Home Removal What does low blood sugar mean? Why blood glucose levels drop and what needs to be done

What does low blood sugar mean? Why blood glucose levels drop and what needs to be done

How to recognize hypoglycemia and what to do if a person becomes ill due to lack of glucose, says a candidate of medical sciences and endocrinologist medical center"Atlas" Yuri Poteshkin.

Yuri Poteshkin

Why does hypoglycemia occur?

Hypoglycemia is a pathological condition, it is characterized by a decrease in blood glucose levels below 3.3 mmol/l. This is an objective indicator; the glucometer allows a value below 3.5 mmol/l.

IN healthy body Blood sugar levels are regulated by a number of metabolic mechanisms. If there are glycogen reserves in the liver, the sugar level should not decrease. Therefore, hypoglycemia does not occur in a healthy person.

Sometimes the cause of a decrease in blood sugar is prolonged extreme fasting, although the body is able to adapt to it without reducing glucose levels.Most often, hypoglycemia occurs in patients with diabetes - they use hypoglycemic drugs which increase the risk of developing hypoglycemia. And frequent manifestations of hypoglycemia lead to the fact that a person gets used to it and ceases to feel the symptoms.

In patients without diabetes, insulinoma may be the cause of low blood sugar. This is a tumor that produces insulin; it is located in the pancreas. Due to its activity, sugar levels may drop too low - even below 1 mmol/l. Since the tumor is present in the human body all the time and insulin is constantly produced, the person again ceases to feel the manifestations of hypoglycemia.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia is divided into two types: mild and severe.Symptoms of mild hypoglycemia include:

  • hunger;
  • fear;
  • panic;
  • hand tremors;
  • pale skin;
  • sweating

In severe hypoglycemia, a person loses consciousness. Symptoms of severe hypoglycemia are always acute. A person in this state experiences discomfort. As a rule, his first desire is to eat something.

If we talk about chronic hypoglycemia (its causes are insulinoma or insulin overdose), another symptom may appear: progressive weight gain. Due to the anabolic properties of insulin, fat accumulates in the body.

What to do if these symptoms appear

You need to go to the doctor. Always. The reasons can be very different. Diagnosis is based on symptoms, but mainly based on blood tests.

Why can't you rely on symptoms alone?There are people whose average sugar levels are higher than normal. When fasting, they feel like they are suffering from hypoglycemia - this is called pseudohypoglycemia. There are diabetics whose sugar level is around 13 mmol/l, and when it drops to 7 mmol/l they experience all the symptoms of hypoglycemia. Symptoms may be present even with normal sugar levels, but at the same time they may not be present with the most severe hypoglycemia - due to adaptation to it. Therefore, if there is a suspicion of low level glucose, a person takes a blood test for sugar. If the sugar level is below 3.3 mmol/l, this is definitely hypoglycemia.

If hypoglycemia is confirmed next step - precise definition its reasons, while diagnostic measures may be different - the doctor will prescribe them. For example, diagnosing insulinoma requires fasting and a special clarifying test, which is carried out only under the supervision of a doctor.

What a person suffering from hypoglycemia and their relatives need to know

Low blood sugar in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, as well as healthy people, - find out everything you need. Read about the prevention, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of this problem. Low glucose levels are called hypoglycemia. After reading the article, you will learn how to bring it back to normal (stop hypoglycemia), avoiding serious consequences. Special attention focused on prevention and treatment low sugar in children and pregnant women. Also, diabetic patients with a long duration of the disease, whose symptoms of hypoglycemia are muted, will find valuable information for themselves.

Low blood sugar: detailed article

There are two types of hypoglycemia - mild and severe. Mild is when the patient was able to take glucose in tablets or liquid form by mouth to bring the sugar back to normal. Severe hypoglycemia implies that it could not be managed without assistance.

Sometimes it happens that a diabetic did not lose consciousness, but due to impaired coordination of movements, he needed outside help to take healing carbohydrates. Such episodes of low blood sugar should be considered severe, even if there was no loss of consciousness and an ambulance was not called. They signal that your diabetes management system needs to be seriously reviewed and improved. Read more below.

What blood sugar is considered low?

Blood glucose levels are considered low when they are less than 2.8 mmol/L and the patient has the signs of hypoglycemia listed below. If it drops to 2.2 mmol/l, it is low and requires treatment (taking glucose tablets) regardless of the presence of symptoms. It is necessary to raise it to at least 3.5 mmol/l so that an adult or child does not experience disturbances of consciousness.

Normal sugar for adults is 4.0-5.5 mmol/l. For children up to adolescence the norm is approximately 0.6 mmol/l lower. With glucometer readings of 2.9-3.9 mmol/l, no emergency measures no need to accept. Except in cases where there has been a significant overdose of insulin or diabetes pills and you expect your sugar to drop further.

People who fast for longer than 3-5 days in a row have blood glucose levels of about 2.5-2.9 mmol/L. At the same time, they feel good if they do not allow the body to dehydrate and avoid nervous and physical overload. On the other hand, patients with severe advanced diabetes may experience symptoms of hypoglycemia already when their sugar drops from 13-16 to 7-8 mmol/l. So the threshold level of low sugar is individual for each person.

Many diabetics who are treated with insulin believe that attacks of hypoglycemia cannot be avoided. In fact, this is not true. You can maintain stable normal sugar levels even with severe autoimmune disease. And even more so with relatively mild type 2 diabetes. There is no need to artificially increase your blood glucose levels to protect yourself from dangerous hypoglycemia. Watch a video discussing this issue with the father of a child with type 1 diabetes.

What are the causes of hypoglycemia in healthy people?

Hypoglycemia can sometimes occur in people who do not have diabetes, do not inject insulin, or take blood sugar-lowering pills. Most often it is caused by an inappropriate diet containing a lot of starch, glucose and fructose. In response to carbohydrate stimulation, the pancreas may produce too much insulin. Eating carbohydrates increases blood sugar. However, an excessive dose of insulin quickly lowers it to normal, and then lower, which is why a person experiences unpleasant symptoms.

Basically, you need to eat carbohydrates to raise your blood sugar. However, paradoxically, it helps healthy people against hypoglycemia. Because it stabilizes glucose levels at normal levels. In addition to intolerance dietary carbohydrates However, healthy people rarely have other causes of hypoglycemia. For example, glucagon production may be impaired. This is a hormone that causes the liver to release glucose from its reserves into the blood. Unfortunately, such a rare pathology does not have a simple and effective treatment.

Why is blood pressure high but blood sugar low?

Indicators blood pressure and blood sugar have nothing to do with each other. Problems with blood pressure and glucose levels need to be considered and treated separately.

What should a diabetic eat before bed to avoid nocturnal hypoglycemia?

The cause of low sugar at night may be an insulin injection given before bed. Let us remind you that you need to inject extended-release insulin in the evening to maintain normal glucose levels in the morning on an empty stomach. Read the article “” for more details. In some patients, morning sugar remains consistently normal. They do not need to inject long-acting insulin at night at all.

Diabetics who want to wake up in the morning with normal sugar levels need to have dinner no later than 18-19 hours. Some patients eat dinner late before bed, trying to avoid nocturnal hypoglycemia. However, due to late meals, their sugar remains elevated in the morning and over time they develop chronic complications of diabetes.

Eating at night to avoid hypoglycemia while sleeping is a bad idea. To keep your blood glucose meter readings happy in the morning, eat dinner early. Before going to bed, you need to inject a carefully selected dose of extended-release insulin. Read more. This dose should not be too high so that the diabetic does not suffer from low sugar at night.

Unfortunately, the effect of moderate doses of extended-release insulin often does not last until the morning. Patients who are faced with this problem have to wake up in the middle of the night with an alarm, take an additional injection, and then go back to sleep. A simpler, but more expensive solution is to switch to , which lasts longer than Lantus, Levemir and Protafan.


In response to a significant decrease in sugar, the hormone glucagon begins to work. It causes the liver to release glucose into the blood. If glucagon is insufficiently effective, adrenaline is added, growth hormone and cortisol. Almost all typical signs Hypoglycemia is a result of the action of adrenaline.

Symptoms of low sugar let a person understand that the situation is alarming and an urgent need to take carbohydrates. Palpitations, trembling, pale skin, sweating, severe hunger, nausea, anxiety, aggressiveness, and dilated pupils may occur. Symptoms of brain problems due to hypoglycemia: weakness, loss of coordination, dizziness, headache, a feeling of fear, impaired speech, vision problems, sensations of numbness, tingling or “crawling” on the skin, confusion, convulsions.

Signs of low blood sugar are almost the same in women and men, children and adults. However, in patients who are not properly treated for diabetes for a long time, the symptoms are muted due to. The first visible sign of low sugar in them may be a sudden loss of consciousness. In such cases, the risk of an adverse outcome increases.

Alcoholic hypoglycemia is especially dangerous because its symptoms are similar to being very drunk. It cannot be recognized without measuring sugar with a glucometer. People around him do not realize that a diabetic who has passed out while drinking needs urgent medical attention. Hypoglycemia caused by heavy physical activity is often delayed and has a protracted course. Her attacks may be repeated and require additional glucose tablets each time.

How to distinguish hypoglycemia from hyperglycemia?

Hypoglycemia is low blood sugar, and hyperglycemia is high blood glucose levels. Both conditions can cause similar symptoms and unusual behavior. They require opposing treatments. In case of hyperglycemia, you need to inject short-acting or ultra-fast insulin to lower blood sugar. In case of hypoglycemia, take glucose tablets to, on the contrary, raise it. If you mix it up, you can aggravate the problem to the point of having to call an ambulance.

In an unusual situation, you should always check your sugar with a glucometer before taking any action.

By external signs It is usually impossible to distinguish hypoglycemia from hyperglycemia. Never try this. If a diabetic shows irritability and even aggressiveness, you need to persuade him to measure his sugar with a glucometer, and then act according to the circumstances. This is the only correct strategy for interacting with both adults and children who have impaired glucose metabolism.

If a diabetic uncontrollably craves sweets, this does not mean that his blood sugar is low. High sugar levels can also cause uncontrollable sugar cravings.

What medications mask the symptoms of hypoglycemia?

The medications that most often mask the symptoms of hypoglycemia are beta blockers. These are pills that are prescribed for high blood pressure, coronary disease heart and heart failure. The most popular of them are bisoprolol (Concor and analogs), nebivolol (Nebilet), carvedilol, metoprolol, atenolol and propranolol.

Clearly, beta blockers are not the only medications that reduce symptoms low sugar in blood. Strong sedatives and sleeping pills probably work the same way. Discuss all medications you take with your doctor.

Why does a diabetic experience symptoms of hypoglycemia with normal sugar levels?

There are many patients with severe advanced diabetes whose sugar levels are 13-16 mmol/l and higher. Sometimes they come to their senses and begin diligent treatment. Such patients may experience symptoms of hypoglycemia when their sugar drops to 7-8 mmol/l, or even lower. The fact is that their body is accustomed to chronically elevated levels of glucose in the blood. He needs some time to readjust.

Such diabetics usually do not reach the point of loss of consciousness, but their health may worsen for a while. Moreover, if serious vision complications have already developed, hemorrhages in the eyes may increase and even blindness may occur. Such patients should not suddenly switch to, but need to gradually change their diet, regimen of taking pills and insulin injections.

People with sugar long time was above 13 mmol/l, you need to slowly reduce it to 8-9 mmol/l. Allow your body to adjust, and then lower your glucose levels to the target range of 4.0-5.5 mmol/L over 4-6 weeks. Diabetics who have been diagnosed with retinopathy (vision complications) need to take a blood test for insulin-like growth factor (IGF). growth factor). If the result is elevated, be especially careful. Switch to a new regime gradually, rather than abruptly, so as not to worsen your eye problems.


The symptoms of low blood sugar are similar to those of many other diseases. The similarities between alcoholic hypoglycemia and ordinary severe intoxication are described above. Both reduced and high sugar in the blood can cause severe hunger. Hypoglycemia must be distinguished from panic attacks and epilepsy. With the help of an external examination of the patient it is impossible to diagnose accurate diagnosis. Be sure to measure your blood sugar using a glucometer. Moreover, you need an accurate imported instrument.

Prevention and treatment chronic complications:

Hypoglycemia: treatment

The low blood sugar care algorithm described below is intended for patients who use or. It is assumed that you have switched to strict and are injecting low doses of insulin that correspond to it. And they have already stopped taking medications that can cause hypoglycemia. Under these conditions, a strong overdose of insulin cannot, in principle, occur. To relieve hypoglycemia, there is no need to take carbohydrates in the amount of 1.5-2 bread units, as doctors usually recommend.


Hypoglycemia may cause loss of consciousness, death or permanent brain damage. In practice, this happens rarely, no more than 3-4% of cases. The hardest thing to overcome is the consequences of deliberately overdosing on insulin or type 2 diabetes pills with the intention of committing suicide. Also, alcoholic hypoglycemia often has an unfavorable outcome. The reasons for this are described above. One must be wary of causing a traffic accident due to low blood glucose levels. Leading vehicle, diabetics should measure their sugar with a glucometer at least once an hour, if not every 30 minutes.

Patients who have experienced at least one episode of severe hypoglycemia sometimes develop an overwhelming fear of insulin. Patients are ready to accept increased level blood sugar and the development of chronic complications, just to reduce the risk of loss of consciousness to zero. This way of thinking causes them significant harm. You need to study or follow the recommendations. Please note that the methods completely exclude intake, which can excessively lower blood sugar.

How to treat diabetes with insulin without the risk of hypoglycemia?

Thanks to the transition to insulin dosages are reduced by 2-8 times. The risk that your sugar will drop below normal is reduced by the same amount. However, diabetics whose glucose metabolism is seriously impaired should not completely abandon insulin. Don't be afraid of this tool, learn to use it wisely. Good diabetes self-management skills reduce the risk of severe hypoglycemia to almost zero. Read more articles:

Diabetic patients who are treated using standard methods inevitably develop diabetes over time. Diabetic neuropathy is a lesion nervous system. Its most famous manifestation is loss of sensation in the legs.

However, neuropathy can cause dozens of other problems. In particular, with a long history of improperly treated diabetes, people stop feeling mild symptoms and moderate hypoglycemia. Due to loss of sensitivity, they miss opportunities to take glucose in time to avoid disturbances in consciousness. These diabetics have an increased likelihood of adverse outcomes from hypoglycemia. However, neuropathy is a reversible complication. All its manifestations gradually disappear after blood sugar drops to normal and remains stably normal. .

What effect does low sugar during pregnancy have on the fetus?

In the first half of pregnancy, women's sensitivity to insulin increases significantly. Because of this, patients with type 1 diabetes who inject themselves with insulin have an increased risk of hypoglycemia. The good news is that episodes of low blood sugar in the mother usually resolve without harm to the fetus. Because it has a protective glucose buffer, which makes it possible to endure without irreparable consequences. However, carefully calculate insulin dosages during pregnancy and do not take unnecessary risks. Study the articles “” and “”. Act as they say.

Low blood sugar levels are called hypoglycemia. This indicator is as dangerous as the state of high sugar in its composition. A rapid decrease in glucose leads to a coma and threatens death.

Most of the cases with low glucose are the cause and consequence of complications in diabetes (mellitus). But there are often cases when a small sharp decrease can occur in the body of a healthy person.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia means that there is a lack of glucose in the body, which is very necessary for the normal functioning of vital organs and all systems in the body. human body adults.

In order to avoid a disastrous result, it is necessary to monitor the level of sugar at the first ailments.

Especially those people who suffer from diabetes, as well as those who are at risk due to a number of diseases.

Causes of low glucose levels

The most common cause of low blood glucose concentrations is fasting. There are also reasons for the development of hypoglycemia.

When the stomach is not full:

  • Refusal to eat for a long time (more than 8-10 hours),
  • Eating an unlimited amount of carbohydrates,
  • Dehydration of the body
  • Large amount of alcohol consumed,
  • Reaction to taking certain medications
  • Concomitant use of medications with alcoholic beverages,
  • Liver failure,
  • Large body weight
  • High physical activity
  • Pathology in the production of hormones, and increased release of insulin into the blood,
  • Failure: cardiac and renal.

Heart failure

1. Development of diabetes in early childhood. 1. High physical and emotional stress that lasts long enough a long period time.
2. Surgery in organs: stomach and intestines. 2. Pregnancy in a girl at an early age.
3. Idiopathic pathologies and diseases. 3. Reaction to taking aspirin and acetylsalicylic acid in childhood.
4. Pathologies and disruptions in the functioning of organs and systems that lead to increased consumption of glucose. 4. Simultaneous use of beta blockers and increased exercise.

Symptoms and signs

Low blood sugar in a completely healthy person can only occur in the morning, when the stomach is not full and there is a clear feeling of hunger. To normalize this condition, you just need to eat food.

Symptoms in an adult with low glucose (mild):

  • hand trimmer,
  • Feeling a rush of heat
  • Increased sweating
  • Increased heart rate,
  • Increased thirst (polydipsia),
  • Problems with vision (feeling of fog in the eyes, doubling of objects, feeling of other objects in the field of vision),
  • Pain in the head, often severe,
  • State of apathy, depression and drowsiness,
  • Paleness of the face and upper limbs,
  • Weakness in the muscular organs, as well as weakness in the legs,
  • Acute tachycardia,
  • Sweaty palms in any climate.

Symptoms of diabetes.

Symptoms of low blood glucose concentrations can manifest not only when a person is awake, but also during sleep:

  • Increased sweating
  • Talking while sleeping
  • Development of sleepwalking
  • Nightmarish dreams
  • Restless behavior during sleep, which leads to falling from the place of sleep,
  • State of irritability after sleep.

Such sensations are caused by the fact that during sleep the cerebral cortex is starved. It is necessary to measure glucose and if the concentration is less than 3.3 mmol/l, then you need to eat urgently.

Degree of reduction in glucose index

With low sugar, the symptoms vary. Depends on the degree and speed of glucose drop.

The degree of glucose reduction can be:

  • Lightweight,
  • Average,
  • Heavy.

A mild form of decreased glucose, when the level drops to 3.8 mmol/l, and also slightly lower.

Signs and symptoms of a low glucose index:

  • Weakness in the body severe chills, hand trimmer,
  • Fairly high sweating
  • Dizziness, especially worse with a sudden change in head position,
  • Feeling of an unfilled stomach
  • Nausea and often vomiting,
  • Overexcitability, tense nervous state,
  • Cardiopalmus,
  • Numbness of the tongue and lips,
  • Numbness of the phalanx of the fingers,
  • Not seeing objects clearly with the eyes.

What to do? To improve your well-being in this degree of hypoglycemia, it is enough to eat food.

The average form of glucose drop, when the level drops to 3 mmol/l, and also slightly below this figure. At this stage, the body experiences psychological, nervous and emotional disruptions, as well as physical state worsens significantly.

Signs and symptoms when sugar is reduced to 3 mmol/l:

  • Confused stage of consciousness
  • It is impossible to navigate in space,
  • Cramps in muscle tissue,
  • Retardation of consciousness and speech,
  • Incoherent speech
  • Impaired movement coordination
  • Unreasonable drowsiness,
  • Weakness of the whole body

At this stage of hypoglycemia, you need to consult a doctor.

A severe form, when glucose is low and the ratio drops to 2 mmol/l, and also slightly below this indicator. Why is low sugar concentration dangerous? Such a sharp decrease in sugar can be quite life-threatening.

Signs and symptoms:

  • Whole body spasms
  • Coma state
  • Stroke,
  • Reduced body temperature,
  • Fatal outcome.

If glucose is below normal for a long period, what does this mean?

This means that the reasons may be as follows: in a person’s body, irreversible changes occur in the cerebral cortex, as well as in the heart and vascular system. Symptoms of hypoglycemia may not be pronounced if sugar has dropped and the patient is taking medications and beta blockers.

The body's process of producing glucose.

Symptoms of each degree of low sugar can manifest themselves individually and with different blood glucose levels.

Hypoglycemia in a child does not cause such symptoms, because the child’s body does not respond to a decrease in sugar levels within 2.5 mmol/l.

Signs of hypoglycemia may also appear when normal level sugar if there is a sharp fluctuation. In patients who suffer from diabetes (mellitus) of the first and second types, hypoglycemia manifests itself when sugar drops to 6 mmol/liter and even 8 mmol/liter.

Diagnosis of hypoglycemia

In order for a doctor to diagnose hypoglycemia and determine the reasons for its decrease, it is enough to take a blood sugar test. Blood for testing is taken from a finger.

The doctor must determine why this is happening. The doctor also examines the patient’s body and checks his emotional and psychological state.

It is important to find out the patient’s lifestyle, fluctuations or increase in body volume, as well as what medications the patient is taking for this period.

The reasons for sugar fluctuations may be precisely this.

What is dangerous about low levels of glucose in the body?

Hypoglycemia for a premature baby threatens the development of cerebral palsy, brain starvation, which threatens insufficient mental development.

A large percentage of newborn deaths from hypoglycemia due to starvation of the brain and nervous system.

Lack of glucose in a child’s body provokes a number of heart diseases and vascular pathologies. If not treated promptly, the child may enter a hypoglycemic coma.


If a person has a case of hypoglycemia in mild degree, then help medical worker need not.

To raise blood glucose it is enough to take A little:

You should also avoid eating during this period:

When a case of severe hypoglycemia occurs and the patient loses consciousness, then in this case it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance so that the doctor can determine the causes of this fainting and provide immediate assistance.

Administers the drug:

  • Glucagon
  • Glucose solution.

These drugs are injected very slowly into a vein. They can also be administered intramuscularly. After 30 minutes, your blood glucose level is checked. In a particularly severe case, the patient may even be hospitalized in a clinic.

Treatment of such a patient is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor. Hospitalization is also provided for carrying out therapy for hypoglycemia, if the patient has heart pathologies (failure) and pancreas pathologies, and malfunction of the kidneys and adrenal glands.

Diet for low blood sugar

For people suffering from hypoglycemia, nutritional culture plays an important role. It is also necessary to adhere proper diet nutrition and eating habits for older people.

The reason is a functionality failure endocrine system it's a dietary deficiency healthy products. You need to take food in small doses, at least 6 times a day.

The last dose should be no later than 2 hours before sleep.

Tonic drinks, coffee, tea stimulate increased production of the hormone insulin, which means that the consumption of these drinks should be minimal.

A low sugar diet includes the following foods in its menu:

  • Whole wheat bread,
  • Fish,
  • Lean meats
  • Dairy products,
  • Food products of marine origin.

Eating fruits and fresh vegetables in sufficient quantities fills the body with fiber, which helps normalize the level of glucose in the blood.

Fruit juices and teas from medicinal herbs can not only correct the glucose coefficient, but also have a beneficial effect on the entire immune system.

Sample menu:

A condition known as hypoglycemia, which is characterized by a low level, is considered dangerous for the human body. When glucose levels are low, organs do not receive the necessary nutrition they need to function normally.

The consequence of this is the appearance of problems with the functioning of the brain, that is, it gradually turns off and coma occurs. What are the causes of low blood sugar in a person, what symptoms appear with such a pathology and how to restore normal content blood sugar?

Many patients mistakenly believe that only those who have been diagnosed should take care of their levels. There is some truth to this statement, since in the body of diabetics the concentration of sugar is labile and can reach critical levels. Many patients with diabetes are aware of this feature of their body, so they use a piece of sugar or candy as an emergency aid.

There are situations when a decrease in sugar levels is observed in completely healthy people, and the levels reach a critical level.

Experts identify several reasons that can provoke such a pathological state of the body:

  1. One of the most common reasons for a decrease in sugar levels in the human body is considered to be improper and inadequate nutrition. This leads to depletion of the body’s internal reserves and, above all, to a significant reduction in the amount of carbohydrates, which serve as the main suppliers of energy.
  2. A decrease in blood sugar concentration can be observed when the time intervals between meals are too long. The fact is that along with food, the body is saturated with carbohydrates, which are quickly broken down during metabolism. A certain part of them is recycled, and the rest is converted into energy reserves. If there is a long-term abstinence from eating, then the consequence of this may well be a strong decrease in blood sugar. In addition, low glucose concentrations are observed in the morning, when a person has not yet had time to eat.
  3. The presence of a large amount of sweets in a person’s diet leads to a rapid increase in blood glucose. The fact is that a too rapid increase in blood sugar is replaced by a sharp decline. Exactly the same effect is accompanied by a person drinking alcoholic beverages and sweet water with gases.
  4. Active physical activity on the body, even with adequate nutrition, is accompanied by a decrease in blood sugar concentration. The consequence of this is the appearance of a lack of energy, since the level of consumed carbohydrates significantly exceeds consumed ones.

There are reasons that cause a decrease in sugar levels in the body of people with a disease such as diabetes:

  • taking certain types of antidiabetic medicines
  • drinking alcoholic beverages without food
  • introduction into the body too large dose insulin
  • mixed intake of alcohol with antidiabetic drugs

Often, low sugar concentrations are diagnosed in completely healthy people as a result of various pathologies, and, as well as problems with metabolic processes.

Symptoms of the disease

A disease such as hypoglycemia can be mild or severe. When diagnosing mild stage pathology, the patient may complain of the appearance of cold sweat mainly on the back of the neck, the occurrence severe hunger, increased anxiety and a slight trembling throughout the body. In addition, signs of the disease such as headaches, dizziness, mild chills and attacks of nausea are noted.

As the pathology progresses, an even greater deterioration of the person’s condition and the development of the following signs are possible:

  • problems with orientation in space
  • sudden change of mood
  • crying or joy without any expressed reason
  • speech is too slow and unclear
  • the appearance of problems with consciousness

With severe hypoglycemia, a person becomes like a very drunk person, and often those around him are convinced that this is exactly what he is doing and refuse to help him. In fact, this condition is considered extremely dangerous, because a person is no longer able to help himself on his own.

In the absence of timely measures taken, the state of health deteriorates even more and a convulsive syndrome occurs in combination with loss of consciousness.

Gradually, a diabetic coma sets in, which is accompanied by cerebral edema and leads to death.In some cases, hypoglycemia can develop completely unexpectedly, for example, at night.

If a decrease in blood sugar occurs at night, the following symptoms may appear:

  1. increased sweating
  2. increased anxiety
  3. sleepwalking
  4. nightmares

When the amount of glucose decreases during sleep, a person usually complains of a headache in the morning.

Features of hypoglycemia

Experts say that hypoglycemia predominantly develops in adult patients with long-term diabetes therapy. Not strict adherence to the daily routine and nutrition, disruption of circadian rhythms in combination with physical activity leads to the fact that taking hypoglycemic agents or insulin injections cause the concentration to drop too much.

In people with alcohol addiction a serious decrease in blood sugar is also diagnosed. The fact is that ethanol has an effect on the body side effect and the consequence of this is the accelerated depletion of gluten reserves and the inhibition of the genesis associated with it.It is important to monitor the concentration of glucose in the blood throughout the day, because hypoglycemia can cause a dangerous condition such as coma.

The main reason for low blood sugar concentrations in childhood may be a low-calorie diet.

In addition, too long intervals between meals against the background of increased motor activity and strong psychological stress.Hypoglycemia is detected in premature infants with asphyxia during labor activity, respiratory distress and hypothermia.

Treatment method

Hypoglycemia is diagnosed in a person if a blood test shows low sugar levels. In addition, the patient exhibits signs of the disease, which disappear after eating sweet foods. Diagnosis of pathology is complemented by a physical examination, studying the patient’s lifestyle and state of health.

In the event that there is an insignificant drop in sugar in the body, then it can easily cope with this pathological condition on your own. To do this, it is recommended to eat some sweet product, for example, a little honey, candy or a piece of sugar. With a strong decrease in sugar, loss of consciousness is possible, so you need to call an ambulance as soon as possible. In such a situation, a glucose solution or glucagon is injected into the patient’s body intravenously, after which the concentration of sugar in the blood is determined an hour later.

In severe cases, it is possible to hospitalize the patient in a hospital facility and prescribe the necessary treatment.

Drug therapy depends on the reasons that provoked the development of hypoglycemia. After identifying the cause of low blood glucose, it is determined how long the glucose infusion will last and the rate of its elimination. In fact, the sugar content should be between 5-10 mmol/liter.

More information about hypoglycemia can be found in the video:

Elimination of hypoglycemia is based on conservative treatment of the underlying disease and relieving the patient of the symptoms of the disease. For this purpose, the following medicinal measures are carried out:

  • administration of glucose intravenously using a drip or oral administration of the monosaccharide dextrose, which is immediately absorbed into the oral cavity into the blood without entering the digestive tract
  • consumption of simple fast and slow carbohydrates in a certain dosage
  • intramuscular injection of glucagon
  • fractional injections of corticosteroids - adrenaline and hydrocortisone
  • compliance with special diet instructions

Treatment of hypoglycemia can be carried out using drugs traditional medicine, but only after consulting a doctor.In order to prevent a significant decrease in sugar in the human body, it is necessary to comply with certain preventive measures. First of all, you should adhere to a special diet with fractional intake and correct mode day.

In addition, it is necessary to take multivitamin complexes, which must contain chromium. Prevention of hypoglycemia involves avoiding such bad habits like smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. It is important to correct the treatment of diabetes mellitus, and physical education and sports should be strictly dosed. In addition, you should familiarize your family members with how to act in the event of a sudden onset of a symptom.

Hypoglycemia, or, as this condition of the body is commonly called, low blood sugar, is quite dangerous, especially for patients suffering from diabetes. It can be determined by physiological manifestations, deterioration in general well-being, as well as by examining the blood for glucose levels, the result of which will show values ​​below generally accepted norms.

Signs accompanying this state, are usually poorly tolerated by the human body, and can lead to a rapid and significant increase in negative symptoms. In some cases, hypoglycemia indicates insufficient quality of correction of diabetes mellitus or a parallel occurrence pathological processes of a different nature.

More about blood glucose

Initially, it is worth saying that a blood test for sugar is a generally accepted expression, but within the framework modern medicine not entirely correct. The very phrase “blood sugar” dates back to the Middle Ages. Doctors and healers of that time believed that the amount of sugar was directly related to the appearance of excessive thirst, pustular infections and frequent urination.

Today it is no secret to doctors that there is no so-called sugar (sucrose) in the blood, because in the course of studies it was confirmed that simple sugars by chemical reactions are converted into glucose. And it, in turn, performs one of the leading functions in metabolism. And now, when we talk about the normal blood sugar level, we mean the content of glucose, a universal substance that supplies energy to all human tissues and organs.

With its participation, heat exchange occurs, the brain and the entire nervous system are nourished, and toxic substances are removed from the body. When supplied with food, glucose is consumed by tissues, and is also deposited and accumulated in muscles and liver in the form of glycogen, which, if necessary, can again be converted into simple sugars and returned to the blood.

Thus, the circulation of glucose in the body supports its normal functioning, and, consequently, the person’s well-being. Glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6) is the most important substance in terms of metabolism, and any disturbance in its concentration can cause the development severe complications.

In addition to glucose, during the breakdown of sucrose in the gastrointestinal tract ( gastrointestinal tract) fructose is also formed, which is also a simple saccharide, like the first one. In diabetes mellitus, there is a deficiency of hormones that promote the absorption of glucose, as a result of which it is retained in the blood instead of being converted into glycogen.

Increased glucose in the blood, as well as in the urine, are direct laboratory signs of the disease and pose a danger to human life and health. Insulin, which is prescribed to such patients, helps transform free glucose into glycogen.

At the same time, it often happens that an incorrectly selected dosage of insulin or a meal taken at the wrong time leads to a lack of glucose and the development of hypoglycemia, which is the same dangerous condition like hyperglycemia. IN certain situations Serious health consequences can develop even with short-term glycemia, especially if the level drops very quickly.

Reasons for the decline

A drop in blood glucose levels can be either physiological, that is, observed in healthy people, or pathological, caused by the occurrence of certain diseases. The main causes of low sugar levels that are not related to disease are the following:

  • low calorie content daily diet as a result of malnutrition, which can happen with a strict diet, for example, in order to quickly lose extra pounds;
  • narcotic and alcohol intoxication, poisoning of the body with arsenic salts, chloroform, dehydration;
  • long intervals between meals, lasting more than 8 hours, eating disorders (bulimia, anorexia), thirst;
  • intravenous drip infusion of saline without adding glucose to it;
  • excessive physical exertion, for example, fatigue during labor activity or professional sports;
  • increased consumption of carbohydrates, that is, an excess of sweets, confectionery, carbonated drinks with a high sugar content, as well as foods with a high glycemic index.

Reference! Dessert and fortified wines, beer are called first fast growth glucose in the blood, and then a sharp and rapid drop in the level.

In such situations, a lack of energy occurs, which the body eliminates through internal “reserves” - by reverse conversion of glycogen stored in skeletal muscles and liver. And also a decrease in blood sugar can occur due to the development various diseases, such as:

  • diabetes mellitus types 1 and 2 – glucose levels often drop as a result of an overdose of insulin or other medications that help lower it;
  • diseases of the kidneys, adrenal glands or liver;
  • renal and heart failure, stroke;
  • obesity, pancreatitis, sarcoidosis, hormonal disorders,
  • Insulinoma is a tumor of the pancreas, the cells of which are capable of producing insulin, thereby creating an excess of it in the body.

Most often, a decrease in blood sugar is observed with an incorrectly administered dose of insulin, which means that hypoglycemia is most dangerous for people suffering from diabetes mellitus and forced to take this hormone.

The second place is given to physical exhaustion that occurs against the background of starvation or malnutrition. Other options are quite rare, are not always accompanied by additional symptoms, and without a doctor it will be impossible to find out why the sugar dropped.

Manifestations of moderate hypoglycemia

To always be on guard and be able to quickly respond to changes in the general well-being of your or loved one, you should know the main signs that accompany low sugar in blood. In an adult, the following manifestations are most often present:

  • general weakness, causeless fatigue;
  • headaches, dizziness;
  • trembling (tremor) in the limbs, their numbness;
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat);
  • rapid, uneven pulse, drowsiness;
  • excessive nervousness, irritability;
  • feeling of extreme hunger, sweating;
  • poor coordination of movements, pale facial skin,
  • Pupils are dilated, there is double vision, darkening.

All of the above symptoms of low blood sugar can be observed both in a person sitting or lying motionless, or in a sleeping person. They are due to the fact that the brain consumes glucose in approximately the same quantities as the muscles, and if there is a lack of it, it also goes hungry.

Reference! Signs of nocturnal hypoglycemia develop due to a decrease in the functional activity of the endocrine system in given time days.

As a rule, a person has restless sleep, often accompanied by nightmares, he may behave noisily, and try to get up without waking up. As a result, the patient often falls out of bed, sweats profusely, wakes up with cramps in lower limbs, and suffers from a headache in the morning.

If at this stage of hypoglycemia a person is not given glucose (best in a quickly digestible form: sugar, sweets, honey, cake, etc.), then his condition will worsen. A further drop in glucose concentration can cause more severe and life-threatening symptoms for the patient:

  • confusion;
  • incoherent speech;
  • convulsive attacks.

The most common signs of hypoglycemia

Symptoms of a sharp drop in sugar

A sharp decrease in glucose in most cases develops in patients with type 1 diabetes who require regular subcutaneous injections of insulin. In some situations, a rapid drop in sugar concentration is caused by an overdose of insulin due to incorrect use.

However, it can also decrease sharply in patients with type 2 diabetes who take medicines stimulating the synthesis of insulin by the pancreas. Most often these are sulfonylurea derivatives and drugs of the meglitinide group. When blood glucose drops sharply, a person develops characteristic symptoms, namely:

  • tachycardia, tremors of extremities;
  • pallor skin;
  • loss of ability to navigate in space;
  • slower reactions or, conversely, restless behavior and aggressiveness.

Reference! The appearance of hallucinations, delirium, confusion, and convulsions in the patient are signs of a developing hypoglycemic coma, which can lead to cerebral edema and death of the patient.

Low blood sugar in pregnant women

Symptoms reduced level Blood glucose levels in women are not much different from the manifestations of this condition in men. When the described substance declines, representatives of the weaker half of humanity may experience:

  • increased heart rate, combined with strong inexplicable fear and anxiety;
  • dizziness, disturbance visual function, tremor and weakness in the limbs;
  • increased sweating and severe hunger.

Low sugar levels are often observed in women carrying a child, especially in the 1st trimester of pregnancy. This is due to a significant change in hormonal levels, which increases the sensitivity of the body's cells to insulin. As a result, the body tissues of a pregnant woman utilize glucose faster.

And the fetus’s body also needs glucose. Unlike diabetes that develops in pregnant women, low blood glucose in women preparing to become mothers does not pose any particular danger, but only requires fractional meals. That is, they need to eat often, but in smaller portions.

When should you see a doctor?

The threshold for reducing glucose levels at which symptoms of hypoglycemia appear is individual for each patient. Some people may feel fine with a reading below 2.2 mmol/l, while for others a reading of 3 becomes critical and they are likely to develop coma.

Patients with type 1 diabetes should measure their blood sugar several times a day using a portable personal glucose meter. Those who do not use this device and are often unaware of the presence of diabetes (mostly adults who become ill in mature age type 2 diabetes) the following should alert you and be a reason for a visit to an endocrinologist:

  • sudden increase in resting heart rate;
  • feeling of fatigue and weakness in the lower extremities;
  • increased sweating in the absence of physical activity;
  • attacks of unreasonable fear, trembling in the hands;
  • inability to concentrate;
  • attacks of weakness or dizziness;
  • visual impairment.

If one or several manifestations arise, the first action of a person should be to seek help. medical care and passing all necessary tests. The doctor will consult the patient in detail, tell you what to do in such situations, and possibly recommend adjusting your lifestyle.

Norms and deviations

In order not to miss a sharp and significant drop in glucose, but, on the contrary, to track hypoglycemia in time, you need to go to the laboratory on an empty stomach and take a finger prick blood test. This can be done at home using a glucometer, which every person with diabetes should have.

Blood sugar is in the range of 3–6 mmol/l, namely:

  • newborn infants 2.7–4.5 mmol/l;
  • older children – 3–5.5 mmol/l;
  • adults – 3.5–6 mmol/l.

It should not be forgotten that for adults, a value of 5.5–6 mmol/l is considered an alarm bell, which in medicine is called the state of prediabetes. A shift in the coefficient to the lower limit of normal may indicate exhaustion of the body or persistent hypoglycemia.

A condition in which blood glucose is sharply reduced, and at the same time it is accompanied by neurological symptoms: convulsive syndrome, loss of consciousness, is very dangerous, and therefore requires immediate hospital treatment. During therapy and correction of blood sugar levels, it will be necessary to carry out additional research, which will help to understand the cause of these deviations.

And the doctor will also talk with the patient about measures to improve the body’s health, which include diet, giving up bad habits, fighting obesity and getting enough rest. As a rule, changing lifestyle, regimen and diet to initial stages diseases help reduce the likelihood of developing serious problems with health.

Portable device (glucometer) for measuring blood glucose levels

How to help with severe hypoglycemia?

The condition of acute sudden hypoglycemia must be stopped within 5–10 minutes, otherwise there is a risk of fainting and other life-threatening complications. To make up for the lack of glucose in the blood, you should eat or drink something sweet or containing carbohydrates.

The most effective products that help relieve an attack in 5–10 minutes are:

  • fruit juice (half a glass is enough);
  • sugar (1–2 teaspoons);
  • honey (2 teaspoons);
  • jam (1–2 tbsp);
  • caramel (1–2 pcs.);
  • lemonade or other sweet drink (1 glass).

After eating, the attack will be stopped, but you should not ignore the symptoms preceding it, even if it is still minor and does not cause much discomfort. It should be remembered that at any moment (if the dosage of blood sugar-lowering drugs is incorrect or a meal is skipped), the attack may recur, and it is not known what intensity it will be.

For patients. Any sign of hypoglycemia should be a reason to visit a doctor and undergo a thorough examination. If no pathologies are found, then it is necessary to use the doctor’s recommendations to reduce the likelihood of recurrence of alarming symptoms. If a disease is detected, get advice and therapeutic prescriptions that will stabilize the state of the endocrine system.

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