Home Prevention Natural feeding of dogs with urolithiasis. Common urolithiasis in dogs: why it appears, how to rid your shaggy friend of the pathology

Natural feeding of dogs with urolithiasis. Common urolithiasis in dogs: why it appears, how to rid your shaggy friend of the pathology

Farmina (Farmina) Vet Life Struvite Management- Dietary food for dogs during relapses urolithiasis, treatment and prevention of struvite urolithiasis and idiopathic cystitis.

Calcium sulfate ensures the maintenance of optimal urine pH, at which the formation of uroliths is inhibited. Low magnesium and phosphorus content promotes the dissolution of struvite and reduces the risk of their re-formation. Low calcium content reduces the risk of calcium oxalate formation. Natural antioxidants protect cells from negative impact free radicals. The high biological value of the protein ensures an optimal ratio of essential amino acids. Glucosaminoglycans protect the bladder mucosa from the effects of microorganisms and toxins, have an anti-inflammatory effect and reduce irritation of sensitive pain receptors.


Rice, dehydrated chicken meat, animal fats, potatoes, oats, hydrolyzed animal proteins, dehydrated whole eggs, fish fat, flaxseed, potassium chloride, calcium sulfate, calcium carbonate, vegetable oil, sodium chloride, glucosamine, calcium sulfate (5g/kg).


Moisture 9.00%, crude protein 19.50%, crude fats and oils 19.00%, crude fiber 1.30%, crude ash 5.40%, calcium 0.80%, phosphorus 0.50%, sodium 0 .25%, potassium 0.60%, magnesium 0.06%, chlorides 0.60%, sulfur 0.55%; Omega-3 0.35%; Omega-6 2.70%, EPA 0.10%, DHA 0.15%. Energy value: 3,900 kcal/kg - 16.3 MJ/kg.

Nutritional supplements per 1 kg: Vitamin A 15000 IU, Vitamin D3 600 IU, Vitamin E (alpha tocopherol 91%) 600 mg, Vitamin C 150 mg, Vitamin PP 38 mg, D-pantothenic acid 15 mg, Vitamin B2 7.5 mg, Vitamin B6 6 mg, Vitamin B1 4.5 mg, Vitamin K3 (MSB 53%) 1.5 mg, Vitamin H 0.4 mg, folic acid 0.45 mg, Vitamin B12 0.06 mg, choline chloride 2000 mg, beta-carotene 1.5 mg, zinc oxide 145 mg, zinc sulfate monohydrate 160 mg, manganese sulfate monohydrate 188 mg; iron sulfate monohydrate 44 mg, iron carbonate 60 mg, copper sulfate pentahydrate 32 mg, anhydrous calcium iodate 2.0 mg, sodium selenite 15 mg, taurine 1000 mg, DL-methionine 3300 mg, L-carnitine 250 mg. Technological additives: microcrystalline cellulose, antioxidants, calcium sulfate dihydrate 5g.

Use as directed by a veterinarian. Recommended course of treatment: from 5 to 12 weeks to dissolve struvite and up to 6 months to prevent relapses. The recommended daily amount of feed is indicated in the table approximately; if necessary, feeding rates can be changed depending on the breed, living conditions, physical activity, and the stage and degree of the disease. The daily norm can be divided into 2 or more feedings. When using food, the dog must have constant access to fresh drinking water.


Vet Life Urinary Struvite food is contraindicated in puppies, pregnant and lactating dogs, with other types of urolithiasis, and when used in therapy with urine acidifiers.


Store in closed containers in a cool, dry place. Shelf life - 12 months.

We offer to buy medicinal food for dogs with urolithiasis. Veterinary nutrition is designed to solve animal problems during treatment, as well as for prevention. For each dog with its own individual characteristics, you can choose the ideal diet.

Use of dog food for urolithiasis

Manufacturers produce canned and dry food for dogs with urolithiasis. The animal becomes capricious and picky during the period of illness, taking this into account, manufacturers have created many different tastes and forms of release - wet food and dry croquettes.

Special diets for urolithiasis are designed to solve problems in dogs or provide supportive therapy for:

  • bacterial cystitis;
  • dissolution of struvite;
  • prevention of relapses of urolithiasis, which can be caused by both struvite and calcium oxalates.

The unique formulation of dog food for the prevention of urolithiasis promotes the dissolution of struvite stones and creates an acidic urine environment, which also has a beneficial effect on your pet’s body.

Contraindications to medicinal feeds for urolithiasis

Before using such nutrition, you should consult a doctor, because it has a number of contraindications, including:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic renal failure;
  • pancreatitis (including previously suffered);
  • heart problems;

Also, dry food for dogs with urolithiasis cannot be combined with medicines which cause acidification of urine. The course of treatment is 1.5-4 months; prevention of such a disease can last up to six months.

Buy dog ​​food for urolithiasis

In our online store “12 Monkeys” you will find a wide selection of medicinal foods:

  • Appetizing-looking pieces of meat and excellent taste. Thus, the pet will happily eat medicinal food for dogs with urolithiasis and receive necessary treatment;
  • safe ingredients for correct observance recommendations. All ingredients are carefully selected so that such food will not contain food additives, dyes and suspect protein sources, thereby significantly reducing the risk allergic reactions;
  • nutritious diets. Except therapeutic effects food contains protein, fats and carbohydrates necessary for a pet.

From us you can purchase dry food for dogs with ICD, as well as special canned food. Among our products there are special food lines from such brands, like Royal Canin, Purina, Hill's, Farmina and others. You can purchase in packages from 200 g to 12 kg.

Urolithiasis in dogs occurs in fifteen cases out of a hundred and is a common problem in many breeds. The essence of the disease is simple: the dog’s bladder fills with stones different sizes, which block the urinary canals, causing terrible pain. Symptoms of ICD begin with difficulty urinating and then progress. The treatment is positive and brings significant relief. The most important thing is not to progress the disease to such an extent that the dog painfully tries to survive.

Helpful information

With urolithiasis, stones can form in any part excretory system: kidneys, bladder, canals. Stones are formed as a result of the accumulation of certain substances, subsequent hardening, and crystallization. Normally, urine is approximately neutral. The disease shifts the pH value to the acidic and alkaline side. Minor chemical displacement results in the formation of fine sand, which is usually discharged to the outside on its own. Sometimes noted discomfort when passing solid particles, but overall the dog’s condition remains satisfactory.

The following types of stones may form:

  • Cystines: passed on through generations of certain breeds. Dachshunds, bulldogs, and corgis usually suffer. Other dog breeds rarely develop this type of urolithiasis.
  • Oxalates are the nastiest stones, grow quickly, come in a variety of shapes, and are difficult to treat.
  • Phosphate stones are also different intensive growth, are successfully eliminated by strict compliance drug regimen suggested by the doctor.
  • Struvite occurs as a result of exposure to various bacterial diseases.

One animal may have several types of stones. Therapeutic procedures are complicated by the selection of different treatment regimens to eliminate each type of urolith. Urolite- urinary stone. The danger of finding stones inside an organ cavity is as follows. Stones, passing through the urinary canals, scratch the walls of blood vessels, the animal feels severe pain. Particularly large stones can get stuck and clog the lumen of the canal. Then urine will accumulate in the dog’s body, poisoning the body with toxins. The blockage can result in rupture of the canal walls, leakage of fluid into the abdominal cavity. Remove the formed stones yourself folk remedies unreal. It is permissible to use non-medicinal products for early stages, for the speedy removal of sand. But stones pose too serious a threat to a dog’s health to joke or self-medicate.

Causes of urolithiasis

A serious disease requires a serious approach; many veterinarians have been studying the causes and factors leading to urolithiasis for years. It was possible to establish the following patterns:

  • Various infections, especially those that change the structure of the blood, can cause changes in the composition of urine. The balance of the content of certain urinary elements determines the neutrality of the fluid reaction. Any excess or decrease in concentration inevitably leads to excessive hardening of the components. Diseases of the genital area and excretory system are especially dangerous. Pancreatitis can cause complications of this kind.
  • Improper feeding leads to the development of the disease. The combination of regular (natural) food with canned, dry food puts a lot of pressure on the digestive organs. The dog’s body is forced to adapt over the years and work hard. Excessive amounts of protein put a strain on the liver and kidneys, and shift the pH to the acidic side. Exceeding the proportion of carbohydrates in the diet has the opposite effect. You need to adhere to a certain regimen when feeding your dog, then the risk factor will go away.
  • Often sand is formed due to the use of poor quality water. Giving water directly from the tap is possible if the salt content is known exactly. Otherwise, it is recommended to pre-clean the liquid. Using banal filters will perfectly help cope with the situation. Also, irregular access to clean drinking water can cause the accumulation of poorly soluble substances.
  • Lack of regular, constant exercise. By walking the dog twice a day, the owners unwittingly cause stagnation of urine. Prolonged fluid retention provokes absorption. The components of urine crystallize to contain the animal's natural urge. Older dogs cannot endure for long, so urolithiasis is often diagnosed at this age.
  • The next factor follows from the previous paragraph - insufficient physical activity causes obesity. Problem weight is a threat to the animal’s heart and all body systems. Increased body weight requires a lot of work from the excretory system, which simply cannot cope, problems arise congestion, urine spoils.
  • Genetic features specific dog have a great impact. Also, congenital changes significantly complicate the animal’s life. Degenerative changes in blood vessels and excretory canals can lead to urolithiasis. Improper functioning of the liver and kidneys due to abnormal structure, metabolic disorders.

Usually a combination of several reasons leads to urolithiasis. Such a combined effect is especially dangerous in predisposed individuals. Although other breeds also have certain problems, the risk of the disease increases sharply if there are problems with keeping and walking the dog. Minor little things and mistakes of owners inevitably lead to the development of various ailments. Most of these diseases occur in pets at the end of their lives.

Symptoms of urolithiasis in dogs

The initial change in urine structure usually goes unnoticed. The dog changes when stone formation has already occurred. It is possible to prevent the dangerous development of the disease if the owners regularly undergo preventive examinations V veterinary clinic. An ultrasound will help to identify the beginnings in a timely manner future problem. Do not neglect a visit to the doctor if your dog is at risk!

The following irrefutable evidence of stone formation is observed:

  • The dog goes to the toilet often. The animal is simply unable to hold back the urge while watering carpets, shoes, and corners.
  • The amount of urine varies, often the volume is too small.
  • The color of the liquid becomes darker, and blood may be present.
  • The animal experiences painful sensations, trembles, may take strange, unusual, uncharacteristic poses.
  • If the urinary canal is blocked by a stone, the dog experiences severe pain. The abdomen becomes painful, tight, and the animal avoids touching. Body temperature rises rapidly, severe thirst appears, and the dog refuses to eat.

Blockage of the canals poses a threat to the dog’s life, so observing such symptoms is a signal to the owner that urgent measures need to be taken. Primary changes in the urine should alert the attentive owner: the liquid begins to smell unpleasant, and a periodic decrease in the volume of urine excreted is observed. In general, urolithiasis is characterized by a long course. Animals live for years, experiencing temporary difficulties in the excretory sphere; the manifestation of symptoms is secretive.


It is based on three successive steps: urine testing for biochemistry, ultrasound examination abdominal cavity, radiography. Then, based on the available laboratory data, the type of urolithiasis is determined. It is important to establish the nature of the stones in order to prescribe effective treatment. Thoughtless use of medications will cause significant damage to the dog's health. Therefore, always try to get and see a complete picture of the processes taking place.

It is also mandatory to carry out comprehensive examination to exclude the presence of bacterial infections, assess the dog’s condition.

Treatment of urolithiasis

An emergency condition of urinary canal blockage is eliminated by inserting a catheter and removing urine. The veterinarian then uses anti-spasm medications, anti-inflammatory medications. If the x-ray shows too much stone filling of the lumen of the bladder or canals, it may be necessary to surgical removal accumulated stones.

The goal of therapy is to dissolve the formations and remove the crystals naturally.

The first months of treatment regularly urine testing for concentrations of substances is required. This action will allow you to notice the deterioration of your condition in time and avoid possible complications. If classical treatment does not produce results, a method is used to remove part of the dog’s excretory tract. Permanent blockage of the canals is cured by widening part of the urinary canaliculi.

It is important to follow the treatment regimen prescribed by your doctor. Believe me, short-term improvement in your condition will return a hundredfold if you follow these recommendations. Preventive medicines should be used if there is a risk of urolithiasis. It is also important to comply general rules keeping dogs to avoid even a possible hint of the development of the disease.

Prevention of ICD

Includes compliance simple rules healthy dog:

  • The dog should be given clean, filtered water.
  • You should feed either natural food, or adhere to the dry regime, periodically diluting with canned food. It is not recommended to mix different types feeding.
  • Walks should be long, at least half an hour, preferably three times a day.
  • Ensuring regular adequate physical activity.
  • Periodic preventive urine tests. Especially important for predisposed individuals.

Compliance with these rules will help maintain your dog’s health for a long time. long years. Health to your pets!

According to veterinary statistics, the first place among diseases of the excretory system in dogs is urolithiasis (urolithiasis). The disease has a polyetiological nature, but most often develops as a result of unbalanced diet And infectious processes. The arsenal of veterinary medicine includes both conservative and surgical methods treatment of the disease.

The main factors that play a key role in the pathogenesis of the formation of stones (struvite) in four-legged pets, veterinary specialists include:

This phenomenon promotes the formation of tripel phosphate crystals.

    • Unbalanced diet. Mixed feeding of the animal (a combination of dry food and natural products nutrition), a high-protein diet leads to disturbances in the composition of urine. There is a high probability of developing urolithiasis with an increased calcium content in the diet. As a rule, in this case, oxalates are formed in the animal.

Expert opinion

Lyubov Ilyina


According to the observations of veterinary specialists, this type of stone is most often found in pets over 7 years of age, as well as in representatives of breeds such as Shih Tzu and Yorkshire terriers.

  • Violation drinking regime. If the dog eats dry industrial feed and does not receive enough water, a change in the composition of urine occurs, which entails the formation of crystals in the form of citrates and oxalates. Watering your pet uncleaned tap water also provokes education inorganic compounds V bladder.
  • Congenital anomalies– a common cause of urolithiasis in dogs. Pathology develops, as a rule, against the background of narrowing of the urethra.
  • Hereditary predisposition. Breeds such as Scottish Terriers, Poodles, and Pekingese are most often susceptible to the formation of struvite in the bladder. Dachshunds, Dalmatians, and cocker spaniels are also at risk due to a genetic predisposition to urolithiasis. Basset Hounds and English Bulldogs are prone to forming cystine stones.

The reasons that provoke the development of struvite in the bladder in dogs, veterinary experts include a sedentary lifestyle and irregular walking of the pet.

Symptoms in dogs

The insidiousness of urolithiasis lies in the fact that the disease develops almost imperceptibly for the owner; the first symptoms become obvious, unfortunately, when pathological process took on a serious character. The sick dog has the following clinical picture:

In advanced cases, when stones block the urinary ducts, the animal experiences abdominal tension. The dog is worried and whines. The temperature may rise and anorexia develops. A threatening symptom is a lack of urination, signs of dehydration and cramps. This condition threatens the pet’s life due to the development of severe intoxication of the body and requires urgent qualified assistance.

Due to the features anatomical structure urinary tract Clinical signs Males develop faster than females.

Diagnosis of pathology

In some cases, the diagnosis is established by urine analysis before the pet develops pronounced symptoms. Laboratory analysis Urine allows you to identify the nature of the stones and prescribe the appropriate diet and treatment. During a clinical examination, in some cases the veterinarian may be able to palpate large stones through the abdominal wall.

A veterinarian can confirm the diagnosis, as well as identify the location of struvites, by performing an x-ray. In some cases, in a specialized institution, the pet will undergo excretory urography using a radiocontrast agent. The study is effective in individuals over 4 years of age. Testing will help determine the size and number of stones in the bladder.

Radiography for MBC in dogs

In order to identify bacterial infection, which often accompanies urolithiasis, the animal is prescribed a bacteriological urine test.

Treatment of urolithiasis

In acute cases, when a pet is found to have urethral obstruction with stones, the veterinarian performs catheterization and retrograde lavage of the bladder.

In some cases, urethrotomy or urethrostomy is performed. The instrument is inserted into urethra under local anesthesia. After the procedure, the bladder is emptied through the surgical opening and is often used for pathology in uncastrated purebred males. Subsequently, urinary function is restored naturally.

With a urethrostomy, the surgeon creates a new urethra. This operation is usually combined with castration of the animal.

Medicines for dogs

In order to eliminate the consequences of blockage of the ureters, the animal is prescribed antispasmodic drugs - No-shpu, Baralgin, Spazgan, Papeverine. For struvite, manual massage is indicated.

The drug Allopurinol helps reduce the formation of urate deposits. In some cases, the product leads to their dissolution.

If obstruction is accompanied bloody discharge, the dog is prescribed hemostatic agents, for example, Dicynon, Vicasol, etc.

Eliminate the inflammatory process during complications of urolithiasis pathogenic microflora The dog is helped by a course of antibiotic therapy. Best effect provide antibiotics wide range actions. good therapeutic effect I have cephalosporins, for example, Cephalen, Ceftriaxone.


In case if conservative therapy does not bring the desired effect, they resort to elective surgery. Most often, this situation is observed during the formation of oxalates. During surgical intervention Stones are removed from the bladder.

Cystostomy is performed under general anesthesia. During the operation, the veterinary surgeon makes an incision in the bladder and then removes large stones. Small formations (sand) are washed out of the organ. Normal urination is restored, as a rule, after 2 - 3 days. After surgical intervention Conservative treatment is carried out to prevent relapse, and a therapeutic diet is prescribed.

Diet and food selection

IN complex therapy diseases in mandatory includes a therapeutic diet. Adjustments to the diet mainly depend on the type of stones found in the dog’s body and should be carried out by the attending physician.

If your pet is found to have urates or cystines, then the diet should be low in protein. Specially developed medicinal foods that alkalize urine, for example Royal Canin Urinary U/C Low Purine, help limit the intake of protein components into the dog’s body without compromising the functioning of other organs and systems.

Expert opinion

Lyubov Ilyina


The formation of struvite in the bladder requires adjustment of the diet aimed at reducing protein, calcium and phosphorus in it. Veterinarians It is recommended that such pets be switched to Hill's C/D or Royal Canin Urinary S/O food. Medicinal feeds effectively dissolve struvite crystals and are characterized by low level magnesium, which prevents the formation of new pathological formations.

Lifestyle if you have a disease

If an illness is detected, the owner must first take care of strict compliance with the instructions of the veterinarian. As a rule, a therapeutic salt-free diet is prescribed to the dog for life. Based on the results of the analysis, special foods are selected that dissolve and slow down the formation of certain uroliths in the excretory system.

A sick pet needs to be seen regularly. fresh air. Moderate recommended exercise stress. The owner must ensure that the dog does not tolerate it and empties its bladder as needed.

Regular (every 3-4 months) blood and urine examinations will help monitor the development of pathology and the condition of your pet.

Prevention of urolithiasis in dogs

The following tips and recommendations from veterinary therapists will help prevent the development of urolithiasis in dogs:

  • Treat inflammatory processes in the genitourinary area in a timely manner.
  • Balance your diet with low phosphorus content.
  • The moisture content of the feed should not be lower than 60 - 70%.
  • When feeding dry industrial formulas, the owner must control the consumption of fresh water.
  • To water your dog, you must use filtered water.
  • Do not allow the animal to become obese.
  • Maintain a walking routine, avoiding bladder overfilling.
  • Regularly take urine tests to early diagnosis diseases.
  • Pets at risk should be fed medicated food to prevent the formation of struvite.

Urolithiasis in dogs usually develops due to inflammatory processes, as well as with unbalanced feeding and drinking irregularities. Considering that symptoms are detected already at late stage illness, you should not delay visiting a veterinarian. Therapy for the disease includes medications, therapeutic diet and surgical removal of stones.

Useful video

About the types of stones, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of urolithiasis, watch this video:

Cause of urolithiasis (urolithiasis)

The formation of stones in dogs does not occur in the kidneys, but in the bladder. There are four types of stones:

Struvite is the most common trivalent phosphate, the formation of which is caused by bacterial cystitis (most often occurs in dogs in adulthood);

oxalates – statistically less common salt deposits derived from oxalic acid; the main factors of their accumulation are dietary features, as well as individual predisposition;
urates – derivatives from uric acid, their occurrence is due to congenital liver defects at the cellular level or congenital vascular anomalies, the ingress of part of the blood from the liver portal vein into the systemic bloodstream (deviations characteristic of black terriers and Dalmatians); the disease can manifest itself already in one year old dog;
cystine - extremely rare (casuistic) cases of deposition of this amino acid on the walls of the dog’s bladder are caused by acidification of the urine.

Of the four options given clinical reasons Only oxalate diseases are associated with dietary habits. Stone formation occurs if the dog for a long time eats high-protein foods rich in calcium, while receiving insufficient amounts of fluid.

ICD - diagnosis, course of the disease, treatment

Urolithiasis symptomatically manifests itself as prolonged urinary retention (this is not always accompanied by a visual increase in the volume of the abdomen). If stagnation continues for more than 2 days, it is possible death. It happens that the deterioration of an animal’s health is obvious. Cramps, lethargy, frequent vomiting force the owner to contact a veterinarian. However, if urination is not 100% difficult, the patency of the canal is not impaired, a long latent (hidden) phase of the disease is possible, which can only be detected by performing standard urine tests.

It is important to emphasize: there is no general, single diagnosis for ICD; treatment depends on the type of stones formed in the dog’s bladder. Radiography can reliably detect the first two types of stones (struvite and oxalate). A complete blockage of urination will require surgery. Conservative treatment includes “mild” diuretics, in cases

Struvite stones are prescribed long-term (from 3 weeks) treatment with antibiotics selected based on the results bacteriological analysis urine;
oxalate formation, thiazide diuretics and a diet with reduced sodium and protein are prescribed:
To detect urate stones, a low-protein diet is used, supplementing treatment with allopurinol.

Cyston, phytolysin, and similar drugs have little effect on the effectiveness of treatment.

Urolithiasis: what to do with dry food?

Counterfeiting of branded dry food is a separate issue; it makes sense to talk about cases where the contents fully correspond to the information on the packaging about the quality of the product and the manufacturer.

Prevention of urolithiasis (urolithiasis) is based on simple rules:

Do not overfeed your dog with either natural or dry food; It is best to give small but sufficiently satiating portions of high-calorie premium and super premium food;
use feed with a low phosphorus content to prevent the formation of struvite;
exclude foods high in calcium to avoid urine oxidation;
include with great caution in the diet protein food; Low protein content in dry food helps reduce the load on the liver High Quality;
Make sure your dog drinks enough water; It is highly desirable to provide purified water to prevent the development of urolithiasis.

Some pet owners prefer to give their pet medications in advance for preventive purposes that expel sand and stones from the urinary tract.

Dry food for the treatment of urolithiasis

In veterinary pharmacies you can purchase special dry food designed for the treatment of urolithiasis:

PURINA Veterinary Diets Canine Fofmula,
Hill's PD Canine.

It is best to consult your veterinarian about the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of urolithiasis.

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