Home Dental treatment Reproductologist for cats. Reproductologist services at the DobroVet veterinary clinic

Reproductologist for cats. Reproductologist services at the DobroVet veterinary clinic

Breeding dogs, cats and other pets is seen as a hobby for many owners; for others it is a business. In both the first and second cases, the main task of the doctor is to obtain healthy offspring and maintain the health of mothers and fathers of babies. An entire science is devoted to this - reproduction, which studies both the normal reproductive function of animals and its pathological conditions, as well as approaches to the prevention of reproductive disorders in various age periods our favorites.

Reproductology is an interdisciplinary science that unites various methods row related disciplines: biology, medicine, zoopsychology, statistics, epidemiology. She studies normal functioning reproductive system animals, as well as methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of reproductive disorders.

Structure of reproductology:

  1. Normal reproductology.
  2. Clinical Reproductology ( reproductive pathology).

Normal reproductology

Normal reproductology studies all the features reproductive health clinically healthy animals, that is, a whole complex of biological, anatomical, physiological and zoopsychological aspects. If the animal is clinically healthy and no abnormalities are detected during its examination, then the owner and the leading doctor can count on receiving healthy offspring from this animal. However, it cannot be ruled out genetic disease, which can manifest themselves after several generations.

Clinical reproductology (reproductive pathology)

Clinical reproductology (reproductive pathology) studies all aspects of reproductive health disorders, and also deals with the prevention of reproductive disorders.

Main areas of clinical reproductology:

  1. Detection of infectious, endocrine and genetic pathology from possible manufacturers.
  2. Diagnosis and treatment of males and females with infertility and reproductive dysfunction.
  3. If natural mating is impossible, and there may be many reasons for this, such as -
    excessively aggressive behavior animals during mating;
    low efficiency of natural mating due to certain breed characteristics of animals (very large and heavy breeds, etc.); the presence of certain diseases in the male or female that do not allow natural mating (disease of the limbs, hips, back, etc.);
    impossibility of natural mating due to the narrow and short vagina of bitches and much more

    artificial insemination is performed. A big plus artificial insemination is to prevent the spread infectious diseases sexually transmitted diseases.
  4. Establishing and eliminating the causes leading to miscarriage; conducting an examination of females at risk (aged animals, overweight animals and those with a history of 2 or more spontaneous miscarriages or undeveloped pregnancies, with a history of antenatal fetal death, with premature birth with an unfavorable outcome for the fetus, with a combination of the above factors).
  5. If an unplanned pregnancy occurs, prepare the female for childbirth or for an induced abortion in order to minimize early, late and long-term complications.

Cat owners often face various reproductive problems:

  1. Chronic viral infections
  2. Outbreaks of acute viral infections in the nursery
  3. Matching problem
  4. Stress during transportation to breeding
  5. Barren matings
  6. Chronic non-communicable diseases in cats, interfering with natural mating
  7. Diseases of the reproductive system
  8. Necessity surgical intervention during pathological childbirth
  9. Neonatal death of kittens

Many of these problems can be solved using modern methods, used in veterinary medicine using new reproductive technologies.

Features of the reproductive cycle, ovulation, sexual behavior, hidden viral infections and indiscriminate breeding - all these factors must be taken into account during a reproductive examination of a cat.

To obtain good results in cat breeding, it is necessary to combine the capabilities of a reproductive specialist with an absolute understanding of the cat owner of all the complexities of the upcoming procedures.

In our center we are constantly working towards the reproduction of cats. We provide consultative, diagnostic, surgical and reproductive services using modern capabilities veterinary medicine.

1. We carry out advanced diagnostics chronic and acute viral infections. Regarding patients with severe chronic incurable diseases, we agree with the principle: “If a patient cannot be cured, this does not mean that he cannot be helped.” By vital signs We also perform operations on such patients of any level of complexity. This is especially true for cats suffering from immunosuppressive diseases and/or cancer.

3. The center conducts diagnostic studies:

  • Ophthalmological examination http://89265231897.ru

Various methods for assessing cat sperm allow us to identify the presence pathological processes. This allows us to assess the patient’s reproductive functions and select an effective treatment regimen.

A lot of work is being done in our center to form cryobank frozen cat semen.

Today, reproductology has become a popular field. More and more more people acquire animals of breeding breeds and unique bloodlines. And, of course, I want these beauties to reproduce. This is exactly what you need fertility specialist.

MEDVET veterinary centers employ highly qualified veterinary reproductive doctors whose mission is to help you and your pet acquire offspring, identify the causes of reproductive failures, if any, and, if necessary, prescribe treatment.

Who is a reproductive specialist and what issues does he solve?

At the first stage, this is diagnosing your pet’s reproductive cycle, determining the optimal time for mating (accurate to the day, if the mating is outside and this has great importance). It should be noted that indicating the optimal mating days will help you get the maximum number of offspring. Knowing the day of ovulation, a veterinarian-reproductologist will help calculate the likely day of birth and provide obstetric care.

But the function of a fertility doctor does not end there. Pregnancy is ahead, which means you need to carefully monitor this. To do this, it is advisable to leave your pet in our hospital under the supervision of doctors. At the same time, specialists from our centers will monitor the pet’s pregnancy, which will eliminate a number of pathologies, such as early fetal resorption, insufficiency corpus luteum, fetal hypoxia and ketosis of pregnant women in late stages. In some cases, pyometra is possible drug treatment.


Childbirth in our centers always takes place under the supervision of reproductive doctors. In the case of difficult childbirth and cesarean section, a number of manipulations are also carried out to ensure minimal time from giving anesthesia to evacuation of the fetuses from the uterus. If necessary, followed by resuscitation and placing the puppies in an oxygen chamber, which ensures significant safety of the offspring.

After giving birth, a reproductive specialist will tell you about what diet you need to follow, how to care for your offspring and raise healthy pets.

Reproductive functions of a male dog

In addition, you can evaluate reproductive function male (collection and assessment of sperm quality), which is necessary for regular use of the manufacturer. In case of prostate diseases (prostatitis, prostate cysts), our doctors will advise necessary treatment of these diseases, including without castration.

Doctor at the Ark Center for Animal Reproduction and Health.

Candidate of Veterinary Sciences. Member of EVSSAR, Member of the Association of Veterinary Practitioners, Member Russian society veterinary immunology. Speaker at international veterinary congresses and regional conferences. WorldSkills Russia expert.

Experience: more than 10 years of veterinary practice in animal reproduction. Partnership with veterinary center"HSB-Blendivet", Germany.

Education: MBA named after. K.I. Scriabin.

Postgraduate education: reproduction, ultrasound, endoscopy.

Specialization: reproduction.

He considers the main task in his field to be obtaining healthy generation puppies and kittens, with specific requirements for each breed. Therefore, in the center, under the leadership of Natalya Ivanovna, a cryology laboratory has been created for the conservation of animal genetic material.

About my work: the success of veterinary reproduction depends on a strong team of doctors and high-tech equipment. Today I have everything necessary to provide the highest quality modern assistance to your patients.

In 2008, she completed training in echographic diagnostics emergency conditions on the basis of the Federal State Institution Moscow Research Institute of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery of the Russian Medical Technology.

In 2010, she completed a training course on ultrasound diagnostics organs abdominal cavity based at the Biocontrol clinic

In April 2012, she completed the VetEndoSchool training module on rigid endoscopy.

In 2015, she entered graduate school at the Moscow State Academy of Mechanics and Mathematics and the B-MBA named after. K.I. Scriabin to the Department of Anatomy and Histology. Scientific director Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Slesarenko N.A.

In June 2016, she completed an internship in reproduction at the Blendivet clinic under the leadership of Konrad Blendiniger in Germany.

Joint development with members of the EurAsEC of documents for transporting male sperm across the border of the Russian Federation. The result was the entry on May 30, 2017

additional chapter No. 45 to the veterinary and sanitary requirements for goods subject to veterinary control.

Since 2017, he has been the coordinator of the reproduction section of the Moscow International Veterinary Congress.

In 2018, she completed her postgraduate studies at the Moscow State Academy of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnology - MBA named after K.I. Scriabin" with the qualification of Teacher-Researcher.

In 2019 she defended her PhD thesis. Topic: “Algorithm for assessing the reproductive potential of female dogs.”

Speaker at international veterinary congresses (MVC, Purina Partners, FECAVA).

As a lecturer, she made presentations and conducted master classes in a large number of cities in our country from St. Petersburg to Vladivostok.

He has publications in leading Russian and European journals of veterinary medicine.

On the basis of the Center for Reproduction and Animal Health, “Kovcheg” conducts training for senior and postgraduate students of the Moscow State Academy of Mechanics and Mathematics and the B-MVA named after K. I. Scriabin and the Russian State Agrarian University named after K. A. Timiryazev

Question: I want to freeze my dog's sperm. What is needed for this?

Answer: To carry out this manipulation in our center, you first need a consultation with a reproductive specialist, during which a complete medical history of the animal is collected, an examination and the necessary examinations (including a spermogram) are carried out. Semen freezing is carried out at readmission, by appointment.

Question: How much does it cost to freeze a male dog's semen?

Answer: The cost of this procedure in our center varies depending on the technique and degree of complexity of the procedure. A cost may be added to the cost of freezing. necessary tests And additional research(if necessary). Therefore, this issue is resolved by a fertility specialist at a preliminary appointment.

Question: If we live in another city, when can we come for a spermogram/semen freezing? What is needed for this?

Answer: If you live in distant areas, you can come to us at a time convenient for you by making an appointment in advance. However, you must understand that a long journey is stressful for the animal, and to achieve better results, it needs to rest. Therefore, carrying out the freezing procedure for initial appointment is not carried out in our center.

Question: We want to inseminate a bitch with frozen semen, how to do this?

Answer: The quality of fresh and frozen sperm differs and the result of insemination depends on many factors. Therefore, the bitch must first be shown to a reproductive doctor for examination of the genitourinary system, and a complete history of the bitch and the male whose semen is planned for insemination must be given.

Note: There is no complete breed cryobank of dog and cat semen in Russia.

Question: If a male or female does not have the opportunity to come for mating, can the female be artificially inseminated?

Answer: Can. There are several methods of artificial insemination:

  • insemination with fresh semen
  • insemination with chilled semen
  • insemination with frozen semen

You must first consult with a reproductive specialist to select the most suitable method of insemination for your case and discuss the issue of semen delivery.

Question: If a male/cat shows aggression during mating, what can be done?

Answer: In such cases, the procedure of artificial insemination of the bitch/cat is carried out. In our center, when working with aggressive animals, the semen collection procedure is carried out under anesthesia. Therefore, the animal needs a preliminary consultation with both a reproductive specialist and an anesthesiologist. Specialists need to know the animal’s complete history.

Question: Why is my male cat infertile?

Answer: There may be several reasons:

  • pathological processes in cats
  • pathologies of the reproductive system of cats
  • presence of viral infections in a cat
  • inappropriate sexual behavior of a cat
  • The mating time was not chosen correctly
  • hereditary pathology of a cat

In this case, the problem is difficult to solve over the phone. Consultation with a reproductive specialist is necessary. Fertility doctors at our clinic will conduct comprehensive examination your animal and help solve the problem.

Question: Is it worth sterilizing a cat (dog)?

Answer: The sterilization operation is carried out to prevent diseases of the female reproductive system (tumors of the mammary glands, ovaries, uterus; pyometra, uterine rupture, false pregnancy). If the animal is not used for breeding, does not lead normal sex life, the risk of developing such diseases is very high. In our center this operation carried out only after examining the animal.

Question: In what cases is it better to do C-section?

Answer: A caesarean section is performed to save the life of the female and her offspring. In some of the modern dog breeds (English bulldog, miniature bull terrier, Chihuahua, toy terrier and others), pathological births are very common. Without help veterinarian birth process cannot complete on its own. One puppy syndrome or a hereditary predisposition to complicated births is common. In such cases, the owner must understand the dangers of the situation and plan the operation in advance.

Question: Can your clinic do tests in one visit?

Answer: Yes you can. The test results are known the same evening, but to interpret the results you must make an appointment with your doctor.

Question: What should you bring with you to your clinic appointment?

Answer: You must have with you:
- a correctly issued animal passport with valid vaccinations.
- at the initial consultation, without any therapeutic or diagnostic procedures, an authorized representative of the animal owner may be present
- to carry out any manipulations with the animal, the presence of the animal owner itself is necessary.

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