Home Coated tongue Heptral for dogs latest reviews from veterinarians and doctors. Healthy liver in a dog with heptral prophylaxis

Heptral for dogs latest reviews from veterinarians and doctors. Healthy liver in a dog with heptral prophylaxis


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The drug Heptral was developed for the treatment of humans. But carried out clinical researches showed the possibility of using the drug in animals, in particular dogs. The use of heptral as a prophylactic agent allows one to successfully cope with liver infection by toxic substances. The medicine is used for the main treatment of the disease

General description of the product

Heptral release form - porous whitish powder (lyophilisate)
This is the basis for the manufacture of solutions and tablets. Solutions are used for preparing injections, and tablets are used for oral administration. The tablets have a special coating that easily dissolves in the intestines. Concentration useful substances makes up 5% of the total mass. For this reason, dogs are predominantly treated with injection therapy.

High-quality porous composition is packaged in bottles. The color of the mass is white or light yellow. Any inclusions or foreign impurities are unacceptable. The bottle comes complete with ampoules of purified water, sodium chloride and L-lysine. Mix before use.

Properties and characteristics

The main drug in Heptral is ademetionine. It belongs to the group of hepatoprotectors and has high antidepressant activity. The area of ​​influence is wide, from choleretic to cholekinetic. Has the following properties:

  • detoxifying;
  • regenerating;
  • antioxidant;
  • antifibrosing;
  • neuroprotective.

Regular (as prescribed by a doctor) use allows you to cope with the most complex liver diseases, reducing pain syndrome and leading to partial regeneration of cartilaginous formations.

To maintain effectiveness, the medicine should be stored correctly. Optimal temperature + 15 + 25 degrees.
If a change in the color of the leophilisate is noticed, the use of the medicine should be discontinued.

Operating principle

The drug contains the active component ademetionine. Regular use (as recommended by a veterinarian) allows you to achieve the following results:

  • removal of toxins from the liver and heavy metals;
  • improvement, activation of the process of tissue regeneration;
  • normalization, stimulation of metabolic processes;
  • increasing the efficiency of liver functioning;
  • increased bile production.

The principle of direct impact on the dog’s body:

After entering the body, heptral stimulates the activation of metabolic processes. At the same time, substances are produced that help form new liver cells. Accelerated synthesis makes it possible to compensate for the deficiency of cells affected by toxic components.

Ademetionine also affects many metabolic processes in the animal’s body, helps improve the composition of blood and urine.

Reducing toxicity in cells due to the synthesis of new cells, improving the production of bile and its flow into the gastrointestinal tract is the main advantage of the medicine.

Treatment of dogs with heptral allows for effective treatment the following diseases:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • hepatitis and various shapes its manifestations;
  • hepatic encephalopathy;
  • fatty liver.

The effectiveness of the drug in the fight against bile stagnation (cholestasis) has been proven. The product is equally effective in treating acute illness or the course of the disease in chronic form.

How to use the medicine correctly

First, the drug is prescribed by a veterinarian.

Before this, a study is carried out, blood and urine tests, and an ultrasound of the liver. The doctor also determines the duration and dosage.

The general rule is no more than 10 mg of the product per 10 kg of animal weight. If the disease is more complex, the doctor may increase the dosage. You cannot make such decisions on your own!

Injection – The best way therapy, but tablets can only be used as a maintenance course of treatment and prevention. The reason is the low concentration of the main substance. If treatment with tablets is prescribed, they must be directed entirely into the pet’s stomach, without crushing them into powder.

Injections are performed in the following sequence:

  1. open the ampoule;
  2. draw liquid into the syringe;
  3. inject the solvent inside the bottle with the lyophilisate;
  4. shake;
  5. fill the syringe and inject.

Are there any contraindications

Veterinarians are convinced that Heptral is a completely safe drug. It is forbidden to take it only in case of individual intolerance. It is also not recommended during pregnancy. In other cases, no restrictions are set.

Animals may react differently to the drug.

Main symptoms of intolerance:

Pros and cons of the drug

Heptral has many advantages. The main one is the ability to completely restore damaged liver cells and tissues, effectively influence the functioning of the organ, and also improve the functions of the gallbladder. The medicine is safe, under one condition - to take it, and to determine the dosage only taking into account the recommendations of a veterinarian.

The product has no disadvantages. You can buy the medicine at any pharmacy, the price is quite high (and this is the only conditional minus)

Are there any effective analogs?

Expensive Heptral can be replaced with more affordable drugs:

  • Heptor;
  • Phosphogliv;
  • Essentiale;
  • Rezalut PRO;
  • Maksar and others.


Care for your pet's health must be taken constantly. Use Heptral if necessary for liver treatment. The drug has proven its effectiveness. Recommendations from a veterinarian before a course of treatment or maintenance therapy are required!

Heptral is a medicine used for dogs for intoxication and liver diseases. The medicine was created for people, but has also been successfully used to treat animals. A safe medicine that is highly effective. Can be used for monotherapy (treatment with one drug) or combined with other drugs.

Heptral is produced in the form of a lyophilisate (porous powder), which is used for the preparation injection solution, and tablets. Small oval tablets have an enteric coating. Externally, the tablets have White color, sometimes there is a yellowish tint. Bioavailability, or in other words, the digestibility of the active components in tablets is only 5%, so they are used extremely rarely for animals. Sometimes they are used as maintenance therapy for chronic pathologies.

Lyophilized porous mass of white or yellow-white color is packaged in glass bottles. The lyophilisate must be free of inclusions or foreign impurities. The concentration of the active substance in one bottle is 400 mg. The lyophilisate is sold complete with a solvent packaged in glass ampoules. Each ampoule contains 5 ml of liquid, which consists of purified water, sodium chloride and L-lysine. The solvent with the porous mass should be mixed before injection.

Note! All dosage forms hepatoprotector should be stored at a temperature of 15 to 25 degrees Celsius. If the lyophilisate has changed its color, the use of the medicine should be discontinued.

Operating principle

The active component in Heptral is a substance called adeomethionine. Thanks to him, the drug has the following effect on the body:

  • helps get rid of toxins and heavy metals;
  • improves tissue regeneration;
  • stimulates metabolism;
  • restores liver function;
  • enhances bile production.

The main feature of the drug is its hepatoprotective property. When ingested, ademetionine promotes the production of a substance necessary for the formation of liver cells. Since the body receives enough “raw materials”, the liver damaged by pathologies or toxic substances is restored faster, since the synthesis of new cells is accelerated.

The action of the drug is based on a complex chemical process. As a result of this process, substances are formed that serve as the basis for the formation of proteins, hormones, cell membranes. Due to this, the regenerating property is manifested medicine. Ademetionine is also involved in various biological processes. As a result of its use, blood and urine counts improve. Among the features of Heptral is its ability to positively influence the redox mechanism of cleansing the body of toxins, poisons, and heavy metal salts. Due to this, the recovery of the animal after poisoning when using a hepatoprotector is significantly accelerated. Toxicity in liver cells is reduced due to increased bile synthesis and its intensive entry into the liver. gastrointestinal tract.

The half-life of the active substance from the body is 2-3 days, but the hepatoprotective effect of the drug persists for another 3 months after stopping the course of treatment.

When to use

For dogs, Heptral is prescribed for liver diseases of various origins:

  • with cirrhosis;
  • with hepatitis;
  • with hepatic encephalopathy;
  • for fatty liver.

The drug is also successfully used to treat cholestasis - stagnation of bile. The drug can be used for pathologies that occur in acute or chronic form. For diseases that occur in a protracted chronic form, a hepatoprotector can be used during periods of exacerbation to stabilize liver function.

The product can be used during the rehabilitation period after chemotherapy, intensive care strong medicines, as well as in case of poisoning, including chemicals. The drug is often used for piroplasmosis and other viral diseases. Its use allows you to prevent serious complications or restore the functionality of the liver if it is damaged.

How to use

The instructions for use of Heptral for dogs indicate that the dosage of the drug is on average 10 mg per 1 kg of weight, but can be adjusted upward by the doctor depending on the characteristics of the pathology and symptoms. Injections are usually used for several reasons. The bioavailability of the active components is several times higher, which means that the use gives a greater effect. In addition, when using a solution, you can more accurately calculate the dose. Although even if the dose is exceeded, complications do not arise and side effects.

Tablets are used only as maintenance therapy. It is important not to break the tablet, but to give it whole. To do this, the tablet must be forcibly placed on the root of the tongue, this can be done using a special device - a tablet dispenser. If the tablet is broken, its use will not be effective. The fact is that the enteric coating is a kind of protection, thanks to which active substance Absorbed in the intestines and not destroyed by gastric juice.

Heptral injections

The hepatoprotector can be administered intramuscularly or intravenously. The second option uses drip administration. Intramuscular injections painful. It is recommended not to administer the drug quickly. The medicine cannot be administered subcutaneously.

To prepare the solution you need to follow simple steps:

  1. Open the ampoule with the solvent.
  2. Draw the liquid into a sterile syringe.
  3. Pierce the rubber stopper of the bottle with lyophilisate with a needle and inject the solvent inside.
  4. Shake well until the porous mass dissolves.
  5. Fill the syringe with the required amount of the prepared solution.

Injections need to be given once a day. The dog should be injected in the first half of the day, as the drug can cause increased activity(one of the side effects).

Note! The prepared solution cannot be stored. Any remaining medication must be disposed of. For the next injection, you need to prepare a fresh solution.

Contraindications and side effects

Heptral for dogs is considered safe drug. It should not be used if the components are intolerant. It is advisable to refrain from treatment with the drug during pregnancy and lactation.

The instructions list an impressive list of side effects of Heptral, but dogs usually tolerate the drug well. If intolerance occurs, the following symptoms may occur:

  • allergic skin reactions (rash, itching, redness);
  • disturbances in the functioning of the food system (diarrhea, vomiting);
  • sleep disturbance;
  • anxiety;
  • fever;
  • muscle spasms, etc.


A package of 20 Heptral tablets costs 1600-2000 rubles. A package with 5 bottles of lyophilisate and 5 ampoules of solvent will cost 1700-1900 rubles. Some pharmacies sell them individually. One set (lyophilisate + solvent) costs about 350 rubles. You can buy the medicine at any pharmacy.

Good afternoon, my good animal lovers and simply interested people!

In this review I would like to tell you about a human drug that restored my Plush’s liver (in combination with other medications, where would we be without them, the treatment is complex).

The background is this- in my family there are two beautiful cats: Nika (Nikusya, Kus) - a Scottish straight cat, 6 years old, with all the documents, pedigrees, etc. Almost 5 kg. gray marble happiness with harmful character. And my youngest Tosha (Totofan), my doorstep, but no less beloved child, whose story I have already written - My little doorway snow queen Tosha!

If anyone has come across the Scottish Fold breed (straight ears are an obligatory part of this breed), then he knows that fold ears are a genetic, cultivated defect of the cartilage system, which gives beautiful, adjacent ears to a cat, making Folds vulnerable aliens.

This breed originated in Scotland. The founder of this unusual breed was William Ross, who in 1861 noticed an unusual lop-eared cat, took one of the same kittens from her litter and began targeted crossbreeding to achieve the lop-eared effect.

But nevertheless, since initially it is a developmental defect, therefore, cats of this breed very often have problems with the musculoskeletal system.

As a result of recent in-depth research, it turned out that mating in order to fix the ear gene also fixed various defects musculoskeletal system.

As a result of crossing and mating, the offspring of Scottish cats appears with straight ears (straight) and fold ears (fold). Straight-eared straight cats are also carriers of the lop-eared gene.

So my furry happiness has problems with joints and spine. In this regard, at the beginning of March we went to the Kotonai veterinary clinic for an appointment and an x-ray. The doctor looked at us, the pictures, and prescribed medication. And in order not to take the cat to the veterinary clinic one more time (this is stressful for the animal), I asked us to take blood tests (biochemical and clinical) at the same time. A separate story is the blood draw, after which I found out that Nika is a big greedy person and not a donor at all. Blood was taken only from the third paw. This is where a “surprise” awaited us, which came as a shock to me personally. Liver parameters (AST and ALT) were off the charts, as can be seen from the tests.

After the ultrasound abdominal cavity they gave us next diagnosis: Triaditis syndrome, Liver lipidosis.

They said the condition is not critical, the liver is recovering, but we need to be treated and lose weight too (we were told this after being weighed on scales for adult dogs, since Nika tried to escape from ordinary ones with all the grace of an overgrown elf.

We were prescribed the following medications (with an expectation of almost 5 kg of weight), having stopped the drug for the joints (meloxicam, since it can negatively affect the liver if it is not healthy):

Sinulox(antibiotic for animals) - 1/4 tablet 2 times a day, 14-21 days (about 600 rubles).

Heptral or Heptor(I took Heptor, since giving injections at home is like death) - 1/4 tablet once a day, 14-21 days (900 rubles). This is, in fact, a hepatoprotector that restores the liver.

Ursofalk(suspension) - 1.24 ml. Once a day for 1 month (RUB 1,500). Additionally, I bought a couple of syringes to give the medicine, diluting it with water. Ursofalk is another auxiliary substance for the liver that normalizes the excretion of bile. Here is a review of Ursofalk:

Well, and the actual veterinary food Hepatik (we are on Hills l/d).

I came home with my shopping, took a sheet of A4 paper, and outlined a schedule for taking medications for a month so as not to get confused and not miss out. To be honest, with a bunch of bottles, pills and prescriptions, my head was threatening to explode. Therefore the best in in this case- systematize the cries of your nervous cockroaches on paper so that they sit, read and follow the recommendations.

Compound Heptora next:

The tablets contain INN S-adenosylmethionine (in terms of ademetionine ). It also contains a number of additional substances: MCC, polyplasdon X El-10 (crospovidone), magnesium stearate, mannitol .

As follows from the instructions, it works Heptor as follows on the body:

Heptor is a hepatoprotective agent, which, moreover, has an antidepressant effect. This remedy has a regenerating, antioxidant, detoxifying, antifibrosing, and neuroprotective effect on the body.

I can’t say anything about the antidepressant; there were no dances with women around the apartment, but Nick started chasing the youngest around the apartment more. And steal all sorts of things from me, playing with them. From which I conclude that it gives vigor and increases the activity of the animal.

The active component of the product is ademetionine . This substance takes part in some biochemical processes in the human body and activates the production of endogenous ademetionine. This substance is found in tissues, as well as in biological fluids body. It participates in biochemical reactions. Ademetionine is also a precursor of polyamines, including putrescine, which stimulates cell restoration and hepatocyte proliferation.

Heptor At first I gave it to Nika, diluting the tablet (1/4) in a small amount of water and injecting it with a syringe (without a needle). The tablets are covered with a yellow insoluble coating, which I peeled off with a knife (in the photo, part of the tablet is daily dose, 1/4).

The cat spat foam at me and disappeared under the bed for a couple of hours, kicking me into karma. I tasted Heptor, it turned out that it was something sour and sour, which would probably make me foam.

I started mixing the daily dose into canned food, and we refused to eat canned food for the third time. Again, I don't care about karma. She sat and looked into my eyes with the air of someone condemned to execution unjustly.

The third attempt to reconcile the cat with Heptor, by trial and error, was to dilute the tablet in enough water to reduce the acidity. I took it with a syringe and poured it into my mouth through the side of my mouth, making 4-5 syringes. Judging by the fact that there was no more foam party at home, this is the most gentle option for giving this medicine. Although still not the most pleasant, judging by the fact that the cat tried to spit at me.

I gave Heptor 21 days, i.e. the maximum prescribed period (in agreement with the doctor, of course).

Two weeks after starting treatment, we went back for both blood tests. Again in the fixation bag and out hind paw. They lay there and screamed, not from pain, but from sincere bewilderment, how could such a thing even happen? beautiful cat you can put her in a straitjacket....I kissed her on the nose, said that this was a necessity, and felt like Judas).

But when the tests were sent to me by email in the evening, when I saw the AST and ALT readings, I howled with joy.

Although there was still inflammatory process, and the antibiotics were extended for another two weeks; we removed the most critical part. Thanks to all the drugs, and of course Heptor, as the main hepatoprotector in our treatment. And immense gratitude to the doctors of our clinic for their responsibility, participation and competent approach to treatment. But that's a different story.

In a couple of weeks we are going to lie in a straitjacket again to pass clinical analysis blood, but I think everything will be fine.

Any serious contraindications the drug does not have, but still:

The drug is not prescribed if the patient has intolerance to a certain component of the drug. Treatment with Heptor is carried out with caution in people diagnosed with cirrhosis of the liver, which is associated with hyperazotemia. In this case, treatment is carried out only under the condition of constant monitoring of the nitrogen content in the blood plasma.

Be healthy yourself and may your pets be healthy and live long!!!

The drug "Heptral" is a hepatoprotector. It is used to treat liver diseases in humans. However, in Lately this medicine is also used in veterinary practice. After all, very few special hepatoprotectors have been developed for animals. Therefore, doctors recommend giving pets human drugs, but in a reduced dosage. "Heptral" for cats is prescribed for pathologies of the gallbladder and liver. How does this medicine affect the animal's body? And what is the correct way to give a pill to a cat? We will consider these questions in the article.

Action of the medicine

"Heptral" for cats is available in the form of coated tablets (400 mg) and lyophilisate for injections (400 mg powder and 2 ml solvent). The active component of the drug is adamethionine 1,4-butane disulfonate. He provides next action on the animal's body:

This is the most gentle drug for the treatment of liver diseases in cats. It rarely causes unwanted effects. This medicine can be replaced with other human hepatoprotectors only after consulting a veterinarian. Many medications for humans can have a negative effect on the animal's body.


  • liver cirrhosis;
  • hepatitis (including viral origin);
  • cholecystitis;
  • intoxications;
  • stagnation of bile (cholestasis).

This drug is effective both in early and late late stages diseases. However, in advanced cases it is used as part of complex treatment together with other drugs. Taking the medication must be combined with following a diet. During this time you need to give special food (hepatics). In the chronic form of the disease, the diet is prescribed for life.


"Heptral" for cats is a relatively safe drug. It has very few contraindications. This medicine should not be used if the animal is allergic to the components of the tablets.

Caution should also be exercised when treating pregnant cats. During pregnancy, many animals experience stagnation of bile in the liver. In these cases, the veterinarian may prescribe Heptral, having previously assessed possible benefit for the mother and risk for future kittens. In this case, it is necessary to carefully follow the recommended dosage.

Undesirable effects

The use of Heptral for a cat in rare cases can lead to unwanted symptoms in the animal. Most often in pets there are allergic reactions: itching, redness of the skin, Quincke's edema.

In addition, the drug can cause diarrhea and nausea in some cats. Hepatoprotector can provoke exacerbation chronic infections Bladder. Therefore, animals suffering bacterial pathologies excretory organs, this medicine is prescribed in a reduced dosage.

How to give medicine to a cat?

How to properly give Heptral to a cat? The dosage of the drug is determined by the veterinarian, it depends on the body weight of the animal. If the cat weighs about 3 kg, then it needs to be administered 0.5-0.7 ml of solution twice a day. Injections are given intramuscularly. This is approximately 1/3 - 1/4 of the ampoule.

"Heptral" tablets should be given to a cat in an amount of 80 mg. This means that the 400 mg tablet must be divided into 5 parts. This drug is not recommended to be crushed into powder and mixed into food. This will make it less digestible. It is better to put the tablet on the root of the animal's tongue and massage the neck area a little. This will help your pet swallow the medicine.

However, veterinarians believe that it is preferable to use the hepatoprotector in the form of injections. The tablet coating is designed to protect active component from aggressive influence gastric juice. When the pill is cut, its coating is destroyed, and as a result, the effectiveness of the drug is slightly reduced.

In addition, "Heptral" for cats in ampoules acts much faster. The course of treatment with drug injections is about 7-10 days. Therapy with tablets can take up to 30 days.

After completion of treatment, it is necessary to do a blood test for biochemical indicators (bilirubin, urea and liver enzymes). If the level of these substances remains elevated, then therapy is continued. At the same time, other drugs are added to Heptral.

If your cat has liver problems, it is worth trying a course of treatment with Heptral. Using Heptral for cats, you can achieve positive results quickly enough, despite the fact that this medicine, first of all, designed for humans. When other drugs fail, veterinarians often prescribe Heptral, which can cure any liver disease.

When is Heptral prescribed and dosage of the drug?

You should not prescribe Heptral to your pet on your own, since for any liver disease, consultation with a specialist is extremely important. A veterinarian may prescribe this drug for the following diagnoses::

  • Hepatitis;
  • Cholestasis;
  • Cholecystitis;
  • Cirrhosis.

The medicine effectively helps at any stage of the disease, even the most advanced. Heptral is good for complex therapy when a cat needs several medications at once.

Of course, the dosage of Heptral for a cat differs from the norm for humans. Only a veterinarian should prescribe the exact dose of the drug for a cat. In many ways, the required amount of the drug depends on the weight of the animal and its condition. If the pet is heavy and has significant liver problems, an increased dose is needed. However, only a qualified specialist will be able to determine when the situation reaches a critical point and loading the body with a large dosage is dangerous.

If a cat weighs 3 kg, as a rule, the standard dose is 0.5-0.7 ml of Heptral intramuscularly 2 times a day. If you do not inject your cat yourself, and can only visit the veterinarian once a day, you can administer 1 ml of the drug once a day. In addition to the injection solution, Heptral is available in tablets, and for an animal weighing 3 kg, 1/5 of a tablet is needed 2 times a day.

If you need instructions for using Heptral for cats and dogs, it is better to contact your veterinarian, who will explain everything in detail. On average, the course of treatment with this drug is 7-10 days, however, depending on the course of the disease, it can last 1 month.

Features of using Heptral for cats

Since Heptral is available for sale in tablets and in solution for injection, pet owners are wondering which form is more convenient for use by animals. Most veterinarians recommend giving injections, since intramuscular or intravenous administration The drug helps improve your pet’s well-being much more effectively and quickly. In addition, using Heptral injections for a cat is much easier to calculate the dose. It is worth noting that the injection has less effect on the gastrointestinal tract than the tablet.

However, it is worth considering that the prepared solution can only be stored in the refrigerator for 24 hours, so part of the drug will have to be disposed of. It is not recommended to use a solution for injection that has changed its color to a darker one. Opened tablets also need to be stored correctly so that they do not lose their properties. If the tablet has already been split, it should be wrapped tightly in foil. Unopened medication can be stored in packaging for 3 years at room temperature.

Among drugs with similar composition, Heptral is the safest and has virtually no side effects. Do not forget to consult a veterinarian before giving Heptral to your cat, however, it is worth considering that there are very few analogues of this drug. Safe and effective drug Heptral is successfully used to treat liver diseases in pets, and you can notice the first results after 2 days of the course.


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