Home Hygiene What does a cross between a German Shepherd and an Alabai look like: the characteristics of the pet and the character of the dog. German Shepherd mixed breeds - photos and descriptions of breeds How to identify a German Shepherd from a mixed breed

What does a cross between a German Shepherd and an Alabai look like: the characteristics of the pet and the character of the dog. German Shepherd mixed breeds - photos and descriptions of breeds How to identify a German Shepherd from a mixed breed

The German Shepherd can rightfully be considered one of the most popular dog breeds - today there is a huge demand for such dogs. This is quite understandable - the German breed captivates with its beautiful exterior, powerful build, high intelligence and excellent service qualities. Such a dog can become true friend and a protector who will always support Hard time and will come to the rescue in a critical situation.

Such popularity has become the reason that some breeders pay a lot of attention to the number of puppies, often sacrificing the quality and purity of the breed. Therefore, when buying, it is important to know how to identify a puppy German Shepherd without signs of degeneration, which carries all the advantages of the breed.

Below we will talk about what a German Shepherd puppy looks like and how it differs from a mongrel or a crossbreed - it is important to know this before choosing a pet from a breeder.

What you need to know before the inspection

Before choosing a puppy, it is recommended to find out a number of important issues that will help you avoid making the wrong decision. You should find out how many times a year a bitch gives birth - you should not take babies from one that does this more often than once a year. Practice shows that if childbirth occurs more than once a year, the mother does not have time to gain strength to bear a full-fledged offspring.

There should be no more than ten puppies in the litter - otherwise the mother does not have enough milk and internal resources to bear them well. Also take a look at what the babies look like - they should be approximately the same size, naturally taking into account the fact that a female shepherd puppy is always smaller than a male.

What to look for during inspection

Now you can start examining - choose the baby that you like, and now let’s talk about what a German Shepherd puppy looks like:

  • The coat is not too long;

Make sure there are no extra toes on your paws
  • Pay attention to the joints on the paws; when they are large, it means the bones are good. As he gets older they will look much more proportional;
  • The front legs should be straight - crookedness usually indicates rickets;
  • Make sure there are no extra toes on the paws - they should be plump, but not flabby. The pads are hard and thick, the claws are even;
  • The eyes are usually blue in a newborn shepherd, but 2 months later they change color. Experts say that one month old puppy should not be light-eyed, nor mixed-eyed;
  • A one-month-old puppy should not have a widening forehead and a pointed muzzle;
  • The ears of a German Shepherd rise at 3 months - if they harden earlier, it means the baby has problems with calcium;
  • Examine the tail carefully - it should be without kinks;
  • The German breed has a shortened loin and back, a wide shoulder belt and developed hips;
  • The eyes should be clean - without mucus or discharge;

Eyes should be clean - free of mucus and discharge
  • When talking about what German Shepherd puppies look like, you can often hear about five moles near the mouth. However, this sign is not obligatory, although it occurs quite often;
  • Look into the baby's mouth and pay attention to the bite - it should be scissor-shaped;
  • When a shepherd puppy is 2 months old, its teeth are very small and sharp, but from 3 to 7 months they will change;
  • The tail should hang down like a saber, and not drag along the ground;

Coat and color

When figuring out what German Shepherd puppies look like, there is no reason to ignore such important details as coat type and color, which are among the most noticeable characteristics of the breed. Information on this topic will also help you learn how to distinguish a purebred puppy from a mixed breed or mongrel.

The coat is usually black or black and tan.

Basically in at a young age babies are usually black or black and tan, so only experienced people know how to distinguish a pure breed puppy. In very small ones, the hair has a slight “graying” in the form of very light fluff - it disappears during the first molt. But there are no white spots in purebred representatives of the breed - you should know about this.

Growing up, the dog develops its color - a “mask” appears on its face and all other signs of the breed. Moreover, in non-purebred dogs, the spots remain forever - they do not disappear anywhere.

As for the wool, it is quite stiff, but quite pleasant to the touch. Although, if you take ordinary mongrels, their fur at a young age is much silkier. There should be no folds, sagging areas or sagging areas on the skin itself.

German Shepherd puppy

Differences between Shepherds and Mutts

Now, summarizing all of the above, let's make a basic list of features that distinguish a purebred German Shepherd from a mongrel or mestizo:

  • Two-month-old German Shepherd babies are much larger than mongrels - they grow and develop much faster. Their skeleton is already beginning to acquire classic harmonious shapes, their paws become powerful and strong. Mongrels at this age are still very small - their maturation occurs much more slowly;
  • Mutts usually have a very noticeable furrow on the forehead, which you will not find on purebred Germans;
  • Remember about the bite - it must be scissor-shaped, while in mongrels the bite can be anything. This is one of the weak points non-purebred dogs - their characteristics are unpredictable, being a kind of lottery;
  • The shepherd must have no dental defects - any curvature and the presence of extra fangs or incisors is sufficient grounds for rejection;

The shepherd must have no dental defects
  • Despite the fact that small shepherd dogs have mug-like ears, as they grow older they become hard and stand on the head. In yard dogs, as a rule, the ears remain hanging - this is why they do not seem as noble as the Germans;
  • The mongrel has a barrel chest, while the purebred puppy has a massive and developed broad chest;
  • The breed can also be distinguished by the shape of its paws - in Germans they are powerful, hard and developed with strong joints and without curvature.


Of course, the process of choosing a puppy is extremely important point- after all, you choose a friend for yourself long years. Therefore, you should take this procedure responsibly.

But here it is important to clarify one serious point - before going to the breeder, you need to decide why you need the dog. If to participate in exhibitions or as an assistant in search or rescue activities, then pickiness will make sense, since often service-related abilities are inherited.

But if you just want to have a dog that will be your friend, then it is quite possible that the issue of breed is not so important. After all, this is a living being who will be sincerely disposed towards you if you manage to win his love - and where there is love, purity of blood is not so important.

There are few people who have not dreamed of becoming the proud owner of a German Shepherd - a dog that ranks third on the scale of canine intelligence. But oddly enough, most mongrels are similar to this breed. How to distinguish these two dogs from each other, especially since it is extremely difficult to do so before two months of age?


German Shepherd- a dog bred in late XIX centuries in Germany as a service based on the Central and South German varieties of guard breeds, a descendant of the northern wolf. According to the FCI classification, it belongs to Group 1 – herding and cattle breeding. A self-confident, well-managed, good-natured dog with strong nerves.

German Shepherd

Cur– a dog that has not belonged to any breed for several generations, often homeless. Due to the tough natural selection, is in good health.

First of all, it should be said that you need to study the breed standard very well before buying a dog. It is very difficult for a non-professional to distinguish a German Shepherd from a mongrel. But at least some conclusions can be drawn.



Puppy The shepherd grows very quickly, as they say, by days. His body develops quite harmoniously, except perhaps adolescence when puppies have a somewhat clumsy appearance. The mongrel does not gain weight as rapidly and does not grow as quickly.

Training. Already from 2 months of age, a German Shepherd puppy can begin to be trained. He quickly, after several repetitions, remembers commands and carries them out with pleasure. The mongrel cannot do this.

Head rough or too light - an indicator of mongreldom. In a shepherd it is moderate in all respects. The forehead is slightly convex. The transition from it to the muzzle is weakly expressed. The nose is quite large and always black. In mongrels, unlike shepherd dogs, the frontal groove is clearly visible.

Moles. Five black moles near the corners of the mouth are clearly visible on a shepherd puppy, but they are not an indicator of the breed.

Eyes almond-shaped, clean and dark, smoky blue until two months of age, the look of a shepherd is focused and intelligent. The same cannot be said about the mongrel. Her eyes are more rounded and often bulging.

Ears German Shepherds, especially puppies, have very long, “burdock-like” hair until they begin to stand. In a mongrel, if it is not a mixed breed, they are of medium size and can remain hanging.

Breast Shepherd dogs are well developed and massive. In mongrels it is more barrel-shaped.

Paws. Experienced breeders The breed is determined primarily by the structure of the paws. In purebred dogs, they are “aristocratic” – moderately elongated, straight and large. In German Shepherd puppies they stand out especially.

Tail in the stance of the German Shepherd it is lowered and resembles a saber. The mongrel has it thrown into a ring above his back.

Color. The shepherd is characterized by a black coat color. White spots on the chest, which are quite common in mongrels, are unacceptable for the breed.

Wool The German Shepherd is a bit harsh, although very pleasant to the touch. The mongrel's coat is softer, as if silkier. The skin of a German Shepherd is very elastic, it does not form saggy or folds.

Movement. A purebred dog carries its paws very close to the ground, without throwing them, unlike a mongrel dog. The back is straight both when standing and when walking. Moves at a low, creeping trot.

Conclusions website

  1. The structure of the paws, chest and head of the German Shepherd is very harmonious, moderately massive, without unnecessary bends and bulges.
  2. Movements purebred dog special – dog-like aristocratic.
  3. A purebred puppy grows faster than a purebred puppy and begins to remember commands faster.
  4. The shepherd's look is peculiar - too concentrated, smart and kind at the same time. The mongrel's eyes are almond-shaped and round.
  5. Without documents and a brand, it is extremely difficult to distinguish a German shepherd from a mongrel.

In this article I will look at popular crossbreeds of shepherd dogs, the features of their appearance and character. Scientists have proven that mixed-breed puppies take the most better quality character from their parents. I’ll tell you how to distinguish a mestizo from a purebred dog.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Shepherd is a popular, intelligent, brave, loyal and obedient dog breed. Purebred dogs bred in special kennels have the correct conformation, endurance, and learn quickly.

Currently, shepherd mixes are also gaining popularity, as they retain the advantages of two strong breeds dogs.

Compared to a purebred dog, a crossbreed has a number of advantages:

  • the puppies are strong and healthy;
  • resistance to genetic diseases;
  • immunity is developed;
  • intelligence is more clearly expressed;
  • the cost is lower than a purebred.

The excellent health of a crossbreed does not mean that they do not need care, care and proper nutrition.

You need to get the necessary vaccinations just like any other pet.

When keeping a crossbreed as a pet, you should remember the following disadvantages:

  • dimensions and color adult dog impossible to determine;
  • flaws in appearance;
  • have no documents or pedigree;
  • cannot participate in exhibitions;
  • unknown character of the pet: it can be either affectionate or aggressive.

Scientists have proven that dogs from crossbreeds - the best option, since the puppy only takes positive traits from their parents. When mating two different dogs, the negative qualities of the breed are compensated.

Varieties of Shepherd Crossbreeds

Crossbreeds with non-aggressive dog breeds are similar in appearance to a shepherd and retain high intelligence and unquestioning execution of commands.

Mongrel crosses are mainly obtained from good disposition and an open soul. Let's look at some popular varieties.

Labrador mix

The dog is large in size, most often with a black or black color.

The endurance and strength of the German Shepherd is complemented by the patience and poise of the Labrador.

A combination of security and sociable qualities. The dogs' protective qualities are preserved, the dog learns quickly, loves children, is playful, energetic and affectionate. Get along well with other types of pets.

Shepherd and Labrador mix

Pug mix

When crossing a German Shepherd and a Pug, the result is a Nopse mix.

Despite the different sizes of the parents, the offspring are medium in size, attractive in appearance, larger than a pug, with a dense body. The wide muzzle resembles a shepherd dog. The dog is kind, playful, with a loving and affectionate heart, but at the same time can stand up for itself.

With a pug

With chow chow

They are intelligent, curious, and always alert. Crossbreeds with Chow Chows are friendly. The severity of the German turns out to be weaker than the phlegmaticity of the Chinese dog.

Such crosses make good guards, hunters, and defenders. They try to please their master.

The appearance of the offspring is dominated by elongated, thick, fluffy hair from. Most often, puppies are saddle colored than red or black. Medium sized dog.

With husky

The German cross is one of the most popular cross breeds. They are also called Siberian Shepherds, they are charming and strong. Puppies are born large, with thick hair and wonderful character traits.

A mixed-breed puppy combines the power and strength of a shepherd and the friendliness, endurance, energy, flair, and cheerful character of a husky.

These dogs are not afraid of frost and do not tolerate heat well due to their thick coat. Color brown, gray, black. Husky owners blue eyes, the Germans are dark. Puppies' eye color is inherited from one of the parents, and can be of different colors.

Husky crossed with shepherd

With Rottweiler

A hybrid between a German Shepherd and a Malchover, a loyal, service dog with well-developed guarding qualities. From his parents, a mestizo acquires: strength, muscular physique, devotion, calmness, courage, intelligence, self-confidence, ability to learn.

The dog turns out to be large in size, the weight of the animal reaches up to 50 kg. Malhover's appearance has the color of a Rottweiler, but the ears and muzzle are of a shepherd dog, making the dog look more menacing than its parents.

Such a dog needs an owner with a firm hand, a leader of the pack.

If you are not confident in your abilities, difficulties may arise in raising a dog, in which case such a mixed breed is not suitable for you. You simply cannot cope with him, he will not listen to you and carry out commands on demand.

With Rottweiler

With Akita Inu

Akita Inu is for the family, gets along with children and is stubborn, just like shepherds. When mated, the dog turns out to be large in size, it combines energy, high level intelligence and friendliness. The dog needs physical activity due to its activity. Mestizos show great love for all family members.

Mixed Akita and Shepherd

With St. Bernard

- with a calm temperament, gentle, friendly and alert.

The German Shepherd is obedient, confident, smart and brave.

Mixed breeds from parents of these breeds retain these positive qualities. The dog will be large in size, with a thick undercoat that does not freeze in the cold season.

Mixed Shepherd and St. Bernard

How to distinguish a mestizo from a purebred animal

In puppyhood, it is difficult to distinguish a purebred animal from a mestizo. In this case, only a DNA test or a specialist will help if the dog has no documents.

A dog without a pedigree is considered mongrel, even if the parents are pure blood.

A purebred German Shepherd, unlike a mixed breed, has a number of features:

  • The head is correct with a wide, convex forehead, a smooth transition to the muzzle. Mestizos most often have a small or coarse head with a furrow crossing the frontal part.
  • The eyes are almond-shaped, dark in color - this is a sign of the breed, and up to two months are smoky blue. Protruding eyes and round eyes of a different color are a mix.
  • The ears of shepherd dogs are long and stand up as they grow; in mixed breeds, they are of medium size and may remain drooping.
  • The tail is lowered downwards, in the shape of a saber; in crossbreeds it can be curled or crocheted.
  • The chest is powerful, developed, strong. Mestizos are barrel-shaped.
  • The paws are long, smooth, large.
  • The coat of purebreds is rough and hard to the touch, while that of crossbreds is soft, silky, and thick.
  • The color is most often black-backed; white spots on the chest are not allowed.
  • The German's movements are smooth, low to the ground, at a trot, his paws are not thrown up, unlike the mestizos.

Any crossbreed is a pig in a poke; it is impossible to know in advance which character traits of one of the parents will dominate. When choosing one of the shepherd mixes as a pet, it is important to look at the appearance and character of the parents, then you can make the right choice.

Dogs have a dense and thick undercoat, so they can be kept outside during the cold season without any problems. The hybrid is only suitable for outdoor use. There he is not cramped, does not feel inconvenienced.

A cross between an Alabai and a “German” is, first of all, guard dog, which needs to stand guard. Also, dogs are important physical exercise, so it’s better to work with him as much as possible.

This will also develop the pet’s brain, thanks to such exercises, when all the energy is splashed out, the dog will not be aggressive.

What did the German Shepherd mix take in?

What traits did you take from the Alabai?

From the Alabai, the mestizo adopted courage, courage, bravery, excellent security qualities, ability to protect family and home. The crossbreed also inherits the impressive size of the Alabai, it will make an indelible impression on the attacker.

The dog also has a low and menacing bark.

The hybrid also adopted a sense of its own territory. He will not allow strangers to approach the house, enter it or enter the yard.

Character of the breed

The name is noble and beautiful in appearance, mestizo has the same character. He is a very devoted person, so he is ready to serve faithfully, without even thinking of betraying and without hesitation when a person needs help.

Due to a mixture of psychotypes, some puppies may show unreasonable aggression or, on the contrary, behave cowardly. Training such dogs is very difficult.

The purpose of the hybrid is to serve man. It is easy, but there may be problems with execution - this is a feature of Alabai. But you shouldn’t think that the dog will just be a guard, he will become for lovers large breeds also a true friend.

It’s hard to call a dog a companion; after all, its main purpose is to protect property.


But do not forget that communication with the owner is important for any dog. If a dog is always alone on the street, he can run wild, get angry and harm even a person.

The Alabai-German mix is ​​a very active dog that needs physical activity.. He will happily spend time with his owner, frolicking and playing. Long walks are important in raising a dog. They will help her release her energy and realize her hunting instincts.

Photo of what it looks like

  • The animal has a mixed exterior. It is almost impossible to predict his appearance. These are large and strong dogs, they look like both parents;
  • The dog’s dimensions are Alabaevsky, so its height is 70-73 cm and its weight is 70-75 kg;
  • A dog's tail cannot be docked, but if you plan to do so, you should consult your veterinarian first. This also applies to the ears;
  • They have a large and massive head and a flat forehead;
  • The eyes are wide apart, the nose is black;
  • The ears are triangular, usually in a semi-erect position;
  • The tail is straight, slightly curved upward;
  • Paws are straight, high;
  • The coat is thick, with a dense undercoat.

“A mixed breed of Alabai and German Shepherd is generally an ideal option for a private home. They will not be hired because they are not purebred, but they are simply good for security. They have a much more developed possessiveness, they are obedient, well trained, but act mainly according to their mood. This does not mean that they will stop following your commands, they will just do what is convenient for them. It’s important to notice their behavior and try to stop it, otherwise you’ll lose the dog’s respect.”

Advantages and disadvantages


  • Faithful and devoted;
  • Gets along well with children;
  • Obedient;
  • Excellent guard and security potential;
  • Pleasant exterior;
  • Smart and easy to train;
  • Respects the owner and will never offend him.


  • May behave unpredictably;
  • Easily learns commands, but does not like to obey;
  • Is suspicious of strangers, even if they came with the owner;
  • In the absence of communication with a person, she becomes aggressive;
  • Can be capricious.

Life expectancy and health

Monitor the condition of your pet's teeth so you can prevent the formation of tartar.. For prevention, the dog is given special bones.

Feeding the dog

If you are going to feed your dog dry food, it must be of high quality, because cheap food can cause health problems.

Natural food must be balanced. It should contain all the necessary vitamins and minerals. The majority of your diet should be protein-rich meat. Then come carbohydrates, and only then fats.

If you give your dog bones, make sure they are not tubular ones.. Large beef ones will do. You can pamper your pet with offal or some fruit to which he is not allergic.

Conclusion and conclusions

A mix of Alabai and German Shepherd is an excellent dog that skillfully performs guard duty.

Despite the lack of breed, he has the best features of his parents. With proper upbringing, you will find a true friend and protector.

Such a dog will never leave you in trouble, but will also not allow a single intruder into your home.

Useful video

From the video you will learn what a puppy of a cross between a German Shepherd and an Alabai looks like:

In contact with

Each of which is unique. But time does not stand still. Mixed breeds of dogs are constantly appearing, representatives of which are similar in appearance to both parents, but have many characteristics that set them apart from a number of pure breeds.

In this article we will talk about the most famous varieties obtained as a result of such crossing.

Who are mixed-breed dogs?

Mixed breed dogs- this is an inheritance from a mixture of breeds, when the father and mother were representatives of two breeds, and the children acquire the appearance of both of them. It is very difficult to predict how a puppy will be born, even if you know its parents. Sometimes the size of a future dog can be determined by the size of the parents' paws. It is never possible to predict color.

Mixed dogs different breeds may have the most various options combinations of genes. In addition, children of mestizos inherit the appearance of the “hybrid parent”, even if it happened with a purebred dog. In some cases this may happen on its own, while in others it may be planned.

In any case, a half-breed domestic dog will be a surprise to the owners. Miniature dogs can produce giants, and quiet parents can produce fidgety dogs.

As a rule, mixed breed means that the negative characteristics of the first breed are smoothed out by the positive qualities of the other. Exactly because of this reason Mestizos have predominantly positive traits both in character and in health indicators.

Mixing breeds is a purposeful crossing, which has a synonymous name - designer crossing. Nowadays, puggles (mix with), maltipoo (mixture of Maltese and), pomchey (mixture of and) have gained popularity.
Not only a purebred half-breed can be a mestizo. A mongrel mixed with a representative of a famous breed will also receive mestizo status. But the appearance of such a puppy will not be so attractive.

Pros and cons of mestizos compared to purebreds

Compared to purebred dogs, mestizos are more resistant to various diseases. They are not inclined to hereditary diseases. But this does not mean that a mestizo cannot acquire an illness throughout his life. They need care too proper nutrition and care.

Veterinarians and geneticists have found that puppies inherit the most positive qualities of their parents. For this reason, hybrids are often smarter than purebreds. Mestizos have an extraordinary appearance, so they often take part in exhibition events. Hybrid dogs are characterized by unpretentiousness in their diet, good guard qualities, rapid adaptation to an unfavorable environment.

Mixed breeds are sold very cheaply because they are not considered very valuable. They are often given away for free.

Hybrid puppies have negative properties. Such animals can have an overly explosive, nervous, and aggressive character. There are cases where hybrid guard dogs are difficult to train and uncontrollable; they have to be trained for a long time.

Review of famous mestizos

Dog breeders are breeding more and more new hybrid breeds, modifying the appearance and character of animals, correcting the shortcomings of their ancestors.

One of the representatives of the mestizos is the Basset Pei. It's a cross between . These dogs look very cute. They have small ears, expressive eyes and a large number of deep folds on the muzzle.

Their character is characterized by activity, mobility, independence, developed ingenuity, balance and alertness. Basset Peis inherited a good sense of smell from hounds, and special beauty from Shar-Peis.

A bulldog is a mixture of an English bulldog and a bulldog. This hybrid is of medium height, has a color like a shepherd, but a more flattened muzzle. The size of the dog is more like a bulldog.
She reliably guards the territory and is very cruel to intruders. Barks loudly at strangers, trying to protect the owner. More difficult to give in than a shepherd.

Bullpug dogs are the result of mixing a pug with an English bulldog. They are of average height. Their weight, on average, is twenty-five kilograms. The body shape of Bullpug dogs is usually square, sometimes rectangular. This dog combines positive characteristics bulldog and pug. Bullpug dogs are very kind, playful, balanced and attached to their owner.

Important! if you have Small child, be careful when choosing a mestizo. Find out what breeds the dog's parents were. If you do not take safety measures, such a hybrid can cause both material and physical harm to you and your children.

A mixture and often has a two-color coat: chocolate and white. There are spots along the contour of the coat, like a husky. These dogs are blue-eyed. They have a calm character, tolerance, and obedience.
These hybrids do not like to walk for too long. 45 minutes a day will be enough for them, which is a big advantage for mixed breeds, since a purebred husky is a very freedom-loving breed that needs long, active walks.

A negative quality of these puppies is their loud howling. This happens especially often when the dog hears a car alarm siren. He “sings along” with her.

The Labski is a hybrid species of Husky. When the animal matures, it acquires a white coat color and becomes a copy of the wolf Akela from the fairy tale about Mowgli.

Important! Labskies, like Labrador-Shepherd mixes, are dangerous to release.outside without a muzzle, as people may get scared and run away, which will provoke the dog to chase the person. Therefore, if you become the owner of such an animal, follow the rules for keeping a dog in public places.

These puppies are endowed with the character of a leader, the leader of the pack. If you don't give them food in time, they will growl angrily. Don’t be shy to show that you are the boss of the house, not the dog. Then you can count on a kind, cheerful dog.

Take your Labsky for walks more. He loves to play fresh air V active games. However, be careful: if you allow yourself to walk labidly ahead of you, be prepared that the dog will feel the strength of a formidable leader and become uncontrollable.

The German Shar Pei is a cross between a Shar Pei and a German Shepherd. This hybrid species is similar to a large Shar-Pei, but the coat color is similar to a German Shepherd. The pet may have many folds on the face, erect ears and an elongated muzzle.
A puppy is usually loyal, suspicious, independent, smart, and smart.

The Pitsky is a hybrid breed obtained by mixing with the Husky. He has a massive body and is tall (fifty centimeters). The eyes look like a husky, the body has a relief like a pit bull, the hair is short, the nose is large.

Pete is savvy, friendly, freedom-loving, reliable. He is calm with people, but not as playful as a husky. They need a lot of space and freedom, active walks.
Pitskys guard the yard well. But be prepared for the fact that they will bark very loudly and angrily at passers-by.

Did you know? Dogs, like people, can love. When interacting with people, dogs release oxytocin. A similar hormone occurs in human body during hugs or kisses.

Tolmatins are a hybrid of and. They are very playful, kind and sympathetic. Some of them are stubborn and not very smart. Tolmatians resemble large dachshunds with spots like Dalmatians.

A mixture of a Siberian Husky and a German Shepherd is called a Utonagan. This hybrid is of British, American or Canadian origin.

Did you know?A dog's nose print can be compared to a human fingerprint. A dog is identified by its nose print.

Horgi is a cross between a husky and a . They are mostly medium in size. They have long hair. Horgas are active, friendly, easily adapt to a new area, listen to their owner, and are very smart.
These animals have short legs, so they look like puppies throughout their lives.

They are similar to corgis in height and build, and to Siberians - with long fluffy hair, a standard two-tone color and blue eyes.

The Cheagle is a mix of Chihuahua and. In appearance, he is short, short-haired, and weighs about ten kilograms. Wool mostly Brown. Ears droop downwards.
The chigle has a developed sense of smell, so it is taken for hunting and used in customs affairs. Puppies are very quick to find explosives and flammable chemicals. Chiglis love to spend time actively and play with their owners. To educate them, you need to constantly train.

The Chow Chow is a cross between a Chow Chow and a German Shepherd. Dogs have curiosity and developed intelligence.
Nowadays, this hybrid species fulfills the mission of a hunter, protector, and guard. The natural protective instinct of the Chow Chow goes well with the suspiciousness of the Shepherd. As a result, this dog is always on the alert.

Chow-chows always want to please their owner. They are friendly and reliable.

Shorgi are the “children” of Sheltie and Corgi. They are very smart and active. Their average height is forty centimeters. The animals weigh about fifteen kilograms. The puppies are very noisy, playful, alert and friendly.
As we have seen, today there are many varieties of mestizos for every taste and color. Their distinctive features are bright, unique appearance, good health, absence genetic diseases, endurance and low price. But still, like representatives of the most famous breeds, they need good care, care and comfortable living conditions.

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