Home Coated tongue Low blood sugar: causes and symptoms. Why blood glucose levels drop and what needs to be done Blood sugar is below normal what to do

Low blood sugar: causes and symptoms. Why blood glucose levels drop and what needs to be done Blood sugar is below normal what to do

The level of sugar in the blood determines the quality of the body's functioning. After consuming sugar and carbohydrates, the body converts them into glucose, a component that represents the main and most versatile source of energy. The human body needs such energy to ensure normal performance. various functions from the work of neurons to the processes that occur at the cellular level. A decrease, and even more so an increase in blood sugar levels provokes the appearance of unpleasant symptoms. Systematically elevated blood glucose levels predict the development of diabetes mellitus.

What is sugar level

Blood sugar levels are calculated in mmol per liter, less often in milligrams per deciliter. The normal blood sugar level for a healthy person is 3.6-5.8 mmol/l. For each patient, the final indicator is individual, in addition, the value changes depending on the intake of food, especially sweet and high in simple carbohydrates. Naturally, such changes are not considered pathological and are short-term in nature.

How the body regulates sugar levels

It is important that your sugar level is within normal limits. A strong decrease or strong increase glucose in the blood, the consequences can be serious and dangerous to the life and health of the patient - loss of consciousness up to coma, diabetes mellitus.

Principles for how the body controls sugar levels:

Sugar level Effect on the pancreas Effect on the liver Effect on glucose levels
High The pancreas receives a signal to secrete the hormone insulin The liver converts excess glucose into the hormone glucagon Sugar levels drop
Normal After eating, glucose is transported through the bloodstream and signals the pancreas to produce the hormone insulin. The liver is at rest, it does not produce anything, since the sugar level is normal. Sugar level is normal
Short Low glucose levels signal the pancreas to stop secreting insulin before it is needed again. At the same time, glucagon is produced in the pancreas The liver stops processing excess glucose into glucagon, since it is in pure form produced by the pancreas Sugar levels are rising

To maintain normal glucose concentrations, the pancreas secretes two hormones - insulin and glucagon or polypeptide hormone.


Insulin is a hormone produced by pancreatic cells, releasing it in response to the supply of glucose. Insulin is needed by most cells in the human body, including muscle cells, liver cells, fat cells. The hormone is a protein that consists of 51 different amino acids.

Insulin performs the following functions:

  • sends a signal to the muscles and liver cells to accumulate (accumulate) converted glucose in the form of glycogen;
  • helps fat cells produce fat by converting fatty acids and glycerin;
  • gives a signal to the kidneys and liver to stop secreting their own glucose through the metabolic process - gluconeogenesis;
  • stimulates muscle cells and liver cells to secrete protein from amino acids.

The main purpose of insulin is to help the body absorb nutrients after eating, due to which the level of blood sugar, fatty acids and amino acids drops.


Glucagon is a protein produced by alpha cells. Glucagon has the opposite effect of insulin on blood sugar levels. When the concentration of glucose in the blood decreases, the hormone gives a signal muscle cells and liver cells activate glucose in the form of glycogen through glycogenolysis. Glucagon stimulates the kidneys and liver to secrete their own glucose.

As a result, the hormone glucagon takes glucose from several organs and maintains it at a sufficient level. If this does not happen, blood sugar levels drop below normal values.


Sometimes the body malfunctions under the influence of external or internal unfavorable factors, due to which disturbances primarily concern the metabolic process. As a result of such disorders, the pancreas stops producing the hormone insulin sufficiently, the body's cells react to it incorrectly, and ultimately the blood sugar level increases. This metabolic disorder is called diabetes mellitus.

Blood sugar levels: table for healthy people and diabetics

Sugar standards for children and adults differ, but for women and men they are practically the same. The value of blood glucose concentration is influenced by whether a person takes the test on an empty stomach or after a meal.

In adults

The permissible blood sugar level for women is 3.5-5.8 mmol/l (the same for representatives of the stronger sex), these values ​​are typical for analysis carried out in the morning on an empty stomach. The given indicators are correct for taking blood from a finger. Analysis from a vein suggests normal values ​​from 3.7 to 6.1 mmol/l. An increase in readings to 6.9 - from a vein and to 6 - from a finger indicates a condition called prediabetes. Prediabetes is a state of impaired glucose tolerance and impaired glycemia. If blood sugar levels are more than 6.1 from a finger and 7 from a vein, the patient is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus.

In some cases, a blood test must be taken immediately, and there is a high probability that the patient has already consumed the food. In this case, blood sugar levels in adults will vary from 4 to 7.8 mmol/l. Departure from the norm to a lesser or greater extent requires additional analysis.

In children

In children, blood sugar levels vary depending on the age of the children. In newborns normal indicators take values ​​from 2.8 to 4.4 mmol/l. For children aged 1-5 years, values ​​from 3.3 to 5.0 mmol/liter are considered normal. The blood sugar level in children over five years of age is identical to that in adults. Indicators exceeding 6.1 mmol/liter indicate the presence of diabetes mellitus.

In pregnant women

With the onset of pregnancy, the body finds new ways of working; at first it is difficult to adapt to new reactions; failures often occur, as a result of which the results of many analyzes and tests deviate from the norm. Blood sugar levels differ from normal values ​​for an adult. Blood sugar standards for women expecting a baby range from 3.8 to 5.8 mmol/liter. If a higher value is obtained, the woman is prescribed additional tests.

Sometimes during pregnancy the condition of gestational diabetes occurs. This pathological process occurs in the second half of pregnancy and goes away on its own after the baby is born. However, if certain risk factors are present, gestational diabetes may develop into diabetes mellitus after the baby is born. In order to prevent the development of a serious illness, it is necessary to constantly take blood tests for sugar and follow the doctor’s recommendations.

Blood Sugar Tables

Below are summary tables with information about the concentration of sugar in the blood and its significance for human health.

Note! The information presented is not 100% accurate, since each patient is individual.

Blood sugar norms - table:

Normal blood sugar levels and deviations from it with a brief description:

Blood Sugar Level Index
Less than 3.9 mmol/liter when tested on an empty stomach Falls within normal range, but is considered low
From 3.9 to 5.5 mmol/liter when analyzed on an empty stomach Normal glucose level for an adult
From 5.6 to 6.9 mmol/liter when analyzed on an empty stomach Elevated sugar levels, more than 6 mmol/liter - prediabetes
7 mmol/liter or more, indications based on 2 or more tests Diabetes
From 3.9 to 6.2 mmol/liter when analyzed after meals Normal sugar level
Less than 3.9 mmol/liter, test readings after meals Hypoglycemia, initial stage
2.8 mmol/liter when analyzed on an empty stomach Hypoglycemia
Less than 2.8 mmol/liter Insulin shock
8 to 11 mmol/liter when tested after a meal A condition close to the development of diabetes mellitus
More than 11 mmol/liter when analyzed after a meal Diabetes

Blood glucose concentration values ​​relative to health risks. Values ​​are given in mmol/liter, mg/dl, and for the HbA1c test.

Blood Sugar Level HbA1c test mmol/liter Milligram/deciliter
Short Less than 4 Less than 65 Less than 3.6
Optimal-normal 4,1-4,9 65-97 3,8-5,4
Good borderline 5-5,9 101-133 5,6-7,4
There is a health risk 6-6,9 137-169 7,6-9,4
Dangerously high blood sugar 7-7,9 172-205 9,6-11,4
Possible complications 8-8,9 208-240 11,6-13,4
Deadly dangerous From 9 and more 244-261 From 13.6 and more

Signs of high sugar levels

When a healthy person's blood sugar rises, he feels unpleasant symptoms, as a result of the development of diabetes mellitus clinical symptoms intensify, other diseases may occur against the background of the disease. If you do not consult a doctor at the first signs of a metabolic disorder, you may miss the onset of the disease; in this case, it will be impossible to cure diabetes mellitus, since with this disease you can only maintain a normal state.

Important! Main feature high sugar in the blood - a feeling of thirst. The patient is constantly thirsty, his kidneys work more actively to filter out excess sugar, while they take moisture from tissues and cells, so a feeling of thirst arises.

Other signs of high sugar levels:

  • increased urge to go to the toilet, increased fluid output, which is due to more active kidney function;
  • dryness of the oral mucosa;
  • itching skin;
  • itching of the mucous membranes, most pronounced in the intimate organs;
  • dizziness;
  • general weakness of the body, increased fatigue.

Symptoms of high blood sugar are not always obvious. Sometimes the disease can progress indirectly, such a hidden course of pathology where more dangerous than option with pronounced clinical picture. For patients, the discovery of diabetes mellitus comes as a complete surprise; by this time, significant disturbances in the functioning of organs may be observed in the body.

Diabetes mellitus must be constantly maintained and regularly undergo blood tests for glucose concentration or use a home glucometer. With absence permanent treatment In patients, vision deteriorates; in advanced cases, the process of retinal detachment can provoke complete blindness. High level Blood sugar is one of the main causes of heart attacks and strokes, kidney failure, and gangrene of the extremities. Constant monitoring of glucose concentration is the main measure in the treatment of the disease.

If symptoms are detected, you should not resort to self-medication; self-therapy without diagnosis accurate diagnosis, knowledge of individual factors, availability concomitant diseases can significantly worsen general state patient. Treatment of diabetes mellitus is carried out strictly under the supervision of a doctor.

Measures to lower glucose

Now you know what the normal blood sugar level is for an adult. In a healthy patient, this value varies from 3.6 to 5.5 mmol/liter; prediabetes is considered an indicator with a value from 6.1 to 6.9 mmol/liter. However, elevated blood sugar levels do not mean that the patient will necessarily have diabetes, but it is a reason to consume high-quality and the right products, get addicted to sports.

What to do to lower your blood sugar levels:

  • control optimal weight, if you have extra pounds, lose weight, but not with the help of exhausting diets, but with the help physical activity And good nutrition- no fats and fast carbohydrates;
  • balance the diet, fill the menu fresh vegetables and fruits, except potatoes, bananas and grapes, foods high in fiber, exclude fatty and fried foods, bakery and confectionery products, alcohol, coffee;
  • observe activity and rest regimes, 8 hours a day is the minimum duration of sleep, it is recommended to go to bed and get up at the same time;
  • fulfill physical exercise every day, find your favorite sport, if there is no time for full-fledged sports, allocate at least thirty minutes a day for morning exercises, it is very useful to walk in the fresh air;
  • to refuse from bad habits.

Important! You can’t starve, go on exhausting diets, or mono-diets. Such a diet will provoke even greater metabolic disorders and become an additional risk factor for the formation of an incurable disease with many complications.

How to measure your sugar level

Patients with increased level blood sugar and, especially for patients with diabetes, it is necessary to measure the glucose concentration every day, preferably on an empty stomach and after meals. However, this does not mean that patients need to go to the hospital every day for testing. Tests can be done at home using a special device - a glucometer. A glucometer is an individual small device for measuring blood sugar levels; test strips are attached to the device.

To measure the test strip, apply a small amount of blood from your finger, then place the strip inside the device. Within 5-30 seconds, the glucometer will determine the indicator and display the analysis result on the screen.

It is best to take blood from a finger, after making a puncture with a special lancet. During the procedure, the puncture site must be wiped medical alcohol to avoid infection.

Which glucometer should you choose? There are a large number of models of such devices, the models differ in size and shape. To choose the most suitable device for measuring blood sugar levels, first consult with your doctor and clarify the advantages of a particular model over others.

Although home tests are not useful in guiding treatment and will not be valid if surgery is contemplated, they do play a role important role in daily monitoring of your health. In this case, the patient will know exactly when to take the necessary measures to lower blood sugar levels, and when, on the contrary, to drink sweet tea if the sugar has dropped sharply.

Who needs to control sugar levels

An analysis of glucose concentration should primarily be carried out on patients who suffer from diabetes. Analysis is no less important for people in a state of prediabetes, when proper treatment and preventing the transition of prediabetes to diabetes mellitus can be avoided.

People whose close relatives have diabetes should definitely undergo annual examination. It is also recommended for people suffering from obesity to get tested every year. Other patients over 40 years of age should have a blood glucose test once every 3 years.

How often should pregnant patients be tested? The frequency of testing for blood glucose concentrations for pregnant women is prescribed by the attending physician. It is best if a woman expecting the birth of a child undergoes a sugar test once a month, as well as other blood tests with an additional glucose test.

Low blood sugar is a common problem faced by people of all genders and ages. A short-term drop in glucose levels is considered quite normal occurrence associated with the consumption of certain foods or physical activity. But if hypoglycemia is constant, then this is already a cause for concern.

why is this dangerous?

It's no secret that glucose is the main source of energy for the body. In particular, the headache can only work when there is a sufficient amount of sugar in the blood. When its quantity decreases, normal operation is disrupted nervous system. For example, with a severe lack of glucose, the brain simply shuts down, causing a person to lose consciousness. And long-term sugar deficiency leads to gradual, but, unfortunately, irreversible damage to the nervous system.

Chronic hypoglycemia affects the functioning of the entire body, in particular, serious disturbances in normal metabolism are observed.

As mentioned above, low blood sugar can be the result of physical or nervous overstrain when the body uses up the received glucose too quickly. Glucose deficiency can also be caused by a lack of this substance in food, which often happens with strict diets or fasting. In addition, there are various herbs and fruits that lower blood sugar. For example, eating large amounts of tangerines, apricots, plums, apples, blueberries, almonds, and cinnamon can lead to the development of hypoglycemia. But what to do if the decrease in glucose levels is not associated with either diet or physical activity?

Low blood sugar: main causes

Yes, hypoglycemia is a serious cause for concern. After all, such a condition may indicate a host of disorders and diseases.

  • In some cases, a decrease in glucose levels is associated with taking certain medications, for example, drugs containing amphetamines.
  • In addition, hypoglycemia may indicate illness gastrointestinal tract which are accompanied by impaired absorption of carbohydrates in the intestine.
  • Quite often the cause is a pancreatic tumor, the growth of which is accompanied by an increase in the level of secreted insulin.
  • And, of course, in patients with diabetes, glucose deficiency can be caused by an overdose of insulin.

Low blood sugar: main symptoms

In fact, hypoglycemia is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms, the intensity of which depends on the level of glucose drop. In particular, symptoms include:

  • Constant chronic fatigue.
  • A person cannot get enough sleep and suffers from constant bouts of drowsiness throughout the day.
  • Symptoms include lethargy, lethargy, and difficulty concentrating.
  • Dizziness is a fairly common problem among patients, especially if they are unable to eat on time.
  • As already mentioned, with a sharp decrease in sugar, loss of consciousness is possible.

In any case, if you have such alarming signs, you should consult a doctor and take a blood test. Only laboratory test will help determine your glucose level.

Blood sugar levels are important health indicator. Its significant decrease or increase may indicate serious changes in the body, which can lead to urgent hospitalization.

To understand the reasons for low sugar levels, it is worth knowing the symptoms of this condition, as well as reliable treatment methods.

A timely increase in glucose will allow you to avoid meetings with your doctor, and also save you from undergoing compulsory treatment in a hospital setting.

Hypoglycemia can occur due to several reasons, some of which are absolutely real. exclude yourself. Among the main factors that provoke a decrease in sugar in the body are:

  1. Not proper nutrition , which includes a large amount of sweet and starchy foods;
  2. long breaks between meals, because of this the body spends all its energy on maintaining systems in working order, but without receiving additional nutrition, it is quickly depleted;
  3. big lack of calories according to daily nutrition, which provokes starvation and exhaustion of the body;
  4. heavy physical activity with insufficient consumption of foods with a low glycemic index;
  5. frequent physical activity that involves eating or drinking foods with high glycemic level, this includes sweet fruits, juices, sweets, soda and others;
  6. abuse of alcohol, which contains large amounts of sugar, which provokes a sharp jump in insulin and does not give enough energy for the normal functioning of the body;
  7. frequent smoking, which prevents the normal absorption of complex carbohydrates, which causes depletion of reserves in human tissues and organs;
  8. diabetes mellitus, which can be diagnosed using regular glucose test. It must be taken on an empty stomach, and the day before you should choose a lighter option for dinner.

If you adhere to the wrong lifestyle, giving preference to foods with a high glycemic level, there is a high probability of being included in the list patients with diabetes or fall into a hypoglycemic coma.

Symptoms of hypoglycemia

Hypoglycemia may occur several symptoms, which can sometimes occur against the background of other problems.

But if the symptoms constantly recur, and the symptoms become group in nature, it is worth checking your glucose level. It is worth seeking help from specialists if available. following problems:

  1. causeless irritability and aggression;
  2. constant fatigue and desire to get enough sleep;
  3. constant hot flashes and frequent sweating;
  4. trembling of limbs and inability to warm up;
  5. numbness of hands and feet;
  6. constant desire to eat, even after a hearty meal;
  7. nausea and periodic vomiting;
  8. circles before the eyes and faintness;
  9. severe weakness in legs and arms.

These symptoms appear if the sugar level is close to 3.3 mmol/l. When glucose falls below this limit, the patient may severe cramps appear, fainting, inability to speak and concentrate on the requests of other people.

Low sugar after 50 years and its consequences

Particular attention should be paid to sugar levels after the age of 50. At this time, significantly the chance increases get diabetes. In the pre-retirement period, a person may experience following symptoms diseases:

  • permanent feeling weak and irritable in the morning, such a state and low level sugars are easily removed by a regular breakfast;
  • a constant feeling of weakness and drowsiness after eating, this condition is a signal of incipient diabetes mellitus and requires immediate control by the attending physician.

Refusing to undergo treatment after 50 years of age, a person risks developing a severe form of insulin deficiency, which can lead to tissue necrosis, blindness and the inability to move independently.

To reduce the likelihood appearance possible problems, worth sticking to after 50 years healthy image life, give up cigarettes, reduce the amount of alcohol and constantly undergo an annual medical examination.

If your glucose level drops up to 3.3 mmol/l and below, you need to start tracking your blood sugar at permanent basis. No matter how strange it may seem to you that low sugar levels can trigger diabetes, you should carefully monitor your diet, physical activity and way of life in general.

Treating Low Blood Sugar

Depending on the complexity of the situation, treatment for low glycemic levels may occur in several stages and different ways . If the problem is rare character it is enough for a sick person to enrich his diet with foods with a low glycemic level. These include seafood, cucumbers, durum bread, dairy products and others. They do not cause a sharp jump in blood sugar, but gradually release the required amount of the substance into the blood, which supports the body in the right rhythm.

During the treatment period, it is also worth significantly reducing physical activity in order to provide the body with sufficient energy. This point should be especially taken into account by those people who severely restrict their diet.

While playing sports, do not drink any carbonated drinks, but give your preference ordinary water or specialized drinks for athletes.

If the disease has taken a form where the mandatory use of insulin is required, you can't do it yourself prescribe your own dosage of the drug. To determine it, it is worth knowing the weight, sugar level, medical history and general condition of the patient. Incorrectly prescribed insulin dosage can provoke even more serious problems.

Medicines to control blood sugar

In addition to insulin and lifestyle choices, there are a number of medications available to increase blood sugar levels.

Almost all of them can be purchased only after permission from a specialist, as it should undergo examination and pass all tests before taking the first pill.

This is necessary in order to prevent symptoms from progressing to the stage of diabetes mellitus, when increasing sugar levels will no longer be an acceptable and very dangerous measure.

One of these drugs is tricyclic antidepressant. It can be prescribed to a person during periods of severe irritability and aggression towards others. Apply medicine costs only complex therapy, which includes mandatory diet with plenty of low-glycemic foods.

In addition, women may be prescribed oral contraceptives. They will not only protect against unwanted pregnancy, but will also restore general health, but only if the drug is selected correctly, taking into account the patient’s hormonal balance.

Sometimes patients are prescribed barbiturates. These drugs also improve sleep and mood, allowing you to quickly get out of a state of aggression and irritability.

These treatments should ideally check with your doctor to avoid excessive hypoglycemia. Pregnant women and children under 18 years of age mandatory consultation with a therapist is necessary. Unauthorized treatment in these cases may lead to coma and subsequent fatal outcome. If you experience frequent symptoms of insufficient blood sugar levels, you should contact behind additional examination to exclude cancerous tumors.

A condition in which blood glucose levels decrease less physiological norm, is called hypoglycemia. This pathological condition, which can develop not only in a diabetic, but also in a completely healthy person. Most often, hypoglycemia occurs due to prolonged hunger, more intense physical activity and stress.

In diabetics, blood glucose levels may decrease if the dose of sugar-lowering medication (tablets or injection solution). This is also caused by an incorrect ratio of food eaten and insulin administered. Knowing the main symptoms low sugar in the blood, you can provide first aid in time and minimize unpleasant consequences for the body.


When hypoglycemia occurs, a person becomes dizzy because normal blood circulation in the blood vessels of the brain is disrupted. Because of this, it develops oxygen starvation, and the cells of the nervous system do not receive enough nutrients. The body cannot synthesize the required amount of energy, and the person feels unwell.

In addition to dizziness, the patient may feel tremors in the body and problems with orientation in space. Walking becomes so unsteady that a person may fall. Therefore, in case of hypoglycemia, after providing first aid, it is better to lie down quietly and rest until the condition stabilizes.

The patient must be provided with rest and access fresh air to the room where he is located

General weakness, lethargy and aggression

Depending on how much blood sugar has dropped, a person’s behavior can change dramatically. At first, such a patient may show signs of aggression for no reason, then he may develop tearfulness, weakness and lethargy. In extremely severe, advanced cases, a person whose blood sugar drops may stop responding to what is happening and subsequently fall into a coma. This can be avoided if dangerous manifestations of glucose deficiency are recognized in time.

If these symptoms come out of nowhere, and they are accompanied by any other characteristic features low blood sugar, then you need to use a glucometer and then act according to the situation. In such cases, it is important for others to remember that aggression, hunger and thirst are alarm bells for a person with diabetes, so it is impossible to be offended by him or ignore such a person. Nervousness is one of the most clear symptoms with low blood sugar in an adult patient. Psycho-emotional stress caused by a lack of glucose, and often patients themselves do not understand what is happening to them at this moment.


The main sign of low blood sugar is hunger. This is the body's first signal that it is experiencing a lack of glucose. Such defense mechanism explained by the fact that to increase sugar by initial stages Hypoglycemia can be achieved simply by eating high carbohydrate foods.

As a rule, if glucose levels are normalized immediately, hypoglycemia goes away without leaving a trace and does not cause the development of severe complications.

Normally, a diabetic should not feel severe hunger, regardless of the type of disease. With a rationally planned diet, the patient eats food at approximately equal intervals, so there are no sharp fluctuations in blood glucose levels. A pronounced desire to eat can be a symptom of low blood sugar, so this is always a reason to use a glucometer once again.

Increased sweating and thirst

Due to low blood sugar, a person sweats a lot. The more fluid is released through the pores of the skin, the more the patient wants to drink. If the attack is not stopped in time, dehydration and loss of consciousness may develop.

Despite the fact that a person drinks a lot of liquid, he feels dry mouth and discomfort in the throat when swallowing due to dry mucous membranes. Thirst is further intensified due to severe hunger. As a rule, after stabilizing the sugar level, all these symptoms go away quite quickly.

Thirst can be so strong that a person is able to drink up to a liter of water at a time

Visual impairment

Eye disorders with low sugar levels are expressed by the following symptoms:

  • vagueness;
  • a sharp decrease in visual acuity;
  • feeling nagging pain in the eyeballs;
  • photophobia;
  • dryness of the mucous membrane of the eye.

If the patient already has severe diabetic retinopathy, then attacks of hypoglycemia can lead to deterioration of the retina and fundus of the eye. Therefore, diabetic patients with obvious pathological changes in the organs of vision it is especially necessary to monitor normal level glucose in the blood and not allow it to fall or rise sharply.

Heart symptoms

The initial signs of low blood sugar are rapid heart rate (tachycardia). It may be accompanied by pain in the heart, sensations of squeezing in the chest and decreased blood pressure. The danger of hypoglycemia is that it can cause heart failure and heart attack.

To relieve these uncomfortable signs in the initial stages, it is enough to increase your blood sugar level. Since these symptoms are secondary, once the underlying cause is addressed, they will also go away. But in more severe cases, during hospitalization, the patient may be prescribed special supportive cardiac therapy.

Manifestation of nocturnal hypoglycemia

One of the most dangerous types of hypoglycemia is a decrease in sugar at night during sleep. Man cannot recognize dangerous condition in the early stages and help himself in time, unless the symptoms cause him to wake up. This can happen if the patient does not eat before bed or incorrectly calculates the insulin dose. The symptoms of hypoglycemia at night are the same as during the day, but they are accompanied by discharge sticky sweat in sleep and disturbance of quiet breathing.

If the hypoglycemia was minor, then in the morning after the person wakes up, he will feel a strong headache and brokenness

Hypoglycemia caused by alcohol intake is especially dangerous in this regard. The symptoms of alcohol poisoning are in many ways similar to the symptoms of low blood sugar, which is why help may not be provided on time. This is one of the reasons why alcoholic drinks are not recommended for patients with diabetes. Due to an overdose of alcohol, the patient may fall into a hypoglycemic coma, which is very dangerous for life and health due to possible complications.

Peculiarities of manifestation in older people and women

Older people and women of any age respond more sensitively to decreased blood glucose levels. Hypoglycemia is more dangerous for elderly patients because the condition of cardio-vascular system and their brain is much worse than that of young people. Older people often notice the symptoms of this condition at the wrong time, thinking that these are just manifestations of existing chronic pathologies. Because of this, the risk of complications (heart attack, stroke, thrombosis) increases, because help will be provided much later than required.

Hypoglycemia for young and middle-aged women is less dangerous, but also insidious. Mood swings, hunger and sleepiness may be caused by hormonal changes in them, depending on the day menstrual cycle. Therefore, representatives of the fair sex often diagnose themselves with a decrease in sugar at the wrong time. The following manifestations may be added to the classic signs of low blood sugar in women:

  • flushing and feeling of heat;
  • pallor of the skin, followed by redness;
  • increased blood loss during menstruation if an episode of hypoglycemia coincides with this period of the cycle.

If there is any doubt about blood sugar levels, regardless of age, gender and type of diabetes, the patient should use a glucometer and, if necessary, eat food with fast carbohydrates. If the condition does not return to normal and the sugar does not rise, you need to call ambulance and hospitalized in a hospital. In most cases, you can help a patient with hypoglycemia at home, but sometimes you can save his life and health only if he goes to the hospital in time.

Last updated: October 2, 2019

Today, everyone without exception knows that blood is the main fluid in the body, the condition of which must be constantly monitored. Even minor changes in its composition can indicate serious problems. Sugar is considered one of the main indicators of the normal functioning of the body.

It includes several different substances that are integrated into a single whole. According to experts, this is a kind of constant from a biological point of view, characterizing the state of all systems internal organs. This indicator reflects hydrogen exchange and at the same time serves as fuel for the entire body. Sugar comes with food, is then processed in a certain way, and only then enters the blood.

In this article we will talk about the dangers of underestimating its indicators and how it should be dealt with.

general information

Low blood sugar is not just a minor deviation, but a real disease, which in medicine is called hypoglycemia. This is a rather serious illness that should not be left untreated. Hypoglycemia can develop due to various reasons. It is accompanied by dizziness, tremors in the hands, decreased performance, and irritability.

According to experts, blood sugar levels directly depend on daily diet. If a person eats something, then this indicator inevitably increases. The pancreas is known to produce the hormone insulin. It converts sugar into energy or then helps convert it into fat for later use. At the moment when this hormone completes its “work,” sugar levels should return to normal, but this does not always happen. Hypoglycemia very often occurs in diabetes, when the amount of food consumed by a sick person does not correspond to the level of insulin produced. It's pretty serious problem, the manifestation of which can only be smoothed out if a person eats something sweet.

Even absolutely healthy people hypoglycemia may occur from time to time and of varying intensity. This manifestation of the disease in each specific case is individual, depending on the person’s diet, his lifestyle and some other related factors.

Standard indicators

According to experts, the normal level of sugar in the morning on an empty stomach is 3.3 - 5.5 mmol/l. Minor deviations from these indicators in the range of 5.6 - 6.6 mmol/l indicate impaired glucose tolerance. This is a borderline state between normal and pathological, and above 6.7 mmol/l is diabetes mellitus.

Main reasons

Low blood sugar does not happen on its own. Most often, this problem appears due to good reasons, which are recommended to be clarified in as soon as possible. Below we list just a few of them.


The first thing to note is that signs of low blood sugar do not appear suddenly. The thing is that this is a rather lengthy process. Only when sugar levels are significantly low does the body signal a problem.

As a rule, a person begins to complain about general deterioration condition and constant thirst. Depression and nervous breakdowns may also indicate that in the blood

glucose drops.

It is noteworthy that various signs may appear throughout the day. On the other hand, many patients do not complain at all about low blood sugar, perceiving the worsening condition as fatigue after work. If you rested and slept well on the weekend, but still feel drowsy and unwell between 11 and 15 o’clock in the afternoon, it is better to consult a specialist. Below we list the main signs of glucose deficiency.

  • Constant feeling of fatigue and weakness.
  • Regular headaches, increased irritability.
  • Heavy sweating and hand tremors.
  • Constant feeling of hunger and desire to eat something sweet.
  • Slight decrease in vision and increased heart rate.

This is how low blood sugar manifests itself. Symptoms may vary slightly in each case. If all of the above signs accompany you day after day, it is extremely important to immediately seek help. qualified help. The doctor will prescribe tests, the results of which will indicate the presence of this problem. If the necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner, hypoglycemia will only progress. In this case, the consequences may not be the most pleasant.


Currently, low blood sugar, the symptoms of which were described above, can be confirmed in two ways (a morning test on an empty stomach or after loading the body with glucose).

The last analysis is the so-called glucose tolerance test. In this case, the patient needs to consume 75 g of glucose, which is first dissolved in 300 ml of glucose itself. ordinary water. After about two hours, the specialist draws blood.

It is believed that almost 100% accurate results can be obtained by combining two analyzes simultaneously. For three days the patient is advised to observe quite simple diet. It implies the exclusion of fried and fatty foods, as well as alcoholic beverages from the diet. At this time, it is better to eat lean meat/fish and vegetables. Then, in the morning, blood is taken from the patient on an empty stomach. After another five minutes, he is offered to drink water with glucose. After two hours, the doctor takes blood again to measure glucose levels.

Is it possible to conduct such a test at home?

You can check whether your blood sugar is low or not at home. To do this, you need to purchase a special device called a glucometer. Today such devices are sold in almost every pharmacy.

A glucometer is a device with a set of sterile lancets and special test strips. The patient makes a small puncture on the finger using a lancet at home, then the resulting drop of blood is carefully transferred to the test strip. The latter is placed in the device itself to determine the result.

Necessary treatment

First of all, it should be noted that very low blood sugar should never be ignored. After conducting a detailed diagnostic examination The doctor usually prescribes appropriate treatment and recommends a special diet. Without proper nutrition, it is almost impossible to overcome a problem such as low blood sugar.

Treatment involves the use of glucose preparations. When a hypoglycemic coma develops, it is extremely important to administer the drug Glucagon in a timely manner, and then be sure to seek qualified help. Patients with this diagnosis are often prescribed Acarbose. It prevents excessive increase in insulin secretion.

If low blood sugar is caused by a pancreatic tumor, surgery is recommended surgical intervention. In the case of benign adenoma, surgery has a positive effect.

Note that any medications may only be taken after prior consultation with a specialist. The doctor, in turn, will take into account not only the stage of the disease, but also the presence of concomitant diseases and possible complications. Self-medication is highly undesirable.

What should the diet be like?

If your blood sugar is below normal, you should special attention take into account your daily diet. As noted above, proper nutrition is one of the components of treatment. Below we list quite simple recommendations about this question.

The recommendations proposed above allow you to forever forget about such a problem as low blood sugar. The causes of this pathology, as is known, often lie precisely in an unbalanced and unhealthy diet. According to experts, changing your diet for just 14 days can significantly change the overall picture of your blood condition.

Possible complications

Why is low blood sugar dangerous? This is a question many patients ask today. In fact, this problem primarily interferes with the normal functioning of the entire body. A person quickly gets tired and becomes irritable, which directly affects his relationships in the work team and at home.

In addition, low blood glucose can cause inoperable brain damage.

A severe degree of hypoglycemia has a depressing effect directly on the central nervous system itself, which disrupts a person’s orientation in the world around him, his behavior literally becomes inadequate. All this can result in very serious consequences (road accidents, domestic injuries, etc.).


As you know, it’s easier to prevent a problem if you don’t want to treat it afterwards. IN in this case Experts strongly recommend monitoring your health, eating right, and exercising in moderation. It is very important to treat promptly various kinds ailments, including low blood sugar. It is not recommended to ignore the symptoms of this problem. It is extremely important to immediately seek help from the appropriate specialist; in no case should you put off the visit.


In this article, we have described in as much detail as possible how low blood glucose levels manifest themselves and what measures need to be taken in this case. We hope that all the information presented in this article will be truly useful to you.

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