Home Hygiene Which dog is the best for guarding? Dogs for guarding a private home

Which dog is the best for guarding? Dogs for guarding a private home

Every person wants to feel safe, to be sure that during his absence at home, his property is under the control of a faithful guardian and an indestructible protector. How to choose a guard dog? Which breed is best for guarding a house or apartment? There are many questions, all the answers are in one article.

Almost all dogs, in an emergency situation, rush to protect their pack; even the kindest pets will not allow their beloved owner to be offended. But some breeds were born to become bodyguards or to guard the boundaries of the owner's property. Others, on the contrary, are brave rescuers and faithful helpers when hunting, they have absolutely no aggression towards humans.

Before you start choosing a breed protective dog, it is necessary to decide on the conditions of her residence, and proceed primarily from this.

A pet that will live in a booth or enclosure and have little contact with the owner must have an independent disposition. Conversely, if the owner plans to exercise the dog regularly, the pet should be very people-oriented.

After choosing a breed, you need to find a good nursery that specializes in guard dogs ah (better with working diplomas). Animals raised solely for show may turn out to be too kind, despite their rugged appearance. Breeders whose exhibitors have training diplomas in the ZKS (protective guard service) course constantly train their charges and raise good guards. Dogs from the working class have a more stable psyche; accordingly, they are loyal to others, but if necessary, they will rush to protect the owner and home.

Which dogs are best suited to guard an apartment?

Choosing the breed of your future ward is an important step; the most common mistake is an aesthetic approach to choosing an animal. First of all, a dog is a friend and a guard, only then is external beauty considered.

Apartment security dogs must be:

  • Well socialized.
  • With a not very thick coat (minimum undercoat, otherwise they will be very hot in a typical building).
  • The size corresponds to the square footage of the home.
  • Distrustful of strangers.
  • Owner oriented.
  • Obedient.
  • Tolerant of children.

The level of socialization depends entirely on the owner; all other qualities relate to the characteristics of the breed.

Dogs for guarding a private home

The variety of breeds suitable for guarding a private home is much greater than for apartments. This is explained by the fact that giant dogs can be kept on the property, which cannot be done for a resident of a one-room apartment.

Dogs for guarding a private home must be:

  1. Independent.
  2. With thick fur (to avoid freezing in winter).
  3. Brave.
  4. Ardent defenders of their own territorial space.
  5. Distrustful of strangers.
  6. On good terms with the owner.
  7. Accustomed to children.

You shouldn’t turn a security guard into a monster ready to kill anyone who approaches the territory. The dog must be adequate and obedient, otherwise there will be problems with communication, the ferocious animal will not allow anyone onto its property, even if the owner needs it.

Overview of all guard breeds

Dogs suitable for protection are distinguished by one breed trait - distrust of strangers. Otherwise, the pets are all completely different, with different working techniques, principles of protection and appearance.

It is a common belief that large animals do not belong in an apartment. But you need to take into account the size of the home. For example, it is better for the owner of 80 square meters of typical building to have a calm and melancholy mastiff than an energetic German shepherd. While the owner is at work, the mastiff will sleep peacefully if its boundaries are not violated. Unlike a shepherd dog, which will bark at the slightest noise, causing a lot of inconvenience to the neighbors. Residents of one-room apartments, of course, need to pay attention to smaller security guards.

You should not lose sight of your pet's coat. Only dogs with thick hair and abundant undercoat are allowed to be kept outside during the cold season.

Very big dogs

Giant dogs are suitable for keeping in the local area of ​​the private sector, in large houses or apartments. As a rule, large, heavy animals have a very calm character. They do not need active physical activity and are content with long walks at a calm pace.

The Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai) is one of the best territorial guard dogs. He is distinguished by a stable psyche, endurance, ability to assess the situation and make independent decisions.

Not afraid of frost, can live outside all year round. It is difficult to train, but this does not affect its security qualities. Not recommended for people who are insecure or inexperienced in communicating with dogs. The price for a puppy varies from 15,000 to 60,000 rubles, depending on the number of titles of the parents.

The Caucasian Shepherd is an excellent guard for the territory; it does not require special training; protecting the entrusted borders is in its blood.

Not recommended for people with an unbalanced psyche or weak character. Suitable for keeping in the local area all year round. Among the disadvantages, it can be noted that some individuals of this breed are too aggressive.

You can buy a Caucasian Shepherd for 20,000 – 50,000 rubles.

The Tibetan Mastiff is one of the most gigantic and ferocious dogs. They have a very pronounced distrust of others, bordering on outright bitterness.

Suitable only for the private sector, and only for experienced dog breeders. They are difficult to train, stubborn, willful, but will never let a stranger into their territory.

One of the most expensive breeds, the price for a puppy reaches up to 80,000 - 100,000 rubles.

Great Danes are large, balanced dogs. They are not aggressive, but they bravely guard their owner’s territory with appropriate training.

Need long, leisurely walks. They cannot live outside all year round; in winter they must be kept in a warm room. Prices for puppies from 15,000 to 50,000 rubles.

The Dogue de Bordeaux is distinguished by its large dimensions and large mass, like all mastiffs. Independent, stubborn dogs are not for beginners in dog breeding.

They do not tolerate harsh treatment of themselves; distrust of others can border on bitterness. From early childhood they need socialization and training. You can buy a Dogue de Bordeaux for 30,000 – 50,000 rubles.

The Black Russian Terrier is a balanced, large, strong breed. It is distinguished by excellent health and unpretentious maintenance, and tolerates any weather conditions well. It is easy to train and exhibits excellent guarding qualities. Needs physical activity and daily contact with the owner.

The price for a puppy varies between 35,000 – 55,000 rubles.

The Leonberger is a very large dog with thick hair and is not afraid of frost.. A brave, reserved, obedient breed. The Leonberger is well trained, and when trained as a guard dog, it will be a reliable guard. Loyal and tolerant of children, safe for others - not excessively aggressive. The price for a representative of the breed reaches 80,000 rubles.

The Giant Schnauzer is the lightest among the giants, the average weight of the Giant Schnauzer is only 40 kg (versus 60 - 90 kg of mastiffs and aboriginal wolfhounds), while its height is not much inferior to the others - up to 70 cm at the withers.

Distrustful of others, without unnecessary aggression, active, manageable. The Giant Schnauzer is highly trainable and is attached to children with whom it constantly lives. Not suitable for keeping in an enclosure - it freezes in winter, needs daily physical activity and constant contact with the owner. You can buy a Giant Schnauzer for 35,000 – 45,000 rubles.

Once the main task of the Pyrenees was to protect the herd from predators, these large dogs valued for loyalty and devotion to their master. Later, dogs migrated to royal courts and began to guard palaces. For a thousand years, the breed has not lost its protective qualities.

This is a reliable and safe friend for children and pets, but at the same time a dangerous adversary for uninvited guests. Pyrenees have a keen sense of ownership.

They are excellent defenders of their family and territory. It is important to note that the dog is not aggressive; attacks occur in extreme cases. Usually, pets scare strangers with their loud barking and frightening appearance. The breed is not suitable for keeping in an apartment, but a spacious private yard with an enclosure will be the best home for a pet.

The height of the dog is up to 80 cm at the withers. It has thick soft white fur. The average cost of the breed is 35-80 thousand rubles.

Large breeds

Large breeds of dogs suitable for protection are usually very active and require training and systematic physical activity. Large individuals can be kept in an enclosure on a personal plot, provided they have plenty of fur and daily walking. It is recommended to keep smooth-haired individuals in a warm room - an apartment or house.

True Shepherds

True shepherd dogs are a number of breeds whose direct purpose historically was herding cattle (also among shepherd dogs there are gurtogons and wolfhounds).

Almost all herding dogs have a tendency to protect the territory, although they do not have bitterness in character. Security qualities are manifested in the process of education; representatives of true shepherd dogs perfectly understand what is required of them, and are happy to work as guards if circumstances require it.

True shepherd dogs suitable for protection include:

  • price 25 – 40 thousand rubles.
  • price 15 – 35 thousand rubles.
  • price 10 – 30 thousand rubles.
  • – price 30 – 50 thousand rubles.
  • Kelpie (Australian Shepherd) – price 25 – 30 thousand rubles.
  • price about 50 thousand rubles.
  • price 20 – 40 thousand rubles.
  • Estrela Mountain Dog - price 30 – 50 thousand rubles.
  • Czech Cattle Dog – price 40 – 60 thousand rubles.

This is not the entire list of shepherd dogs capable of guarding a person, a house, or a property. Absolutely all shepherds are distinguished by strength, courage, endurance and excellent ability to learn various skills. This is why they are so common in different parts of the world, they work for various types services

Commonly known as the “butcher’s dog.” Powerful, strong, courageous, respect-inspiring breed. Suitable for working as a bodyguard - there is a pronounced distrust of others combined with attachment to the owner.

Territorial protection can be trained, but this is not in genetics, although it is difficult to imagine a person who would dare to violate the boundaries entrusted to a Rottweiler. Not suitable for year-round keeping on the street; it requires timely training and physical activity. Price 15,000 – 30,000 rubles.

The Doberman, like the Rottweiler, is more of a bodyguard than a territorial guard. The Dobermann has tremendous training abilities, due to which it is used in various areas of service, including the protection of private property.

Not suitable for outdoor conditions due to the lack of undercoat. Needs active training and training. A Doberman puppy can be bought for 15,000 – 35,000 rubles.

Boxer is a wonderful guard for active people, affectionate and kind with all family members, turns into a fierce defender in case of danger. Not suitable for an aviary, prefers soft bedding at the owner's feet.

Requires discipline and education from childhood, as well as long, active walking throughout life. Prices for Boxer puppies range from 25,000 – 45,000 rubles.

Guard dogs of medium and small sizes

Sometimes the smallest dogs truly have the hearts of lions; a small companion can become a faithful protector of family and property. Due to their size and attachment to their owners, medium and small breeds dogs are rarely kept in local areas; more often they can be found in city apartments.

Amstaff, as it is commonly called for short, is one of the best compact security guards. Their dimensions allow them to be kept even in one-room apartments (the weight of an Amstaff rarely exceeds 30 kg).

Quite compact city ​​dog, is easy to train, although sometimes there are quite stubborn individuals. Suitable for families with children, provided that the dog comes after the child. The instinct to protect the owner is stronger than the instinct of self-preservation. Prices for puppies from 15,000 to 35,000 rubles.

Or the Norwegian Shepherd belongs to the class of true shepherds, it also guards boldly, but grows in a more compact size. The coat allows the Norwegian Shepherd to be kept in an enclosure all year round, but the pet is more comfortable next to its beloved owner. A very rare breed in Russia, prices for puppies reach 75,000 rubles.

There are, of course, very small, brave guards, but even the most aggressive Yorkshire terrier is unlikely to be able to seriously resist a robber. Dwarf breeds serve rather as a “bell” about the approach of strangers.

The variety of breeds provides a wide choice of protection for every taste. But first of all, you need to remember that a dog’s character depends on its upbringing. A good owner has a good dog.

Ensuring home security is not an easy task. This can be done with the help of competent selection of guard dog breeds. A faithful dog, a formidable protector and a good-natured companion in children's games - can these qualities be combined in one breed? Let's figure out which dog is better suited for protection. Canine specialists and satisfied owners will advise which breed to choose to protect a private home.

Breeds not suitable for protection

All dogs instinctively protect their territory. But some are too peaceful in nature and have such a positive attitude towards all people that they are simply unable to distinguish a guest from an intruder. To select a suitable four-legged guard, you should figure out which breeds are absolutely not suitable for this role:

  • all hunting breeds (huskies, pointers, greyhounds, etc.). They are friendly to humans and are a threat to any pets. Both qualities are not suitable for a security guard;
  • fighting breeds (pit bull terriers, bull terriers). These breeds are genetically related to humans, because... bred for baiting animals;
  • dogs without undercoat (boxers, Dobermans, etc.) will not withstand winter cold. And if they are taken into the house, the yard will be left without a guard;
  • Rescue breeds (Labrador, St. Bernard, Newfoundland) were bred specifically to protect people; they are completely gentle and good-natured.
  • Huskies are friendly to all strangers. And if they are trained to act as guards, then it is impossible to predict their behavior;
  • Mastino-Neapolitan. A large and powerful dog treats his family well, but is extremely aggressive towards other people. If it is given security tasks, the animal may become uncontrollable.

Criteria for choosing a good watchman

Dog experts say that good guards should not be angry or aggressive. They need to be taught friendliness towards family members and a healthy distrust of strangers.

German Shepherd - best dog for security

Attention! The best breed requires the best owner. Even if the dog runs freely around the yard, it is necessary to take it for walks periodically. Walking promotes successful socialization and the ability to navigate correctly in any situation. Some breeds vitally need additional stress, for example, German shepherds, for whom service is the meaning of life.

Qualities important for an excellent defender:

  • a genetic tendency to guard, which not every breed has;
  • friendliness to children;
  • receptivity to learning;
  • frightening appearance.

Another important criterion is the ability to withstand heat and frost. It is this indicator that determines the choice of an animal for a private household or for guarding an apartment.

Ideal four-legged guards

A faithful friend and devoted protector, capable of serving at any time of the year, can be a representative of one of 7 breeds suitable for protection.

  1. The German Shepherd is a fierce protector and affectionate friend who loves children. The breed is distinguished by its intelligence (3rd place in intelligence) and good memory, which means it is easy to train.
  2. Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd Dog (Alabai). Dogs have a strong territorial instinct. They can be headstrong and ferocious, so they require strict upbringing.
  3. The Giant Schnauzer is affectionate towards children, obeys its owners at a glance, and lends itself well to training. For the sake of protecting people and their property, he is capable of any feats. The dog needs physical activity and regular grooming.
  4. The Moscow Watchdog is a young breed that enjoys well-deserved respect. They are considered more peaceful than Caucasians or Central Asians. Unpretentious animals combine a gentle attitude towards family members and a spiteful attitude towards strangers. They cannot be kept on a short chain; constant training is required.
  5. The Black Terrier is distinguished by its strength, endurance and energy. He can play with children all day long, without ceasing to monitor the inviolability of his territory. Requires careful grooming and regular haircuts.
  6. The Rottweiler is a smooth-haired dog with a developed undercoat. Withstands the cold of the south and central Russia. Characterized by vigilance and distrust. Raising this breed is impossible without rigor and reasonable, consistent toughness.
  7. The Tibetan Mastiff is good-natured, but brave and smart. Capable of being an unyielding guard and cheerful companion for any family member.

When choosing a reliable watchman, you should avoid rare and fashionable breeds. Rare breeds are distinguished by their high cost and unexpected reactions during training. And the demand for fashionable dogs causes an increase in supply from non-professional breeders. Such animals may lose the qualities inherent in their breed.

Advice. Constant keeping on a chain or in an enclosure is not allowed. It is better if the dog can move freely throughout the yard.

One of the main rules of training is education from childhood. Moreover, you cannot provoke aggression in a puppy, otherwise an uncontrollable creature may grow up instead of a good friend.

A dog must know and obey only its owner and family members. It is strictly not recommended to accustom her to strangers, and allow them to feed the animal. The dog's social circle can only be expanded to his closest relatives, who often come to visit.

Attention! The most big mistake– buy a dog and expect it to be an unsurpassed watchdog due to the behavioral characteristics of the breed. Any pet needs to go through the basics of training.

Not everyone knows that a puppy needs to be taught not only unquestioning obedience, but also the ability to win. The dog should feel like a leader, but clearly know its position in the family hierarchy. Special games for instilling in your pet the ability to solve complex problems and win in unexpected situations can be suggested by professional dog handlers.

We continue the conversation about which four-legged pets will best protect your dacha. Furry, stubborn, playful, harsh... the choice is great! One thing remains the same - we are always responsible for those we tame.

German Shepherd– a very common breed, which, nevertheless, causes controversy. Some consider her to be one of the most intelligent and courageous, versatile dogs, immensely loyal to her owner and his family, and easy to train.

Others warn: dogs of this breed are very jealous. If, after purchasing a puppy, you play with him for a couple of months and then leave him to his own devices, he will begin to attract your attention in every possible way. And everyone he considers an obstacle to this will suffer: the cat that you stroked instead of him, things, plants, children.

They are ready to curry favor with the owner at the expense of everything. They say that the dog readily follows commands, but is easily lost in an unusual situation. It can recklessly take risks and die, leaving its owners without protection. Moreover, some owners note that the German Shepherd itself can be a threat to the household: for it, killing a chicken or kitten is just a game. But playfulness makes a dog a good companion for children.

What most experienced owners agree on is that the dog needs constant training. Unlike, for example, the Caucasian or Central Asian Shepherd Dogs, in which guard qualities are inherited, the “German” needs to be regularly trained and constantly communicate with him. At the same time, a German Shepherd puppy will be ready for service no earlier than a year. Whereas, for example, a “Caucasian” will show his qualities as a security guard within six months.

A German Shepherd is like a notebook with blank pages. Whatever you put into this dog, these are the qualities you will get. Therefore, when buying a puppy, immediately find an experienced trainer for him. For inept owners, this dog will create problems.

You can find a puppy on this forum: http://gsdog.borda.ru/?1-0-0-00003907-000-10001-0 and in nurseries http://www.shepherd.ru/shep/famers.html

Watch dogs

Caucasian Shepherd considered the leader among guard breeds. These dogs have a strong sense of territory, they fearlessly protect their owner, are uncompromising and incorruptible. Outside the protected area, the dog is loyal to others. This dog is capable of making decisions on its own, is ready to fight to the death, but, having a strong instinct of self-preservation, can retreat.

Distinctive features Caucasian - love of freedom and desire for leadership. This can be fraught for novice dog breeders; Caucasians are difficult to train. They are hardy, unpretentious in food, adapt to any conditions, but are more suitable for street keeping - due to their difficult nature, large size and long hair.

Caucasians have no equal in friendliness towards their own people, but also in complexity of character. The dog will be obedient, affectionate towards the owners’ children, and devoted, but only if you have shown yourself to be a leader and immediately stopped the pet’s willfulness. Raising a Caucasian puppy is a complex process.

The most important thing is to teach your dog not to trust strangers. At the same time, it is important to distinguish between open hostility (this is unacceptable!) and a feeling of wariness. The breed does not accept spoiling or pampering. Remember that the Caucasian is primarily a protector of the owner and his property, and not a dog for communication or games.

Caring for a Caucasian Shepherd is also not easy. Long and thick wool is combed with a special brush at least three times a week.
It is good to use a special shampoo for shine and smoothness of the coat - this will make your task easier. In cold weather, the wool will have to be dried additionally with a hairdryer.

Another difficulty is that large breeds are predisposed to heart disease and dysplasia. hip joints. Therefore, regularly monitor your pet’s health, feed it properly and provide it with physical exercise. The disadvantages of the breed include myopia. Caucasians have good hearing, but they don’t even recognize you right away, especially if you’re wearing different clothes. Therefore, make it a rule when approaching a dog to call out to it, and when approaching it, speak kindly to it.

All family members should regularly communicate with Caucasian and Central Asian Shepherd puppies so that he understands who is part of the family and who is not.
Take him in your arms and play with him. If the puppy misbehaves, grab him by the scruff of the neck with one hand, hold him under the butt with the other, and lecture him in a stern voice about good behavior. This has a powerful psychological effect on the little dog.

You can buy a Caucasian Shepherd puppy in one of the nurseries: http://tskaroforum.forum24.ru/?0-1

Central Asian Shepherd Dog (CAO), Alabai(Turkmen variety of SAO) has long been used to protect homes and livestock. Strong, fearless, huge, powerful, with the expressiveness of an Asian wolfhound, she commands respect and awe from strangers. The SAO is a powerful and invincible fighter against anyone who encroaches on a security facility.

Central Asians are good nannies for children, especially females. But there may be conflicts with cats and other dogs. Therefore, it is important to develop tolerance in puppies from the very beginning.

If a Caucasian is not suitable for keeping in a house or apartment, then the CAO feels good there. The fact is that this breed has an innate instinct to save energy. They were bred in harsh climates and poor nutrition. Therefore, if there is no need to go somewhere or there is any danger, these dogs lie down and sleep - an hour, half a day, a day. They also eat relatively little.

Moscow watchdog– a fairly young breed, obtained by crossing Caucasian Shepherds and St. Bernards. Distinctive features - calm, balanced, in comparison with Caucasians, hardy, but somewhat inhibited. They have less pronounced shepherd qualities and teamwork skills in a flock. Their service life is shorter than that of the Caucasian Shepherd. The Caucasian successfully fulfills his duties until he is 10-12 years old, the Moscow watchdog begins to be lazy after 7 years.

If it is better to take a bitch from a Caucasian, then in the case of a Moscow watchdog you can have both a bitch and a dog - they are equally flexible. But, like other large dog breeds, puppies need to be trained from a young age.

The owners note that this dog is an excellent guard for the home, and it is better for free guarding, and not on a chain.

Similar in size and behavior to the Moscow Watchdog spanish mastiffs. This is an ancient breed that served in the Roman Empire. In our climate, he lives quietly outside all year round. Since these dogs are short-haired, they can be taken from the dacha to a city apartment.

You can buy a Spanish Mastiff puppy, for example, in this kennel http://zoosite.ru/v2/author/elcorte/

Popular among modern summer residents, especially in elite villages, is another breed of security and herding dogsBernese Mountain Dog, bred in rural Switzerland. These dogs are not as huge as Caucasians, but they are calm, gentle, and quiet. Cheerful but unobtrusive, they get along well with all family members and children.

Sennehunds can live outdoors, but in cold weather they need a good kennel or moving indoors. Conclusion experienced breeders: this breed with an elegant color - great option for densely populated cottage communities and large families.

If for the street - with undercoat, if in the house, then smooth-haired is possible.

Shar Pei- one of ancient breeds guard, hunting, and in ancient times also fighting dogs. Made in China. The breed is easily recognizable due to its characteristic folds of skin and blue-black tongue. Loyal, independent, calm, devoted. Adult dog– distrustful of strangers.

A disadvantage of the breed is limited vision (due to deep-set eyes), which can cause the dog to be frightened by sudden movements. Shar Peis are often dominant, aggressive towards other dogs and impatient with children, so early socialization is important for them. When kept at home, Shar Peis need to be provided with good physical activity.

Shar Peis require minimal care: you just need to brush the dog regularly, removing dead hair, bathe it about once a month, and then be sure to dry it. What you should pay special attention to are the ears - they have very thin auditory canals. A Shar Pei should never wash its hair; water getting into its ears can cause serious problems not common in other dog breeds. The head of these dogs is sensitive to overheating; in the heat it is better for them not to be outside.

By the way, Shar-Peis do not like to wash themselves; teach them this procedure from an early age.

When purchasing guard and guard breed puppies, consider where and in what climate you will keep the dog. If in your area the temperature drops below -20, stop at the Alabai, German, Caucasian or East European Shepherd, Russian Black Terrier. If the climate is mild, mastiff, rottweiler, boerboel, bullmastiff are suitable.

Experienced breeders note that it is better to buy a puppy at two months. Then you can educate him from scratch, and not re-educate him.

It’s bad if the puppy grew up in a confined space - an apartment, an enclosure, and could not receive information about environment and develop normally.
Large breed puppies require special attention and care. Important for them physical exercise, constant communication, early socialization, balanced diet, training.

It is important to immediately show the new inhabitant who is boss in the house. A simple trick: if your dog is “presumptuous”, lift it by the withers (while it weighs a little :) or press it down to the floor by pressing on top. In dog language, this means one thing - “I’m in charge here, obey”! The first time your dog appears in your home, let it know that you, your property and your children are inviolable. But you should not scold your dog if it starts chewing things in the house. It’s your fault: you didn’t take into account that the puppy was teething, you didn’t find something to do for him, and you didn’t provide him with the proper physical activity.

And the last piece of advice - when buying a dog, take your time! Explore the advantages and disadvantages different breeds, consider what conditions for living and development you can provide for your pet. And, if you are planning to acquire a reliable security guard, be sure to buy a puppy from well-known nurseries, and from working parents. This will give you confidence in what you are purchasing. healthy dog with good heredity, which will cope with its responsibilities perfectly.

There are a great many dog ​​breeds. To do right choice, before going to the store or nursery, weigh all the arguments and look at the situation soberly. Decide for what purpose you need a pet. Many people believe that when purchasing an animal they can later adapt it to their own needs; this is the most common mistake.

Each breed was bred for a specific purpose. Guide, companion, nanny, hunter, guard. At the genetic level, the animal has predispositions for certain actions, and if you are looking for a dog to play with your children, then it is unlikely that fighting breed animals will be suitable for these purposes. And yet, in most cases, people acquire four-legged friends primarily for protection.

Selection criteria

So, the goal has been set, a guard is needed. Now there is another more questions. Male or female? An adult or a small puppy? What is the best breed to get? Should you do the training yourself or entrust this task to professionals?

So, is it a boy or is it a girl?

  1. Males are curious and more impressive. They often show interest outside the home. They are stronger, more active, and have a more explosive character than knots. During the period of “falling in love” they are difficult to control, as their actions become unpredictable.
  2. As a rule, only one owner is recognized; the rest of the family members are simply tolerated. Therefore, if you are looking for a guard for the whole family, think carefully, male dogs will not be everyone’s friend.
  3. Girls are more obedient and accommodating, easier to train, and have practically no interests outside the apartment or suburban area. Considering even such physiological characteristics, like a “heat”, having undergone the right training, they can fight their instincts and always remain close to the owner. All that is required of the breeder during such a delicate period is to drive away suitors while walking.

This is a general classification, but no one guarantees that this will actually happen. In addition to natural instincts, animals also have character. And sometimes he can be quite tough.

Well understanding all the risks associated with the animal’s temperament, many people ask the question: isn’t it better to take an adult animal, where at the time of purchase it will be clear what kind of character you will have to deal with?

An adult pet is essentially a ready-made guard. There is no need to monitor your baby and treat him for every existing canine disease in the world.

In general, the period "baby diapers" behind. But, if you look at it, you are a complete stranger to the animal, just as he is to you. Therefore, you can hardly count on unconditional devotion from a dog that came into your life in adulthood.

A small puppy means worries and indescribable trepidation. Without exception, all baby animals are extremely cute.

Those paws that weave as they walk, an incredibly touching cry if the baby is left alone and gets bored. Yes, undoubtedly, a small fluffy ball will bring trouble and excitement to your home, but this period passes very quickly. In a few months you will receive a sincerely devoted friend and a full-fledged member of your family. If you have children, then with the help of a little fidget you can train in them a sense of responsibility and care for the weak.

For dogs, protecting the home and family is a priority. What should you pay attention to when choosing a particular breed?

Which dogs are suitable for guarding a private house, and which ones are suitable for an apartment?

If you live in a city apartment, the following breeds are suitable for you:

Dogs for guarding country houses

For these purposes, you need to choose a dog that would be able to solve the problem not only of protecting the house, but also the territory adjacent to it.

The following breeds will ideally cope with this task:

  • Choosing a German Shepherd you can't go wrong either way. Smart, quick-witted, resilient, loyal. Even a whole gang of hooligans will not be saved from their anger, and there will be enough affection for all members of even the largest family;
  • Giant Schnauzers. They have the same qualities as German Shepherds, the only drawback is the coat that constantly requires attention;
  • Alabai. An ideal hunter and devoted friend. The breed is quite ferocious, so it needs quality training;
  • Moscow watchdog. Patient, smart, resilient.

But no matter what breed you choose and how well trained it is, most dogs cannot perform their protective duties well. And the blame for this lies largely with the owners themselves.

Common mistakes made by owners

The most common errors:

Standard everyday situation. Before opening the door, the owner locks his animal in the back room and only after that allows the guest into the room.

In a moment of danger, all she can do is bark through the keyhole. The dog's place is in the hallway. She should always be near front door. Even if you plan to go out for 5 minutes to take out the trash, always take your dog. Most attacks in city apartments occur within this short period of time.

Regarding guard breeds that guard suburban areas. A security guard must always patrol his territory! Try not to confine an animal unless absolutely necessary. Think in advance about how the dog can easily enter the house if necessary. Remember, guard animals must have complete freedom of movement, otherwise, what good are they?

And finally, in order for your pet to perform its duties efficiently and conscientiously, love and respect it. Only by earning the love of a dog will you receive not only a guard, but also a devoted friend for the whole family.

Guard dog breeds should not only be different large sizes and a terrifying appearance, but also have other important characteristics. The pet should be selected taking into account the preferences of the owner and his family, living conditions, pace of life, etc. It is important to consider that any breed of four-legged bodyguards, despite good natural characteristics, needs constant training and attention from the owner.

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    What qualities should guard dogs have?

    According to experts, all guard breeds must have a certain disposition and innate characteristics and skills, which must be slightly adjusted during training in order to obtain a real protector for the home and family. The mandatory set of a guard dog must include the following qualities:

    1. 1. Healthy psyche and balance. A large, hot-tempered dog can become a threat not only to strangers, but also to its own owners.
    2. 2. The ability to quickly navigate a situation and make decisions independently. Four-legged bodyguards must correctly assess a potential threat and decide what to do under certain circumstances without the owner’s command.
    3. 3. Good learning ability and high intellectual abilities. Guard dogs are very serious breeds that are required to undergo a special training course as soon as possible so as not to pose a potential danger to others. They must obey the owner unquestioningly and follow any commands, constantly improving their skills through exercises.
    4. 4. Physical development. A four-legged fighter must not only be of strong build without excess weight, with developed muscles, but also be able to overcome various obstacles, effortlessly snatch a toy from the owner’s hands.
    5. 5. Distrustful and wary attitude towards strangers. The dog should not show obvious aggression towards strangers. But when they approach, it is obliged to react correctly, warning the owner by barking.
    6. 6. The animal's temperament plays an important role. It affects his ability to focus on protecting the premises and the ability to fight back. A dog that is too sociable or affectionate will make a wonderful companion, but will not effectively guard the territory.

    It is important to note another necessary quality for a bodyguard dog - goodwill towards the owner and his family, especially children. An outdoor dog must switch from rage to calm behavior in a timely manner and respond adequately to small residents who may unintentionally cross the boundaries of his personal space. Also, a puppy that is afraid or does not make contact with people is not suitable as a guard.

    A security guard with all of the above characteristics will become an ideal friend and watchman. But even purebred representatives of breeds with a pedigree cannot always boast of them.

    The best breeds to protect homes and people

    Before getting a guard dog for a private home, you need to understand that not every breed is suitable for performing these functions. Experts are guided by the following criteria:

    1. 1. Features of the hairline. The coat of a dog intended to live in the yard must be dense and two-layered and consist not only of guard hair, but also of thick undercoat. The fur coat should provide protection for the pet from low temperatures, cold winds, heavy rainfall and heat to avoid overheating in the summer.
    2. 2. Features of the grip. The pressure from the jaws of the four-legged bodyguard should be sufficient to not only catch, but also hold the attacker for some time.
    3. 3. Dimensions. Representatives of large breeds have a number of advantages. They are capable of destroying the plans of ill-wishers with their terrifying appearance.
    4. 4. Unpretentiousness, endurance and excellent health. Street watchmen should not require constant care and should not have serious illnesses.
    5. 5. Indifferent attitude towards other animals. Country houses often contain livestock and poultry. It is important that the dog shows affection towards domestic animals tolerant attitude and didn't attack her.
    6. 6. Self-sufficiency. A dog who lives most of his life in the yard must be prepared to spend time completely alone. At the same time, he should not have a feeling of discomfort or anxiety.

    A person’s home in the city, especially in disadvantaged areas, is no less than Vacation home, may be subject to looting. Choosing a guard breed to protect an apartment is not so easy. The following rules will help you navigate your choice:

    1. 1. In a metropolitan area, breeds with short hair and no undercoat should be adopted.
    2. 2. The dog should not be too large. Otherwise, she will feel uncomfortable in a confined space.
    3. 3. The pet should not be too active. Restless dogs can damage furniture and other interior items, and also require constant walking, which can cause difficulties for the owner.

    For a private home

    The breeds listed in the table are suitable for protecting a country house.

    Type nameShort descriptionPhoto
    German Shepherd

    A universal breed, adapted for guarding, searching, patrolling, escorting, etc. It has a number of significant advantages over other guard breeds:

    • It is of medium size and has a developed muscle corset. The average weight ranges from 22 to 40 kg, height - from 55 to 66 cm.
    • The jaws of Germans are powerful, developed and provide a good grip.
    • The coat is dense with moderate undercoat. It is not advisable for representatives of this breed to stay outside in severe frosts. They either need to be allowed into the house at night, or they need to be equipped with an insulated and spacious enclosure.
    • These dogs are distinguished by their extraordinary intelligence, are easy to train and remember even very complex commands for a long time.
    • They are good with children and effectively protect their owners.

    When purchasing a German Shepherd, you need to take into account that they are very active and require increased physical activity.

    East European Shepherd

    This is a kind of analogue of German shepherds, they are also universal service dogs.The breed is characterized by the following qualities:

    • Large sizes. The height of adult individuals varies from 62 to 76 cm, and weight reaches 60 kg. The physique is muscular.
    • The coat is dense and of medium length, the guard hair is even, hard and close to the body. The undercoat is thick and felt-like.
    • They have a sharp mind, learn effectively, are loyal and good attitude to all family members, including the child.
    • Fearless, they carry out protection functions well.

    Caucasian Shepherd Dog

    According to many experts, this is one of the best guard breeds. Its arsenal of qualities includes:

    • Big sizes. Weight adult reaches 50 kg and above, height at withers - 70 cm.
    • Dense coat with thick undercoat. This coat allows these dogs to survive even in the harshest conditions.
    • High level of intelligence. Has incredible mental abilities and can make decisions independently difficult situations. When there is danger, they do not show external signs aggression, but attack without warning.
    • Courage and bravery. In the event of a threat, it will protect the owner to the last.
    • Devotion. Despite their independent disposition, they treat their owner and his family very well.
    • They are wary of strangers and constantly monitor their assigned territory.
    • They respond well to training. But classes should start as early as possible.

    It is important to note that representatives of the breed are very active, so they need a free enclosure and regular physical activity.

    South Russian Shepherd

    This breed is used to guard military installations. Has the following properties:

    • Large sizes. The height of adult individuals can reach 72 cm and weight exceed 50 kg.
    • Powerful and well-developed jaws that provide a secure grip.
    • The coat is fluffy and thick with a well-defined undercoat.
    • The four-legged fighter is fearless and resilient, and is distinguished by an extreme degree of aggression when angry.
    • The dog is independent, proactive and needs strict training.

    Moscow watchdog

    Powerful representatives of four-legged animals are an excellent option for protecting a country house and local area. They have the following necessary qualities:

    • The dogs are distinguished by their impressive size; the height of the animals at the withers can reach 69 cm, and the weight can reach up to 70 kg.
    • Dense wool provides them comfortable accommodation even in harsh climates.
    • They are fearless and will never retreat in the face of danger, protecting their owner and his property to the last.
    • These dogs have a fairly balanced character, and with proper upbringing they will become not only excellent bodyguards, but also true friends for all family members.

    It should also be taken into account that these dogs need a lot of free space. When chained, they can become aggressive and withdrawn. This variety is suitable for people who are willing to devote significant time to training the dog.

    Central Asian Shepherd (Alabai)

    The oldest variety of four-legged friends is distinguished by the following protective characteristics:

    • Large dimensions. The height of an adult reaches 70 cm at the withers, and weight reaches 63 kg. It has a large athletic build and powerful jaws, which allows it to effectively guard its possessions.
    • Abundant hairline with a thick and dense undercoat. The coat is close-lying and reaches a length of 10 cm.
    • They are distinguished by loyalty, devotion and reliability. They get along well with all family members and are ready to protect them to the last.
    • They are aggressive towards strange dogs and warn strangers of their presence with a loud growl.

    It is important to note that this breed needs strict training, otherwise its representatives may feel superior to humans, this will lead to certain problems

    Black Russian Terrier

    This breed was bred specifically for official purposes, so its protective qualities are formed at the genetic level. It has the following properties:

    • Large, athletic and powerful build. Males reach 76 cm at the withers, females - 72 cm, and weight varies from 50 to 60 kg.
    • The coat is two-layered, coarse, with long guard hairs and soft undercoat. Provides comfortable living in any weather conditions.
    • They get along well in the same area with cats and other dogs.
    • They have quick reactions, are observant and courageous.
    • They are distinguished by loyalty and quick learning.
    • They are very suspicious of strangers, but with the proper level of socialization and training they will not create problems.

    Those wishing to have such a pet should know that representatives of this species need a strict and patient owner who is able to show not only strength of character, but also care and love towards their dog.

    Tibetan mastiff

    This rare, ancient variety originally originated in the Himalayan mountains. It was intended to protect Tibetan monks, shepherds and nomadic tribes. Breed characteristics:

    • The dog has impressive dimensions and well-developed muscles. Their height reaches 66 cm and above, and the average weight is 60 kg.
    • The dog has a double coat with a large undercoat, which closes at the neck and forms a mane reminiscent of a lion's.
    • She has a high level of intelligence and is quick-witted.
    • While guarding the house, she is constantly on guard and notifies of the approach of strangers with a guttural bark.

    In addition to advantages, representatives of this variety also have disadvantages. Mastiffs are stubborn and often defend their independence, which can complicate the training process and make the dog uncontrollable.

    For apartment

    The types of dogs for guarding urban homes are shown in the table.

    Breed nameShort descriptionPhoto
    Cane Corso (Italian Mastiff)This variety is quite large and reaches 70 cm at the withers, and the weight of adult dogs can exceed 50 kg. Capable of becoming an ideal protector not only for an apartment, but also for a dacha. She shows aggression only in dangerous situations, the rest of the time she is a loyal and reliable companion. Feels comfortable in a spacious enclosure or apartment and needs regular walking. Animals must be trained from early childhood to ensure complete obedience and tolerance of their owners, especially small children.
    DobermanThey are distinguished by their large sizes, height reaches 72 cm, and weight - 5 kg. They have short, smooth hair and thrive in urban environments. Dogs of this species are moderately aggressive, have a stable psyche and good protective qualities. In dangerous situations, they immediately run to the owner’s aid and are capable of giving their lives for him. They will become excellent bodyguards with the proper level of training and physical activity.
    RottweilerThis breed is fierce and fearless, and therefore ideally suited for protection. Their height reaches 68 cm, and their weight reaches 50 kg. They are distinguished by good adaptation, are well socialized, but at the same time they need intensive training. They will not show aggression just like that, but will use all their protective functions only in case of serious danger. They are loyal to children, but still not recommended for living with them
    BoerboelThese large dogs with a body weight of up to 90 kg and a height of up to 66 cm, they were simply born to protect a person and his property. They have lightning-fast reactions and are able to pursue an attacker to the last. Representatives of this breed do not have excessive bitterness and unmotivated aggression. They are loyal to people, including children, and animals, so they can be kept in the same area as other pets. Nevertheless, they have an independent disposition and are prone to dominance, therefore they need high-quality training and an owner-leader.
    German boxerIn a large family with children, it is advisable to have this breed, since its representatives are very supportive of children and are ready to play with them tirelessly. Their height at the withers does not exceed 63 cm, and their weight is 30 kg. These dogs are physically well developed, active, intelligent, and highly trainable. Their powerful jaws provide a reliable grip on the enemy, so they are perfect for defense

    Which dogs should not be chosen as guard dogs?

    RescuersThese include St. Bernard or Newfoundland. These dogs have a good-natured disposition and are determined to help people, which is why they do not have security functions.
    Hunting dogsThese include, for example, the Australian Greyhound, Alaskan Malamute, etc. These breeds mainly have a predominant hunting instinct for other animals and birds, but they are too loyal to humans
    CompanionsThese include Labrador, collie, etc. They have too calm a temperament and react poorly to strangers
    Fighting breedsDogs such as bulldogs or bull terriers can be kept as guard dogs, but with some restrictions. They require serious training and do not like confined spaces (kennels, enclosures). When tied they become aggressive and uncontrollable
    Sled dogsHuskies, huskies and similar small breeds can control their assigned territory. But they tend to work in groups, so they cannot cope with security functions alone.
    Sporting breedsSpaniels, setters, etc. have good endurance and are physically developed, but are completely unsuited for protecting a person and his property. These species do not divide people into “friends” and “strangers”, but perceive everyone as “players”.

    Features of watchman training

    Whatever breed of dog is chosen as a guard, it is necessary to devote enough time and effort to training it. In order for an animal to unquestioningly carry out the owner’s commands and be effective in protection, it must undergo special courses in obedience and protection.

    When raising a bodyguard dog, it is advisable to follow the following rules:

    • Communication with strangers should be excluded completely or partially. This will instill in the dog distrust and wariness towards strangers.
    • Security guards require daily walks and activities in unfamiliar places. This way they will be better able to navigate different situations and make the right decisions on your own. In addition, the dog needs to be able to attack the attacker correctly: reduce the speed while running or increase it depending on the actions of the ill-wisher. And this can only be achieved through constant exercise.
    • Important with childhood suppress leadership skills a dog and his desire to dominate a person. You can only let your dog win games for up to six months, otherwise the desire to overcome the owner may develop into more late age into inappropriate behavior and unreasonable aggression.

    In order for your dog to effectively perform the functions of a bodyguard, it is important to consider the following recommendations for its maintenance:

    • The animal should not constantly be in a confined space (kennel, enclosure), or on a leash, as this will lead to degradation. He should be given a place to play, walked regularly and given adequate exercise.
    • The booth and enclosure should be quite spacious and maximally insulated. The pet should be able to lie in it freely and turn gray.
    • A guard dog must be socialized. The animal needs at least minimal contact with people. But she should not listen to other people and take food from their hands.
    • It is necessary to ensure the dog's obedience not only in the house or in the local area, but also outside it. Otherwise, she will be able to show causeless aggression in unfamiliar places.
    • The dog needs to be provided with a nutritious diet. An animal that eats monotonous food will lose all interest in protecting its home.
    • You need to carefully monitor your pet's health. Constant exposure to outdoor conditions can negatively affect the pet’s condition and cause colds and skin diseases.

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