Home Dental treatment How best to preserve rose hips. Period and storage conditions of rose hips (dried, frozen, decoction and infusion)

How best to preserve rose hips. Period and storage conditions of rose hips (dried, frozen, decoction and infusion)

Before freezing rosehips, they must be carefully prepared. To do this, we collect only ripe fruits. We sort through the berries so that there is no debris left at all; we remove all bad or unripe berries. There is no need to freeze them. Otherwise, in winter they simply will not be visible, and you may accidentally brew tea or syrup of poor quality, which is bad for your health.

Then, after all the fruits are cleaned, they must be rinsed well under running water. Place the berries in a colander and let the water drain completely. Leave the berries for as long as it takes for all the water to leave the fruit. Otherwise, you will not freeze individual berries, but one large piece of ice.

If the berries have become almost dry, take a large plate or tray that will fit into your freezer and will be much more convenient. Place all the fruits in an even layer on the tray. We put them in the freezer and wait until the fruits are completely frozen.

After we learn how to freeze rose hips, we will look at another method of freezing, but in a different form. And now, after the berries are completely frozen, we take them out and very quickly pour them into small plastic bags, speed is very important here. You need to store packaged rose hips in the freezer, without defrosting the freezer until you remove it from there.

If you follow all the instructions for freezing rose hips, they will not turn into one large piece of ice, but will be very crumbly, which will make it easier for you to get as many berries as you need in winter. You can freeze rose hips not only as a whole, but also its pulp. To do this, we need pre-peeled fruits. We take one kilogram of berries, remove all the seeds, it is important to remove the hairs, so do this with special care. There are several ways to preserve rose hips, but this will make it much more convenient for us to defrost them in winter.

Next, transfer the peeled fruits into a porcelain vessel and fill with water so that only the top of the berries is covered. Place the resulting mixture in a cool place for strictly three days. Stir the berries daily. If your fruit has too hard skin, boil it a little before adding water. Then they will be processed better.

After three days, the rose hips will completely soften. All you have to do is rub them through a sieve, this is necessary in order to remove all the skin. Now you can put it in convenient containers and freeze it. Remember, rose hips cannot be re-frozen! All beneficial properties will immediately disappear.

Before you start harvesting berries, you should sort them out - weed out spoiled fruits, debris, and leaves. There is no need to wash the crop. Rose hips are dried naturally, using heat treatment and freezing the berries. You need to know how to dry rose hips in order to preserve all the beneficial properties as much as possible.

#Natural drying.

A simple method in which the berries retain the greatest amount useful substances and vitamins. To dry, you will need a dry, dark room and a flat surface. To properly dry rose hips, you need to scatter them in a thin layer on cardboard or any other water- and breathable material and stir occasionally until the berries are completely dry and firm. The drying time is 2-3 weeks, depending on the room temperature. To speed up the process, the berries can be cut in half, but, as practice shows, the faster the fruits dry, the less vitamins remains in them. The shelf life of rose hips is 3 years: during this time, harvesting for the winter will retain all its beneficial properties.

#Heat treatment.

If it is not possible to dry naturally, use the so-called hot method - place the rose hips in an oven preheated to +100 ° C for 10 minutes, turn the berries over, then set the temperature to +60 ° ... + 70 ° C and dry for 8 hours with constant stirring. It is better to keep the oven door ajar at all times, and if the oven has a convection function, you can use it. The berries are considered ready when they acquire a rich color and the skin becomes springy. You should not allow it to dry out - such a preparation will crumble and contain virtually no useful substances. Oven-dried fruits must be kept at room temperature for several days, and then the rose hips must be stored in the main container.

#Freezing rose hips,

Is it possible to freeze fresh rose hips? Of course yes. With this method, the fruits retain the maximum amount of vitamins; rose hips can be stored for quite a long time, up to 2-3 years. When defrosted, whole fruits lose their appearance, so it is more logical to freeze rosehip puree. To do this, fresh berries are cleared of debris, seeds are removed and ground. You can store this puree in bags or plastic containers. It is recommended to defrost rose hips in the refrigerator.

*Storing rose hips at home - features.

How to properly store rose hips?

After drying the berries using hot or cold methods, they must be mixed to get rid of the stalks and sepals, and then only transferred to a storage container for the winter.

The container must be clean, dry and breathable, the best choice- carton boxes. They are well ventilated and will prevent the fruits from becoming moldy, extending the shelf life of dry rose hips to 3 years. You should not leave cardboard boxes near strong-smelling foods (they will absorb odors) or raw fruits and vegetables (they will absorb moisture). To save fruits, you can use fabric bags and paper bags.

You can also use jars and plastic containers. The main condition for preserving fruits in such containers is a ventilated lid. To supply air, you can make holes in the lid or cover the container with gauze folded in several layers; it’s a good idea to use paper. It is recommended to store rose hips in plastic bags only when frozen, otherwise they will suffocate.

In order to properly store rose hips, preserving all its beneficial properties, it is important to choose a place: it should be a dry room without direct access sun rays. In urban conditions, it is better to choose the coolest zone of the apartment; the optimal temperature for safety is 0 degrees.

Under such conditions, the workpiece will retain up to 100% of its beneficial properties. And don’t miss the time to pick rose hips, so as not to be left without tasty and healing tea in winter!

First, let's look at the question of whether it is possible to freeze rose hips for the winter. Like other berries and vegetables, Rose hips are easy to freeze. This process allows you to save everything nutrients fresh berries immediately after harvest.

Compared to dried rose hips, a frozen product has a better chance of long-term and safe storage without any loss of vitamins.

Naturally, first you will need to subject the rosehip to special treatment to ensure reliable preservation of the product and its benefits.

detailed instructions

At first glance, it may seem that freezing rose hips does not require particularly careful preparation, but we hasten to warn you that you are mistaken. Below is step-by-step instruction which needs to be taken into account.

Preparation stage

So, approach the issue of harvesting rose hips for the winter at home seriously and thoroughly and collect only ripe, healthy berries, and then sort them. Collection time can range from late summer to the onset of frost.

Bright red, glossy fruits without any damage, plaque or black spots are suitable for freezing. If the berries are yellow or yellow-red, they are most likely not yet ripe. All tails and leaves (peduncle and receptacle) should be removed, the hairs can be cut off with a knife.

Then all the berries washed with a colander under running water. Once they are dry on a paper kitchen towel, you can begin pre-freezing, which will prepare the berries for a long time in the freezer.

Place all the berries in one layer on a wooden plywood or board, and then leave them in the freezer for several hours. Next, the prepared rose hips can be placed in containers for final freezing. One of the secrets that makes storing rose hips easier in the freezer is to label the packages of berries.

Label containers with the name of the product and the date it was frozen so you can easily track expiration dates. As for the bags, you can write the information directly on them with a waterproof marker.

What to freeze in?

Frozen fruits to come sort into tight bags or special containers, and then place in the freezer. Glassware is not suitable for these purposes; there is a risk of cracks. Plus, plastic containers are perfect for defrosting in the microwave.


The optimal indicator would be a temperature of -15 or -18 °C. So you can be sure that the fruits will not be damaged harmful effects moisture and bacteria, and all vitamins will be preserved.

Storage methods

It is possible to store both whole berries and halved ones. In this form they are stored an order of magnitude longer than completely pureed. It is necessary to select a suitable container for storing berries, preventing the ingress of foreign odors, moisture or dust.

It's a question of time

Experts advise storing rose hips crushed into puree for no longer than 8-10 months. Whole berries win in this regard - their shelf life is just over a year.

Features of freezing leaves

If you are already a professional in the field of how to freeze rose hips at home, then we suggest you try freezing the leaves of the berry. To minimize the risk of loss of nutrients in the leaves of this plant, high-quality processing will be required.

Select leaves of the same size and shade, only whole ones, not affected by diseases and pests. Check the underside of the leaf and look closely at the veins. It is better to discard the product if you notice strange spots, plaque or cobwebs.

Like rose hips, the leaves should be thoroughly washed or cleaned with damp gauze on all sides. Then the leaves are wiped from moisture with a dry towel and left to dry for a couple of hours in a dry place. It is better if it is a lit window sill or a closed balcony without drafts.

Then the leaves are laid out for pre-freezing in one layer on a wooden surface and left for 1-2 hours in the freezer. The last step is to pack the leaves into containers or plastic bags. Try not to pack the rose hips too tightly together. It is advisable to freeze the leaves either whole or in crushed form.

Various options

Depending on the purpose for which you need the fruits of this shrub, it is acceptable to store the berries in several forms: whole and cut fruits, with the core removed or preserved, crushed into puree or ground together with the skin.

For infusions and tea decoctions, all options are used with equal effectiveness, and for compote or syrup, preference is given to pitted berries.

Recipes Having dealt with the main question: “Is it possible to freeze rose hips for the winter?”, let’s move on to proven recipes from housewives that may be useful to you. The first method will help you do.

preparation of rosehip berry puree After all the berries have been washed and cleared of stems and stalks, you need to cut them lengthwise to carefully remove the seeds, including fibers

. To get a puree, use a meat grinder or blender - grinding the fruits until as smooth as possible. It is convenient to distribute the finished puree in separate small portions in airtight containers or plastic bags

, being careful not to leave any air inside. After which these portions are sent for freezing. Another way is freezing rosehip pulp

. Fresh berries are left in a deep bowl of water for 3-4 days until the fruits lose their hardness. Don't forget to stir the berries occasionally. Then the water is drained, the berries are allowed to dry, and passed through a fine sieve to separate the pulp from the skin of the fruit. The resulting puree is placed in plastic bags and frozen.

Like other products, it is best to defrost rose hips only when there is a direct need to eat them. Repeated freezing will significantly reduce the content of nutritional components and simply worsen the appearance and taste.

How to brew? From thawed chopped rose hips medicinal infusion done in 5-8 hours.

For a serving for one person, pour a tablespoon of rose hips into a glass of water and boil over low heat with the lid closed for about 8-10 minutes. Then the broth is removed from the heat and infused in the same closed position for several hours. You can use the decoction in the morning or before bed to maintain immune system

, up to three times a day. In the same way, you can brew whole fruits, which will take almost 9-12 hours. They cook a little longer - no more than 20 minutes. Despite long time

preparation, there is no need to strain this infusion.

Summarizing simple rules preparation, freezing and storage, you can provide yourself and your loved ones with a proven preventive and therapeutic product.

It is important to remember the permissible shelf life when choosing one or another method of preparing berries - whole or grated. The method of cleaning and freezing rose hips depends on this.

Properly frozen rosehip leaves are able to preserve the bulk of vitamin C, catechins, tannins, flavonoids and other beneficial components. The leaves will serve not only as a good tea brew, but also as a seasoning for vegetable salads. A decoction of thawed leaves, like fresh berries, will become an additional weapon in the fight against colds, rheumatism, gastritis and some other ailments.

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It is recommended to freeze ripe berries immediately after picking them from the bush. Which leads to a sad conclusion: berries bought at the market and left for at least a day before being put on the counter are absolutely not suitable for freezing. Berries from the supermarket are even less suitable for this purpose. As a rule, they are transported from afar and by the time they are delivered to the end consumer, there can be no question of any freshness.

It's a shame? Still would! But wait to despair. It is quite possible to buy freshly picked berries in the nearest village or holiday village.

What berries can be frozen for the winter?

Any! Strawberries, blackberries, cranberries, blueberries, lingonberries, blueberries, cloudberries, sea buckthorn, viburnum, serviceberry, dogwood, rowan, sloe, physalis, mulberries, bird cherry, elderberry, rose hips, red, white and black currants, raspberries, wild strawberries, gooseberries, juniper, chokeberry, in general, everything that you can buy (grow on your own plot, gather in the nearest forest).

How to properly freeze berries for the winter?

This can be done in three ways:

1. Freeze the berries without additives, simply placing them in one layer on a dish or baking sheet covered with plastic wrap. There is no need to wash the berries before freezing, but you will have to sort through and remove all leaves, twigs and other debris. Place the berries in the freezer and wait until they are completely frozen, then carefully pour them into a tray or any other container, for example, a plastic container with a lid.

2. Berries can be sprinkled with sugar before freezing. Don't forget that they must be completely dry! You need to pour the berries in layers, take a little sugar - 1 glass per kilogram of raw materials. It is best to freeze strawberries and currants with sugar. Such berries are stored in trays, containers and jars.

3. Before freezing, currants and some other berries can be ground with sugar and frozen in the form of briquettes. After defrosting, such briquettes are used to prepare jelly, puddings, smoothies and other vitamin-rich desserts. Berries ground with sugar are frozen in portioned bags. This storage method is more convenient than all previous ones - the briquettes can be placed very tightly in the freezer, practically filling the free space with them.

By the way, did you know that frozen berries can be stored for no more than 3 months? After this time, they still need to be used. You can make a delicious sauce for meat from frozen cranberries, or make a fragrant compote from strawberries, raspberries and cherries. Any frozen berries are used to prepare the filling for dumplings, pancakes or pies, and they are also added to cheesecakes, porridge, and cottage cheese casserole.

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Read also:

Frozen rose hips: questions and answers

Rosehip is a plant characterized by a high content of vitamins and microelements. To support immunity during autumn and spring colds, traditional healers It is strongly recommended to take infusions and decoctions of rose hips. But how to preserve the harvest harvested in early autumn? Both an electric dryer and a freezer can come to the rescue. Today we propose to consider the question of how to properly freeze rose hips for the winter.

What are the benefits of rose hips?

Rosehip or, as it is also called, “Wild Rose” contains a large amount ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins, minerals and trace elements that enhance immunity and also help maintain normal functioning of the body.

Decoctions and infusions prepared from rose hips have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, and also reduce arterial pressure. Tea brewed from rosehip leaves and flowers has the same properties.

Watch the video from the channel “Secrets of Health, Youth and Beauty” - Rosehip infusion in a thermos - instead of tea. Strengthening immunity and health

How and when to collect rose hips

Rosehip harvesting can begin as early as the end of August. The main criterion for this is the bright red color of the berries and slightly soft skin. However, one should take into account the fact that there are varieties of rose hips with orange fruits. Fruit harvesting continues until frost.

In order to avoid injury from the thorny thickets of this plant, it is better to carry out harvesting wearing cotton gloves and a suit that covers your arms and legs.

Sergei Roshka will tell you how to properly collect, store and brew rose hips in his video.

Are rose hips frozen?

Many people wonder if rose hips are frozen in the freezer. The answer, of course, is yes. The whole problem is that many people do not have large freezers that allow them to store rose hips in addition to other products. If this issue does not bother you, then you can safely freeze rosehip fruits and leaves for the winter.

What are the main methods of freezing?

Whole fruits

There are several ways to freeze rose hips. One of them is freezing whole fruits.

To do this, the berries are washed and thoroughly dried on towels. It is important that during the drying process the rose hips are not exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise it may destroy beneficial vitamins.

Dry berries are sorted, getting rid of damaged and spoiled specimens, and the stalk and sepals are cut off from the remaining fruits. It is convenient to use kitchen scissors or a small knife for this.

The prepared berries are laid out on a tray or baking sheet in one layer and placed in the freezer for a couple of hours. After the rosehip has set, the berries are poured into a separate bag.

Fruit halves

The berries prepared in the above manner are cut in half. In this form, they are laid out on boards and pre-frozen so that the freezing turns out to be crumbly. Halves of frozen berries are better steamed in infusions and release their beneficial substances faster.

Rose hip puree

The washed fruits are cut into halves, from which seeds and fibers are carefully removed. The peeled pieces of berries are placed in a ceramic plate and poured cold water. In this form they should stand for no more than 3 days. During this time, the rosehip pulp will be completely soaked and will be easy to grind using a blender or sieve.

The puree is placed in ice trays and placed in the freezer. After the cubes are frozen, they are removed from the molds and transferred to containers or bags.

Rosehip leaves

Let's not forget about useful herbal teas based on rosehip leaves. Before freezing, they are washed and dried on towels. Then the leaves along with the petioles are placed in bags and, releasing as much air as possible, are sealed tightly. It is convenient to use Zip bags for such freezing.

Shelf life of frozen rose hips

Fruits frozen whole can be stored frozen for a little over a year, while crushed fruits can be stored frozen for only 9 to 10 months. The leaves also withstand long-term storage and can easily wait in the cold for a new harvest.

How to store rose hips to preserve its valuable properties

The beautiful shrub called rosehip is known to everyone. But it is famous not only for its beauty appearance, but also a large supply of beneficial properties that the fruits possess. A cup of aromatic tea with the addition of red fruits will help you warm up on a cold evening, fill you with vitamins, boost your immunity, and protect against colds. How to prepare fruits? How to store rose hips so that they do not lose all their beneficial substances over the winter?

Rose hips contain organic acids, tannins, carotene, B vitamins, large amounts of ascorbic acid. It also contains flavonoids, pectins, tocopherols, iron salts, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, magnesium.

Rose hips are used to prevent vitamin deficiency, to treat atherosclerosis, acute diseases liver, intestines, hemorrhoids, nephritis. Oil is obtained from the seeds of the plant; it contains saturated fatty acid, tocopherols and carotenoids. It is used externally for bedsores, stomatitis, and dermatoses. Infusions and decoctions from the fruits of the plant have soothing, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties.

Harvesting rose hips

Berries begin to be picked in September-October. By autumn, they have already accumulated a sufficient amount of useful substances, vitamin C. Collection time varies, depending on climatic conditions collection may begin in August. But the collection must be completed before frost, frost will destroy the vitamins.

The fruits should have a bright red color and be soft to the touch. To dry, they must be collected while still hard, slightly unripe, when the skin is shiny and glossy. When drying, it is better to harvest fruits with sepals, which preserves beneficial substances. The collected fruits must be processed immediately; they can be stored indoors for no more than three days, otherwise they will be unsuitable for harvesting.

How to dry rose hips

To be able to use rose hips throughout the year, you should prepare it following certain rules. After harvesting, the fruits are sorted and damaged ones are removed. You should not wash the fruits, so as not to add even more moisture to them. You can dry rose hips for the winter using a convection oven, a special dryer, in a ventilated area or in the oven. Do not dry fruits in the open sun. Ultraviolet light can destroy beneficial microelements and vitamins in this healing plant.

Drying rose hips indoors

Drying rose hips without using electrical means is the easiest and most popular way. It is necessary to sort through the berries, remove damaged, wrinkled, and overripe ones. Spread them on a flat surface in a thin layer. They will dry in a well-ventilated, warm room for about 2 weeks. They need to be stirred periodically so that they dry evenly to prevent mold from appearing.

Dry in the oven

You can use a regular oven. The fruits are placed on a baking sheet, scattered in a thin layer. The oven is preheated to 50°C. The baking sheet is placed in the oven, after a while the temperature is increased to 60°C. In order for the moisture released from the berries to evaporate better, it is necessary to leave the oven slightly open.

You shouldn’t forget about the fruits; you need to stir them periodically to prevent burning, and drying should occur evenly. The rose hips will dry in the oven for about eight hours. If the correct temperature regime, the berries will not change their color, they will just wrinkle a little. When you press on them, they should not wrinkle, but spring back. If overdried, the rosehip will crumble and break.

You cannot dry rose hips in a microwave oven. There's too much heat, the berries inside will remain raw and dry on top. They can't be stored for a long time. But in an air fryer or a special dryer you can dry the fruits quickly enough, since it is installed there desired temperature and time.

After the rosehip has dried, it is still hot and placed in hermetically sealed boxes for a couple of days. It is necessary that they receive natural moisture, having “sweated” a fair amount.

How to store dried rose hips

Dried rose hips should be stored in tin or glass jars. Airtight lids are not needed as the fruit may become moldy. It is better to cover the jars with a cloth or gauze folded in several layers. It is not recommended to store fruits in plastic bags.

Fabric bags and cardboard boxes are suitable for storage. Only they must be clean and dry, without foreign odors. You need to put a layer of waxed paper on the bottom. Pour dried raw materials onto it. For storage you should choose a dark place. During long-term storage, it is necessary to review stocks from time to time so that moisture does not get into the rose hips and mold does not appear. The fruits retain their healing properties for up to two years.

How to freeze rose hips

To freeze each rosehip berry, cut it into two halves and remove the seeds. Then they are crushed. You can use a blender or meat grinder. In this form, the rose hips are placed in small bags, which are placed in the freezer. Harvested frozen fruits must be used within a year.

Note to housewives

  • Rose hips that have black spots are not recommended for consumption.
  • The quality of berries can be determined by their smell. The aroma should be sweet and sour, the taste of high-quality rose hips should be sour, pleasant to the taste.
  • At room temperature, fresh rose hips can be stored for no more than three days.
  • Frozen fruits should not be re-frozen after defrosting.
  • Transportation of frozen rose hips is possible, but only in hard packaging of 20 kilograms.
  • Some people make butter, jam, and syrup from rose hips. This is a labor-intensive process that is not accessible to everyone, but it can be regarded as another way to store a valuable plant.
  • Without a doubt, each storage method is good in its own way. After all, the main thing is to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in rose hips and obtain high-quality raw materials for preparing a healing drink.

    How to store rose hips without losing beneficial properties

    Rosehip has long earned recognition as a miracle worker. medicinal plant. Once upon a time, its orange-scarlet fruits were traded for luxurious furs, expensive fabrics and jewelry. Today it is known that the modest bright red berry contains a beneficial bouquet of vitamins and biologically active beneficial ingredients. We respect the rosehip traditional healers our country for many valuable properties. It is not surprising that such a wonderful plant is a frequent visitor to gardeners’ plots. The bushes are decorative, winter-hardy and bear fruit well. Accordingly, the question arises - how to store rose hips?

    Vitamin juices, teas, and syrups are prepared from its fresh fruits. A drinking infusion of dried rose hips is healing. And by grinding it, you can prepare wonderful jellies, purees, preserves, jams, marmalade, the taste is no worse than, for example, the popular apple jam.

    Preparing rose hips correctly

    The bush is never left without berries, but rose hips bring particularly abundant harvests every 3-5 years.

    The fruits should be collected before the first frost, when they acquire an orange or scarlet color (depending on the variety).

    Harvesting usually occurs in September or October.

    In unripe or overripe berries, the amount of vitamins decreases sharply.

    For drying, be sure to cut off the fruits along with the sepals. It is advisable to process them immediately after harvesting. In any case, no later than 2, maximum 3 days after collection, otherwise valuable components will be destroyed.

    How and for how long to store dry rose hips

    It has been noticed that some varieties of rose hips are most useful in dried form: the concentration of vitamin C in them is simply record-breaking. Among these varieties: “Vitaminny”, “Vorontsovsky”, “Besshipny” and “Russian”.

    Owners of dachas and residents of country farms usually dry the berries by scattering them on litter.

    There are different opinions regarding the choice of place for drying, and opposite ones.

    Some gardeners believe that it is better to dry rose hips in dry, shaded places under a canopy, for example, in an attic (this process usually lasts 2-3 weeks).

    Their opponents prefer to keep the berries in the sun with a slight draft. At night they are carefully covered or taken indoors. This manipulation takes several days until the fruit is completely dry.

    It is worth recalling that Vitamin C does not like intense ultraviolet radiation and tends to be destroyed in the sun.

    With both methods of drying, the berries should be stirred and turned over from time to time.

    There is not much variety in ways to store rose hips at home. Until spring, the fruits lie well in paper bags, cardboard boxes, bags made of natural fabric having the property of “breathing” (for example, linen).

    In a city apartment, rose hips are usually dried in an oven:

    • the fruits are laid out on a baking sheet in a low, even layer;
    • simmer in the oven (+ 90... 100°C) for a quarter of an hour;
    • then they dry for several days at a minimum temperature for 10-12 hours a day.
    • If you have an electric dryer, the process becomes much easier.

      You can also do this: after intensive (+ 100°C) drying, set the temperature to + 75°C and dry for 7-8 hours. During the heat treatment process, shake and turn the berries periodically.

      There is also an opinion that drying should begin at a minimum temperature (+45 ° C), gradually increasing it to 75 ° C.

      Choose a method that is convenient for you, but in any case, keep the oven door ajar: let the resulting moisture evaporate.

      After drying, the fruits are ground in hands, the sepals are removed, and kept at room temperature for 1-2 days.

      It is convenient to store berries in paper or specially sewn fabric bags, cardboard boxes, the bottom of which should be covered with paraffin paper.

      It is also appropriate to use glass jars as storage containers, but they do not need to be hermetically sealed. Cover the jars with plastic lids, making small holes in them with a hot awl, or tie the neck with gauze folded in 3 layers.

      In a city apartment for storage, choose the coolest place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.

      Can it be frozen?

      Freshly picked fruits are convenient to freeze. This storage also allows you to save nutrients. medicinal plant in full.

      Jellies, aromatic purees and compotes are prepared from frozen crushed berries.

      Just like dried, pureed rose hips are suitable for making delicious healing teas.

      Ripe, plump fruits should be thoroughly peeled, cut into halves and seeds removed.

      Using a meat grinder or blender, grind the berries so that a puree is formed.

      Then this concentrate is transferred to plastic bags or containers and sent to the freezer.

      It is advisable to store berries in portions so as not to defrost in vain.

      Healing rosehip puree can be stored in the freezer for about a year.

      • It is not advisable to wash fruits before drying. This can be done immediately before use.
      • Do not dry rose hips in the microwave. Checked: the berries can burn inside, although this will not be visible from the outside.
      • It is not recommended to store dried rose hips in plastic bags, as this material does not allow air to pass through. The berries begin to “suffocate” and become moldy. The freezer ban on polyethylene does not apply.

      Useful video

      You need to choose the right berries to get the maximum benefit. Here are some tips for choosing.

      Harvesting rose hips for the winter at home: is it possible to freeze the fruits without harming the harvest?

      Rosehip is considered an unrivaled source of vitamins and other beneficial substances that are almost indispensable for maintaining immunity. Rosehip is widely used in medicines, homemade decoctions and various tinctures for the treatment of vitamin deficiency and diseased kidneys, as well as for the normalization of the digestive and circulatory system.

      For general strengthening rose hips are indispensable for the body during an exacerbation colds, mainly due to the rich presence of vitamin C. In autumn and winter, a supply of frozen rosehip parts will prove to be an excellent help in maintaining the health of the whole family.

      First, let's look at the question of whether it is possible to freeze rose hips for the winter. Like other berries and vegetables, Rose hips are easy to freeze. This process allows all the nutrients of fresh berries to be retained immediately after harvest.

      Naturally, first you will need to subject the rosehip to special treatment to ensure reliable preservation of the product and its benefits.

      detailed instructions

      At first glance, it may seem that freezing rose hips does not require particularly careful preparation, but we hasten to warn you that you are mistaken. Below are step-by-step instructions that you need to take note of.

      Preparation stage

      So, approach the issue of harvesting rose hips for the winter at home seriously and thoroughly and collect only ripe, healthy berries, and then sort them. Collection time can range from late summer to the onset of frost.

      Bright red, glossy fruits without any damage, plaque or black spots are suitable for freezing. If the berries are yellow or yellow-red, they are most likely not yet ripe. All tails and leaves (peduncle and receptacle) should be removed, the hairs can be cut off with a knife.

      Then all the berries washed with a colander under running water. Once they are dry on a paper kitchen towel, you can begin pre-freezing, which will prepare the berries for a long time in the freezer.

      Place all the berries in one layer on a wooden plywood or board, and then leave them in the freezer for several hours. Next, the prepared rose hips can be placed in containers for final freezing. One of the secrets that makes storing rose hips easier in the freezer is to label the packages of berries.

      What to freeze in?

      Frozen fruits to come sort into tight bags or special containers, and then place in the freezer. Glassware is not suitable for these purposes; there is a risk of cracks. Plus, plastic containers are perfect for defrosting in the microwave.


      The optimal indicator would be a temperature of -15 or -18 °C. This way you can be sure that the fruits will not be exposed to the harmful effects of moisture and bacteria, and all vitamins will be preserved.

      Storage methods

      It is possible to store both whole berries and halved ones. In this form they are stored an order of magnitude longer than completely pureed. It is necessary to select a suitable container for storing berries, preventing the ingress of foreign odors, moisture or dust.

      It's a question of time

      Experts advise storing rose hips crushed into puree for no longer than 8-10 months. Whole berries win in this regard - their shelf life is just over a year.

      Features of freezing leaves

      If you are already a professional in the field of how to freeze rose hips at home, then we suggest you try freezing the leaves of the berry. To minimize the risk of loss of nutrients in the leaves of this plant, high-quality processing will be required.

      Select leaves of the same size and shade, only whole ones, not affected by diseases and pests. Check the underside of the leaf and look closely at the veins. It is better to discard the product if you notice strange spots, plaque or cobwebs.

      Like rose hips, the leaves should be thoroughly washed or cleaned with damp gauze on all sides. Then the leaves are wiped from moisture with a dry towel and left to dry for a couple of hours in a dry place. It is better if it is a lit window sill or a closed balcony without drafts.

      Then the leaves are laid out for pre-freezing in one layer on a wooden surface and left for 1-2 hours in the freezer. The last step is to pack the leaves into containers or plastic bags. Try not to pack the rose hips too tightly together. It is advisable to freeze the leaves either whole or in crushed form.

      Various options

      Depending on the purpose for which you need the fruits of this shrub, it is acceptable to store the berries in several forms: whole and cut fruits, with the core removed or preserved, crushed into puree or ground together with the skin.

      Recipes Having dealt with the main question: “Is it possible to freeze rose hips for the winter?”, let’s move on to proven recipes from housewives that may be useful to you. The first method will help you do.

      preparation of rosehip berry puree After all the berries have been washed and cleared of stems and stalks, you need to cut them lengthwise to carefully remove the seeds, including fibers

      It is convenient to distribute the finished puree in separate small portions into sealed containers or plastic bags, being careful not to leave any air inside. After which these portions are sent for freezing.

      , being careful not to leave any air inside. After which these portions are sent for freezing. Another way is freezing rosehip pulp

      Like other products, it is best to defrost rose hips only when there is a direct need to eat them. Repeated freezing will significantly reduce the content of nutritional components and simply worsen the appearance and taste.

      A medicinal infusion is made from thawed crushed rose hips in 5-8 hours. done in 5-8 hours.

      Then the broth is removed from the heat and infused in the same closed position for several hours. You can use the decoction in the morning or before bed to support the immune system, up to three times a day.

      In the same way, you can brew whole fruits, which will take almost 9-12 hours. They cook a little longer - no more than 20 minutes. Despite the long preparation time, there is no need to strain this infusion.

      preparation, there is no need to strain this infusion.

      We hope that we have helped you understand how to properly freeze rose hips for the winter, because if you follow simple rules of preparation, freezing and storage, you will be able to provide yourself and your loved ones with a proven preventive and therapeutic product.

      Properly frozen rosehip leaves are able to preserve the bulk of vitamin C, catechins, tannins, flavonoids and other beneficial components. The leaves will serve not only as a good tea brew, but also as a seasoning for vegetable salads. A decoction of thawed leaves, like fresh berries, will become an additional weapon in the fight against colds, rheumatism, gastritis and some other ailments.

    Rosehip is a plant that has a huge amount beneficial properties for the human body. Let's consider whether it is possible to freeze rose hips for the winter and preserve the maximum amount of its beneficial properties.

    What is healthier: drying or freezing?

    For long-term preservation of rosehip at home, it can be dried or frozen. An interesting question is which rosehip is healthier, what is better to dry or freeze?
    It is believed that freezing is more effective because... more vitamins are retained in the product. Both fruits (whole, halves, and purees) and rosehip leaves are frozen.

    How to freeze rose hips correctly

    • Before freezing, rose hips are subjected to special treatment.
    • First you need to collect the berries, and at a certain time of the year, from the end of the summer until the beginning of the first frost.
    • The berries should be the same red color, only ripe, and in no case spoiled or wrinkled.
    • Leaves are collected in the same way; they must be whole and without blemishes.

    Whole berries

    • To freeze whole fruits, all stems and leaves are removed, but the berries should be washed well and dried on a paper towel.
    • Then place the prepared berries in one layer on a wooden board and put them in the freezer for 2-3 hours.
    • Then the rose hips should be placed in prepared plastic bowls or durable bags for long-term freezing.
    • It is best to label frozen rose hips so that they are only used within the expiration date.
    • It is also necessary to observe the temperature in the freezer, it should be at 16 -18 degrees.

    Fruit halves without seeds

    If you want to freeze half berries, then the only difference from the above method is that before freezing, the rose hips are cut in half and the seeds are removed.

    Rosehip puree

    • To freeze ground rose hips in puree, you need to wash the berries, cut them in half and remove the seeds.
    • Place everything in a plate and cover with water, leave for several days, during which time the rose hips should soften.
    • Next, we use a blender or sieve, with which it is easy to puree the prepared mass.
    • Transfer the mixture into ice molds and place in the freezer for several hours. After a while, remove the frozen mixture and put it back into the freezer for long-term storage in tight bags.


    • When freezing rosehip leaves, they must first be washed and dried on a paper towel.
    • Then put them on a wooden board and put them in the freezer for several hours.
    • Next, move them into bags, be sure to release the air, and send them back for long-term storage.
    • It is also possible to freeze crushed leaves; accordingly, after washing they need to be cut.

    Whole rose hips can be stored frozen for 1 - 1.5 years, pureed and chopped for up to 10 months, whole and chopped leaves for approximately 1 year.

    How to drink frozen rose hips

    For the preparation of infusions and decoctions, all of the above options for frozen rose hips are used; for syrup and compote, mainly whole berries are used.

    How to brew and drink frozen rose hips in winter?

    You can make a healthy infusion from frozen rose hips. To do this, put a handful of fruits in a thermos, add freshly boiled water, and after 6 hours the infusion is ready.

    It is especially good to use it in winter during epidemics as a preventative measure. It is worth noting that you need to drink no more than 200 ml per day.

    Rosehip contains:

    1. ascorbic acid (and in greater quantities than in lemon and black currant),
    2. vitamins E, K, P, B,
    3. iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, carotene, manganese, lycopene.

    Thus, we can say with complete confidence that rosehip is natural medicine. The plant helps with inflammatory processes, is a diuretic and choleretic agent, has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract of the body, strengthens the immune system, reduces cholesterol in the blood, can help stop diseases such as atherosclerosis, and lowers blood pressure. To get rid of such ailments, you can use decoctions, infusions from rose hips, as well as tea from its leaves.

    Of course, without much difficulty you can freeze rose hips for the winter and enjoy its wonderful taste and beneficial effects until the next harvest.


    How to store rose hips, how to dry and freeze fruits

    The beautiful shrub called rosehip is known to everyone. But it is famous not only for its beautiful appearance, but also for the large supply of beneficial properties that the fruits possess. A cup of aromatic tea with the addition of red fruits will help you warm up on a cold evening, fill you with vitamins, boost your immunity, and protect against colds. How to prepare fruits? How to store rose hips so that they do not lose all their beneficial substances over the winter?

    What are the benefits of rose hips?

    Rose hips contain organic acids, tannins, carotene, B vitamins, and large amounts of ascorbic acid. It also contains flavonoids, pectins, tocopherols, iron salts, phosphorus, manganese, calcium, magnesium.

    Rose hips are used to prevent vitamin deficiency, to treat atherosclerosis, acute diseases of the liver, intestines, hemorrhoids, and nephritis. Oil is obtained from the seeds of the plant; it contains saturated fatty acids, tocopherols and carotenoids. It is used externally for bedsores, stomatitis, and dermatoses. Infusions and decoctions from the fruits of the plant have soothing, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial properties.

    Harvesting rose hips

    Berries begin to be picked in September-October. By autumn, they have already accumulated a sufficient amount of useful substances, vitamin C. Collection time varies, depending on climatic conditions, collection can begin in August. But the collection must be completed before frost, frost will destroy the vitamins.

    The fruits should have a bright red color and be soft to the touch. To dry, they must be collected while still hard, slightly unripe, when the skin is shiny and glossy. When drying, it is better to harvest fruits with sepals, which preserves beneficial substances. The collected fruits must be processed immediately; they can be stored indoors for no more than three days, otherwise they will be unsuitable for harvesting.

    How to dry rose hips

    To be able to use rose hips throughout the year, you should prepare it following certain rules. After harvesting, the fruits are sorted and damaged ones are removed. You should not wash the fruits, so as not to add even more moisture to them. You can dry rose hips for the winter using a convection oven, a special dryer, in a ventilated area or in the oven. Do not dry fruits in the open sun. Ultraviolet light can destroy beneficial microelements and vitamins in this healing plant.

    Drying rose hips indoors

    Drying rose hips without using electrical means is the easiest and most popular way. It is necessary to sort through the berries, remove damaged, wrinkled, and overripe ones. Spread them on a flat surface in a thin layer. They will dry in a well-ventilated, warm room for about 2 weeks. They need to be stirred periodically so that they dry evenly to prevent mold from appearing.

    Dry in the oven

    You can use a regular oven. The fruits are placed on a baking sheet, scattered in a thin layer. The oven is preheated to 50°C. The baking sheet is placed in the oven, after a while the temperature is increased to 60°C. In order for the moisture released from the berries to evaporate better, it is necessary to leave the oven slightly open.

    You shouldn’t forget about the fruits; you need to stir them periodically to prevent burning, and drying should occur evenly. The rose hips will dry in the oven for about eight hours. If the correct temperature conditions are observed, the berries will not change their color, they will just wrinkle a little. When you press on them, they should not wrinkle, but spring back. If overdried, the rosehip will crumble and break.

    You cannot dry rose hips in a microwave oven. The temperature there is too high, the berries inside will remain raw and dry on top. They cannot be stored for a long time. But in an air fryer or a special dryer you can dry the fruits quite quickly, since the required temperature and time are set there.

    After the rosehip has dried, it is still hot and placed in hermetically sealed boxes for a couple of days. It is necessary that they receive natural moisture, having “sweated” a fair amount.

    How to store dried rose hips

    Dried rose hips should be stored in tin or glass jars. Airtight lids are not needed as the fruit may become moldy. It is better to cover the jars with a cloth or gauze folded in several layers. It is not recommended to store fruits in plastic bags.

    Fabric bags and cardboard boxes are suitable for storage. Only they must be clean and dry, without foreign odors. You need to put a layer of waxed paper on the bottom. Pour dried raw materials onto it. For storage you should choose a dark place. During long-term storage, it is necessary to review stocks from time to time so that moisture does not get into the rose hips and mold does not appear. The fruits retain their healing properties for up to two years.

    How to freeze rose hips

    To freeze each rosehip berry, cut it into two halves and remove the seeds. Then they are crushed. You can use a blender or meat grinder. In this form, the rose hips are placed in small bags, which are placed in the freezer. Harvested frozen fruits must be used within a year.

    Note to housewives

    • Rose hips that have black spots are not recommended for consumption.
    • The quality of berries can be determined by their smell. The aroma should be sweet and sour, the taste of high-quality rose hips should be sour, pleasant to the taste.
    • At room temperature, fresh rose hips can be stored for no more than three days.
    • Frozen fruits should not be re-frozen after defrosting.
    • Transportation of frozen rose hips is possible, but only in hard packaging of 20 kilograms.
    • Some people make butter, jam, and syrup from rose hips. This is a labor-intensive process that is not accessible to everyone, but it can be regarded as another way to store a valuable plant.

    Without a doubt, each storage method is good in its own way. After all, the main thing is to preserve the maximum amount of vitamins in rose hips and obtain high-quality raw materials for preparing a healing drink.


    questions and answers » Suseki

    AnyutaN – Nov 1st, 2016 Categories: Freezing

    Rosehip is a plant characterized by a high content of vitamins and microelements. To support immunity during the period of autumn-spring colds, folk healers strongly recommend taking infusions and decoctions of rose hips. But how to preserve the harvest harvested in early autumn? Both an electric dryer and a freezer can come to the rescue. Today we propose to consider the question of how to properly freeze rose hips for the winter.

    Ingredients: rosehip leaves, rosehip
    Time to bookmark: Autumn

    What are the benefits of rose hips?

    Rosehip or, as it is also called, “Wild Rose” contains a large amount of ascorbic acid, as well as vitamins, minerals and trace elements that enhance immunity and also help maintain normal functioning of the body.

    Decoctions and infusions prepared from rose hips have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects, and also reduce blood pressure. Tea brewed from rosehip leaves and flowers has the same properties.

    Watch the video from the channel “Secrets of Health, Youth and Beauty” - Rosehip infusion in a thermos - instead of tea. Strengthening immunity and health

    How and when to collect rose hips

    Rosehip harvesting can begin as early as the end of August. The main criterion for this is the bright red color of the berries and slightly soft skin. However, one should take into account the fact that there are varieties of rose hips with orange fruits. Fruit harvesting continues until frost.

    In order to avoid injury from the thorny thickets of this plant, it is better to carry out harvesting wearing cotton gloves and a suit that covers your arms and legs.

    Sergei Roshka will tell you how to properly collect, store and brew rose hips in his video.

    Are rose hips frozen?

    Many people wonder if rose hips are frozen in the freezer. The answer, of course, is yes. The whole problem is that many people do not have large freezers that allow them to store rose hips in addition to other products. If this issue does not bother you, then you can safely freeze rosehip fruits and leaves for the winter.

    What are the main methods of freezing?

    Whole fruits

    There are several ways to freeze rose hips. One of them is freezing whole fruits.

    To do this, the berries are washed and thoroughly dried on towels. It is important that during the drying process the rose hips are not exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise it can destroy beneficial vitamins.

    Dry berries are sorted, getting rid of damaged and spoiled specimens, and the stalk and sepals are cut off from the remaining fruits. It is convenient to use kitchen scissors or a small knife for this.

    The prepared berries are laid out on a tray or baking sheet in one layer and placed in the freezer for a couple of hours. After the rosehip has set, the berries are poured into a separate bag.

    Fruit halves

    The berries prepared in the above manner are cut in half. In this form, they are laid out on boards and pre-frozen so that the freezing turns out to be crumbly. Halves of frozen berries are better steamed in infusions and release their beneficial substances faster.

    Rose hip puree

    The washed fruits are cut into halves, from which seeds and fibers are carefully removed. The peeled pieces of berries are placed in a ceramic plate and filled with cold water. In this form they should stand for no more than 3 days. During this time, the rosehip pulp will be completely soaked and will be easy to grind using a blender or sieve.

    The puree is placed in ice trays and placed in the freezer. After the cubes are frozen, they are removed from the molds and transferred to containers or bags.

    Rosehip leaves

    Let's not forget about healthy herbal teas based on rosehip leaves. Before freezing, they are washed and dried on towels. Then the leaves along with the petioles are placed in bags and, releasing as much air as possible, are sealed tightly. It is convenient to use Zip bags for such freezing.

    Shelf life of frozen rose hips

    Fruits frozen whole can be stored frozen for a little over a year, while crushed fruits can be stored frozen for only 9 to 10 months. The leaves also withstand long-term storage and can easily wait in the cold for a new harvest.


    Rosehip has long earned recognition as a miraculous healing plant. Once upon a time, its orange-scarlet fruits were traded for luxurious furs, expensive fabrics and jewelry. Today it is known that the modest bright red berry contains a beneficial bouquet of vitamins and biologically active beneficial ingredients. Rose hips are respected by folk healers in our country for many valuable properties. It is not surprising that such a wonderful plant is a frequent visitor to gardeners’ plots. The bushes are decorative, winter-hardy and bear fruit well. Accordingly, the question arises - how to store rose hips?

    Domestic pharmacists have found that ripe berries of the prickly bush are champions in vitamin C content. Incredible: its presence in rose hips is almost 100 times greater than in southern citrus fruits!

    Preparing rose hips correctly

    In unripe or overripe berries, the amount of vitamins decreases sharply.

    How and for how long to store dry rose hips

    It has been noticed that some varieties of rose hips are most useful in dried form: the concentration of vitamin C in them is simply record-breaking. Among these varieties: “Vitaminny”, “Vorontsovsky”, “Besshipny” and “Russian”.

    Their opponents prefer to keep the berries in the sun with a slight draft. At night they are carefully covered or taken indoors. This manipulation takes several days until the fruit is completely dry.

    It is worth recalling that Vitamin C does not like intense ultraviolet radiation and tends to be destroyed in the sun.

    • simmer in the oven (+ 90... 100°C) for a quarter of an hour;

    You can also do this: after intensive (+ 100°C) drying, set the temperature to + 75°C and dry for 7-8 hours. During the heat treatment process, shake and turn the berries periodically.

    There is also an opinion that drying should begin at a minimum temperature (+45 ° C), gradually increasing it to 75 ° C.

    When squeezed, the skin of a well-dried rosehip does not wrinkle, but springs back, and a crunching sound can be heard inside.

    Do not place containers that are not tightly closed next to foods that have rich aromas: rose hips are very susceptible to foreign odors and are easily saturated with them.

    How long can dried rose hips be stored if all these recommendations are followed? In a dry, dark room, dried rose hips can be stored for up to two years without losing their properties. useful qualities. The optimal temperature for storing it is about 0 °C.

    Can it be frozen?

    Freshly picked fruits are convenient to freeze. Such storage also allows you to preserve the beneficial substances of the medicinal plant in full.

    Using a meat grinder or blender, grind the berries so that a puree is formed.

    It is advisable to store berries in portions so as not to defrost in vain.

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    How to dry rose hips correctly?

    How to store dried and fresh rose hips correctly at home

    Rosehip has long earned recognition as a miraculous healing plant. Once upon a time, its orange-scarlet fruits were traded for luxurious furs, expensive fabrics and jewelry.

    Today it is known that the modest bright red berry contains a beneficial bouquet of vitamins and biologically active beneficial ingredients. Rose hips are respected by folk healers in our country for many valuable properties.

    It is not surprising that such a wonderful plant is a frequent visitor to gardeners’ plots. The bushes are decorative, winter-hardy and bear fruit well. Accordingly, the question arises - how to store rose hips?

    Vitamin juices, teas, and syrups are prepared from its fresh fruits. A drinking infusion of dried rose hips is healing. And by grinding it, you can prepare wonderful jellies, purees, preserves, jams, marmalade, the taste is no worse than, for example, the popular apple jam.

    Domestic pharmacists have found that ripe berries of the prickly bush are champions in vitamin C content. Incredible: its presence in rose hips is almost 100 times greater than in southern citrus fruits!

    The bush is never left without berries, but rose hips bring particularly abundant harvests every 3-5 years.

    The fruits should be collected before the first frost, when they acquire an orange or scarlet color (depending on the variety).

    Harvesting usually occurs in September or October.

    In unripe or overripe berries, the amount of vitamins decreases sharply.

    For drying, be sure to cut off the fruits along with the sepals. It is advisable to process them immediately after harvesting. In any case, no later than 2, maximum 3 days after collection, otherwise valuable components will be destroyed.

    It has been noticed that some varieties of rose hips are most useful in dried form: the concentration of vitamin C in them is simply record-breaking. Among these varieties: “Vitaminny”, “Vorontsovsky”, “Besshipny” and “Russian”.

    Owners of dachas and residents of country farms usually dry the berries by scattering them on litter.

    There are different opinions regarding the choice of place for drying, and opposite ones.

    Some gardeners believe that it is better to dry rose hips in dry, shaded places under a canopy, for example, in an attic (this process usually lasts 2-3 weeks).

    It is worth remembering that vitamin C does not like intense ultraviolet radiation and tends to be destroyed in the sun.

    With both methods of drying, the berries should be stirred and turned over from time to time.

    There is not much variety in ways to store rose hips at home. Until spring, the fruits are stored well in paper bags, cardboard boxes, and bags made of natural fabric that has the ability to “breathe” (for example, linen).

    In a city apartment, rose hips are usually dried in an oven:

    • the fruits are laid out on a baking sheet in a low, even layer;
    • simmer in the oven (90...100°C) for a quarter of an hour;
    • then they dry for several days at a minimum temperature for 10-12 hours a day.

    If you have an electric dryer, the process becomes much easier.

    You can also do this: after intensive (100°C) drying, set the temperature to 75°C and dry for 7-8 hours. During the heat treatment process, shake and turn the berries periodically.

    There is also an opinion that drying should begin at a minimum temperature (45 ° C), gradually increasing it to 75 ° C.

    Choose a method that is convenient for you, but in any case, keep the oven door ajar: let the resulting moisture evaporate.

    When squeezing, the skin of a well-dried rosehip does not wrinkle, but springs back, and a crunching sound can be heard inside.

    After drying, the fruits are ground in hands, the sepals are removed, and kept at room temperature for 1-2 days.

    It is convenient to store berries in paper or specially sewn fabric bags, cardboard boxes, the bottom of which should be covered with paraffin paper.

    Do not place containers that are not tightly closed next to foods that have rich aromas: rose hips are very susceptible to foreign odors and are easily saturated with them.

    It is also appropriate to use glass jars as storage containers, but they do not need to be hermetically sealed. Cover the jars with plastic lids, making small holes in them with a hot awl, or tie the neck with gauze folded in 3 layers.

    How long can dried rose hips be stored if all these recommendations are followed? In a dry, dark room, dried rose hips can be stored for up to two years without losing their beneficial qualities. The optimal temperature for storing it is about 0 °C.

    In a city apartment for storage, choose the coolest place where the sun's rays do not penetrate.

    Freshly picked fruits are convenient to freeze. Such storage also allows you to preserve the beneficial substances of the medicinal plant in full.

    Jellies, aromatic purees and compotes are prepared from frozen crushed berries.

    Just like dried, pureed rose hips are suitable for making delicious healing teas.

    Ripe, plump fruits should be thoroughly peeled, cut into halves and seeds removed.

    Then this concentrate is transferred to plastic bags or containers and sent to the freezer.

    It is advisable to store the berries in portions so as not to defrost in vain.

    Healing rosehip puree can be stored in the freezer for about a year.

    • It is not advisable to wash fruits before drying. This can be done immediately before use.
    • Do not dry rose hips in the microwave. Checked: the berries can burn inside, although this will not be visible from the outside.
    • It is not recommended to store dried rose hips in plastic bags, as this material does not allow air to pass through. The berries begin to “suffocate” and become moldy. The freezer ban on polyethylene does not apply.

    You need to choose the right berries to get the maximum benefit. Here are some tips for choosing.

    Rosehip is considered an unrivaled source of vitamins and other beneficial substances that are almost indispensable for maintaining immunity. Rosehip is widely used in medicines, homemade decoctions and various tinctures for the treatment of vitamin deficiency and diseased kidneys, as well as for normalizing the digestive and circulatory systems.

    For general strengthening of the body, rose hips are indispensable during periods of exacerbation of colds, mainly due to the rich presence of vitamin C. In autumn and winter, stocks of frozen rose hips will be an excellent help in maintaining the health of the whole family.

    First, let's look at the question of whether it is possible to freeze rose hips for the winter. Like other berries and vegetables, rose hips are easy to freeze. This process allows all the nutrients of fresh berries to be retained immediately after harvest.

    Naturally, the rose hips will first need to be subjected to special processing to ensure reliable preservation of the product and its benefits.

    detailed instructions

    At first glance, it may seem that freezing rose hips does not require particularly careful preparation, but we hasten to warn you that you are mistaken. Below are step-by-step instructions that you need to take note of.

    Preparation stage

    So, approach the issue of harvesting rose hips for the winter at home seriously and thoroughly and collect only ripe, healthy berries, and then sort them. Collection time can range from late summer to the onset of frost.

    Bright red, glossy fruits without any damage, plaque or black spots are suitable for freezing. If the berries are yellow or yellow-red, they are most likely not yet ripe. All tails and leaves (peduncle and receptacle) should be removed, the hairs can be cut off with a knife.

    Then all the berries are washed using a colander under running water. Once they are dry on a paper kitchen towel, you can begin pre-freezing, which will prepare the berries for a long time in the freezer.

    Place all the berries in one layer on a wooden plywood or board, and then leave them in the freezer for several hours. Next, the prepared rose hips can be placed in containers for final freezing.

    What to freeze in?

    Frozen fruits must be sorted into tight bags or special containers, and then placed in the freezer. Glassware is not suitable for these purposes; there is a risk of cracks.


    The optimal indicator would be a temperature of -15 or -18 °C. This way you can be sure that the fruits will not be exposed to the harmful effects of moisture and bacteria, and all vitamins will be preserved.

    Storage methods

    It is possible to store both whole berries and halved ones. In this form they are stored an order of magnitude longer than completely pureed. It is necessary to select a suitable container for storing berries, preventing the ingress of foreign odors, moisture or dust.

    It's a question of time

    Experts advise storing rose hips crushed into puree for no longer than 8-10 months. Whole berries win in this regard - their shelf life is just over a year.

    If you are already a professional in the field of how to freeze rose hips at home, then we suggest you try freezing the leaves of the berry. To minimize the risk of loss of nutrients in the leaves of this plant, high-quality processing will be required.

    Select leaves of the same size and shade, only whole ones, not affected by diseases and pests. Check the underside of the leaf and look closely at the veins. It is better to discard the product if you notice strange spots, plaque or cobwebs.

    Like rose hips, the leaves should be thoroughly washed or cleaned with damp gauze on all sides. Then the leaves are wiped from moisture with a dry towel and left to dry for a couple of hours in a dry place. It is better if it is a lit window sill or a closed balcony without drafts.

    Then the leaves are laid out for pre-freezing in one layer on a wooden surface and left for 1-2 hours in the freezer. The last step is to pack the leaves into containers or plastic bags.

    Various options

    Depending on the purpose for which you need the fruits of this shrub, it is acceptable to store the berries in several forms: whole and cut fruits, with the core removed or preserved, crushed into puree or ground together with the skin.

    Having dealt with the main question: “Is it possible to freeze rose hips for the winter?”, let’s move on to proven recipes from housewives that may be useful to you. The first method will help you prepare rosehip berry puree.

    After all the berries have been washed and cleared of stems and stalks, you need to cut them lengthwise to carefully remove the seeds, including fibers. To get a puree, use a meat grinder or blender - grinding the fruits until as smooth as possible.

    It is convenient to distribute the finished puree in separate small portions into sealed containers or plastic bags, being careful not to leave any air inside. After which these portions are sent for freezing.

    Another way is to freeze the rosehip pulp. Fresh berries are left in a deep bowl of water for 3-4 days until the fruits lose their hardness. Don't forget to stir the berries occasionally. Then the water is drained, the berries are allowed to dry, and passed through a fine sieve to separate the pulp from the skin of the fruit. The resulting puree is placed in plastic bags and frozen.


    how to dry and preserve rose hips at home

    Hi all!

    Today we will discuss the most fortified berry - rose hips. I think each of you is familiar with this name firsthand. I remember in childhood, when I was still just a baby, my mother gave us a decoction. But I found out how it was later. When I started to understand the varieties of berries. And she could determine what the decoction was made from. So my childhood is very much connected with this plant.

    Many people prefer to call rosehip a wild rose. And all because it grows on bushes, which in turn are very prickly. It was this plant that helped us out more than once on cold winter evenings. Because it is rich in vitamin C and a whole complex of vitamins. It copes well with diseases such as colds, sinusitis, oral cavity. Calms nerves and treats illnesses digestive system. Used as an addition to the main treatment.

    In today's article we will look at which berries are preferable to pick. How to dry and prepare for the winter. There are a lot of options, but not everyone knows about them. So we’ll remember it together with you. And let's sort it out best places for collection. After all, in fact, berries are a very good sponge for absorption harmful substances. I say this figuratively, I think that at this stage everyone understands.

    There are a lot of useful qualities. I think now you will definitely not remain indifferent to these delicious berries. It's October, which means it's time to harvest the fruits. So, read the article and inspire yourself to new actions. It’s okay if you decide to start collecting rose hips for the first time. This article will help you decide on the choice of berries, and then preserve them until winter.

    How to preserve rose hips for the winter at home

    For its decorative properties, rose hips are often called wild roses. Indeed, its bush, strewn with dark green oval leaves, covered with thorns and lush, fragrant purple flowers, is very reminiscent of a real rose. But besides its beauty, rose hips are valued for their incredibly healthy fruits, containing many vitamins and elements necessary for humans. First of all, the value of the berries lies in the large amount of vitamin C, the concentration of which exceeds its content in citrus fruits and currants several times. It is not for nothing that dried rose hips can be bought in all pharmacies and many stores.

    This common shrub can easily be found in the wild or specially planted in your garden plot in order to be able to harvest the crop yourself if you wish.

    How to properly prepare rose hips

    Correct selection and processing of fruits is the key to the success of long-term storage of this storehouse of useful substances. Here are the basic rules to follow.

    • Start harvesting fruits only after they are fully ripe, that is, in August-September.
    • The berries should be a bright orange or red hue, not damaged by pests or diseases, and not have deep scratches or dents.
    • After the first frost, the fruits lose some vitamin complex and become less useful, so it is not recommended to collect frozen rose hips for storage.
    • Blank healthy berries It is better to start immediately after collection, or at least on the second or third day, provided that it is stored in a cool place. Otherwise, precious vitamin C will disappear.
    • It is necessary to cut the berries for drying together with the sepals.

    How to properly dry and store rose hips

    The most common and convenient way to store fruits is in dried form. However, this statement is only true if the berries are dried correctly, otherwise the product will quickly become unusable. To prevent this from happening, it is better to use one of the following methods when preparing.

    • If your funds allow you to purchase a special electric dryer, it is very convenient to use this unit, strictly following all the recommendations for its operation. This method has one drawback: it does not allow harvesting fruits in large volumes at the same time.
    • In order to dry a lot of vitamin berries at once, the attic of a village house or a Russian stove in it is perfect. If you have this opportunity, be sure to take advantage of it. Place the fruits and leaves in one layer on a tray or baking sheet. Keep them in an oven heated to +80°C until the berries become firm. An attic is suitable if there is good ventilation, a sufficiently high temperature and low air humidity.
    • You can dry rose hips in direct sunlight if it is still hot. To do this, the berries, scattered in one layer, are taken out to a windless, sunny place during the day, and after sunset they are carefully covered or put away indoors. The manipulations are repeated daily until the fruits are completely dry.
    • IN modern conditions the most in an accessible way is drying rose hips in ovens, both gas and electric, at a temperature of about +50 ° C. The berries are distributed on a baking sheet in one layer and stirred periodically. It is better not to close the oven tightly so that excess moisture can evaporate. If possible, it is advisable to use the convection mode. The process usually takes about 8 hours, depending on the specifications of your particular oven. Still hot berries should be placed in a tightly closed wooden box for a couple of days. After this, the fruits are ready for long-term storage.

    You should not wash the berries before drying! It is quite possible to do this before use. Sepals are removed from ready-made fruits when storing them.

    Properly prepared berries can be stored at room temperature. To do this, you must adhere to certain rules.

    • Choose storage containers that are well ventilated. These can be linen bags and glass jars, closed with gauze or perforated plastic lids.
    • The container with fruits should be placed in a dry place, protected from light, so that vitamin C is not destroyed by the sun.
    • Under such storage conditions, rose hips retain their value for up to two years.

    How to properly prepare and store rose hips in the freezer

    Rose hips can be stored frozen for a long time (up to 1 year), but it will take a lot of work and patience to properly prepare the fruits.

    • To begin, rinse the berries thoroughly and dry thoroughly.
    • The prepared fruits must be removed from the stalks and cut into two halves. Be sure to remove the seeds from each half.
    • Using a meat grinder or blender, grind the rose hips to a puree consistency.
    • The resulting mass is laid out in plastic containers. You can use special packages for this purpose.
    • It is convenient to immediately divide the puree into portions so that you can defrost only the required amount later.
    • Place the filled container in the freezer and turn on the quick freeze function.

    Unfortunately, when stored in this form, rosehip partially loses its healing properties.


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