Home Prosthetics and implantation Hydronephrosis in animals. Important rules on what to do if a cat has enlarged kidneys. The renal pelvis of a cat is narrowed.

Hydronephrosis in animals. Important rules on what to do if a cat has enlarged kidneys. The renal pelvis of a cat is narrowed.

Hydronephrosis is an enlargement or overstretching of kidney structures due to obstruction of urine flow due to blockage or narrowing. urinary tract what may entail acute lesions kidneys, loss of their performance and changes in structures. This occurs due to the lack of normal flow of urine into the bladder, which creates pressure on the kidney and this leads to tissue death, impaired blood flow and loss of function.


The disease process may involve either one or two kidneys, depending on the causes of hydronephrosis. Possible reasons could be:

  • traumatic processes of any origin (bites, falls, bruises, car injuries) and their consequences as a result of a possible adhesive process;
  • urolithiasis disease due to blockage of the ureter by large uroliths;
  • compression by a neoplasm of the ureter, Bladder, including outside its lumen;
  • neoplasms of organs in abdominal cavity, which leads to compression of the urinary tract;
  • developmental abnormalities of the urinary tract organs;
  • complications due to sterilization and other surgical interventions;
  • changes in the ureter and kidney structure due to an inflammatory disease.
Stages of hydronephrosis in cats

There are several stages of the disease:

Stage 1: when dilatation of the pelvis is noted - this is the structure of the kidney in which urine is formed before entering the ureter and then into the bladder;

Stage 2: There is not only an expansion of the pelvis, but also a significant impairment of kidney function by 20-40%, which leads to a decrease in organ tissue.

Stage 3: death of kidney tissue, acute decrease in organ function by 60-80%.

Types of disease

Hydronephrosis can be unilateral or bilateral.

A common symptom of hydronephrosis in cats is polyuria - increased urine production or frequent urination The animal also has polydipsia - enthusiastic consumption of water. Clinical symptoms such as lethargy, apathy, pain localized in the lumbar region or abdominal cavity, nausea, vomiting, urination with blood, urinary retention, and an increase in the volume of the abdominal cavity may also be noted. Clinical symptoms manifest themselves due to poisoning by metabolic products, which should normally be excreted in the urine.

Hydronephrosis of the kidneys in cats can manifest itself for a long time asymptomatically or unnoticed by owners, in some cases it is detected as concomitant disease or during scheduled medical examinations.


When diagnosing hydronephrosis, the following are used: diagnostic studies how to conduct ultrasound diagnostics(allows you to detect changes internal organs), clinical blood tests and biochemical profile with monitoring of electrolyte balance (help to assess the presence of dysfunction of the kidneys and other organs), urine tests, radiography and contrast urography. According to the results of the study, treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause that caused hydronephrosis, possibly surgery to eliminate the cause of pathology at an early stage of the disease. On late stages Disease treatment is aimed at maintaining the life of the animal and maintaining the body based on the reasons that caused kidney dysfunction. In addition, they use surgical intervention with removal of kidney hydronephrosis.

Symptoms in animals are often the same, nonspecific, and it is not always possible to recognize a problem in an animal immediately; a diagnosis can only be established after examination.


If your animal gets worse general condition, changes in behavior, pathologies from genitourinary system– it is recommended to consult a specialist veterinary center for correct diagnosis, diagnosis and prescribing appropriate treatment. After all, treatment carried out by non-specialists and without an accurate diagnosis can lead to disastrous results. Early diagnosis may lead to more appropriate treatment of hydronephrosis and better prognosis for the cat's quality of life.

Therefore, whenever you notice changes in the behavior and condition of your pet, we recommend that you immediately contact a veterinary specialist and carry out as much treatment as possible. full examination animal.

Article prepared by doctors therapeutic department"MEDVET"
© 2018 SEC "MEDVET"

Dr. Baker is a veterinarian with a PhD in comparative biomedical sciences. She graduated from the University of Wisconsin with a degree in Veterinary Medicine in 2016, then continued to work to obtain her scientific degree in the Laboratory of Comparative Orthopedic Research.

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Unfortunately, chronic diseases Many cats suffer from kidney problems. Although kidney disease cannot be cured, there are many ways to slow it down if caught early enough. If your cat has become lethargic and has lost interest in food, take her to the vet. Your doctor will likely order blood and urine tests, which will help him make the correct diagnosis. Then, work with your veterinarian to create a treatment plan that will help improve your pet's quality of life.


Signs of kidney problems

    Watch your cat drink water. Check the water level in your cat's bowl every morning. Determine if your pet has started drinking more water. This can also be determined by whether you have to Lately Clean a wet cat litter box more often. As a rule, cats use moisture sparingly and do not need a lot of water, so if the animal begins to drink more and visit its litter box more often, it may have kidney problems.

    • Kidney disease causes your cat to lose more fluid through urine and require more water to compensate for these losses. Diseased kidneys cannot concentrate urine properly and leave water in the blood.
    • If a cat eats liquid food, it needs even less water compared to its counterparts who eat dry food. In this case, the animal receives part of the water along with food. Because of this, liquid food is usually preferable for those cats that may have kidney problems.
  1. See if your cat is vomiting or showing interest in food. If your pet refuses to eat, it may be trying to avoid stomach pain. Kidney problems can lead to uremia, which is accompanied by painful inflammation stomach. In this case, cats often lose their appetite and may even vomit blood due to the formation of ulcers.

    • Uremia occurs in part because the kidneys are unable to effectively remove toxins from the blood.
  2. Check to see if your cat's fur is dull or making noise. bad smell. Kidney problems may cause your cat to develop painful sores on her gums, in which case she may be less likely to want to brush her fur. The animal may completely refuse grooming. As a result, the coat may appear dull and dirty.

  3. See if the cat seems lethargic. Cats love to sleep. However, take a closer look to see if your pet is sleeping more than usual or if he has lost interest in his favorite games and entertainment. If your cat is acting too lethargic, she may have developed anemia or low potassium levels due to kidney disease. The accumulation of waste in the body can also worsen the animal’s well-being.

    • Kidney disease can cause blood problems because the kidneys help repair blood cells, regulate electrolytes, including potassium, and remove toxic substances from the body.
    • Anemia caused by kidney disease is also indicated by dull or white eyelids (in healthy cats they are pink).
  4. Try interacting with your cat to assess its well-being. Sometimes it can be difficult to determine whether a cat is really unwell or if she just decided to lie down. Call your cat and see how she reacts to this. If your pet doesn't come to you, see if he raises his head or vocalizes in response. If your cat's gaze remains dull and she does not respond to your call, this may indicate that she has diseased kidneys.

    • Cats have a very heavy head compared to the rest of their body, and require considerable muscle effort to keep it straight. When potassium levels are low, cats tend to lower their head.
    • However, this sign is quite rare, and its absence does not mean that the cat does not have kidney problems.
  5. Check for any sores in your cat's mouth. If your cat's kidneys don't remove toxins from her body, she may develop ulcers in her stomach, throat, and gums. Gently hold the cat by the head and slowly open its mouth. Look inside and see if there are any red or irritated areas in your mouth. The sores may appear as white or gray dots. They can be on the gums and under the tongue.

    • Ulcers may cause your cat's breath to smell bad.

Establishing diagnosis

  1. Ask your veterinarian to do a urine test. If you suspect your pet has kidney problems, the first step your veterinarian should order is a urine test. The doctor will take a sample of your cat's urine and send it to a laboratory, where they will test its density to see how dilute it is.

    • The same urine sample can also be used to detect other diseases, such as diabetes.
    • The veterinarian may also prescribe biochemical analysis, at which the protein-creatinine ratio in the urine is determined. This test helps determine whether low urea concentrations in urine are actually due to kidney disease or due to shock.
  2. Ask your veterinarian to take a blood test from your pet to rule out other possible diseases. Although a blood test may not always detect kidney problems in cats, it can help narrow down the list. possible problems with health, such as diabetes or infectious disease.

    • The veterinarian may prescribe sequential analyzes blood to monitor the progress of kidney disease and make sure it has not led to other complications such as anemia.
  3. Visit your veterinarian regularly to have your pet's blood pressure checked. Kidney problems often lead to increased blood pressure. Measure your blood pressure every 1-2 weeks - this will help monitor the progression of the disease and evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. Typically, this quick procedure does not require an appointment in advance.

    • It is important to monitor your blood pressure. High blood pressure can cause serious complications such as blindness. If necessary, your veterinarian will prescribe medications to help lower your pet's blood pressure.

Category: Diseases and treatment

Hydronephrosis is a stretching or expansion renal pelvis, consisting of stagnation of urine following an obstruction of the ureter or excretory duct that allows urine to pass from the kidney to the bladder.

Hydronephrosis can be caused by any condition that may obstruct the ureters, including stenosis, neoplasia, or scars. Other reasons include:
Urolithiasis (urinary tract stones)
Hypertrophy prostate gland(enlarged prostate)
Involuntary ligation of the ureter during abdominal surgery
Masses in the retroperitoneal region posterior to the parietal peritoneum
Bladder masses in the trine region, that is, that part of the bladder where the ureters empty
There is no particular preference based on the age, sex or breed of the cat regarding the onset of the disease.

Polydipsia ( overconsumption water) and polyuria (increased amount of urine excreted)
Abdominal pain or back pain
Bloody urination (macroscopic hematuria)
In cases where concomitant infection or renal failure is present, attention should be paid to systemic signs of the disease, such as:
- vomit;
- diarrhea;
- lethargy;
- lack of appetite;

Perform basic tests (including general analysis blood, biochemical profile and urinalysis) is recommended for all patients. Although these tests often show values ​​within normal limits, they can still detect significant changes in renal failure or urinary tract infections. Further tests include:
Urinalysis to check for co-infection
Abdominal radiographs to rule out the presence of calculus, mass, changes affecting the prostate gland and other diseases that may mimic hydronephrosis
Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity. It is useful for visualizing the urinary tract (particularly the renal pelvis and, in some cases, dilated ureters) and other abdominal structures.
Excretory urography. This is a contrast study of the upper urinary tract (including the kidneys and ureters) that helps determine the location and cause of obstruction.

It is critically important to determine whether your cat requires hospitalization or medical treatment. outpatient setting. Treatment may include:
Fluid therapy and electrolyte therapy
Changing the diet of cats with renal failure or associated urinary stones
Administration of antibiotics based on the results of urine analysis and antibiogram
Surgery. This is usually not necessary, but may be indicated in some cases. In severe cases, the affected kidney and ureter are removed surgically.

What to do at home?
Strictly take all prescribed medications for the cat, carefully following the procedures prescribed by the veterinarian. The same applies if dietary changes have been recommended.
Go to the veterinarian for appropriate follow-up visits and notify him or her immediately if you notice any changes in the cat's condition.

Eliminate predisposing factors that may contribute to the occurrence of urinary tract infections or urinary stones. Appropriate dietary measures may be helpful in helping to prevent the formation of certain types of stones and thus the onset of urinary obstruction and hydronephrosis.

The kidney is an important organ in mammals. They filter the blood, removing foreign, toxic compounds and products of nitrogen metabolism from the body; they are necessary for carbohydrate-protein metabolism. This body unable to regenerate, its damage is irreversible. Kidney disease in cats is a common phenomenon and poses a particular danger to the animal.

Factors influencing the development of kidney diseases

Large reserve capacities allow the kidneys to cope with the load when more than ½ of the kidney is affected. Clinical signs of disease appear late. The causes of diseases can be congenital or acquired with age. Therapy renal disorders difficult; if treatment is not timely, the prognosis for animals is generally unfavorable.

It makes it difficult to remove metabolic products from the body, the accumulation of which leads to its intoxication. Any past infections, tumors, injuries, poisonings, as well as genetic predisposition and birth defects.

Factors affecting kidney health in cats include:

  • the breed of the animal and its family ties. Siamese, Persian, Russian Blue, Maine Coon and some other breeds of animals are considered less susceptible;
  • Feeding foods high in protein and phosphorus makes cats prone to developing kidney disease;
  • With age, the risk of the disease increases and doubles by 9-10 years;
  • in animals living in places with free access to chemicals, irreversible changes in the organ are often observed;
  • insufficient water consumption when feeding dry food;
  • low physical activity of the animal, excess or lack of body weight;
  • keeping in a damp room or in places with drafts.

The prognosis for the course of the disease depends on how quickly the pet is given first aid and subsequent treatment.

Symptoms and signs of kidney problems

With kidney pathology, the animal suffers from chronic intoxication.

There are several reasons why the kidneys are the most vulnerable place in the cat family, especially domestic species:

  1. Cats have concentrated urine. This is necessary to save the body’s water balance in natural living conditions. An incorrectly selected diet becomes the basis for the appearance of genitourinary diseases.
  2. Fish and dairy products contain many mineral salts that settle on the walls of cats’ kidneys in the form of crystals. IN natural environment In cats' habitats, these products are rarely consumed and they do not cause problems. Regular feeding pet These products become an impetus for the development of urolithiasis.
  3. The early stages of kidney disease in domesticated felines can only be noticed through close observation. The main features are:
  • constant strong thirst, lack of desire to eat, a sharp decline weight;
  • frequent urination, blood clots in the urine, diarrhea, vomiting, possible dehydration;
  • dental diseases, unpleasant odor of ammonia from the mouth, pale gums;
  • increased sleep duration, decreased activity, desire to sleep on cool surfaces.

Symptoms of the disease in an animal appear periodically, so it is difficult to notice its progression. A final diagnosis can be made only after special laboratory tests.

Kidney diseases in cats and kittens

In cases of kidney disease, edema is diagnosed in a cat.

Kidney diseases in cats and cats are quite similar in symptoms, but their treatment is different. Therefore, it is especially important to make a correct diagnosis initially.


Severe, rapidly progressing disease of acute and chronic forms s, which develops after an animal has suffered a bacterial or viral type, hypothermia, poisoning or injury.

  1. Depending on the location it happens:
  • absentminded;
  • focal.
  1. The main symptoms of the disease are:
  • depressed state;
  • a sharp decrease in appetite;
  • the shells of the ears, eyelids and paws swell;
  • frequent urination, urine contains blood elements;
  • unpleasant odor from the mouth;
  • in the advanced stage, vomiting and persistent diarrhea are possible.
  1. Clinical examination of urine will show blood, epithelial debris and protein in it.
  2. When examined by a specialist, an increase in blood pressure, possible increased body temperature, disruption of the pelvic limbs.
  3. The diagnosis is made after examining the animal and laboratory study composition of urine.

Self-medication of the disease can lead to its transition to a chronic form. To alleviate the cat's condition, it is kept warm for 2 days and on a starvation diet. Subsequently, they are transferred to frequent feeding of food without salt, with a high content of carbohydrates, calcium and potassium. As therapy, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, decoctions of diuretic herbs, calcium supplements and B vitamins.


With pyelonephritis, body temperature rises and weakness occurs.

Inflammation of the connective tissue of the kidneys and renal pelvis in most cases bacterial origin. Often appears after infection of the genital organs, or stagnation of urine in the renal pelvis and. Affects both kidneys.

  1. It occurs in acute and chronic forms. The acute form is life-threatening for the animal. Death can occur within 12 hours.
  2. For acute course characteristic:
  • , increased heart rate;
  • painful urination, stools are viscous and cloudy;
  • the urine has an increased protein content and is colored red;
  • the animal has severe thirst;
  • Palpation in the kidney area causes pain.
  1. In the chronic form in cats, a thick purulent mass may be released from the vagina.
  2. The animal quickly depletes.
  3. The diagnosis is made based on examination of the patient and the results of urine and blood tests.

Attention! The basis of treatment is to normalize the outflow of urine. Antibiotics, antispasmodics and diet therapy are used.


Glomerulonephritis leads to irreversible damage to the cat's health.

The disease occurs in subacute and acute forms. It is characterized by inflammation of the glomerular apparatus.

  1. The reasons may be infectious-allergic, or disturbances in nutrition and maintenance, injury to the animal, or hypothermia.
  2. The main symptoms of the disease are:
  • the appearance of blood streaks in the urine, painful urination;
  • difficulty breathing, slight swelling of the muzzle and eyelids;
  • weakness, drowsiness, reluctance to play, lack of coordination;
  • decreased hearing and vision, whistling during inhalations and exhalations.
  1. When examining and testing blood and urine, the following is revealed:
  • increased ESR, protein and leukocytes;
  • there are blood spots in the fundus area;
  • there may be water in the lung area.

A course of treatment is used, including diet therapy, antibiotics, sulfa drugs, painkillers and aminoglycosides, and the addition of vitamins and microelements to the diet. It is necessary to review the conditions of keeping the animal, to exclude its presence in places with drafts or high humidity.

Polycystic kidney disease

Apathy and exhaustion are symptoms of progressive polycystic kidney disease.

A disease transmitted at the genetic level and inherited as a dominant trait. It is characterized by the formation of multiple cysts in each kidney.

  1. The disease may be in hidden form long time. Appears mainly after 3 years.
  2. The size of the cyst ranges from 1 mm to 1.5 cm.
  3. Characterized by a gradual increase in the size and number of cysts and their replacement of normal organ tissue.
  4. The symptoms of the disease are:
  • loss of appetite, weight loss and exhaustion of the cat;
  • difficult, painful urination;
  • vomiting, which becomes more frequent as the disease progresses.

Attention! This disease is genetic and therefore full recovery it is impossible to reach the animal.

Slowing down the development of the disease is achieved by following a special balanced diet that allows you to partially replenish the washed-out proteins, electrolytes and fluid.

Liver amyloidosis

Metabolic disorder leads to chronic course diseases.

An independent disease, genetically determined, of acute and chronic forms, resulting from a disorder of protein metabolism.

  1. Abnormal proteins accumulated in the blood plasma are deposited in the tissues of the organ, which leads to the replacement of specialized elements and causes the death of the kidneys.
  2. At early stages Diagnosis of the disease is difficult due to the lack of clinically evident signs.
  3. For acute form characteristic:
  • frequent urination;
  • loss of appetite and vomiting;
  • severely depressed state of the animal.

Important! A timely correct diagnosis can extend a cat's life by 18-24 months. Death occurs due to kidney failure or organ rupture and massive blood loss.

  1. Chronic form:
  • loss of appetite, frequent vomiting;
  • the animal drinks a lot, urinates frequently, typical dark color urine;
  • the joints are swollen, their aseptic inflammation appears;
  • drowsiness, reluctance to move and play.

The disease in this form is rarely detected. The cause of death of the animal is determined after an autopsy and laboratory examination of the organs. Carrying out clinical analysis reveals anemia, increased bilirubin levels. Accurate diagnosis can be diagnosed after a biopsy, ultrasound and x-ray.

It is impossible to cure a sick animal. To alleviate the cat's condition and prolong its life, measures are taken to stop the development of the disease. IN initial stage special solutions are used. With further development, surgical intervention is possible to remove the damaged kidney.

Hydronephrosis in cats

Maintenance therapy is the only way to normalize the cat's condition.

Second, the cause is a narrowing of the urinary tract, leading to stretching of the organ and the subsequent death of its functional tissues.

  1. The cause of the development of the disease can be either injury or tumor, or any inflammatory process with complicated urine output.
  2. A symptom indicating the development of the disease is difficulty urinating in small portions or its complete absence;
  3. The process can be one-way or two-way.

When performing an ultrasound, an enlargement of the pelvis is clearly visible. Treatment involves measures aimed at therapeutic or surgical elimination of the causes of disorders. In case of bilateral kidney damage, or the impossibility of removing the diseased organ, it is possible death. After normalization of the patient's condition, maintenance therapy is carried out.

Nephrosclerosis in cats

During the disease, complete or partial replacement occurs healthy tissue organ connective tissue.

  1. Symptoms in the initial stage indicate other diseases.
  2. Positive treatment is possible only at the beginning of the disease. Cure in advanced cases is impossible.
  3. The main features are:
  • high pressure;
  • a sharp increase in body temperature, possible fever;
  • painful urination;
  • urine is reddish in color, streaks of blood are possible;
  • loss of appetite, while the animal drinks a lot and often.
  1. Trying to stabilize the functioning of the kidneys, the body compensates for the lack of nephrocytes by enhancing the work of healthy cells, which leads to their overload and death. Connective tissue forms in place of dead cells.

Attention! Positive result Treatment is possible only if the disease is detected in its initial stage. If it is diagnosed that a larger percentage of the kidneys consists of connective tissue, then the animal cannot be saved.

Causes of diseases and their prevention

Responsible breeding and good care help prevent kidney disease in cats.

Kidney disease is the scourge of domestic cats. Their cure is only possible with timely diagnosis, which is not always possible. In fact, it is easier to prevent diseases than to fight them later, since regeneration renal parenchyma limited.

Only balanced diet, timely care, regular observation by specialists and provision of proper sanitary and hygienic conditions guarantee the health of the animal.

In the video, the veterinarian explains how to promptly recognize kidney stones in a cat:

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