Home Pulpitis Proverbs and sayings about animals. Proverbs and sayings about animals Find proverbs for Russian folk tales

Proverbs and sayings about animals. Proverbs and sayings about animals Find proverbs for Russian folk tales

In order to answer this question, which at first glance is far from simple, it is necessary to review a certain amount of theoretical material. I would also like to say that my answer is only suitable for Russian fairy tales, because if the fairy tale was written in foreign language, then the title will be in a foreign language, which means that the translation will be the translator’s opinion.

What are fairy tales and proverbs?

As I said above, to improve the quality of understanding, it is necessary to review the theory, namely the definitions of terms. There are several main types of folk art in the Russian language:

  1. A fairy tale is a folk work that is written without rhyme and has magical characters.
  2. A riddle is a short work written in rhyme and has a question expression.
  3. A proverb is a short piece of writing that has a rhyme and a very strong idea.
  4. A parable is a small story that has no rhyme, but has a lesson based on the example of the characters.
  5. A proverb is a very beautiful phrase to hear that carries some wisdom.
  6. A joke is a short phrase, not used separately, but used in conversation. As a rule, it carries wisdom.

Names of fairy tales with proverbs

Once I have reviewed some theoretical material, I can begin to answer the question. But I will also note that I will not give all the names, because there are countless fairy tales. Therefore, if you search in books, you will find a lot of such fairy tales.

Title of fairy tales with proverbs:

  • "Little fox-sister and Gray wolf" - the beaten one is lucky;
  • “The most precious thing” - the morning is wiser than the evening;
  • "Half Bear" - some get the tops, some get the roots;
  • “Seven-year-old daughter” - if you dodge one trouble, another will be imposed!;
  • Russian folk tale - fear has big eyes;
  • “The Tale of a Priest and His Worker” - eats for four, works for seven.

In conclusion, I can say that Russian fairy tales contain very good wisdom, following which a person will be kind and honest, so read fairy tales and you will be happy.

Animals have always lived next to humans - dogs, cats, poultry and many others. And we are always characterized by curiosity and inquisitiveness, especially children. Noticing the peculiarities of animal behavior, people shared these observations with each other and passed on knowledge from generation to generation. This is how proverbs and sayings about animals appeared. By the way, not only domesticated animals appear in these proverbs. The person was also interested in wild animals. There are a large number of interesting proverbs and sayings about animals, many of which are collected in this section.

You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Without posture and a horse is a cow.

A hornless cow might even hit you with a cone.

Hitting the dog, scolding the chicken.

Sometimes a bear flies... when pushed off a cliff.

If there was a pig, there would be bristles.

To be a bull on a string.

In the cold the cat does not catch mice.

He is a great donkey and carries water; The falcon is small, but carried in your arms.

The wolf sees the goat - he forgot the thunderstorm.

The wolf is a bad shepherd for the sheep.

The wolf is not a horse's friend.

Don't call the wolf to the dogs for help.

The wolf is not a shepherd, the pig is not a gardener.

The wolf's legs feed him.

Have pity on the wolf - he will bite you even more viciously.

If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest.

The sparrows are chattering and their nests are curling.

Even though the crow flew overseas, it still didn’t turn white.

Every cricket knows its nest.

Every mouse is afraid of a cat.

They say that chickens are milked.

The grief of cancer alone is beautiful.

Give a chicken a garden bed and it will dig up the whole garden.

Two bears will not get along in one den.

Two cats in one bag will not make friends.

A good horse won't hit a tree stump.

The sheep complained to the wolf about their bad life.

The crane flies high and sees far.

If you couldn't hold on to the mane, you couldn't hold on to the tail.

Behind a mosquito with an ax, behind a fly with a butt.

The fox started talking - drive the geese.

The legs carry the hare, the teeth feed the wolf, the tail protects the fox.

The hare runs away from the fox, and the frog runs away from the hare.

The cat knows whose meat it ate.

Know your nest, cricket.

And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe.

And the frog may drown.

They don't shoot sparrows with a cannon.

If the bush were not nice, the nightingale would not build a nest.

Every hen praises her roost.

Each bird protects its nest.

Every fox praises its own tail.

Each sandpiper is great in its own swamp.

Each sandpiper praises its swamp.

No matter how the dog turns, the tail is behind.

When you fall in love and the monkey seems beautiful; when you don’t love, you turn away from the lotus.

When the cat leaves, the mice come out to stretch their legs.

The horse runs - the earth trembles.

The horse gives back with its hoof.

The cow is black, but her milk is white.

Beating a cow with a stick means not drinking milk.

Feed the cow more nutritiously, the milk will be richer.

The cat is only brave when it comes to mice.

Cats squabble - mice have fun.

Approach the dog from behind, approach the horse from the front.

Where there is a horse with a hoof, there is a crayfish with a claw.

A sandpiper and a loon are two pairs of boots.

Mosquitoes still bite.

Either spare the feed or the horse.

Either a bunch of hay or a pitchfork to the side.

The fox will cover everything with its tail.

The fox even counts chickens in his sleep.

The fox will guide seven wolves.

The fox is always fuller than the wolf.

The wolf catches, and the wolf is caught.

The horse is a gift, and the spoon is a gift.

Better a small fish than a big cockroach.

Love is blind.

A small dog is a puppy until old age.

A monkey is still a monkey without a tail.

The master will pull a chicken out of a baked egg.

He aimed at a crow and hit a cow.

You can get along with a goat if you stroke its fur.

Milk on the cow's tongue.

The animal runs towards the catcher.

On its roost the rooster is the strongest.

A fly is enough for the little bird's lunch.

In his landfill, the rooster is the most important.

Even if you put a collar on a pig, it won’t be a horse.

Flies do not land on a whole egg.

Every day is not Sunday.

On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little crow.

Don't be afraid of a lying dog, but be afraid of a silent one.

The cricket is not big, but it sings loudly.

The titmouse is not a great bird, but it is clever.

Don't trust the goat in the garden or the wolf in the sheepfold.

Every day is not Sunday.

Not every dog ​​that barks bites.

Don't drive the horse with a whip, but drive the horse with oats.

They beat the wolf not because he is gray, but because he ate the sheep.

This is not the first winter for a wolf to spend the winter.

Don't be timid, sparrow.

It is not the dog that bites that barks, but the one that is silent and wags its tail.

If you don't kill a snake, it will bite.

Don’t teach the goat: she’ll pull it off the cart herself.

One swallow does not make spring.

He fell behind the crows and did not stick to the new ones.

Sheep tears will flow to the wolf.

They don't shoot cannons at sparrows.

It is better to sing well with a goldfinch than with a bad nightingale.

Involuntarily, the hare runs when there is nothing to fly.

Put a pig at the table and it's legs are on the table.

Only crows fly straight.

The bird is small, but its claw is sharp.

The fish rots from the head.

To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.

With money - a dragon, without money - a worm.

A black sheep has at least a tuft of wool.

The pig will find dirt.

I would say a word, but the wolf is not far away.

To drive cattle is to walk without opening your mouth.

A dog in the manger does not eat itself and does not give it to others.

The dog does not know about the wealth of its owner.

Nightingales are not fed fables.

A magpie on its tail brought it.

The old fox digs with its snout and covers its tracks with its tail.

An old dog doesn't bark in vain.

A pack of jackals can bite a tiger.

Although the tiger is fierce, he will not eat his cubs.

A skinny dog ​​is a disgrace to its owner.

Don't look for a goose's mustache - you won't find it.

The cow has milk on her tongue.

The white hare is good, and the hunter is brave.

A good horse, but eats dead grass.

A good blacksmith can forge a frog.

It is bad for the sheep if there is a wolf among the shepherds.

Even a horse cannot gallop through force.

The wolf senses where the prey is.

The cat smells whose meat it has eaten.

Whose cow would moo, and yours would be silent.

The wool is cut and the skin is torn.

Russian folk tales are part of folklore, just like proverbs. In former times, fairy tales were passed down from mouth to mouth, which is how they came down to us. Accurate, wise sayings, loved by the people, from fairy tales moved to colloquial speech and became proverbs. In addition, in fairy tales there are so-called sayings - verbal formulas that set the listener up for an entertaining story, words and expressions often repeated in a fairy tale, pronounced without much meaning or meaning. Let's give fragment from the book by Vladimir Ivanovich Dahl “Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people”:

There are many such conditional sentences in fairy tales:

“The fairy tale is told soon, but the deed is not done soon”;
"Is it close, is it far, is it low, is it high";
“To distant lands, in the thirtieth state” etc.

Both simple and fabulous empty phrases sometimes turn into proverbs, containing conventional meaning, for example:

“I would do that, yes, you see, my wife is not that; well, I’m too racial”;
“I galloped higher than a standing forest, lower than a walking cloud”;
“He is quieter than water, lower than the grass” etc.

In this article, we tried to reveal in as much detail as possible the relationship between proverbs and fairy tales in folk art.

Proverbs and sayings from Dahl's collection

In the book by V. I. Dahl “Proverbs of the Russian People” Two sections are devoted to the topic of proverbs from fairy tales:

“Sayings” and “Fairy Tale Song”

Let's start with them.

Once upon a time there lived a king of oats, he took away all the fairy tales.
Neither in words (or in a fairy tale) can be said, nor written with a pen.
Fable in faces.
A word is not removed from a fairy tale (from a song).
The fairy tale is not chasing reality.
The tale begins from the beginning, is read to the end, and does not stop in the middle.
Please don’t interrupt my tale; and whoever kills her will not live for three days (a snake will crawl into his throat).
Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.
In some kingdom, in some state. In the thirtieth kingdom. Far away, in the thirtieth state.
The tit bird flew to distant lands, to the blue sea-okiyan, to the thirtieth kingdom, to the thirtieth state.
At sea, on Okiyan, on the island on Buyan, there is a baked bull: crushed garlic in the backside, cut it from one side, and dip it on the other and eat it.
On the sea, on Okiyan, on the island on Buyan, lies the white-flammable stone Alatyr.
The banks are jelly, the rivers are well-fed (milk).
In a clearing, on a high mound.
In an open field, in a wide expanse, behind dark forests, behind green meadows, behind fast rivers, behind steep banks.
Under the bright moon, under white clouds, under frequent stars, etc.
Is it close, is it far, is it low, is it high.
Not a rock eagle, not clear falcon rises...
It was not a white (gray) swan that swam out...
The non-white snow in the open field turned white...
The dense forests are not black, they are turning black... It is not the dust that rises in the field. It is not the gray fog that rises from the expanse...
He whistled, barked, a valiant whistle, a heroic shout.
If you go to the right (along the road) you will lose your horse; If you go to the left, you won’t be able to live.
Until now, the Russian spirit has never been heard of, not seen in sight, but now the Russian spirit is in sight.
They took them for white hands, they put them at white oak tables, for dirty tablecloths, for sugar dishes, for honey drinks.
Miracle Yudo, Mosal lip.
Get dead and living water.
Sprinkle with dead water - flesh and meat grow together, sprinkle with living water - the dead come to life.
Pig is a golden bristle.
The Little Humpbacked Horse.
Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka.
Tom Thumb.
Snow Maiden girl.
Snow Maiden girl.
Treasure sword.
Red-hot arrow.
Tight bow.
Damask spear, Murzametsk.
Seven spans in the forehead.
An arrow is placed between the eyes of the red-hot man.
Baba Yaga, a bone leg, rides in a mortar, presses with a pestle, covers the trail with a broom.
Gusli-samogudas: they wind up on their own, they play on their own, they dance on their own, they sing their own songs.
Invisible hat.
Self-propelled boots.
Suma, give me something to drink and eat.
Flying carpet, etc.
Sivka-burka, prophetic kaurka, stand before me like a leaf before the grass!
Fire from the nostrils, steam (smoke) from the ears.
It breathes fire, it breathes flame.
It covers the trail with its tail, lets valleys and mountains between its legs.
The brave man whistled like a column of dust.
The sprays (trace) are good, the fossils (clumps from under the hooves) are heroic.
The horse kicks its hoof and gnaws at the bit.
Quieter than water, below the grass. You can hear the grass growing.
It grows by leaps and bounds, like wheat dough on sourdough sours.
The moon is bright in the forehead, the stars are frequent in the back of the head.
The horse is lying down, the earth is trembling, flames are pouring out of the ears, smoke is coming out of the nostrils in a column (or: flames from the nostrils, smoke from the nostrils).
Out of mercy, he reaches the grass-ant with his hoof.
Elbow-deep in red gold, knee-deep in pure silver.
Under dark forests, under walking clouds, under frequent stars, under the red sun.
Cloaked with the skies, girded with the dawns, buttoned with the stars.
The duck quacked, the banks clinked, the sea churned, the water stirred.
Hut, hut on chicken legs, turn your back to the forest, turn your front to me!
Become White birch, I have it in the back, and the beautiful girl is in front!
Stand before me like a leaf before the grass!
Clear, clear in the sky, freeze, freeze, wolf's tail!

I was there myself, I drank honey and beer, it flowed down my mustache, it didn’t get into my mouth, my soul felt drunk and full.
Here's a fairy tale for you, and knitting bagels for me.

A fairy tale is a fold, and a song is a reality.
The fairy tale is a lie, but the song is the truth.
The tale is beautiful, the song is beautiful.
The song (Fairy Tale), the whole thing, you can’t sing (say) more.

Proverbs with the word fairy tale

The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done.
A fairy tale is a fold, a song is a reality.
A fairy tale is a fold, sweet to listen to.
Fairy tales are not sleds: if you don’t sit down, you won’t go.
Listen to the fairy tale, and listen to the saying.
We also told fairy tales.
The true story cannot keep up with the fairy tale.
In fairy tales everything is there, but there is nothing in your hands.
The fairy tale is beautiful in its structure, and the song is beautiful in its harmony.
A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it.
Life is not a fairy tale!
We were born to make a fairy tale come true.
Fairy tales are not beautiful in their writing, but rather in their meaning.
Not all water is suitable for drinking, and not every fairy tale is a guide for people.
It cannot be said in a fairy tale, nor can it be described with a pen.
A fairy tale is not foldable in writing, but it is foldable in fiction.
Tell stories!
If they are not lies, then the fairy tales are good.
Once upon a time there lived a king, Tofuta, and the tale was all about it.
I would have told another fairy tale, but I forgot it at home.
It's a fairy tale, nothing more can be said.
Every joke in a fairy tale is good.
Every fairy tale has an end.
Eat the porridge, and listen to the fairy tale: figure it out with your mind and mind.
Either do business or tell stories.
Fairy tales are not sleds: if you don’t sit down, you won’t go.
A fairy tale is not a fairy tale, but a saying.
It's a good fairy tale, but the last one.
This is a fairy tale, and the fairy tale will come.

Fairy tales containing proverbs

The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish:

You fool, you simpleton!
Serves you right, old ignoramus.
What do you want, old man?
What are you, woman, have you eaten too much henbane?

The Tale of Tsar Saltan:

But a wife is not a mitten; you can’t shake her white hand off, and you can’t tuck it into your belt.
Think about it, don't repent later.

The tale of the priest and his worker Balda:

Eats for four, works for seven.
You shouldn't be chasing cheapness, priest.

Little fox-sister and gray wolf:

The beaten one is lucky.
Freeze, freeze wolf's tail.

Fairy tale “The Frog Princess:

The morning is wiser than the evening.

Fairy tale "The Fox and the Crane":

Don't blame me, kumanek! There is nothing else to treat.
As it came back, so it responded.
That's the end of the fairy tale, and whoever listened - well done!

Now you know, What fairy tales contain proverbs?.

Proverbs suitable for fairy tales

At school they often give tasks:

  • choose proverbs that go with fairy tales
  • determine which proverb fits the fairy tale

Such proverbs may not immediately come to mind. Here you need to think, look for information, read proverbs. We will give you some hints by listing proverbs that go with fairy tales in this section.

Proverbs for the fairy tale “The Fox with a Rolling Pin”:

There is no trick that cannot be outwitted.
Cheating won't get you far.
For good, expect good, for bad, bad.
Know who you are doing good to.

Proverbs for the fairy tale “The Frog Princess”:

They meet you by their clothes, they see them off by their intelligence.
Don't do good, you won't get evil!
Don't be born beautiful, but be born happy.
I picked up the tug, don’t say it’s not hefty.
All's well that ends well!

Proverbs for the Nenets fairy tale “Cuckoo”:

If you don’t have a son, you cry once; if you have a son, you cry ten times. (Udmurt proverb)
Don't spit in the well; you'll need some water to drink.
Go for a walk, go for a walk, but respect your father and mother.
Don't spit in the well - you'll need to drink the water
He who honors his mother and father will never perish.
It's warm in the sun, good in mother's presence.
It's bad for branches without a trunk.
You can buy everything, but you can’t buy your father and mother.
No one can replace your own mother.
A parent's heart is in children, and a child's heart is in a pebble.

Proverbs for the fairy tale “The Fox and the Crane”:

Two of a Kind.

Proverbs for the fairy tale “Kolobok”:

Which have not be avoided.
I wrapped it around my finger.

Suitable proverbs for the fairy tale “Chatty Bird”:

In words he is quick, but in reality there is no argument.
A big talker is a bad worker.
The chatter is red and colorful, but empty.
The bird sings, reveals itself.
The word is silver, silence is gold.
Talking too much will only harm yourself.
For those who are over the edge, give them even more.
A chatty tongue is not related to intelligence.
Eat more and talk less.
The words are thick, but the head is empty.
Miser pays twice.
The mill grinds - there will be flour, the tongue grinds - there will be trouble.

Which proverb fits “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”:

As it comes back, so will it respond.
All that glitters is not gold.
Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you will fall into it yourself.
Having given your word, hold on, and if you don’t give, be strong.
Until the roast rooster pecks at your head...
Trust but check.
Kindness is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil.
The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a lesson for good fellows.

You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Without posture and a horse is a cow.

A hornless cow might even hit you with a cone.

Hitting the dog, scolding the chicken.

Sometimes a bear flies... when pushed off a cliff.

If there was a pig, there would be bristles.

To be a bull on a string.

In the cold the cat does not catch mice.

He is a great donkey and carries water; The falcon is small, but carried in your arms.

The wolf sees the goat - he forgot the thunderstorm.

The wolf is a bad shepherd for the sheep.

The wolf is not a horse's friend.

Don't call the wolf to the dogs for help.

The wolf is not a shepherd, the pig is not a gardener.

The wolf's legs feed him.

Have pity on the wolf - he will bite you even more viciously.

If you're afraid of wolves, don't go into the forest.

The sparrows are chattering and their nests are curling.

Even though the crow flew overseas, it still didn’t turn white.

Every cricket knows its nest.

Every mouse is afraid of a cat.

They say that chickens are milked.

The grief of cancer alone is beautiful.

Give a chicken a garden bed and it will dig up the whole garden.

Two bears will not get along in one den.

Two cats in one bag will not make friends.

A good horse won't hit a tree stump.

The sheep complained to the wolf about their bad life.

The crane flies high and sees far.

If you couldn’t hold on to the mane, you couldn’t hold on to the tail.

Behind a mosquito with an ax, behind a fly with a butt.

The fox started talking - drive the geese.

The legs carry the hare, the teeth feed the wolf, the tail protects the fox.

The hare runs away from the fox, and the frog runs away from the hare.

The cat knows whose meat it ate.

Know your nest, cricket.

And the wolves are fed, and the sheep are safe.

And the frog may drown.

They don't shoot sparrows with a cannon.

If the bush were not nice, the nightingale would not build a nest.

Every hen praises her roost.

Each bird protects its nest.

Every fox praises its own tail.

Each sandpiper is great in its own swamp.

Each sandpiper praises its swamp.

No matter how the dog turns, the tail is behind.

When you fall in love and the monkey seems beautiful; when you don’t love, you turn away from the lotus.

When the cat leaves, the mice come out to stretch their legs.

The horse runs - the earth trembles.

The horse gives back with its hoof.

The cow is black, but her milk is white.

Beating a cow with a stick means not drinking milk.

Feed the cow more nutritiously, the milk will be richer.

The cat is only brave when it comes to mice.

Cats squabble - mice have fun.

Approach the dog from behind, approach the horse from the front.

Where there is a horse with a hoof, there is a crayfish with a claw.

A sandpiper and a loon are two pairs of boots.

Mosquitoes still bite.

Either spare the feed or the horse.

Either a bunch of hay or a pitchfork to the side.

The fox will cover everything with its tail.

The fox even counts chickens in his sleep.

The fox will guide seven wolves.

The fox is always fuller than the wolf.

The wolf catches, and the wolf is caught.

The horse is a gift, and the spoon is a gift.

Better a small fish than a big cockroach.

Love is blind.

A small dog is a puppy until old age.

A monkey is still a monkey without a tail.

The master will pull a chicken out of a baked egg.

He aimed at a crow and hit a cow.

You can get along with a goat if you stroke its fur.

Milk on the cow's tongue.

The animal runs towards the catcher.

On its roost the rooster is the strongest.

A fly is enough for the little bird's lunch.

In his landfill, the rooster is the most important.

Even if you put a collar on a pig, it won’t be a horse.

Flies do not land on a whole egg.

Every day is not Sunday.

On someone else's side, I'm happy with my little crow.

Don't be afraid of a lying dog, but be afraid of a silent one.

The cricket is not big, but it sings loudly.

The bird is not great - a tit, but smart.

Don't trust the goat in the garden or the wolf in the sheepfold.

Every day is not Sunday.

Not every dog ​​that barks bites.

Don't drive the horse with a whip, but drive the horse with oats.

They beat the wolf not because he is gray, but because he ate the sheep.

This is not the first winter for a wolf to spend the winter.

Don't be timid, sparrow.

It is not the dog that bites that barks, but the one that is silent and wags its tail.

If you don't kill a snake, it will bite.

Don’t teach the goat: she’ll pull it off the cart herself.

One swallow does not make spring.

He fell behind the crows and did not stick to the new ones.

Sheep tears will flow to the wolf.

They don't shoot cannons at sparrows.

It is better to sing well with a goldfinch than with a bad nightingale.

Involuntarily, the hare runs when there is nothing to fly.

Place a pig at the table and its legs are on the table.

Only crows fly straight.

The bird is small, but its claw is sharp.

The fish rots from the head.

To live with wolves is to howl like a wolf.

With money - a dragon, without money - a worm.

A black sheep has at least a tuft of wool.

The pig will find dirt.

I would say a word, but the wolf is not far away.

To drive cattle is to walk without opening your mouth.

A dog in the manger does not eat itself and does not give it to others.

The dog does not know about the wealth of its owner.

Nightingales are not fed fables.

A magpie on its tail brought it.

The old fox digs with its snout and covers its tracks with its tail.

An old dog doesn't bark in vain.

A pack of jackals can bite a tiger.

Although the tiger is fierce, he will not eat his cubs.

A skinny dog ​​is a disgrace to its owner.

Don't look for a goose's mustache - you won't find it.

The cow has milk on her tongue.

The white hare is good, and the hunter is brave.

A good horse, but eats dead grass.

A good blacksmith can forge a frog.

It is bad for the sheep if there is a wolf among the shepherds.

Even a horse cannot gallop through force.

The wolf senses where the prey is.

The cat smells whose meat it has eaten.

Whose cow would moo, and yours would be silent.

The wool is cut and the skin is torn.

Larisa Malysheva
Thematic selection of proverbs and sayings for works

Russian folk tale “Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”:

You can't spill them with water.

Your family is your most faithful friends.

Russian folk tale "Wintermovie"

Together - not burdensome, but apart - at least drop it.

Fear has big eyes.

The owner is glad to have a good guest.

Take it together - it won't be too heavy.

Russian folk tale "Geese - Swans"

Walk, walk, but don’t blame later.

Have fun and don’t forget about things.

We walked and had fun; we counted and shed tears.

Great word: thank you.

Russian folk tale "Khavroshechka"

Every man is the smith of his own happiness.

Every person is recognized in action.

Happiness is no wonder there, where people do not work lazily.

He who lives by truth will gain good; whoever does good will be blessed by God.

"Russian folk tale "Winged, furry and oily"

Scold, look at yourself.

When you grab the tug, don’t say it’s not strong.

If you make a mess, a quarrel will not lead to any good.

Don't judge others, look at yourself.

The truth hurts my eyes.


There is no turn from autumn to summer.

Summer with sheaves, autumn with pies.

In October, neither on wheels nor on runners.

In September there is one berry, and even that bitter rowan.

Autumn is stocky, winter is tidy.

September is cold, but full.


In the winter cold everyone is young.

In February the roads are wide.

Prepare a sleigh in the summer and a cart in the winter.

There is no union between winter and summer.


Mother spring is beautiful to everyone.

In April the earth crumbles.

February is rich in snow, April is rich in water.

Spring and autumn – there are eight weather conditions per day.

A. S. Pushkin “The Tale of the Fisherman and the Goldfish”

If you chase more, you will lose the last.

I. Sokolov – Mikitov “Falling Leaves”

Being a guest is good, but being at home is better.

It’s good everywhere – where we are not.

Ch. Perrault "Puss in Boots"

They are greeted by their clothes and escorted by their minds.

S. Aksakov “The Scarlet Flower”

A sheep's coat, but a human soul.

V. Kataev “Pipe and Jug”

Pick one berry at a time and you will collect a box.

I walked through the forest, but didn’t find any firewood.

V. Kataev “Flower - seven flowers”

Friendship is more valuable than money.


Whoever has bread is always happy.

Bread is the head of everything.

Bread - father. Voditsa is mother.

Bread and water are good food.

Without salt, without bread, conversation is bad.

As long as there is bread and water, everything is not a problem.

"The Bremen Town Musicians"

Good brotherhood is better than wealth.

Fear has big eyes, but they see nothing.

One for all and all for one.

S. Ya. Marshak “Twelve months”

A tree is valued by its fruits, and a person by its deeds.

Good is good everywhere.

People honor those who love work.

Polite words will not dry up your tongue.

Bowing doesn't give you a headache.


The whole family is together, and the soul is in place.

You will find everything in the world except father and mother.

It is better to live in cramped conditions than in resentment.

Mother's Day

A mother's prayer rises from the bottom of the sea.

You won't find a better friend than your mother

There is no friend like your own mother.

When the sun is warm, and when mother is good.


The house is like a full cup.

The road is a spoon for dinner.


You can't grow turnips without care.

Every vegetable has its time.


Without a cat, mice have freedom.

Fear the goat in front, the horse behind.

The cat is on the threshold, and the mouse is in the corner.

Labor - professions

A bird is recognized in flight, and a person is recognized in his work.

Time for business, time for fun.

If you work until you sweat, you eat like crazy.

Skillful hands do not know boredom.

Business before pleasure.

The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.

Patience and work will grind everything down.


Like a fish in water.

Silent as a fish.

Fight. Like a fish on ice.

You can’t even catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.

About teaching

Alphabet - the wisdom of the step.

Without flour there is no science.

Without patience there is no learning.

Literacy is a second language.

Learning to read and write will come in handy in the future.

Knowledge is better than wealth.

Those who are good at reading and writing will not be lost.

You won't learn everything at once.


What we boast about is why we fail;

There is honey on the tongue, but ice in the heart.


Without taking an ax, you can’t cut down a house;

Easy to take, easy to lose.


From many small ones one big one comes out;

Drop by drop and the stone is chiseled.

Fox and Crane

As it comes back, so will it respond.

What is hello, so is the answer.

Hen, mouse and black grouse

If you want to eat rolls, don’t lie on the stove.

Fox with a rolling pin

Those who are accustomed to living untruths will not suffer any harm.

Princess Nesmeyana

All that glitters is not gold.

The body is spacious, the soul is cramped.

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