Home Smell from the mouth Harvesting rowan. When does chokeberry ripen? When is chokeberry harvested?

Harvesting rowan. When does chokeberry ripen? When is chokeberry harvested?

The small berries that ripen on chokeberry trees in the fall have a rather specific taste so as not to attract the attention of children who love to eat delicious food. But adults find a lot of uses for these seemingly inconspicuous fruits: they are used to make jam, dried and frozen, and also make delicious wines and liqueurs. Thanks to unique set vitamins and microelements, chokeberry occupies a separate niche in folk medicine, being a recognized remedy for various inflammatory processes, hypertension, obesity, allergies, diseases thyroid gland and helping to remove radionuclides and salts from the body heavy metals. You can find out when you need to harvest such a useful chokeberry from our article.

When is chokeberry harvested for jam?

Chokeberry berries begin to fill up by the end of summer - beginning of autumn. But collecting them at this time for making jam is not the best best idea– they have a very tart and astringent taste during this period. Therefore, if you plan to make jam or jam from the berries of chokeberry alone, it is better to first keep them on the branches until the first frost (mid-end of October). But they can be used as a flavor accent for jams made from zucchini, pears or apples at the end of August. A small handful of chokeberry berries will add a piquant pungency and aroma to any jam, and also color it in an interesting color.

When to harvest chokeberry for freezing?

If, of all the ways to store your harvest, you prefer the freezer, then chokeberry is perfect for this. During the freezing process, it not only does not lose its usefulness, but even becomes better, fully revealing its aroma and taste. Therefore, you can collect it for freezing as early as September, as soon as the berries acquire a rich dark color.

When is chokeberry harvested for wine?

Only fully ripened berries that have entered the softening stage are suitable for making homemade wines and strong liqueurs. The time to collect them comes in October, and experienced winemakers prefer to do this immediately after rain, which rids the plant of spoiled and dry berries. It should be remembered that chokeberries collected after frost are not suitable for wine - they already contain a lot of tannins that slow down fermentation processes, and after freezing the intensity of the latter generally begins to tend to zero.

How to properly harvest chokeberry?

People who have no previous experience of “communicating” with chokeberry often simply do not know which way to approach it. For example, they don’t know what’s the right thing to do: pick berries one at a time or cut them in whole bunches? In fact, there is nothing complicated about collecting chokeberries. To do this you need to be patient and have sharp pruning shears. To ensure that the tree does not become a victim of fungal diseases and annually enjoys a good harvest of healthy berries, they must be cut in umbrella clusters, and only then, if necessary, the stem branches must be removed. And when preparing it, it is quite possible to do without this operation by using the berries along with the stalks. A tree freed from the harvest will quickly regain its strength and survive the winter without loss. But if you collect the berries one at a time, then not only will this process take a lot of time, but also some of them will remain overwintering on the tree, becoming an excellent breeding ground for pests and fungal diseases.

In order for chokeberry to be stored as long as possible, you need to know when to collect it. Conventionally, chokeberry collection can be divided into prefabricated harvesting and consumer harvesting. The first stage of maturity occurs in late August-early September. By this time the berries have reached the right size, color, taste, and are also quite easily separated from the branches. The berries picked in August taste tart and astringent. At the end of September these flavors become less concentrated. A slight sweetness appears, and the astringency fades into the background. During this period, rowan is ideal for long-term storage, and also as a minor ingredient in fruit compotes. To determine the desired degree of ripeness, simply taste a couple of berries.


However, chokeberry acquires its most pleasant taste after the first frost, mainly at the end of October. It is at this time that the berry reaches full maturity, becomes softer and is even easier to separate from the branches. This rowan is attributed to the consumer group. You can make juices, jams and, that is, one-component preparations from it. It is not suitable for storage. The berries picked at the onset of the first frost are already so ripe that they begin to actively release juice. Even at low storage temperatures, rowan juice will begin to ferment, and the fruits themselves will deteriorate.

To make it easier to harvest chokeberries, use special garden tools - pruners or scissors. They allow you to separate the inflorescences with one movement. Depending on the purpose of further use, the berries can be separated from the inflorescences or left untouched if they are raw materials for wine or liqueur. Using garden tools allows you to harvest crops more productively, saving significant time and effort. However, you need to work with pruning shears as carefully as possible so as not to damage the berries. Cutting the brushes with a garden tool helps the shrub recover faster and also reduces the risk of infection accumulation.

chernopChokeberry berries

Gather chokeberry Recommended in the morning in dry, windless weather. Use wicker baskets or low boxes as containers for collecting, laying the berries loosely so that they do not change. The optimal container for collecting small batches will be glass, enamel or plastic dishes. But as for cookware made of galvanized steel and aluminum, it is not recommended to use it. Such material can give an unpleasant metallic taste and spoil the taste of rowan. It is not advisable to take deep drawers. When the upper tier is heavily loaded, the lower berries become deformed and release juice, which negatively affects not only consumer qualities, but also shelf life. Containers with a volume of up to 8 kg will be optimal.

Does not have a distinctive sweet taste or aroma. Raw it is quite tart, so it is consumed mainly in processed form. Suitable as a filling for pie and desserts, and also as a basis for making berry sauce, juices, jam and preserves. The tart taste of rowan harmonizes perfectly with tea and refreshing drinks. At the end of October, you can make homemade liqueur from ripe and sweet berries. Experts recommend collecting such berries after rain, during which dry and spoiled ones will fall off, and only high-quality chokeberry will remain on the bush. You should not wait for severe frosts. Frozen berries will become unsuitable for wine.

Aronia tincture

In addition, such rowan will contain a minimal amount of tannins involved in the fermentation process, which is especially important when preparing this alcoholic drink. However, this berry can be more classified as medicinal crops, which is actively used in folk medicine. Thanks to a storehouse of vitamins, it simultaneously has anti-inflammatory, diuretic and choleretic effects, helps cope with allergies and reduce high blood pressure. arterial pressure. In addition, chokeberry helps remove accumulated toxins and radionuclides from the body, cleansing the intestines and the entire digestive system generally.

The best option for long-term storage of chokeberry is drying. Dried chokeberries can be prepared as medicinal infusions, and various drinks. We select high-quality ripened berries for drying, preferably those that were collected after the onset of the first frost. They are less tart and sweet. We carry out drying in any way available to you, observing several important rules. The first option is sun drying. To do this, carefully sort the berries, lay them out in an even layer on newspaper and lightly dry them in the open air.

Frozen chokeberries

You should not leave the rowan tree in the scorching sun; prepare a canopy for it or carry out this procedure indoors, not forgetting about ventilation. With good ventilation and high temperature air dried berries will be ready in 3-7 days.

This procedure can be performed in an oven, electric dryer or microwave. Regardless of the technique you choose, there is one thing to remember important rule– compliance with the minimum warm-up temperature. This is necessary for maximum conservation useful substances and the appearance of the berries. Spread the chokeberry in a thin layer and set the temperature to 60-70 degrees. At the end of drying, remove all blackened and faded berries.

Do not rush to remove the berries from the oven or dryer. In case of haste and insufficient drying, the chokeberry may deteriorate and become moldy during storage. However, you should not dry out the berries too much. If this does happen, leave them at room temperature for 1-2 days. For storage, select a well-ventilated container or material. Perfect fit cardboard box or a canvas bag, just like an ordinary glass jar with a nylon lid. The storage place should be dry, slightly cool and protected from direct sun rays. If all rules and regulations are followed, dried rowan can be stored for about 2 years.

Chokeberries can also be frozen. Such a berry retains a smaller amount of useful substances, which decrease more and more as it is repeatedly thawed and frozen. To store in the freezer, carefully sort out the chokeberries and pack them in plastic bags or plastic containers. Frozen berries are stored for a long time, but if you notice spoiled or moldy berries in the bag, they need to be sorted out and the rest immediately processed. When refrigerated, chokeberry can retain its original appearance and taste for up to a month.

Berries - source huge amount various nutrients and vitamins necessary for human health. One of them is chokeberry, not the most famous, but extremely useful.

Ripening time

Unlike its other relatives, chokeberry, also known scientifically as chokeberry, ripens in the fall. It has been scientifically established that the main ripening period is the end of September or the beginning of October. Despite the fact that your dark color The berries are obtained at the end of summer; the maximum benefit from them can be obtained only in the fall.

The main sign that the chokeberry has ripened and become suitable for consumption and harvesting is the dark ruby-colored juice released by the berry when lightly pressed on it.

Most often, this level of ripeness is observed after the first frost has passed.

Berry composition

Chokeberries contain an unusually high amount of a substance called rutin. The content of this substance in chokeberry is twice as high as in currant fruits.

Its main benefit is that its use stops the aging process of the body.

In addition to vitamin P, which enters the human body only through nutrition (i.e. with food), chokeberry is rich in the following substances:

  • B vitamins: B1, B2, B6.
  • Vitamins C, E, K.
  • Micro- and macroelements, including iron, iodine, manganese, boron, copper, etc.
  • Glucose, sucrose, fructose.
  • Substances of tanning and pectin groups.
  • Folic and nicotinic acids.

This composition suggests that chokeberry is indeed an extremely healthy berry. And the time of its maturation makes it an excellent remedy for hypovitaminosis.

Impact on the body

The benefits of each product are measured by the effect it has on the human body. In this regard, chokeberry, or black rowan, can easily occupy a leading position, overtaking numerous varieties of many other crops.

You can use chokeberry to improve your health:

  • Normalization of cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Removing toxins from the intestines naturally.
  • Fight hypertension.
  • Renderings therapeutic effects on the body with atherosclerosis.
  • Strengthening effect on the walls of blood vessels.
  • Strengthening the immune system.
  • Treatment of radiation sickness.
  • Therapy of pathogenic processes affecting the thyroid gland.
  • Treatment of Graves' disease and thyrotoxicosis.
  • Increased stomach acidity.
  • Treatment of problems associated with blood clotting processes.
  • Removing from the body substances with radioactive effects and substances from the group of heavy metals.
  • Combating the development of pathogenic processes from the oncological group.
  • Regulating the processes of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Activation of liver function.
  • Reducing emotional instability.
  • Regulation of brain processes responsible for the state of inhibition and excitation.

The healing effects of chokeberry on the body are due to various substances that are part of chokeberry.

Correct use of this product contributes to the complete recovery of the body without complications. medical intervention and severe consequences.

Suitability of the berry

It is worth remembering that correctly selected chokeberry will fully reveal its taste and healing properties. Therefore, the choice of product should be given special attention.

When choosing berries, first of all pay attention to their appearance. Damaged, wrinkled or slightly rotten berries are not suitable for consumption. The size of the fruit should not be too small, and the surface should be shiny. It is also worth paying attention to the hardness of the fruit. The most suitable berries should not be completely hard and should respond to a gentle squeeze with your fingers.

Chokeberry is harvested or purchased after the first frost has passed. During this period, all the richness of her taste is fully revealed.

Benefit for health

In order to get the maximum benefit from a product, it is important not only to choose it correctly, but also to eat it correctly. Chokeberry is no exception to the rule.

While the season lasts, it is worth eating fresh rowan. In this way, a person fills his body with vitamins for the winter period. It is also possible to consume these extremely healthy black berries in the form of mousses or juices.

It is possible to prepare chokeberry for future use. To preserve chokeberry fruits for the winter without loss medicinal properties, it is best to dry them. You should not freeze: frost destroys valuable tannins.

Popular recipes

Exist various ways preparing rowan berries. The recipes are quite simple, and the resulting beneficial effect has a strengthening effect on the body and improves health.

Rowan mousse

Making chokeberry mousse is very simple. To do this you need to do the following:

  • Grind the fruits in a food processor or crush them using a masher.
  • Add a small amount of natural yogurt and any berries or fruits (banana, strawberries, etc.).
  • Beat the resulting mixture.

This mousse is not only healthy, but also extremely tasty. As a supplement, you can use any fruit or berries, depending on the person’s desire. To prepare the mousse, you can use fruits not only freshly picked or purchased, but also those that have been previously frozen.

General strengthening decoction

Another easy-to-prepare and extremely healthy drink made from chokeberry. Its regular use helps strengthen general state health and feel beneficial features these unusual fruits given by nature in the autumn.

The decoction is prepared as follows:

  • 200 g of dried berries pour 200 ml of boiling water;
  • cook over very low heat for 10 minutes;
  • leave for 20 minutes;
  • squeeze the fruits and strain the broth.

Drink this decoction three times a day, taking 0.5 cups. Due to its simplicity, this recipe has become the most widespread and famous.


When consuming jam, you should understand that at this moment an additional amount of carbohydrates enters the body. However, you can get the maximum benefit from this, if you do not show excessive zeal, everything is good in moderation. In winter, drinking tea with chokeberry jam will improve your health and allow you to have a good time.

This jam is prepared as follows:

  • Blanch 700 grams of fruit in water brought to a boil for no more than 5 minutes.
  • Mix 2.5 cups of water used earlier with one cup of sugar and boil the syrup.
  • Add prepared chokeberry and other berries or fruits (raspberries, plums, apples or chopped orange peels) to the boiled syrup.
  • Bring the mixture to a boil, remove from heat and leave for 8 hours.
  • Repeat the boiling and infusion procedure.
  • Bring to a boil again, simmer over low heat for 15 minutes.
  • Distribute the finished product into jars and roll up in the standard way.

Using other fruits and berries will soften the slightly tart taste of chokeberry and complement the range of beneficial effects.

This jam is a wonderful combination of taste and benefits.


Alcohol tinctures based on chokeberry are another direction in which you can use the entire range of beneficial substances hidden in these black berries. Adding infusions to tea will achieve a tonic effect and help you warm up on a cold winter day.

Tincture with cloves

One of the most famous recipes. The tandem of chokeberry and cloves gives the tincture a rather original taste and aroma, without reducing the beneficial properties of the fruit.

It is prepared as follows:

  1. Gently chop 1 kg of berries using a wooden masher.
  2. Add 0.5 kg of sugar and 3 buds of cloves to the fruits, mix the mixture thoroughly.
  3. Cover the jar with the mixture with gauze and leave for several days at room temperature.
  4. After this, pour 1 liter of alcohol into the mixture and close the jar with a plastic lid.
  5. Store the jar of tincture in a dark place for two months.
  6. Distribute the tincture into containers, after straining.

This tincture is stored in a cool place. It is recommended for adults to use it by adding a small amount to tea.

Tincture with honey and oak bark

Chokeberry-based tincture can be prepared not only with spices. The second known recipe involves adding oak bark and honey to rowan fruits.

The algorithm for preparing such a tonic is as follows:

  • Pour 2.5 cups of berries into a jar, after washing them first.
  • Add 3 tablespoons of honey and a pinch of washed oak bark.
  • Pour all 1 liter of vodka.
  • Leave the jar in a dark place for 4–5 months.

During this time, the jar is sometimes taken out of storage, its contents are shaken, and then put back. After the allotted time has passed, the tincture is filtered through several layers of gauze and bottled. In this form, the tincture is ready for use.

Medicinal properties

The medicinal properties of chokeberry can improve health in the following diseases:

Hypertension. Thanks to the diuretic effect of chokeberry, blood pressure is reduced.

Inflammatory processes in the body. Chokeberry contains anthocyanins, which can help with infectious diseases bacterial etiology.

  • Atherosclerosis. The flavonoids and vitamins C, E and A contained in chokeberry strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  • Hypoacid gastritis. Aronia fruits increase the acidity of gastric juice.
  • Nervousness and sleep disturbances. Chokeberry berries act as a natural sedative and reduce excitability.
  • Diarrhea. Chokeberry normalizes digestion in case of indigestion, since tannins have an astringent effect.
  • Toxicoses of pregnant women. The hepatoprotective effect of chokeberry fruits alleviates toxicosis and helps cope with nausea.
  • Eye diseases. Vitamin A, which is part of chokeberry, normalizes many processes. The berry is especially useful for “ old eyes" It reduces the risk of glaucoma and cataracts.


The benefits of chokeberry are obvious, but there are also contraindications:

  • thrombosis;
  • peptic ulcer of the stomach and intestines;
  • colitis, constipation;
  • hyperacid gastritis;
  • hypotension.

Before consuming chokeberry, consult your doctor. This will allow you to get the maximum benefit and prevent the aggravation of existing diseases and problems.

Storage methods

As mentioned earlier, the fruits of this plant can be harvested for future use for use in winter. There are several ways to do this.

Method 1

Freezing berries. Frozen fruits can be used to make jams or mousses. You can also defrost some berries and eat them. It is worth considering that with this storage method, a certain amount of vitamin P is lost, but most of the beneficial properties are preserved.

Method 2

Drying. With this preparation, all the benefits of the berries are preserved. For proper drying, you can not separate the fruits from the shield, but hang them together on a rope or wire. Such tapes are placed in a dry place, where it is often cool. In this form, chokeberries are also stored during frosts. With this method, all the beneficial properties of the berries are preserved.

Method 3

You can store the fruits of this crop in dried form. In order to wilt chokeberries, washed and dried fruits are placed on trays or surfaces with a fine grid and left in the sun or open air.

Method 4

Another drying method is to use the oven. The fruits are laid out on a baking sheet and dried at a temperature of 40 degrees for 20–30 minutes.

Afterwards, the temperature is raised to 60 degrees and the berries are left in the oven for another 5–10 minutes.

You only need to increase the temperature when the juice stops coming out of the berries. As a result of drying, the fruits should not lose their color. The preserved color of the berries indicates that the beneficial properties of the chokeberry were not lost as a result of heat treatment.


Chokeberry, or chokeberry, is an extremely useful plant. Eating its fruits can help solve many health problems and maintain the overall tone of the body. Proper storage and use of this product helps a person cope with many diseases.

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