Home Wisdom teeth The most evil dogs. The most dangerous dogs for people Photos of dangerous dogs

The most evil dogs. The most dangerous dogs for people Photos of dangerous dogs

Each breed has its own special temperament, mood, habits and even favorite activities. Therefore, it is very difficult to meet an animal with absolutely the same character. Among the pets there are both the kindest and the most angry dogs.

Which dogs are the angriest?

Discussions on a similar topic can often be seen in various sources. There are several points of view: often the top 10 most evil dogs include representatives of fighting and guard breeds. However, small decorative dogs often turn out to have a harmful, aggressive and even rude character.

Attention! It is worth making sure that the assessment of animals is purely subjective. A pet's behavior depends on its upbringing. The most evil dogs in the world, the top 10 of which are presented below, are rather collective images.

When selecting the 10 most evil breeds dogs, the following general qualities of representatives are taken into account:

  • intensity of manifestation of natural instincts (hunting, protection);
  • aggressiveness of the breed as a whole;
  • possibility of training and education;
  • level of calm;
  • socialization and reaction to crowds of people;
  • attitude towards other pets.

The most evil dog breeds. Top 10

The Bully Kutta, or Pakistani Mastiff, was bred in India and Pakistan. This is one of the most powerful and heaviest dog breeds. Their weight on average reaches 70-90 kilograms with a height of almost a meter at the withers. Bully Kutta have an excellent mind and try to take a dominant position in the house, suppressing or attacking other animals.

Attention! The name of the breed “Bully Kutta” is translated from Pakistani as “very powerful dog”.

The Pakistani Mastiff has earned the title of "the world's meanest dog breed" due to its fierce, aggressive nature. It is incredibly difficult to raise a Bully Kuttu. Soft or, conversely, too harsh training methods will not work. The owner of this dog must have a firm and strong character. Only experienced dog handlers, capable of giving an almost military education, can instill in the Pakistani Mastiff social communication skills and teach commands.

The Caucasian Shepherd is a legendary dog ​​bred in the Caucasus specifically to protect livestock and homes. Their stern character and complete distrust of strangers allow these large animals to perform their duties perfectly.

Caucasian Shepherd Dogs are not suitable for everyone. They will respect a strong and strong-willed owner, remaining loyal to him to the end. Caucasian Shepherd Dogs sometimes receive the title of “the most evil dog in the world” because of their menacing appearance and deafening bark that can scare anyone.

American Staffordshire Terriers are recognized as one of the best protectors. Because of their fighting past, many are afraid of beautiful dogs.

Representatives of this breed always strive to take a dominant position in the house, which under no circumstances should be allowed. When training, you need to use fair, but strong methods. American Staffordshire Terriers are very sensitive dogs, so if she feels that she has been treated unfairly, she may become offended or bitter for a long time.

Among hunting dogs there are many aggressive ones. Although dachshunds have a pretty appearance, they cannot boast of good nature. Small hunting dogs with an interesting long body and short legs won the love of many people.

It is very important to teach your dachshund manners and rules of communication with other people and animals as early as possible. If a pet does not understand from childhood that it is necessary to react adequately to external stimuli, then cases of malicious aggression will be difficult to avoid.

Everyone knows Dobermans. These dogs, bred in Germany to protect humans, have excellent intelligence and excellent physical properties.

Dobermans will do everything possible to protect their owner from danger. These dogs are capable of breaking thick bones with a powerful bite. That is why Dobermans need to be taught socialization skills and trained.

Sometimes anger is born where you least expect it. No one would think that a small cute creature could contain real aggression and hostility towards everyone around him. Chihuahuas are one of the most vicious dog breeds.

Small dogs usually feel unsafe when surrounded by those larger and stronger than them. That is why Chihuahuas often show anger towards everyone around them: they bark, grin and try to bite.

Shiba Inu - Japanese hunting dog, which has become a national treasure of his native country. In many countries, these pets have become very popular. They are incredibly resilient and strong, which is why they used to be used to hunt large game (deer, wild boar or roe deer).

Only the determined and strong-willed person capable of raising a representative of this breed. Shiba Inus are very stubborn and difficult to train. In addition, they almost cannot stand strangers, so they “greet” with a loud, angry bark.

Attention! Shiba Inus should not be left with small children or other animals. Dogs of this breed have an overly developed hunting instinct, and their harmful, stubborn nature can allow them to attack someone who, in the dog’s opinion, has offended it.

Rottweilers have a reputation as the most evil dog breed. They serve in the army and police, are highly trainable and love children immensely. This large dogs proper attention and education are required, otherwise you will get an evil misanthrope instead of a dear friend.

The Rottweiler is a true faithful companion in all your affairs. This dog will follow you everywhere.

Wolfdogs have not yet been recognized internationally, but many people already know about them. This is a very recently bred hybrid of a dog and a wolf. Wolf dogs resemble their wild ancestors in appearance, but in character they resemble domestic dogs. A common problem that breeders face is the manifestation of natural instincts and a strong pack feeling. Opponents of wolfdogs claim that they are the most evil dogs in the world. There are no photos or cases proving the danger of these dogs. People who have interacted with wolf-dogs note their peculiar (slightly wild) character, fear of communicating with other animals and boundless love for their owner.

The character of a dog is formed by many generations of the breed, but upbringing still plays the main role in the development of a pet. Even the most evil animal can be taught to be good by surrounding it with love and care, showing it the right behavior and teaching it manners.

Dog handlers in many countries of the world are unanimous in the opinion that most often the reason for the aggressiveness of dogs lies in humans, namely, improper upbringing four-legged pets. Common mistakes include insufficient socialization, frequent and unreasonable punishment of the pet, short and inactive walks, and attacks from ill-mannered children. But not only these factors explain the behavior of the most angry dogs. Many breeds made it onto this list because genetic predisposition.

Dominance aggression – the desire to become the leader of the “pack” – occupies a leading place among various types dangerous behavior. Representative owners large breeds make active attempts to control such manifestations, but the owners of medium-sized dogs do not. Although most bites and attacks on people involve small dogs. Therefore, the list of the most evil dog breeds in the world includes four-legged pets of various sizes.

South African Boerboels are powerful, large and dominant dogs. They are formidable and loyal guards who will always bark when a stranger approaches. Making excellent use of their enormous size and strength, they selflessly protect the owner and the entrusted territory.

Representatives of this breed get along well with other animals in the family and get along quite well with children. But as soon as they leave their home, they expand the boundaries of the territory they protect. They are aggressive towards other four-legged animals, and given the fact that their weight adult can reach up to 90 kg, the result of their attack can be serious injuries and even death of the animal. Aggression can be either territorial, possessive, or dominant. If the owner cannot take a leading place in the hierarchy, then his pet will very quickly get out of control and turn into a monster.

In some countries these fighting dogs prohibited for breeding.

The pit bull is a representative of the fighting breed, whose aggressiveness over the past many years they have tried to reduce at the genetic level. Pitbulls are tireless fighters with a steely fight. Outwardly, they are often compared to the American Staffordshire Terrier, but representatives of this breed have a so-called fighting spirit, passion, which makes them especially dangerous to other dogs and people.

Excitement during a fight allows them to act on the brink physical capabilities. Courage and extreme courage best characterize these dogs. Pit bulls are of the dominant type: if they are handled incorrectly or brought up gently, situations may arise aggressive behavior pet.

The Caucasian Shepherd is a common and very popular service dog, which is actively involved in the protection of various objects. Caucasians are enterprising, vigilant and distrustful of others. A well-trained dog can emerge victorious in a fight even with a group of attackers. He is able to sneak up unnoticed from behind and attack with lightning speed if he has identified a person as a trespasser on his territory. Shepherds react especially negatively to unbalanced people who are prone to scandals or are in drunkenness. It is not recommended to have a Caucasian for people who will not be able to dominate her and devote enough time and money to raising her.

Rottweilers are reliable and powerful in their constitution service dogs. They have a calm character and a balanced psyche. And yet, they also made it to the top of the most aggressive breeds. This is explained by their intolerance and anger towards other dogs. Rottweilers also do not tolerate scandals in the family well; a tense emotional situation can become a catalyst for aggressive behavior.

The dog is quite wary of all strangers, so puppies must not only be socialized in a timely manner so that aggression does not increase with age. And as an adult, it is recommended to gradually accustom your pet to friends and family acquaintances.

Fila Brasileiros are excellent bodyguards and very dangerous dogs. They are usually characterized by a severe character and increased aggression. The breed is characterized by natural distrust and protective instincts. They are capable of rushing to defend their owner and territory with particular fury if they feel threatened. Phil quickly assesses the degree of danger, and then reacts harshly and mercilessly to the current situation. They make their own decisions even before the owner’s order. Such independence is very dangerous for others.

Fila may react by growling or barking even when someone tries to speak or touch them. They instinctively attack vital points of the body. Among photos of other evil breeds, they occupy an honorable place due to their powerful bones and proportional physique.

The Chow Chow rightfully ranks among the most evil dogs in the world. This is one of ancient breeds in the world, genetically they are very close to wolves, which explains their behavior. Many are misled by their original plush appearance. They are actually quite aggressive creatures. Especially if the owner, when training, emphasizes the development of security skills, the chow begins to fiercely protect everyone he loves. Chow chows warn approaching strangers with a throaty growl that they should not do this. A determined dog will attack the enemy at the slightest provocation.

An outburst of rage towards other animals on the street can occur suddenly, so the owner must constantly closely monitor his pet. If a Chow Chow gets into a fight, he will selflessly fight to the end.

Bull Terriers are dangerous fighting dogs with a very extravagant character. Their mood changes at lightning speed depending on their lively temperament. It is important to socialize dogs as early as possible, since the fear of the street inherent in many puppies of this breed gives rise to aggression and activation of natural instincts.

Representatives of this breed are quite loyal to people, but they are not always friendly towards other four-legged brothers. They are characterized by a high degree of conflict towards their own kind. Moreover, they attack without any warning signs. Bull Terriers were bred exclusively as a fighting dog with low sensitivity to pain, steel jaws, a compact powerful body, fearlessness and ferocity when participating in specialized fights.

The American Staffordshire Terrier is a breed that was bred to produce an aggressive and courageous dog. Severe and tough amstafs rarely leave anyone indifferent with their impressive appearance and physical strength. A low pain threshold and absolute fearlessness make them the most dangerous opponents in combat. These true fighters were created for battles and bloodshed. Nowadays they are used mainly to guard private houses, however, the fighting past due to genetics is still evident in the breed. Amstafs have a contradictory character; they are brave, selfless, distinguished by lightning-fast reactions and ruthlessness. They are rightfully included in the top of the most evil dogs in the world.

The Dogo Canario is a powerful fighting breed with a high degree of aggressiveness. Great Danes belong to the average phenotype, they are proportionally built and have a strong strong bone structure. The dog has enormous physical strength, so it poses a threat to both other four-legged animals and people, especially if the dog is not trained correctly.

Great Danes clearly define the boundaries of a protected area or environment. They love calm and strive for total control. Therefore, the invasion of strangers is perceived negatively by Canarian dogs and does not bode well for the trespasser.

The Hungarian Kuvasz is a good guard and shepherd with a very interesting and impressive appearance. But this breed did not become widespread due to the difficult nature of its representatives. In terms of the complexity of its temperament, it can be compared with Caucasian Shepherd Dogs and Rottweilers. To reduce the degree of aggressiveness when raising Kuvasz dogs, socialization before the age of 3 years is very important.

This ancient herding breed characterized by fearlessness and a high degree of devotion to the owner. Proud and moderately distrustful, Kuvasz become rude and harsh when mistreated. In addition to a hypertrophied sense of ownership, they are distinguished by a strong independence, so it is especially important to systematically work with a dog handler to correct their freedom-loving disposition, which quickly turns into aggression.

Not included in the top 10, but worthy of mention

Below we describe breeds whose evil disposition is not as pronounced as that of dogs that took an honorable 10 places in our ranking, but it is worth talking about them.


Despite their compact size, these burrowing dogs pose a serious danger to others. Statistics collected around the world say that every 5 dachshunds have tried to attack other four-legged animals or strangers at least once in their life. Cases of attacks on owners, although less common, are also present.

This breed of dog cannot be called very dangerous for humans. As with other participants in this rating, we are talking about a pet’s tendency to show aggression due to genetic factors. As a rule, undesirable behavior in dachshunds is associated with human harshness and wrong methods raising puppies.


Papillons are the living embodiment of the statement about appearance being deceptive. These charming decorative dogs give the impression of being kind and calm creatures. In fact, the degree of aggressiveness of Papillons is very high. When contacting this breed, you should especially be wary of children. These small dogs quickly become irritated, do not tolerate disrespectful treatment and bite painfully.

The increased viciousness is also explained by the strong jealousy of pets towards their owner. They always sensitively guard their owners and attack strangers or other dogs if they think their owner is in danger.

The Jagdterrier is a German hunting terrier, a breed bred in the 30s of the twentieth century specifically for hunting. The small size of jags should not mislead others about their friendliness and easy-going nature. Jagdterriers can rightfully lead the top of the most evil small dogs.

They are absolutely fearless and resilient, and treat any stranger with extreme caution. Representatives of this breed will protect their owner even at the cost of their own lives. You can try to reduce their aggressiveness through early socialization and persistent and firm training.

These tireless hunters can chase and attack animals many times their own size; once they smell game, they will never let it go. Strong teeth and steel muscles turn Jagdterriers into living weapons. Lack of education and a dominant owner are the main mistakes of yagd owners, which can cost them dearly. If the family already has a small dog or other small pet, it is not recommended to get a Jagd Terrier. Their acute hunting instinct can lead to tragedy even during play.


Spaniels are prominent representatives of aggressive small dogs. In the case of this breed, we can talk about a genetic predisposition to uncontrolled aggression. This is especially true for male Cocker Spaniels and Springer Spaniels. Males of uniform color are prone to attack not only other animals, strangers, but even their own owners. It is almost impossible to correct this rage, if it is clinical in nature rather than behavioral.

However, most often the viciousness of spaniels is associated with improper upbringing, unbalanced diet, stress and fear. By adjusting these points and with the help of an experienced dog handler, the increased aggressiveness of spaniels can be eliminated.

Jack Russell is a high-speed dog whose main purpose is to chase and drive the animal. She is ready to chase literally anything that moves. Small size is often compensated by a difficult character and increased aggression. For a terrier, the reason for an attack can be a sidelong glance from a stranger, a loud voice, or simply a person’s leg hanging from the sofa.

Dogs of this breed need a lot motor activity per day, ideally several hours-long walks. Not all owners have this opportunity; as a result, the unspent energy of the four-legged animal is transformed into open anger towards others.

In the video you can often see angry Jack Russell dogs chasing various animals. It is important to wean terriers from chasing cats and other living creatures, since as a result of such a chase the pet itself may suffer.

Reading time: 12 min.

Have you ever thought about what exists today? the most dangerous dog breeds in the world ? After all, on the streets every day we see a variety of domestic and stray dogs, whose intentions are impossible to predict. It would be unfair to blame dogs of individual breeds for potential threat or aggression towards humans. But it just so happens that some of man's four-legged friends have great potential to cause serious harm to life or health. The Big Rating magazine brings to your attention the most dangerous and aggressive dog breeds in the TOP 10 rating.

Chow chow

Country of origin: China

Height: 45-55 cm

Weight: 20-35 kg

Chow-chows look like fluffy “teddy bears”, they are cute and cute. But their character is quite complex and full of nuances. By nature, Chow Chows are melancholic and behave measuredly and aloofly. Dogs of this breed recognize exclusively family members and do not trust strangers or unfamiliar people. When a stranger tries to pet a funny dog ​​with a blue tongue that he likes, anger and aggression can replace the external serenity of the animal. Chow-chows are also ferocious in the role of protector of the owner. They often show hostility towards smaller animals. In rare cases, Chow Chows have been observed attacking owners, due to lack of regular exercise or out of boredom caused by lack of daily exercise. physical activity. Chow chows are also contraindicated for families with small children, as they do not tolerate children's pranks well and sometimes react very aggressively.

Country of origin: Germany

Height: 63-72 cm

Weight: 32-45 kg

Dobermans are first-class guards, so they can often be seen in the role of service dogs. They are arrogant and have an elegant appearance. At the same time, Dobermans are powerful, strong and resilient. They are friendly towards their owners and love children. Dogs of this breed are prone to displays of anger and aggression due to their explosive temperament, and therefore pose a potential threat to humans. The danger lies in the strength and impressive size of the animal. Dobermans can be hostile towards other dogs and strangers. According to statistics of registered attacks on people by dogs of this breed, the cause is most often hostile actions directed at the owner of the Doberman. Unfortunately, Dobermans are overly loyal to their owner and distrustful of strangers, which sometimes leads to irreparable mistakes. A peculiar deviation of the breed is the birth of puppies with a strong bias towards cowardice or aggression. These are peculiar echoes of initial selection, which are also dangerous for others.

Country of origin: Germany

Height: 53-63 cm

Weight: 25-30 kg

The German Boxer is a strong, stocky dog ​​with a powerful, square head and a massive, strong jaw. Boxers are often used to guard livestock and property, and also as a guide for the blind. The dogs have an intimidating and aggressive appearance, although Boxers are energetic and playful in nature, they have a balanced temperament, good training abilities and excellent relationships with children. Boxers are smart, loyal and absolutely harmless to the owner, but extremely suspicious and distrustful of strangers. Although breeders managed to remove the initial aggression from German boxers, this did not rid the dog of the habit of chasing smaller animals and showing hostility towards strangers.

Country of origin: Russia

Height: 50-60 cm

Weight: 18-28 kg

An Eskimo sled dog with a lively and peaceful character. By nature, huskies are one of the most good-natured dog breeds in the world. And proper upbringing and early socialization make it completely incapable of harming a person. Huskies have a very quiet disposition; they even bark extremely rarely. Due to their excessive love and friendliness, these dogs greet even an intruder who enters the apartment like a best friend. But despite all their kindness, huskies can be dangerous. So, for example, their innate predatory instinct turns them into a threat to small animals. Lack of training and socialization is fraught with husky behavior showing aggression towards humans. The worst thing is that, according to statistics, 68% of all attacks by these dogs were committed on children.

Country of origin: Great Britain

Height: 53-56 cm

Weight: 23-32 kg

The breed is a mixture of the classic English bulldog, terrier and Dalmatian. The result of such selection was an animal with a terrifying appearance, which cannot be confused with any other dog breed. The dog is very active and needs long walks and active games. Conscientious and friendly upbringing makes the Bull Terrier a devoted companion dog, without the slightest hint of aggression towards humans. In the ranking of the most dangerous breeds The bull terrier turned out to be due to its powerful muscles, incredibly strong jaw and the famous “death grip”. A muscular dog with strong legs, it recognizes only one owner. But she is able to protect him and herself, thanks to her powerful jaw and deadly bites. The Bull Terrier cannot be called friendly towards other animals.

Country of origin: Spain

Height: 56-68 cm

Weight: 45-60 kg

The Dogo Canario initially acted as a shepherd and guardian of large cattle, and these days has turned into an ordinary pet capable of responsibly protecting the territory entrusted to him. With a strong build, powerful limbs, a menacing appearance and enormous strength, this dog is not particularly prone to aggression. Dogo Canarios love their owners and their family, but are extremely intolerant of strangers. The dog itself is phlegmatic and not prone to fights, but in the event of an immediate threat to the owner, it fiercely rushes to defense. It is the excessive affection and boundless love of dogs of this breed for their owner that turns them into a powerful weapon in the hands of a mentally unbalanced person.

Country of origin: Germany

Height: 55-65 cm

Weight: 22-40 kg

German Shepherds are smart, strong, physically active and fearless. These dogs need an active lifestyle, walks and games. Due to their ability to get along with multiple owners, German Shepherds are ideal as service dogs. They are excellent companions and guards. Intelligence, aggressiveness, vigilance and fearlessness made the shepherd the best guard and police dog. Despite high level intelligence and balanced character, German Shepherds also belong to the category of the most dangerous dogs, because in a rage they are capable of causing serious injury to a person. The most common reasons for inappropriate behavior in representatives of this breed are poor training and lack of socialization.

Country of origin: Russia

Height: 64-75 cm

Weight: 40-80 kg

“Caucasian” is a powerful, large dog, fearless and decisive. The breed is very popular in Russia because of its beautiful guard qualities, endurance and intelligence. The Caucasian Shepherd Dog is quite trainable, but, like many other guard dog breeds, it is wary and hostile towards strangers. In combination with the strong-willed character, size and strength of the dog, the shepherd’s desire to protect the owner or defend the territory can lead to inflicting injuries to a person that are incompatible with life. For a Caucasian Shepherd dog rushing into a fight, there are no barriers and therefore 60% of attacks end fatal. Proper training and timely socialization stop inappropriate behavior and turn “Caucasians” into ideal protectors of owners, animals or property.

Country of origin: Germany

Height: 56-68 cm

Weight: 42-50 kg

The breed is very popular and distributed throughout the world. The Rottweiler is a large, superbly built, energetic, courageous and assertive animal with a strong jaw. Since Rottweilers are primarily protectors, they tend to establish contact and obey one person; the dog classifies everyone else as a stranger and treats them with great suspicion. Such a dog, in case of real or imaginary danger, becomes angry, aggressive and, when attacked, is capable of causing serious wounds and injuries. Rottweilers have an extremely powerful bite and without proper training and timely socialization, these dogs are a danger to society. According to statistics, most Rottweiler attacks occur due to the negligence of their owners. As for wild representatives of the breed, it is better not to come across them at all.

Country of origin: USA

Height: 40-49 cm

Weight: 14-36 kg

The most dangerous dog breed in the world, and for good reason, is the American Pit Bull Terrier. The history of the breed itself speaks volumes: pit bulls were bred to bait bulls and bears, and later they began to pit each other against each other in underground fights. The pit bull is prone to aggression at the genetic level, quickly becomes ferocious, and in a fight goes to the end. The breed is registered in the IKS, is prohibited in most countries of the European Union, and in the rest it is kept according to a specially created series of strict rules. This is far from the most successful dog for inexperienced dog lovers, but it is an ideal guardian of any private property, capable of protecting it from life-or-death attacks. Pitbull is powerful, resilient, brave and aggressive dog, and without proper training she is also the most evil. These dogs simply need extensive and regular training to curb their aggression. A pit bull is capable of attacking a child even without provocation. Dogs of this breed need a firm hand and persistent training, otherwise, even in relation to the owner, he will be inadequate and aggressive. With proper training, a pit bull turns into a calm, cheerful dog, loyal and playful.

The most dangerous dogs in the world: prohibited “cholerics” and permitted “hypocrites”

Although “Dog is Man’s Friend,” there are breeds that were clearly not bred to be human friends. They can be not so much good guards as a potential danger both for uninvited guests and for the owner himself.

It is difficult to determine exactly which is the most dangerous dog in the world: the seemingly cute American pit bull terrier, the lion hunter Dogo Argentino, or the Caucasian shepherd dog familiar to Russian people. In any case, among those who received the title of “the most evil” there are many both frequently occurring and quite rare breeds.

Prohibited dog breeds

This collection contains characteristics of fairly well-known breeds that are prohibited or limited in breeding due to their bad character.

American Pit Bull Terrier

The American Pit Bull Terrier often receives the title of the most dangerous dog in the world. The breed is banned in many countries of the world: from Oceania (Australia, New Zealand, etc.) and Asia (Israel, Singapore, etc.) to Europe (Switzerland, Norway, Great Britain, Denmark, etc.) and America (some states of the USA and Canada ).

Despite its small size (weight about 30 kg with average height), the dog is dangerous - without a doubt, the winner in dog fights, the best “policeman” and bodyguard.

She is affectionate towards children by nature - loves to play with them, good-natured towards children, devoted to her owner, intelligent. It is this breed, despite its bad “reputation” in many countries, that is considered one of the best for family and protection.

Neapolitan Mastiff (Mastino Napoletano)

The breed was bred in Italy a long time ago for baiting wild animals in the arenas of Ancient Rome and for guarding. Nowadays it is used for guard duty. An interesting fact is that it was Mastino Napoletano that was used in the filming of the famous “Harry Potter” in the role of Fang, the giant Hagrid’s pet.

The Neapolitan Mastiff is very loyal, even too loyal. He can easily become jealous of his owner, showing his displeasure in an aggressive manner. He is also unkind towards children and other animals.

For the reasons described above, breeding of the Mastino Napoletana is limited in Romania, Singapore, and prohibited in some states of America and Bermuda.


This is not a breed, but rather the name of a cross between an American Pit Bull Terrier (or a Staffordshire Terrier) and a Neapolitan Mastiff.

The translation of the name – “chain dog” – fully corresponds to the character of the bandogs. They are fearless, bold and aggressive. This is not surprising, because initially their main purpose was to participate in dog fights. The hopes of the breeders were not justified. Bandogs are inferior in battle to their “parents” - American pit bull terriers, quickly retreating before their pressure and refusing to fight.

Ownership of bandogs is limited in Belarus and Romania, the “breed” is prohibited in Switzerland and some states of America.

Tosa Inu

Like Bandogs, Tosa Inu were designed to participate in dog fighting. The only difference is that the Tosa Inu did not have to “bite” the opponent, but pressed him to the ring. Dogs were forbidden to bark in the ring or cause damage to the opponent - such participants were disqualified.

Representatives of the breed are calm and very “silent”, usually unobtrusive and not aggressive. But they are difficult to train, stubborn, and sometimes unpredictable towards strangers and other dogs.

The breed is prohibited in Israel, Australia, New Zealand, Portugal, Bermuda, some states of America, etc.

Caucasian Shepherd Dog

Although this breed is recognized as potentially dangerous in Russia, it is common among dog breeders in the country. Large size (males reach 75 centimeters in height and 50 kilograms in weight), thick coat that protects well from frost, courage and distrust of strangers - characteristics due to which the dog is increasingly used for protection.

Originally bred to protect sheep from wolves. Now it is used for guard duty.

Due to its ferocious nature and intractability to train, the breed is banned (or restricted in breeding) in Denmark and Italy.


Another prohibited breed of dog familiar to Russian people. Interestingly, this is one of the oldest breeds. It was developed in the middle of the 18th century in Germany.

Rottweilers are large, hardy and energetic. They have a fairly balanced character, treat strangers calmly, and love children. At the same time, Rottweilers are quite independent (but not stubborn, like, for example, the already mentioned Tosa Inu!), and require a serious approach to training. The Rottweiler's bite is considered the strongest of all dogs.

The breed is prohibited or restricted in breeding in Spain, France, Israel, American states, Italy, etc.

Fila Brasileiro

The breed originally appeared to hunt bears, jaguars, and even track down escaped slaves in Brazil in the mid-20th century. Like the Caucasian Shepherd, the dog is quite large - males reach 70 centimeters in height and weigh 50-60 kg.

Fila Brasileiro can truly be called a man's friend. Dogs of this breed feel their duty to their owners and persistently protect them. That is the problem. There are frequent cases when Phils attack people because of their distrust of strangers.

Prohibited (or limited) breeding and import of the breed in Cyprus, Malta, Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, USA and in a number of European countries– Portugal, Spain, Great Britain, Denmark.

Czechoslovakian wolfhound

This breed appeared as a result of crossing the Carpathian wolf and German Shepherd. It is dangerous because its representatives can behave unpredictably and often attack small children, considering them prey.

Czechoslovakian wolfhounds are very “universal”. Although they were bred to participate in military operations, the dogs were subsequently used as rescuers, search engines, shepherds, and in protective guard service.

The Czechoslovakian Wolfhound is banned in Norway and military camps in the United States.

Dogo Argentino

This breed, as the name suggests, was developed in Argentina almost 100 years ago. Its representatives are not very large in size (males weigh on average 50 kg with a height of 64 cm), when compared with a mastiff or Caucasian Shepherd. However, this fact does not make the Great Dane safer. Dogs are characterized by an athletic body structure, the ability to “jump” high and the character of a hunter.

The Dogo Argentino was originally bred to hunt mountain lions, pumas and peccaries. Now they are purchased for security, protection and simply as a companion. Despite this, Dogo Argentinos are banned in 10 countries: Australia, Great Britain, Israel, Spain, Norway, etc.

Allowed dog breeds

Below are breeds whose breeding is not limited, but they are considered potentially dangerous. This means that there have not yet been a large number of cases of dog attacks on humans, but the size, temperament or improper training of the dog can pose a danger to both the owner and strangers.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

Another name for the breed is “lion dog”. It is associated with the purpose of Ridgebacks - they were used as assistants by lion hunters. Despite this fact, representatives of the breed are patient, child-friendly, and quiet.

The problem with Rhodesian Ridgebacks is that if not trained correctly they can become unmanageable. Manifests natural character hunter, the dog becomes dominant in the relationship with the owner. The breed is not suitable for weak people who are accustomed to allowing their pet a lot.

Chow chow

Most people associate the Chow Chow with good nature, fluffy fur and a sweet look. So it is, representatives of this breed are usually melancholic, constantly “flying in the clouds” and do not particularly pay attention to what is happening around them.

At the same time, Chow Chows do not like strangers and do not trust strangers. Representatives of the breed especially do not like the excessive love of strangers. If the dog does not like the too persistent desire of a stranger to play or hug, it may attack. If something makes a Chow Chow angry, she is capable of turning from a distant melancholic into an aggressive defender at one moment.

Bull Terrier

The crossing of bulldogs and terriers by the British gave rise to the history of bull terriers. The result was terrifying: strong body, elongated muzzle, scissor bite. Despite this appearance, the breed is quite peaceful and friendly.

However strong jaw with a "death grip" is a dangerous characteristic of a dog. If suddenly your pet doesn’t like something, he is capable of biting. Bull Terrier bites are the most dangerous of all dogs.

Gul Dong

Gul Dong, bulldog, Pakistani mastiff – there are many different names for this breed. It was originally used in colonial India (modern Pakistan) for baiting wild animals and participating in dog fights.

The dogs' flexibility, strength and strong muscles are combined with their intractability to training, making them one of the most dangerous dogs. They are especially aggressive towards other animals, children and teenagers. They act with lightning speed. Only an experienced dog handler can conquer this breed; an amateur dog breeder cannot handle the task.


The Doberman appeared for the first time in Germany for guard duty. Today they are often used by the military and police. Dobermans have an amazing sense of smell and sense of smell. These are very loyal dogs to their owner. They are friendly towards children, peaceful and true "family men".

Despite their moderate temperament, there are frequent cases of Dobermans attacking humans. The fact is that representatives of this breed have poor self-control if they see a threat to their family from a stranger.

In fact, there are no 100% dangerous dog breeds. There are only poorly controlled and tightly built ones. It all depends on the owner’s level of physical fitness and his readiness to be the “leader of the pack” in relation to his pets. Love your dog, train and educate it, and then even the stubborn Ghoul Dong will become an obedient companion!

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