Home Pulpitis Antibiotics for cats for intestinal inflammation. Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease in cats

Antibiotics for cats for intestinal inflammation. Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease in cats

Many owners mistakenly believe that if a cat has nine lives, then they should worry when minor (at first glance) symptoms of the disease appear.

not really worth it. Cats, indeed, have great survivability in the most incredible situations. But that doesn't mean she can't die

never getting help from the person she loved.....

Be attentive to any symptoms of illness in your pet.

So, any owner should be able and know what needs to be done if...

If your cat has diarrhea or vomiting. Of course, this is not a reason to immediately run to the doctor. Unless you are absolutely sure that your cat has inhaled or ingested some kind of toxic substance. Inhalation poisoning may cause carbon monoxide, the smell of paints and varnishes, the use of insecticides when treating the room, etc., etc.

Well, if poison gets inside... it can be anything, from any household chemicals, which are found in abundance in every modern home even before taking seemingly ordinary food......

So, vomiting or diarrhea...

In case of one-time vomiting or short-term diarrhea (no more than two days), any owner can cope with the situation independently. But! Remember - diarrhea itself is not an independent disease; it is often a symptom of another, perhaps very dangerous disease. If diarrhea with mucus, with blood, very severe, with vomiting, is accompanied by strong increase temperature, if vomiting becomes uncontrollable - RUN to the doctor! Don’t be like those owners who spend hours sitting at the computer typing phrases like this into search engines: “The cat has not eaten for five days, is breathing heavily, does not move, vomiting, diarrhea, what should I do?”


Diarrhea in cats is quite common. Contrary to popular belief, cats are happy to rummage through the trash can. And even adult cats can try and swallow small objects that may be inedible and even poisonous (you won’t believe it, but right now, while I’m writing, my little one pulled the remote control towards him remote control, grabbed the film from it with his teeth and dragged it into his mouth. Okay, I'm nearby, I took it. This is how we have them - they need constant supervision)))). Diarrhea can also be caused by a change in food. But the cause of a long-term disorder may be viral infections and liver diseases, and inflammatory processes Gastrointestinal tract, as well as tumors. Do not forget that with severe, prolonged diarrhea there is a large loss of water, this leads to dehydration of the body, and this, in turn, leads to a very rapid death of your pet.....

So, diarrhea...

What can you do? Place your cat on a daily fasting diet. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, you need to give the cat 1-3 tablets activated carbon, be sure to give her plenty of fluids, you can brew some herbs: chamomile decoction, flax seed decoction. After a day, start feeding the cat rice water, boil the chicken, buy Vetom 1.1, add it to the food. Until your stool returns to normal, stick to the rice-chicken diet. It is also recommended to serve the homeopathic remedy Nux vomica-Homaccord. It is good to give your cat Smecta for diarrhea. Dilute 1/2 of the sachet with water. How much water is actually not so important - water is just a solvent, I dissolved it in 1/4 cup. And drink a teaspoon every three hours. It is impossible to be poisoned by Smecta, but be careful - do not give the drug if the diarrhea has stopped. A cat doesn't need constipation either.

If the diarrhea is severe, does not stop and lasts more than two to three days, and moreover, mucus or blood appears in it, immediately, without hesitation, consult a doctor!!!

Failure to help a cat when SUCH symptoms appear leads to rapid dehydration and death of the pet.


If a cat cannot go to the toilet “in a big way” for more than two days, it’s time to sound the alarm. Most often, constipation occurs when a large number of hairballs are ingested by the cat when washing itself, but it can also occur when the cat swallows small, indigestible objects.

What to do first: The best remedy is to give the cat regular Vaseline oil (one tablespoon). Vegetable oil cannot be used! It is also impossible to do an enema if you are constipated; it is unknown for what reason this trouble happened.

If constipation continues, you should take your cat to the veterinarian.

The main thing for constipation is to exclude intestinal obstruction.

Intestinal obstruction

Intestinal obstruction can develop in cats due to constipation (coprostasis), as a result helminthic infestation, as well as due to swallowed objects (often this is a Christmas tree decoration in the form of “rain” or thread) or volvulus. Distinguish mechanical ileus, in which intestinal transit is blocked, and ileus functional or paralytic, caused by atony of the intestinal wall. Functional ileus can be observed in the case of peritonitis, dysotonomia (impaired autonomic nervous system), or after general anesthesia.

Symptoms: the cat is in a depressed state or, on the contrary, does not find a place for itself, it refuses food, it comes from the mouth bad smell, vomiting appears. The stomach swells, the cat meows pitifully, rolls on the floor, trying to stretch its stomach, and looks back at its stomach.

What to do. Don't hesitate to take your cat to the doctor! When intestinal obstruction urgent intervention of specialists is needed. She needs an x-ray ( differential diagnosis is complemented by the method contrast radiography using barium).

Acute gastritis

Reasons: poor quality food, change of food, poisoning with certain medications, overfeeding, irregular feeding, giving cold (from the refrigerator) or hot food, helminthic infestation.

Symptoms: the main symptom of acute gastritis is the appearance sudden vomiting. The cat refuses food, hunches over when moving, groans, pain in the stomach area, possible grayish-white coating on the tongue. There may be an increase in temperature, stool is often unformed, with mucus. Constipation is often replaced by diarrhea.

What to do: On the first day of illness, you can give cerucal (an antiemetic). Do not feed the cat for the first day, after which serve it mucous infusions (rice), boiled chicken meat, always for 3-5 days. In the future, if the food is digested, the diet can be gradually expanded, but in any case, you must adhere to a gentle diet for a month. It is advisable to switch to dietary food for a while (for example, use the medicinal line from Royal Canin or Hill’s). Most often, if you adhere to these recommendations, the manifestations of acute gastritis disappear already on the third to fifth day.

Chronic gastritis.

Chronic gastritis can be a consequence of acute gastritis. Also, reasons chronic gastritis, may appear stressful situation(exhibitions, change of housing, change of owner, nervous situation in the family where the cat lives), endocrine diseases(diabetes, hyperthyroidism), inflammatory processes (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, etc.).

Symptoms: With chronic gastritis, the cat loses weight, bad breath appears, vomiting is usually single, diarrhea or constipation, belching, flatulence, pain in the epigastric region.

Treatment of chronic gastritis will be long-term and individual.

What to do: Diet - Meat and fish only boiled, mucous decoctions. Meals 5-6 times a day in small portions. Eliminate fiber fatty foods. A good help to the general treatment regimen is to use homeopathic medicine, - nux vomica-homaccord.

After a one-day fast for your pet, it is necessary to serve decoctions of herbs such as chamomile, yarrow, St. John's wort, and flax seed.

It is advisable to show the cat to a veterinarian.


Gastroenteritis - inflammation of the stomach and small intestine. Has a lot in common with acute gastritis. Occurs as a result of excessively greedy food intake and stomach fullness, and can also be observed with some infectious diseases, such as panleukopenia, salmonellosis.

Symptoms: It is quite acute. There is complete refusal of food, vomiting, diarrhea, quick loss weight, mucous membranes oral cavity reddened, the nose is dry and warm, there may be fever and severe thirst.

Feces with catarrhal inflammation are liquid, watery, fetid, mixed with undigested food and mucus.

What to do: Diet. During the first 24 hours, do not feed the cat, give only water, or better yet herbal infusions and infusions. It is advisable to give an injection of Gamavit, buy Vetom-1.1 at the pharmacy, add it to your cat’s food. For the first 3-5 days after a daily fast, serve mucous decoctions; it is recommended to give raw, fat-poor meat.

Necessarily Show the cat to the veterinarian.

A cat may have an upset stomach due to various reasons. The disorder may occur once and not occur again, or it may be chronic. At some point in an animal's life, digestive problems may arise.

Symptoms of indigestion can vary:

  • decreased appetite along with vomiting, diarrhea, or constipation;
  • increased or decreased feeling of thirst;
  • dull and/or tousled coat;
  • weight loss (in chronic situations).

Digestive problems in cats can be acute or chronic. Acute stomach disorders often self-regulating. Chronic disorder digestion requires a comprehensive veterinary examination to identify underlying causes and determine appropriate treatment.

If the disorder is accompanied by alternating diarrhea and constipation, vomiting that continues for several days, and such symptoms worsen, consult a veterinarian. This is important to prevent dehydration, infections, and liver or kidney complications. Veterinarians often give medications to relieve symptoms and also do intravenous injections to treat indigestion and prevent dehydration.


Inflammation of the cat's stomach, pancreas, or intestines can cause vomiting. Ingestion of excessive amounts of hair and foreign objects can cause stomach problems in cats. Food hypersensitivities can develop in cats of any age and can also cause vomiting. Possible causes for one-time indigestion:

Cats with acute vomiting should be food restricted for 12 to 24 hours to prevent the digestive upset from worsening. After a short fast, over the course of several days, soft food, such as turkey or lamb.

When a cat is suffering from abdominal pain, Famotidine 2.5 to 5 mg once or twice daily may help, suppressing production. of hydrochloric acid. If hairballs are suspected, Hairball Plus and Laxatone are recommended. Cod liver oil may also help remove foreign objects or hair from the stomach.

Nux Vomica, Pulsatilla and Arsenicum Album - homeopathic remedies for the treatment of cats with acute disorders stomach. If any remedy does not help within 12-24 hours, switch to another medication.

If your pet's condition worsens and symptoms persist for more than 24-48 hours, you should undergo a full medical examination.

If stomach upset becomes a problem for your cat and occurs frequently, then possible reasons can be :

  • intestinal inflammation
  • oncology
  • bacterial or fungal infections
  • metabolic diseases (hyperthyroidism, renal failure, liver failure)
  • sedentary lifestyle


Diarrhea in cats - common feature intestinal inflammation. May be watery or mucous appearance and may contain blood if intestinal inflammation occurs in the colon. In cases of colitis general symptoms include abdominal tension, rapid and inappropriate bowel movements outside the litter box. Diarrhea in cats can have the following causes::


A recommended product for relieving intestinal upset and diarrhea in cats is the soothing herbal supplement Slippery elm, which can be found in stores healthy food. Probiotics, such as FortiFlora, enzyme preparations, such as NaturVet Digestive Enzymes Plus Probiotic, can help in many cases. A soft diet is recommended and may help relieve symptoms of the disorder.


The appearance of constipation often accompanies a condition when a cat has an upset stomach. Diarrhea occurs when there is not enough fiber in the diet, or when indoor cats do not exercise enough. In some cases, if a cat is not allowed to defecate when the urge arises, it may develop a habit of holding stool. This is most common in indoor cats with dirty litter boxes.

Constipation can occur due to foreign body present in the digestive tract, such as fur or hair, or due to polyps or growths in the intestines. Older cats with spinal problems often have problems defecating.

Megacolon is a colon disorder where the colon loses the ability to mechanically remove stool, often leading to severe constipation requiring an enema, as well as medical and even surgical treatment.

Treatment options

Adding extra fiber to your pet's food in the form of natural psyllium husk or Vetasyl will help with constipation. Mineral or olive oil used temporarily. Products such as Hairball Plus, Vetri HBr, Vetri-Science help with excessive hair accumulation in the intestines.

Increasing the moisture in the animal's food by adding water and/or removing dry food from the diet may help with constipation. One to two teaspoons of canned pumpkin added to food is an effective home remedy, provided indoor cats get enough exercise. Play with your pet more often. Make sure your cat has a clean, dry litter box.


Every cat lover knows that diarrhea occurs in pets for a reason. This indicates either poor quality feeding, or something more serious, including cancer or more “harmless” intestinal infections in cats. This article is devoted to a description of their manifestations, as well as the main varieties. Note that all these diseases can be divided into several large groups: viral, bacterial, protozoal (i.e. caused by pathogenic protozoa). Each of them is dangerous in its own way.

And further. There is such a disease as an infectious viral disease. The virus that causes it can exist in two varieties: FECV and FIPV. The first type is safe for the animal. Second - often fatal. But the most unpleasant thing is that the first type can spontaneously turn into the second. And today many veterinary infectious disease specialists suggest that this may be due to not fully cured infections. Those. if your cat “caught” something intestinal, but you didn’t really treat it, FECV (and it may well be present in the body of any cat) can mutate.

Remember! Any viral (and not only) gastrointestinal tract must be treated immediately and until not only the symptoms, but also the pathogen completely disappears from your pet’s body!

In addition, doctors in Lately there is a suspicion that (almost the main pathogen viral infections Gastrointestinal tract in cats) can be transmitted from animal to person. Young children and the elderly are at risk. It is for this reason that all suspected cats must be immediately isolated from other pets, infants, small children and people with weakened immune system. Given the incredible contagiousness viral pathologies and the “superluminal” speed of their spread in a crowded environment, we highly recommend not taking cats from dubious nurseries. Not only will you become regular customer veterinarian, but you can also become infected with something unpleasant.

Clinical picture

Viral intestinal diseases manifest themselves quickly and “vividly”, in the form of severe, profuse diarrhea. Most often, stool is watery, faded or greenish. Characteristic "stroke" - disgusting smell, developing when the affected intestinal epithelium begins to literally “slide” from the walls of the digestive organs. If the cat is young and strong enough, clinical signs there may not be. Again, the symptoms in kittens are more than obvious:

  • Fast, progressive.
  • Full or partial .
  • Pain in the abdomen, when you try to feel it, the cat either resists or tries to run away, simultaneously howling and scratching people within reach.
  • Dehydration.
  • constant or intermittent type.
  • . Very alarming symptom, indicating the development of a strong animal.
  • Muddy.
  • Sudden occurrence.

Read also: Pneumonia in cats - symptoms and treatment

Therapeutic techniques

Alas, viruses are unpleasant “types”. Only in some cases there is specific therapy: if the type and strain of the pathogen is precisely known, autoimmune serums help a lot. But such a subtle analysis as determining the species of a virus cannot always be performed and not everywhere. So therapy is symptomatic.

Relieves dehydration intravenous administration of buffer compounds, sedatives, analgesics and antipyretics are administered, to facilitate general state pet. To help the cat’s body cope with the virus, veterinarians often use regular (human) interferon. Also used antibiotics, but their goal is not to destroy the pathogen (viruses are completely insensitive to them), but to prevent the development of secondary bacterial infections caused by pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora.

Protozoal infections

These pathologies have not been fully studied and described. In particular, in the last few years there have been increasing reports that intestinal pathologies in cats are often caused by pathogenic amoebae and ciliates. But research is still sporadic, there is no exact data. But the constant “classic” of protozoal intestinal diseases in cats is considered to be giardiasis, as well as. Their manifestations and course are largely similar, and the therapy is almost the same.

So, the pathogens are Giardia and Coccidia, respectively. In adult animals, the course of the disease is most often asymptomatic. Young and older pets develop diarrhea. Feces are watery, have numerous mucous impurities, color – greenish. The smell of feces is extremely unpleasant. Due to the massive death and degradation of the epithelial cover, dehydration and exhaustion quickly develop: the damaged intestine cannot normally absorb either liquid or food. In more than 70% of cases, after a couple of weeks, the symptoms of the disease subside. But you shouldn’t delude yourself: in this case, the pet becomes a lifelong carrier of infectious agents. At the slightest problem with immunity the disease may recur.

Read also: What causes diarrhea in a 4 month old kitten?

The therapy is quite “harsh”: sick animals are prescribed Fenbendazole in combination with Metronidazole (the latter can be used as an independent remedy). Because both drugs are quite toxic and have a bad effect on the liver and kidneys of animals, they are used only after prescription by a veterinarian and under his constant supervision. Please note that the number side effects from taking these medications: vomiting, flaky white foam coming from the mouth etc. If they occur, you must immediately stop supplying funds and immediately contact your treating specialist.

I would like to note that veterinarians and doctors are still not sure whether Giardia and Coccidia can be transmitted from animals to humans. But many of them believe that this is quite likely. Therefore, when caring for a sick or recovering cat, you need strictly observe basic rules of personal hygiene and, if possible, strictly isolate the animal from children and the elderly. If possible, do not just throw out the contents of the sick cat’s litter box, but collect everything in thick plastic bags. The ideal option is to burn feces. Coccidia and Giardia cysts are very resistant to external environment, so you shouldn’t help the pathogen spread.

Pathologies of bacterial origin

Perhaps the most numerous and “diffuse” group. Diseases in this group can be caused campylobacteria, helicobacteria, clostridia, pathogenic strains coli etc. Moreover, with many diseases of bacterial etiology, even if not directly related to damage to the intestines, diarrhea and others are an annoyingly common phenomenon, so there can be a lot of reasons.

The cause of intestinal dysfunction in cats can be feeding errors (mainly overeating, excess carbohydrates, fats), primary increased peristalsis (especially in very active animals). This phenomenon is not pathological and does not require treatment. You need rest and a diet in the form of one fasting day, deprivation of fluid for several hours, which is especially important when vomiting at the same time, then gradually begin to give the phytoelite cleansing tea as directed. If the animal does not drink on its own, the drug is given in the form of tablets; if water consumption is not impaired, it is better to give the drug dissolved in water. Feeding begins in small doses. Well-cooked, finely chopped meat with rice is best.

Inflammatory bowel disease in cats is mainly associated with chronic diarrhea(infections), malabsorption (impaired absorption), anemia and weight loss ( autoimmune diseases). It is difficult to treat.

Symptoms and treatment. In case of damage to the small intestine, characterized by infrequent stool with a large amount of fecal matter, the phytoelite “Protection against infections”, “Cleansing tea”, the use of only immunoprobiotic drugs - lactoferon, bactoneotime according to the treatment regimen, neoferon injection according to the treatment regimen, Vetom-1.1 are indicated.

Diarrhea due to colon infections ( frequent stool with a small amount of feces) requires cleansing tea, bifid-containing probiotics - lactobifide, neotime or neoferon injection according to the treatment regimen.

In all cases, conventional therapy is indicated, aimed at restoring the water-salt balance, symptomatic remedies, and a gentle diet. The use of oral antibiotics is not recommended; they are often ineffective and cause dysbiosis.

Chronic diseases of the small intestine are digestive disorders and malabsorption (malabsorption). The cause of the disease may be a deficiency of pancreatic enzymes, bile and excessive development and disruption of the species composition of the intestinal microflora. Symptoms The disease is expressed in exhaustion, dehydration, ascites, and decreased appetite. The coat is dull. The prognosis is cautious; the disease is practically incurable.

Treatment. Symptomatic and supportive treatment can be provided.

With malabsorption in cats, a phenomenon called "greasy tail" is often observed. A positive effect of a course of antibiotics on the outcome of the disease was noted. However, with this treatment the disease is recurrent. It is more effective to use drugs containing pancreatic enzymes - panzinorm, etc. There is evidence of a positive effect on the course of the disease of feeding animals with yogurt prepared with lactobifide.

The main direction of treatment for malabsorption is fractional dietary food in small portions - complete protein, lean meat, for example, boiled chicken, cottage cheese, adding raw bran, Hill's Pet Products food. Vitamin supplements are not recommended for healthy animals, as they can stimulate the development of microflora. You can use restorative phytomins. The use of probiotics without an immunomodulator in this case gives practically no results and can even worsen the animal’s condition. The disease cannot be completely cured, however, it can be kept under control.

Inflammatory processes in gastrointestinal tract are quite typical for animals, and therefore veterinarians often encounter them in their practice. Typically, cats have gastritis, enteritis and colitis. Duodenitis in cats is much less common.

This is what inflammation is called duodenum. In many cases, the pathology is “associated” with and, moreover, may have the same causes. It is for this reason that these pathologies are often considered together. Animals of both sexes and all ages are affected; there is no breed predisposition. The disease may be acute and chronic. Most often, duodenitis is curable, and severe consequences doesn't call.

The most common cause of gastritis and inflammation of the duodenum is a bacterium called Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori). This fact was proven relatively recently; before that, scientists were skeptical about the theory that inflammation of an organ with a rather aggressive internal environment may be caused by bacteria.

H. pylori (photo below) is easily transmitted from animal to animal. Possible transmission via contaminated food and water. According to research by the International Veterinary Association, different countries 20 to 50% of pets may be infected with this bacterium. It's interesting that in developing countries their number approaches 80% of the entire population.

Other causes of inflammation of the duodenum include: giving to a cat (this should never be done), long-term administration medicines based ibuprofen or naproxen. There are also cases of duodenitis against the background of the following predisposing factors:

  • Crohn's disease(inflammation of the digestive tract).
  • Autoimmune diseases.
  • Hypersecretion of bile(when too much of it is released).
  • Availability of certain viral infections(herpes virus, for example). Together with weakened immune system they can lead to numerous complications.
  • Traumatic injuries to the stomach and duodenum (from fragments chicken and fish).
  • Strong shock or .
  • Ingestion caustic substances or poisons. The first include many varieties household chemicals.

Clinical picture and diagnosis

Gastritis and inflammation of the duodenum do not always demonstrate severe symptoms. But in general cases clinical picture is this:

  • Nausea.
  • When probing the hypochondrium area, the cat becomes worried and meows hoarsely due to pain reaction.
  • Dyspepsia.
  • Violation appetite, change in food preferences.

Read also: Constipation in a cat after childbirth: reasons for how to help the animal

In some cases stool turns black(melena), and the vomit looks like coffee grounds. These signs indicate internal, intestinal bleeding. If you notice a change in the color of your pet's stool or vomit, call your veterinarian immediately.

There are several tests your doctor can use to diagnose gastritis and duodenal inflammation. H. pylori can be detected through blood and stool tests. Departing from the veterinary topic. Interestingly, people suffering from gastritis and duodenitis of bacterial etiology often exhibit positive test to alcohol (that is, “breathe into the tube”), even if they did not drink alcohol. Getting a cat to take an alcohol test is not easy, but veterinarians are already developing similar diagnostic techniques.

The best method for making a diagnosis is endoscopy with accompanying biopsy. Note that it is very difficult to insert an endoscope into cats; this operation is performed exclusively under anesthesia. In addition, it is often used ultrasonography abdominal cavity, which can be used to detect cancer, other accompanying pathologies(eg deep ulcers).

Therapeutic measures

Treatment of duodenitis in cats depends on the root cause of the pathology, as well as the condition of the animal. So, if after tests it turns out that the nature of the disease is bacterial, they will use antibiotics wide range actions. Combinations of two or more are often used antibacterial agents, the treatment period is two weeks or more. To weaken the negative effect of digestive juices on the intestinal mucosa, the following drugs are used:

  • Tagamet.
  • Famotidine (Pepcid).
  • Ranitidine (Zantac).

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