Home Dental treatment How long does it take to form a habit? How many days does it take to create a new habit?

How long does it take to form a habit? How many days does it take to create a new habit?

Successful, healthy, beautiful people were unlikely to be like this from birth. Most likely, they had to make a lot of effort in order to become an example and model for many.

Any goals in life will be achieved faster and easier if you learn to develop healthy habits. Start getting up early, eat healthy food, do a complex physical exercise at least 3 times a week, draw up a weekly financial plan, and so on. Are you already scared, and life didn’t prepare you for this? The problem is that introducing a new habit into your daily routine is extremely difficult. If you have been eating pasta or potatoes for a long time when you come home after work, then switch to vegetable salads and herbal teas may seem like an overwhelming task. But that's not true.

Why does the 21 day rule work best?

If you are constantly wondering how to develop a habit, but it still doesn’t work out, and you quit what you started after a week or two, then start using a simple, but effective method. Indeed, in 21 days a habit can be formed and brought to automaticity. You will simply stop acting the way you did before. The difficulty is to, and then not leave the race for 3 weeks. By the end of this period, you will notice that you adhere to the new rules without much effort.

How good habits can change your life?

You can start with something small and insignificant, and then gradually change more and more significant aspects in your life. For example, acquiring the habit of cleaning for 15 minutes every day will definitely transform the house and will not take much effort. Now you can receive guests at any time of the day. In addition, you will find it more pleasant to be in a living space that is free of clutter, debris, dust and dirt. Agree that a person can implement this kind of useful habits constantly. In this way you can lose weight, learn a foreign language, and launch own business or just start getting enough sleep.

How do you form good habits in practice?

If you have already heard about the 21 day rule, then it will be easy for you to get started. All you need to get started is desire and a little determination. Remember that you are responsible for the changes that may or may not happen in your life. The choice is yours. We will give just a few tips on how to achieve habit formation in 21 days, and do it effectively and painlessly!

1. Keep a notebook.

Since it takes 21 days for a habit to be developed, during this period you need to take the task as seriously as possible. Write down everything that happens regarding the desired healthy habit, every nuance. And in the evening, sit down and analyze. If you decide that you want to practice waking up early at 6 a.m. every day, then sleeping in just once will ruin everything you've worked on. But don’t give up ahead of time: flip through your notebook, see how productive you were towards your goal, and try not to stumble again. Forming healthy habits is a simple but responsible step.

2. Work on motivation daily.

This is the key to success in any endeavor. It will help you not to quit what you started. A person can ignore the most useful habits if the first steps are not easy for him. In this case, the body tries to remain in a state of comfort and safety, refuses to experience stressful situations. Consciousness begins to compare your situation with what is happening around you. For example, you decided to do exercises every day, but at some point you realized that it was very difficult for you to acquire the habit. Therefore, you begin to compare yourself with those around you and discover that nothing catastrophically terrible happens to those who do not exercise at all. These thoughts can destroy your decision regarding a skill. This is why the 21 day rule is so important. It roots the very mechanism of action at the subconscious level.

3. Implement several habits at once.

This allows you to see the result faster. In practice it has been proven that more like a person sees the fruits of his labors, the less he wants to quit what he started. Noticing results in any area of ​​life, we are ready to move on, and motivating ourselves becomes much easier than it was at the start.

Good habits can change your life. Is 21 days to form a habit that will affect your entire life? Or is it still worth pushing harder and reaching the goal?

However, remember that harmful skills are also formed using exactly the same principle. For example, during an emergency at work or while passing a test at the university, you can forget about healthy eating and get hooked on fast food. After 3-4 weeks, you will discover not only that you have recovered, but also that now you are not at all attracted to healthy food. It is for this reason that it is important to be careful with repetitive actions. Sometimes it’s worth stopping and thinking, how much are your habits bringing you closer to? Perhaps they should be changed?

How to develop a habit from scratch?

First, analyze your existing habits. To do this, you need to take a close look at your own daily routine. Then write down what you want to change. Using the 21-day rule, you will be able to quickly displace bad habits and replace them with useful and creative ones. At first, be guided by the fact that all this is for a good purpose - to achieve more and enjoy life, and all restrictions are temporary. In the future, you will find that seemingly unbearable restrictions no longer matter to you, and you are painlessly ready to eliminate them from your life and make room for new activities.

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There is an opinion that it takes 21 months to build one habit. Is it so? Is three weeks really enough to teach yourself to get up early, exercise, eat healthy food, and take a bath? cold water? I guess, yes. But, as in any algorithm, there are a lot of nuances here - from the obligatory difficult stages of resistance to the actual duration of the event itself.

Habits and their features

What is a habit? This is a matter that has been transferred from the category of conscious to automatic and built-in. This is something that previously required thought when doing it, but has now become an “autopilot” category.

The simplest example is food. When a baby is taught to use a fork, spoon, plate and mug, he thinks about all his movements before each action. What about an adult? He just eats, just drinks, just uses utensils. And he certainly doesn’t think about how to place the fork between the fingers of his hand.

Automatic responses indicate the built-in nature of a habit. And it is “autopilot” that is the goal of developing each new property.

Duration of habit implementation

Many works have been written on how to quickly introduce a habit into the subconscious. They differ in schemes, recommendations, advice, but are united in one thing.

One habit is developed in 21 days.

Or better yet, one per month.

Perfectionism in this matter is absolutely inappropriate, so you shouldn’t “start implementing all the desired healthy habits on Monday and become a new person.” It still won't work. But disappointment in yourself will come, uncertainty will be added, and maybe even a feeling of being labeled a loser.

Is it necessary?

Of course not.

Let's just do the math.

If you take a month to implement one habit, then in a year you will get 12 of them.

In two years - 24.

In three - 36.

A person with 20+ new useful habits is a completely different personality.

It turns out that in a year or two or three, from a dull amoeba with a beer belly and dull eyes, you can model a successful, self-confident businessman (?), an athlete (?), a family man (?) who is happy every day and is surrounded by friends.

How to change habits

So, it takes 21 days to form a habit...

But how exactly does this process happen?

Most often through overcoming oneself. Our brain, organism, body love comfort, peace and are very concerned about physical happiness. All these ideas of achievement and success are far from them.

Therefore, you can change a habit in 21 days only with the mindset of a successful outcome and result...

...and systematic hard work in the right direction all the days...

...and to understand the stages of formation of each new behavioral element.

The last point is the most important, because sabotage from the brain and body will occur almost daily.

But everything is simple here! The main thing is to endure 21 days until a strong neural connection is formed, and the habit will become an inseparable property of the new life.

Stages of Habit Formation

There are three of them in total.

If we use as an axiom “it takes 21 days to form a habit,” then it is clear: every week you need to expect some kind of surprise. But which one?

21 days is a suspended sentence. Therefore, we take a month and allocate 7-10 days for each stage. No need to wait for magic after a week. This is unreasonable.

Stage 1. Physical discomfort

The first days after the decision to introduce something new in life are spent in euphoria. Two days!

Then a very tough internal struggle begins.

Kickbacks are in the mood.

Bad feeling.

Well, really! We lived for 20-30, or even 40 years in a comfortable environment. And again. Get up at 5. Run in the morning. Drink water. Eat healthy food. Go to the gym. Learn English.

Everyone has their own list.

So here it is. There is no need to succumb to provocations. We decided so we decided.

We get up, run, drink, eat, study and teach no matter what.

Of course, if the rollback is very strong - significant physical illness (temperature 40, etc.), then it is worth suspending the process. But not in the “I’m a loser” format, but from the position of “now we’ll normalize everything and continue.”

Having overcome physical discomfort, we meet the second enemy.

Stage 2. Emotional “beliefs”

If you have firmly decided to build a new habit in 21 days, it is unwise to retreat now. Moreover, the most difficult stage left behind.

Although... how to say.

Over the next 7-10 days of establishing new rules, you will have to fight the internal “whiner”. He will convince you that this is all:

  • Boring
  • Unreasonable
  • Wrong
  • Tired of it
  • Can be postponed until tomorrow
  • Need to take a break

In short, enough already!

You should not give in to the persuasion of the pessimistic part of your personality!

We stand our ground and do what we decide.

Stage 3. False success

Most often they quit at this step. One week until victory. Why?

Because the organism, unable to convince physical influences and emotional persuasion, gives a feeling of false success.

The internal dialogue proceeds in the spirit of the biblical serpent and tempter:

  • You're doing great, you've already lost weight - that's enough for now...
  • You’ve been getting up at 5 am for 2 weeks now, it’s ideal - you can rest...
  • 100 words of English in your arsenal, cool - read a book today...

That is, internal argumentation comes from a positive perspective, but is aimed at stopping the experiment on oneself.

You just have to get over this too.

If all stages are completed successfully, a certain action has been consistently worked out for 21-30 days, then the habit will be introduced.

You can move on to the next one.

Big request! Don't get hung up on numbers. The “21 days – develop habits” rule is working, but not a verified canon. All people are different. And if specifically you need 25 days to calmly automate the selected action, then let it be 25 days.

And remember: 1 year – 12 habits, 2 years – 24. With 20+ habits, a new and very cool person appears!

21 day rule

Greetings, my dear reader. From this article you will learn how to easily develop good habit using the 21 day rule and the 1 day rule. Let me remind you that a habit is a way of behavior that occurs without effort.

As they say, habit is second nature. Throughout our lives, we have acquired a wide variety of habits, both useful and harmful. After all, we perform the vast majority of actions with you on autopilot, without making any effort.

Do you know what the most main secret habits?

Habits control 95% of a person’s life. This means that our subconscious controls 95% of all our actions, and only 5% is allocated to the control of consciousness. Now we draw conclusions: what then does our personal effectiveness depend on? That's right, from our habits. So, let's learn to form the right habits.

21 day rule. How to form a habit?

Undoubtedly, the subconscious is very strong and powerful, but despite this, the power of consciousness is enough to form a new behavior - a new habit. The formation process is quite simple, but requires a systematic approach.

So, the main condition is a) a systematic approach b) strict self-discipline

The most popular period for forming a habit is 21 days. Although experts have different opinions on this matter. Some sources indicate a period of 30, 40, 60 or even more days.

Where did the number 21 days come from?

From observations of people with amputated limbs. These observations were described in the book plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz, who found that people who had lost a limb needed 21 days to get used to new conditions.

Most personal growth coaches believe optimal time 30 days. This time is enough to form a habit. After this period, you must constantly adhere to it until it “grows” with you and begins to support you.

So, consolidate all the remaining willpower and start acting, repeat the same action for 21-30 days in a row aimed at forming a habit (for example, you want to form a habit - drinking a glass of water in the morning or regularly going to the gym).

By personal experience I can say that such a small habit as a glass of water is formed much faster than regular visit gym or morning exercises in the morning (it took me 3 months to form this habit). Undoubtedly, you will be broken and warped, since you have left your comfort zone. Here, gritting your teeth, hold on until the end, do not succumb to the temptations and excuses that stand in your way. Or try using the one day rule. Every day tell yourself I am doing this today and just one day. When the next day comes, tell yourself the same thing: “I’m doing this only today and only one day. So, every day for 21 days. Believe me, it works.

Important conditions for the 21 day rule

1. 21 days – one habit. Don't try to form several habits at once.

2. Regularity. Remember, if you miss even one day, you will have to start all over again.

Start with the most important habit for you this moment and take action now. Our habits determine our life, our personal effectiveness, and movement towards our goals. It is not possible to achieve high results without changing bad habits to good ones. Start introducing them into your life one by one.

In this article you will learn what a habit is and how it affects the quality of life. And also how to eliminate unwanted ones and how a habit can be developed in 21 days and become useful for you.

Psychology has long established the fact that 21 days is enough to instill new habits and thus improve the quality of life. There are many controversial articles on the Internet about whether 21 days is really enough to change your life for the better? You must understand that 21 days is a kind of probationary period. Do you have enough willpower and do you need this habit? After all, what we desire does not always turn out to be acceptable to us in the future. After all, each person is individual and what is beneficial for one person can have a detrimental effect on another person.

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Everything in life seems so familiar: our body, way of thinking, abilities. We get used to perceiving life this way and not otherwise, doing the same actions every day. This is neither good nor bad, if your life suits you completely, you feel happy and healthy.

Habits– this is our usual state. If you are used to lying down and watching TV, then going to Gym will be a whole test for you. Is not it?

But we can change our usual state by simply learning to manage our habits.

Most habits are formed in childhood; we have copied certain behaviors from our parents, teachers or friends. A habit is something we do unconsciously, automatically.

Even the habit of thinking in a certain way greatly affects the quality of our life. If you are poor, sick or stingy, it is a habit to be like that. You do all the actions that lead to this outcome.

How to change habits?

If you learn to manage your habits, you will be able to completely manage your life.

A large number of bad habits(laziness, stay up late, watch TV, play computer games, eating unhealthy food, not moving enough) prevents you from instilling new good habits. Everything then seems complicated and overwhelming. But if your life is surrounded by good habits, then instilling new ones will not be a burden to you. Subsequently, your horizons will expand, your social circle and outlook on life will change. Everything will begin to change very quickly.

You can instill a new habit in 21 days, just as you can quit a habit if you stop, do it within 21 days. After this period, it will be easier for you to do or not do a certain action.

How to decide which habit needs to be eradicated and which one to develop first in 21 days?

To do this, you need to prioritize. What problem is most pressing for you at this stage? If you have problems with excess weight and they bother you very much, then it is hardly worth developing the habit of starting to learn a foreign language.

You need to approach this issue wisely and wisely prioritize and sequence the plan to change yourself and your life in 21 days.

What to do to change your life for the better in 21 days?

You must understand that changing your life, looking at it in a new way is all within your power.

The main goal of 21 days is to consolidate the correct daily routine at the habit level.

Here are the main 7 rules:

  1. We wake up as early as possible, preferably without an alarm clock. Try to set yourself up in the evening and give the order that you need to get up a couple of hours earlier than usual.
  2. Immediately after waking up, start studying foreign language. This can be combined with breakfast.
  3. Next, do exercises or jogging outside. Minimum duration 21 minutes.
  4. On the way to and from work, you read or listen to a book online. This should not be an ordinary novel, but literature that develops the mind or promotes self-development.
  5. At work or school, make a plan for your planned activities and carry out everything according to plan. In your free time, think about what you would really like to do.
  6. After a hard day, spend time with your family, pay attention to your wife or husband and children. If you don't have a family yet, go on a date.
  7. Try going to bed earlier than usual. You can watch a good movie.

The following rules must be followed: do not eat sweets and bread, do not drink or smoke. Also, do not watch TV, news or read newspapers. Throw away 1-3 things every day. Which you don't use. Do not criticize, judge or be angry with anyone. Think more about the future, what countries you want to visit, what to do and how you see yourself.

21 minute rule

Anyone who exercises 21 minutes a day should not worry about their health.

If you spend 21 minutes a day cleaning your home, you won't have to worry about clutter.

Anyone who devotes 21 minutes a day to improving concentration will not have to worry about creative block.

Anyone who finds 21 minutes a day to listen to the affairs of their husband or wife need not worry about problems in their relationship.

If you spend 21 minutes a day listening to yourself and taking personal notes, you won't have to worry about running out of ideas.

Anyone who works 21 minutes a day to create sources of income does not need to worry about their own financial well-being.

Anyone who sets aside 21 minutes for rest should not be afraid of overwork and fatigue.

Anyone who reads a useful book at least 21 minutes a day should not worry about becoming an expert

Alex Baihou

Of course, it is not easy to comply with all these rules at the same time. They should not be a burden to you, so, of course, you can retreat a little from them and rest. But it is very important to do them systematically in order to consolidate the habit. Then your life will reach a whole new level.

Start right now, don't put it off until later. Then the results will not keep you waiting. The result of developing a habit in 21 days will be improved health, state of mind and body, enlightenment of the mind, passion and novelty in work and family life.

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Now you have lived 21 days with the right habits. What to do next? If you feel wonderful, move on with your life. full life. Why go back to the old ways if you are much better now?

Did you know that every 120 days a cell human body Are they completely updated? You have already lived 21 days in a new look! You only have 99 days left to become a new person at the molecular level. Don't stop, now you know that you can do anything!

If it were enough to gather the willpower and stick to a new behavior model for just 21 days for the habits to become permanent, everyone would be happy. In about six months, the world would be close to perfection. But that did not happen. 21 days is just one of the myths that we humans are so willing to believe.

Each of us has a whole list of qualities that I would like to have, form a habit. For example, waking up early proper nutrition and many others. I think you have no less. Someone may want to quit smoking or start some useful business. But why are these habits still in the planning stage? It's not a matter of time!

Time to change your life

The common belief that you need to hold out for 21 days to form a habit comes from the experience of plastic surgeon Maxwell Maltz. In 1950, he noticed that patients needed at least 21 days to get used to new appearance or amputation.

Maltz suggested that changes in the psyche occur in at least 21 days. During this time, a mental image is formed that overshadows the person's past habits. In 1960, his book “Psychocybernetics” was published, and this idea penetrated the masses. The world started talking about “21 days” as a kind of constant “deadline”, beyond which the result awaits us. But after a while, instead of success, people received disappointment. Few managed to change themselves.

Decades later, psychologists from University College London decided to test how long it actually takes to form a new habit. They studied the behavior of 96 participants over 12 weeks. Some had to drink a bottle of water during lunch, others exercised 15 minutes before dinner.

On average, according to their data, a habit is formed in two months (66 days). However, for each person, depending on the type of habit, the amount of time required varies widely. Psychologists say that this can take from 18 to 254 days. It's not three weeks, it's eight months!

Look to the root

Not everyone can change themselves in eight months. Or a year, or a year and a half. It's probably not even a matter of time. Then what? It seems to me that time is not one of the factors necessary to establish a habit. There is the strength of desire, the degree of thinking and the seriousness of the necessary changes.

When we talk about a habit, we mean something useful that will help us become better than our former selves. Nobody wants to intentionally start bad habits. Bad habits are acquired automatically, and it's not difficult. All you have to do is gape a little, and that’s it!

Useful habits are always an overcoming that requires psychological and physical effort. Going up is always harder than going down. To make these changes permanent, psychological strength is required. And the more serious the changes ahead, the more strength is needed.

But sometimes it happens naturally. There are people who, after serious life ups and downs, immediately get rid of their bad habits. Moreover, they themselves note that this happened easily.

Someone, after reading a certain book in a day, becomes a vegetarian, someone quits smoking. And this happens naturally. This happens when a person’s level of thinking increases sharply. For him, a new habit immediately becomes part of his worldview. And he doesn't have to count down 21 or 66 days.

You may want some changes, but not be ready for them. This, for example, applies to those who start smoking again after some time. His volitional efforts have been exhausted, and he himself has not yet changed radically to make the new habit natural. Then he rolls back again.

I really want to believe in 21 days, but, unfortunately, everything is much more complicated. Going up is always harder than going down.

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