: Possible, as needed. Be careful.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) used to brush his teeth with a siwak and pour water on his head during fasting. The companions saw how during fasting he, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, poured water on his head to escape thirst or heat. (Ahmad No. 15473, Abu Dawud No. 2365)

Question: Is it possible to simply rinse your mouth and nose during the oraza?
Azan.kz: Rinsing the mouth and clearing the nose with water does not break the fast, even if it is not done during ablution. If you swallow water, then the fast is broken and must be replaced.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Rinse your nose well (deeply) except when you are fasting.” (At-Tirmidhi, 788)

Question: Is it possible to cut nails and hair during fasting?
Azan.kz: You can cut your nails and hair. It is best to do this before complete ablution.

Question: During Oraza, during the day, I had sexual intercourse with my wife. Now 1 day is interrupted. How can I restore it?
Azan.kz: The fast of a person who has sexual intercourse during the day during Ramadan is broken, and he must compensate for this day of fasting through a continuous 2-month fast, and if this is beyond his strength, then he must feed 60 poor people. (This is stated in the hadith from Abu Hureyra (may Allah be pleased with him). Al Bukhari No. 6087,6164. Muslim No. 1111)

If sexual contact occurred out of forgetfulness (without the intention of breaking the fast), then in this case the oraza is not considered spoiled. As soon as you realize that you are fasting, you need to interrupt sexual intercourse.

Question: Is it possible for spouses to have sexual intercourse during oraza, at night (after breaking the fast)?
Azan.kz: “On the night of fasting, you are allowed intimacy with your wives (after all) they are a garment for you, and you are a garment for them” (Koran 2:187)

Question: Is it possible to hug and kiss your wife (husband) during fasting?
Azan.kz: Aisha, may Allah be pleased with her, said: “During the fast, the Prophet often hugged and kissed (his wives, however), he controlled himself better than any of you.” (Al Bukhari No. 1927)

Question: During fasting I ejaculated, does this spoil my fast?
Azan.kz: In case of unintentional ejaculation, the fast is not broken. You need to do complete ablution (ghusul).

Question: What should I do if my menstrual cycle begins during the oraza?
Azan.kz: You need to break your fast. A hadith narrated by Abu Saeed al-Khudri, may Allah be pleased with him, says: “Doesn’t she give up prayer and fasting when she begins to menstruate?” (Al-Bukhari, no. 1951, Muslim no. 889)

After the menstrual period, a woman must make up for the missed days of fasting.

Question: What should a nursing mother do during fasting?
Azan.kz: According to the most correct opinion, a woman who is pregnant or nursing is considered as one who is sick, so she is allowed not to fast, and she must only make up the missed days, whether she fears for herself or for the child. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Allah has made the duty of fasting and part of the prayer easier for a traveler, and He has made the duty of fasting easier for pregnant and lactating women.” (at-Tirmidhi, 3/85, he said - this is a hasan hadith)

Question: I have bad feeling, can I break my fast?
Azan.kz: If on some days it is difficult for a person to fast, he is allowed to break the fast on these days. Sometimes this even becomes mandatory (for example, upon the recommendation of a doctor) - if fasting causes significant harm to a person. Allah Almighty saved our community from difficulties. The Almighty said:

“He has not made any difficulty for you in religion.” (Quran 22:78)

A person who breaks his fast because it was very difficult for him is obliged to make up the missed days after he feels better.

Question: What should frail people (incurable people) do?
Azan.kz: Anyone who is not able to fast at all (that is, there is no hope that he will ever be able to fast, for example, a very old, as well as a terminally ill person), has the right not to observe fasting, but for each missed day he must feed one poor person. Abdullah ibn Abbas, may Allah be pleased with him, read the Words of the Almighty: “And those who are able to fast with difficulty, should feed the poor in atonement.” (Quran 2:184)

Question: I vomited while fasting. Is my fast broken?
Azan.kz: “Whoever is overcome by vomiting is not obliged to make up for his fast, and whoever intentionally caused vomiting must make up for his fast.” (Ahmad No. 10085, Abu Dawud No. 2370, At Tirmidhi No. 720, Ibn Majah No. 1676)

Question: How should Oraza Ait be celebrated?
Azan.kz: In Oraza Ait, you need to prepare a festive meal, invite relatives and friends. You can go visit your relatives yourself. The most important thing is to feel like it’s a holiday.

Question: I heard about the additional post after the oraza. What kind of post is this and how should it be kept?
Azan.kz: Fasting for 6 days after the month of Ramadan in the month of Shawwal is Sunnah. You can fast intermittently, i.e. 2 days at the beginning, 2 days in the middle, 2 days at the end. Also fast in the usual way, i.e. from dawn to dusk, refusing to eat, drink, intimacy and other things that break the fast. You can start after the Oraza Ait holiday.

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: “Whoever fasts the month of Ramadan, followed by six days of Shawwal, is equal to one who fasts the whole year.” (Muslim)

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