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Why do I feel so bad? Am I feeling bad or how can I overcome the crisis if everything is bad? The most toxic female thoughts

The human etheric body makes it possible to effectively heal diseases and regulate processes in the physical body. Find out how to see the subtle body...

Ultra-modern Scientific research in area quantum physics show results that surprisingly coincide with the knowledge of the ancients.

They touch the essence of the universe, recognize the possibility of existence different worlds and plans.

Accurate detectors registered the presence of a certain radiation that all people and living beings possess, thus confirming the existence of an aura.

The human physical body is only one of many. Other bodies are called subtle, are at a different vibration frequency and are invisible to the human eye. The densest of subtle bodies called etheric: it surrounds a person with a shell at a distance of up to 5-10 cm.

It consists of ethereal matter (energy).

It is believed that a person is not able to see this type of energy, however, there are techniques with which one can learn the ability to distinguish between auras¹ and etheric bodies². There is a simple way to see etheric matter.

Step 1: see etheric matter

  • 1. There is only one requirement - availability clear skies. The practitioner goes out into the open space and begins to look at the sky. You need to contemplate with a focused, distracted gaze, covering the entire picture of the sky, without blinking.
  • 2. A person peers into the very depths of the sky, imagining how his gaze penetrates deeper and deeper into its depths.

Concentration on the sky should continue for 10-15 minutes. If your eyes begin to water during this time, you can squint your eyes a little so that the surface is moistened with liquid, but you cannot close them!

  • 3. The practitioner will gradually begin to notice unusual lines and stains in the sky, fast-flying translucent balls, figures with vague shapes.
  • 4. With practice, the outlines will become clearer.

You can see creatures, air spirits, dragons, etc. flying in the sky. Ancient myths often describe such creatures in their tales.

Step 2: see the etheric body

Now you need to learn to see your etheric body, and then the bodies of other people. The second part of the practice is the same as the first, but now you need to focus on the outstretched palm of your hand. To do this, you can take a sitting position, stretch your arm up so that the clear sky is the background. You need to look at your hand with the same absent-minded gaze, noticing the changes that will occur.

After a while you will see glowing dots, which fly everywhere around the arm and body. They can be white or black in color and resemble whirling midges. This is prana - life energy that is constantly in the air.

The light dots are positive energy(plus), black – negative (minus). Both of them are needed for life on Earth. When a person inhales air, he saturates his body with prana and absorbs these energy corpuscles.

After some time of concentration, you will see a transparent shell of the etheric body, which “fits” your hand at a distance of several centimeters. Once you have been able to see the etheric shell, you need to consolidate and develop this skill by continuing the regular practice of concentration.

Then you will be able to easily see the etheric bodies of yourself and other people. By constantly developing your ability, you will learn to see auras in detail, the causes of illnesses and character traits.

How to diagnose the etheric body?

In order to analyze the etheric body of another person, you can use the following method.

1. The practitioner chooses a person whose etheric body he will study.

It's better that it was close person, which can understand what you are doing.

2. The person should stand against a light background. This could be light wallpaper or whitewashing the walls.

3. The practitioner sits opposite the person at a distance of two to three meters so that the gaze can completely cover his body.

4. He looks at the person with an absent-minded gaze, as if through him, without moving his gaze or blinking.

5. After some time, the practitioner will see a transparent shell around the human body, as if woven from air - the human etheric body.

6. By continuing to concentrate the gaze, the practitioner will be able to discern the shape and features of this body:

it can be deformed in places where a person has a disease;

may appear dark spots V various parts human body. They indicate energy holes in the human biofield or diseases in the organs;

various objects flying around or stuck into a person’s etheric body. For example, “pins” and “stakes” are also made of transparent material.

7. In order to heal³, the practitioner pulls out these “objects” from the aura and etheric body, and with the help of will and intention, patches up energy holes.

  • ¹ Aura is a shell invisible to the human eye that surrounds the human body, or any other living object, that is, an animal, plant, mineral, etc.
  • ² The etheric body is the name of the subtle body, which is the first or lower layer in the human composition or aura.

In addition to his physical body, there are also 7 subtle or energy bodies, each of which has its own special important functions and structural features. It turns out that together with the physical body, a person has 8 subtle bodies. Subtle bodies are part of human energy, some of them (upper bodies) are immortal, just like some (lower bodies) are mortal or replaceable; with a new incarnation (formation of the physical body), new lower bodies are formed in a person.

Subtle bodies - determine energetic force human, protection and many abilities that are directly related to these bodies. Each subtle body is controlled by one or another. And all together, the Subtle bodies form the multi-colored Aura of a Person. Let's look at everything in order, and in subsequent articles we will study each subtle body in more detail.

What are the Subtle Bodies of Man? Definitions, structure, etc.

Subtle bodies of Man are the main energy systems (shells, etc.), controlled by their respective bodies and designed to retain free energies, protect consciousness, strengthen other energy systems (abilities, etc.), give a person a form, etc.

There are errors in the pictures, they are approximate to give a general idea.

Basic Subtle Bodies:

And the eighth body (or rather, the first, or the lowest) is physical and controls it.

Each subtle body accumulates and holds the energy of its level, necessary for a person to live, develop and function.

The etheric body accumulates etheric energy, the Astral body – astral, the Mental – mental, etc.

Each type of energy has its own characteristics and purpose. Essential – retains heat around the body and maintains body temperature. Astral energy– needed for protection and combat, this is the energy of force. Mental – for mental work, to think, manage thinking and thoughts.

Each subtle body has its own thickness, which different people different. Have energetically developed people, thin bodies are large, pumped up with energy, then they say - “ Big Man”:) If a person is exhausted, subtle bodies can hang on him like rags, and then one physical body can barely move.

What does the development of Human Subtle Bodies give?

Each subtle body is a set of its own capabilities and abilities for a person!

For example:

The development of the physical body - you know what it gives - strength, health, pleasure from feeling yourself, comfort and confidence in life, resistance to diseases, etc.

Development of the etheric body is control circulatory system, makes it possible not to freeze in winter and not die from the heat in summer, and much more. etc.

The development of the astral body gives a person invulnerability from negative emotions other people, the ability to influence with one’s energy, the ability to punish others for injustice, etc.

How to develop your Subtle bodies?

1. Subtle bodies develop and grow automatically with the development of the corresponding chakras, that is, with the realization by a person of the aspirations and principles of these chakras. For example, if a person is engaged in mental work, then his Mental body will develop and grow, etc.

2. Through a targeted collection of appropriate energy on the Subtle body, using special esoteric energy collection techniques. Regularly filling their Subtle bodies with energy, a person develops them, they constantly increase and grow, their systems and abilities are revealed.

3. Through a correct lifestyle - one that does not lead to energy depletion, but, on the contrary, promotes the harmonious development of the personality, and, accordingly, its Subtle bodies. When life has everything important - sports, training, emotional training, relationships, mental work, spiritual development, Service (social activities), etc.

4. Through the removal of negative, blocking or destructive influences from the Subtle bodies and the corresponding chakras. A person either does this himself, if he has the ability and authority for this (in meditation, for example), or he helps to do it ( individual work with a professional).

In the following article we consider the main features of all the subtle bodies of Man.

There is a need to work with, cleanse the Subtle Bodies, etc. - write to.

Practical guide for:

Hi all! Today I will talk about the subtle human bodies, their properties, as well as how they feel. At least how I feel about them. Today I feel 4 bodies, sometimes 5. So, in total, generally accepted for our understanding, there are 7 subtle human bodies (in some sources 9).

Human subtle bodies are energy systems that are designed to support the full functioning of a person as a multidimensional model.

  1. Physical body

Of course, you can’t call it subtle, but it is part of the general family of bodies of our existence in this world. It is what helps us gain life experience and realize God's plans. It is thanks to him that we learn to understand this world and interact with it.

Our task is to maintain the health of the physical body. Keeping the physical body in good shape helps us to better understand this world and gain maximum experience. In addition, we can and should become co-creators with God and help him. Do not ask like slaves, God forbid, but help him create in this world. Big mistake For many people involved in spiritual practices, this is neglect of their physical body. The body must serve the soul, help it live in this world, and it must be healthy.

  1. Etheric body

It carries vitality(prana) and repeats the shape human body. Our endurance and the health of the physical body depend on the etheric body. Fatigue or drowsiness also depends on our broadcast.

Many people do not know, but a person’s etheric body is located in 2 projections. First, is located close to the physical body and follows its shape (see image). When you bring the palm of your hand to your own or someone else’s body, you will feel elasticity at a distance of 1-3 cm from the physical body. This is the etheric body.

But there is and another projection of the etheric body. It, depending on the strength and pumping, can be several meters or even tens of meters. It is dense and feels quite good. The outer shell is easy to increase and decrease. I move it a few meters quite easily. I feel it like a grayish haze. The external ether no longer follows the shape of the physical body, but looks like a cocoon, naturally increasing in nature and decreasing in rooms.

The main task of the etheric body is to saturate the physical body with energy. After the death of the physical body, the etheric body is destroyed on the 9th day.

  1. Astral body

This is the body of emotions and desires, feelings and experiences. It has more fine structure compared to ethereal. The astral world is on a different frequency and passes through the physical and etheric worlds. The astral body is shaped like an egg. The physical body depends very much on it. We can say that our physics is formed under the influence of the astral body.

That is why in esotericism so much time is devoted to astral corrections, without taking into account that the astral body is influenced by karmic, and incorrect actions with the astral can not only not help, but also aggravate the situation. Most often it is the latter that happens.

After the death of the physical body, the astral body disintegrates on the 40th day.

  1. Mental body

This is the body of the mind and thoughts. It reflects our beliefs, and has a higher frequency structure compared to the astral. All religions are also in this body. It is in the mental dimension. The brain does not generate thoughts, it simply processes information from the mental dimension. It is accepted that the mental body disintegrates 90 days after the death of the physical body.

The etheric, astral and mental bodies die along with the physical and form the lower triad human soul, which is not transmitted to subsequent incarnations.

  1. Causal (casual, karmic) body

This body forms the consciousness of the soul based on a person’s actions, thoughts, and emotions. Here the experience of all incarnations, everything experienced and experienced is collected. The karmic body affects our thoughts and actions. It helps to understand this world through logical thinking and reasoning.

Practical guide for:
brain development, sensitivity to energies, solving health problems, gaining the skill of working with the energy of love, removing psychological problems and mastering methods of changing fate.

After the death of the physical body, the casual body transmits all information and experience further. This information shapes desires and aspirations.

At times I manage to feel this body as a need for some action. Intuition is closely related to this projection.

  1. Buddhic (spiritual) body

This is the body of consciousness or the intuitive body. Here you can find information about your worldview, views, and values. A person with a strong buddhic body is calm about difficult situations. life situations. He simply feels any situation from the inside, and understands the whole game of what is happening.

I really like being in this dimension, when nothing affects you and you feel harmony and freedom.

  1. Atmanic body

It is the higher self or the main purpose of a person's life. If a person has a developed atmanic body, he feels the spark of God within himself. In other words, he feels a clear connection with the Creator.

There are also sunny And cosmic body, but at this stage I don’t see the point in writing about it. You need to understand and feel the first 7 subtle bodies of a person. You can write a lot, but will it be true?


Often the 7 subtle human bodies are depicted with this picture.

When I learned to feel subtle bodies from such a picture, I didn’t understand why I couldn’t feel anything other than the broadcast. Only later did I realize that this was a conventional image. In fact, it's not like that. Each structure has its own dimension. And if we take, for example, the mental body (see the picture above), it is in 4th place, but not as depicted, but in 4th place in terms of frequency increase. Those. the densest body is physical, less dense and higher frequency is etheric, even less dense and high frequency is astral, etc.

The mental body is not the same as in the picture in the form of an oval. It changes with thoughts and can be of any size, for example, the size of our planet or solar system.

The etheric body may be larger than the astral body, but in frequency it is in 2nd place after the physical one.

It's enough for today. I think the general structure and purpose of human subtle bodies is clear.

Good luck and prudence to you! Sincerely, .

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