Home Pulpitis Why do children cry when they want to sleep? Baby's Sleep: It's Normal for Your Baby to Cry Before Sleeping

Why do children cry when they want to sleep? Baby's Sleep: It's Normal for Your Baby to Cry Before Sleeping

Many fathers and mothers are faced with the fact that the child cries before bed. This phenomenon is especially common in babies under one year of age. The saddest thing is that no matter how hard adults try, they cannot cope with the problem. Even rocking and humming lullabies do not help.

At this moment, parents have a question: “What is the reason for the baby’s restless sleep?” Further in the article we will reveal all the secrets of why newborns have trouble falling asleep, and also suggest ways to improve the situation.

Peculiarities of baby sleep: why a baby may cry

Sleep is the most important physiological process in the life of a newborn. For small organism Every day you live is a real test. Baby gets a lot new information, which the brain does not have time to assimilate.

That is why daytime and night sleep so important for babies. Moms and dads should expect that during the first month the baby will only sleep and eat. The period of wakefulness lasts from 5 to 20 minutes, gradually increasing over time.

The baby’s nervous system is designed in such a way that before and during sleep he can behave quite restlessly. There is often intense crying and hysteria.

If a child yells or screams before going to bed, you need to seek advice from a specialist. This must be done in the following cases:

  • hysterics are constant;
  • the baby is not gaining weight well;
  • during strong crying, the baby's lips turn blue, tremors of the limbs and chin are noticeable;
  • no appetite;
  • The baby burps frequently and profusely.

Experts have proven that about 30% of children cry before going to bed without visible reasons. Their nervous system simply cannot withstand the overstrain. In these cases, it is important for parents to properly organize the process of the baby going to bed.

Psychological reasons for a newborn's tantrum before bed

Surely every parent has encountered the fact that before a night or daytime sleep, the baby cries and becomes capricious. There are many reasons for this, but in most cases, they are all related to psychological issues.

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Adults should not forget that the nervous system of babies is not yet sufficiently developed. Throughout the day, they receive a lot of new information, which they cannot always cope with. This is why daytime naps for children under 3 years of age are so important and beneficial. It helps the little ones gain strength, relax, and unwind.

In the evening, parents should properly prepare their children for bed, finish active games on time, and remember to do water procedures that relax and calm children.

How to deal with psychological reasons babies before bed? First of all, you need to find out why they occur, and then look for solutions.

Nervous tension and excitability of the baby

Crying before bedtime in children under one year of age is common. The whole point is that the body cannot cope with the load. This is why 70% of babies begin to cry hysterically before going to bed.

Do not despair; over time, the baby’s nervous system will get used to the stress, and such hysterics will no longer occur.

Failure to comply with daily routine

The key to successful sleep in infants is maintaining a proper daily routine. Many parents, seeing that their child is playing and is not going to go to bed, make a huge mistake by allowing the baby to extend the time of physical activity.

Until one year of age, children's bodies work like clockwork. If your baby gets too playful and misses his nap, expect hysterics, sobs and whims. At this age, parents should develop a clear daily routine.

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Going to bed must be accompanied by the following mandatory actions:

  • taking baths;
  • singing a lullaby;
  • slight motion sickness.

These steps will help you avoid constant crying and tantrums before bed.


Many babies may cry because they are afraid of losing their mother. For newborns, the fact that their mother is nearby is very important. That is why experts insist that in the first months it is better to rock babies in your arms so that they feel warmth, care and affection.

There is no need to sleep on your arms. This can lead to health problems. After rocking the baby to sleep, you need to mandatory put in the playpen. It is very important to teach children to sleep on their own from childhood. Thus, parents will be able to avoid a lot of problems in the future.

If your baby throws a tantrum, don’t leave him alone in the crib, be sure to pick him up and show him that mom is always there and ready to help.

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Nightmares and fear of the dark

Scientists have proven that children dream from birth. They are not always kind and good. If your baby has a nightmare, be prepared for the fact that over the next few days he will have difficulty falling asleep, whimpering constantly.

What is the way out of the situation? For a while, it is better to have the baby sleep next to you. Co-sleeping brings together, calms, aligns psycho emotional condition children.

Another cause of anxiety is fear of the dark. The baby does not yet distinguish between the concepts of day and night, so he gets scared when he cannot see his mother in the dark.

IN Lately Many special night lights for newborns have appeared. All of them are made in such a way as not to have Negative influence on nervous system baby, giving him the opportunity to relax and fall asleep soundly.

Physiological reasons for crying before falling asleep

A child may cry a lot before going to bed due to physiological processes that occur in the body. The most common among them are the following.


Quite a painful phenomenon. This is especially true for the first teeth. The baby is not yet familiar with the process, so he is wary of it.

Be sure to help your child during this period. A good option– special ointments and gels that are applied to the gums.

Month-old babies cannot have such problems. As a rule, the first teeth begin to bother you at 5-6 months.


Tearfulness can also be caused by colic. During this process, intestinal bloating, flatulence, sharp pains in the abdominal area.

The situation is complicated by the fact that colic usually occurs after eating, just at the time when the baby is put to bed. Massages and taking special bacteria can help.

Colic begins in one-month-old babies. Lasts no more than 2-3 months.

How to help a fussy baby sleep

Daily bedtime tantrums exhaust many parents. They begin to look forward to this process with horror. To improve the situation a little, you need to know how you can help your child.

Satisfy physiological needs

Babies often cry because they feel discomfort. So, what do parents need to do for their baby before bed:

  • put on a dry diaper;
  • ventilate the room so that the temperature is comfortable;
  • put on a comfortable bodysuit or pajamas made from natural fabrics;
  • cover with a blanket if the room is cold;
  • feed.

If the crying continues, check your baby's gums to see if they are swollen and getting ready for teeth to appear. In this case, lubricate them with a special cooling gel.

Treatment of diseases

If the crying is regular and no measures to eliminate it help, you should contact your pediatrician. The doctor must refer the baby for examination to specialists (neurologist, ENT, surgeon, ophthalmologist).

If abnormalities are detected, it is necessary to undergo treatment to eliminate health problems.

Herbal baths

In villages and hamlets they still believe in the magical effects of herbs. They treat serious illnesses.

Herbs, however, can help calm the baby. To do this, before going to bed, you need to bathe him in a baby bath with the addition of decoctions of chamomile, calendula, mint, and oak bark.

The herbs penetrate the body through the pores, calm the nervous system, and relax.

Use of sedatives

For children under one year of age, any prescription of medications should only be made by a doctor. Otherwise, it may result in intoxication and poisoning.

If the neurologist sees any abnormalities, he may prescribe homeopathic remedies according to the “Glycine” type.

Self-give sedatives for the child it is forbidden. Such actions by parents can lead to dire consequences.

What rules will help you fall asleep without hysterics and crying?

It's not easy enough for parents to cope with a newborn. The situation is aggravated when the baby throws hysterics before each bedtime. The following recommendations will help resolve the problem:

  1. Strictly follow your daily routine.
  2. 30 minutes before bedtime, remove all active toys, no physical exercise It shouldn't happen at this time either.
  3. Remember to bathe your child in warm (not hot) water. You can add soothing herbs. This procedure is best done in the evening.
  4. Prepare your sleeping place. Bed linen should be soft.
  5. Turn on the night light if your baby is afraid to fall asleep in the dark.
  6. During nap Don't forget to close the curtains to prevent the sun from shining on your child.
  7. Create silence; there should be no loud sounds that would distract the little one.

Sleep is very important for children. At this time, the baby grows, his immunity is strengthened, his muscles relax, and his nervous system is restored. Children under one year old may cry and scream before going to bed. There are quite a few reasons for this. They were written about in detail in today's article.

If your baby is naughty, you first need to reconsider his daily routine and nutrition. Children who sleep too much during the day have trouble falling asleep. Perhaps the baby has a tummy ache, is cutting a tooth, is cold or, conversely, is very hot.

If we are talking about an older baby, perhaps he is capricious before bed due to constant quarrels between his parents. The atmosphere in the house should be favorable. Also, crying can serve as a way for a child to unload emotionally if adults:

They demand too much from him (his day consists of constant nagging, following the orders of all the relatives living with the baby);
- on the contrary, they do not demand anything from the baby, and by crying he attracts attention to himself (thus, the lack of this same attention leads to excessive stress on the baby’s nervous system).

Ways to calm your baby before bed

The newborn will calm down only after you find the reason why he cannot sleep and is capricious. Carefully examine the baby to see if there is any diaper rash on his body. In this case, baby powder will help. Feel your tummy. If it is swollen, massage it and give it to your baby. necessary medications. Often in this case, dill water and activated charcoal help a lot.

Ventilate the room, see how many degrees there are in the room, perhaps the child is cold or hot. Calm the baby by speaking kind words to him, but do not get irritated under any circumstances. So, the child will feel your emotional state and will cry even louder.

Remember how much time your baby slept during the day. There should be at least four hours between daytime sleep and nighttime sleep. If you try to put your baby to bed earlier, you naturally won’t succeed. Why? Because the baby simply does not want to sleep and prevents this in every possible way.

For an older child, the daily routine is also important. The baby should be put to bed at a strictly defined time. For example, if every day the baby goes to bed at nine o'clock in the evening, he will not be able to fall asleep an hour earlier. Or, conversely, the baby will never go to the kingdom of Morpheus in an hour, as he will simply be overexcited. Even if the child throws a tantrum, do not yell at him or intimidate him under any circumstances. The main thing here is a positive attitude on your part, a smile on your face. This is the only way to calm the baby down, and for him, in turn, to fall asleep sound sleep.

From the very beginning life path the little man fills the world with his cry. More for a long time Crying is a way for him to communicate to adults about his experiences. With age, the ability to cry gradually fades away.

baby crying

The baby will never scream just like that. There is always a good reason for his crying. He still cannot express his feelings in words, talk about his inconveniences and pain. If so, find the reason.

One of the most common causes of infant crying is pain and colic in the tummy. The body is just beginning to adapt to the nutrition it receives through mother's milk or artificial feeding. Each product is tested by the body. Some of them have a negative reaction – indigestion. As a result, the baby cries.

A child may cry when he is not comfortable. He may need to change his diaper or diaper. Dampness quickly leads to irritation of delicate baby skin, which causes discomfort for the baby.

Crying can also be caused by hunger. The child grows quickly and needs more and more energy. Despite the feeding schedule, the baby may become hungry between meals.

If you are following a feeding schedule, give your baby water. Perhaps he is thirsty.

If your baby is crying in his crib, check his bed. Stray diapers and blankets can interfere with him. By crying, he makes it clear that he is uncomfortable. In addition, the child may be bored - by crying he demands attention. The presence of the mother or other close people gives the child a feeling of security and calm.

Children's whims

As a child grows, crying remains one of the means of communicating his desires. This largely depends on the parent's style of raising the child. With a permissive parenting style, the child attracts the attention of the parents with his whims. With their help, he achieves what he needs.

When adults show hyperprotection over a child, he gets used to the fact that all his wishes are fulfilled immediately. In the future, at the slightest delay or refusal to fulfill the requirement, the child begins to be capricious. For him, prompt fulfillment of requests is already the norm. He perceives refusal as a break in habits, to which he reacts with irritation and roaring.

Children's whims can also indicate fatigue. A child may get tired without realizing it, for example, when he gets too busy playing. Capricious behavior and lethargy indicate that it is time for him to rest.

Don't take your irritation out on your child. Take his position - this will help you understand your baby. His affairs and fortunes are as important as yours.

Ailments can also cause children's whims. When they appear, pay attention to the child’s condition and measure body temperature. Whims can indicate the onset of an illness.

A child has a tantrum before going to bed - this fact cannot please any parent, but difficulties with going to bed is a problem that almost every family faces. Why does a child cry or even scream before going to bed? Some parents think that their children simply need this in order to fall asleep. (“No matter what you do, he still cries.”) Is this so, and how to calm a child before bed?

Why is my child fussy before bed?

If we are talking about a very small baby, pay attention to his daily routine, his nutrition, and health. A baby who sleeps too long during the day may have trouble falling asleep. In addition, he may have a tummy ache, he may be too hot or, on the contrary, too cold.

For older people important role plays a role in the general atmosphere in the house, the relationship between parents, and the attitude of parents towards the child. Indeed, while crying, a child can provide himself with emotional relief if the parents:

  • they demand too much from their child (so the baby’s day consists of sequentially following the orders of mom, dad, grandparents);
  • on the contrary, they do not demand anything from the baby. You need to know that being “spoiled” often does not lead to meeting the baby’s needs (and calming him down), but, on the contrary, to excessive stress on their nervous system. A child always needs boundaries.

How to calm your child before bed?

If we are talking about a newborn, first of all, it is necessary to eliminate the cause. Check the condition of the diaper, massage the tummy, ventilate the room well, and humidify the room. Talk to your child in a calm voice, do not get annoyed by his whims. Analyze how long your child slept during the day and how much time has passed since then. Gap between Day and night sleep should be 4 hours; if you try to put your baby to bed earlier, you are unlikely to succeed.

For an older child, the issue of regime is also important, however, in a slightly different sense. Grown-up children should be made to understand that no matter how they behave before bed, no matter how they demand to play and jump, when their parents say it’s time to go to bed, they should obey them. In order for the child to fall asleep alone, promise him that if he copes with his task, then after sleep he will receive the desired toy, a book, you will go where the baby has long wanted to go. But the request must be fulfilled, otherwise next time your arguments may not work. Do not shout or intimidate your child under any circumstances, since a positive attitude is important just before bedtime. great value for the development of the child's personality.

Your baby, your little happiness, before going to bed for the night, turns into a scandalous monster that simply drives parents crazy with its crying. And these are not empty whims! Most likely, your baby tells everyone around him about his problem.

Obvious problems include colic, teeth, colds and other diseases. In this case, you should pay attention to the health of the baby. But if the child is healthy, then the cause of the evening whims should be found in overwork. For babies aged 4 months and up to 6 years, the optimal time to start night sleep is from 18.00 to 20.00. Most parents adjust their child's daily routine to fit their own routine or established stereotypes, and as a result, they cannot understand why the child cries before bed. As a child, my parents always had a bedtime at 21.00, so they try to put their little one to bed at this time. But The biological clock Children work completely differently than we sometimes want. Early bedtime promotes quality sleep and prevents overwork, and therefore moodiness.

Often, problems with lying down occur in those children who previously suffered from colic. Such babies feel comfortable and sleep well only next to their mother, but now the mother goes to bed much later than the child needs! As a result, the baby cannot fall asleep without a guarantor of his peace of mind and becomes overtired.

Also, working parents who come home late at night often experience their child’s whims before bed. Mom and dad simply don’t have time to play with the baby and carry out all the necessary rituals before bed. As a result, he goes to bed late, gets overtired, and releases accumulated stress hormones by crying and screaming. In this case, it is better for parents to put the baby to bed early and postpone communication until the morning. This way, your baby’s sleep will not be disturbed, and you will get real pleasure from communicating with a well-rested baby.

It will be easy for you to notice the symptoms of fatigue in your toddler: rubbing eyes, hairs, yawning, less interest in games and the world around him. If you see such signals, and the time on the clock is already 18.00, then it’s time to get ready for bed. To help you fall asleep peacefully, create and perform a sleep ritual every evening that will put your baby in the right mood. A ritual means a certain sequence of simple actions that will calm the baby. This could be a massage, bathing, reading a book, a lullaby or something else. Be sure to create conditions for your baby to fall asleep: darken the room, create silence. If you pay attention to your baby's signs of fatigue and respond to them in a timely manner, he will fall asleep without tears or whims.

If your child cries a lot before going to bed, if the baby does not get enough sleep, sleeps insufficiently or poorly, then do not refuse professional help. Olga Snegovskaya is a well-known consultant on children's sleep, who will certainly help you cope with the problem that has arisen.
Contact details: phone +7 903 0117303, e-mail [email protected]

On average, about 30 percent of young children suffer from sleep disorders, pediatricians say. What does this mean? First of all, the baby cries a lot just before going to bed, he has difficulty falling asleep, often starts and wakes up. Children can cry the most various reasons and the main task of parents is to accurately establish them in order to know how to act correctly.

Why does a child cry before going to bed, how to calm him down and what should you pay attention to? We’ll talk about this and more in this article.

Key reasons

In fact, restless behavior and crying at night can be caused by many factors. As a rule, this behavior occurs in children under one year of age and is most often associated with physiological reasons.

The first thing you should pay attention to is possible colic. They annoy newborns very often. During attacks, the child unconsciously presses his knees to his stomach to eliminate unpleasant and painful sensations. You can calm him down by placing him on your stomach. A heating pad helps a lot.

If this does not work, please note medications, for example, to "Espumizan" or "Plantex". They quickly eliminate excessive gas formation and help the child fall asleep as quickly as possible. Besides, good remedy Fennel tea is considered to cure colic.

Second common physiological reason- teething. If you notice that your baby cries after and just before bedtime, he may be teething. At the same time, the gums actively swell and become inflamed, causing a lot of unpleasant and downright painful sensations.

How to help relieve pain and relieve your baby from discomfort? We recommend purchasing one of the pain-relieving dental gels from the pharmacy. It quickly relieves pain and helps the child fall asleep faster.

In addition, children may cry before bed for other reasons:

How to help?

To help your child fall asleep, check if he is cold. Perhaps you should change the diaper or change a position that is not entirely comfortable for him, which makes it difficult to fall asleep. Dressing children in looser clothes can often solve the problem.

In short, first make sure that crying is not associated with satisfaction physiological needs crumbs.

The reasons for a child's crying before bed are not always so harmless. When should you see a doctor? We recommend making an appointment with your pediatrician if your child:

  • does not calm down for a very long time;
  • constantly wakes up at night;
  • screams at night;
  • shudders when falling asleep;
  • if his chin trembles from time to time.

You should act immediately if children twitch in their sleep, sob and wake up, but at the same time eat well, are not overstressed and are not overloaded with information. High probability initial stage rickets is a dangerous childhood disease.

Please note the accompanying clinical symptoms that accompany this illness:

  • sudden fearfulness;
  • disruption of biological rhythms;
  • lethargy and lethargy;
  • excessive sweating;
  • unpleasant smell of sweat;
  • irritability and moodiness;
  • itching and redness of the skin;
  • constipation, diarrhea and so on.

A little more about the mode

If your child goes to bed every day different time, it is absolutely not surprising that he screams and is nervous, and it is difficult to fall asleep. What does correct mode mean? In addition to sleep, the child’s dosed acquisition of information is of great importance. In other words, parents need to protect him from any emotional shocks that could harm his nervous system.

In addition, it is extremely important to organize nutritious regular meals at the same time (but this does not apply to infants, they should eat when they are hungry).

Work on creating a good bedtime routine. For example, you can try relaxing baths with the addition of medicinal herbs - sage, lemon balm, chamomile and so on.

Without correct mode All hyperactive children with high excitability cannot do without it. IN in this case Often the regime is the only correct option of all possible. Form the right associations with sleep in children.

You can create a certain sequence of actions that will help your baby calm down. Here is one possible scheme:

  • A calm game with concentration training (about 15 minutes).
  • Relaxing bath.
  • Lullaby song.
  • Turning on the night light in the children's room.
  • Falling asleep.
  • Healthy and deep sleep.

Fine known to the child the algorithm of habitual actions makes him calmer, gives him a feeling of protection and safety. As a result, the body absolutely naturally begins to fall asleep without additional effort on the part of the parents./p>

It is better to refuse to have guests at evening time, avoid if possible active games and sudden emotional outbursts. In addition, it is not advisable for children to watch TV or play computer games before going to bed.

Let's sum it up

For young children, crying is a normal reflex reaction to a stimulus. If babies do not yet know how to talk, then they communicate their needs by crying, screaming and whims. This should be a signal for parents.

Do not forget that in some cases an appointment with a pediatrician is required, especially if crying before bed is a regular phenomenon and difficult to eliminate. Most likely, the pediatrician will refer you to a neurologist and other specialists.

Difficulty falling asleep, poor quality of night sleep - with these and similar problems It is very difficult to cope effectively on your own.

Don't forget that for young children, sleep is just as important as good nutrition. So make sure your little ones always try to go to bed at the same time every day and sleep soundly. This is a guarantee wellness and proper development.

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