Home Oral cavity Selection criteria and features of caring for a German Shepherd puppy. How to care for a German Shepherd puppy - advice from veterinarians How to properly care for a German Shepherd puppy

Selection criteria and features of caring for a German Shepherd puppy. How to care for a German Shepherd puppy - advice from veterinarians How to properly care for a German Shepherd puppy

Update: October 2017

Highest intelligence, excellent intuition, sincerity, reliability, courage, fighting instinct, strong nervous system, keen instincts, excellent training abilities - these are the main qualities of a hardy and good-natured German Shepherd, the characteristics of the breed are mainly the following features:

  • Constant need for service. Which one it is doesn't matter. She can fetch the ball, guard the apartment, keep an eye on the child, protect property, the main thing for her is to be involved in helping the owner.
  • Requires extremely high physical activity. Hiking in the mountains, playing in nature, running, swimming, long walks - all this is necessary for harmonious development.
  • Predisposed to diseases such as dysplasia hip joints, paralysis of the hind limbs, leukemia, diabetes mellitus, distemper, eosinophilic panostitis, atopic allergy, otitis media, growth hormone deficiency, bloating and volvulus, cardiovascular diseases.
  • Differs in such negative qualities, as excessive distrust and vigilance towards strangers. Can be independent and cunning, which requires an approach to the training process.
  • Due to its character traits, it requires an active, rich lifestyle with direct participation in the life of the pack - the owner’s family.

Breed characteristics

Who is a German Shepherd suitable for?

People and families, including those with children, leading a healthy active lifestyle.

As a companion for athletes.

Disciplined, calm people and families in need of a watchful watchman.

How difficult is it to care and maintain?
Difficulty level is below average.
Is it possible to keep it in an apartment?
Yes, but subject to active walking for at least two hours a day for adult dog, training, long walks in nature (field, forest, park) at least once a week.
Can one only live on the street?
Yes, but only if you have a specially equipped enclosure with a roof and an insulated booth. The booth should be installed not on concrete, but on a wooden floor. The area should be fenced with a high fence so that the dog does not frighten passers-by with its constant barking.
Attitude towards children
She is very kind to children, even overprotective of them. Can control movement around the house. He will be a great friend and ally for a teenager. When playing with a child under 6–8 years old, adult supervision is required, as the child can cause harm to the animal. A child 9–10 years old can be trusted to train under the guidance of an adult.
Is it sometimes aggressive?
According to the standard, the dog is distinguished by incredible endurance and a strong psyche, does not experience feelings of anxiety or fear, so it will not show causeless aggression. Distrustful attitude towards strangers is the norm and is not considered aggression.
How often and for how long should you go for a walk?

Puppy up to 6 months – walks no more than 10 – 15 minutes an unlimited number of times a day.

By the age of one year, reduce to 2–3 walks per day for 45–60 minutes.

An adult dog should be walked at least once a day for an hour. Ideally, the walk should last about two hours, alternating fun games and elements of training.

Does he get along with other pets?
Socialization required. May attempt to protect family members, especially children, from other animals.
How often to wash? Is it possible to swim in bodies of water?

The puppy should not be washed for two to three months after vaccination. Can be wiped with a damp sponge.

An adult dog can be washed no more than 2-3 times a year using only special high-quality shampoo for dogs.

You can swim in reservoirs from 6 months at an air temperature of at least 25 degrees.

Do you need clothes and toys?
There is no need for clothes. Toys are a must, especially for a puppy, otherwise he will chew on everything. Soft toys are prohibited. Best materials– durable latex or cast rubber. The size depends on the age; the toy should not be so small that it can be swallowed.

Character and temperament

The worst nightmare for the breed is separation from its owner or being unwanted by the pack. The Germans call it " family dog“, and this is its whole essence. A dog left by its owner will be extremely stressed and will not soon be able to trust people. Protecting and defending his flock is the purpose and meaning of his life. Loyalty, even to the point of recklessness, attentiveness, courage, desire to serve and please - this is all about him. He is also cheerful, sociable, balanced and grasps everything literally on the fly. At the genetic level, dogs of this breed have an acute need to obey the leader. Therefore, it is important for the owner to become a standard of power and moral fortitude for his pet.

There is a monument to the German Shepherd. It is located in Togliatti and depicts a dog who has waited for its owners for seven years.

Representatives of the breed are quite obedient and unpretentious in everyday life. The main thing is to load them with work to the maximum, otherwise they will get bored and their irrepressible energy will result in far from funny pranks - digging a deep hole, chewing expensive shoes, ruining furniture. Very important for a shepherd physical activity not just the “run and jump” format. The shepherd's character requires training, tasks, participation and victories in exhibitions and competitions, and overcoming obstacles. That is why she was a shepherd at the dawn of her youth, copes with the work of a guide and nanny, and is a favorite in such difficult tasks as protecting the territory, rescuing and searching for people, searching for drugs and explosives, detaining and neutralizing dangerous criminals.

REFERENCE! According to information from the dog training community in Germany, the German Shepherd is the absolute leader in popularity among other breeds.

Photo of a German Shepherd

  • The absence of slippery floor coverings (linoleum, laminate, tiles), which can cause injury during games and negatively affects the formation of the posture of the limbs.
  • Sufficient amount of light. Puppies especially need the sun.
  • The absence of objects that cannot be chewed - from items from the wardrobe and interior items to dangerous electrical wiring.
  • The place for the pet should be organized in the form of a thick mattress. Not on the passage, but where he can monitor the entire apartment.
  • The best content option is still a private house, since in an apartment, especially a small one, there is a risk of developing physical inactivity - a violation of the harmonious development of the musculoskeletal system.

Coat care boils down to regular combing with a regular slicker brush or rake brush, no more than twice a week. But during the molting period you will have to tinker. Shepherds shed quite heavily and their hair will fly everywhere.

Ears should also be treated once a week with a dry sponge or cloth. A little light sulfur on the skin inside the ear is considered normal. ABOUT inflammatory processes They say dark discharge or when the dog constantly rubs his ear with his paw and shakes his head.

Trimming the tips of the nails with pruning shears is only necessary for puppies. The eyes do not require special care, but it is important to monitor them so that they do not water or turn red. Healthy eyes look clear and clean and have no discharge. Teeth cleaning is carried out by dispensing special bones with chlorophyll or fluoride. It is important to take timely measures to combat ticks and fleas. During the spring and autumn seasons, the dog is treated monthly with special preparations or a flea and tick collar is used. An ultrasonic repeller works effectively.

Deworming of adults is carried out once every three months at the rate of one tablet per kilogram of weight with drugs such as Cestal Plus, Drontal Plus, Kanikvantel, Azinox. 10 days before vaccination you also need to carry out deworming.

Vaccination is carried out according to a standard scheme, which is repeated annually:

  • At 4 – 6 weeks.
  • At 8 or 9 weeks
  • At 3 months.

A German Shepherd living outside the city should also be vaccinated against ringworm.


There are three types of feeding:

  • Dry balanced food.
  • Natural products.
  • Mixed feeding.

What you feed your German Shepherd is up to you. Each type of feeding has its own advantages and disadvantages. But it is important to follow some general rules:

  • When selecting dry food, you need to focus on the dog’s age, its physiology and use only professional super premium dry food.
  • There must be constant access to fresh, cool water.
  • You can eat any vegetables without restrictions.
  • Once a week you can treat your dog to a bone - exclusively sugar and without any leftover meat.
  • The feeding procedure is carried out only at the same time.
  • Products must be fresh and of high quality.
  • When feeding “natural”, the daily diet should include vegetables, dairy products, mineral supplements, cereals, meat, offal or sea ​​fish(boneless, raw).
  • You can't feed from the table!

Remember that feeding your German Shepherd from a table may result in him being fed from an IV.

All types of meat can be given, except fatty pork. Or when using it, you need to cook it first. Meat should not be given in large pieces or minced meat; it must be cut into pieces. It should make up approximately 30% of the daily diet. Offal should also be lightly boiled.

Raw river fish is prohibited. Sea fish should be thoroughly cleaned of bones; it is not recommended to frequently feed capelin and pollock. Twice a week you need to give an egg - preferably only a raw yolk. Milk is only good for puppies; adult dogs need fermented milk products.

All cereals can be consumed uncrushed. The healthiest ones are buckwheat and rice. They need to be prepared correctly - first soak for several hours, for example, overnight, then boil for ten minutes. Sometimes they can be partially replaced with bread or crackers.

Vegetables are added to the dog's food, chopped raw or lightly boiled along with cereal.

Prohibited products:

  • Pasta.
  • Semi-finished products.
  • Legumes.
  • Semolina.
  • Bakery.
  • White wheat bread.
  • Canned food.
  • Marinades, pickles, smoked meats.
  • Sugar, sweeteners.
  • Bones, except sugar.
  • Sausages.
  • Potato.

A puppy up to two months should be fed up to 6 times a day, up to four months - 5 times, up to six months - four times, up to a year - three times a day, and from the age of one year switch to two meals a day.

IMPORTANT! You need to feed your dog 15-20 minutes after a walk.

A balanced, regular diet using high-quality feed or products is the key to an animal’s health. In this case, he will not need vitamins, mineral supplements, dietary supplements or fertilizing.

German Shepherd Diseases

The breed is distinguished by excellent health and extreme endurance, but may suffer from some genetically transmitted diseases, eye diseases, of cardio-vascular system, gastrointestinal tract and musculoskeletal system. Representatives of the breed are susceptible to distemper. Leukemia may develop skin allergies, diabetes mellitus, ear infections and oncological diseases.

Genetic diagnoses include hip dysplasia, which is often found in shepherd dogs. elbow joints, paralysis of the limbs, diseases of the spine. To avoid such complex diseases, it is recommended that when choosing a puppy, you study its pedigree and heredity.

The eyes are the most weakness. They are susceptible to a range of diseases and therefore require constant monitoring, regular check-ups by the breeder if you keep in touch, or veterinarian. The most common protrusion of the lacrimal gland, melanoma choroid, lens luxation, cataract, corneal dystrophy, dermoid.

At the age of about two months, growth hormone deficiency may occur and, consequently, development may stop. Such individuals retain their puppy-like appearance until death and do not live long.

A rather dangerously common bone disease among the “Germans” is eosinophilic panostitis, which occurs for reasons unknown to medicine and is characterized by irregular manifestations of lameness.

Education and training

Despite the fact that the breed is famous for its incredible intelligence, it is not easy to train. This naturally sharp mind manifests itself primarily in resourcefulness and cunning, so as not to follow commands, but to idle around. Therefore, before starting training, you need to stock up on such qualities as constancy, perseverance and patience. Education must begin from the moment the puppy appears in the house.

It is very important to be an undisputed leader for a dog, the leader of the pack. All skills must be practiced exclusively in a playful manner, without the manifestation of negative emotions in case of disobedience and with pronounced encouragement for obedience. The use of violence or raising the tone is excluded. The best training option is to take special courses from a professional trainer (not a dog trainer!). If you decide to do this yourself, it is important to follow the basic rules:

  • Clear pronunciation of commands. If you “sit”, then it is “sit”, and not “sit down” or “sit down”.
  • Intonation: for encouragement - one, for punishment - completely different. A dog, no matter how smart it is, does not understand words, but only intonation.
  • Gestures (exclude sudden movements, swinging at the dog).
  • The younger the pet, the more important encouragement is - a word, intonation, a treat.
  • Training is indicated only for healthy individuals.
  • At first, only one person conducts the class.
  • Classes should be carried out before feeding, in the morning or evening, in dry, warm and windless weather.

REFERENCE! In order not to spoil your pet with your ignorance in matters of education, you can use the advice from the book “What is your dog thinking about” by zoopsychologist J. Fisher.

Choosing a puppy and caring for it

How to choose the right puppy?

If you are purchasing a dog to participate in sports competitions, breeding or for service in the army, on the border, in the police, then this is not an easy task, and right choice Only a highly qualified expert who himself breeds German Shepherds can help you do this.

To choose a companion, colleague, friend and family member, it is enough to visit several well-established nurseries or breeders, study forums and websites on the topic. You can also invite a specialist. Remember that professionals will not sell German Shepherd puppies before they are two months old.

First days in a new place

Changing living conditions is a huge stress for such a baby. It can provoke apathy and stomach upset, so stock up on enterodesis and rehydron in advance. You may have to give your new household member a water diet for the first 5 to 10 hours.

Do not jerk the puppy with your attention, do not try to involve him in play, caress him, much less pick him up, cuddle him and press him to your chest. When he gets used to it, he will make contact himself. It is important to continue feeding the baby the same food that the breeder had, usually dry food, and to follow the usual daily routine. Never mix goodies like yoghurt, curds or sweets into dry food. This could end badly. The transition to natural food can be done no earlier than the dog turns one year old.

After some time, the “shepherd dog” may begin to miss his mother and his previous home - whining, demanding attention and asking to be held. At such moments, it is important not to succumb to provocations and simply not react, then he will understand that he will not be able to manipulate you and will calm down. The habituation process usually takes 2–3 days.

Make sure that your new pet has toys, constant access to water, and is away from objects that he can chew.

Breed standards

The latest changes to the breed standard were made in 2010. The very first standard was adopted in 1988 by Stefanitz and Mayer.

Origin Germany
Usage Versatile
Temperament Balanced, manageable, good-natured, self-confident. He has a fighting spirit, attentiveness and firmness.
Head and muzzle

Dry, moderately wide between the ears, wedge-shaped. The length of the skull almost matches the width. The nose is highly pigmented and black.

Medium size, not convex dark eyes almond-shaped. Light color the eye is undesirable.

Ears - directed upward, medium in size, erect, shells forward, pointed ends.

Croup Long, slightly sloping, smoothly blending into the base of the tail.
Breast Moderately wide.
Back Strong, with good muscles.
Neck The neck is strong and strong, with well-developed muscles.
Limbs Straight and parallel, powerful thighs, dark claws.
Tail A gently hanging curve, rising no higher than the horizontal of the back, docking is prohibited. The hair is longer on the underside.
Gait Sweeping, surface-parallel movements.
Leather Loose fitting.
Wool With undercoat, dense and hard, close-fitting, longer on the back of the paws, with moderate feathering on the back of the thighs.
Color Black, gray, with a black cape and mask, black with yellow, gray, tan, light brown markings. White color or serious lack of pigment is unacceptable. These are disqualifying signs.

History of the breed

The earliest ancestor of the German Shepherd that has been identified was the Indian wolf. This was determined by the Austrian zoologist Jaitteles, who found in the vicinity of Opava the skeletal remains of dogs from the Bronze Age, the ancestors of the “German” who lived 4000 years ago BC. The oldest descriptions of the German Shepherd breed date back to the seventh century and are found in Alemannic laws.

The beginning of professional breeding of the German Shepherd was laid in 1899 by the official creator of the breed, Max von Stefanitz, who registered representative No. 1, named Horand von Grafrath, in the stud book. Then von Stefanitz and his like-minded people open what a little later became the largest single-breed community - the Union of German Shepherd Owners (Schaferhunde Verein).

German Shepherds are large and active dogs that rightfully bear the title of highly intelligent and devoted companions. In order for your dog to live a long, healthy and happy life, he needs careful, regular care and care. German Shepherds must be fed and housed properly, in addition to this it is important to carry out routine medical examinations, vaccination, regular physical training, and special attention should be paid to the issue of hygiene.

At what age can you wash a dog?

It is not worth bathing puppies that are not yet physically strong. The German Shepherd's skin has a thin protective layer that helps provide moisture to the coat and produce natural oils to lubricate the skin surface and protect it from external irritants.

Important! By approximately the third month of life, the puppy is considered strong enough to undergo the first water procedure.

In this case, it is worth taking into account not only the age of the pet, but also its moral readiness. It is important not to spoil the impression of the first bath, not to frighten the animal, because how it will react to subsequent ones depends on the first water procedure. After all, everyone knows that some dogs happily jump into bodies of water and offer their paws one at a time for washing after a walk. Others hide in the darkest corner and do not want to come out under any circumstances. A large part of the result depends on the owner’s ability to present the procedure favorably to the pet.

How often should you bathe your shepherd?

How often you need to bathe your pet most often depends on him and his love for bath procedures. If the dog lives in an apartment, grooms himself thoroughly and keeps his fur clean, most often bathing is not necessary at all. If your “furry child” is a brawler and a bully by temperament, and every now and then gets into the dirt, it is simply necessary to remove it from the fur. The only thing that should be taken into account first is that it is not necessary to bathe the whole pet.

Most often, it is enough to wipe with a dry, damp towel or soft brush in particularly contaminated areas. You can wash your paws after walking around dirty street, wash your pet’s face after a tasty treat, etc. But frequent bathing can be dangerous both for the appearance of the dog’s coat and for its general health. The fact is that water dries out the skin, and excessive drying can cause damage. skin- most large organ bodies, both human and dog.

Ideally, it is best to bathe a German Shepherd puppy or adult 2-3 times a year. In this way, it will be possible to maintain a sufficient level of production of natural protective oils by the skin, which ensure the health of it and the animal’s undercoat. If it’s difficult to figure out the required frequency of bathing yourself, you can always seek advice from a veterinarian who will explain in detail how to do it. hygiene procedures for a dog of a specific breed, in specific living conditions.

For example, “Young puppies, in particular, do not need to be bathed frequently,” says American Kennel Club judge and German dog health expert shepherd dogs D-R Carmen Battaglia. In her words, “Puppy fur is soft and cottony. Gradually, as your German Shepherd puppy grows, from 8 weeks to 6 months of age, the adult coat will gradually replace the baby coat. During this time, there is no need for regular bathing, unless the puppy's coat is really dirty."

Expert Battaglia believes that if the puppy is seriously dirty, it is enough to rinse it with warm water without using detergents, then blot the water with a soft towel and let it shake off thoroughly. You can also comb out the fur afterwards. To help your baby dry out as quickly as possible, you can offer him active games with a ball or tag.

You can also consider a schedule of taking a bath once a month during the first 3-4 months of life. This will help the baby, even in puppyhood, in the form of a game, to get used to the procedure itself, water and other nuances. As a result, an adult animal in a bathroom environment will be easier to control in the future.

You can only use products for dogs, avoiding moisture or foam from entering prohibited areas. Do not allow water and foam to rise to the level of the head - eyes, ears, mouth, etc. In order to clean the hair on the head, you need to use a soft, slightly damp washcloth and simply wipe it gently in the direction of hair growth and remove it. As a rule, the procedure does not require repetition more than once every 4 months.

Bathing products and accessories

For bathing dogs, it is only permissible to use special products intended for dogs, preferably a specific one. age group. That is, there is a separate one for puppies, a separate one for adult dogs.

To bathe your German Shepherd dog, you need to stock up on the following important ingredients:

  • vegetable oil for eyes and ears;
  • cotton swabs for ears;
  • large terry moisture-absorbing towel;
  • rubberized mat to prevent slipping in the bathroom;
  • oilcloth apron for the owner;
  • special shampoo.

Before you start bathing, it is better to take your dog for a long walk. fresh air, since, most likely, having not been in the open air for a long time, the dog will still ask to go there and get dirty again.

Bathing a German Shepherd puppy

Once it's time for his first bath, it's important that your German Shepherd puppy feels comfortable. Bathing should not be a monumental problem for either him or his owner. In order for the process to bring pleasure to both participants in the cleanliness event, the owner should adhere to several simple rules. To bathe your pet, it is better to use a shower head with a flexible hose. You should not forcefully abandon an animal.

It is important not to scare the baby. Throughout the entire period of bathing and preparation for it, you need to talk kindly to the puppy, address him in a soft, calm voice. Your pet's paws may slide across the surface of the bathtub or shower stall, making the experience less comfortable, less safe, and potentially frightening. To prevent slipping, it is better to purchase a special rubberized bath mat and place it under the puppy’s paws.

The first step is to prepare the animal for bathing. To prevent water from getting into your ears, they should be plugged with small cotton swabs. To protect your eyes, use oil, lubricating your eyelids a little (it’s okay if a little gets into your eyes). Then, after checking the water temperature, you need to wet the animal a little with warm water. It is better to start from the back of the body; the hose should be held close to the fur, washing all areas of the body. Next, you can move the hose along the entire surface of the body, except for the head, in order to thoroughly saturate the undercoat with water.

Important! So that the room in which the dog is bathed is warm and there are no cold drafts, because of which a wet animal can simply catch a cold.

Using a special shampoo for puppies and soft cloth or a sponge, you need to thoroughly soap your German Shepherd from the top of the neck, down the chest and legs, to the sides and to the end of the tail, making sure that the soap does not get on the face. After this, you need to thoroughly rinse off the remaining shampoo using the same flexible shower hose, still pressing it close to the surface of the coat. This will remove any remaining dirt and detergent from under the deepest layers of the undercoat.

Repeat this step two to three times, paying special attention to the areas under the puppy's neck and armpits, where the foam can linger especially tightly. It is extremely important to thoroughly rinse off any remaining shampoo as it can affect the quality of the coat or cause irritation, itching, dryness or rashes on the animal's skin. In order to make sure that everything is washed off thoroughly, you need to try to foam the animal's fur under running water with your free hand. If no soap bubbles or foam forms, everything has been done quite well. If there is, rinsing should be continued.

To bathe your German Shepherd, it is better to wear home clothes that you won’t mind ruining. Everyone knows that animals love to shake off water. Therefore, it is better to get a plastic apron and after bathing, give the puppy or even an adult dog plenty to shake out the remaining moisture. After this, you can blot the wool with a towel. At the end of the procedure, you can remove cotton swabs from your ears, and wipe the auricles with oil to prevent moisture precipitation.

Well, that's a great idea. Just before

By acquiring a four-legged friend, you have to realize whether you understand what it means to become an owner? Vaccination, nutrition, treatment, training - and that's not yet full list what awaits you. It is better to choose another breed if you are not sure that you can properly raise and train a dog like a German Shepherd. Caring for puppies is perhaps one of the most difficult stages that you have to go through.

Preparing the site

You have to think in advance where the place for your pet will be located. It is important to remember that it should not be near a radiator or in a draft, otherwise the puppy risks overheating or, conversely, catching a cold. As a bedding, you can use a regular rug, which is easy to clean. It is better to use a special enclosure (it will be easier to implement this in a private house, but there are many “apartment” types of enclosures), which you can close when you are not at home. This helps protect your property from being bitten and your puppy's teeth from damage.


Proper nutrition for a German Shepherd is, first of all, dosed nutrition. For a puppy up to two months old, thin porridge with beef broth, cottage cheese, and kefir are ideal. Giving milk is prohibited! The meat should be cut into small pieces. It can be fed either raw or lightly boiled. Vegetables can be added to the diet of German Shepherd dogs. Caring for puppies is an extremely complex and meticulous process. You need to constantly monitor what your puppy eats, especially in the first months. Bones for a puppy are strictly prohibited - they can injure or clog your pet's stomach. Feeding mode:

Relief needs

A common mistake novice dog breeders make is punishing a puppy for puddles in the apartment. In the first months, you are unlikely to be able to teach your puppy to use the toilet outside, since he does not yet know how to tolerate it. Therefore, you need to go for a walk immediately after eating. As soon as the puppy relieves itself outside, be sure to praise him for it and treat him with a treat. You can get used to going to the toilet only outside by 6-8 months. German Shepherd puppies. Caring for puppies requires angelic patience and a steady hand. Don't forget that before you go on your first walk, you need to have all the necessary vaccinations.

Washing your puppy is often completely unnecessary, unless he is really dirty. During this procedure, try not to touch your head and avoid getting water in your ears. After bathing, wipe the coat dry - otherwise you risk catching a cold. If your pet just gets his paws dirty, you can wipe them with a damp cloth or train him to use a basin.

Fur, teeth, claws

It is better to brush the coat of German Shepherd babies every day. Caring for puppies in the first months should be constant and tireless. Teeth will begin to change at the age of 3 months. During this period there should not be much load on the jaw. Try to trim your nails at least once every few weeks. This must be done carefully and not touch your finger, otherwise the puppy may hate this procedure. Wonderful and loyal - these are the qualities that the German Shepherd dog possesses. Puppies require daily care and feeding: this is the only way you can raise a true and sincere friend.

Is swimming allowed? one month old puppy German Shepherd?


With the appearance of a four-legged pet in the house, it becomes necessary to acquire skills to care for a new family member. Hygiene is an important point in keeping a dog.

When to start bathing your puppy

Experienced dog breeders and veterinarians advise not to bathe puppies until they are three months old. The decision is related to the structural features hairline little ones. Natural lubricant is easily washed off from the surface of the puppy's coat, protecting the puppy's coat and skin from adverse factors. At 3-4 months, the “baby hair” changes to adult hair. From this period it is necessary to accustom your pet to bathing.

How to care for your puppy's coat before bathing

The puppy's coat needs to be combed and brushed daily. You need to purchase a special comb and brush, and have a clean cloth on hand that can be easily wrung out and absorbs water and dirt. Daily care procedure:

  • Wipe the paws with a damp cloth.
  • Brush the puppy with a comb.
  • Comb with a brush.
  • Wipe the fur with a damp cloth in the direction of hair growth.
  • If necessary, gently wipe the ears with a damp cloth.

If the puppy is extremely dirty

It happens that a little fidget gets so dirty that ordinary wet wiping does not help. You will need to wash the puppy with water. To prevent your pet's paws from sliding on the smooth bottom of the bathtub, and to prevent your baby from being afraid of his first bath, place a rubber mat on the bottom. It is better to purchase a special mat with suction cups. The water temperature is within thirty-six degrees Celsius.

Remember, the baby’s head is not washed, but wiped with a damp cloth. Cover the ears with cotton swabs. It is important to ensure that water does not get into the ears, avoiding the chance of provoking the development of ear diseases in the puppy. If the contamination is severe, you can use a special shampoo. Pet stores sell dog shampoos. There will be funds for puppies. Do not overdo it with shampoo - in large quantities the product is poorly washed out of the thick undercoat. Leftovers chemical substances can cause itching on your puppy's skin.

Make sure there are no drafts. Otherwise, the baby will easily catch a cold. The thick undercoat takes a long time to dry, so you need to dry your pet thoroughly with a towel and keep it warm until it dries completely. You cannot go for a walk on the day of swimming.

Remember, frequent bathing is not recommended even for adult dogs. With frequent water procedures, the protective lubricant does not have time to be restored, which leads to skin diseases and poor appearance of the coat. Bathing a puppy before its coat changes becomes the exception, not the rule. If your pet is a big troublemaker, it is important to carefully monitor and stop attempts to get dirty.

The German Shepherd is a very popular breed of dog in our country, which was originally used only for herding purposes and in search and guard service. The breed was developed by crossing several types of herd dogs, and currently the German Shepherd is represented by smooth-haired and long-haired varieties.

When a decision is made to keep a dog of this breed in the yard of a private house, it is recommended to purchase a puppy that was born and spent its first months of life in an outdoor enclosure. Such a pet has a more stable immune system and very quickly adapts to living outdoors. A German Shepherd kept outside will not require special attention and care:

  • it is necessary to systematically check the pet’s paws, which can be injured by dry grass in the summer or reagents in the winter;
  • if crusts, cracks or discharge appear on the dog’s nose or lips, you should consult a veterinary specialist;
  • German Shepherds are characterized by a problem associated with ingrown hair in the ears, as a result of which the outflow of wax is disrupted, so it is important to promptly remove all excess hair and perform hygienic cleaning ears;
  • Keeping an enclosure sometimes significantly limits the animal’s motor activity, so the dog’s claws not only grow back quickly, but also do not have time to wear down well. In this case, pruning should be done as often as possible;
  • When a German Shepherd is kept outdoors, shedding occurs a couple of times a year – in spring and autumn, so to maintain the four-legged pet’s home in good hygienic condition, you need to regularly comb out all the dying hair.

It is not recommended to bathe your four-legged pet too often, because in this case the natural skin protection is quickly washed away and the immune system is sharply reduced. In winter, the dog actively rolls around in the snow, and thus independently cleans its fur of dirt.

This is interesting! Keeping a German Shepherd in an enclosure in the local area is very a good option. The natural secretion of a special oily substance by the animal’s skin serves as an excellent protection against high humidity and extreme cold, so temperature changes are tolerated very easily by the dog.

Optimal conditions of detention

Professional dog handlers are unanimous in their opinion that it is ideal to keep a shepherd dog in outdoor, enclosure conditions, which is due to the specific use of such a dog, as well as the rather impressive size of adult representatives of the breed.

However, with strict adherence to the regime of walking and feeding, training and hygiene measures, it is quite possible to keep a shepherd dog in apartment conditions.

Walking a German Shepherd

Walking a German Shepherd is required at least twice a day, which will almost completely cover the need. pet in motor activity, and also allows you to cope with natural needs. It is recommended to walk a young dog at least three or four times a day. The pet is taken for a walk before feeding.

The duration of each walk has no limit, but cannot be less than half an hour. The basic rule for daily walking of a German Shepherd involves the mandatory use of a leash and muzzle. Among other things, any large breeds dogs must be walked in designated areas.

Dog diet and nutrition

Suitable for German Shepherd natural feeding, as well as the use of ready-made dry or wet food. The breed feature of the Shepherd is high mobility and physical activity Therefore, nutrition must fully correspond to the body’s energy expenditure. It is important to remember that German Shepherds by nature have a very weak ability to digest quickly, so the “premium” and “super-premium” classes are the best option.

If the choice fell on natural nutrition, then you need to calculate as correctly as possible the number of all components and the total nutritional value diet.

You also need to remember that it is strictly forbidden to use fatty meats and pork, dumplings and sausage, any high-calorie flour products or baked goods and sweets, potatoes, pearl barley and legumes. You cannot feed your pet smoked and pickled foods, herbs or spices.

Education and training

If education is a broad term that includes activities such as teaching basic norms of behavior and general socialization, then training is the teaching and practice of basic and additional commands.

Initial training for a German Shepherd should be done before the pet receives basic vaccinations, approximately 4.5 months of age. The general training course, as a rule, does not exceed two months, and the skills acquired during this period must be consolidated at the age of one year.

Special skills that can be imparted to a German Shepherd include security, protective and search services. This breed is also last years Very actively used as a guide dog. If you do not have special training skills, it is advisable to invite a professional dog handler to work with your pet.

Important! Remember that if classes are planned with four-legged friend freestyle, agility or any other sports, then basic skills are taught to the dog between the ages of one and three years.

Care and hygiene

IN special attention and the coat of the German Shepherd requires careful care. An adult pet of this breed should be bathed no more than four times a year, using special shampoos. Too frequent water treatments become the main cause of dull hair. To prevent tangles from forming and maintain healthy appearance, after walks you need to carefully comb the coat.

The pet's ears are examined weekly and treated if necessary. auricle cotton or fabric pads soaked in special liquid lotions. Detection of discharge, redness or unpleasant odor, is a reason to contact a veterinarian.

In order to keep the German Shepherd's teeth healthy, they are regularly cleaned with special toothbrushes and hypoallergenic toothpastes. Also, special bones or chewable tablets, which effectively combat the formation of tartar and easily remove plaque.

Important! Mandatory hygiene measures include trimming the nails, the growth of which can vary at different rates and depends on the conditions of detention, as well as the frequency of walks with the animal on hard street surfaces.

German Shepherd's attitude towards children

Despite their rather impressive size and menacing appearance, German Shepherds are considered one of the best nannies for children of almost any age category. With proper upbringing and training, such pets have a stable psyche, are friendly and good disposition in relation to all household members.

The German Shepherd loves children very much of different ages, and due to his well-developed natural intelligence, he perfectly understands that you need to treat them not only kindly, but also with extreme caution. An adult German Shepherd is capable of caring for and protecting the owner's children, and also enjoys playing with them, so this breed is perfect for keeping at home.

Video on how to keep a German Shepherd

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