Home Children's dentistry Earthen pear 10 letters crossword puzzle. Ground pear

Earthen pear 10 letters crossword puzzle. Ground pear

Answer to the question Ground pear, there are 10 letters in the word:
Jerusalem artichoke

Definition of the word Jerusalem artichoke in dictionaries

Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke Jerusalem artichoke, or Jerusalem artichoke, or Sunflower tuberiferous is a species of perennial herbaceous tuberous plants of the Sunflower genus of the family. The plant is also known as “earthen pear”, “Jerusalem artichoke”, “bulba”, “bulva”, “barabola”.


Examples of using Jerusalem artichoke in the text

Now it is considered almost an exotic plant, most often grown for its beautiful flowers. It is curious that, as a plant outstanding in its nutritional and healing properties, Jerusalem artichoke was consecrated by the Pope back in 1615. In the ancient Russian medical book “Cool Vertograd” they wrote about Jerusalem artichoke: “1. The root of the herb, Jerusalem artichoke (Jerusalem artichoke), crushed and mixed with water, will drive out the flow and harmful wetness, which gives rise to waterborne disease.2. Even if the wives accept the same mixture, their menstrual movement is strong.3. If a pregnant woman steps over the grass, then great harm will come to her.4. If you put the root of this herb under the heel of your wife, who languishes for a long time during childbirth, then God will forgive her.5. The root of the same herb is boiled in wine, and then taken internally, it will expel the food from the inside.6. If you let the juice of this herb into the nostrils, it will clean out the head.” An important feature of Jerusalem artichoke is its high inulin content (up to 35%!).

Thanks to these properties of Jerusalem artichoke, its cultivation does not require the use of pesticides. In Siberian hunting grounds, Jerusalem artichoke is planted along the edges of forests.

As they destroy protective tent Gardeners again furnish garden trees with sweet stems of Jerusalem artichoke - and so on until spring, until the snow melts. Jerusalem artichoke reproduces by tubers and seeds.

I., conquered by the Spaniards, became part of the Quechua people. From the “Big Soviet Encyclopedia» Jerusalem artichoke procession across Europe Meanwhile, Jerusalem artichoke began to spread very quickly throughout Europe, especially falling in love with the residents of England, France, Holland and Belgium.

Thus, there are leafy vegetables (numerous varieties of cabbage, lettuce, parsley, dill, spinach, celery and many others), stems (asparagus, etc.), fruits (watermelons, eggplants, melons, cucumbers, tomatoes, etc.), tuberous (potatoes, Jerusalem artichoke), root vegetables (carrots, beets, radishes, rutabaga, etc.), bulbous (onion varieties, garlic), legumes (beans, peas, soybeans, beans, etc.) and spices or spicy-flavored vegetables (anise , coriander, mint, cumin, etc.).

Diabetics should definitely eat Jerusalem artichoke (earthen pear), which is also useful for diseases of cardio-vascular system, kidney.

Basic feed: green grass(clover, alfalfa, legume-cereal mixtures, nettle, wheatgrass, dandelion, yarrow, bindweed, quinoa, lanceolate plantain, fodder root crops and vegetable leaves (tops and root crops themselves, such as carrots, potatoes, kohlrabi, Jerusalem artichoke, etc.), carrots - cabbage silage, small stem hay, grain (oats, wheat, corn, peas, soybeans, beans), grain waste (bran, sunflower, flaxseed cake and meal), compound feed and other concentrated feed, meat and bone and fish meal, milk, fish fat, mineral supplements - bone meal, table salt, chalk, as well as special industrially produced vitamin and mineral supplements.

For example, for a person suffering from diabetes, Jerusalem artichoke is very useful (as in natural form, and in the form of biological active additive with the same name), since it is the main source of fructose and allows you to satisfy the body's needs for carbohydrates without the risk of developing hyperglycemia.

So, it is necessary to add salt to melon, watermelon, tomatoes, cucumbers, radishes, turnips, Jerusalem artichokes, turnips, onions, garlic, apples, and pears.

A word of 10 letters, the first letter is “T”, the second letter is “O”, the third letter is “P”, the fourth letter is “I”, the fifth letter is “N”, the sixth letter is “A”, the seventh letter is “M”, the eighth letter is “B”, the ninth letter is “U”, the tenth letter is “R”, the word starting with the letter “T”, the last one is “R”. If you don’t know a word from a crossword or scanword, then our site will help you find the most difficult and unfamiliar words.

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I will paint the branches with white paint, I will throw silver on your roof. Warm winds will come in the spring And they will drive me out of the yard. Show answer>>

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Other meanings of this word:

Did you know?

Personal bodily space is divided into several zones: - Intimate zone (within arm's length - about 50 cm) - contacts with very close people. When a stranger gets into it, a feeling of anxiety and discomfort may arise. - Personal zone (within 50 cm - 1.5 meters, oval shaped - elongated in front and behind) - distance during a personal confidential conversation. - Social zone (within from 1.5 to 4 meters) - contacts with strangers and strangers. - Public zone (up to 7 meters) - a person can relate what is happening within these limits to himself personally (for example, a lecture in an audience). These figures are approximate, because . may depend on a particular person and the specifics of his surrounding cultural environment.

» Pear varieties

Some say that Jerusalem artichoke tastes like a pear, hence the name earthen pear, others say turnip. The differences in taste are due to the fact that the root vegetable is a guest from distant Brazil, which appeared in Russia in the distant seventeenth century.

Our ancestors paid tribute to him useful qualities. Respectfully called - Volga turnip. Used in cooking and medicines. Today, alas, the root vegetable is not so respected.

Perennial, tuberous herbaceous plant of the sunflower genus. Aboveground part – tall stems, heart-shaped leaves, inflorescences yellow color, a basket similar to a sunflower. A powerful root system with shoots similar to strawberry shoots and cone-shaped tubers. The plant blooms from July to September, harvesting is at the end of September, October.

Jerusalem artichoke grows all over the globe and has an incredible number of names. It is called Jerusalem artichoke and red drum, earthen pear and bulba. In the tradition of many peoples, respect for the earthen pear is due to knowledge of its amazing properties.

The root vegetable is very useful. Including it in the diet is recommended not only healthy people. Its medicinal properties are known.

Tubers are used to produce sugar, alcohol is made from them, and yeast is secreted. The stems and leaves are used for silage, the most valuable feed for livestock, with a high content of vitamins.

The plant is used in forestry. For example, 2015-2016 became problematic for the forest districts of the Tambov and Ryazan regions. To prevent wild animals, especially wild boars and elk, from moving to other places, foresters planted Jerusalem artichokes. The quickly grown high-quality food (tops, roots) “kept” the animals in their usual habitat.

The nutritional value of earthen pear tubers is significantly superior to potatoes. But the main difference is that instead of starch, it contains inulin, organic soluble sugar, which greatly increases the nutritional value of the root vegetable.

Useful and healing properties

Jerusalem artichoke is an absolute masterpiece of nature, gifted to man. Useful material its composition is necessary for the functioning of the human body.

The composition of the earthen pear is a visual illustration of the entire periodic table:

  • calcium– work coordinator cell membranes, blood clotting, regulator of nerve conduction, muscle function, cardiovascular system, responsible for the formation of bone, muscle, and dental tissue;
  • phosphorus– the main partner of calcium, responsible for the growth and restoration of the body, a conductor of vital glucose, vitamins A, B, D;
  • magnesium– optimizer of more than 300 enzyme reaction processes in the body, responsible for immunity, blood clotting, nervous and muscular system, metabolism;
  • silicon– assistant in the absorption of magnesium, calcium, regulates metabolic processes, helps the formation of many enzymes, hormones, amino acids, promotes the growth of bone and muscle tissue;
  • sodium- responsible for water exchange, the process of protein hydration, delivery of amino acids, glucose through cell membranes;
  • potassium– maintains blood composition, activates enzymes, regulates protein and carbohydrate metabolism, necessary for kidney excretory function, normal bowel function, nervous system, heart rate, responsible for blood pressure;
  • iodine– necessary for energy metabolism, normalization of biochemical reactions, development of body growth with the help of hormones thyroid gland, affects brain function;

The root vegetable also contains zinc, copper, selenium, manganese, iron, cobalt and other trace elements. The composition of minerals is balanced. By eating root vegetables, a person replenishes the body with these essential elements in full.

Jerusalem artichoke – vitamin cocktail. A complete set of B vitamins, vitamins C, D, A, E. Their complex effect helps to rejuvenate the body, increase its resistance and endurance.

The root vegetable is valuable because it contains:

  • fructose, classified as the sweetest organic saccharide, normalizes blood sugar levels, strengthens the immune system, and prevents caries;
  • inulin, a substance that results in the breakdown of fructose and glucose, activates the body’s defenses, removes radionuclides, heavy metals, reduces intoxication, prevents the formation of tumors, promotes weight loss;
  • pectins, substances that absorb fats, lower cholesterol levels, and can cleanse the body of waste, toxins, radionuclides, are not absorbed by the body, are enterosorbents;
  • cellulose, a necessary substance for uninterrupted operation intestines, lowering cholesterol, cleansing the body of carcinogens;
  • protein, the building block of the body.

Unique set organic acids it contains:

  • amber,
  • apple,
  • fumarova,
  • malonova,

which optimize metabolic processes in the human body, increase resistance due to bactericidal and antioxidant properties, favor the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, normalize the production of bile, saliva, and pancreatic juice.

Root vegetables are considered a medicinal dietary food. Recommended for people suffering from diabetes for its ability to regulate blood sugar. This is the cure for diabetes mellitus, growing in the garden.

Medicine for elevated level cholesterol. Pectin prevents the formation of new plaques, removes triglycerides, eliminating the causes cholelithiasis and atherosclerosis.

The plant is useful for the treatment of constipation, obesity, thrombophlebitis. Constant consumption of tubers can prevent the occurrence of cancer problems!

  • salt deposits;
  • diabetes;
  • increased acidity;
  • gout;
  • psoriasis;
  • osteochondrosis, arthrosis;
  • injuries, burns;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis;
  • insomnia, depressive disorders.

The list is impressive, but not complete. The main advantage in the series healing properties plants should be given prophylaxis.

If you want to be healthy, vigorous, want to live long and happily, include Jerusalem artichoke in your diet, so that it replaces the consumption of potatoes by 2/3. Success guaranteed!

Contraindications for this plant

No, obvious contraindications for use medicines from root vegetables, not identified. There are also no prohibitions on eating it. All that matters is a sense of proportion. This gift of the gods will not interfere with any of us.

It is not known how infants react to breastfeeding If a miracle vegetable appears in a mother’s diet, there are no statistics for pregnant women. It has been proven that everyone from 10 years old to old age can and should use it.

Agricultural technology of Jerusalem artichoke

Agricultural technology is similar to potato cultivation. The plant is not whimsical, grows on almost any soil. Loves high-quality cultivation of the land and manure.

To preserve the tubers, planting should be done in both April and October. Only the earth is capable for a long time maintain their integrity.

Tubers dug out of the ground are planted. Whole and halves are used. Planted to a depth of 10 cm with a distance between tubers and rows of 50x50.

Planted before cold weather in autumn so that the plant does not germinate. In spring, sprouts appear after 20 days at a temperature of 3°. During germination, it is necessary to loosen the row spacing a couple of times to open air access to the soil.

To increase yield, the tops of the stems are pinched a month after germination or when the stem reaches a meter in height. Weeding, watering in dry summers, hilling - traditional methods increasing productivity. However, this culture will feed even a slacker. It grows without care, giving a good harvest.

One plant can give birth to up to 150 tubers, from which other similar plants will then grow. To prevent the power of Jerusalem artichoke from strangling everything that grows on the site, the root system needs to be protected. Dig obstacles into the ground.

Tuberization begins in August. When it is necessary to free part of the plantation from an overgrown plant, the stems are mowed at the beginning of July, which leads to a natural attenuation of the growth of the crop.

Treatment with earthen pear

The leaves, stems and roots of the plant have medicinal properties. Fresh juice is used to reduce acidity and treat the gastrointestinal tract. Drink a teaspoon of juice before meals.

Skin diseases, burns, gout are treated with a paste of leaves. Plantain compresses and gauze dressings with crushed leaves can be taken without restrictions. Baths with a decoction of stems and leaves are beneficial. Fill the bucket one-third full with green Jerusalem artichoke mass, add water at about 90°C, leave, strain, and pour into a bathtub with water at a comfortable temperature. Baths help with atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, and problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Eating root vegetables every day makes a person stand out among others. Smooth face, white healthy teeth, good hair, excellent skin turgor without wrinkles, signs of those who know a lot about this vegetable crop.

Cosmetic tricks for preparing plant-based beauty potions:

  • mask, grind the peeled tuber, apply the resulting mass to the face, shoulders and décolleté in a thin layer, leave for half an hour, rinse with warm water. Usually there is no feeling of dryness; if necessary, use a moisturizer based on herbal ingredients, for example, chamomile;
  • lotion, squeeze the juice of the leaves, dilute with spring water 1:1, wipe morning and evening. After just a few days, it will become difficult to recognize your reflection in the mirror;

Proper nutrition is the basis of health. Natural gifts cannot be replaced by man-made inventions. In order not to regret your lost health later, do not put off getting acquainted with the miracle root vegetable.

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