Home Wisdom teeth The most dangerous dogs for people. The most dangerous dogs in the world The most evil and dangerous dogs

The most dangerous dogs for people. The most dangerous dogs in the world The most evil and dangerous dogs

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There are about 40 species of animals in the canine family - wolves, coyotes, jackals, foxes, arctic foxes, wild and domestic dogs. Almost all canines are dexterous and skilled hunters. They have an elongated snout with strong jaws, which are convenient for reaching the victim in pursuit and inflicting sharp teeth numerous bites until she falls from her wounds. For fast running, dogs acquired strong body and long strong legs with powerful blunt claws.

Gray wolf

The common, or gray, wolf is the “face” of the canine family and the central species of a large genus of wolves. A large, strong and merciless predator, the wolf inhabits the entire northern part of the Earth's landmass, from the tundra of the Far North of Eurasia and North America to the Arabian deserts and Indian jungles. During the hungry winter, wolves gather in large packs to hunt large prey: elk, deer, wild boar. The pack is led by a leader - the strongest and most experienced wolf. In a pack, only the leader and his wife, a seasoned she-wolf, have offspring. The wolf cubs are fed by the whole pack. In the summer, when it is easier to get food, wolf packs often break up, and wolves live alone.

In a pack of wolves, the dominant male demonstrates his power by imitating a bite in the neck of a hierarchically inferior individual, who assumes a submissive pose. The group howl of wolves, accompanied by touching and wagging of tails, looks like a joyful event.

Living in different conditions wolves look different. Timber wolves, inhabitants of dense thickets, are darker colored than their counterparts from the southern deserts, which are hidden in the sand by light gray-beige fur. In the tundra and on eternal ice The largest animals in the Arctic live - polar wolves. Spending most of the year among the snow, these wolves turned white. In the summer in the tundra there is a lot of prey for wolves - these are small, mouse-like rodents, lemmings, hares, and geese flying to nesting grounds. But in winter, when everything is covered in ice and snow, packs of polar wolves go on long journeys in search of herds of reindeer or musk oxen. This is not an easy prey: deer have fast legs and are armed with strong hooves, musk oxen are slow but strong, and they have sharp horns. The prey of wolves is often cubs that have strayed from the herd. But their parents also protect them, and only one out of 10 hunts for wolves is successful.

Jackals and coyotes

Jackals and coyotes are small relatives of wolves. Coyotes, or prairie wolves, live in the North American steppes and prairies, and jackals live in southern Eurasia and Africa. There are 4 types of jackals: common, black-backed, striped and the rarest Ethiopian. Jackals and coyotes do not form packs and do not hunt large prey; they live alone or in families.

Coyotes' main prey is gopher-like prairie dogs. Jackals prey on meerkats and deftly catch the birds, grabbing them in a jump. Both of them do not disdain carrion and waste and even go into cities to rummage through garbage dumps. Coyotes and jackals are not as vicious as wolves, and all disputes are settled not in fights, but in noisy skirmishes. They are playful and engage in playful fights with each other and with their cubs, teaching them hunting techniques. Friendly and curious, jackals and coyotes are easily tamed.

There is an expression: “Cowardly as a jackal,” but is that true? Jackals often steal prey from large predators such as lions. Lions drive away thieves, and people, seeing how jackals run away from just one menacing roar, considered them cowardly. The jackal is weaker than the lion, which can kill with one blow of its paw. However, the jackal is cunning, dexterous and brave, and as soon as the vigilance of the lions weakens, he will again steal a piece of prey right from under the nose of the huge predator.

Dingo dog

Australia is separated from other continents by a large expanse of water, which is difficult for land animals to overcome. There, in isolation from the rest of the world, ancient marsupial animals, extinct on other continents, such as kangaroos, koalas, cuscus, and two marsupial predators survived: the marsupial wolf and the marsupial devil (the first was already extinct, the second survived only in Tasmania). Australia's only "modern" animal was the wild dog, the dingo. The dog in Australia seemed like an alien from another world, a creation of the future who accidentally ended up in the past - after all, in Australia, unlike the rest of the planet, time and evolution seemed to stand still.

How did dingoes end up in Australia? They were brought there as pets and hunting assistants by people - the first settlers of the mainland, the Australian Aborigines. They gave them the name - “dingo”. In Australia, dingoes found paradise - it was full of defenseless marsupials that became easy prey. Marsupial predators did not compete with such perfect hunters as dogs. The dingoes that escaped from their owners went wild, multiplied and populated all of Australia. Dingoes had no enemies before Europeans arrived in Australia. Europeans began to raise sheep and rabbits in Australia. Dingoes have accepted pets as a pleasant addition to the menu of marsupials. In response to the extermination of sheep, people began to exterminate dingoes. But wild and multiplying rabbits, as well as new villages and cities with their abundant garbage dumps, gave the dingo a rich source of food. And no matter how much people killed dogs, they restored their numbers, quickly multiplying on good food.

Dingoes are found not only in Australia, but also on the islands of Southeast Asia, from where they were brought to Australia by the aborigines, as well as in Thailand, Laos, Myanmar and southern China. Dingoes live in packs of up to 12 dogs, led by a leader and his wife. Only this pair produces offspring, which are fed by all members of the flock. The flock occupies its hunting area and protects it from the invasion of neighbors. Dingoes living in cities eat garbage and catch rats and mice. IN wildlife they hunt small kangaroos and other marsupials, causing damage to the nature of the mainland. But the basis of their diet is rabbits. By reducing the number of rabbits, which deprive marsupials of plant food, which is so scarce in arid Australia, dingoes provide a service to the local fauna.

Maned wolf

In the canine family there are animals that, although called wolves, do not belong to the genus wolves. This is an inhabitant of the South American steppes (pampas) - a maned wolf. Outwardly, he looks more like a large fox than a wolf: red fur, a sharp long muzzle, big ears. This animal has disproportionately high legs and long dark hair at the withers, forming a kind of mane. Stilt legs carry a maned wolf over tall grasses pampas, and he looks out from above for prey: the South American large rodents agouti and pacu, birds, lizards, insects. Maned wolves eat a lot of fruits and roots, and occasionally, during times of lack of food, these loners unite to jointly hunt domestic sheep. Next to the maned wolves, in the thickets of bushes along the banks of the rivers, small animals called maikongs, similar to short-haired foxes, live. They live alone, in pairs and in small family groups. At night they go out to get crabs, fish, frogs, lizards, insects, and look for berries and fruits.

It is quite clear that this depends not only on the size of the animal or the strength of its jaws, but also on the determination of the dog, as well as the fighting qualities of a representative of a particular breed. The totality of these and other indicators can be summed up in one word - ferocity.

This dog is perhaps the strongest in the world - the weight of individual individuals (males) reaches 90 kg, and its jaws can easily bite the tibia of large ungulates. There is a known case when in Karelia a Caucasian Shepherd dog single-handedly killed a pack of wolves that had previously terrorized a remote village. The dog got loose at night and ran off for a walk, and in the morning his owner found the “Caucasian” surrounded by scraps of fur and bones of gray predators. In his teeth he squeezed the neck of a seasoned she-wolf, who, apparently, lived longer than the rest. Today it has been reliably established that the ancestor of the Caucasian Shepherd is the Tibetan Great Dane, which in turn descended from large wolves.

However, looking at these huge dogs, you involuntarily begin to think that the true ancestor of the “Caucasians” is, after all, a bear. The Caucasian Shepherd belongs to the category of companion dogs, and not aggressive fighters or hunters. She has a fairly good-natured disposition and will never rush at a person first, unless it is a specially trained animal. Therefore, despite his impressive strength, the “Caucasian” only closes the top five ferocious dogs peace.

4. Boxer

In 4th place in our ranking is the boxer - hunting and guard dog. She is fearless and powerful jaws which inflict terrible injuries on the victim. Modern boxers are descended from the Dutch breed "Bullenbeiser", which translates as "bull biter". In Rus', where the breed was popular among nobles, these dogs were called “bulldogs.” And after crossing them with English bulldogs, very successful dogs appeared - boxers. The dogs received this name because of their unusual habit of fighting not only with their teeth, but also with their front paws. One of the main characteristics of the breed is its pincer bite.

It allows the boxer, who has grabbed the victim, to literally hang on him. Cases have been recorded when it was not possible to tear a dog away from a hated enemy even after the death of the dog. The death grip inherited from the bulldog and the square shape of the muzzle allow boxers to tear pieces of meat from their enemies, and then simply wait until they bleed to death. It is no coincidence that Boxers are called sports dogs for their will to win and the highest fighting qualities.

The third place in our top is taken by the Rottweiler. This is a very serious dog, classified as a guard dog, but it is also one of the strongest fighting dogs in the world. The ancestor of the Rottweiler is the black Swiss sheep, and the breed received its name thanks to the German city of Rot Weil, where it finally took shape. Most Rottweilers are friendly and behave calmly even with strangers. However, it is in this breed that, although rarely, uncontrollable outbursts of rage are noted and in this case the Rottweiler deals with the victim with lightning speed. For example, not so long ago, near Chelyabinsk, a Rottweiler killed an eight-year-old child, instantly biting his neck.

The dog was shot, and the motives for such behavior are not fully understood. They may be related to the white spots in the breed's origins. According to one hypothesis, in the old days Rottweilers were trained to guard black slaves, and some dogs perceive certain gestures as an attempt to escape, which prompts them to aggression. Due to their strength and agility, Rottweilers are actively used in dog fighting. It is believed that, all other things being equal (weight, height, level of training), these dogs have preferable chances in confrontation with Alabais and Dobermans. But in a fight between a Rottweiler and a pit bull, the chances of winning are approximately the same.

The bull terriers we put in second place were bred in the mid-19th century in England by breeder James Hincks. His goal was to create an ideal fighting breed, since it was at this time that bullfighting was banned in Britain, entertainment for the people and ordinary people switched to rat-baiting spectacles and dog fights. The breeder achieved a brilliant result by crossing a bulldog, a terrier and a Dalmatian, resulting in a muscular dog with a characteristic elongated muzzle. The Bull Terrier is distinguished by its insane courage, death grip, agility, immunity to pain and, oddly enough... intelligence.

Yes, yes, contrary to the stereotype, the bull terrier does not rush at everything that moves, but treats the owner and members of his pack (that is, family) with reverence and tenderness. The idea of ​​the irrepressible aggressiveness of the bull terrier arose because of his attitude towards other dogs. Indeed, being a born fighter, he instinctively perceives dogs (especially males) as enemies and competitors with whom he must definitely fight. In such fights, this rat-like baby is able to defeat even much larger individuals, so it legitimately takes second place in the ranking of the most ferocious dogs.

But we put pit bull terriers or, in common parlance, pit bulls, in honorable first place. These dogs have a bad reputation because there are many cases where they killed people. Not so long ago in Nizhnevartovsk, a pit bull tore out the throat of its own owner, and it all started with fun game which turned into a tragedy. This breed is so dangerous that it is prohibited for keeping and breeding in many countries of the world, including the Soviet Union. Pit bull terriers were bred from English bulldogs about three hundred years ago. It was supposed to be a strong and aggressive guard dog, but the breed turned out to be so ferocious that pit bulls were subsequently actively used in dog fighting. As practice has shown, only a few dogs can resist them in the arena or in a street fight.

There are some chances against a pit bull, except for representatives of the above-described breeds from this rating. And even then, before the Caucasian Shepherd gets angry, in order to truly aggressively confront the pit bull, he will have time to tear out her Adam’s apple, which often happens during dog fights. The Pitbull is a born fighter, ready to fight at any time of the day or night. Despite their increased aggressiveness, these dogs are actively used by the military, customs officers and even special services. Without a doubt, this is not only the most ferocious, but also one of the most intelligent dogs in the world. Pit bulls have a well-deserved reputation as ruthless killers, so you should stay away from them and think ten times before getting such a dog at home.

Dog handlers believe that the reason for dogs’ aggressiveness should be sought in humans themselves. After all, any dog ​​can become very dangerous when it falls into the wrong hands. True, some representatives different breeds Over the years, training and breeding have somehow become even more aggressive than others. We present to your attention the rating, which included the most evil dogs in the world. Top 10 dogs that represent the greatest to humans.


This angry dog considered a shepherd and watchdog. She has a very strong physique, as well as a menacing appearance. Despite this, she is not as aggressive as she seems and is quite balanced. The Dogo Canario is seriously attached to its owner, but is wary of strangers. When there is an immediate threat to its owner, this dog instantly rushes to his defense.


This breed is very famous. Perhaps its popularity is directly related to the famous American film called “K-9: dog work" German Shepherds are considered excellent companions and guard dogs. In addition, they are among the smartest. True, experienced dog handlers claim that because of this, these dogs are not always ready to submit. Therefore, they are capable of causing significant damage to humans and, rightfully, are among the ten most evil dogs on the entire planet.


Outwardly, the Chow Chow looks like a very sweet and cute dog. She has a basically melancholic character. Moreover, she is one of the most evil. Representatives of the Chow Chow are distrustful of strangers. They also really don’t like it when strangers persistently try to pet them. In such situations, these animals can be irritable. As for their right to food, they can clearly prove their aggressiveness. In a word, you should always be on guard with representatives of this breed.


These dogs, bred in Germany, are considered guard dogs. They are excellent protectors of their owners and clearly understand when the owner is really in trouble. real danger. However, these animals are aggressive towards other dogs or strangers. They have an explosive temperament and, if angry, pose, in fact, a serious danger.


“Caucasians” are considered guard dogs, and the breed itself is one of the most popular in Russia. According to ancient legends, Caucasian Shepherds first appeared in the territory ancient state Urartu. Despite their menacing appearance and large stature, they are easy to train. They are respected for their intelligence, excellent guard qualities and amazing endurance. They are also wary of strangers and therefore pose a serious health risk. Therefore, the inclusion of this breed in the ranking of the most evil and aggressive dogs in the world seems to be very justified.


On the fifth line of the top most evil dogs in the world are huskies. Initially, people used them for driving and transporting goods across the snowy Russian expanses. But in the second half of the 20th century, dog handlers Soviet Union for some reason they decided to exclude them from the register of northern breeds. The further history of the husky moved to North America. On this moment These dogs are completely non-aggressive. True, people who are far from working with them are afraid of them. Perhaps the fear is caused by the external resemblance to wolves. Be that as it may, the Siberian Husky in certain cases poses a real danger to humans. In addition, these dogs are impossible to train. Only in the process of playing can you try to educate them.


The ancestors of German boxers are the English bulldog and the Bullenbeiser, which, by the way, has long been considered an extinct species. In those days, dog handlers wanted to create a dog whose jaws could easily bite into flesh without letting go. That's exactly what happened. Initially, representatives of this breed were excellent hunters of bears and boars. They say that some of them were even able to take part in fights with huge adult bulls. True, now these animals are relatively balanced, playful, loyal and very fond of children. However, if they consider that strangers pose a certain threat not only to them, but also to their owners, they will defend themselves to the end with lightning speed. Boxers, rightfully, fall into fifth position in the top ten evil dogs in the world.


Bull Terrier means "bull". This dog was bred in Great Britain in the 19th century. She has a terrifying appearance (especially her head). She has powerful muscles and a strong jaw. The Bull Terrier truly has the so-called. "death grip" In fact, he is active, friendly, devoted to his owner, and can be easily trained, but, unfortunately, outbursts of aggression are sometimes uncontrollable. In addition, the Bull Terrier does not get along well with other animals. Therefore, it is no coincidence that these dogs ended up in our top evil breeds worldwide.


This breed is one of the most popular. Rottweilers were bred in Germany and are considered guard dogs. They are powerful, well-built, active, assertive and courageous. They have very strong jaws. Their integral credo is protector. Typically, these dogs, like many others, are distrustful of strangers. Therefore, this breed is rightfully at the top of the ranking of vicious dogs. After all, Rottweilers can obey exclusively their owner. And when he is in real danger, Rottweilers instantly turn into an aggressive and angry animal. When attacking, it can cause terrible injuries to a person.


The first position in the top ten most evil dogs on the entire planet is occupied by the pit bull. This is perhaps the most dangerous dog. She was specially bred for dog fighting in the USA. There are many conflicting opinions about her. Some argue that representatives of this breed are devoted to their owner. They are reliable protectors. Others believe that pit bulls actually have excellent fighting qualities and, accordingly, are considered the most aggressive dogs. Representatives of this breed are able to attack immediately. This is probably why it is prohibited to breed them in many EU countries. However, in America and the CIS countries the breed is still allowed.

...In conclusion, it is worth recalling that the ranking of the top 10 most evil dogs in the world is, perhaps, quite ambiguous. After all, the main reason for dog aggression depends only on improper upbringing. In short, if a person does not devote enough time to a pet, it will definitely become dangerous. And this is probably the most important thing.

Man has taught many breeds of dogs to live next to him. Small and funny they delight children and adults. But strong, large, bred for hunting, guarding, and fighting are the most dangerous dogs for people.

Some breeds of dogs were selected for their aggressiveness and courage; they were raised to be hardy, fast, and especially for attacks. Because of these qualities, they became formidable and dangerous animals.

For decades, dog handlers have been collecting statistics on accidents involving dogs, including those fatal to humans. The analysis of these data is reflected in the lists of the most dangerous breeds from among fighting dogs, guard dogs, hunting dogs. The rating is as follows:

  1. The undisputed leader is the American pit bull. Over 20 years, more than 60 people died from his aggression in the United States.

The breed was bred as a fighting breed, taking into account the strength and fearlessness characteristic of these dogs. And their grip is such that some could only open their jaws after death.

IN different countries breeding of angry pit bulls is prohibited, including temporarily stopping in America - after the ban on dog fighting.

  1. Rottweiler - service dog. It differs in size (weighs up to 60 kg) and powerful jaws. According to statistics, they kill two people a year in America. Rottweilers serve in the police at the border.
  1. German Shepherd Same service breed. Smart, devoted to her owners. But its danger lies in the fact that it was bred specifically to attack people.

Her reaction is lightning fast, she won’t be able to dodge. If a shepherd has not undergone special training, it is dangerous to others.

  1. The Siberian Husky and the Eskimo Laika have a common ancestor - the wolf.

These are small but hardy dogs bred to transport people and heavy loads. long distances. Without active loads, they become aggressive and dangerous.

  1. Wolfdog is a cross between a wolf and a dog. The breed is not recognized internationally.

He has more developed sense of smell and endurance than ordinary hunting dogs. A dog's remaining wolfish disposition is dangerous.

  1. Malamute is one of the oldest breeds bred by man from a cross between a wolf and sled dogs. Very strong - pulls up to two tons of cargo.

It becomes dangerous without physical activity. She is distinguished by her intelligence, and she must feel the superiority of the owner, otherwise she does not follow his commands.

  1. The Doberman is a service dog, bred specifically to guard prisoners.

It is distinguished by its extreme devotion to its owner, which is where its danger lies for other people - it fearlessly attacks even a stronger enemy if it suspects a threat to its owner.

  1. Chow-chow - oldest breed, genetically close to wolves. Bred for protection, hunting and as a sled dog.

The outwardly charming fluffy dog ​​poses a threat if it is not physically stressed, even going beyond the control of the owner.

  1. Great Dane - the tallest hunting dog- about two meters, if standing on its hind legs.

Durable and strong - moves weights of up to three tons. Its hidden danger is powerful.

  1. Boxers are angry, stubborn and stubborn dogs. This is noted by experienced instructors who are faced with problems in their education.

Boxers have to be trained in special protective equipment; it is better for the owner not to do this.

  1. Saint Bernard - gigantic size and very strong dog. Developed in the Alps as a rescue breed.

It poses a danger if it is ineptly raised and handled.

  1. The Angry Bull Terrier is distinguished by its egg-shaped head and wide body, especially at the shoulders. A dog of incredible strength.

Not very aggressive, but the hunting instinct can prevail, and then it is dangerous.

Fighting dogs pose a particular threat to people. They do not attack without reason, but if they see a situation that looks like a fight, they will definitely get involved in it.

They always attack silently, so their grip may be unexpected. Experts say that only ill-mannered or improperly trained dogs are dangerous.

Animal lovers need to be careful when choosing pet. Keeping strong and beautiful purebred dogs is a big responsibility.

There are about 6,000 dog breeds in the world. Each breed has its own character traits– physical endurance, sociality, ability to train, etc., which determines the area of ​​its use. There are guard dogs, service dogs, fighting dogs, hunting dogs and sled dogs. No one would think of harnessing a German shepherd to a sleigh or entrusting a poodle to guard the house.

Scientists have repeatedly conducted large-scale studies to determine the characteristics of each species. Based on these studies, it was determined which breed is the most melancholic and the most active, which dogs are the hardiest and the laziest, the most good-natured and the most aggressive.

This article lists the dogs that are recognized as the most vicious and dangerous in the world.

Selection criteria or what an aggressive dog means

Every reader understands that any dog ​​can show aggression and attack a person. This does not depend on the breed or size of the animal, but on certain circumstances. A lapdog or Yorkshire terrier will growl and even bite if you take away a treat from him. What then can we say about Rottweilers, who have highly developed guard qualities?

What criteria are used to determine the viciousness of dogs? Scientists have included in the list of aggressors representatives of those breeds that, according to observations, are most prone to unexpected and violent attacks, demonstrating destructive behavior, showing unmotivated asociality.

First on the list

The most evil dog is the American Pit Bull Terrier. In a kind of rating of aggressors, it confidently leads with a large gap from other species.

The history of these fighters goes back more than 300 years. They appeared as a result of crossing Old English Bulldogs with White Terriers. The Dalmatian breed also took part in inbreeding. The result was a stocky, not very large dog. Its height at the withers reaches an average of 40 cm, weight – up to 20-25 kg. A slightly tapering head, a muscular neck, a moderately wide chest, strong paws, sculpted muscles, smooth shiny fur, a fearless look - this is the image of a pit bull that radiates confidence and health.

He combined the cruelty, strength and courage of a bulldog, the assertiveness, intransigence and speed of a terrier, and the agility and mobility of a Dalmatian. The pit bull has an extremely high pain threshold, which allows it to continue fighting despite many wounds and bites. He has a special jaw structure, as a result of which his grip is extremely strong, nicknamed by experts “dead” or “fatal”. This means that, having grabbed the enemy, the pit bull will clench its teeth until the victim dies. All these qualities made him a favorite in dog fighting.

The initial breeding of the breed as a fighting one predetermined the character of the dogs. They do not know the feeling of fear, they have amazing power spirit, are always ready to fight and in battle show an unquenchable zeal for victory. Amazing courage combined with aggression and unstoppability allow pit bulls to defeat much stronger and larger opponents.

How to properly raise a pit bull

All of the above qualities, inherent at the genetic level, make representatives of this species one of the most dangerous. Only proper education will allow them to curb and control their aggression. Well-trained pit bulls successfully serve in law enforcement, become wonderful guards, and win in sports competitions in a variety of categories - overcoming an obstacle course, towing heavy objects, strength exercises.

Dog training begins at puppyhood. This should only be done by professionals. Training socializes pit bull terriers, and constant physical activity prevents them from getting bored and significantly reduces aggressiveness.

Please remember that this breed is not for beginners. Its owner must have a strong-willed character and keep the dog under control. Should not be left fighting dog unsupervised with other animals or children, whom the pit bull may attack for reasons known only to it. In society, a dog must be muzzled.

In many countries, keeping pit bull terriers at home is prohibited.

Other dangerous dogs

This list consists of breeds that can be very dangerous in a particular situation, but they generally do not exhibit unmotivated aggression.


A large, massive watchman and security guard, in a fight with whom the enemy has little chance. He is peaceful and safe as long as his owner is not threatened or the boundaries of his territory are not violated. It does not attack itself, but when defending itself, the Rottweiler shows courage, strength and becomes simply ferocious.

Sled dog. Extremely active, physically resilient, she requires numerous training sessions with heavy loads. Having such a dog at home should be considered carefully, only on the condition that the owner can direct its energy in the right direction. Without proper physical activity Huskies become embittered, nervous and uncontrollable.

German Shepherd

A smart, intelligent dog with excellent endurance. She is in good physical shape, strong and courageous. When threatened, she becomes extremely dangerous, her attacks swift and furious.


Another representative of the fighting breed. Among dog handlers they are known as playful, active and energetic dogs. The psyche is stable, but boxers are very stubborn and capricious and difficult to train. They are not aggressive, but if you make them very angry, they will respond decisively and cruelly.

A very large dog. The breed was bred specifically for hunting mountain lions, which is why Dogo Argentinos are incredibly strong and brave. IN Lately they are often recruited to participate in dog fights.

Dogo Canario

A fighter, not inferior to his Argentine relative in strength and courage. It is dangerous because it is very suspicious of strangers and reacts aggressively to any, even imaginary, danger. Doesn't get along well with children. Only a professional trainer can tame his temperament.

Bred by crossing wolves with domestic dogs. This is how the Saarloos breed and the Czechoslovakian Wolfdog appeared. Extremely dangerous animals. They are characterized by unstable psyche, unpredictability and ferocity. These hybrids are larger, stronger and tougher than wolves. Under no circumstances should they be left alone with children, whom half-wolves easily perceive as prey and can chew to death. They make excellent hunters.

They hunt jaguars with this dog. Their strength, agility and fearlessness are legendary. If the Brazilian gets angry, then even the hosts are afraid of his aggression. An attacking dog cannot be stopped with a shout or a command, so the owners carry pistols with them to protect themselves from the giant mastiff if necessary. The breed is prohibited for keeping and breeding in many countries.

American Bulldog

Large dog weighing more than 50 kg, it was traditionally taken to hunt wild boars. He is distinguished by a powerful body, great strength, and fearless disposition. In the fight they become indomitable and even bloodthirsty, finishing off the victim to the end. But in Everyday life They do not show aggression, they recognize one master, whom they respect and obey, they do not touch children and strangers, although they do not like them.

Tosa Inu

Japanese dog, a cross between various fighting breeds. They are amazing in that during battle they never whine or growl. The sight of a dog silently tearing an enemy to shreds is simply terrifying...

very dangerous guard dog. He responds to the love and care of his owners with boundless devotion and willingly obeys them. But he does not tolerate strangers. Uncompromising, does not give in to any provocations, a stranger cannot come to an agreement with her. The Doberman responds very viciously and cruelly to any threat.

Unexpected facts

Chow chows and dachshunds are considered to be good-natured animals that are safe to keep. Indeed, they are calm and balanced, but there are cases when a chow-chow attacked the owner only because he forgot to feed him, and a dachshund crippled a 33-year-old man, avenging a shout.

In general, according to the University of Pennsylvania, dachshunds are the most aggressive dogs! Such conclusions were made on the basis of statistical data, according to which every 12th dachshund attacks not only strangers, but also tries to bite its owner.

Cute Dalmatians, who are distinguished by their noble appearance and remarkable intelligence, are distinguished by incredible stubbornness and willfulness. They are very independent and do not tolerate intrusive affection. The supposed friendliness of Dalmatians is deceptive. Dogs are difficult to train; they often react extremely negatively to the dog handler’s commands; they can even attack, causing serious injury to a person.

Small but angry

Among small breeds There are several that have proven themselves to be restive. These are terriers, English cocker spaniel, poodle. These dogs are distinguished by natural aggressiveness, pronounced hunting habits, nervousness and stubbornness. They often attack small animals and even people. Dog handlers explain this as self-defense, although who attacks them at home, a cat or a hamster?

The Chihuahua is also often unfriendly to strangers and may bite a child, although attacks on an adult are extremely rare.

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