Home Prosthetics and implantation Toothache in a 7 year old child. Simple but useful recommendations for parents: what to do if a child has a toothache? What to do if a child has a toothache

Toothache in a 7 year old child. Simple but useful recommendations for parents: what to do if a child has a toothache? What to do if a child has a toothache

Toothache is not a pleasant feeling. Along with earache, toothache It is considered one of the most intense and difficult to bear, since a large number of nerve endings are located in the gum. Everything is aggravated if the role of the patient is not an adult, but a child, whose torment is much more difficult to endure. Diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the baby cannot describe the nature of the pain - aching, pulling or sharp. Quite often, children do not say until the last moment that they have a toothache, because they are afraid to go to the doctor. Therefore, unfortunately, most children dental problems already found on late stage development, when serious and long-term treatment. In this article, we will talk about the causes, treatment and pain relief of children's toothache.

Why does a child have a toothache

The child may feel the first symptoms of toothache during meals, especially when eating hot, cold, sweet and acidic foods. But why does a toothache occur, and what reasons can contribute to this, let's try to figure it out.

  1. Caries. This is the most common cause occurrence of toothache. As a rule, tooth decay pain begins with discomfort when eating hot and cold. Pain can be short-term or long-lasting - up to several minutes. At night, the tooth, as a rule, does not bother until the carious cavity completely hits the dentin. At the initial stage of development, caries can be recognized from the outside by characteristic yellow or whitish areas on the surface of the tooth, subsequently a small hole appears on the enamel. In this case, it is impossible to delay going to the doctor, because the structure of milk teeth is very soft, so caries is rapidly spreading over all areas of the dentin. This is fraught with inflammation of the nerve - pulpitis.
  2. Pulpitis. When caries penetrates so deep into the tooth root that it affects its lower part, this is often accompanied by inflammation of the pulp - the dental nerve. The pain is quite characteristic - the tooth hurts from sweet and sour, pain do not pass for a long time, can last up to 10 minutes. Discomfort is felt when touching a tooth with a finger - if you lightly tap on it with a fingernail, the inflamed nerve will immediately make itself felt. Pulpitis is really dangerous, because the nerve will have to be removed, the tooth will become dead, the growth and development of the molar remains in question.
  3. Periostitis (flux). This is an inflammation of the periosteum, which causes severe pain, accompanied by fever, swelling of the gums, cheeks, tongue and even lips. Periostitis occurs as a result of a complication of pulpitis - when microbes from the affected part of the tooth and nerve penetrate into the soft tissues, blood vessels etc.
  4. The result of the treatment. Sometimes tooth pain can be the result of improper dental treatment. If the pain does not go away within a few days after a visit to the doctor, and only intensifies, then you should go back to the doctor and identify the cause of this pain. This happens if the carious cavity was not completely cleaned before filling. The formation of voids in the carious cavity, soft tissue injuries, violation of the technology of the procedure - all this can lead to the resumption of toothache. Sometimes a toothache, accompanied by itching and a skin rash, indicates the body's reaction to the filling material - it's just an allergy. In this case, the physician is not at fault, but re-treatment with the replacement of filling material is necessary.
  5. Injury. Often, children experience toothache after an injury, bruise, fall, impact. The active lifestyle of kids often leads to similar consequences. If it hurts and staggers baby tooth, most likely, this is the result of an injury, a simple loss of a milk tooth does not cause severe pain. In this case, you need to see a doctor as soon as possible after the incident in order to save the tooth.

Please note that pain in the area of ​​the tooth may not be related to the tooth itself. Inflammation and redness of the gums speaks of gingivitis. Often, the dental nerve reacts to inflammatory processes in the immediate vicinity - for example, diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

How to relieve pain before a visit to the doctor

A sick tooth is not a cold; in this case, it will not work to cure the child on your own. So the first thing you can do is go to the doctor. However, it is not always possible to go to the dentist at the same hour. Sometimes the pain occurs at night, sometimes you have to wait for a meeting with the doctor. In this case, you need to try to stop pain symptom different ways. This will make life easier for the baby before visiting the dentist. This can be done by various means.

  1. Painkillers. Surely in the medicine cabinet of every good mother there are the simplest, but effective painkillers. As a rule, this group of children's drugs based on Ibuprofen, which will not only relieve pain, but also reduce the temperature if necessary. Older children can drink a Ketonal tablet, but this is a fairly powerful medicine that is used only if nothing else helps.
  2. Gels. Sold for small children special gels which help relieve pain during teething. The same gels can be used for toothache, especially if it is associated with soft tissue inflammation - after using such remedies, the gums simply stop feeling anything. Among the most effective and safe are Kalgel, Holisal, Kamistad, Dentol, etc.
  3. Inspection. Often, tooth pain can be caused by a piece of food stuck in the interdental space or a fish bone stuck into the gum. To do this, carefully examine the child's oral cavity, especially the area that the baby complains about. You may need tweezers or dental floss to get rid of any excess.
  4. Rinsing. It's another one effective method save the child from toothache. Cleansing the surface of the tooth from germs and bacteria is capable of long time alleviate the condition of the baby. It is much more effective to brush your teeth with toothpaste before rinsing. You can rinse your mouth with pharmacy drops and solutions, antiseptic compounds - Miramistin, Furacilin, Chlorophyllipt, etc. You can rinse your mouth with saline solution and baking soda. Also effective are various herbal decoctions- chamomile, St. John's wort, lemon balm, oak bark, calendula, sage, etc. Rinse your mouth with a warm solution, keep the liquid in your mouth until it cools, repeat rinsing every hour.
  5. Applications. Their principle is simple - a piece of sterile cotton wool or a bandage is wetted in medicine and applied to the painful area of ​​the tooth. Cotton wool can be moistened in novocaine, you can put a small grain of aspirin inside the cotton wool. But in this case, the cotton should be well wrapped around the tablet so that aspirin does not burn the delicate children's mucous membranes. Applications can be made on the basis of garlic and onion juice, eucalyptus and clove oil, propolis, valerian, etc.
  6. Tooth drops. This medications for children, which can be used as a rinse - prepare a solution from drops or make an application with them. They gently relieve inflammation, soothe, anesthetize, disinfect. Among them are Eskadent, Dentinorm, Dentinox, Xident, etc.

In the fight against acute toothache, in no case do not use painkillers that are intended for adults. A sick tooth should not be heated, otherwise the inflammation may increase. During the period of toothache, the child should eat only warm and liquid food, after eating the mouth should be rinsed. Even if the pain completely disappears, it is necessary to see a doctor to exclude the occurrence of complications.

Many parents believe that milk teeth should not be treated, because they will be replaced by permanent ones anyway. But this is a fairly widespread misconception. Indeed, if a child is 6-7 years old and his milk teeth began to be replaced by permanent ones, they should not be treated - they will fall out very soon. But if the child is 3-4 years old and more than one year remains before the complete change of teeth, treatment is still necessary. First, to save the child from pain and discomfort. Secondly, carious cavities can infect adjacent teeth, which are partially changed to indigenous ones. That is, caries can go from a diseased dairy to a healthy one. permanent tooth. Thirdly, caries is fraught with early loss of milk teeth. This leads to a violation of the order of growth of the dentition. As a result, the molars can grow crooked, begin to find one on top of the other, the child will have to wear braces to align the teeth. Therefore, milk teeth should be protected no worse than permanent ones - this is the basis of a healthy and beautiful smile in future.

In addition, timely access to a doctor provides a quick, inexpensive and painless treatment. With caries, the affected dentin is drilled out to the child, the cavity is cleaned and a filling is placed. Baby teeth are very susceptible to decay, so your doctor may suggest silvering your teeth to keep them healthy and strong. With pulpitis, when the inflamed nerve can no longer be saved, it is removed. The flux must be opened under anesthesia, the inflamed tissues are cleaned, along with additional treatment prescribe antibiotics. Gingivitis, stomatitis and other gum diseases are treated with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs.

How to protect your child from toothache

As you know, any disease is easier to prevent than to treat. Therefore, in the fight against toothache, you need to give Special attention prevention. Even if the child is small, he certainly needs to be taken to a dental examination every six months, just like an adult. WITH early years Teach your child to brush their teeth twice a day and rinse their mouth with water after each meal. Do not rely on children's efforts - after the baby has brushed his teeth, repeat the cleaning yourself, because children, as a rule, do not pay due attention to hard-to-reach places. Limit the amount of sugar your child consumes. Put on the table not a vase with sweets, but a plate with carrots and apples. In addition, the child should have a lot of dairy products containing calcium in the diet.

The health of children's teeth is based on three main factors - heredity, careful hygiene and a sufficient amount of trace elements in the body. And if it is impossible to influence the first factor, then care and nutrition are in our hands. Teach your child to take care of their teeth from childhood, and he will be able to keep them healthy until old age!

Video: how to quickly get rid of a toothache

Toothache is one of the most unpleasant phenomena that not only adults, but also children often face. It is almost impossible to endure such torment. And for kids, pain becomes a real torture. Therefore, every loving parent should know how to help with a toothache in a child. Of course, the best solution is to seek help from a dentist. However, situations vary and it is not always possible to visit dental clinic. That is why we want to tell you how you can relieve toothache in children before going to the doctor.

How to treat a toothache in a child?

To understand how to help your baby cope with pain before a visit to the dentist, you first need to understand the reasons for its occurrence. After all, painful sensations in the oral cavity do not arise just like that, they are a symptom of various dental diseases.

So, pain can be caused by caries, that is, damage to tooth enamel; pulpitis - inflammation internal cavity tooth or periostitis - an inflammatory process in the periosteum and soft tissues jaws. Each of these diseases characterizes the degree of development of inflammation in the tooth. If you do not treat it at the stage of caries, then the inflammatory process begins to progress, causing more dangerous conditions.

It is important to note that in children of the first and second years of life, such a nuisance can be caused by teething, as well as inflammation of the ear or mucous membranes of the mouth. Caries and its complications in babies at this age are extremely rare. As a rule, children from 3 to 5 years old experience such a disease.

Pulpitis occurs due to advanced caries. The infection penetrates through damaged enamel, causing the development of a purulent process. In such a situation, there is a constant twitching pain. Most often, inflammation of the pulp occurs in children over the age of 4 years.

Periostitis - dangerous state, which causes severe pain in the tooth and swelling of the mucous membranes of the mouth. If the baby has a swollen cheek, you should immediately show it to the dentist. This condition is often accompanied by high temperature. It is difficult for the child to open his mouth, his speech is distorted.

The main symptoms of teething in children are swollen red gums, increased salivation, fever, moodiness, anxiety. The kid pulls toys, fingers into his mouth. If you are breastfeeding, your baby may try to bite and pinch the nipple during feeding. Also, the baby often scratches his gums, because in the process of teething, itching appears.

Toothache in children: pills, medicines

There are many medications available today to relieve toothache. So, when teething in babies, it is recommended to use local anesthetic ointments and gels. These drugs relieve pain due to the action of the anesthetics included in them, for example, lidocaine. These substances block the pain receptors located in the gums, as a result of which the pain dulls or disappears altogether. Also, the composition of the gels contains herbal and anti-inflammatory components, which make it possible to relieve inflammation from the gums. The gel or ointment works instantly.

The most effective anesthetics used to relieve teething pain are the following drugs:

  1. Kalgel - effective remedy, which contains lidocaine and antiseptic cytilperidine. The tool does not contain sugar and works almost instantly.
  2. Cholisal-gel - this medicine has an antibacterial, analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The gel has a special structure that allows it to stay on the mucous membrane of the gums for as long as possible. The effect lasts about 3 hours.
  3. Dentinox-gel - contains chamomile tincture, so it perfectly relieves inflammation.
  4. Kamistad baby gel - contains lidocaine and chamomile, quickly penetrates into the gum tissue, relieves swelling and pain.

It also effectively relieves itching and swelling in the gums. antihistamines- drops Parlizin and Fenistil.

All of the above medicines help not only with teething in one-year-old babies, but also with pain at an older age.

Toothache in children: homeopathy

Homeopathic remedies consist of natural ingredients that act systemically, facilitating the process of teething and general state baby. The most effective are the following drugs:

  1. Ointment Traumeel S - contains exclusively herbal ingredients. The drug perfectly relieves swelling, itching and pain. Apply the ointment to the baby's gums three times a day.
  2. Drops Dentinorm Baby - also consist of plant extracts, act systemically.
  3. Candles Viburkol - effectively help babies not only during teething, but also during other diseases. Candles have a sedative, analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory effect.

How to get rid of a toothache in a child at home: folk methods

Folk remedies also help relieve toothache in children. However, it should be remembered that some plants can cause an allergic reaction in a baby, therefore, using them, you will be extremely careful. It is strictly forbidden to use alcohol tinctures of herbs for children in such situations.

We suggest you find out which methods traditional medicine help to quickly, safely and effectively relieve toothache in babies:

  1. Rinsing the mouth with decoctions of lemon balm, sage chamomile. Pour 1 tbsp. a spoonful of grass with a glass of boiling water, let it brew, strain and rinse the crumbs' mouth every hour if the toothache is severe.
  2. A good antiseptic effect is produced by rinsing soda solution. To prepare it, you need to dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm boiled water.
  3. Ice will help relieve swelling from the gums. Place a piece of ice wrapped in a handkerchief against your baby's cheek.
  4. Propolis tincture has excellent analgesic and anti-inflammatory properties. This remedy is also used to rinse the mouth.
  5. And finally, a decoction of oak bark. This remedy is great for relieving toothache. Brew 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable raw materials with a glass of boiling water, let it brew for 30 minutes and rinse your mouth with it every 2 hours.

Toothache and fever in children

If teething in babies is accompanied by a temperature, then anti-inflammatory drugs should be used to relieve the heat. Such funds act systemically, therefore, the effect of them lasts quite a long time - up to 12 hours. The best anti-inflammatory drugs for children are Paracetamol and Ibuprofen. They effectively remove unpleasant symptoms not only with teething, but also with caries, pulpitis.

Analogues of these medicines are Panadol, Ibufen, Bofen, Nurofen. They are produced in the form of syrup, tablets, suppositories. However, it is important to know that Paracetamol is contraindicated for children under two months of age. In addition, it is not necessary to give this drug to a child just to anesthetize toothache without fever.

For babies as young as three months old, you can use ibuprofen in the form of a suspension or rectal suppositories, and tablets are recommended for children from 6 years of age.

Acute toothache in a child at night

Such a nuisance often occurs during teething. The kid wakes up and cries, touches his cheek, tries to scratch it. For the treatment of severe pain in children, it is recommended to use local anesthetics- gels and ointments. If the pain does not go away, and even accompanied by fever, there is a strong swelling, the child is shivering - immediately call an ambulance to help.

If a toothache occurs at night in a child older than 3 years, then this indicates the development of pulpitis. In such a situation, it is necessary to let the child rinse his mouth with a soda solution or infusion of oak bark. Also, to relieve acute pain, children are bandaged to the wrist of the opposite hand from the sick tooth with garlic gruel. You can give the baby painkillers - ibuprofen and its analogues. In the morning, the child must be shown to the dentist.

What to do if a tooth hurts and a child’s cheek is swollen?

Similar symptoms are characteristic of periostitis - a complication of caries. If you notice that the child has a very swollen cheek, he complains of severe pain in the tooth, then the baby should be immediately shown to the doctor. Before visiting the dentist, you can rinse your mouth with a soda solution or a decoction of herbs. To relieve swelling, you need to smear the gums of the crumbs with honey (if there is no allergy) or use cold.

A good antiseptic that relieves swelling and pain in the oral cavity is Stomatidine. If pain and swelling are accompanied by fever, then you can give the child anti-inflammatory or painkillers (Paracetamol, Ibuprofen). And it is best not to self-medicate, but immediately run for help to the dentist. The fact is that swelling of the gums indicates the development in it inflammatory process, which can provoke suppuration of tissues. This situation requires urgent medical attention. So if, after rinsing and applying local anesthetics, the child does not feel better, urgently call an ambulance.

How to soothe a toothache in a one-year-old child?

The period of teething of the first teeth in one-year-old babies becomes a difficult test not only for him, but also for his parents. Some children tolerate the appearance of milk teeth quite calmly, but most of the little ones lose sleep, become moody and even refuse to eat. This behavior of the crumbs is associated with constant toothache.

To alleviate the condition of the child during teething will help local anesthetics and homeopathic remedies, which we talked about at the beginning of our article. Also relieve toothache one year old baby gum massage will help. wrap forefinger with a cotton swab or soft bandage, soak it in a soda solution and massage the gums of the crumbs in a circular motion.

Cold will help to quickly relieve pain during teething. Put the baby's pacifier in the freezer for a few minutes and let the baby suck. Honey can relieve swelling and itching from the gums. They lubricate the oral cavity of the crumbs twice a day.

Antipyretic drugs (paracetamol and ibuprofen) should be used when elevated temperature the child's body. They will lower the temperature, and also have an analgesic effect, greatly facilitating the condition of your little one. Consult your pediatrician before using them.

How to treat toothache in children: Komarovsky

A well-known pediatrician recommends that parents whose children are faced with such a nuisance, without wasting time, seek help from a dentist. The fact is that the cause of pain in the oral cavity can be hidden not only in a diseased tooth, but also in inflammation of the lymph nodes, ear, nose. Only a specialist can determine the root cause of the onset of pain. Therefore, it is better to show the baby to the doctor - he will tell you how to anesthetize a bad tooth.

But before that, you need to examine the child yourself. Perhaps the cause of the pain in the teeth was stuck food. Examine the baby's mouth and remove the object if it is stuck between the teeth.

If the pain continues to bother the baby, and there are no suitable medicines at home, then the usual saline solution: 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water. With this tool, it is necessary to treat the oral cavity of the crumbs before a visit to a specialist. In addition, for the period of toothache, the baby should not eat sweet, spicy, salty solids.

And one more thing: Dr. Komarovsky is categorically against the use of any medications to relieve toothache in children without prior consultation with a specialist. All that is required in such a situation from the parents is to take care and reassure the child during the examination at the dentist. Other recommendations for the treatment of diseased teeth in children will be given by the attending physician.

Take care of your kids and don't get sick!

Especially for - Nadezhda Vitvitskaya

One of the most unpleasant moments is when a child has a toothache, and this can happen to him at any age. It is not always possible to immediately contact a dentist, and during this period of time, parents have to somehow solve the problem themselves.

The most important thing is to relieve pain before professional help is provided. health care. And much here will depend on the factors that contribute to its emergence.

Many mistakenly believe that a child’s tooth can only hurt because of caries. Some people know about pulpitis and flux. In fact, there can be a large number of reasons, because there are plenty of diseases of the oral cavity, gums and teeth in medicine. And all of them can become provoking factors:

  • pulpitis, periodontitis, periodontal disease - inflammation of the internal tissues of the tooth, causing very severe pain;
  • caries - slow destruction of hard tissues of the tooth, paroxysmal, It's a dull pain occurs under the influence of an irritant (cold, high temperatures);
  • periostitis (flux) - inflammation of the periosteum, the tooth hurts unbearably;
  • abscess - accumulation of pus in the tissues surrounding the tooth;
  • herpes stomatitis affects most often between the ages of 6 and 17;
  • a single ulcer on the oral mucosa due to trauma;
  • enamel erosion;
  • fistulas;
  • gingivitis is inflammation of the gums.

Sometimes a tooth hurts after filling, this may be due to other reasons:

  • soft tissue injuries in the treatment of caries or pulpitis - the pain goes away on its own within a few days, less often - weeks;
  • violation of filling technology: excessive light can destroy the pulp;
  • the reaction of the body to the filling material, which will need to be replaced with another;
  • the filling was placed without proper treatment, the doctor could make a mistake in the diagnosis;
  • the formation of voids in the cavity of the tooth after filling;
  • rough opening, careless processing of the cavity.

If a child complains that he has a toothache, it is important to understand why. Even before visiting a doctor, parents need to examine the oral cavity. Some symptoms are so pronounced that even a non-professional can make a diagnosis.

Origin of name. medical term"Gingivitis" goes back to the Latin word "gingiva", which translates as "gum".

Clinical picture

You need to observe what symptoms accompany a toothache in order to understand exactly what happened and what treatment awaits the child.

  • itching, skin rash indicate intolerance to the silver amalgam that is part of the filling;
  • the child has a swollen cheek, but the tooth does not hurt - this is how gingivitis, parotitis, trauma, inflammation can manifest themselves facial nerve or salivary glands, lymphadenitis, diphtheria, allergies;
  • redness and swelling of the gums - signs of gingivitis;
  • temperature is a symptom of inflammation;
  • if a milk tooth hurts - in 90% it turns out to be caries;
  • ulcers, white plaque on the gums and oral mucosa - stomatitis, gingivitis;
  • a milk tooth sways and hurts - a consequence of an injury, since the natural process of falling out of milk teeth should not be accompanied by pain;
  • a painful reaction to cold and sweet passes within a minute, no discomfort at night, brownish-yellow spots on the teeth - this is caries;
  • prolonged (up to 10 minutes) reaction to cold, causeless pain, especially at night - this is pulpitis.

Do you want to understand why a child has a toothache? Carefully inspect the place in the mouth that he complains about. This will allow you to identify the symptoms of the disease even before visiting the doctor and determine how he can be helped in a given situation.

Medical educational program. The pulp is the soft tissue of the teeth. The term comes from the Latin word "pulpa", which means "soft".

First aid

Don't know what to do if your child has a toothache and there is no way to immediately go to the doctor? First aid in such situations is to relieve pain. cure difficult and dangerous diseases mouth, gums and teeth at home is not allowed. But to alleviate the condition of the suffering is quite real. And this can be done with the help of medications, which should always be in the family medicine cabinet, or folk remedies.


Let's first look at how to anesthetize a tooth at home using medications.

  • Paracetamol

The substance has an antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effect that persists for 6 hours. Begins to act in 20 minutes. Allowed from 3 months. Contained in suppositories or syrups Cefekon, Efferalgan, Panadol Baby (Panadol).

  • Ibuprofen

Contained in suspension Nurofen (Nurofen). Allowed from 3 months. It has a fast analgesic, antipyretic effect. The effect occurs after 30 minutes and lasts 6-8 hours.

  • Nimesulide

This substance can be found in Nise or Nimesil tablets. Allowed from 2 years. Dosages depend on body weight. The effect becomes noticeable after 30 minutes. Valid for 12 hours.

  • Tooth drops

For older children, tooth drops are suitable - a complex drug based on amphora, valerian tincture, essential oil peppermint. They have a disinfectant, analgesic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, soothing effect. In pharmacies you can buy the following drugs of this group: Denta, Xident, Dentaguttal, Phytodent, Eskadent, Dantinorm Baby, Stomagol, Dentinox.

Looking for something to give a suffering child? All these medical preparations allow you to quickly anesthetize the tooth at home before going to the doctor. In this case, you need to carefully read the instructions for the medicine and strictly follow the age dosages indicated in it. If the first-aid kit is empty or you are not adherents of modern pharmacology, you can try folk remedies.

Folk remedies

The safest folk remedies for rinsing a mouth against a toothache in a child

Folk remedies for toothache are not as effective as medications. But for the most part they do not provide any harmful effects on the health of the child. Moreover, most of them are applied locally.

But with all these advantages, it must be borne in mind that they can cause an allergic reaction (honey, herbs) or gum burns (garlic, alcohol tinctures). So the product must be tested and used in minimum doses.

  • mouth rinse

Produced every 2-3 hours. Keep the solution in your mouth for no more than a minute. For this you can use:

- soda solution (0.5 teaspoon per glass of water);

- saline solution (a teaspoon per glass of water);

- decoctions medicinal herbs: sage, chamomile, lemon balm, St. John's wort, thyme, mint, blackberry, aspen or oak bark, chicory root, viburnum and raspberry leaves.

  • Acupuncture

For 5 minutes, massage the top of the ear on the side of the tooth that hurts.

  • Compresses

If a hole has formed, you can put a cotton swab dipped in:

- mint solution;

- clove oil;

- water tincture of propolis;

- novocaine;

aqueous solution aspirin;

- garlic juice.

You can also put a piece of bacon, a clove of garlic, a tiny particle from an aspirin tablet into the hollow.

These are effective, and most importantly, safe folk remedies that help a child endure a toothache before visiting a doctor. In addition, during this period of time, parents should adhere to the recommendations of pediatric dentists.

To prevent a tooth from hurting even more, you need to follow useful and simple tips.

  1. Food should be soft, semi-liquid.
  2. After eating, you need to rinse your mouth with warm water so that the remaining food debris does not irritate the inflammatory focus.
  3. Nothing cold or hot should be consumed.
  4. It is not allowed to heat a tooth that hurts.
  5. Distract the child with games, cartoons.
  6. Make an appointment with a pediatric dentist as soon as possible.

Now you know how to help if a child has a bad toothache, before visiting the clinic. There is a choice of means and methods, the main thing is not to delay. An unforgivable mistake will be a frivolous attitude to the situation. Sometimes after the use of this or that drug, the discomfort goes away, and the parents decide to postpone the visit to the doctor. At this time, asymptomatic inflammation can become more extensive, and therefore dangerous. The result is often flux and surgery. However, each diagnosis will require appropriate treatment.

Note to parents. If a child has a toothache, he should not be given painkillers such as analgin or aspirin for ingestion. They are contraindicated under 15 years of age.


Only pediatric dentist can supply accurate diagnosis a child with a toothache. In accordance with the disease, he will decide on the method of treatment and the appointment of subsequent auxiliary therapy.

  • Pulpitis

It is treated with arsenic, which kills the nerve. It is removed, a resorcinol-formalin mixture is placed in the tooth, which prevents tissue decomposition. They clean the channels and only then put a permanent seal.

  • Periodontitis

The cavity is opened, decayed tissues are removed, and a filling is performed. In advanced cases, treatment involves the use of a phenol-formalin mixture, enzymes, antibiotics.

  • periodontal disease

Physiotherapeutic procedures, pharmacological therapy, dental treatment are assumed. Appointed gum massage, darsonvalization, enhanced hygiene (systematic cleaning and rinsing the mouth). Sanitation, relief of inflammatory processes, professional cleaning from plaque and stone. They can prescribe immunomodulatory drugs, vitamin complexes. Often, consultations of an endocrinologist, pediatrician, neuropathologist are required.

  • Caries

For the treatment of caries of milk teeth, in addition to traditional preparation, silvering and remineralization are used. IN modern clinics therapy can be done with a laser. It comes down to the removal of carious surfaces.

  • Periostitis

Requires surgical intervention: the tooth is removed, if necessary, the gum is opened and drained (i.e., freed from pus). After that, antibiotics may be prescribed.

  • Abscess

Treatment is reduced to the drainage (opening) of the abscess, the destruction of the infection, the preservation of the tooth, if possible. After that, antibiotics are prescribed for a course of 5 days and rinsing the mouth with disinfectant solutions. Sometimes a tooth has to be removed. If the abscess was launched and managed to go down to the neck, hospitalization and surgery are prescribed.

  • Stomatitis
  • Fistula

If the fistula is small, treatment involves cleaning the tooth cavity from pus and filling. But in most cases, the tooth is extracted.

  • Gingivitis

Antibacterial, anti-inflammatory drugs are used to treat gingivitis. Mouth rinses are recommended.

If the child began to complain that his tooth hurts, it is impossible to postpone a visit to the doctor. This can be costly, resulting in complications and backfire for health in general. And in order to avoid such problems, kids from early childhood need to be taught to properly care for the oral cavity.

Did you know that... green tea, according to dentists, is useful as disinfectant for the mouth? Rinses with it suppress streptococcal infection, strengthen the gums and are the prevention of caries and periodontal disease in children and adults.


In order for children to have toothache as rarely as possible, it is necessary to engage in prevention from an early age. These simple rules are known to everyone, but not all parents pay enough attention to them.

  1. Brush your teeth thoroughly every morning and evening.
  2. Use only age-appropriate children's toothpastes.
  3. Choose the right toothbrush.
  4. Rinse your mouth with warm water every time after eating.
  5. Limit sweets.
  6. Get checked out by a dentist twice a year.
  7. Self-examination of the oral cavity by parents once every 2 weeks.

Children often have toothaches due to their love of sweets and their reluctance to brush their teeth. But if from an early age parents teach them to oral hygiene and proper nutrition, a dental examination will be only preventive in nature and will not frighten anyone.


Toothache in infants and children under 3 years of age. What to do?

Toothache in infancy is often referred to as discomfort and discomfort during teething.

Experts offer several ways to facilitate the condition of the baby:

  • Massage the gums with special silicone brushes that can be bought at the pharmacy. Light pressure on the tissues will help increase blood circulation in problem areas and reduce pain.
  • Use of cool teethers. Such products relieve puffiness and reduce discomfort.
  • A swab dipped in chamomile decoction will help remove a small inflammation. It is made of dense and moderately soft cotton fabric, and is given to the baby to chew.
  • The use of homeopathic gels is recommended.

Baby Doctor "First Teeth" It is considered an excellent anti-inflammatory agent, which is also a mild anesthetic. The medicine contains natural ingredients: echinacea, calendula, chamomile flowers, plantain, crushed marshmallow root.

Pansoral "First teeth" is a successful combination of Roman chamomile extract and marshmallow root extracts. contraindications other than allergic reactions No.

There is a children's variation of the pharmaceutical gel Kamistad baby. It is distinguished by an adapted combination of ingredients: polidocanol acts as an anesthetic, invariably the presence of an extract from chamomile. The medicine is purchased without a prescription, but not every pharmacy has it. The drug is welcomed by consumers, since the instructions indicate that it is prescribed from 3-4 one month old. Use the drug after meals, before bedtime.

Toothache, which manifests itself in children under 3 years old, may be associated with primary caries or traumatic gum injuries. More complex conditions - deep pulpitis, abscesses at this age are extremely rare, but the possibility of such processes cannot be completely ruled out. The crumbs may have food particles in the gap between the teeth, only a dentist can get them without harm to the enamel. Therefore, a visit to the doctor is a must.

How to do without drugs

In the period before the visit to the dentist, you can support the baby, remove painful symptoms. Up to 3 years, if possible, it is worth using folk methods of anesthesia. It is proposed to type in your mouth and hold a teaspoon of chamomile broth. If there are no atopic conditions or allergies, then natural honey can be used: apply a small amount of it on the painful area of ​​the gums.

If the enamel is damaged and discomfort is caused by products with a sharp taste, hot or cool dishes, then it is worth making a weak soda solution: soda on the tip of a knife plus 20 ml of water. Take a dessert spoon of liquid into the mouth and spit it out after a couple of minutes. The latter method is not applicable to crumbs up to 2 years.

With significant pain, the use of some pharmaceutical gels that are actively used for older children and adults is recommended. For example, some forms of Dentol according to the instructions are used from the age of five months, they can be applied at intervals of about an hour. The number of applications is regulated - no more than 5 per day. homeopathic pills Pain-relieving Dentokind can be given to three-year-old children who are able to dissolve the lozenge in their mouth.

Orally, you can give the baby Panadol, which has an analgesic and powerful antipyretic effect. A tasty suspension is usually well received at such a tender age.

How to beat toothache in older preschoolers and children under 10

For the age category from 3 to 10 years, some drugs are allowed for use: anesthetic tablets or special gels. Cooling compositions have antimicrobial and analgesic effects.

"Kalgel" for children

The gel-like brown composition with a yellowish tint has a pleasant taste, therefore it is positively perceived by children. The antiseptic cetylpyridinium chloride, which is contained in such popular drugs as Septolete, Grammidin, Novosept, disinfects the mucous membrane adjacent to the tooth. And lidocaine hydrochloride in the calculated dose - an excellent local anesthetic, antiarrhythmic agent - blocks the sensitivity of nerve endings.

The gel is able to relieve pain for 1.5 hours. Kalgel is positioned as safe remedy allowed for symptomatic use from 5-6 months. The composition facilitates the well-being of the child during the eruption of milk or molars. It is used for pain of unknown etiology in young children. school age before visiting the dentist.

"Traumeel S"

After three years, Traumel C ointment with anti-inflammatory, disinfecting and analgesic effects will help with traumatic gum injuries. Plant components reduce swelling of the gums, relieve mild inflammation, and relieve pain.


The gel has an excellent antimicrobial and bacteriostatic effect. It can be used from 6 years old. The dosage is prescribed in the attached instructions. Active substances- Metronidazole and Chlorhexedine. The first ingredient has an antiprotozoal and antibacterial effect, and the second is considered a new generation antiseptic. There is a dosage of medication that can be prescribed after 14 years. The presence of negative reactions or side effects- no more than 2%.

Children from 3 to 10 years old should first be offered folk methods relief of toothache. Herbal antiseptic preparations, a solution of Furacilin, Rotokan will help to disinfect the inflamed area and reduce inflammation. Such measures can help the child hold out for several hours before visiting the dentist. You can not postpone the visit if pain manifestations temporarily disappeared. For any discomfort, be sure to seek advice from a doctor.

At this age, a sharp toothache associated with caries and pulpitis may appear. Similar symptoms in children over 5-6 years old and younger preschoolers can be removed with the help of tablets. It is necessary to carefully select the drug. At this age, the medicines used by adults are not always suitable. Usually recommended:


It is preferable to choose a suspension. IN different dosage it is prescribed for children from two to 10-12 years old. If there are no other doctor's recommendations, then 3 mg per kilogram of weight is enough for preschoolers, and 5 mg for schoolchildren. The dose is divided into two doses. The active substance is nimesulide. The pain will go away in about 4 hours. 3% of patients are insensitive to the action of the drug, so another drug is selected.

The pronounced anti-inflammatory activity of Nise does not mean that the remedy will cure any disease. The intervention of a doctor and the correct diagnosis are necessary. For example, nimesulide will reduce tissue susceptibility, relieve irritation in the focus of inflammation, but will not cure deep progressive pulpitis.


Good for symptomatic therapy, has some anti-inflammatory effect. Active ingredients- paracetamol and adapted ibufen. The combination of ingredients allows you to reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings, slow down the development of prostaglandins-catalysts of inflammatory processes. The medicine will temporarily save you from pain, but globally will not affect the progression of the disease.

Milk teeth with caries, pulpitis give the same acute symptoms like the indigenous ones. Therefore, you should not start the process. At the first complaints of the baby, you need to make an appointment with a doctor, and anesthesia should be performed while waiting for an appointment.

Toothache medications for teens aged 12+

Children over the age of 12 can take many drugs intended for adults. Before buying a medicine, you should read the instructions or consult a doctor to correctly calculate the dosage.


A similar medicine in capsules and tablets can help relieve sharp pain for 3-5 hours. Without recommendations from the doctor, you should not use the medicine for more than 3 days. It is also worth considering that the lower age threshold at which this tool is used is 15 years. Daily dose for a teenager - 3-4 tablets. Baralgin is not recommended for adolescents with unstable or low blood pressure.

After 12 years, many drugs from a number of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are allowed.

Nimesulide group

Axatulide is indicated for severe pain. In dentistry, it is prescribed for pulpitis, periodontitis. Approved for admission from 12 years. Also, Nise, Nimesil in powder for dilution with water will help teenagers. From this row children after 12 years of age can remove toothache with Nemulex, Aponil, Prolid.

Active ingredient Ibuprofen

Such medicines are needed for acute toothache before a visit to the clinic, with discomfort after difficult treatment or extraction of a milk or molar tooth. Tablets or capsules will save you from discomfort while wearing braces, as well as during the treatment of pathologies of the oral mucosa - stomatitis, candidiasis.


Common capsule-shaped tablets in blisters. To speed up the effect, effervescent tablets. To make the taste of medicinal drink more pleasant, it is proposed to add a few drops of lemon juice to the solution. The drug is indicated for children from 12 years of age: take 1 tablet no more than 4 hours later.

The main active ingredients are caffeine, paracetamol, codeine. A small dose of codeine has a softening effect, and a successful combination of all components that enhance each other's action allows you to qualitatively anesthetize the problem area and at the same time tone the body.


The use of this gel is possible only from 12 years. The composition is used for painful teething of wisdom teeth. Effective during the treatment of stomatitis, gingivitis. The preparation for adults contains lidocaine and an extract from chamomile flowers, which allows you to remove pain syndrome. For younger age the use of the product is not recommended, since the combination of ingredients can depress the swallowing reflex, and the lack of coherence in children of muscle contractions different groups increases the risk of choking when inhaling or swallowing saliva. The medicine renders tangible effect 3-5 minutes after application.

In any case, these drugs can temporarily alleviate the condition of a small patient. A consultation with a dentist is essential at any age. During teething, dentists, pediatricians will help you choose an effective safe option, and older children will keep healthy and beautiful teeth.

Regular preventive visits to the dentist, examination of the child by the mother herself for darkening of the teeth or the appearance of holes in them, and control over the consumption of sweets - all these right action necessarily lead to the fact that the probability of encountering a toothache at the wrong time in a baby is reduced to a minimum.

It is usually the sudden onset of pain in a child that is frightening, at the moment when it is impossible to find a doctor, for example, late at night, at a resort, with a grandmother in a village somewhere in the outback, on a train or plane, etc. What to do in such a situation? The main thing is not to panic!

What to do?

First of all, parents should carefully examine the child's mouth to determine what caused the toothache.
  1. Find out exactly what and where it hurts. It can be either a tooth that is just erupting or affected by caries, or a gum that has been injured by something. A child will not always be able to accurately determine whether a tooth that has become ill from candy is bothering him or is it a painful erosion when stomatitis has begun. Therefore, ask the child to point with his finger where it hurts.
  2. If a tooth hurts, then examine it for the presence of a carious cavity, darkening, swelling next to it. Try lightly tapping the tooth with your finger or a spoon. If the pain intensifies, then most likely the nerve or even the bone around the tooth has become inflamed. In such cases, you can temporarily give the child any syrup for temperature (Nurofen, Papadol, Efferalgan) for pain relief or put a candle, and also try to rinse the tooth with warm water with soda or salt. Such solutions well draw out pus from the tissues, if any. The main task is to relieve pain and see a doctor as soon as possible. In no case should the place of edema be heated, otherwise the infection will spread further!
  3. The option is this: if a tooth hurts, but there is no swelling nearby. Yes, and the pain arose suddenly during a meal, and upon examination, the mother found a small hole, it is very likely that the pain appeared as a result of food debris getting stuck in the carious hole. In this case, try brushing your tooth with a brush and paste, rinsing your mouth with water. If the reason is correct, then as soon as the remnants of food are washed out of the cavity, the pain will pass.
  4. The gum hurts, where there is no tooth or it has not yet fully erupted. Recall that any parent can easily find out the timing of eruption of milk teeth in advance, preparing for those unpleasant sensations that usually occur in children during this period. Local anesthetics such as Calgel, Anestezin in peach oil, Vinylin and others are applied to the gums before meals to reduce pain. You can also give your child any syrup from, almost all of them have an analgesic effect. Baby teethers with soft gel content are specifically designed to help children with this kind of pain. They need to be put in the freezer for 10-15 minutes and then given to the baby. Cold elastic gel-like mass in contact with the gum while chewing the toy gives a good analgesic and distracting effect.
  5. If the tooth is outwardly healthy, completely erupted, and the child points to it, examine the area between the teeth, cheek and gum. In children, milk teeth move apart with age and gaps appear between them, in which meat fiber, fish bone, strawberry seed, etc. can easily get stuck. Try brushing your teeth with toothpaste, but rather use dental floss for this. There may be a white rounded bubble on the gum or cheek near the tooth, when the child touches it, it will indicate pain. This initial stage development of stomatitis. If you don't have with you antiviral ointments, then we can remember that similar action, but weaker, has a strong brew of black tea, egg white (raw), chamomile decoction. With these remedies, treat the affected area as often as possible and prepare for the fact that the baby will be naughty, refuse to eat, and for the next 2 days he may have a fever. During this period, let him drink as much as possible, do not insist on eating, treat the oral cavity more often, and monitor hygiene. Even ordinary petroleum jelly applied to a painful place can somewhat reduce the pain, but will not eliminate the cause of its occurrence.
  6. If a child has a toothache under a filling, it hurts to touch it, and a little lower on the gum in the same area is determined yellow color festering vesicle? In this case, the inflammation has developed already under the filling inside the tooth, and the pus has found its way out on the gum. In the presence of a carious cavity (hole), inflammatory exudate (pus) exits through it and can rarely accumulate in large quantities (only in cases of deep spread of the inflammatory process). If the tooth is under a filling, then it is logical that the purulent exudate will try to break through the gum to the outside. If a fistula (yellow bubble) appears, you can try to gently open it. Got pus? Great. Now carefully rinse your mouth with a solution of salt and soda (1 teaspoon of both in a glass of warm, but not hot water). We are looking for a dentist as soon as possible.
  7. Babies and toddlers who wear orthodontic plates often develop thrush (candidiasis). This fungal disease, which can occur in violation of oral hygiene, dysbacteriosis, after taking antibiotics. At the same time, the state of the child's immunity and the characteristics of nutrition, oral care and the presence of chronic diseases. Thrush can be of 2 types: when it appears white coating on the tongue and in folds in the form of cottage cheese (easily removed) and when there is little plaque, but the mucous membrane of the tongue, palate and cheeks is bright red (when wearing plates to correct the bite). So, for starters, if there is plaque, try to remove it with cotton wool or gauze. If it comes off easily, it's most likely candidiasis. In such cases, agents are used that change the acidity of the environment in the oral cavity. Mushrooms love an acidic environment, and alkali (a solution of soda, for example) has a detrimental effect on them. If the baby is very small, treat the affected areas as often as possible by moistening a piece of bandage in such a solution, thoroughly cleaning the surface from plaque. If a child wears a plate, then it is enough to remove it for a couple of days and treat the oral cavity with a soda solution (you can rinse it). The use of oils in such cases is not necessary. The main task is to delay the growth and reproduction of the fungus, to relieve acute inflammation. For older children, antifungal agents are prescribed, but for their use it is still advisable to go for a consultation with a dentist in order to confirm the diagnosis.

Of course, we all understand that self-medication is not worth it, especially in children. All of these cases are only examples of short-term first aid and should not be taken as a full-fledged treatment for diseases.

To the dentist!

If the toothache does not go away, you should not experiment - you need to show the child to the dentist.

Only a doctor can determine what your child is sick with and prescribe the right drugs. Therefore, at the level of using folk remedies, everything is permissible. If you plan to prescribe medications to the baby yourself, then the responsibility for their misuse and possible complications will fall on your shoulders. Take care of yourself and your kids!

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