Home Smell from the mouth Dog work. Quadrupeds in police service

Dog work. Quadrupeds in police service

69. Features of patrol duty with service dogs.

In accordance with the order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated January 29, 2008 No. 80 “Issues of organizing the activities of combat units of the patrol and guard service of public security” on the approval of the Charter of the patrol and guard service of public security.

166. Service dogs are used on routes and posts mainly in the evening and at night, in forested areas, on the outskirts of cities and other populated areas, on unlit streets and other similar places.

167. When patrolling, service dogs can be used for:

167.1. Repelling attacks on citizens and police officers or suppressing resistance provided to them.

167.2. Detention of a person caught committing a crime or immediately after its commission and trying to escape.

167.3. Detention of persons in respect of whom there are sufficient grounds to believe that they intend to provide armed resistance.

167.4. Delivering detainees to the police, escorting and protecting detainees, as well as persons subject to administrative arrest and taken into custody, when their behavior gives reason to believe that they may escape or cause harm to others or themselves.

167.5. Release of seized buildings, premises, structures, vehicles and land plots.

167.6. Identification of persons who committed crimes.

168. It is prohibited to patrol with service dogs without a muzzle in crowded places, on trains, public transport, as well as handing over dogs to others and leaving them unattended while on patrol.

169. A service dog is assigned to a police dog handler by order of the head of the internal affairs agency. Police officers who have not undergone special training are not appointed to the position of police dog handler.

Paragraph 169. as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 11, 2012 N 160.

170. Exemption of dogs from patrolling due to illness in the presence of a written opinion veterinarian permitted by the operational duty officer, and in the absence of a conclusion - by the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the district level.

Paragraph 170. as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 11, 2012 N 160.

171. At temperatures above +30 and below -20 degrees, the duration of dogs working outside should not exceed 4 hours.

172. Service dogs are kept in canine service centers, kennels of internal affairs bodies or at the place of residence of police dog handlers.

Paragraph 172. as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 11, 2012 N 160.

173. Transportation of service dogs to the place of duty and back is carried out by special or patrol vehicles.

174. When a police dog handler with a service dog is walking on foot to the place of duty and back through crowded streets, squares, parks, the dog must be on his left side short leash and muzzled.

175. When a police dog handler with a service dog is included in the motor patrol, employees are instructed on the procedure for behavior and the rules for using a service dog.

Paragraph 175. as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 11, 2012 N 160.

176. During patrolling, the dog must be on the left on a short leash and without a muzzle. In places where offenses are most likely to be committed, the squad makes stops and inspects them. When checking basements, non-residential premises, vacant lots and other objects in order to identify and detain offenders, a police dog handler may use a dog to search, taking precautions in case of a sudden attack.

Paragraph 176. as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 11, 2012 N 160.

177. A dog is allowed to search an area or premises without a collar and muzzle. The police dog handler is positioned at such a distance as to keep the dog out of sight whenever possible.

Paragraph 177. as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 11, 2012 N 160.

178. When checking documents and interviewing an offender, the police dog handler is half-turned and one step away from him, and a dog on a short leash without a muzzle, upon the command “Guard,” is at a distance that ensures the safety of the person being checked.

Paragraph 178. as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 11, 2012 N 160.

179. When searching a detainee, the command “Hands UP” is given. During a search, upon command “Guard,” the dog must be without a muzzle 2-3 meters from the detainee.

180. The detainee is delivered to the internal affairs bodies on the grounds and in the manner provided for by law Russian Federation, while the dog is on the left side of the police dog handler on a short leash without a muzzle.

Paragraph 180. as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 11, 2012 N 160.

181. When delivering a detainee on foot, a police dog handler with a dog follows him at a distance of 3 meters, ensuring surveillance, while there should be no other members of the squad or strangers between the police dog handler, the dog and the detainee. The dog, on the command “Near”, “Guard”, follows from the left on a short leash without a muzzle.

When delivered in a car and other Vehicle ah, a police dog handler with a dog is located where it is more convenient to monitor the detainee and quickly use the dog in the event of an attempt to escape by the detainee or an attack on the convoy.

Paragraph 181. as amended. Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia dated March 11, 2012 N 160.

182. Before releasing a dog, the police officer must make sure that the dog will not cause harm to other persons and shout: “STOP (GET OUT), I LET THE DOG IN.” The dog is allowed to be detained without a muzzle and collar.

You cannot use a dog to apprehend a criminal if there are people between the police officer and the criminal.

183. When detaining especially dangerous and armed criminals, several well-trained dogs that are not afraid of shots and have a good grip should be used.

To avoid losing the dog, you should not allow it from the front to apprehend a criminal if he is in cover and is shooting back. In this case, it is necessary to divert the fire to the side and release the dog from the rear or flank, or wait for the criminal to retreat.

184. The PPSP squad that used a service dog, if it bites a detainee, is obliged to provide him with first aid. At the same time, on the command “Guard”, the dog must be 2-3 meters from the detainee.

185. In all cases of using a dog to detain an offender, the police officer is obliged to report with a report indicating: when, where, against whom, under what circumstances it was used and what the results of the use were.

Modern dog breeding

IN last years The prestige of the canine service has increased. When enrolling in canine units, candidates are carefully selected. Applicants need to show good results in running and show endurance. In addition, dog handlers working with animals must have the ability to interact with a service dog, which often has a very complex character.

To organize the use of canine specialists with service dogs, in 78 constituent entities of the Russian Federation there are centers and base centers for service dog breeding, in which more than 8,000 canine handlers of various profiles work in the internal affairs bodies, and in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - 3,074 canine specialists. Organizationally, the canine service of the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia consists of the canine department of the Perm Military Institute of Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Center for Training Personnel of the Canine Service Ural district Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Tyumen (created in June 2002); two cynological centers for breeding and raising dogs service breeds in the North Caucasus and Volga districts of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia (created in July 2003), 30 canine platoons and 150 canine groups.

Experts around the world are constantly working to improve security measures and look for new effective ways fight crime by introducing various innovative technologies. At the same time, the accuracy of the technology is an order of magnitude inferior to the sensitivity of a dog’s sense of smell, and it is not yet possible to replace a service animal in a number of areas of activity in law enforcement agencies. It is for this reason that detection dogs occupy a special position in the police services of almost all countries of the world.

Not in every case a service dog can be used to detain a criminal, but a search dog is capable of helping to expose an attacker even in extremely difficult conditions of the transport complex, with significant passenger traffic. It will indicate the direction of the criminal’s movement and will draw attention to details that may fall out of a person’s field of vision.

Use of service dogs in the police

Service dogs in the police are used on routes and checkpoints mainly in the evening and at night, in forested areas, on the outskirts of cities and others. settlements, on unlit streets and other similar places.

Service dogs on patrol can be used for:

· Repel attacks on citizens and police officers or suppress resistance provided to them.

· Detention of a person caught committing a crime or immediately after its commission and trying to escape.

· Detention of persons in respect of whom there are sufficient grounds to believe that they intend to offer armed resistance.

· Delivery of detained persons to the police, escort and protection of detainees, as well as persons subjected to administrative arrest and taken into custody, when their behavior gives reason to believe that they may escape or cause harm to others or themselves.

· Release of seized buildings, premises, structures, vehicles and land.

· Identification of persons who committed crimes.

It is prohibited to patrol with service dogs without a muzzle in crowded places, on trains, on public transport, as well as to hand over dogs to others and leave them unattended.

A service dog is assigned to a police dog handler by order of the head of the agency of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Police officers who have not passed special training, are not appointed to the position of police dog handler.

The release of dogs from patrols due to illness in the presence of a written conclusion from a veterinarian is permitted by the operational duty officer, and in the absence of a conclusion - by the head of the department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

At temperatures above +30 and below -20 degrees, the duration of dogs working outside should not exceed 4 hours.

Service dogs are kept in canine service centers, kennels of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, or at the place of residence of police dog handlers.

Detection of hidden (camouflaged) explosives, explosive devices, weapons and ammunition is currently one of the urgent tasks facing law enforcement agencies. Universal and effective means Search BB is a specially trained search dog. The dog detects explosives by odors emanating from explosives, standard packaging materials, lubricating oils, and burnt gunpowder.

It should be noted that the search for explosives is often associated with danger to human and animal life. This is especially true in cases where the objects being sought are armed explosive devices.

The animal is used only after a careful visual inspection by the dog handler of surfaces or individual objects to detect signs of explosive devices: freshly excavated soil, wet areas (water is used to seal the nest in which the charge is placed); stretched wires attached to doors, windows and various objects; coming from unusual places wires or the ticking of a clock coming from there.

Only in the most extreme cases should animals be used in conditions of limited visibility and in the dark. A dog handler searching in the dark must be equipped with a flashlight, and the dog must be equipped with a light signaling device, allowing him to constantly monitor his location.

A dog has been man's friend for many centuries. At home, she is a favorite and fun to play with, but if she serves in the police, she is obliged to comply with standards and follow commands to help a person. There are more than 100 dog breeds in the world, let's take a look at the ten best breeds that are ideal for police service.

10. German Shorthaired Pointer

The German Shorthaired Pointer or Kurzhaar is one of the best dog breeds for the police. The breed was developed in the 19th century and has a spotted coat, small size, short smooth coat, and an energetic and friendly personality. In addition to the fact that this breed is excellent for police service, it is also an excellent hunter.

9. English hound

The English hound has long big ears, this feature makes the breed original in appearance. This is an excellent breed for police service as it is disciplined, muscular and strong dog. This is almost the only breed that stands still and waits for the owner’s command to complete the task. The English hound was bred as hunting dog, which, unlike the shorthaired pointer, hunted larger game than birds, for example, deer.

8. Boxer

The name of the breed indicates that it is a fighting breed. There are two types of boxers: the service boxer and the German boxer. Thanks to their athletic constitution, boxers are able to jump well in height and length, which is what they rely on during training. Boxers' agility and instant reaction are the main qualities of a real police dog.

7. Labrador Retriever

This smart-faced dog breed is considered the friendliest, which is why it is so common among families with children or elderly people around the world. This smart dog with the character of a puppy will always come to the rescue and will serve faithfully. Despite the listed characteristics, Labradors are ideal for police service. The dog will easily find explosives, drugs, and will be the eyes and ears of the policeman. You need to be a brave and selfless dog to find bombs.

6. Dutch Shepherd

The reputation of the Dutch Shepherd speaks for itself. In the police they are used to perform various official tasks. This is a very smart and strong dog. After 10 years of service, dogs in the Dutch police are replaced with young ones, and those who have served are sent to a well-deserved retirement.

5. Giant Schnauzer

A large dog already benefits due to its size and can easily detain a criminal. Few people would be afraid of a small decorative dog, but a giant schnauzer by its very appearance evokes fear and respect. The Schnauzer has long hair on its face and looks like a retired general with many years of service and a long track record behind him. The dog is ideal for police service due to its height, body length, sharp teeth, powerful jaw, courage and devotion. In addition, the dog is highly trainable.

4. Doberman Pinscher

It is very difficult to teach an adult dog new tricks and commands, but the Doberman is a dog that learns throughout its life. This is a medium-sized dog, ideal for police service. The Dobie, as this breed is affectionately called, is an athletic and graceful dog, light in weight, but with excellent speed and physical characteristics. These dogs are valued by the police because they are real bloodhounds, hunters and have the stamina that is necessary when tracking or chasing a criminal.

3. Belgian Tervuren

The Belgian Tervuren is not a traditional breed, and its name also has a root from the word “terror” (fear), which is exactly what it was supposed to evoke. Everyone is afraid large dog, even if he is kind at heart. The Tervuren is a long-haired dog that looks like a wolf, and therefore, as people thought, it is as ferocious as a wolf. But, in fact, this is a kind and friendly dog, but which behaves like a wolf or a lion if necessary to protect the owner. The Tervuren is a good watchdog and search dog.

2. Rottweiler

Rottweilers are famous for their aggressive behavior and energetic character. Without being myself big dog From the presented list, he is without a doubt the bravest fighting dog who will make the ground burn under the feet of a criminal. He can easily bite off your finger. A criminal will think twice about his actions when meeting a Rottweiler. Taking into account the fighting and aggressive qualities of the dog, which he shows even in puppyhood, during training and training, emphasis is placed on discipline. You must be extremely strict and careful with this dog.

1.German Shepherd

The best breed of dog ideal for police service is the German Shepherd. In terms of his psychotype, he is a “boss”. Yes, not only people have personality, but dogs too. The shepherd behaves like a comrade, like a family member who understands everything, but cannot speak. This is a very smart and wise dog. A lot of positive qualities the breed has acquired over the entire period of its selection. The German Shepherd is ideal for police service due to its various reasons, including the ability to attack with lightning speed and immobilize the enemy. Basically, they are trained to search for and apprehend criminals. This dog, following a command, will not stop in front of obstacles in the form of high fences, water, etc.

One of the scientists’ assumptions is that primitive man was able to survive in a dangerous wild world only thanks to three finds. The first and second are fire and weapons, and the third is a domesticated dog. Faithful dogs rescue human lives several thousand years, and some dogs devoted their entire lives to this noble cause.

It was not for nothing that the series about the four-legged Commissioner Rex was filmed in Austria: it was a native of this country, Hans Gross, who managed to convince the world that dogs are suitable for investigative work. But still, the Austrian was not the first who came up with the idea of ​​introducing pet to the work of law enforcement: in 1816, Scottish policeman Malcolm Gillespie took his bull terrier on a mission.

It was possible to detain a gang of smugglers only thanks to the dog: the tailed guardian of order scared the horses, and the horses threw the fleeing criminals off their backs.

Photo: Police dogs, border guards, sappers

Four-legged conscripts

Theoretically, a dog of any breed, with proper training, can become a service dog, because man has not yet invented a detector that would be more sensitive than a dog's nose. It is believed that the following people perform better than others in the search:

  • spaniels,
  • labrador retrievers,
  • dobermans,
  • fox terriers,
  • Rottweilers.

Dobermans are hardy and can effortlessly overcome long distances, spaniels are quicker than others to find narcotic substances, and St. Bernards are the best rescuers. However, preference is still given to the German Shepherd. Many dog ​​handlers call this breed universal.

Serious preparation

Of course, they are only fit for service physically and mentally healthy dogs. Shots, noise, crowds of people and extreme situations should not frighten animals or provoke them into unpredictable behavior. The speed of reaction to commands and the fearlessness of pets are taken into account: the dog should not give in even to an enemy that is significantly superior to it in strength and size.

It takes at least six months to train a four-legged law enforcement officer. You can start training from 8 months to 3 years. Afterwards the dog becomes difficult to train. Training is carried out daily so that the dog does not lose dexterity. A typical lesson lasts about 2 hours. The animal is taught to overcome obstacles and long distances, and to obey its owner without complaint.

Classes are usually held in the form of a game. At the end, the dog must be rewarded. Training locations are constantly changing so that the animal does not get lost in an unfamiliar environment. During classes, artificial noise is created: gunfire, sirens, screams - everything that could confuse an ordinary dog, but should not worry the official. Each dog develops its own specialization in the first weeks of training.

Dog professions


To develop the skill of chasing, these dogs are trained to use live bait. One of the dog handlers dresses up in a special suit that protects him from bites and injuries, and the animal is given the command to “find and detain” him. A novice dog perceives the task as a game and sometimes gets carried away - then even a thick suit cannot save the instructor from the fangs.

But the dog chosen for training always stops when it hears the order. A search dog can use the smell of one thing to find a person or objects that he touched. It was the four-legged policeman who discovered the victim’s passport, torn by the killer. This helped identify the notorious Bitsa maniac who brutally killed 61 people.

Border guards

The dog is trained with the help of a favorite toy, inside of which there is a drug simulator (the substance is harmless to the animal and is not addictive). After the dog finds a “bookmark”, the trainer is obliged to play with the pet, otherwise it will lose interest in searching activities.

First, dog handlers ensure that the dog associates the smell of the substance with its favorite toy, and only then replace the fake item with analogues of real contraband hiding places. When the pet learns to work with them, he is sent on combat missions.

Case at the border

During a routine border check, a spaniel sniffing bags stopped and sat down next to a woman.

The woman turned pale: “I have nothing.”

And the border guard smiled and asked: “Did you just eat?”

- Yes, the citizen was confused.

- Doctor's sausage!

- Well, this is his favorite!

The woman would not be alarmed if she knew that the search dog’s reaction to drugs is different: having smelled the target, the dog barks loudly and scratches with its paws the bag or car in which it found a prohibited substance. Dogs with a choleric temperament are most often chosen for the “position” of a border guard.


Sanguine dogs work at the sites of fires, crashes and natural disasters to find and pull people out from under the rubble. Before starting work or training, a bell is tied around the neck of such a dog so that the dog handler can understand by sound where the pet is: the animal may accidentally fall through or hide in the ruins.

The dog must be given a rescue badge so that the people found are not afraid of it and do not fight off the one who was rushing to their aid in a state of stress. This happened in the Alps: the rescued man confused the dog with and killed him, who found him in a snowstorm.

On the monument to the selfless four-legged rescuer it is written: “He saved forty people and was killed forty first.” These dogs find victims where a person would not even think of looking. So the German shepherd Tracker discovered a survivor under nine meters of rubble of one of the twin towers in New York.


Bomb disposal dogs detect explosives and devices by scent. Hyperactive dogs are not suitable for this responsible and dangerous “position”. A good four-legged sapper will find explosives and calmly sit next to you. He will not touch the found object and will not even bark: some bombs have sonic detonators.

To train a dog to detect bombs, simulators of TNT or hexogen are used - these substances are found in all explosive devices. The training is carried out similarly to drug detection training, the only difference is the animal’s reaction to the detected object.

Sapper dogs have brought enormous benefits to war time: with the help of a dog named Dick, Stalingrad, Prague, Pavlovsk were cleared of mines, thousands of residents were saved and important sights of these cities were saved. By the way, in Afghanistan, militants paid more for killing a sapper dog than for an exploded armored personnel carrier.

Not an easy lot

Honorary service is not easy for dogs. Rescue dogs often burn their paws and are injured by shards of glass at crash sites. Some of them suffer from serious illnesses respiratory organs: On mission they breathe toxic fumes and ash after burning.

For example, many animals that participated in rescue efforts at the ruins of the Twin Towers in New York were diagnosed with lung cancer. The fate of the first bloodhounds was also tragic. When the practice of drug detection first began, in some countries animals were actually “hooked.”

The training of such pets was not effective: the dogs' brains were clouded by the substance. And these bloodhounds lived no more than a year and a half. Fortunately, experts soon created harmless imitators, which are still used to this day. Both sapper dogs and four-legged police officers died for people.

The first were blown up by found mines, the second received mortal wounds at the hands of criminals, without hesitation taking the fire upon themselves. At work service dogs often take greater risks than their human counterparts, because humans always let the dogs go ahead - and moves after them only after the faithful animals have scouted out how dangerous the situation is.

Retirement or death?

The average service life of dogs of different specialties and breeds is up to eight years. Then they retire and therefore no longer receive the wages—the food—for which they work. What happens next? Unfortunately, at the beginning of the last century, all “expired” animals, despite their undeniable services to people, were destroyed.

But now a service dog is considered not only a deadly weapon, but also a friend. Most often, dog handlers take the “oldies” home and care for them as if they were elderly family members or give them to good hands. And sometimes four-legged pensioners remain to live in the same kennel where they worked, but they no longer go out on assignments.

And in New York, after rescue work was completed on the ruins of the twin towers, grateful enthusiasts erected monuments to the dogs that helped search for the living among the rubble. Service dogs have more than once justified the title “Man’s Best Friend.”

Man is a dog's friend, and a dog is man's tailed friend. We all know this from childhood. A dog is a nanny, a reliable guard, an empathizer, a partner and often a family member. Unfortunately, not all four-legged animals are lucky; sometimes they end up on the street, but that’s not what we’re talking about today. I will tell you about police service dogs, which are trained by dog ​​handlers of the Zonal Center of the Canine Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Moscow in Balashikha.

Oh, this is not an easy job...What do we know about the dog service in the police?

The canine service of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs was formed more than a hundred years ago. This year on June 21 she turned 106 years old. First nursery detection dogs was founded in St. Petersburg, on its basis a school for training police dogs was formed. The history of the canine police service is interesting and rich in various events and facts.

To date Police service dogs work alongside people. WITH There are several specializations of four-legged police officers: searching for explosives and drugs, helping in the search for missing people and ensuring order in the areas of various public events, concerts and matches, patrolling on transport and others. In everyday police life, dogs are often used to go to crime scenes and search for criminals in hot pursuit, searching for explosives, drugs and ammunition.

The work is hard, responsible and requires a lot professional excellence and skills. Training of canine handlers and training of dogs is carried out in special canine centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

About one of these - Zonal center of the canine service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, located in Balashikha, which I managed to visit yesterday, I’ll tell you.

Before the excursion around the territory of the canine center, we talked with senior inspector-canine handler of the 3rd department of the Zonal center of the canine service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow, police captain Evgeniy Alekseevich Tritenko.

The conversation turned out to be very warm and friendly. Personally, I learned a lot of new and interesting things about the life, education and training of dogs, about characters and their oppositions.

Cat-cynologist) There are a couple of cats living on the territory of the center, you can’t pass by them without taking a couple of pictures. It’s interesting, but trained dogs don’t “follow” them.

Go ahead. Still, we came to the dogs.

In addition to the enclosures, there are several training grounds and a stadium for training and training dogs.

Evgeniy told how dogs are trained to detect drugs.

The center has several areas for practicing such skills. Training a dog to search for “bookmarks” is carried out in stages, and the duration of the course depends on the individual qualities of the dog.

Special materials to which dogs must react are placed in various places in the car (trimming, wheels, body).

The "Lada" has seen a lot. I wonder how many four-legged animals have been in it?)

The center has its own veterinary service, which is equipped with all the necessary equipment not only for initial examinations dogs, but also for treatment and operations. Three veterinarians work here every five days. If special care and monitoring of a tailed patient is needed, then a vigil will be organized.

The room itself was being disinfected, so I won’t be able to show how it is equipped and how the animals are treated.

The head physician of the veterinary service spoke with us.

There are “quarantine” enclosures nearby. All enclosures on the territory of the center are two-story with a warm room, so the dogs are not cold and comfortable. Feeding is carried out according to schedule. Recently, all dogs have been switched to dry food, but sometimes dog handlers pamper their pets.

We headed to one of the enclosures.

How happy the kids were for us! They are cute) So sincere and ready to trust anyone.

Puppies begin to be trained at a young age of several months.

“Sniffer” Semyon, aka Senya, aka spaniel.

Semyon loves to cuddle and eat delicious food. He greeted us louder than anyone else.

Well, let's go watch the demonstration performances of four-legged beauties.

Beautiful red-haired "German" Maximilian.

Affectionate and very sociable.

She immediately surrendered into our arms)

The German shepherd Maximilian is not only a pupil, but also a member of the family of the inspector-canine handler of the detection dog breeding group of the Center for the Canine Service of the Internal Affairs Directorate for the North-Western Administrative District of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow, senior police lieutenant Svetlana Matviets.

Sveta said that she recently got this girl. Before her, she trained a male dog. The dog lives at Svetlana’s house and is very loved by the children. It is worth noting that children are loved and welcome in the very center. U The Zonal Center for Cynological Service of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for the city of Moscow in Balashikha has a sponsored boarding school named after. Yu. Nikulina. Children often come to visit dogs.

Max performs all tasks perfectly. Its direction is the search for narcotic substances.

The dog is experienced and very responsible.

What can I say - the work is serious and very difficult, but the girls can handle it!

So...Who's crawling here?

Young Fora. The German Shepherd is a tracker (I could be wrong, correct me if I am).

I would like to shake a paw for the service of these beauties.

By the way, I even stroked them. It should not be surprising, for some time now I have been afraid of dogs, so the trip to the center was especially important for me. One step closer to getting rid of the phobia, so to speak) And I’m not alone. Dog handlers not only train dogs, but also help people.

Meet young Ryzhik.

The handsome Malinois is just over a year old. The guy is mischievous.

However, like any boy.

Ryzhiy is being trained by police dog handler, senior police sergeant Ekaterina Lobanova.

Red horse.

And he runs up the stairs.

Excellent promising service dog!



It seemed like he was ready to run around nonstop.

Practicing "nippers".

The special suit is very durable, but sometimes it gets bitten.

Ryzhik “comes off.”

The criminal will not hide from this.

Small and smart little toothy.

Catherine has another dog. The majestic black "German" Igor.

The dog is an adult, an experienced policeman.

Severe "biter". Igor attacks from above and can easily overwhelm him.

Igor is strong. The criminal will not leave.

We were shown attack and detention - one of the main ones in the police dog service.

Black can do everything and b obeys the mistress unquestioningly.

Photo for memory. Evgeny Tritenko and Igor.

We walked for a long time and managed to freeze. The excursion continued in the center's museum, where many samples are presented that service dogs encounter in their work.



Explosive means.

Improvised explosive devices.

Thank you to all dog handlers and four-legged animals for a great day.

Thanks to your service, we are safe.

Thank you

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