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Protein food for muscles: staple foods. Muscle Building Products

Not only strength training is mandatory for creating a beautiful, sculpted body. Eating the right foods increases your ability to build muscle. By starting to choose the best foods rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, you can improve your results.

Tom Venuto ( Tom Venuto) - nutritionist, trainer and bodybuilder, promoter of a healthy lifestyle, notes that it is necessary:

  • Consume fewer calories than you expend.
  • Find an effective ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Eat 4-5 times a day, at least at approximately the same time.
  • Lean protein should be included in every meal.
  • “Proper carbohydrates” should be included in every meal, but refined sugar (in all its forms) should be strictly excluded from the diet.
  • Consume the “right fats”.
  • To drink a lot of water.
  • Eat natural, non-processed food.

We present to you a list of the best products that can easily fit into your daily diet:

Some protein sources may be high in saturated fat, most of which can cause and raise blood cholesterol levels. Chicken breast and turkey are lean sources of protein with minimal saturated fat. 100 grams contains 30 grams of protein and 3 grams of fat, 1 of which is saturated. Animal products contain complete protein, which makes poultry the best product for muscle building.


Salmon and tuna are two types of fish that will help you build muscle. After a considerable amount of research, scientists have come to the conclusion that the benefits of tuna lie in its rich composition; it is a real treasure trove of amino acids, vitamins, macro and microelements. A piece of tuna contains only 139 kcal, 24.4 grams of protein, 4.6 grams of fat per 100 grams. Salmon contains 153 kcal per 100 grams. The benefit of salmon lies, first of all, in the fact that this fish is rich in... These fats help stimulate hormones to promote muscle growth and prevent the body from burning amino acids for energy.


Due to the high fiber content in it, the processing process is quite long compared to other cereals. So Oatmeal Can Help You Feel Full long time, prevents overeating, and also prevents the desire to eat sweet and unhealthy foods that do not support muscle growth.


Yogurt is a wonderful source of protein. Natural yogurt contains 10-14 g of protein. Compared to classic yogurt, Greek yogurt contains almost twice as much protein: 13-20 g per serving. In addition, this lactic acid product contains less sugar. This healthy milk-containing product also contains calcium. Our body needs calcium more than any other trace element. Teeth and bones need it for mineralization, muscles - for contractions. It is vital to get a good dose of calcium from your diet every day. And Greek yogurt should help with that.


Whey is a by-product of the production of cheese, cottage cheese and casein. This protein source is easily digestible and contains all the amino acids needed to build muscle. Whey protein mixes easily with water, milk or juice. A study in the journal Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism, published in December 2007, concluded that whey protein intake after strength training may stimulate muscle protein synthesis, leading to increased muscle mass in the long term.


The calorie content of beef is 187 kcal per 100 grams of product. The main value of beef is complete protein and heme iron, which help saturate the body's cells with vital oxygen. Beef also contains low-value proteins, such as collagen and elastin. It is known that collagen is the main building material of interarticular ligaments. Stick to lean beef as it contains less saturated fat.

Cottage cheese

Cottage cheese is very useful product. One hundred grams of cottage cheese contains: 15 grams of protein, 18 grams of fat, 2.9 grams of carbohydrates. Water is more than fifty percent of the total mass. Half-fat cottage cheese has more protein (18 grams), but less fat, while low-fat cottage cheese has a lot of water and practically no fat, but more than twenty grams of protein. It's better if it's low fat . Since it contains a minimum of animal fat, which causes blockage of blood vessels due to the content of a large amount of cholesterol, which in turn contributes to ischemia, atherosclerosis, etc. Cottage cheese by itself is not tasty, so in order to prevent cottage cheese from being rejected by the body, it is best to mix it in a mixer along with a banana. The result is a very tasty and healthy cocktail, because bananas are enriched with B vitamins, which are also necessary for building muscle mass.


One egg contains approximately 6-7 grams of protein. Eggs are also rich in the amino acid tryptophan, which will help you sleep soundly. While a relaxing holiday has important for muscle growth as it allows your body to recover. And in addition, the egg has many useful properties, due to the fact that it contains proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and others chemical substances, which are needed to maintain human health in good shape.

Walnuts and almonds

Almonds and walnuts should be on your list of fat-burning and muscle-building foods. Walnuts and almonds contain B vitamins, vitamin A, E, P and others, minerals: phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc. The nut kernel is an ideal protein. The protein that the nut contains can easily replace “animal” proteins. Plus, they contain essential amino acids needed for brain nutrition and health. immune system.

Soya beans

An ideal protein product, they contain no saturated fat and half their calories come from protein. And also, according to researchers, it is able to resist the aging of the body, as well as increase the efficiency of intellectual work.


In terms of the amount of easily digestible proteins, this product is close to fish and meat. Beans contain a lot of iron, and iron “helps” the formation of red blood cells, ensures the flow of oxygen to cells and improves immunity. Beans provide energy that the body uses gradually - these calories do not make you fat.

Be sure to read about it

For most bodybuilders, doing grueling workouts day after day is the easiest part of their regimen. It will be much more difficult to stick to a diet that maintains an anabolic state for 22 or 23 hours a day when our bodies are desperately trying to recover between workouts. Luckily, nutrition is not rocket science.

“To get big, YOU MUST EAT A LOT!” - what they all say, from Lee Haney to Ronnie Coleman. But what exactly does this phrase mean? Measuring portion sizes in kilograms? Or a forced march to the nearest fast food? Of course not! It is important to follow an effective nutrition strategy and eat the right foods for muscle gain, combined properly and divided into 6 meals throughout the day. The products you consume must correspond to the objectives set - in in this case, this is a gain of muscle mass.

List of foods for gaining muscle mass


When it comes to bulking foods, nothing beats red meat. It's rich in protein and contains naturally occurring creatine, not to mention vitamins and iron. The cholesterol contained in beef helps the body produce its own testosterone.

Try to choose leaner cuts, such as ham and shoulder, as fatty cuts of meat can reward you with saturated fat and calories in amounts that should not be present in the diet of even hardgainers. Aim for at least 150 grams of beef per day (the best option- this is two servings).

Chicken breast

Average, 200 grams of this meat contains as much as 46 grams of protein and some insignificant 2 grams of fat. And turkey fillet is even richer in nutrients. You don’t have to limit yourself and eat up to 2-3 servings a day - you will gain nothing but quality mass.

Another product for increasing muscle mass, rich in protein, as well as healthy omega-3 fatty acids that reduce muscle inflammation to stimulate their recovery and help control cortisol levels (as soon as cortisol levels drop, testosterone begins to rise, promoting growth). Omega-3 fatty acid Increases insulin sensitivity, which increases protein synthesis(muscle growth) and absorption of glucose and amino acids.

There are many in various ways, which nutritionists use to evaluate the growth-inducing effectiveness of protein foods. Second only to muscle-building sports nutrition like whey protein, eggs are at the top of almost every list. Due to the easy digestibility of egg white, the body can easily break it down into amino acids. To keep your fat intake under control, use the following rule - remove four yolks from every six eggs. An omelet of six eggs will provide you with 28 grams of protein every morning.

If you are a true hardgainer and desperately trying to answer the question of how to quickly gain muscle mass, then 3% milk should be your choice. Half a liter of this product for muscle growth provides as much as 15 grams of protein. The fat in milk, compared to other foods, consists of short chains. They are slightly more anabolic, help prevent muscle breakdown, and are less likely to be stored as fat.

This product is very versatile. Regardless of your goals, it will be an excellent addition to your diet because it is rich in casein, which will supply the body with protein long acting. This is not to mention the merits of cottage cheese as a product rich in calcium. Again, 9% cottage cheese is suitable for gaining weight. Also great for a protein shake at home.

They are a rich source of monounsaturated fats, promoting heart health and healing your joints and ligaments. Aim for at least 50 grams of nuts per day - that's about 30-36 almonds. It is best to have a digital scale with you for accuracy. The most popular and accessible:

  • Walnut
  • almond
  • cashew
  • hazelnut
  • Brazilian nut

Sprouted wheat

One of the products that promotes muscle gain, which is high in both proteins and carbohydrates. It is rich in vitamins zinc, iron, selenium, potassium, B vitamins, high levels of branched chain amino acids, arginine and glutamine. Wheat germ before training will supply slow carbohydrates and provide octacosanol - an alcohol that will help increase strength and endurance, as well as improve the efficiency of the central nervous system .

Brown rice

Why brown rice and not white? The amount of carbohydrates may be similar, but the body will digest brown rice more slowly and provide energy throughout your workout while keeping insulin levels stable, not to mention preserving all the nutrients. Brown rice is high in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), an amino acid that works as a neurotransmitter in the body, increasing growth hormone levels by up to 400%.

To maximize GABA levels stimulation, soak rice for 2 hours in hot water before cooking.

Fruits are a rich source of antioxidants, which are essential for healthy immune system function. They also supply many others nutrients, vitamin C and E, beta-carotene. For example, half a liter apple juice before training will provide 50 grams of quick energy. This helps stop cortisol production and minimize damage to muscle fibers while keeping your workout intensity high.

Whole wheat bread

This type of bread contains all nine amino acids that the body needs for muscle growth. It will also provide you with slow carbohydrates, which are so valuable in any diet. White bread is also great, especially after a workout when you need a quick boost of energy.

How can a plant with almost no calories, carbohydrates, or protein provide any weight gain benefits? Garlic can dramatically change the hormones in the body. Of course, to gain weight it is important to consume the right nutrients - carbohydrates, proteins and fats at the right time of day. But it is also very important to have the right hormonal levels to stimulate growth. Research shows that high intake of garlic combined with protein leads to increased testosterone levels and decreased muscle breakdown.

Just add a couple of cloves to the meat and you will have an instant anabolic boost.

Now you know exactly what foods to gain muscle mass and how to properly load your refrigerator. And don’t forget that you don’t have to fit all these products into one day - they can be alternated and combined. In the article you can find some more interesting products to add to your cart.

Greetings, friends! Today we're looking at protein-rich foods. From it you will learn everything about the usefulness and necessity of this nutrient, learn how to choose the right protein products, and also get acquainted with... I won’t reveal all my cards in order to maintain some intrigue.

So, everyone pricked up their ears and got ready to absorb megabytes useful information.

Protein-Rich Foods: Theoretical Framework

It just so happens that bodybuilding is not only about stupidly pulling weights, but also about a responsible approach to nutrition. However, the vast majority of people visiting Gym, negligently (not clothes :)) relate to nutritional issues, and in particular to the main building element for muscles - protein. You shouldn’t blame them (you) for this, it’s normal phenomenon, and it is due to the fact that initially the human diet is depleted in this nutrient. And implementation new habit– consuming more protein-rich foods is a rather unpleasant and leisurely process.

In general, if you look up the statistics, then the majority (about 80% ) “gym girls” and fitness ladies don’t grow (in terms of increasing muscle volume), because their diet lacks quality (high protein and low fat) protein products. Our article today is dedicated to the answers to these and many other questions.


Before powerfully plunging into the theory, I would like to remind “new” and already experienced visitors and readers that in our pantheon there is already one entry devoted to building and nutritional issues, and it sounds like this. Therefore, I strongly recommend that you first familiarize yourself with this creation, and only then move on to its logical continuation.

So, I would like to start with a brief “historical” information about protein.

Protein-Rich Foods: The Truth About Protein

From a bodybuilder’s point of view, protein is the building block for creating new muscle structures. This is a fundamental nutrient in the diet of an athlete (and not only) on which muscles are based. In food sources, protein is in the form of amino acids (raw material for building proteins), which are replaceable, irreplaceable (not synthesized by the body) and conditionally irreplaceable.

Visually, the classification looks like this.

Very often in literature (especially foreign) You can find the following image of essential amino acids.

Those people who want to gain “good” weight (not fat), build muscle or just lead healthy image life, you should include protein-rich foods in your diet. This is due to the fact that protein is one of the main factors for muscle repair and growth. A diet consisting (including) of high-protein foods is the basis for building a harmonious body.

Therefore, it is very important to understand, especially for beginners, that before you even think about “how to build muscle?”, you must first think through your diet, replacing various simple carbohydrates (bread, cookies, rolls, etc.) for protein.

Most people start their training adventures from scratch (impatient and went) and in the end (after the lapse of 2-3 months and no visible results) I miss training with iron. And this happens because, even after a well-done workout, what is thrown into the body’s furnace is not building material, but the usual diet (potatoes, sausages, bread, etc.). Or quality (percent protein content) and the amount of protein consumed does not reach the bar for triggering growth mechanisms.

Protein-rich foods: how to choose the right one

Now let's look at how you need to choose the right protein-rich foods. Not many people know how to wisely buy food in stores or supermarkets. The following tips will help you stay properly full at all times.

Tip #1. Protein mix

When choosing nutritional building blocks, always strive for a combination of animal and plant proteins. If you are actively engaged in building your body, then you should consume 1,5 gr (women) and 2 grams (men) of protein per kilogram of body weight. Always remember that:

  • animal proteins are more complete proteins. They contain all the necessary amino acids to create new protein structures in your body. Animal proteins include: poultry, fish, meat, eggs, dairy products (kefir, fermented baked milk, Varenets), cheese and milk;
  • Protein sources from vegetables, grains, fruits and nuts are incomplete. They lack one or more amino acids needed to create new proteins. The body uses them by breaking them down into individual amino acids. The latter are then combined with other amino acids (from other products) to create new building blocks;
  • always read the product ingredients information (the nutritional value) On the other hand, sometimes the most expensive product does not mean the most useful. Position “amount of proteins in 100 gr” - the higher the value, the better (low fat).

Compare two products that were on the same fish shelf in the store.

Tip #2. Soybeans

Soy is a complete form of protein, good alternative animal protein from red meat. Include foods like: soya beans or tofu. This will significantly increase your protein levels.

Tip #3. Food rating

Many types of protein (eg nuts, beans, whole grains) include dietary fiber (fiber). It helps digest food better and gives you a longer feeling of fullness. On the other hand, some protein foods (whole milk, beef) contain saturated fats, which lead to clogged arteries. Choose healthier protein alternatives, such as lean meats (poultry) and skim milk.

Tip #4. Avoid

Avoid in every possible way various semi-finished products rolled up in jars or vacuum packaging. Often, to extend their service life, various chemicals are added. (preservatives, class E additives, etc.). Also avoid various sausages and sausages. In fact, they contain much less meat (protein) than stated by the manufacturer.

Tip #5. Balance

Keep a balance between the amount of carbohydrates and protein you consume. On average, the latter should account for 25-30% , and for carbohydrates - about 55-60% . Protein-rich foods help control weight by delaying the feeling of hunger.

Tip #6. Changes

It is very problematic to change your usual diet for so many years at once. Therefore, smoothly and gradually introduce new eating habits. For example, swap ground beef for turkey or sausage for chicken breast. Change your cooking methods - instead of frying, simmer or grill, a microwave and a double boiler will also help you. Use only egg whites instead of whole eggs, eliminating bad cholesterol from your diet.


In fact, concerns about excess cholesterol from chicken eggs greatly exaggerated. You can calmly, without a second thought, consume up to 3-4 eggs every day.

Tip #7. Meal schedule

All your efforts to choose protein-rich foods will be in vain if you do not learn to manage your diet. To do this, you need to keep a food diary in which you write down at what time and what dish you will eat the hamster. This system will eliminate various snacks and long breaks between meals.

Tip #8. Ingenuity

Whichever strong-willed person You weren’t, sometimes there come moments when you want to stop eating right and eat to the fullest :). To avoid such breakdowns, periodically experiment with your diet - try new products (combinations), new recipes and dressings.

So, here, it seems, that’s all, let’s move on to the highlight of the program, namely...

Protein-rich foods: what are they?

I don’t know about you, but I am very sensitive to nutrition issues, and I always devote the greatest amount of time to choosing the right foods, including protein foods. In fact, now my choice is always predetermined, because... I know which gastronomy contains the most protein, but I used to pore over studying the packaging and reading the ingredients.

In general, it is customary to highlight the following protein sources: (presented in descending order of value).

Now let's go through the highest protein foods from each protein source.

Protein Rich Foods: Protein Sources

No. 1. Meat and poultry

Many people consider meat, due to its fat content, to be a bad source of protein, on the one hand this is true. But on the other hand, who is stopping you from choosing low-fat varieties? Include the following types of meat in your diet:

  • lean beef (steak, beef stroganoff);
  • chicken (breasts, fillet);
  • turkey (fillet);
  • rabbit meat;
  • deer meat.


In all further figures, the following notation is used: the protein content/fat content in 100 g product.

No. 2. Fish and seafood

Fish is perhaps the best source of essential amino acids necessary for the repair and growth of muscle tissue. It contains six times more protein than dairy products, making it one of the richest sources of building material. Remember this and include the following types of fish and seafood in your diet:

  • tuna (natural);
  • salmon (fish fillet);
  • sardines;
  • mackerel;
  • anchovies;
  • mullet;
  • tilapia;
  • shrimps;
  • squid;
  • lobsters;
  • milk.

No. 3. Fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are an excellent source of protein and other essential nutrients. They contain fiber and many vitamins that the body needs to function properly. However, it must be remembered that many vegetables (eg potatoes) contain a large amount. Therefore, it is necessary to approach the selection of such products with knowledge.

Include the following types of fruits and vegetables in your diet:

  • Chinese fuzhu (soy asparagus);
  • tofu;
  • soya beans;
  • beans;
  • brown rice;
  • spinach;
  • asparagus;
  • avocado;
  • banana.

No. 4. Nuts and seeds

In addition to being relatively high in protein, nuts and seeds are also rich in fats that are good for the brain and nervous system. And because before 60% human brain consists of good fats, then include the following types of seeds and nuts in your diet:

  • pumpkin seeds;
  • sunflower seeds;
  • (peanut butter);
  • almond;
  • hazelnut;
  • walnuts;
  • Brazilian nut.

No. 5. Eggs, cheese and dairy products

Eggs are an excellent source of protein (egg white) for building muscle mass. High in calcium and vitamin D, dairy products are an ideal post-workout snack.

Include in your diet:

  • eggs (chicken, quail);
  • cottage cheese (low fat or up to 5% ) ;
  • kefir (low fat);
  • milk (low fat cow);
  • skimmed milk powder;
  • cheese (Oltermani 9% , Adam).


Protein-rich foods and their effects on the human body have been the subject of numerous studies and many scientific reports. Even though meat contains more protein, some studies suggest that it's better to eat more fruits and vegetables because they contain fiber and other vital nutrients.

When compiling your food basket, it is important to remember that your diet should be balanced in all nutrients, and not just in proteins. Therefore, always rely on the base - and you will always be well-fed and healthy.

Well, in conclusion, as promised, a little scientific.

Protein-Rich Foods: What Science Says

IN 2012 year at the Pennington Research Center (USA) one Scientific research regarding protein, calories and weight gain. It produced unusual results that suggested that weight gain depended on the amount of calories consumed, not the amount of protein consumed.

Most nutritionists believe that the proteins, fats and carbohydrates contained in a person's diet have a greater impact on weight gain than the number of calories consumed in food. This study proved the opposite.

During it 25 laboratory rats of brave people were imprisoned in the metabolic ward for a period 12 weeks Volunteers were required to eat approx. 1000 extra calories per day beyond what they needed to maintain their weight. Their diets contained 5% , 15% And 25% calories from protein respectively.

All volunteers gained weight (which is not surprising), although the low protein group ( 5% ) gained slightly less weight. Most of the extra mass is fat. In the medium and high protein groups, people also gained muscle mass. The low protein group lost muscle.

Any differences in weight between people are most likely due to differences in energy expenditure for activity and staying warm (protein causes higher heat loss).

Results say low protein diet caused muscle loss (which is bad for an athlete). Additionally, there is not much difference between a diet containing 15% squirrel and higher ( 25% ) . The study also found that higher protein diets will not help a person lose weight unless they reduce the number of calories they consume. Calories have highest value in weight gain, and their decrease is consistent with the results of other studies. Of course, the quality of the diet also matters: it is easier to reduce the number of calories consumed if a person eats a lot of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.


Another note is written, today we continued to deal with nutritional issues and talked about the topic - high protein foods. After reading, you have only one thing left to do - hit the grocery store and stock up on everything the right products. Well, you can handle this just fine without me, bon appetit!

PS. Whoever writes a comment will immortalize himself in history!

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points for karma, guaranteed :) .

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

Proper nutrition for muscles is no less important than the training process itself. The right plan nutrition includes not only the necessary products, but also taking into account the ratio of the amount of proteins and carbohydrates that must be eaten to provide the muscles with everything necessary for development and growth.

The role of proper nutrition for muscle growth

Since during heavy training the body’s energy resources are depleted and muscle tissue is partially destroyed, the diet should be rich and balanced. Define role proper nutrition for muscles you can do this:

  • For each subsequent workout it is necessary full recovery the body, which is facilitated primarily by glycogen and protein, necessary to restore the integrity of muscle tissue;
  • Accumulating protein and building muscle mass do not happen in one day. This usually takes some time;
  • Energy losses that occur during intense training can only be replenished with the help of a balanced diet with the consumption of complex carbohydrates, proteins and fats;
  • In order for muscle fibers to adapt to increasing load, an increased amount of protein is needed;
  • For the full functioning of all metabolic processes, the body needs enzymes, which require vitamins and microelements.

What to eat for muscle growth

There are three main important components of proper nutrition for muscle growth:

  • Carbohydrates (energy for muscles) - rice, buckwheat, vegetables, oatmeal, fruits;
  • Proteins (building materials for muscle mass) – cottage cheese, meat, eggs;
  • Minerals, vitamins – vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs.

Since protein is an important component of proper muscle nutrition, its quantity is given Special attention. According to many sports doctors, for muscle growth you need to consume 1.5-2.2 g of protein per kilogram of body.

However, during such a protein-rich diet, caution should be exercised, since excess protein can cause the development of many diseases. First of all, the kidneys and liver may be damaged, and gout may also develop.

Therefore, special nutrition has been developed for athletes - so-called protein shakes, which facilitate the consumption of proteins. It is generally recommended that half of the protein you need for training comes from food, and the other half from shakes.

For a full workout, the body needs a lot of energy, which means that 1-2 hours before it you need to eat a sufficient amount of carbohydrates. At the same time, it is better to eat fruits and light cereals an hour before the start of training, and full lunch should be eaten earlier. This is especially true for high-tempo or heavy exercise.

For proper nutrition during training, it is necessary to take into account that immediately after training, 15-20 minutes after the pulse and blood circulation are restored, you need to eat carbohydrates again to restore energy levels. It can be either fruit or porridge.

The next meal should be rich in proteins, which are necessary for muscle recovery and growth.

In cases where the training takes place in the evening and there is no time left for two meals, sports nutrition for men, proteins and carbohydrates can be combined, for example:

  • Buckwheat or rice porridge with fish or egg white omelet, cooked in milk, plus fruit - a pear, several plums or an apple.
  • Oatmeal with a few bananas and low-fat cottage cheese (about 200 g).

Sports nutrition for men on rest days

Sports nutrition for men on rest days is just as important as nutrition on intense training days. During rest, the body recovers, muscle growth occurs and the energy supply system develops.

Thus, for muscle growth, sufficient amounts of proteins and vitamins are needed, and the diet itself should include three main meals and several intermediate snacks.

Your diet during training should include:

  • Egg whites – 3-10 eggs per day, of which you can eat no more than three with yolks;
  • Meat, fish, poultry - mostly lean. This could be chicken breasts, squid meat, turkey, lean fish and beef;
  • Dairy products - 0.5-1 liter of milk (with normal digestibility of this product). Also, other dairy products should be included in the diet for proper nutrition for muscles - kefir (0.3-0.5 l), cheese (50-150 g), cottage cheese (up to 400 g);
  • Fruits that help develop strength and increase muscle mass. Fruits also contain a large amount of vitamins and minerals, which are necessary to increase endurance during intense training. A healthy diet for muscles can include melons, pears, apples, grapefruits, peaches, plums, kiwis, cherries, bananas, and oranges. Fruits are also a great food for healthy snacking and are convenient to take with you for post-workout recovery;
  • Sources of carbohydrates, including most whole grain cereals - buckwheat, rice, oatmeal, as well as vegetables.

Examples of a daily diet for muscle growth

The examples below of a daily diet of proper nutrition for muscles can be followed without modification, and they can also be taken as a basis for creating an individual menu based on personal taste preferences.

  • Oatmeal, low-fat cheese (30-50 g), tea with honey, pear;
  • Buckwheat porridge, milk (1 glass), pear or apple;
  • Egg white omelette with black bread, a glass of cocoa with a piece of dark chocolate, a banana.

Second breakfast of proper nutrition for muscle growth:

  • Nuts and dried fruits (dried apricots, raisins, prunes) with tea, apple;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese with honey or jam, black or green tea;
  • A sandwich with cheese, a glass of kefir.
  • A portion of soup, buckwheat with meat, tea with honey, fruits - apple, orange, grapes;
  • A portion of soup, rice with chicken, vegetable salad, dried fruit compote;
  • Potatoes with fish, scrambled eggs, juice, fruit - banana.
  • Oatmeal, milk (1 glass);
  • Two bananas, cocoa with milk;
  • A portion of low-fat cottage cheese with jam or honey, black tea.
  • Low-fat cottage cheese, yogurt (1 glass), banana, black tea;
  • Buckwheat with fish, fruit (orange or apple), herbal tea;
  • Omelette of 5 egg whites, fresh vegetable salad, berry juice.

The general basic principles of proper muscle nutrition are:

  • Consuming large amounts of water throughout the day;
  • Meals should be fractional. At the same time, any snack - be it an apple or a glass of milk - is considered a separate meal;
  • You should reduce your intake of fried foods, as they are unhealthy, and try to eat boiled, steamed or grilled foods;
  • Variety in the consumption of various fruits, vegetables and berries;
  • Use fatty foods should be kept to a minimum. However, this does not apply to Omega-3 unsaturated fats, found in fish and some oils, which are essential for the functioning of the entire body, especially the cardiovascular system.

don't open the refrigerator

without good reason

who knows what you will find there

and then how do you live with it?


Muscle growth depends not so much on training as on nutrition. That's why it's so important to eat foods that promote muscle growth. We work as a team: we list the most important products for muscle growth, and you add them to your shopping list.

  • Chicken breast

Per 100 g it contains 30 g of protein. It is dietary, healthy, inexpensive and allows you to prepare a wide variety of dishes at once.

  • Fish fat

Very important. It has anti-inflammatory properties and has an excellent effect on muscles after exercise, allowing you to train more and recover faster. In addition, it speeds up metabolism.

  • Beef
  • Turkey

Turkey is an excellent product for losing weight. Contains great amount protein, 11 vitamins and minerals, including selenium, which is believed to prevent many types of cancer.

  • Buckwheat

Best kind of side dish! Due to its high amino acid content, it contains 18 g of protein per 100 g of product.

  • Oatmeal

Whole grain oats contain carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals and trace elements. In addition, it is a “slow” carbohydrate, which provides a constant flow of energy and after consumption of which the appetite does not come soon.

  • Spinach

If you eat 2 kg of spinach per day, you can increase muscle growth by 20%. Popeye the Sailor knew what he was doing!

  • Sweet potato

Again - a large amount of vitamins and minerals, supports normal level blood sugar and maintains a feeling of fullness.

  • Broccoli

Vegetables - and especially broccoli - are one of the best sources of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients.

  • Unpolished (brown) rice

An excellent side dish option. This rice contains 4 g of fiber and 8 g of protein per 100 g.

  • Cottage cheese

Another product necessary for building muscle mass. Contains 28 g of protein per 100 g, in which it is not much inferior to chicken breasts.

  • Chocolate

Too good to be true, you say. Nevertheless, it is necessary as a tonic that wards off fatigue. Of course, we are not talking about milk or white chocolate.

  • Legumes

Beans, beans, peas, and chickpeas contain a lot of protein and do not disturb the level of insulin in the blood.

  • Nuts

Girls do not like nuts because they are high in calories, but they nevertheless contain rare and healthy vitamin E. They are also rich in antioxidants, which fight free radicals and help with post-workout recovery.

  • Lean red meat

Contains a huge amount of amino acids, as well as copper, zinc, selenium and creatine.

  • Whey Protein

Most best protein containing fast protein, it is best to use it immediately after training.

  • Salmon

Salmon contains not only protein, but also omega-3 acids, speeds up metabolism and has a very good effect on your general condition.

  • A pineapple

Pineapple contains a special enzyme - bromelain - which has a positive effect on muscle recovery, improves metabolism, is involved in protein and carbohydrate metabolism, breaks down fats.

  • Water

This is certainly not a product, but adequate hydration is especially important. Muscle tissue is 75% water. Adequate water intake leads to increased strength. You must drink at least 0.6 ml per 1 kg of weight.

  • Eggs

1 egg contains 6-8 g of protein, as well as zinc and calcium.

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