Home Pulpitis Feeding and caring for a shepherd. Bathing a month old German puppy

Feeding and caring for a shepherd. Bathing a month old German puppy

German Shepherds are large and active dogs that rightfully bear the title of highly intelligent and devoted companions. In order for your dog to live a long, healthy and happy life, he needs careful, regular care and care. German Shepherds must be fed and housed properly, in addition to this it is important to carry out routine medical examinations, vaccination, regular physical training, and Special attention attention should be paid to the issue of hygiene.

At what age can you wash a dog?

It is not worth bathing puppies that are not yet physically strong. The German Shepherd's skin has a thin protective layer that helps provide moisture to the coat and produce natural oils to lubricate the skin surface and protect it from external irritants.

Important! By about the third month of life, the puppy is considered strong enough to undergo the first water procedure.

In this case, it is worth taking into account not only the age of the pet, but also its moral readiness. It is important not to spoil the impression of the first bath, not to frighten the animal, because how it will react to subsequent ones depends on the first water procedure. After all, everyone knows that some dogs happily jump into bodies of water and offer their paws one at a time for washing after a walk. Others hide in the darkest corner and do not want to come out under any circumstances. A large part of the result depends on the owner’s ability to present the procedure favorably to the pet.

How often should you bathe your shepherd?

How often you need to bathe your pet most often depends on him and his love for bath procedures. If the dog lives in an apartment, grooms himself thoroughly and keeps his fur clean, most often bathing is not necessary at all. If your “furry child” is a brawler and a bully by temperament, and every now and then gets into the dirt, it is simply necessary to remove it from the fur. The only thing that should be taken into account first is that it is not necessary to bathe the whole pet.

Most often, it is enough to wipe with a dry, damp towel or soft brush in particularly contaminated areas. You can wash your paws after walking around dirty street, wash your pet’s face after a tasty treat, etc. But frequent bathing can be dangerous both for the appearance of the dog’s coat and for its overall health. The fact is that water dries out the skin, and excessive drying can cause damage. skin- most large organ bodies, both human and dog.

Ideally, it is best to bathe a German Shepherd puppy or adult 2-3 times a year. In this way, it will be possible to maintain a sufficient level of production of natural protective oils by the skin, which ensure the health of it and the animal’s undercoat. If it’s difficult to figure out the required frequency of bathing yourself, you can always seek advice from a veterinarian who will explain in detail how to do it. hygiene procedures for a dog of a specific breed, in specific living conditions.

For example, “Young puppies, in particular, do not need to be bathed frequently,” says American Kennel Club judge and German dog health expert shepherd dogs D-R Carmen Battaglia. In her words, “Puppy fur is soft and cottony. Gradually, as your German Shepherd puppy grows, from 8 weeks to 6 months of age, the adult coat will gradually replace the baby coat. During this time, there is no need for regular bathing, unless the puppy's coat is really dirty."

Expert Battaglia believes that if the puppy is seriously dirty, it is enough to rinse it with warm water without using detergents, then blot the water with a soft towel and let it shake off thoroughly. You can also comb out the fur afterwards. To help your baby dry out as quickly as possible, you can offer him active games with a ball or tag.

You can also consider a schedule of taking a bath once a month during the first 3-4 months of life. This will help the baby, even in puppyhood, in the form of a game, to get used to the procedure itself, water and other nuances. As a result, an adult animal in a bathroom environment will be easier to control in the future.

You can only use products for dogs, avoiding moisture or foam from entering prohibited areas. Do not allow water and foam to rise to the level of the head - eyes, ears, mouth, etc. In order to clean the hair on the head, you need to use a soft, slightly damp washcloth and simply wipe it gently in the direction of hair growth and remove it. As a rule, the procedure does not require repetition more than once every 4 months.

Bathing products and accessories

For bathing dogs, it is only permissible to use special products intended for dogs, preferably a specific one. age group. That is, there is a separate one for puppies, and a separate one for adult dogs.

To bathe your German Shepherd dog, you need to stock up on the following important ingredients:

  • vegetable oil for eyes and ears;
  • cotton swabs for ears;
  • a large terry, moisture-absorbing towel;
  • rubberized mat to prevent slipping in the bathroom;
  • oilcloth apron for the owner;
  • special shampoo.

Before you start bathing, it is better to take your dog for a long walk. fresh air, since, most likely, having not been in the open air for a long time, the dog will still ask to go there and get dirty again.

Bathing a German Shepherd puppy

Once it's time for his first bath, it's important that your German Shepherd puppy feels comfortable. Bathing should not be a monumental problem for either him or his owner. In order for the process to bring pleasure to both participants in the cleanliness event, the owner should adhere to several simple rules. To bathe your pet, it is better to use a shower head with a flexible hose. You should not forcefully abandon an animal.

It is important not to scare the baby. Throughout the entire period of bathing and preparation for it, you need to talk kindly to the puppy, address him in a soft, calm voice. Your pet's paws may slide across the surface of the bathtub or shower stall, making the experience less comfortable, less safe, and potentially frightening. To prevent slipping, it is better to purchase a special rubberized bath mat and place it under the puppy’s paws.

The first step is to prepare the animal for bathing. To prevent water from getting into your ears, they should be plugged with small cotton swabs. To protect your eyes, use oil, lubricating your eyelids a little (it’s okay if a little gets into your eyes). Then, after checking the water temperature, you need to wet the animal a little with warm water. It is better to start from the back of the body; the hose should be held close to the fur, washing all areas of the body. Next, you can move the hose along the entire surface of the body, except for the head, in order to thoroughly saturate the undercoat with water.

Important! So that the room in which the dog is bathed is warm and there are no cold drafts, because of which a wet animal can simply catch a cold.

Using a special shampoo for puppies and soft cloth or a sponge, you need to thoroughly soap your German Shepherd from the top of the neck, down the chest and legs, to the sides and to the end of the tail, making sure that the soap does not get on the face. After this, you need to thoroughly rinse off the remaining shampoo using the same flexible shower hose, still pressing it close to the surface of the coat. This will remove any remaining dirt and detergent from under the deepest layers of the undercoat.

Repeat this step two to three times, paying special attention to the areas under the puppy's neck and armpits, where the foam can linger especially tightly. It is extremely important to thoroughly rinse off any remaining shampoo as it can affect the quality of the coat or cause irritation, itching, dryness or rashes on the animal's skin. In order to make sure that everything is washed off thoroughly, you need to try to foam the animal's fur under running water with your free hand. If no soap bubbles or foam forms, everything has been done quite well. If there is, rinsing should be continued.

To bathe your German Shepherd, it is better to wear home clothes that you won’t mind ruining. Everyone knows that animals love to shake off water. Therefore, it is better to get a plastic apron and after bathing, give the puppy or even an adult dog plenty to shake out the remaining moisture. After this, you can blot the wool with a towel. At the end of the procedure, you can remove cotton swabs from your ears, and ears wipe with oil to prevent moisture precipitation.

German Shepherds are large dogs that grow slowly from puppies to adults. The formation process takes about 3 years and requires the owner to properly care for the German Shepherd puppy. Today we will tell you how to help your baby get used to a new place of residence, organize feeding, education and training.

Having brought the future defender into the apartment, you need to choose a place that is not in a draft, near a door or radiator. The puppy is given a mattress or rug, preferably with a pillowcase. There should be several of them in order to change and wash them as they get dirty.

How to care for a German Shepherd puppy? At first, the baby will go to the toilet in the apartment. He is gradually taught to relieve himself outside, after feeding or sleeping. You should reward your pet with something tasty. During the first days, a German Shepherd puppy may whine, missing its mother or kennel. You need to calm him down with gentle words, offer him a toy, and not tie him up or lock him in a dark place. But for the benefit of further proper upbringing, you should not constantly pet and squeeze the dog.

Features of feeding

The owner must properly organize the diet of his German. The following feeding methods are practiced: dry food, natural products and a combined method. There are features of feeding a puppy and an adult dog at home.


Proper care of a German Shepherd dog is feeding healthy food. For the first 2 weeks in a new place, the baby should receive the food he is used to. For the puppy, purchase a nickel-plated bowl on a stand, which is adjusted to the level of the chest.

As the baby grows, the height of the stand also changes (this way you can avoid problems with the spine). While the puppy is eating, fix its stance by adjusting its paws. The drink in one of the bowls is changed 3 times a day. The food should be crushed, barely warm and smell good. After eating, the baby's face is wiped with a rag.

IN daily diet adult animal at home care include lean, scalded and lightly cooked meat.

It is better to give rabbit, beef, chicken, turkey, but not pork. They continue to cook porridge from millet, buckwheat, oatmeal and rice. It is allowed to give pumpkin, carrots, zucchini and bell peppers. Seasonal vegetables are useful - for example, apples and pears. Lactic acid products are also necessary, 1 tsp. vegetable oil per day, honey Unlike a puppy, an adult pet over a year old can be given sea ​​fish– twice a week, boneless and boiled. Do not feed dogs fatty meats, smoked meats, tubular bones, fried food. Pasta, seasonings, baked goods, chocolate and other sweets, legumes and carbonated drinks are also prohibited.

By 6–10 months, the duration of the walk increases to 2–3 hours. The pet needs communication with other purebred dogs, and it is better to protect it from strays. It is better to take your pet out during the day so that it receives beneficial ultraviolet light.

Bathing and grooming

When talking about the care and maintenance of a domestic German Shepherd, it is worth mentioning hygiene. Frequent bathing disrupts the natural protective layer of the skin and harms the health of the coat. It is recommended to completely wash the puppy with a special shampoo from 3 months and no more than 3 times a year. After the procedure, the dog is wiped and dried. You can remove dust or dirt after a walk by rinsing the animal with warm water. Coat cleaning is carried out daily, standing to the left of the pet. How to care for German Shepherd so that tangles do not appear on the wool? You need to comb your pet as often as possible.

Cleaning ears and teeth

Keeping a German Shepherd also means caring for your pet’s ears and teeth. Teeth cleaning is carried out once every 3 months with powder or toothpaste for dogs. Artificial bones containing fluoride help clean fangs and develop jaws. When studying the question of how to properly care for a German Shepherd, remember that the ears are cleaned with a cotton swab or a special preparation. Regular examination of the ears for inflammation or redness is required.

Education and training

Knowing how to care for a shepherd, you can move on to education and training. Education begins from the first days of the baby’s appearance in the house - he is not allowed to jump on the furniture, they show him who is the boss here. When training, a mechanical, imitative method or reward with food is used. Remember the rules of training: commands are pronounced without insistence or threats, choosing the right intonation. Don't be nervous or make sudden movements. The pet is periodically allowed to rest. If possible, change the place of classes and the sequence of exercises. It is better to carry out training in the morning or evening, and this should be done by the person until the results appear.

German Shepherds have beautiful thick hair, which requires regular and conscientious grooming. First of all, this concerns the correct selection of a complete diet and various hygiene procedures. The owner of such a dog needs to know exactly what and when to do to provide the pet’s coat with proper care.

At what age and how often should you bathe your dog?

German Shepherds often tolerate water procedures calmly and love to swim if they early age were accustomed to this.

Bathing a German Shepherd puppy should not begin until it reaches the age of three months. During this time, the pet’s body will become strong enough to endure water treatments without health consequences. Up to 3 months, wiping the baby’s fur with a damp cloth or cloth is sufficient.

In the future, an adult kept in an apartment must be bathed using special products two to four times a year: in autumn, spring and summer. In winter, wool is sometimes cleaned outdoors with snow. Water procedures carried out in winter can provoke illness in a dog. When urgent need When bathing a pet during this period, it is necessary to thoroughly prepare and heat the room allocated for bathing.

Important! If your dog gets dirty while walking, wash him in the shower or use a damp towel to dry his fur.

In the summer, if your pet is clearly inclined to water procedures, you can shower him after walks.

It is not advisable to wash small puppies a few days before vaccination and during quarantine after it, which lasts 14 days. The first vaccinations are given quite early, at the age of 6 weeks or 2 months. It is too early to bathe a puppy at 1 or 2 months. After vaccinations, the baby’s body is weakened, and bathing can cause complications.

Video: how often should you wash your German Shepherd?

How to bathe at home

Before bathing your puppy for the first time, it is necessary to prepare. After all, the dog’s attitude towards subsequent baths depends on how everything goes this time. Try to communicate with your baby calmly and affectionately, and do not frighten him with sudden movements. Let him get comfortable in his new space by sniffing and examining everything in the bathroom. After this, you can start washing your German Shepherd puppy.

Your pet’s further attitude towards this procedure depends on how the bathing goes for the first time.

What you need for bathing at home

Prepare in advance everything you may need for the procedure:

Important! Do not forget to take your pet for a good walk outside before bathing, otherwise after the procedure he will want to go for a walk again and may get dirty or catch a cold.

How to wash a German Shepherd puppy

Treat your puppy's first bath like bathing a newborn baby. Prepare thoroughly and plan ahead.

Stages of bathing a baby for the first time:

  1. Fill the bath with water so that it covers the animal's paws or reaches a maximum of the dog's chest. Make sure that the water temperature does not exceed 35-36 degrees.
  2. Place 1 drop of vegetable oil into your pet's eyes and insert cotton swabs into the ears.
  3. Place the dog in the bathtub and use the shower to wet the animal's fur everywhere except the head.
  4. Using special shampoo and a sponge, thoroughly soap your puppy's entire body, including his paws, belly and neck.
  5. Rinse off the foam with a shower, sparing no water. Repeat the procedure if necessary. You can’t leave detergent on your pet’s skin: the hair in these places sticks together, and dogs’ skin is sometimes irritated by the chemicals.
  6. Turn off the water, remove the swabs from the dog’s ears and treat the ears with oil.
  7. Wrap your baby in a towel and remove him from the bath. Try to dry the animal's fur as best you can. If the fur remains partially damp, allow the puppy to shake itself and dry off on its own by running around the house. If the puppy is not afraid of loud noises, try drying the fur with a hairdryer.

After bathing, the shepherd's coat takes about 3 hours to dry.

Try to bathe the animal within 10 minutes. Eliminate the possibility of drafts in the room so as not to provoke a cold in your pet.

Important! After washing, walks are allowed only after 3 hours.

Video: how to wash a German Shepherd

How to wash a shepherd outside

In the heat of summer, you can bathe your German Shepherd puppy in an open pond every day, starting at the age of 4 months. Such procedures will help strengthen the dog’s muscles and perfectly stimulate its physical development.

If you took your pet to a river or lake, before swimming, pay attention to the condition of the reservoir and the shore. Are sharp objects, glass shards or other foodborne debris visible? This precaution will help avoid unwanted injuries and poisoning of the animal.

After inspection, let your dog off the leash and let him get used to the new place. German Shepherds are not shy, but individual characteristics Every animal has character.

Swimming in a pond is useful for strengthening muscles and joints BUT

How to act near a pond:

  1. If you see that the puppy is scared and is in no hurry to go into the water, do not try to force him or throw him there. First, go into the water and call your dog. Due to the high degree of trust in the owner, the shepherd dogs then willingly follow him.
  2. If the puppy does not respond to your call, try luring him into the pond with a toy or stick. Don't forget to use the "Aport!" command.
  3. If the weather is good, there is no need to dry your dog's coat with a towel after swimming. Let it dry naturally, play and run with her.

Important! After an illness, it is better to wait about 10 days for bathing from the moment your pet recovers.

German Shepherd Grooming Procedures

The coat of German Shepherds is one of the main indicators of the pet's health. If the fur falls out or is dull and brittle, this indicates a disease or lack of vitamins in the animal.

Based on their coat, German Shepherds are divided into long-haired and short-haired.

Their coat needs daily brushing. During the cleaning process, dirt, dust and dandruff are removed from fur and skin, while simultaneously effective prevention skin diseases and stimulation of blood supply and metabolism in the pet’s body.

To care for the coat, the following tools are needed:

  1. A frequent comb for a massage effect (for long-haired dogs - with long teeth, for short-haired dogs - with short teeth).
  2. Metal comb: used for combing hair.
  3. Slicker comb: used during the pet’s seasonal shedding, as well as for untangling tangles.

Necessary combs and combs for grooming your German Shepherd's coat

Cleaning is done with a brush specially designed for this purpose after thoroughly combing the dog's fur. During the cleaning process, the brush must be periodically freed from hair and dirt clogged in it. If your pet has a calm character, you can clean it with a vacuum cleaner with a small brush attachment.

After dry brushing, wet clean the wool using a special sponge. Then dry the fur with a dry towel and don’t forget to wipe your pet’s eyes and ears with a damp cloth.

There are special complex procedures designed to care for the hair and skin of animals, the so-called grooming. It includes:

  • combing your pet's fur;
  • bathing and drying;
  • a haircut;
  • nail care;
  • cleaning the ears;
  • cleaning the dog's teeth.

Important! The German Shepherd is not a breed whose coat needs to be shaped frequently. Correct form The coat is inherent in her by nature. But for hygienic purposes, experts recommend grooming German shepherds by trimming the hair around the anus and between the pet’s toes.

The first bath of a 3-month-old puppy is an important procedure that leaves an imprint on all subsequent baths. Therefore, you should prepare in advance and behave kindly and calmly with your baby. It is recommended to bathe apartment dogs with special products no more than 4 times a year, and kennel dogs no more than 3 times.

We will talk about these nuances in the article.

They are very active and temperamental, and if you do not care for them properly, they will not grow into good guard dog. When purchasing a puppy of this breed, the owner must understand how much responsibility he takes on.

It is best to keep German Shepherds outside in a private home. This applies to both adult dogs and small puppies. The pet will need to run and play a lot, and a large enclosure with a platform, a canopy and where the puppy can wait out the bad weather is perfect for this.

You can keep the animal in an apartment, then you will have to arrange its own place in a warm corner, hidden from drafts. To do this, you will need to buy or make a soft bed with replaceable pillowcases, which must be changed twice a week for hygienic purposes.

At first, the puppy may be sad and miss its mother. To calm the animal a little, you need to pet it, give it some goodies, play, cuddle it, and calm it down with a gentle voice. German Shepherds are very intelligent and have a great sense of emotions.


If the puppy lives in an apartment, then you need to walk him a lot. 30 minutes is enough for a very small two-month old, but a six-month-old teenager can walk for up to 2-3 hours straight. If the puppy calms down and lies down right on the street, it means he has had a walk and can be taken home.

There are several factors to consider while walking:

  • The puppy does not need additional loads; you should not force him to run after a bicycle or endlessly throw a stick at him;
  • in the company of relatives, the puppy gets tired much faster, this good way reduce walking time and teach your pet to contact other animals;
  • puppies love active games, they will happily run after a ball or a stick, but you should not harass the animal with such activity.

The older the animal gets, the less time it needs to walk.

Hygiene procedures

The most important thing when caring for a Shepherd puppy is to watch his eyes. If the eyes are red, watery, or pus is oozing from them, then you need to contact your veterinarian and follow all the recommendations prescribed by him.

Other hygiene procedures should be followed:

  • brushing your teeth once every three months using a special toothpaste or powder. Special bones made of leather will help fix the teeth;
  • cleaning your ears once a month with cotton swabs And special means, which is sold in veterinary pharmacies. If inflammation is detected, you must contact a veterinarian;
  • bathing no more than 2-3 times a month only when absolutely necessary.

Caring for puppies is not at all difficult; it is important to maintain basic hygiene.


In the first weeks needs the same food that the breeder fed him to avoid severe stress in the baby. At six months of age, the puppy only needs 2-3 large meals on a specific schedule, the food bowl should be given at a certain time for 20 minutes and then removed.


Every week you need to check the growth chart and if there are strong deviations up or down, regulate this with the help of your diet.

The puppy can be fed both natural food and specialized food for puppies, but the most preferable option is a combination of natural and dry food.

Feed the puppy from the table regular food strictly prohibited, this threatens not only addiction and further begging, but also health problems, for example, obesity.

The puppy should always have a bowl of clean, fresh water within easy reach.

Basic rules for keeping an adult dog

Before accepting a new family member in the person of a German Shepherd, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules for its care:

  • . The health and life expectancy of an animal depends on nutrition. The main principles: do not feed from the table, do not overfeed, give only the food that the dog can eat and that is appropriate for its age, there should always be fresh water available;
  • health. It is necessary to transport your pet to preventive examination see a veterinarian once a year, but if there is a suspicion of a disease, then treatment should be started as soon as possible;
  • physical activity. You need to provide your pet with enough space to physical activity(for example, an aviary in a private house) or often go for a walk with him. You need to play with your dog for at least one hour a day to release its physical activity;
  • and socialization. At a young age, a puppy needs to be introduced to other dogs and people, and picked up more often so that it gets used to people. IN adolescence You can already begin training, which German Shepherds respond very well to. You can train an animal throughout its life, rewarding it for success, as this not only disciplines, but also brings the pet and owner closer together.

At first, when the puppy is still small, it is necessary to carefully monitor his health - if even a slight malaise is noticed, then you need to contact a veterinarian as soon as possible. Purebred animals are prone to diseases inherent to their breed, and if the problem is identified earlier, it will be easier to treat.

Proper nutrition is the second key to success. Without a properly formulated diet, a dog will not grow up happy and healthy.

Caring for a German Shepherd in terms of hygiene is quite simple - brushing the coat twice a week, cleaning the ears and teeth once a month (or when dirty) and bathing as necessary.

Personal place

The best place for a dog in the house is a spacious enclosure, but if it was decided to keep the pet in an apartment, then you need to equip it comfortable place, which must meet some parameters:

  • The size of the bed should be large enough for the animal to lie on it comfortably. Pillowcases or mattresses should be removable so that they can be washed periodically;
  • The bed should be located away from drafts so that the dog does not get sick;
  • It is advisable to place the “bed” away from the passages so as not to disturb the dog while sleeping at home.

You can place the bed next to your own bed if such close proximity to your beloved pet does not bother you. The German Shepherd will carefully guard the owner's sleep.

How to feed?

German Shepherd - pretty large dog which requires large amounts of food daily. Each owner chooses for himself how and what to feed his pet, but it is important to follow a number of rules to maintain the health of the pet.

Dry food

With dry food, everything is simple - it does not need to be prepared, it is stored for a long time and has the necessary set of substances for the development of a dog. You should not save on dry food and buy low-grade food - this will not end well, as the body purebred dogs more sensitive to poor quality food.

You need to feed your dog dry food at approximately the same time in limited portions, and fresh food should always be available. pure water.

Natural food

With natural food, everything is more complicated - it needs to be prepared separately for the animal (it is strictly forbidden to give the same thing that the owner eats) and only from those products that are allowed for representatives of this breed.

The right diet adult dog comprises:

  • 30% meat. The dog gets the necessary protein from meat. You can give it raw, cut into small pieces or lightly boiled with boiling water. Chicken, lean pork, and beef are excellent. Meat can be mixed with porridge;
  • offal. All of them are given raw, except for the liver, since there may be helminths there; it is first boiled;
  • cereals. Shepherd dogs can eat any porridge, including milk porridge, except for semolina, which is poorly excreted from the animal’s body;
  • dairy. Cottage cheese, kefir and yogurt should occupy a significant place in the animal’s diet;
  • vegetables and fruits. Shepherd dogs happily eat zucchini, pumpkin, beets, cabbage, and greens. You can give them cut into pieces or grated. Fruits - as a treat in small portions with the addition of a small amount of butter or sour cream for better absorption.

Feeding natural food It beats dry food in terms of variety, but loses in terms of time.

Whatever the dog’s diet, the animal must have clean water around the clock. It needs to be changed daily.

Are vaccinations necessary?

Vaccination - great way avoid many diseases and further problems with the health of the animal.

They need to be done according to a specific schedule:

  • The puppy is vaccinated against hepatitis, parvovirus and coronavirus enteritis at the age of 1.5 months, and two weeks later, as prescribed by the veterinarian, they are re-vaccinated;
  • The puppy is vaccinated against canine distemper at three months, and again after 6 months;
  • Vaccinated against leptospirosis at 4 months;
  • At 6 months they are vaccinated against rabies and repeated every year.

The listed vaccinations must be done according to schedule, otherwise it cannot be avoided serious problems with health. There are also a number of vaccinations that owners do at will (vaccinations against microsporia, trichophytosis, parainfluenza).


Wool is one of the indicators good health animal. If it is faded, dull and falls out, then you should take your pet to the veterinarian for an examination.

Start off hygiene care The fur should be taken care of as soon as the puppy arrives in the family, so that it gets used to the procedures. This is not the most pleasant process for dogs, so you will have to be patient.

There are two types of shepherd dogs:

To care for fur, you need to purchase the following equipment from a pet store:

  • massage comb with metal teeth(long - for long-haired dogs, medium - for short-haired dogs);
  • a slicker comb for brushing a dog during shedding;
  • metal comb for combing hair;
  • specialized shampoo and conditioner for animals.

Twice a year the dog begins to actively shed, during this period you need to comb the animal with a slicker comb, during the rest of the period 1-2 times a week you need to go through the fur with a massage brush to avoid the formation of tangles.

You only need to trim the hair in the neck area and hind legs for the dog's convenience. Only long-haired Shepherds require a haircut.

How to properly maintain an apartment?

If it has been decided to keep a German Shepherd in an apartment, then you need to arrange a cozy place for it in the living room (you cannot place the dog in the bathroom, kitchen, hallway or balcony) away from drafts and heat sources.


Shepherds shed a lot, so it is important to regularly clean the apartment, especially if children, pensioners, or allergy sufferers live there.

What accessories and toys are needed?

Before you bring your dog into your home, you need to purchase all the accessories necessary for it, such as:

  • bowls for food and water (ceramic ones are preferable, they are more stable, preferably on a stand so that the pet does not have to bend over too much);
  • a bed of a suitable size;
  • everyday comb, slicker brush;
  • hair shampoo, conditioner;
  • hygiene products (for washing eyes, cleaning ears, etc.);
  • collar and leash (for shepherd dogs you need strong, thick ones, made of durable material, but not a chain);
  • toys.

Shepherds, especially at a young age, love to play, and toys will only please them. These can be rubber bones, balls, sticks, ropes and any other toys. The owner must be prepared for the fact that he will have to buy new toys often, since shepherd dogs have quite strong jaws and strong teeth.

Walking rules

If the shepherd lives in an apartment, then you need to walk with it at least 1.5-2 hours a day. You need to walk your pet in a spacious, open area, where he can run around to his heart's content, frolic, and play with a stick.

Ideal options would be:

  • forest or forest belt;
  • field;
  • vacant lot;
  • big park.

If there are a lot of people around, especially children, then you need to walk the dog on a leash, even if it is very well-mannered. During play, a massive dog may not notice the child and knock him down, which can cause problems for the animal’s owner in the future.

As for walking in winter, in most cases shepherds do not need clothing - these dogs feel quite well at temperatures down to -10 degrees.

But if the weather is too cold, then you can buy a jumpsuit for your pet.

How to trim nails and clean ears correctly?

From infancy, you need to accustom your dog to having its teeth brushed periodically. If you do everything correctly, then in adulthood the pet will tolerate this procedure calmly.

  • For cleaning you need to purchase:
  • a special brush for dogs;

special toothpaste. You need to brush your teeth once a month and at a time when the dog is calm. Best time

- after an active walk, when the animal is tired and does not resist. You need to brush your teeth once every 1-2 months. Trimming the nails of an inexperienced dog breeder can cause a lot of trouble, since shepherd dogs' nails are black and not translucent; it is not visible where the void ends and the living tissue begins. The best option

will take your dog to a professional for nail trimming.

How to bathe? You need to bathe your shepherd dog as it becomes dirty, preferably no more than 1-2 times a month, otherwise the shampoo will wash away the protective substances from its fur, which can lead to diseases..

If the dog is slightly dirty after a walk, you can rinse it with warm water, it is not necessary to use


It is best to bathe in the bathroom using a shower. First, you need to wet the coat, then apply shampoo, lather and rinse thoroughly, and then treat the dog with conditioner.


If you do not completely rinse the detergents from the animal's fur, severe irritation may appear on its skin. How to train?

The German Shepherd is highly trainable, but it is important to start teaching it commands from infancy.

If you miss this period, then in the future the dog will perceive the owner’s commands much worse. Representatives of this breed are ready to protect their owner and their family members until their last breath. They are very smart and quick-witted and that is why they can easily become full-fledged members of the family.

Useful video

Video about training and keeping a German Shepherd:

In contact with

Is it legal to bathe a one-month-old German Shepherd puppy?


With the appearance of a four-legged pet in the house, it becomes necessary to acquire skills to care for a new family member. Hygiene is an important point in keeping a dog.

When to start bathing your puppy

Experienced dog breeders and veterinarians advise not to bathe puppies until they are three months old. The decision is related to the structural features hairline little ones. Natural lubricant is easily washed off from the surface of the puppy's coat, protecting the puppy's coat and skin from adverse factors. At 3-4 months, the “baby hair” changes to adult hair. From this period it is necessary to accustom your pet to bathing.

How to care for your puppy's coat before bathing

The puppy's coat needs to be combed and brushed daily. You need to purchase a special comb and brush, and have a clean cloth on hand that can be easily wrung out and absorbs water and dirt. Daily care procedure:

  • Wipe the paws with a damp cloth.
  • Brush the puppy with a comb.
  • Comb with a brush.
  • Wipe the fur with a damp cloth in the direction of hair growth.
  • If necessary, gently wipe the ears with a damp cloth.

If the puppy is extremely dirty

It happens that a little fidget gets so dirty that ordinary wet wiping does not help. You will need to wash the puppy with water. To prevent your pet's paws from sliding on the smooth bottom of the bathtub, and to prevent your baby from being afraid of his first bath, place a rubber mat on the bottom. It is better to purchase a special mat with suction cups. The water temperature is within thirty-six degrees Celsius.

Remember, the baby’s head is not washed, but wiped with a damp cloth. Cover the ears with cotton swabs. It is important to ensure that water does not get into the ears, avoiding the chance of provoking the development of ear diseases in the puppy. If the contamination is severe, you can use a special shampoo. Pet stores sell dog shampoos. There will be funds for puppies. Do not overdo it with shampoo - in large quantities the product is poorly washed out of the thick undercoat. Leftovers chemical substances can cause itching on your puppy's skin.

Make sure there are no drafts. Otherwise, the baby will easily catch a cold. The thick undercoat takes a long time to dry, so you need to thoroughly dry the pet with a towel and keep it warm until it dries completely. You cannot go for a walk on the day of swimming.

Remember, frequent bathing is not recommended even for adult dogs. With frequent water procedures the protective lubricant does not have time to recover, which leads to skin diseases and poor appearance wool Bathing a puppy before its coat changes becomes the exception, not the rule. If a pet- a big mischief maker, it is important to watch carefully and stop attempts to get dirty.

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