Home Prosthetics and implantation Healthy nation essay. Class hour on the topic: "A healthy generation is the future of the nation."

Healthy nation essay. Class hour on the topic: "A healthy generation is the future of the nation."

Only at healthy nation there is a future.

All the efforts of a prudent person should be directed not towards repairing and caulking his body, like a fragile and leaky boat, but towards arranging for himself a way of life in which the body would be in an upset position as little as possible, and, consequently, would need repair as little as possible

D. I. Pisarev

The highest good is achieved on the basis of complete physical and mental health.


Destruction of the Slavic nation!

Degradation of children!

The collapse of the Russian state!

These are the slogans that the current media is full of,

popular TV programs, Internet. I agree with them all

It’s a paradox, in an era of rapid development of science and technology, when the most daring ideas that were considered science fiction are being realized,

our nation is dying out and declining. Why is this happening? But everything is very simple and banal - the people destroy themselves.

I won’t walk far, I go out into the yard and the first thing I see is a children’s playground.

Here all the delights of modern life are revealed to your eyes.

Mothers with a bottle of beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other blow smoke straight at their beloved children. A group of teenagers sits on the back of a bench, and not on it with electronic cigarettes in the teeth and from the “fog” a loud, barbed obscenity is heard. It should be noted that the girls, who are not at all formed, immature, are also in this seasoned team, so to speak, they are preparing for adult life.

But if the child is a homebody, this is also not a panacea.

Out of control computer games lead to mental disorders and sometimes death.

Why is it more interesting for kids to be there, in the “otherworldly” world behind the screen, and not in reality? Why might they be pushed to commit suicide? Maybe they are lonely in society, more vulnerable, vulnerable, sensitive? How to find out, and most importantly, how to help?

Nowadays there are a lot of entertainment centers, gyms, swimming pools, but the trouble is that everything sport sections and mugs, not every family can afford. Although here everything is not clear.

Among modern youth there is an opinion that you need to go to the gym to build up muscles for beauty, for coolness. Football, hockey, tennis are relics of the past. Most likely, this is a tribute to fashion; time dictates its own rules.

But despite everything, the state, in my opinion, does a lot for the development of a healthy society. These include updated sports grounds, huge stadiums, and entire complexes.

I am sixteen years old, I am a teenager, I have no right to condemn, reproach, or blame anyone, I just want to live in a healthy society, a developed city, and a prosperous country.

Health is a gift, we do not have the right to squander it so aimlessly and thoughtlessly. I am for a healthy nation, for a bright future for myself and my peers, for a prosperous state.

Only in a healthy society can one build a healthy life.

By health one cannot mean only the external well-being of the body, but one must generally understand the natural harmonious development of the body and the correct performance of all its functions.

Nikolai Alexandrovich Dobrolyubov

A nation is a people united by a common language, territory, economic and cultural life. The future of the state depends on the nation, because this is the most important part that makes it. Only a morally and physically healthy population can create a developed, prosperous state. If society is not healthy, then the fate of the entire country is at great risk.

Health is a jewel that is one of a kind.

It cannot be restored or replaced, for its sake a person should not spare effort, time, money, because any illness limits a person and his life becomes unbearable, aimless and unhappy. Healthy people are full of strength, energy and ready for achievements for the benefit of themselves, their families and the state. They make plans, they have many ideas for implementing grandiose plans.

Social health is as important as physical health; a person must receive an education, know the customs and traditions of his country, and be interested in the cultural values ​​and history of his native state. Parents instill in their children love for their homeland and a sense of duty. Each person, as an individual, educates himself, corrects his perception, thinking, and actions. The state is also obliged to create a favorable social environment: reduce the level of crime, alcoholism, drug addiction and homelessness, solve ecological problems. Parents instill in their children love for their homeland and a sense of duty.

Money can't buy health. Everyone knows this, but not everyone pays attention to it, but health must be protected from childhood, because if you don’t take care of it, every year a person feels how it becomes less and less. We must understand how important it is to exercise, eat right, and go to the doctor for regular checkups. Just as important deep sleep and walks in the fresh air.

A healthy lifestyle today has not ceased to be popular, but young people give preference to harmful habits: smoking, drinking alcoholic beverages, without thinking at all about what will happen to them and their children in the future. This becomes a habit, an attachment is formed, which subsequently causes problems. Children are born sick, their existence is inferior, they are disadvantaged, their own health does not allow them to go beyond certain limits, it limits them. People often become dependent on bad habits under the influence of their environment: peers, and also very often parents who have been around since childhood, exerting a strong influence on the child’s psyche.

Children are our future, without whom it would not exist at all, so their health is no less important. Nowadays, progress in modern medicine gives us the opportunity to cure and prevent many diseases that affect both adults and children, which has reduced mortality. But there are incurable diseases from which no one is immune. But not only medicine should take care of the well-being of children, parents also bear responsibility for this. They vaccinate the child good habits and prevent bad habits from appearing. Unfortunately, despite the fact that most people lead a healthy lifestyle, try for the benefit of their future, start families and give birth to children, in our time there is a demographic crisis, when the birth rate does not reach the mortality rate. This is one of the most important problems that the state puts above all else.

I would like to end with the statement of J. Bernandos: “A person chooses his own tomorrow, which directly depends on his health. We must understand that each of us is responsible for the fate of the country, we must not forget about this or shift this responsibility to someone else. In everything you need to start with yourself, because it is in your hands that the happy and prosperous future of the nation lies. Every country owes its unique appearance to its people."

Vdovina Vasilisa, 9b grade,

Only a healthy nation has a future

He walked quickly down the street. It started to rain, and the boys with newspapers, shouting something like “Two boxers - one victory”, “Only a healthy nation has a future”, hid under the visors of expensive cafes on a busy street. Cold drops fell behind the collar and flowed down, under the clothes, leaving an unpleasant, tickling mark on the back.

The man turned sharply into a dead alley woven into a huge street and disappeared into the shadows of closely standing houses.

Only one door was slightly open - warm light streamed from there, casting rays onto the wet asphalt, garbage and empty tomato boxes stacked in a heap. There were sharp echoes of voices and animated speech. There was a pleasant smell of fried potatoes sprinkled with dill. The door, caught by gusts of wind, occasionally swayed from side to side with a sweet creak.

stood at the door fat man in greasy pants, a white apron that hurt the eyes with its cleanliness, and a stupid net on her curly locks. He smoked in the drizzling rain, thoughtfully raising a thick cigarette to his lips, squinting and as if savoring every puff. The light of a cigarette butt flickered in the shadow carelessly thrown on the ground by a low building.

A man with a briefcase approached the one who was smoking, called out to him and extended his hand:

Hello Mark.

He shook his hand with pleasure, transferring the cigarette to the other:

Lewis, how far you've come this evening! I'm afraid that today I will even be able to let you through the service entrance.

Great, buddy. How are you?

He was silent for a minute.

Yes, everyone at their own pace, as usual,” he hastened to change the subject, “come in, now our hall is even indecently empty.” Are you as usual?

Lewis nodded, walked through the narrow door and was absorbed in the light of the wide lamp.

After passing the hall, he found himself in the kitchen - an ordinary kitchen of an ordinary cafe, where during the day they liked to order French fries (which made Mark wildly indignant) or drink lemonade before a long bus ride, and in the evenings they played billiards and drank a lot.

In the kitchen, a bald young man wielded a knife, furiously chopping leeks, with deep eyes and a sharp nose, which seemed to be able to cut onions just as well as a knife. The different smells could make you dizzy. Behind the large stove stood a miniature girl in an immensely long apron. A cleaning lady walked between the tables.

Lewis saluted everyone politely and walked through the double doors into the hall, trying not to make too much noise, as waiters usually do.

The cafe, as Mark said, was indecently empty - only the distant tables near the billiard tables were occupied. The man walked to the window and sat down near it, placing his briefcase on the adjacent chair. He took off his hat, hung up his coat, unbuttoned his jacket a little and loosened his tie.

Having finally sat down at the table, he sighed with relief.

People were bustling around outside the window. Through the glass, covered with raindrops, like small snails, one could see a piece of the square peeking out from behind the gray houses, women in bright coats running somewhere, upturned men with canes or strict black umbrellas. Cars rushed along the roads, roaring, dousing the pavement with water from under their wheels. The boys with the newspapers continued to shout and push the goods to everyone they met.

“Only a healthy nation has a future,” came a faint echo to Lewis.

The man took out his notebook and pen from the inside pocket of his hanging coat and wrote down these words in neat handwriting on the written, crisp page of the book.

Rain drummed on the window. Several wet people ran into the cafe and, out of politeness, ordered a cup of warm tea. Billiard balls tapped quietly in the background.

What does a healthy nation mean?

Lewis put the pen and notepad back into his coat pocket, folded his hands and leaned back in his chair. He looked out the window again. Some ragamuffin padded past the windows with his hands in his pockets.

Lewis remembered a scene in which he could only participate as a spectator. A helpless viewer who can get up from a soft chair and leave, but not interfere with the action in any way, rewrite the script.

Once upon a time, on the way to the anniversary of his niece, whom he did not know at all, Lewis ordered a taxi. A few minutes later the car arrived; the taxi driver turned out to be a silent and stern young man, impeccably following the instructions of his superiors.

Having traveled through large avenues, the car had to pass a couple more narrow alleys, which left an imprint on Lewis’s memory - in the flashing gap between the houses, three boys mocked a sick homeless woman - they pulled off her clothes, took her by the hair, hit her in the face and threw garbage. She tried to protect herself from them, helplessly raising her hands and trying to cover her face with them. But blows and debris rained down on her from different directions. One of them was tall and thin, clearly a ringleader. He stood a little to the side and took a puff of cheap cigarettes with a blue stripe on the pack, and the two guys were a little smaller. This gave them some kind of pleasure, as Lewis later thought, they asserted themselves due to this, they felt that they were “growing up.” He wanted to ask the taxi driver to stop, in an eloquent gesture he leaned against the glass and tried to open the locked door.

But the car drove on, the boys and the woman remained behind, and the driver, with a calm expression on his face, with stony and precise movements, turned the corner and drove out onto a busy street, forgetting to turn on the turn signal. Something in him malfunctioned, just in the wrong direction.

After watching the homeless boy in tattered clothes, Lewis turned away from the window.

So what is a healthy nation? Fit men healthy women and children who are not sick? The most responsive and enterprising government over an understanding people? What role does health play here?

Or is this what cancels out people's behavior?

Lewis understood here only what everyone understood - only a strong nation has a future. They are erecting huge cities only great people, only great people launch iron birds into the sky, only great people give life to other people. People - people - nation.

Lowering his eyes, he began to look at his hands. Dark, wide hands dotted with purple and green veins, slightly knobby fingers, a silver ring on the little finger with a caduceus pattern.

A great nation, a healthy nation, a united nation, with a rich culture, a nation that goes hand in hand with time and its endless numbers that count only in one direction. A nation that follows the development of its civil society and its institutions, which remembers its traditions, its history, ethnicity and roots, not only remembers, but also respects.

For some reason, such thoughts puzzled Lewis. Usually his thoughts ended there, or it all boiled down to the fact that there are a lot of alcoholics and robbery now. But for some reason, the cold autumn wind, shooting a recitative at the glass, seemed to be trying to convey something to Lewis today, after which he could smugly smack his lips and proudly sit in the living room with a cigar, analyzing everything that only what was reproduced.

A great, healthy nation where everyone, every person will be respected and relatively free. But regarding what? Where is this line? After all, complete freedom is anarchy.

He looked again at the drops crashing into the glass. What do you mean, rain?

A slight cry came from the kitchen, the double doors swung open again, and both waiters began to bustle around.

Healthy nation. Are there many of these left, and are there any left at all? Can a nation be called healthy where the young and strong abuse the old and helpless?

The lanky waiter guiltily approached Lewis with a tray and placed on the table a steak with baked potatoes, an incomprehensible vegetable salad, cream soup, a glass of double Calvados and a neatly wrapped chocolate bar for a sweet snack to go with the drink. Lewis nodded and unwrapped the napkin cutlery.

Mark appeared at the double doors, interrupting Lewis’ thread of thoughts. The good man leaned his hand with a kitchen towel on the doorframe, holding the light door with the other so that he would not be slammed. He smiled friendly, looked around the half-empty room, lingered on the drunken men at the billiard tables, glanced at the wall clock, causing the second hand to tremble slightly and count the second a little later than necessary.

Lewis took his eyes off Mark and started eating. Here he dined every Friday and every Monday, ordering the same thing all the time. Mark personally cooked for him, it’s not clear why exactly this happened, but both were very friendly towards each other, the cook even once visited a new friend.

Lewis worked as a journalist for the capital's most prestigious newspaper, in the business news department. He knew a lot about people, about laws, and knew how to work on interviews correctly. He knew a lot about human hatred and falsehood, and understood a lot about literature. He often wrote articles about topics whose headlines were written on huge posters or printed in black letters on greasy newspaper paper, but which no one cared about - for example, “Only a healthy nation has a future.”

Having finished the meal, the journalist downed his glass (“Salute!”), asked for the bill and hastily got ready, leaving the waiter with a guilty face a small tip. He went into the kitchen to shake Mark's hand, again inhale the assorted smells, hurriedly walked along the entire cafe and left the front door, jingling the bells.

The drizzle continued. Lewis looked around the street. Everyone continued to run somewhere, they were hiding around corners, in alleys, in cars, but immediately a countless number of new people turned from new streets, from shops and from courtyards. There are so many of them.

He moved along the house in which the cafe was located, looked into the last window, in which one could see the billiard tables at which drunken men were playing, but he saw only his reflection and critically adjusted his hat.

In front of him, a boy was slowly walking somewhere with a stack of newspapers in his hands. Both, silent and stern, turned into the same alley. The boy stopped abruptly around the corner and with a deft movement took out a pack of cheap cigarettes with a blue stripe from the pocket of his worn jacket.

Lewis stopped by as a newspaper delivery boy. Something went wrong in the journalist’s head. He moved closer and stood so close to the boy that he could see a few hairs. domestic cat men on his sleeve. Then, with a measured, slightly slow, but precise and confident movement, Lewis extended his hand to the pack of cigarettes and took it from the boy.

Turning to the trash can standing on the corner, he threw into it a crumpled pack with a blue stripe. There was some fallen tobacco left in my hand. The man unclenched his fist with difficulty, small grains fell down. He seemed to be trying to end this story for himself, which he could not influence in any way, looking out of the taxi window.

He thoughtlessly looked into the trash can at the crumpled cigarettes. Then he pulled it out of his pocket, crumpled it and threw away his pack too; he had long wanted to quit smoking. But something seemed to prevent him from going further. Exactly! A thought struck my head. Tomorrow there is a meeting of the building's residents at seven o'clock in the evening. It seems they will be discussing heating repairs there. They had been calling him for a long time, but he never came, hiding behind being busy.

Tomorrow he will leave work early, will not go to the coffee shop in order to once again leave money there for useless coffee, which he does not like to drink in the evenings, but in order to finish thinking up articles, he sits down with a notepad and pen on a high chair by the window and writes, writes , writes. It satisfied him to leave work and come to the coffee shop to continue working. But tomorrow he won’t do that, he won’t stay late at work, he won’t stop by for a cup of coffee without milk, he won’t go to the meeting for the sake of himself, his reputation, not even for the sake of the boy - for the sake of society, even if only on the scale of a building in which there are apartments on the contrary, whom he encountered in the morning and was always surprised by her hats - he was their little dog - so, he could just give her a box of chocolates for no reason.

All these thoughts rushed through Lewis’s head, and the boy from whom he took the cigarettes continued to stand silently and look at him.

Lewis felt a shilling in the lining of his pocket, handed it to the boy, pointed his finger at the headline of the newspaper, which lay on top of a stack of hundreds of the same, and walked away. He could hear the boy reading syllable by syllable such a clever phrase that could make the whole world change, but only flew from his lips and scattered in drops on the wet asphalt - “Only a healthy nation has a future.”

A healthy generation is the future of the nation.

The future of the country lies, first of all, in a healthy, mature and prosperous nation.

You, the young generation, are the future of Kazakhstan. You need to build it and protect it, strengthen it .

I would like the younger generation, our future, to learn how to improve their health, and there are no trifles in this matter. A healthy lifestyle is becoming increasingly popular among teenagers, but a lot depends on the person himself, on how he feels about himself and his future.

The ability to lead a healthy lifestyle is a sign of a person’s high culture, his education, perseverance, and will.

Guys! Today we will talk about a person’s most precious wealth – health. Our state is constantly concerned about the health of the country's citizens, especially the health of children. Parents and teachers make sure that you grow up healthy and happy.

- As you guys have already guessed, today we will talk about health. “Hello,” we say when we greet each other, which means we wish health. It is health that we wish first of all when we congratulate someone on some holiday. Human health is the main value in the life of each of us. It cannot be bought for any money. It must be protected from the very first day of birth. At first your parents take care of you, but you are growing up and each of you must now think about how not to harm your health. “If you save your health, you will get away from trouble,” says folk wisdom. Everyone knows: "In healthy body- healthy spirit!

III. Components of health

Prepare in advance multi-colored cards with phrases: active lifestyle; binge eating; proper nutrition; nocturnal lifestyle; bad habits; refusal bad habits; daily regime; leisure; good sleep; food at night; snacks; hardening; personal hygiene; positive emotions; stressful situations

The cards are attached with magnets to the board. The teacher suggests reading and leaving on the board only those cards whose statements we can associate with a healthy lifestyle. Children read and offer to keep some of them. The remaining cards are removed from the board (discussions are possible at this stage).

A diagram is being drawn up healthy image life:

active lifestyle

proper nutrition

rejection of bad habits

daily regime

active rest, good sleep


personal hygiene

positive emotions

Teacher: - Today we are talking mainly about an active lifestyle, and more precisely about sports, about physical activity, and the place of sport in our lives.

Teacher: - 30 minutes moderate physical activity per day significantly support and improve health. And it doesn’t matter whether you’re walking, cycling or playing football at this time. It just has to be every day. You need to be friends with physical education. A person who is friendly with physical education becomes stronger and gets sick less.

Morning exercise should become a daily habit for you. . This strengthens a person’s muscles, keeps them in good shape, and invigorates them. Some go further and wet themselves in the morning cold water, which is very useful for humans. You definitely need to toughen up. But we need to move towards this gradually. First, you wash your face with cold water, then wipe yourself with a cold towel for 3-4 months, and only after that you can start dousing yourself with cold water.

Now let's play.

There is a flower on the board, you will pick a petal and will have to show with the help of pantomime the sport that is indicated on the petal.

(swimming, table tennis, karate, etc.)

V. Quiz:

1. The beginning of the path to the finish. (Start)

2. According to Russian folk proverb What is not necessary if you have strength? (Uma)

3. Sports referee's tool. (Whistle)

4.Common name for a pet and a gymnastic apparatus? (horse)

5.What do biathletes use? (skis)

6.What is the name of the sled on which bobsledders go down the mountain? (bean)

7. What is the name of the structure for holding sports competitions? (Stadium)

8. What medal is awarded for higher sporting achievement? (Golden)

9. In what games is there a net on the court? (Volleyball, tennis)

10. The ice-covered area is... (Rink)

11. Name all the games ending in “ball”. (Football, volleyball, basketball, handball, streetball)

12. What on a person’s body symbolizes his strength? (Muscles)

13. The most important piece in chess is... (King)

14. A device for measuring time in sports is... (Stopwatch)

15. A pair of horses ran 40 km. How far did each horse run? (40km)

16. Ice dancer. (Skater)

17. An athlete who walks while sitting. (Chess player)

And we will end our class hour with a poem by David Tukhmanov.

We were born to live in this world for a long time:

Sad and sing, laugh and love,

But so that all dreams become possible,

We must all maintain our health.

Ask yourself: are you ready to work -

Move actively and eat and drink in moderation?

Throw away the cigarette? Trample the drug?

And this is the only way to preserve your health?

Look around: beautiful Nature

She calls us to live in peace with her.

Give me your hand, friend! Let's help you

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