Home Orthopedics What breed is called the Scottish Sheepdog? Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)

What breed is called the Scottish Sheepdog? Collie (Scottish Sheepdog)

Collie is the personification of canine beauty, devotion, intelligence and goodwill. This interesting breed has become a symbol of sincere friendship between man and dog.

Security qualities
Protective qualities
Attitude towards children

History of the breed

The history of the collie or Scottish shepherd is replete with reliable facts, and at the same time, it has not been possible to find out for certain the origin of this dog.

The first mention of the Scottish Sheepdog dates back to the 14th century and belongs to the poet J. Chaucer. Then representatives of this breed were described in the books “ English dogs", "History of Quadrupeds" and in the "Encyclopedia Britannica of Dogs". Everywhere they talk about collies as a herding breed with long hair of black or black and white color.

The origin of the collie has at least two opposing versions. According to one of them, the ancestors of collies were brought to Northern Europe by Roman legionnaires; according to another, Britain already had its own herding dogs by that time. Most likely, both Old English Sheepdogs and dogs of conquerors and migrating peoples were involved in the formation of the breed.

Herding dogs were especially common in the Highlands, a mountainous region between England and Scotland. An interesting difference between collies and other herding dogs - the lack of aggression - is explained by the fact that wolves were exterminated in the British Isles long ago. Therefore, the main task of the collie was the ability to herd sheep so that they did not stray from the flock.

This skill is so entrenched in the breed that even modern collies really don’t like it when people walking with them move away from each other. According to their concepts, everyone should walk together in a “pack,” and they vigilantly monitor this, driving everyone together by barking.

Interestingly, the first popularizer of the breed was Queen Victoria of England. She took notice of herding dogs in 1860 and brought them to Windsor Castle. From this moment on, the development of the collie as a companion dog can be traced. For this purpose, the most spectacular representatives with thick hair were selected. Dogs that continued to be used as shepherds were called .

The collie breed was first presented at an exhibition in 1860, and 21 years later an official breed standard was published. The first collies were black and black and white, and only thanks to targeted breeding work a variety of colors appeared: red, sable and harlequin. The first collies were distinguished by a rougher physique and head structure. Modern elegance comes from the addition of Russian greyhound blood.

At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, collies became popular dogs in other countries: they were exported to the USA, Russia, Australia and New Zealand. At the same time, breed clubs were created in the USA and Europe that were actively involved in breeding work, and in Australia the collie was mainly used as a shepherd on sheep farms. In Russia, and then in the Soviet Union, collies gained enormous popularity as dogs; they participated in hostilities during the Russo-Japanese War as orderlies. During the Great Patriotic War collies delivered secret reports and looked for mines.

Collie General
During the war years, Collie Dick helped discover 12,000 mines, including a huge landmine near the Pavlovsk Palace in Leningrad. He was wounded three times, lived to an old age and was buried with military honors.

Cheerful disposition and kind heart

The versatile abilities are explained by the character of the Scottish Shepherd. These good-natured dogs are devoted to their owner and adapt to his lifestyle. With athletes, they become active participants in competitions and fast runners. With them you can participate in various active species sports In families with children, collies take on the functions of a caring nanny, a cheerful friend and a protector for children. For people leading a quiet lifestyle, they become excellent walking companions and understanding friends.

Collies try to avoid conflicts with strangers and other animals, but if necessary they can give a worthy rebuff to the enemy. Modern collies exhibit excellent guarding, detection and herding abilities, and are an excellent companion for humans. After a special course, training becomes professional for the blind.

Collies have an active temperament, they are always ready to play and run, they react vividly to everything that happens around them, they are inquisitive, intelligent, quick-witted, easy to train and have an excellent memory. The breed also became famous thanks to its acting talent.

Who played the role of Lassie
The famous film about Lassie, based on the book by Eric Knight, created the image of a smart and devoted dog in the hearts of millions of people. Female role Lassie was always played by collie boys. The first of them was called Pel, which translates as friend. Subsequent film adaptations about Lassie, of which there are 11 in total, starred Pal's descendants.

Breed standard: main characteristics

The Shetland Sheepdog has two varieties: long-haired collies and short-haired collies.

In our country, collies with long hair are better known. They are characterized by the following parameters:

  • harmonious addition
  • dry strong type of constitution
  • light noble movements
  • long narrow head
  • scissor bite
  • the eyes are almond-shaped, giving the expression of the muzzle a special cunning expression.

Coat colors come in: tricolor, red: from light to sable and merle. Particular importance is attached to white markings: for any color, a white collar is required, white socks or socks on the paws, a white tip of the tail, and a white blaze on the muzzle are desirable.

Collie ears are small, triangular in shape, with about 1/3 of the ear bent forward at the end. The tail is saber-shaped, calm state lowered down.


The height of a male dog at the withers is from 56 to 61 centimeters. The height of the bitch at the withers ranges from 51 to 56 centimeters. Male weight ranges from 20 and a half kilograms to 29. The weight of the bitch is from 18 to 25 kilograms.

There is also the so-called American collie type. In America, dogs of this breed are larger in size, including a wider muzzle. There are many more colors recognized here, there are even white collies with small spots of any color on the body and head.

American albino
US President Calvin Coolidge had a completely white collie named Rob Roy.

Short-haired collies had their own standard much later: in 1974. This dog has common ancestors with its “furry” brothers, so they are similar to them in many ways. The FCI does not recognize the Shorthaired Collie as a separate breed, so the only hallmark The standard is considered to be a short, straight, close-lying coat.

How to choose a collie puppy

If you have already decided that you only need a collie, then you need to decide on the purpose of purchasing it. If you want to make a friend for the soul, then you first need to pay attention to the health and character of the puppy.

If you have ambitious plans and are planning a show career for your pet, then you need to strictly evaluate compliance with the standard for identifying the slightest defect and study the pedigree of the puppy’s parents.

The main thing is health

In the first case, you can completely cope on your own. A healthy collie puppy at 8 weeks of life looks like this:

  • straight back
  • strong, even paws
  • the muzzle is not narrow, but rounded
  • Long neck
  • ears hang forward
  • the body has a roughly square format
  • scissor bite
  • developed coat

In 1904, when this breed was making waves all over the world, millionaire J.P. Morgan bought a US show champion collie for as much as $10,000. In today's money that's about $250,000.

Collies live well in an apartment if they are walked well and for a long time every day. Despite their thick coat, they tolerate heat well. Wool traps air under the fur and helps keep the dog cool. Collies have few health problems. They are susceptible to joint dysplasia and progressive retinal atrophy.

Under no circumstances should she be given medicine for skin diseases called evermectin. The collie has a very high sensitivity to this medicine. Collies are loving and instinctively protective of children.

It is important that people remember that collies are herding dog. Many herding dogs have problems with playing fetch and biting. This needs to be monitored.

Choosing the character of the Scottish Shepherd to your liking

It is known that even littermates can differ significantly from each other in character. There are puppies that are more fearful, more active, some have been distrustful of strangers since childhood, while others have friends all around them.

Of course, the formation of character largely depends on the patience and perseverance of the future owner, but still, many habits and habits are already laid down at the genetic level. There are a lot of methods and tests for choosing a puppy based on its character.

Experts have found that by 49 days of life, a dog’s intelligence is already sufficiently developed to be able to determine its future abilities. Therefore, from this age, tests can be carried out, which reveal the puppy’s ability to communicate with a person, follow him, dominate or obey. Already at this age, you can determine the ability to train, and also find out whether your dog will be afraid of heights and react painfully to every sound and touch, or whether this is a real Spartan who is not easily scared by anything.

Testing should be carried out in a calm environment, before eating, against the backdrop of impeccable health of the puppy. Tests for determining the personality of a collie puppy are the same as for other breeds. Put them into practice and you will learn a lot about the personalities of the puppies on offer.

Assessing the puppy's appearance

It is very advisable to look at both parents of the puppies, especially if you are purchasing a pet without a pedigree. It should be noted here that collie children are not at all similar to adult dogs of this breed, therefore, without deep knowledge of the standard, you can quite easily purchase a mixed breed or even a puppy that has the most distant relationship with a collie.

If you decide to buy a puppy for breeding, then it is better to take with you a specialist who is familiar with the slightest nuances of this breed. He will help you choose the future champion. Another option is to find a nursery with an impeccable reputation. A real breeder will never deceive the future owners of his puppies, because he is interested in the most best puppies from his dogs they ended up in show hands and continued the glory of their parents.

If you are very serious about finding a promising puppy, then you need to act purposefully: study the history of collie nurseries, visit exhibitions and look for future owners for your dog, and reserve in advance the right to choose the first puppy in the litter.

How to care for a collie's coat

The first thing that comes to mind when looking at a collie is its gorgeous coat. And immediately everyone has a question: caring for it probably requires a lot of time and effort from the owner. This guess is not far from the truth. Of course, wool requires special attention before exhibitions, but also during Everyday life it must be carefully looked after. To do this, you need to purchase several combs at once: with fine teeth and a standard brush for combing wool.

Long hair needs to be combed, lifting it to reach the roots. Particular attention is paid to the areas behind the ears, chest, pants and tail, where tangles most often form. It is better to devote 15-20 minutes to this procedure every day than to then cut out clumps of hair that cannot be combed.

Therapeutic collie wool
Collie wool is unique in its properties, so it is actively used to create socks, hats, and belts. Products made from collie wool not only provide warmth, but also heal illnesses and relieve pain and tension.

Feeding Basics

You can feed your collie according to one of two schemes: ready-made dry and wet food or home-cooked dishes. The first option is preferable for busy people, but you need to remember that later it will not be easy to transfer the collie to another menu.

Many people unknowingly perceive feeding home-cooked food as a more economical option, because they think that scraps from their own table are suitable for this. But you need to think through the collie’s menu and prepare her nutritious food from quality products. Waste from slaughterhouses and unsold products from markets can pose serious dangers.

Of course, every owner can find an option that is acceptable to them by creating a more economical, but at the same time nutritious menu. For this, knowledge about and healthy products for collie.

List of useful products:

  • boiled beef meat
  • liver
  • boiled fish without bones, preferably sea fish
  • dairy
  • grain crops
  • vegetables
  • seaweed
  • herbal supplements from medicinal plants
  • yeast

List of harmful products:

  • raw river fish
  • tubular bones
  • raw pork and lard
  • peas
  • pearl barley
  • fried potatoes
  • sweets
  • flour products

Guided by these lists, you can create a complete menu for your dog yourself, which must include vitamins.

Where to buy a collie puppy. Price

Collies are no longer so often seen on the streets of cities in our country, but this does not mean that purchasing a puppy of this breed is associated with serious problems. There are a lot of options for where to buy a collie. Of course, the simplest answer to this question is to contact one of the nurseries, find out about the availability of puppies in it and discuss with the breeders the possibility of purchasing them. All well-known nurseries, the number of which amounts to several dozen in our country, have their own websites where you will find out all the details of interest. You can also send a request to a foreign collie nursery.

Less famous representatives of the breed can also be purchased from non-professional breeders who simply love collies. This option is known to everyone as a dog for the soul, and should not be discounted. After all, not all collie lovers want to participate in exhibitions, so they buy a puppy without a pedigree. Of course, there is some risk in this, and you need to adhere to the rules for choosing a puppy.

How much does a collie puppy cost?

The price of a puppy largely depends on the purpose of your purchase. A collie without a pedigree is worth from 6,000 to 10,000 rubles. Puppies from kennels usually cost from 15,000 and above. Even in the same litter, puppies often differ in price: some are defective in standard, which affects the price; others, on the contrary, have a rare color or other obvious advantages, which means they will be more expensive. Puppies that have been stranded without owners are also usually cheaper. There are also cases when a purebred puppy is given away for a nominal fee because it was bought and the child developed an allergy or there were other compelling reasons for urgent resale.

In any case, remember that collies are too trusting and loving heart, to treat him only as a prestigious dog for exhibitions and sell him if he is no longer needed. Buy a collie when you are sure that you are ready to devote a lot of time to your dog and give love and care.

An amazing breed of dog is the collie, which gained its world fame after the famous TV series “Lassie”. But the collie breed or whatever it is called collie, has a centuries-old history - glorious and touching, and we’ll talk about it further.

The collie dog breed comes from the mountainous regions of Scotland, and the name itself means coal or black. In the circles of experienced dog breeders, there is a position that the name itself comes from the breed of Scottish sheep - colley, which has a black muzzle, and it was they who were guarded by collies.

As research shows, the Scottish Shepherd was brought to the territory of modern England by nomads who came to its southern regions from the British Isles. The collie breed came to the islands thanks to the ancient Roman conquerors 2,000 years ago, and in England the collie owes its existence to Queen Victoria - in 1860 she saw her and simply fell in love, and since that year she has been bred at a professional level. 21 years later, the first breed standard was formed - the first dogs had a black and white coat color, but selective selection eventually created great amount her colors.

At the end of the 19th - beginning of the 20th century, the collie as a breed was in demand in many countries, and it was at this time that it was taken to the territory of America and Russia, European countries, and was used not only in sheep farms, but also in rescue work, as well as in war - in as sappers and orderlies.

Collie appearance

In its standard, the collie is either a long-haired or a short-haired breed.

  • There are 3 types of coat color:
    1. Sable with white different shades from light to dark
    2. Tricoat - usually black, red and white
    3. Blue merle - silvery blue with black spots; red spots are also possible.
  • have ears triangular shape, and the eyes are small, almond-shaped.
  • the tail is in the form of a saber, lowered to the bottom.
  • at the withers height of males: 56 – 61 cm, weight: 23 – 34 kg.
  • height at the withers of females: 51 – 56 cm, their weight: 18-25 kg.
  • The collie's body is muscular, with a wedge-shaped head, a powerful neck and straight limbs.

In addition to the standard collie breed, there is also a so-called American subspecies - it is noted for its larger size, wide muzzle, and a wide variety of coat colors.

Collie character

Collie is a balanced, good-natured dog breed with excessive shyness of a puppy. It is easy to train, but if you give it a minimum of attention, it becomes disobedient and prone to excessive pranks in the house. The main attractive feature of this breed is that it can adapt to the lifestyle and rhythm of life of its owner. By its nature, the collie is unobtrusive and delicate, and will not require constant attention. But the owners themselves should not forget that this is an active and temperamental breed. This feature of her character will persist throughout her life; she is in dire need of movement and new impressions and games.

An indisputable advantage of the Scottish Shepherd's character is that it will not run away from its owner - its behavior does not imply an irresistible interest in what is happening behind the walls of an apartment or private house. She is attached to her family, which is perceived as a pack, to her children and will not leave them even if she has such an opportunity.

The only disadvantage of this breed, which is noted by experienced dog breeders and everyone who has a collie, is that it loves to bark, and does so both when excited and simply out of boredom. Collies adore children - they will not only be a participant in their games and pranks, but also a reliable protector, while they cannot tolerate excessive noise in the house and quarrels, will not take sides in a conflict, but idolizes their owner.

By its nature, the Scottish Shepherd is suitable as a companion for everyone - both a pensioner and a schoolchild, who loves going out into nature and is a homebody. A collie can live in an apartment, but it would be optimal for her to Vacation home, where there is an opportunity to walk around. As experienced dog breeders note, this particular breed is perfect for the role of a first dog, because it is easy to train, does not conflict, is not aggressive, and even a beginner can cope with it.

Scottish Sheepdog training

Collie is a dog with high intelligence, is easy to train and will always willingly carry out all the owner’s commands. The Scottish Shepherd needs constant and gentle handling - with aggression from the owner and lack of attention, it will become disobedient and noisy. It is enough attention and training that will make it an ideal dog, but its nervous system She is easily excitable and therefore from the very first months she should be accustomed to extraneous noise.

During the training process, every owner, whether a beginner or an experienced dog breeder, must gain the animal’s trust from the very beginning - here it is important not to shout, but to be confident in your commands. It is optimal to train a collie in a game format - this way you will teach the dog basic commands and give an outlet for its energy, since initially this is a shepherd breed, accustomed to chasing sheep through the fields and being on the move.

The Scottish Shepherd is sensitive to its owner - you should not start training in bad mood, irritated state. This will not have the best effect on the training process and the dog is unlikely to learn the lesson you want to teach it. Never use force or roughness in the training process - the animal’s psyche will suffer, making it nervous and fearful. Experienced dog handlers recommend starting the training process itself from 4-5 months, teaching basic commands such as “Fu”, “Come to me”, “Lie down” and “Place”, gradually moving on to new ones. When it comes to rewarding a dog for correctly executed commands, this could be a kind word, stroking or a treat. The main thing in this case is to build a relationship between a correctly executed command and a treat, and also that you should not get hung up on monotonous rewards for your pet.

How to choose a puppy

If you have decided for yourself that a collie is your dog, then the question naturally arises of how to choose the right puppy.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s a show puppy or a pet class puppy, you should initially pay attention to his health condition. In any case, it must be a healthy puppy, which can be removed from the litter 8-9 weeks after birth.

A healthy pet at this age should have a flat back and strong paws, a rounded but not narrow muzzle, a long neck and forward-protruding ears. The puppy's body has a square shape and a well-developed coat.

When choosing a puppy, you should pay attention to its mobility - it should not be overly timid, nervous or constantly lie down, its eyes and ears should be clean, without any discharge. Also pay attention to the living conditions of not only the puppy, but also the bitch. It is impossible to raise a healthy litter in cramped conditions and dirt.

The cost of a collie puppy is from 10,000 to 50,000 rubles, depending on the pedigree, place and purpose of purchase.

The collie's coat is a luxury and a subject of special care, since long-haired collies should be brushed 2-3 times a week, while short-haired breeds only need grooming once every 7-10 days. The Scottish Shepherd is bathed once every 1.5-2 months.

Also, the eyes, ears and teeth of the animal require special attention - every day it is worth checking them, cleaning them with a cotton pad soaked in special pharmaceutical products or clean water. It is worth having your teeth cleaned by a veterinarian to prevent the formation of tartar, gum disease and tooth loss. If this is not possible, give your dog cartilage and apples, carrots, foods that will mechanically clean the teeth and, due to fruit acids, prevent the formation of stones on the teeth.

In terms of nutrition, the Scottish Shepherd can be fed with either ready-made dry or wet food, or switched to natural diet. If in relation ready-made feed– there is no problem of choice, then when feeding a Scottish Shepherd natural products owners should know what can be given to collies and what foods to exclude from the menu.

Allowed products for collies are:

  • boiled beef;
  • liver;
  • sea ​​fish served boiled;
  • dairy products;
  • eggs.

Be sure to give your collie porridge - wheat, buckwheat, adding dry brewer's yeast, which serves as a supplier of B vitamins, and, if possible, seaweed, which supplies vitamins to his body. Among the prohibited products:

  • river fish, served raw;
  • tubular bones;
  • raw pork;
  • pearl barley porridge;
  • sweets;
  • peas.

Health and illness.

The life expectancy of a Scottish Shepherd is from 12 to 15 years - for the most part, these dogs are in good health, but there are a number of diseases that are inherent in this breed. Most often she is worried about:

  • skin diseases caused by allergies;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • predisposition to dislocations;
  • hip dysplasia.

Collies are also susceptible to eye problems - this is an infectious lesion and an anomaly in their structure. Most often, veterinarians diagnose hearing problems in the merle variety of collie, the so-called “double merle”, in which the animal’s color becomes almost white and problems with hearing and vision are accompanied by a malfunction of one or another internal organ or systems.

Collie photo

To summarize, we can say that in the person of such a breed as a collie you acquire a friend, a companion and an undeniably brave defender.

The collie dog breed is distinguished not only by its luxurious coat and unforgettable appearance. This long-haired shepherd has truly working qualities.

Appearance characteristics

In the photo of a collie dog you can see large ears, expressive eyes, a narrow, elongated muzzle, the bite is almost always correct, the shape of the eyes is almond-shaped, the color is brown, red, even reddish.

The ears are predominantly triangular in shape, stand at 2/3, and the tips hang down.

Based on the type of coat color, the following types are distinguished:

  • Sable. The color of the coat is brownish-yellow, the inside of the down is white.
  • Mahogany. The coat color is wheat-gold or rich brown.
  • Puke merle. The main color is white with admixtures of black and pockmarked shades.
  • Tricolor. Coat color is whitish, black and brown.

Character traits and training

Collie dog puppies are very energetic, active, mobile, they love to walk and play with their own kind. As a Border Collie dog grows up, its temperament changes. She becomes more reserved, but continues to remain friendly to her relatives.

The animal never attacks unless absolutely necessary. When protecting its owner, the dog prefers to stand on the defensive rather than attack.

The family's favorite always becomes attached to all family members, adopts the habits of its owner, tries to help with housework, for example, taking out the trash, helping to pull out rugs during cleaning. They show a friendly attitude towards strangers and children, without aggression.

Ability four-legged friend training is very high. This breed of dog is the standard in obedience and speed of learning. They can not only absorb general commands, but are also happy to learn household chores on their own (bring slippers, newspapers).

Modern collies have herding skills, just like their ancestors. The only disadvantage of keeping such an animal is that the fur is too long, which must be carefully looked after.

Features of care and maintenance

Many collie owners prefer not to keep their pets in an enclosure; keeping such an animal in an apartment is also problematic, since balls of hair will be everywhere.

It is best to purchase such a pet in a private yard, where you can provide it with the most comfortable living conditions.

Grooming conditions require regular brushing of long hair, optimally every other day. When your dog begins to shed, you need to brush it daily.

It is recommended to carry out water procedures for your pet in warm time years, since long wool takes a very long time to dry. In the cold season, in order to protect the animal’s fur from contamination, it is recommended to use special dog outfits during walks.

It is very important to pay close attention to your dog's eyes. They need to be systematically examined and visual acuity checked. Clean your ears as they become dirty.

It is also necessary to systematically examine the oral cavity, examine the teeth for chips and the presence of tartar. If a reddish coating or difficulty chewing appears, you should immediately visit a veterinarian.

The ears should stand two-thirds full, and the tips should hang down slightly. When changing teeth, the ears do not fall off.

Features of the diet

This dog breed needs special attention to your diet. You cannot give food from a common table, and it is also unacceptable to overfeed the animal.

If missing allergic reactions, you can keep your pet on natural products.


The average lifespan of a collie dog is 12 to 16 years. Puppies need timely vaccination; they are often exposed to distemper and various intestinal infections.

Problems with the animal's vision may also occur. Sometimes this can happen congenital pathology like deafness.

On the skin of representatives of this breed, under long hair, various pathogenic microorganisms can live, which cause various diseases skin. Therefore, it is very important to monitor the condition of your pet’s coat and skin and prevent the formation of fungi and dermatitis.

It is important to visit your veterinarian regularly for a thorough examination of the coat, ears, eyes and oral cavity animal. This will prevent any content issues from occurring.

Choosing one for yourself pet, you need to remember that this noble breed is an excellent companion during hunting and fishing trips.

In addition, in families with small children, such an animal will become a favorite; it is non-aggressive and friendly to all family members.

Photo of collie dog

The collie is descended from the Scottish herd dogs. After the Roman conquest, the invaders' dogs were crossed with local breeds (short-haired and long-haired herding dogs). The result was a magnificent animal with a proud posture. The breed was formed in Scotland at the end of the 18th century. In addition to excellent herding qualities, collies have proven themselves in almost all services - sledding, guard, rescue and search. The first collies were brought to Russia in 1904 and became famous as sanitary dogs during the Russo-Japanese War.

Video: Scottish Collie


U longhaired collie strong body, rectangular in format, with a dry neck, deep chest, rounded ribs, straight back, slightly convex loin.

The head is wedge-shaped, chiseled, elongated, of proportional size. The eyes are almond-shaped, medium in size, dark brown in color. Blue Merle dogs have blue or blue speckles. The ears are directed forward, with a “kink”, semi-erect, widely spaced, medium in size.

The tail is long, reaching to the hocks, and the dog usually carries it down. The limbs are dry and muscular, with oval paws and tightly clenched toes.

The coat of long-haired collies is straight and hard, thick, there is a mane and frill, feathering and pants on the paws. The tail is fluffy. The recognized colors are sable (light golden to mahogany), tri-color (predominantly black with tan markings on the head and legs and with a white collar), blue merle (blue-gray merle, sometimes with a black speckled pattern).


Collie is a smart, intelligent, active and sociable dog with developed intelligence. Excellently brought up and trained, but with patience, gentleness and perseverance. She always tries to achieve the praise of her owner, she is sensitive and affectionate. I am pleased to take part in active games. The collie is usually balanced, but can also be overly timid or temperamental and needs constant movement and physical activity. She is inquisitive, does not treat strangers very kindly, but does not show aggression. Loves to bark.

Specialization and content features

The Scottish Collie is an excellent herding dog. It is very popular as a companion and pet, and in Lately It also became widespread as a decorative plant due to its impressive appearance. Can perform successfully sports competitions and be used as a guide dog.

Can live in an apartment, but best of all - on a personal plot. She needs long walks every day physical activity. For grooming, the coat should be brushed twice a week.

Collie, or Scottish Sheepdog, is a breed of dog used for herding. livestock, this breed is also popular as show dog because she is very beautiful. Collies can be long-haired or short-haired.

History of the breed

The birthplace of the breed is Scotland and Northern England. When breeding the breed, the main attention was paid to those qualities of the dog that are necessary in order to protect, herd, and guide domestic animals into pens. Local peasants who were involved in the selection of the breed, first of all, wanted to have energetic, smart, devoted helpers for the shepherds. Eventually a population of dogs was developed that met these requirements and was named collie or Scottish Sheepdog.

The origin of the breed's name is not known for certain. One of the most common versions: her name is associated with a breed of Scottish sheep that have a remarkable color ( black mask on the face and black tail) and called “colley”. Long time Collie dogs were almost unknown outside the region where they helped shepherds herd and guard sheep.

Queen Victoria of England and Scotland in 1860, during a trip to Scotland, saw a collie and brought several dogs to London. This event marked the beginning of the growing popularity of the breed and its widespread distribution. Having purchased collies due to the demands of fashion and prestige, people subsequently appreciated the qualities of the breed's dogs: loyalty, intelligence, charm and fearlessness. Currently, collies have many followers all over the planet.

The requirements for the breed are established by FCI standard No. 156.

Character of the breed

The character traits of a collie are determined by the purpose of the breed - it is a shepherd's assistant, a herding dog. The collie has everything to fulfill this role necessary qualities: intelligence, endurance, efficiency, fearlessness, devotion to the owner, care for the charges.

After the breed left the borders of its original habitat (Scotland, Northern England), the collie gained great popularity as a companion dog. In this capacity, elegant beautiful dogs breeds exhibit kindness, intelligence, playfulness, caring, and responsibility. It is the collie's love and affection for people that makes it an ideal companion.

Collie is a herding dog, so its nature has a need to observe everything that happens in the herd under its care. Therefore, long-term keeping of collies in an enclosure, and even more so any kind of keeping on a leash, is unacceptable. For dogs of this breed, being in communication with people is a vital necessity. Sensitive to the slightest rudeness shown to them, collies suffer greatly from the rude indifferent attitude towards them on the part of their owners.

By their nature, collies are excellent nannies who conscientiously and with pleasure look after their charges. Friendly, good-natured collies, when the situation demands it, fearlessly stand in the way of anyone who poses a danger to their clients. Dogs are susceptible to educational material and easy to train.

Description of appearance

Appearance the collie gives the impression of a sophisticated, harmoniously built dog, evoking a feeling of calm dignity. Dogs of the breed, as a rule, are represented by medium-sized individuals: weight varies from twenty-one to twenty-four kilograms, and height, measured at the withers, ranges from fifty-five to sixty centimeters for males, and from fifty to fifty-five centimeters for females. Collies have light or medium bones.

The body is muscular and strong. The head has a flat skull, gradually tapering from the ears to a black lobe at the tip of the nose. The front or side view of the head is wedge-shaped. The eyes are of medium size, by no means small, almond-shaped, set somewhat obliquely. The collie's eye color is dark brown. Individuals with blue merle coloration may have blue (flecked blue) eye color.

The ears are small, located not far, but not close to each other. The neck is strong, with well-developed muscles, and has a fairly pronounced bend. The back is strong, the lower back is slightly raised. The chest is deep, fairly wide behind the shoulder blades. The long tail reaches the hock joint.

The collie's coat is dense, hairline smooth and hard to the touch; The undercoat is dense, soft and fluffy. The fur on the face is short and smooth, and on the collar and mane it is lush.

The standard allows three colors:

  • sable: from light golden to juicy mahogany;
  • tricolor: mostly black with fiery markings;
  • blue merle: silvery blue with black spots.

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