Home Stomatitis Ramadan day schedule by the hour. Holy month of Ramadan for Muslims

Ramadan day schedule by the hour. Holy month of Ramadan for Muslims

The holy month for Muslims, one of the five pillars of faith, a symbol of purity and strength of faith - Ramadan. Ramadan is a time of fasting and prayer, when a devout Muslim strives to maintain purity, both external and internal, without desecrating either body or soul with unclean actions, intentions and thoughts. In 2017, Ramadan falls at the beginning of summer, and therefore observance will not be too easy.

What date does Ramadan begin in 2017?

In the Islamic calendar, the counting of months is tied to the lunar cycle, and therefore the beginning and end of Ramadan fall on different numbers. In 2017, Ramadan begins on May 27 and ends on June 25.

The month of Ramadan in 2017 lasts from May 27 to June 25.

What is Ramadan

Translated from Arabic, “Ramadan” means “hot”, “blazing”, “sultry”. This month received this name not by chance - in the countries of the Arabian Peninsula, the birthplace of traditional Islam, fasting most often occurred during one of the hottest and most difficult summer months. At this time, devout Muslims fast - saum, refusing not only food, but also all the pleasures of life.

To the uninitiated, main feature Ramadan is a ban on eating during the daytime. Instead of the traditional and usual breakfast, lunch and dinner, Muslims have only Suhoor and Iftar - morning and evening receptions. However, the meaning of fasting is actually much deeper: Ramadan becomes a time of purification, spiritual improvement and self-determination.

The main traditions of Ramadan

Ramadan is a complex and very voluminous concept that includes not only a regulated meal, but also a long series of obligatory actions - from reading prayers to giving alms or feeding the poor.

The morning of the month of fasting begins with niyat - intention. A Muslim must declare his intention to fast. Reading Niyat - mandatory procedure During Ramadan, fasting without announcing one's intentions is not considered a fast for the glory of Allah. This is followed by Suhoor, the morning meal. After a kind of breakfast, a prayer is read - Fajr, the first of the number obligatory prayers. During the day, a Muslim is forbidden to eat food and drink water, smoke, chew gum and take medicine (except for injections), have sex, swear, have fun - dance, listen to loud music. Throughout the month, the faithful must do good deeds - help the suffering, give alms.

The evening begins at sunset. With the onset of darkness, it is time for Ifar - the evening meal. Then it reads night prayer- isha, after it tarawih is said - another prayer, unlike namaz, this time voluntary.

Suhur is a kind of breakfast, eating before sunrise, before morning prayer. the main task devout Muslim– complete suhoor before the sky begins to brighten. Of course, eating is possible in the morning light sky (the main thing is before sunrise), this will not be considered a violation of Ramadan, but the sawab will be lower. Missing suhoor is not included in the list of violations, however, even in this case, the reward - sawab - from Allah is reduced. The reason is simple: a Muslim must follow the sunnah, which describes the actions to be performed, and suhoor is one of them.

Iftar is an analogue of dinner, an evening meal, immediately after sunset, after evening prayer. The best, that is, the most correct food for iftar is dates, which should be washed down with water. This prescription also follows from the Sunnah of the Prophet, as does the undesirability of skipping Suhoor and Iftar. Iftar ends with the reading of short prayers - dua.

Release from fasting

Fasting during Ramadan is an important, fundamental tradition in Islam. However, there are some exceptions - the Koran describes the circle of people who are given exemption from fasting. These people include the sick (sick), whose health may be at risk due to food restrictions; old people - also because meager food can undermine their already poor health; those on the road, that is, away from home; children; lactating and pregnant women. In addition, if for some reason the fasting person was forced to break his fast in order not to lose sawab - a reward from Allah - he will need to compensate for the “loss”, that is, to voluntarily fast at another time.

So, we wish you happiness and have a good time Ramadan in 2017.

Muslims fast every year during Ramadan. This month falls on different dates annually. In this article you will learn when Ramadan 2019 will take place, as well as the rules of fasting.

The month of Ramadan is called holy and is a very important month for Muslims. At this time, fasting takes place, which is one of the five pillars of Islam.

The month of Ramadan lasts 29 or 30 days, depending on lunar calendar. Fasting begins at dawn on the first day of Ramadan and ends at sunset on the last day.

Important: Ramadan falls in 2019 from May 7 to June 5. The fast lasts exactly 30 days and ends with the holiday of Uraza Bayram, which will take place in 2019 on June 5.

For Muslims, fasting is considered an honorable act. After all, by doing this, a fasting Muslim strengthens his faith in Allah, cleanses himself of earthly sins, and draws upon himself the prosperity of Allah.

During this Holy month, Muslims consider it honorable to do good deeds and help those in need. After all, Allah sees them, and every good deed is rewarded by Allah.

It is during the Holy month of Ramadan that people stop quarreling, being offended, and envying. During this month, the hearts of believers unite in united prayer and love for Allah.

It is during this Holy month that both the soul and body of a Muslim believer are cleansed through fasting and prayer. The soul is filled with love and compassion for people.

The main condition is not to break the fasting schedule and not to miss prayers.

Ramadan or Ramazan: which is correct?

Important: Many people have a question about how to say it correctly - Ramadan or Ramadan? After all, both words are used in different sources. The answer to this question is clear: both pronunciations are correct.

In other words, Ramadan and Ramazan are one and the same. However, there is an explanation for this.

The letter dad exists only in Arabic. Therefore, Arabs pronounce this word as Ramadan. The Turkic peoples, in turn, say “Ramadan”, because such pronunciation is characteristic of their linguistics. Any pronunciation is not considered an error.

When do Muslims fast for Ramadan in 2019?

  • In 2019 Muslims will start fasting May 7 after the morning adhan - the call to prayer. The post ends June 5 after evening azan. June 5 the holiday of breaking the fast is coming - Eid al Adha.

The month of Ramadan is considered sacred because according to legend, in the month of Ramadan, the Prophet Muhammad received the first verses of the Koran.
During Ramadan, it is customary to pray with special zeal and renounce the evil of everyday life..

Fasting helps a believer to cleanse himself of sins, understand the true meaning of earthly life, pacifies souls, and teaches patience.

Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr 2019 calendar: schedule, date

Ramadan ends with a big holiday - Eid al Adha.

Important: Uraza Bayram is celebrated the day after the end of fasting. In 2019, the holiday of Uraza Bayram is June 5.

Preparation for Eid al-Adha

Preparation for this day begins in advance. It is customary to begin the holiday with general prayer.

  • Every Muslim must make a donation to the poor on this day; also on this day, Muslims go to cemeteries to visit deceased relatives, as well as visit each other.
  • It is forbidden to fast on this day and be sad.
  • The table should have the most best dishes, and clothes should be smart.
  • In many countries this day is an official holiday.

Eid al-Fitr holiday

As you know, with hardship comes relief. This can be seen in the fasting of Ramadan and the holiday that follows it. It is difficult to observe fasting, but the joy after it is very great.

Intention for fasting Ramadan

A Muslim who intends to fast should not forget about his intention for fasting - niyat.

There are rules of intent, non-compliance with which leads to the fact that the post may not be counted. Consider these rules:

  1. Intent for fasting pronounced on the eve of each new day of the month of Ramadan. The intention is pronounced after the last meal of the night, but in the second half of the night.
  2. If a person makes an intention at dawn, then his fast on that day will not be counted.
  3. When a person has doubts about pronouncing an intention at dawn or at night, then fasting on that day is also not counted.
  4. It is not necessary to say the words of intention out loud, you can say it mentally.
    Before pronouncing an intention, a person must understand the essence of this action - the desire to renounce all sins that could break the fast.
  5. If a person pronounces an intention without understanding the essence of what is happening, such an intention is also not counted.

Important: Words of intention sound like this “I intend to fast the day of Ramadan in accordance with faith and sincerely for the sake of Allah Almighty.” .

How to keep Ramadan, how to fast?

Ramadan fasting requires eating and drinking only at night. During the day, a person should completely refuse food.

In the first days it can be very difficult to adapt to this diet. But prayers also help other people who are subject to the same goal. After all, together it is easier to experience all the inconveniences.
After a few days, the body gets used to the routine and fasting proceeds easily. Therefore, tune in to this and remember Allah will reward you for the right actions.

In addition, sexual relations during the day are prohibited. At night you can make love.

Who is exempt from fasting during the month of Ramadan?

  1. Aged people. If people, due to health reasons, cannot fast or make up for the fast afterward, they must pay fidya-sadaqa - a donation to feed one poor person per day. You can feed 30 poor people at once or feed one poor person for 30 days. If a person is old, but his health allows him to fast, he should fast.
  2. Pregnant or nursing mothers. Also, a woman who is breastfeeding someone else’s child may miss the post. IN in this case You can skip this post if you have one real threat baby's health, risk of milk loss or risk of miscarriage. In the future, such a woman will have to make up for the days of fasting; there is no need to pay a donation for fasting.
  3. Women who have started menstruating. On menstrual days, women should skip fasting, but then make up for these days. The fast of such a woman will not be counted, but out of respect for Ramadan she should not eat during the day.
  4. Hopelessly ill people. If a patient begins to fast and his health deteriorates, he must break the fast. If a person subsequently recovers, he will have to make up for the missed days of fasting, and his fidyah sadaqah will be counted as a donation.
  5. Travelers and those who are at war are also exempt from fasting. However, they are subsequently required to make up these days.

Video: Month of Ramadan

What breaks fasting in the month of Ramadan?

  • Critical days or postpartum discharge;
  • Taking medications by swallowing;
  • Smoking, mindful intake of food and water;
  • Conscious intimacy
  • Getting water into your mouth when swimming
  • Inducing vomiting

If a person consciously commits sexual intercourse during fasting, he is obliged to atone for sin - fast for 60 days in a row.

Other violations require compensation for the day of fasting on which the violation occurred.

What does not break the Ramadan fast?

  • If a person ate and drank water, forgetting about fasting. If a fasting person suddenly drank water or ate, but immediately remembered and continued the fast, this is not considered a violation;
  • Involuntary vomiting;
  • You can taste food with the tip of your tongue without swallowing it;
  • Rinse your mouth or rinse your nose if water is not swallowed;
  • You can put medicines in your eyes and give injections (not vitamins or nutritional supplements);
  • Anointing and inhaling incense, bathing.

Muslim prayer

Ramadan: what can you eat?

Important: At night during the month of Ramadan you can eat whatever you want. However, it must not be conveyed. It is enough to eat exactly the amount of food that is enough to renew your strength and satiate.

After sunset, you can put either one dish or several on the table. Breaking the fast begins with dates. At night you can eat whatever you like - soups, vegetables, meat, baked goods, dried fruits and fruits, cereals, fish, salads, etc.

Food during Ramadan fasting

Why do people only eat at night during Ramadan?

Important: The Almighty said: “Eat and drink until you can distinguish a white thread from a black thread at dawn, and then fast until night.” These words became the basis for the Ramadan fast.

The effects of Ramadan fasting on health

Studies have been conducted that have found that fasting Ramadan does not harm the body. Blood was taken from the volunteers at the beginning of the fast, during and after the end.

  • Laboratory studies have established the positive effect of fasting on many systems of the body, such as the immune, genitourinary, circulatory, and nervous systems.
  • Most fasters were able to lose excess weight.
  • Basic blood counts remained normal.
  • Those indicators that deviated from the norm recovered a few days after leaving the fast.

The main advantage of fasting Ramadan from a medical point of view is getting all the necessary nutrients, even at night.

Video: Fasting Ramadan from a medical point of view

Congratulations on the beginning of the month of Ramadan

For Muslim believers, the onset of fasting is a joyful event. People congratulate each other, wish them patience, strength, wisdom, as well as joy and health. Look at the picture below best selection congratulations and poems dedicated to the holiday of Ramadan.

Congratulations on the holiday of Ramadan in verse

Congratulations on Ramadan in prose

What should you do during Ramadan?

During Lent, it is imperative to pray fervently, develop spiritually, think about good deeds and perform them.

  • This time is necessary to remind a person of his real mission in this life.
  • Ramadan is not a time for fun, it is a time for reading the Koran, good thoughts and deeds.
  • Ramadan is a time to help other people, the poor, the needy.
  • During this month, alms are given out, people ask for forgiveness, and do good deeds.
  • During this month, strictly follow all the rules of fasting.

What should you not do during the month of Ramadan?

During Ramadan (Ramadan) you cannot lie, use foul language, talk idle talk, behave dissolutely, or quarrel.

  • It is advisable at this time to give up having fun and judging other people.
  • You can’t be angry with your loved ones, swear, or plot bad things. Fasting teaches humility and patience.
  • If a person provokes a fasting person and calls for a quarrel, the fasting person should not engage in abuse, altercation, or fight.
  • He must remind himself that he honors and observes the fast.

Namaz in the month of Ramadan

During Ramadan, believers must pray fervently and also read a prayer - tarawih prayer. This prayer is best performed in a mosque, but can also be performed at home with your family.

Important: Tarawih prayer is a special prayer during Ramadan, which lasts until dawn.

Namaz in the month of Ramadan

Video: Prayer before meals in the month of Ramadan

Women, like men, must fast during Ramadan.

  • If a woman starts critical days, she must break her fast. And later continue it;
  • A woman should not approve of her husband’s weakness if he desires intimacy during the day during Ramadan;
  • At night there is no need to refuse your husband intimacy;
  • When a woman prepares food, you can taste the salt without swallowing the food;
  • It is not advisable to while away the days of fasting by shopping and spending money;
  • A woman should not neglect prayer because of household chores.

Is it possible to drink kvass during Ramadan?

Muslims are allowed to drink alcoholic drinks if the proportion of alcohol in them is insignificant and does not lead to intoxication. Factory-made kvass, as a rule, is not capable of intoxication, so you can drink it.

Is it possible to swallow saliva during Ramadan?

  • The saliva that collects in the mouth can be swallowed. This is not considered a violation of the fast.
  • But if the saliva has already left the mouth, for example, touched the lip, then swallowed saliva will be a violation.
  • If blood from the gums gets into the saliva, this will also be a violation. Such saliva needs to be spat out.

Is it possible to brush your teeth during Ramadan?

It is better to brush your teeth at night. If you have to brush your teeth during the day, you need to be careful not to swallow toothpaste and saliva at the same time. When rinsing your mouth, you should spit out the water and not swallow it.

Important: It is better for Muslims to brush their teeth with a siwak stick. This will not break the fast.

Is it possible to marry or steal a girl during the month of Ramadan?

Fasting is not an obstacle to nikah (wedding). However, you cannot have feasts and celebrations during the day.

From a religious point of view, stealing a girl is a sin. Islam strongly discourages stealing anything and causing violence to a person. Therefore, girls should not be kidnapped during Ramadan.

Video: Fasting in Ramadan

On Thursday, February 14, 2019, Russia celebrates a wonderful holiday - Valentine's Day. State lotteries cannot stay away from such a bright event, and are holding a special event dedicated to Valentine's Day. holiday drawing number 1271.

In this regard, I would like to wish: lovers - love, lovers - keep them, those who bought a Russian Lotto ticket - win!

The day the program goes on air on the NTV channel is traditionally Sunday. Starting from October 17, the broadcast begins at 14:00 Moscow time.

Broadcast of the 1271st Russian Lotto draw on TV, dedicated to the Day lovers will also take place on Sunday February 17, 2019, starting at 14:00 Moscow time on the NTV channel .

What will be played on February 17, 2019:

In 1271 editions of the All-Russian State. lottery will draw many clothing and cash prizes, 100 romantic trips and a Jackpot of 500 million rubles.

What a ticket looks like:

Ticket edition 1271 has a pink border. On the background blue sky flies balloon in the shape of a heart, to the left of it there is the inscription “Happy Valentine’s Day!”, and below - “Jackpot 500,000,000 rubles.” On the bottom left it says "1271 edition". At the bottom, on a white background, there is the inscription “100 Romantic Journeys.”

Let us remind you that the short day on Friday 02/22/2019 will be the only “gift” to the Russian defenders in terms of rest, because The day off from Saturday is moved not to the next Monday, but to Friday, May 10, 2019.

Growing good tomato seedlings in 2019 on a windowsill in an apartment is an art. Knowing the timing of timely planting of seeds, picking seedlings and following the rules of caring for them results in strong and healthy plants. Experienced gardeners also advise not to neglect the calendar of lunar phases, which, in their opinion, have a huge impact on the development of tomatoes. Below we talk about when to plant tomatoes in seedlings and in the ground in 2019, taking into account the lunar calendar.

Dates for sowing tomato seeds for seedlings in 2019:

In 2019 best timing planting seeds for seedlings at home for central Russia is coming one day after the new moon on March 6, 2019. However, the most favorable days are from March 10 to 12, 2019, as well as March 15 and 16, 2019. Late dates for sowing tomato seedlings 2019 are approaching after the full moon March 21, 2019. On the waning moon, the optimal days will be March 23 and 24, 2019.

Let us remind you that before planting, seeds should be disinfected (for example, in a 1% solution of potassium permanganate) and then rinsed well. To increase the future yield, we recommend soaking the seeds for a day in a weak solution. boric acid(0.1 g per 0.5 l of water). Sow the dried seeds in small (7-8 cm) trays with soil to a depth of no more than 1-1.5 cm, water and cover with film. The seed germination temperature is +22-25 degrees, so they are kept away from the cold windowsill. As soon as the first shoots appear, the film is removed and the trays are placed on the windowsill. Water the seedlings only with warm (+20+-22 degrees) water.

Dates for picking tomato seedlings in 2019:

When the first true carved leaf appears between the cotyledon leaves, the seedlings can be planted in separate pots or boxes with soil 12-15 cm high. In any case, the distance between neighboring plants should be 10-12 cm. In this case, the sprouts are buried in the ground to the very top. cotyledons.

In March 2019 - from March 23 to 27; in April 2019 - April 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17. April 5, 2019 is a new moon, so a pick on the waxing moon from April 7 to April 17, 2019 most preferred.

Time frame for caring for tomato seedlings in 2019 (watering, fertilizing, hardening):

To prevent tomato seedlings from stretching, you need provide her with enough light and reduce the air temperature during the day from +18 to 24 degrees, and at night from +12 to 16 degrees.

It is also necessary fertilize. The first feeding is given 7-10 days after picking, when the plant forms new roots, and then every 8-12 days. For feeding, dissolve in water for irrigation. mineral fertilizers or wood ash.

In April 2019, any days will be the best for feeding from 7 to 18, from 20 to 26, 29 and 30 April. In May 2019 you can feed from 1 to 4, from 7 to 18, 21-23, 26-31 May.

15-20 days before planting in the ground seedlings need to be hardened off. It is best to take it out onto the loggia or balcony and open the window.

During the last ten days before planting, tomato seedlings become very elongated, especially if the weather is warm. Stunt growth You can stop watering, and water only when the leaves wilt in the middle of the day.

Dates for planting tomato seedlings 2019 in the ground:

Tomato seedlings are planted in the ground at the age of 60-70 days from germination when the air temperature at night exceeds +12 degrees. One or two days before planting, the plants need to be well watered with water and fertilizer to ensure the preservation of the roots and nutrition of the plants after planting in the ground.

In May 2019 seedlings can be planted under arches with covering material as early as May 17-18 on the waxing moon. Let us remind you that May 19, 2019 is a full moon, and it is better to interrupt the work. Better days in May 2019 on the waning moon there will be May 26-28 and 31. In June 2019 it is already possible to plant in open ground June 1st and 2nd, 5th and 6th. June 3, 2019 is a new moon and activity in the garden is undesirable.

Let us remind you optimal timing planting and caring for tomato seedlings in 2019:
* sowing seeds - from 10 to 12, 15 and 16, 23 and 24 March 2019;
* picking seedlings - from March 23 to March 27; April 2, 3, 7, 8, 11, 12, 16, 17, 2019;
* feeding seedlings every 8-12 days - from 7 to 18, from 20 to 26, 29 and 30 April, from 1 to 4, from 7 to 18, 21-23, 26-31 May 2019;
* planting seedlings in the ground - May 17, 18, 26-28, 31, June 1, 2, 5, 6, 2019

We also read:

The date of Passover is tied to the lunisolar Jewish calendar, and therefore, according to the Gregorian calendar, the date of the celebration changes annually. The Jewish Passover 2019 begins with the onset of twilight on the 14th day of the spring month of Nisan ( from the evening of April 19, 2019), and lasts 7 days in Israel - from 15 to 21 Nisan (from April 20, 2019 to April 26, 2019), and 8 days outside of it, including in Russia - 22 Nisan each (until April 27, 2019).

According to ancient tradition, every Jewish holiday begins the evening before, after sunset. Therefore, the celebration of Passover 2019 also begins on the evening of April 19, 2019 with the festive Sedar (night Passover meal). And the day of Nisan 14 is also called the Day of Preparation for the Holiday.

Thus, the date of Passover in 2019 will be as follows:
* Beginning - April 19, 2019 (in the evening, at dusk).
*First day - April 20, 2019
* Last day is April 26, 2019 in Israel (April 27, 2019 outside Israel).

We also read:

It is prohibited to work on the first and last day of Passover 2019, so Nisan 15 (April 20, 2019) and Nisan 21 (April 26, 2019) are declared non-working days in Israel. In addition, April 20 in 2019 falls on a Saturday - a non-working day with a five-day working week in a number of countries, including Russia.

One of the traditions of the Passover holiday is eating “flat unleavened bread” - matzo. This tradition is explained by the fact that when Pharaoh freed the Israelites from slavery, they left Egypt in a hurry, in which they could not wait for the bread dough to rise with yeast. Therefore, during the Jewish Passover they do not eat leavened bread.

In 2017, the holy month of Ramadan will last from the evening of May 26 to the evening of June 24 and will end with the onset of the month of Shawal with the holiday of breaking the fast.

The month of Ramadan is the most important period of the year for Muslims. The Prophet Muhammad allegedly once said that when Ramadan begins, the gates of heaven open and the gates of hell close, and all the devils are immobilized with chains during this time. According to the beliefs of the religion, it was during this month that God revealed the first verses of the Quran to Muhammad. It happened on the night known as the “Night of Power.” During Ramadan, Muslims fast from sunrise to sunset. This is a time to strengthen spiritual discipline - deep reflection on one's relationship with God, additional prayers, charity and generosity, and intensive study of the Qur'an. However, not everything is so boring, because Ramadan is also a time for celebration and joy, a time spent with loved ones. A large three-day holiday called the "Festival of Breaking the Fast" ends the month and is sort of the "Muslim version of Christmas" in the sense that it is a religious holiday during which people gather with relatives and friends around a large table and exchange gifts.

Muslims fast during Ramadan

Fasting during Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam along with witnessing faith, prayer, charity and pilgrimage to Mecca. Of course, there are some relaxations of the rules for the sick, pregnant or breastfeeding people, travelers, small children and the elderly.

Fasting in Ramadan has several spiritual and social purposes:

  • remind people of human weakness and dependence on God;
  • feel compassion for the poor and needy;
  • reduce the weight of distractions so that a person can focus on his relationship with God.

Ramadan means abstaining from eating food and any liquids, smoking cigarettes, and engaging in any sexual activity from sunrise to sunset. Chewing gum also prohibited. If you fail, this day does not count. Each missed day of fasting must either be “caught up” later or fed to a needy person.

Early in the morning, long before dawn, Muslims wake up to have breakfast, and in fact, to eat for the whole day. Therefore, they need to eat high protein foods and drink as much as possible more water until the sun rises. This will be followed by morning prayers, after which many return to bed to get some more sleep. However, no one canceled work and study, so everyone fulfills their duties in this holy month. True, in many Muslim countries, enterprises and educational establishments reduce their working hours.

Before evening prayer, for which many go to the mosque, followers of Muhammad can eat again. However, this is not a hearty dinner with several courses, but a light snack. Only after prayer do families get together and have dinner before going to bed, and early in the morning everything starts all over again.

Why do Ramadan dates change every year?

In matters of religion, Muslims use the lunar calendar, the 12 months of which give a total of approximately 354 days. It is precisely because of the discrepancy between the number of days and the Gregorian calendar that Ramadan is the 9th moon month- moves back about 11 days every year. This factor significantly influences the course of the celebration: when Ramadan falls in the winter, it is much easier to fast, since the days are short and you do not have to endure hunger for a long time. In addition, due to the air temperature, the ban on drinking water is easier to bear.

What's interesting is that in some European countries(Iceland, Norway, Sweden) fasting can last about 20 hours a day in the summer. For Muslims in the Arctic Circle, where the sun practically never sets below the horizon in summer, it is permissible to fast according to the time frame of the nearest Muslim country or Saudi Arabia. By the way, in 2017, Ramadan will last from May 27 to June 25.

How do Sunnis and Shiites celebrate Ramadan?

The celebration of the holy month is practically no different between Sunnis and Shiites. However, there are some nuances: for example, Sunnis end their daily fast when the sun has already hidden behind the horizon, while Shiites wait until it is completely dark.

How should followers of other religions behave during Ramadan?

In some Muslim countries, eating in public during Ramadan is considered a crime, even if you are not Muslim. Even if you do not live in such a country, out of a sense of solidarity, you can “fast” in the presence of friends or colleagues from the Muslim religion. At the same time, no one is stopping you from eating a delicious-smelling cheeseburger, for example, in the break room. Try to forget for a while about your politeness and do not offer those observing the fast to “take a bite.” The same goes for parties: if you are going to invite Muslim friends, try to organize events after sunset so that they can feel at ease. In addition, congratulating them on such an important holiday for them will never be superfluous, but it will show how important these people are to you and how much you care about them.

Month of Ramadan 2017

In every faith there are many significant dates. In Catholicism there are some, in Orthodoxy - others.

Islam also has special dates when believers abstain from all human passions and a share of eternal bliss cleanses the soul and body from earthly defilement. In the article we will look in more detail at how to fast during Ramadan and what prohibitions fasting imposes on believers.


Eid al-Fitr in 2017

Ramadan: what can you eat?
Intention for fasting Ramadan

Is it possible to brush your teeth during Ramadan?

What should you do during Ramadan?
Ramadan rules for women

Namaz in the month of Ramadan

When is the month of Ramadan in 2017, what date does Eid start?

Muslims are no different from other believers: for them, solemn events take place in an atmosphere of joy, holiness, when hunger and thirst are met with satisfaction, and the plight of the poor is fully realized.

The month passes in fasting and reading prayers on the days of remembrance. Like other believers, Muslims have certain prohibitions on human passions, which are imposed by fasting

What kind of holiday is this - Ramadan?

The holy month of Ramadan is considered the most honorable for believers. Faith in Allah is based on it. Fasting will be complete when a person, by his behavior, is cleansed of sins and receives the pleasure of Allah

It is considered unacceptable to waste time during the Holy month. After all, it is on these days that Muslims can be rewarded for their good deeds. Wisdom consists in not breaking the rules of fasting imposed on believers by Allah

During Ramadan, the good qualities of believers who fast also improve. Quarrels and discord cease, the hearts of friends are united and a sense of responsibility and compassion for the poor is instilled.

Lent begins on Ramadan. And all believers are obliged to adhere to it

Just as for Orthodox Christians the date of Easter holidays changes every year, so for Muslims the onset of the month of Ramadan is calculated according to the phases of the lunar calendar and the difference from previous years can be within 10-11 calendar days. Therefore, the date of the Muslim Holy Period changes every year.

In 2017, Ramadan will begin in May, namely on the 27th. The end of Ramadan falls on June 25th.

The holy period for Muslims has long originated in warm time year, since it always falls in the summer months.

Literally translated, Ramadan means “sultry”, “hot”. However, not all believers perceive the holiday this way. For most, the literal translation does not mean the summer season, but following the strictest rules that must be followed.

Historical reference

How is the exact date of Ramadan determined?

Every year the date of the Holy Period for Muslims is indicated in the teachings of theologians. They also determine the day of Ramadan based on the lunar phases.

The onset of the 9th month of the calendar is the onset of the sacred period of the Muslim faith. The date of the holiday is determined by the location of the night luminary.

The mission of the prophet was indicated in the “revealed words” received by Muhammad on this day. At the same time, Muslim believers received the Koran, a gift from Allah.

According to ancient tradition, on the day when the Holy Period begins, Allah becomes open to resolve the fate of the believers in a prosperous manner and fulfills their forgiveness.

Eid al-Fitr in 2017

Practitioners of Islam are often interested in the question of the onset of the Eid al-Adha fast. After all, it also does not have a fixed date. Traditionally, fasting occurs on the ninth month of the Muslim calendar.

Since the Ramadan fast in 2017 begins on May 26, and the Holy period ends on June 25, Eid al-Adha falls on June 26. Fasting during one of the biggest holidays in Islam, Eid al-Adha, is very strict.

The great holiday of breaking the fast begins immediately after the end of fasting. At this time, all believers are allowed to eat everything that they could not afford during fasting.

Believers prepare for the holiday a month before its onset, and wait for it all year. After Lent, which lasts throughout the month, the day of breaking the fast comes.

All adult Muslims are required to adhere to the rules of fasting. Children, the sick, and the insane may not fast. Throughout the month, believers have the right to eat food only after dark. Only under this condition does the spiritual purification of the faithful occur.

Lent is spent muting all one's passions and desires. Time should be spent in long hours of prayer. There is an equalization of the poor with the rich, which cleanses from committed sins, among which gluttony ranks first.

It is also good to invite the poor to break their fast together, since helping the suffering means doing something pleasing to Allah.

After finishing their meal, believers go to the mosque to pray and read the Koran.

During prayer, the faithful ask for good for all people and forgiveness for sins committed. After the appearance new moon the post ends.

A holiday begins for Muslims. They are reading morning prayers. There are many believers in the mosques at this time. Not everyone gets inside the mosque and prays next to it.

On such a joyful day, worshipers feel like one family. The poor receive gifts, because each family prepares help for them in advance and presents it during the celebration.

As night falls, believers can begin breaking their fast. Only eating should be done at the same table with friends and acquaintances, and not exclusively in the family circle or alone.

Traditionally, parents are visited on such a day. The rest of the meal is shared with them.

When is Ramadan fasting for Muslims in 2017 and its schedule?

Muslims begin fasting on May 26, 2017. Ends by June 25, 2017

Schedule for Lent

Eating should be completed 20 minutes before Fajr time.
You can start eating during the Maghrib

Ramadan or Ramadan which is correct?

The Arabic word “Ramadan” is based on the name of the most revered month. But to simplify the pronunciation of the name of the holiday by non-Arabs, changes took place in the word: the letters “dad” were replaced by the letter “za”.

This is explained by the presence of the specific letter “dad” exclusively in Arabic and the absence of its analogue in other languages. Only knowledge of the special qualities of the letter “dad” can be achieved in a clear and correct pronunciation.

It is correct to pronounce both Ramadan and Ramadan in everyday speech. But when reading the Koran, the letter “dad” is not replaced with the letter “za”: this distorts the meaning, which is unacceptable.

What breaks fasting in the month of Ramadan?

Muslims learn about the main principles and prohibitions of fasting from the Koran.

According to the schedule of the basic rules of Ramadan, fasting follows:
completely stop drinking food and water
start eating before dawn
During the day, snacking and drinking any liquids (compotes, fruit drinks, water, tea) are excluded.
refuse intimacy, various caresses and stimulating actions
give up smoking, using drugs, drinking drinks containing alcohol (they poison the human body, therefore they should not penetrate the body of a believer during Holy Lent)
do not cheat
don't use foul language
do not mention the name of Allah while swearing
don't chew chewing gum
do not cleanse the body with enemas (unnatural cleansing is prohibited)

The following is considered a violation:
swallowing liquids (even water when bathing)
skipping niyat (consciously performing an action; niyat should be said every day during the Holy month between night and morning prayers).

How to keep Ramadan, how to fast?

Ramadan passes for believers without entertainment and pleasure

Recommendations regarding fasting:
eat only light food after sunset
before dawn (two hours before dawn) you can eat larger and heavier meals
the amount of fatty and spicy foods should be eliminated or reduced as much as possible, since their consumption increases thirst
Having broken the fast without permission, the believer must extend the fast by 1 day and pay the poor person money equal to 3.5 kg of wheat or pay food for the same amount
committing a carnal sin during fasting is compensated by 60 days of fasting or by organizing the feeding of the poor
if a believer had valid reasons for not fasting, then he can make up the missed day with any other day of fasting until the next Ramadan
V last days Ramadan believers pray persistently, repent of their sins and analyze their mistakes
On the last day of fasting, Muslims read a solemn prayer. Required condition is the distribution of alms. It may be dry food products or money

Ramadan: what can you eat?

The first days of fasting are very difficult. But then the body begins to rebuild and food restrictions are tolerated more easily.

At the end of the day after sunset, it is time to eat iftar, which should not end with overeating.

And only after a while you can start eating the main dishes.

The best option for a main meal:
limiting flour and fried foods
vegetable dish
meat and vegetable dish
a fish dish
vegetable salad
cereal dishes
limited number of sweets
You can arrange 3-5 courses

fresh juices
store-bought juices diluted with water to reduce acidity
fruit drinks
water and tea
not strong coffee

Intention for fasting Ramadan

The intention (niyat) is pronounced every night before fasting. But the intention that the believer pronounces at the beginning of the night also counts. However, it is better to say the intention in the second half of the night, which is closer in time to fasting.

An intention pronounced after dawn breaks the fast.

Health Benefits of Ramadan Fasting

Conventional diets help you shed accumulated pounds and reduce blood sugar, but they can cause side effects. Therefore, it is better to follow a diet under the supervision of a physician.

While fasting in Ramadan:
a person does not remain hungry and consumes calories adequately: without any food restrictions
carbohydrates are burned (the amount of sugar and insulin in the blood decreases), from which energy is extracted
fat deposits are burned
the body rests at a physiological level
the metabolic process is normalized
no side effects
the body is cleansed
After fasting, a person can give up bad habits forever

Is it possible to brush your teeth during Ramadan?

During Ramadan, Muslims use special remedy for the cleaning oral cavity from leftover food. This is a siwak (miswak)

Brushing your teeth with a toothbrush is not considered a violation of fasting.
However, using toothpaste breaks the fast because a person may swallow the toothpaste
It is recommended to brush your teeth with toothpaste in the evening or early in the morning.

Is it possible to swallow saliva during Ramadan?

Swallowing saliva during Ramadan does not break the fast
If dust or smoke accidentally gets into the throat, this also does not break the fast.

Congratulations on the beginning of the month of Ramadan

If you are looking beautiful congratulations With the onset of the month of Ramadan, then look at the following selection.

Strict post. Velit Koran
Observe it.
Everyone celebrates Ramadan
With a pure soul.

May Allah bless
For a good cause
Lights up the hearts,
Helps by faith.

In the glorious month of Ramadan
The Koran was sent to people,
To carry the truth
With an explanation of the way

As recorded in the Koran,
In this month Muslims
In memory of your shrine
They are fasting from now on.
For believers, fasting is a help,
To be closer to God,
To grow spiritually,
Tame your passions.

Holy Ramadan is coming -
Great holiday of Muslims.
To cleanse the soul
Fast, pray and do not sin.

And may Allah help us
Overcome vice and fear.
Help friends and relatives,
We only wish them well!

Congratulations on the arrival of Ramadan. Let there be strong faith, pure love and lasting happiness in life. I wish you to preserve everything that you value and value. Have a nice day, good people on life path and respect from others.

Ramadan has arrived, congratulations! This month is the most important for all Muslims. Strict fasting begins, it is designed to help you strengthen your faith. May goodness and mutual understanding settle in your home and hearts, and may your prayers be heard by the Almighty. Be happy, I wish you health and prosperity!

Happy holy month of Ramadan! I sincerely wish you happiness and health, rethink your life, drive everything away bad thoughts and intentions. May faith and hope only strengthen. Strength to you!

Prayer before meals in the month of Ramadan

Before morning and evening reception When eating food, Muslims say special prayers. Here is their text:

Intention to fast: Nawatu sawma gadin an 'ada'i Ramadan hazihi-s-sanati 'imanan wa-khtisaban li-llahi ta'ala - I intend to fast tomorrow of Ramadan this year in accordance with faith and sincerely for the sake of Allah.

Or for a whole month, then the intention is made on the first night of Ramadan: Nawaitu siyama salasina yawman ‘an shahri Ramadan hazihi-s-sanati - I intend to observe the thirty-day Fast of the month of Ramadan this year.

Before eating, say: Ya wasi'a-l-magfirati, igfir li Bismi-llahi-r-Rahmani-r-Rahim - O Allah! You are the All-Merciful, the Forgiving. I begin with the Name of Allah, Most Merciful for everyone in this World and only for believers in the Next World.

After eating, read next dua: Allahumma laka sumtu wa-'ala rizqika 'aftartu - O Allah! For Your sake I fasted and took the food that You gave me.

What should you do during Ramadan?

During the blessed moments of the sacred period, the believer should conduct himself as follows:

stop fasting after sunset
Having stopped fasting before the beginning of the fourth prayer, eat a date or, in its absence, drink water
do not slander or deceive
don't look at the forbidden
do not support empty conversations, fights
Ramadan rules for women

A woman should not stop fasting when she feels that menstrual blood begins to flow. Only when she sees her should she stop fasting
During the fast of Ramadan, a woman is not prohibited from testing food for salt.
It is also not prohibited to use perfumes and jewelry for your spouse at home during the daytime during Lent.
A woman can fast only after she has been cleared of bleeding and childbirth.
Women should remind their husbands during daylight hours about the prohibition of sexual intercourse
At night, until dawn, sexual intercourse is allowed
Women should not skip prayers because they need to cook something in the kitchen.
You shouldn't have parties outside your home after breaking the fast.

Why do people only eat at night during Ramadan?

This is the will of Allah. The meaning of fasting is for a person to improve in prayer and do good deeds. Bodily abstinence helps to increase attention to spiritual life.

Namaz in the month of Ramadan

Among the orders of Allah Almighty there are duties that believers must follow strictly, without any omissions. This is the only way a Muslim can become closer to the Lord. This requirement is to perform five obligatory prayers during the day and night.

What should you not do during the month of Ramadan?

You can’t stay in water or a bath for a long time (water can enter the body)
You can’t hug or perform actions aimed at arousing
you can't gargle
you can't taste the food
you can't swallow saliva

Video: how to celebrate and spend Ramadan?

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