Home Wisdom teeth How many hours do children sleep? How much sleep does a one-year-old baby need?

How many hours do children sleep? How much sleep does a one-year-old baby need?

A newborn baby sleeps 18 - 20 hours a day. At feeling good It is quite possible that a newborn baby's sleep will be only 15 - 18 hours. Fine night sleep can be 8 - 10 hours.

Immediately after giving birth, the life of every mother changes dramatically. Now the first thing she needs to do is take care of the little man, her child. If the first child is born, then the young mother may be worried that their baby sleeps almost around the clock, so this frequently asked question(how long should a newborn baby normally sleep in the first days of life) we will try to answer.

How many hours a day does a newborn baby sleep?

The baby does not yet distinguish the time of day, and may well confuse day and night. This becomes a real problem for the mother, and she can neither plan chores around the house nor get enough sleep, which negatively affects her well-being and lactation. If this happens, the baby’s sleep needs to be gently but confidently turned in the right direction. Do not put him to bed too early in the evening, presumably set a bedtime and try to rock the baby to sleep at this time, give or take an hour. The very next day the child will return to his usual way of life, waking hours during the day and sleep at night.

Walking on a bed has a very good effect on a child's sleep. fresh air. The lungs are saturated with oxygen, the baby falls asleep easily, and in good weather conditions nap being outside can be as much as six hours straight! But to maintain breastfeeding, you should put your baby to the breast at least once every three hours, don’t forget about it. ()

Every month during the first year of life, certain changes occurred in the child’s daily routine. Time dedicated active games and developmental activities gradually increased, the number of feedings and daytime naps decreased. In order for parents to be confident in proper development a one-year-old baby, you need not only to take into account the individual characteristics of the baby, but also to know certain age norms: how much sleep you need, how much time to spend in the fresh air, how to make the menu balanced.

How much should a 1 year old baby sleep?

Sleep helps restore strength, because from the moment of birth the baby spends great amount energy for understanding the world around us and intensive growth. By twelve months, the baby is awake most of the day. He has one or two daytime naps left, depending on his individual developmental pace.

Normally, you sleep 13–14 hours a day: 11 of them at night and 2–3 during the day. By 1.5 years, this period is slightly reduced - by about 30–60 minutes.

And by the age of two total The time spent in sleep is 12–13 hours.

Daytime and night sleep of a 1 year old child

A year, children usually sleep during the day 2 times for 2 hours: in the morning and after lunch. But some already by this age switch to one nap during the day. This is not considered a deviation from the norm, but an individual feature of the body. The number of daytime naps is determined by the time of awakening. Children who go to bed early in the evening get up earlier in the morning. Therefore, already in the first half of the day they need rest to regain strength. After lunch, these babies also need sleep.

Other children go to bed later at night, which means they wake up later. That is why they do not need rest in the first half of the day - they simply do not have time to get tired. In this case, the child only needs one daytime nap, which will be longer - 3–3.5 hours. If the baby is active, sleeps well at night and only needs one nap during the day, pediatricians recommend not putting the baby to bed a second time.

If a child does not yet know how to fall asleep on his own, the age of one year is the time to accustom him to this. Active and intense wakefulness, if possible in the fresh air, allows you to spend a lot of energy, and by the evening the baby wants to sleep quite strongly. Important rule What you need to follow is to stop too active activities about an hour before bedtime.

One of the problems that greatly worries parents is frequent waking up at night, while the age norm is considered to be waking up once to eat. There are several recommendations:

  • active games in the afternoon;
  • relaxing cool bath;
  • feeding immediately before bedtime.

Video: baby sleep rules


Children learn something new every day. At this age they are very inquisitive. For harmonious development, parents should spend a lot of time with their baby. Properly organized wakefulness helps:

  • focus the baby’s attention on a specific object or task;
  • develop fine and gross motor skills;
  • develop thinking, memory and speech.

Despite the fact that one-year-old children still know little, there are activities that they will certainly enjoy:

  • finger painting;
  • games with sand (in the cold season, they can be organized at home using kinetic sand);
  • large puzzles, construction sets, cubes, pyramids;
  • games with water.

In that age period The optimal combination is dynamic and static games aimed at improving motor skills, including fine motor skills. Games with recognition of colors, shapes of objects, memorizing the names of various objects (things, animals, etc.), sounds. Perfect fit and sport games(ball, climbing children's slides with parental support). Exercises in the pool also help to obtain symmetrical loads without pathological effects on the musculoskeletal system.

Walks in the open air

Pediatricians recommend that parents organize walks outside twice a day: for 1.5–2 hours before lunch and the same amount after an afternoon snack or dinner. It is advisable to walk in any weather, except heavy rain and snowstorms, abnormally high and low temperatures. Fresh air is good for your baby's health and physical development

. To make the walk more interesting, you can take a ball, a bicycle, or toys for the sandbox outside. And what will make it educational is a story about the world around: trees, birds, flowers, weather. It should be remembered that the presence of parents near a one-year-old baby is mandatory for his safety. The need for walks should be laid down from infancy and perceived by the child as the norm, as required condition

reasonable lifestyle.

http://articles.komarovskiy.net/gulyaem.html When getting ready for a walk, you don’t need to dress your baby too warmly: he should be comfortable. In addition, colds often occur not from hypothermia, but from increased sweating

due to too many clothes. Every family has a different daily routine, but there are general recommendations

  1. Bathing most often takes place before bedtime. If this procedure relaxes the baby and puts him in a calm mood, the timing is right. If the child becomes agitated after a bath, it is better to reschedule bathing for another time.
  2. The right time for developmental activities is the first half of the day. During this period, the child is more focused and attentive and will perceive information faster. After a nap, you can draw, play with sand or water.
  3. It is better to do gymnastics in the morning after hygiene procedures. Exercise strengthens the body and helps physical development.

Disturbance of sleep and wakefulness in a one-year-old child

A sufficient amount of sleep is very important for the baby, since it is at this time that growth hormone is produced, the body rests and restores the strength it spent on vigorous activity. There may be several reasons for sleep disturbance:

  • wrong mode nutrition, when hunger or, conversely, too much food at night makes sleep restless;
  • physical discomfort caused by illness, tight or chafing clothing, teething, stuffy indoors;
  • emotional fatigue, due to which the child becomes overexcited and cannot sleep for a long time;
  • hyperactivity.

What should parents do?

  1. The time immediately before bed is best spent playing quiet games, such as reading fairy tales or drawing.
  2. As a late dinner, you should not give your child fruits, meat or vegetable purees, as this is a big burden on the stomach. Breast milk or an adapted mixture is the best option before bedtime.
  3. During illness and teething, children are restless. On the recommendation of your pediatrician, you can use medications that relieve discomfort. And for breastfed babies, mother’s breasts are a good soothing aid.
  4. If hyperactivity is suspected, you should consult a neurologist.

Feeding regimen for a 1 year old child

By the age of one, the child’s diet becomes quite varied, although it is too early to switch to a common table. Formula or breast milk is mainly left only in the morning and before bedtime. At this age, the baby eats 4-5 times a day with a break of 3-4 hours between feedings, regardless of whether he is breastfeeding or artificial feeding he is in.

On the menu one year old child should include:

  • meat, vegetable and fruit purees;
  • milk and cereal porridges;
  • cottage cheese and kefir;
  • fish;
  • yolk;
  • butter and vegetable oils.

If parents wish, children's cookies and fruit juices can be offered.

The child’s gastrointestinal tract remains unadapted to digesting many foods, so some of them can cause allergies and discomfort. The cooking method also has great value- for children of this age, food is steamed or boiled, and fried, smoked and salted food is extremely undesirable.

The inclusion of whole cow's milk in the diet requires special attention. Often mothers complete breast-feeding, when the baby is one year old, and replace mother’s milk with cow’s milk. Pediatricians do not recommend doing this for several reasons.

  1. The composition of cow's milk is not adapted for a child: it contains a lot of phosphorus, which, when excreted from the body by the kidneys, washes away calcium.
  2. The high fat content puts additional stress on the digestive system, which can cause the child to experience tummy discomfort and upset bowel movements.
  3. Drinking cow's milk often provokes an allergic reaction.

The main problem with drinking whole milk is its effect on bone formation. The fact is that it contains 6 times more phosphorus than women's, and the metabolism of this element in the body is closely related to the metabolism of calcium. As a result, the level of the latter in the blood may decrease, disrupting bone development. This position is all the more relevant as younger child, but the kidneys of a one-year-old baby can easily cope with excess phosphorus and remove it. However, pediatricians in many countries do not recommend consuming whole cow's milk until the child reaches two years of age and offer the so-called as an alternative. “follow-up formulas” are dry milk formulas for feeding children over 6 months (they are usually designated by numbers 2 and 3). Reasoning - clean, convenient, balanced mineral composition, added vitamins.

Evgeny Olegovich Komarovsky, pediatrician


Video: nutritional features of children aged 9–12 months

Comparative characteristics of the daily routine for children 12 and 18 months old

The daily routine for children one and a half years old is largely similar. The main difference is the amount of sleep. If most one-year-old babies sleep twice a day, then closer to one and a half they switch to one daytime nap. Night feedings are also gradually reduced. At 12 months, the baby may wake up once a night. At one and a half years old, you can teach your baby to sleep without interrupting food. The daily routine does not depend on the method of feeding: infants and artificial infants have approximately the same routine, which depends on the individual characteristics of the baby and the family.

Table: approximate regimen of a child at 1 and 1.5 years old with feeding schedule

Time 1 year Time One and half year
7.00–7.30 8.00–8.30 Waking up, first feeding
7.30–8.00 Hygiene procedures8.30–9.00 Hygiene procedures
8.00–8.30 Gymnastics9.00–10.30 Gymnastics
8.30–9.00 Breakfast10.30–11.00 Breakfast
9.00–10.30 Developmental activities11.00–12.00 Developmental activities
10.30–12.00 First nap12.00–14.00 Walk in the fresh air
12.00–14.00 Walk outside14.00–14.30 Dinner
14.00–14.30 Dinner14.30–17.00 Daytime nap
14.30–15.30 Games17:00–18:00 Games
15.30–17.00 Second nap18:00–18:30 Dinner
17:00–18:00 Games at home or outside18:30–20:30 Walk outside
18:00–18:30 Dinner20:30–21:30 Calm games
18:30–20:30 Walk in the fresh air21:30–22:00 Bathing
20:30–21:30 Calm games22:00–22:30 Feeding before bed
21:30–22:00 Bathing22:30–8:00 Night sleep
22:00–22:30 Feeding before bed
22:30–7:00 Sleeping at night and waking up to feed

Why is the daily routine important for a 1 year old child?

By the age of one year, the baby develops a certain daily routine, which includes day and night sleep, nutrition, exercise, walks and educational games. Depending on the individual development and needs, the regimen may differ slightly from that recommended by pediatricians in accordance with age standards. But one rule remains unchanged: it should be convenient for the whole family and not cause discomfort to any of its members. It will be easier for a child who has a clear routine to adapt to kindergarten . Therefore, the principle is this: daylight hours for development, physical exercise

  1. and games, dark is for sleeping.
  2. If the baby sleeps a lot during the day and wakes up at night to play, parents need to keep him as occupied as possible during the day: activities at home and in the fresh air, visiting playgrounds. In this case, the child will spend his energy reserves and will feel tired in the evening. After an active day, sleep at night is more restful.
  3. Parents must remember that they, not the child, set the routine. Even if for several days the baby does not accept the new regime and expresses dissatisfaction with whims and crying, you need to be patient, gently insisting on your own.

Video: Doctor Komarovsky about the daily routine

In order for a child to sleep at night and be active during the day, he needs a certain routine. When creating a daily routine, parents need to start by setting boundaries for sleep, eating, activities, and walking outside. If you follow the regime, the child’s body will quickly get used to a certain rhythm.

Each child develops individually and lives according to his own schedule, but there are general recommendations regarding the frequency of sleep in childhood:

  • Frequency of sleep in newborns and infants up to 1 month it is very difficult to say, but the average amount of sleep per day ranges from 16 to 20 hours. Further, with age, the period of night sleep increases, while the period of wakefulness also increases due to a decrease in the amount of daytime sleep. By 3 months, the baby sleeps on average 10 hours at night and 5 during the day. By 9 months, night sleep increases to 11 hours, and daytime sleep decreases to 3 hours.
  • One year old and children? up to 1.5 years of age They usually sleep twice during the day. The first sleep lasts from 2 to 2.5 hours, and the second is shorter (only about 1.5 hours). Night sleep at this age lasts an average of 10-11 hours.
  • Children aged 1.5 to two years most often they sleep once during the day. The duration of such sleep is from 2.5 to 3 hours. Night sleep in these children still lasts from 10 to 11 hours.
  • Two and three year olds They sleep once during the day for two to two and a half hours. At night, their sleep lasts approximately 10-11 hours.
  • Children over three years old up to 7 years of age It is recommended to sleep once during the day. The duration of such sleep is about two hours. Children aged three to seven years sleep at night on average 10 hours.
  • Children over 7 years old They rarely sleep during the day anymore. Night sleep at this age is reduced to 8-9 hours.

What affects the frequency and duration of sleep?

The sleep patterns of a particular baby are influenced by the child’s temperament, the toddler’s stage of development, the presence of ailments, daily routine and other factors.

Comfortable conditions in the children's room, a comfortable position of the bed, shading of the room with thick curtains, comfortable clothes for the baby, a favorite toy, as well as a familiar ritual contribute to good sleep.

But due to excessive heat and stuffiness in the room, teething, ear pain, colds, wet diapers and loneliness, the child will wake up more often.

Possible problems

  • The child may bang his head against the walls of the bed when falling asleep. This may be a sign of stress or illness, but if the mother does not see others negative symptoms, then the baby just loves how rhythmically the crib moves when he hits it with his head. The mother should think about the safety of the baby by softening the walls of the bed.
  • If your child sleeps less than the average sleep of his peers, he will become more tired. It will manifest itself as increased excitability, whims, and attempts to fall asleep earlier than usual (for example, at 6 p.m.). In this case, it is recommended to reconsider the toddler’s bedtime. You can put your baby to bed earlier if you slowly and gradually shift bedtime by 15 minutes.
  • Excess sleep can also negatively affect a child's well-being. He may become lethargic and unsociable.
  • By the age of two, children may begin to have scary dreams.
  • At 3-4 years old, some children refuse to nap during the day. In this case, parents need to make sure that they get enough sleep at night - at least 12 hours.


It will be easier for the child to fall asleep if the mother repeats the same actions when laying him down. They are called ritual. An example of such a ritual would be the following actions, following each other in the same order every day: walking, feeding, bathing, reading a book, feeding, going to bed with the lights dimmed.

It is very important that the ritual familiar to the baby is repeated daily. If the routine on a certain day has gone wrong and there is not enough time for each stage of the ritual, the sequence should remain the same, and the time of each action can be reduced. If a mother leaves home, she should plan everything so that she has time to return to putting the baby to bed.

  • Babies over 6 months of age begin to wake up less frequently at night. If waking up at night is still frequent, the mother can resort to some tricks to help her baby sleep longer. Among them are late swimming, dense feeding after it and airing the room.
  • When weaning, night feedings are usually the last to be abandoned, and for babies receiving formula, night feedings are removed earlier. If you want to wean your artificial baby from feeding at night, give the baby gradually less and less formula, and if the baby demands more food, gently soothe the little one. You can also pour the mixture from the bottle into a sippy cup.

Of course, the baby doesn't owe anyone anything. Every child and adult has an individual need for sleep, and the task of parents is to calculate this individual need for sleep of the child and apply it to their life situation.

In our article, we will help you understand whether your baby is getting enough sleep? Let's figure out where sleep norms come from and how to read them correctly and apply them to your situation. Let's analyze and understand how to determine how much sleep your baby needs?


It is very important to make sure your baby gets enough sleep. Lack of sleep, or lack of sleep as we call it, accumulates quickly and has a very negative impact on the quality of sleep and the well-being of the child.

To be sure that your child is getting enough sleep, parents need to:

Observe your baby's sleep and record them in a sleep diary.

Compare your observations with sleep standards

Eliminate signs of sleep deprivation in your baby


The most common mistake parents when analyzing the sleep situation is an incorrect calculation of the amount of sleep per day. Here are 5 rules to help you make accurate observations of how much your baby sleeps.

1) Be sure to write down all your dreams! In a notebook, notes, do not rely on your memory or feelings.

2) Count total amount sleep per day! While you don’t divide it into day and night, there may be situations when it is not the child who sleeps at night and sleeps during the day. But keep in mind that daytime sleep and nighttime sleep are not entirely equivalent, although as children grow older they adapt to compensate for the lack of one at the expense of the other.

3) Don't round! Moms tend to round or write roughly. Don't do this because a lot of sleep will be lost in the calculation and you may come to the wrong conclusion. For example, the baby woke up at 15:42, record at 15:42, not 15:30!

4) Consider sleeping while eating - on the chest or bottle, because the baby’s swallowing and sucking movements remain during sleep.

5) It is important to observe for 3-7 days to draw objective conclusions about how much your baby actually sleeps.

Keep observations for at least 3 days. In order to do correct conclusions, we need statistically significant data


Compare your observations of your child's sleep with sleep standards.

Various sources give different standards sleep and wakefulness for children. What standards does the Sleep, Baby team use? These are the standards of the American Academy of Sleep, which were released not so long ago, in March 2015. Scientists from the American National Academy of Sleep studied the opinions of specialists in various fields - from psychologists, neurologists and pediatricians, to somnologists and gerontologists.

The results of their study are presented in a table with sleep standards for children from birth to 5 years.

Age for full-term babies Total sleep per day, hours At night During the day Number of daytime naps
1 month 15-18 8-10 6-9 3-4 and >
2 months 15-17 8-10 6-7 3-4
3 months 14-16 9-11 5 3/4
4-5 months 15 10 4-5 3
6-8 months 14,5 11 3,5 2-3
9-12 months 13,5-14 11 2-3,5 2
13-18 months 13,5 11-11,5 2-2,5 1-2
1.5-2.5 years 12,5-13 10,5-11 1,5-2,5 1
2.5-3 years 12 10,5 1,5 1
4 years 11,5 11,5
5 years 11 11

It is necessary to immediately make a reservation that the data given in the table are averaged data on how much healthy children actually sleep. And these standards do not mean that this is how much sleep your child should sleep. The standards are given as a guide!

If we carefully analyze the table with sleep norms, we can see a very large normal limit. The difference between the upper and lower limits of normal is very large, up to 3 hours. Why is that? Because each child is unique, and there are genetic characteristics, there are increased physical and emotional stress, there are peculiarities of well-being and special conditions sleep and therefore every person has individual need for sleep!


  • Genetic features. First of all, the individual need for sleep is influenced by genetic characteristics or All people are divided into long-sleepers and short-sleepers. How to understand what type you are? Answer the question “how many hours of sleep will it take you to reach a state in which you do not feel drowsy?” If the answer is 8-10 hours, you are a long sleeper; if the answer is 6-7 hours, you are a short sleeper. This feature is passed on to your baby. But it’s not just genetics that influences the need for sleep!
  • Wakefulness, physical activity. At elevated physical activity, necessary more sleep to recover. If the child jumped, ran, moved, swam in the pool or sea, then the amount of sleep for recovery will be greater. If the child spends his waking hours quietly, then most likely he needs less sleep.
  • Health status. For some health conditions, children sleep and recover. And you need more sleep.
  • Sleeping conditions. It has been proven that at a lower temperature, access to oxygen, and in the dark, sleep is better.
  • Preparation for sleep can act stimulating or, conversely, relaxing.

There is no need to adjust your baby's sleep to any standards. But research and practice show that deviations from the average by more than 60 minutes in one direction or another are extremely rare.


In general, if a child regularly sleeps 2-3 hours less than the “norm”, we can confidently say that he is not getting enough sleep. But even if you fall within the recommended interval, we advise you to check that there are no signs of sleep deprivation in your baby’s behavior.

To see them, it is enough to carefully monitor his behavior and well-being.

From about 6 months of age, the following behavioral patterns typically indicate that your baby is sleeping too little for his age:

The child falls asleep every time in the car or stroller

It is normal for babies up to 3-4 months to fall asleep immediately when moving. But a well-sleeping child older than 4-6 months is unlikely to always be in the car, unless the trip coincides with the start of his usual regular sleep.

It is important to remember that the child should sleep at home in his own bed in darkness and silence, and sleep in motion is of poor quality.

The child does not wake up on his own until 7.30 am

Here it is necessary to make a reservation that, normally, children under 5 years of age feel better if they live according to an early schedule, in accordance with biological clock body. This means that the child should sleep at 19.30 - 20.00 in the evening and wake up between 6.00 and 7.30 in the morning. Such children wake up fully asleep, and in good mood. If a one-year-old child sleeps until 9 or 10 am, this is a sure sign that he does not go to bed on time, or that his night's sleep is very restless and does not sufficiently restore strength. In other words, such a baby lacks quality, timely sleep.

Video lesson How long should a child sleep? Subscribe to our YouTube channel so as not to miss new videos!

During the day, the child becomes capricious, irritable, or appears overtired.

With regular lack of sleep, the level of the stress hormone cortisol increases in the child's body. This hormone is slowly eliminated from the blood and affects increased excitability and the difficulty of inhibition processes in the baby’s already delicate and undeveloped nervous system.

Quite often it happens that a “difficult” child becomes calm and flexible after his parents help him correct his routine, improve the quality and increase the amount of sleep.

Sometimes, every few days, the child suddenly falls asleep at night much earlier than usual.

For example, he may “go into the night” from his last nap. Thus, the child’s body itself tries to make up for regular lack of sleep. Good hygiene sleep schedule means that the child should fall asleep and wake up at the same time.

The child always gets up before 6 am

Paradoxically, getting up too early is often the result of , or too late bedtime. The principle “the later you go to bed, the later you get up in the morning” most often does not work with children until about school. They wake up early anyway, and simply don't get enough sleep if they are put to bed too late.

The child always falls asleep and wakes up crying

If there are no medical problems, then protests and tears “around dreams”, as a rule, indicate that the child goes to bed at the wrong time, is overtired before bed, or does not get enough sleep during sleep. This does not apply to very young children (up to 4-5 months), who during long sleep may get very hungry.

If at least one of the points is true in your case, try to increase the duration of your baby's sleep by at least 10-15 minutes a day. The simplest thing is to put him to bed a little earlier at night.

Please note that not only the amount of sleep matters, but also the quality of sleep! Therefore, in the answer to the question “How much sleep should a child sleep?”, there are not only numbers of recommended sleep standards.


If we look at the numbers of sleep norms in rounded form, we will see the following patterns:

  • at 1 month of life the baby sleeps approximately the same number of hours during the day and at night: 9 hours at night and 8 hours during the day for 4-5 daytime sleeps
  • already by 2 months of life night sleep accounts for a large proportion (9.5 hours at night and 6.5 hours during the day)
  • the amount of night sleep increases to 11 hours by 4-5 months of life and remains unchanged up to 5 years (the norm of night sleep in children from 4-5 months to 5 years is on average 11 hours)
  • the number of daytime naps is gradually reduced- 3 naps lasts up to 9 months, 2 naps are needed up to 1.5 years
  • The need for naps goes away at 4 years of age, but it is important to maintain a “quiet hour”

Waking time grows with the baby. In the first month of life, the child is awake for 15-45 minutes. Gradually, WB increases and already at the age of 5, children can withstand up to 11-13 hours of wakefulness.

Remember that the waking time is not the same throughout the day, it changes: in the morning, after a night's sleep - the shortest; in the evening, before bedtime - the longest!


Most often, parents of children with sleep deprivation come to us. We are trying to “sleep” the baby and adjust the routine in accordance with his biological rhythms and individual need for sleep. But if a child sleeps a lot, parents are usually happy and rarely ask for help.

We want to warn you - sleeping too long can be dangerous!

If a baby under 1 month sleeps more than normal. If a newborn sleeps too long, he becomes dehydrated and at risk of weight loss. Therefore, it is important not to let him sleep more than three hours during the day and more than 5 hours at night. Wake up and feed your baby!

If a baby over 1 month sleeps more than normal. You need to observe and not rush to conclusions:

  • Observe for at least 7 days! This may be a temporary phenomenon; the baby may “sleep off” after increased workload or illness.
  • Medicines can have an effect! This drowsiness may be a consequence of taking certain medicines, for example antihistamines. Take this into account!
  • Does the condition persist after 7 days? If after 7 days of observation this condition persists or worsens, then you should consult a neurologist. Because hypersomnia in a baby may be a signal that something has gone wrong with the functioning of the nervous system.

If you are unable to improve your baby’s sleep on your own, contact.

They will select a service plan that is suitable for you, analyze your routine, sleep and falling asleep conditions, and give all the necessary step-by-step recommendations.

Sometimes children as young as 1 year have trouble falling asleep or wake up crying at night. One-year-old children should sleep about 13 hours a day. Daytime sleep at this age can be single, but long, or short, but repeated several times. The baby has grown up, the daily routine gradually began to change, and with it the daytime sleep of a one-year-old child is being restructured. The baby is more awake during the day and sleeps less compared to the infant period. Children's body

a certain mode is useful. How much should a 1 year old baby sleep? - one of the important questions.

One of the common phenomena at this age is sleep disturbance, which causes great difficulties for parents. The approximate duration of total sleep time for a one-year-old child should be 13 hours. How many times a child sleeps in one year will depend on his temperament. Some children sleep once during the day for several hours, others can sleep for 40 minutes several times. Bad dream in a 1-year-old child is due to several factors. These include:

  • emotional condition;
  • somatic problems;
  • neurological problems;
  • external factors and changes in diet.

Children with a balanced nervous system They are cheerful and cry little. Their sleep is deep and long. Other children are more excitable and whiny. Their sleep is very sensitive, shallow, and falling asleep takes a long time. This also affects why one year old child often wakes up at night. It is necessary to monitor entertainment before bed, which directly affects the quality of sleep. Somatic problems are based on diseases and ailments. It is necessary to consult a pediatrician to rule them out. The most common reason is gastrointestinal problems. Another reason why a child after a year does not sleep well at night is a lack of vitamin D. This makes him worry and shudder in his sleep. There may also be teething, which directly affects the quality of sleep. It happens that a 1-year-old child wakes up at night with hysterics. These phenomena can be repeated quite often during sleep. Sleep disturbance always occurs when you change your diet. Babies react very painfully to weaning. This violation is temporary and improves when a diet is established. External stimuli directly affect the quality of sleep. The baby will wake up from heat, cold, bright light, and an uncomfortable pillow. This may be the reason why a year old baby wakes up every hour at night. It is also necessary to observe how extraneous sounds affect it.

How to put a child to sleep at 1 year old?

Many children have trouble falling asleep, and the main reason is poor sleep patterns. An erratic routine during the day is the reason why a one-year-old child has difficulty falling asleep in the evening. It is necessary to teach him to sleep at certain hours. You need to watch him, notice when and after what he falls asleep faster. Over time, an established habit of sleeping at the same time is formed. Laying techniques should be familiar to the child. Ideally, it will be installed by one person. The environment should be calm. It’s best if you find a way to teach your one-year-old child to fall asleep on his own. You can come up with a certain ritual and immediately after it put the child to bed. After these actions, he will be ready to sleep. For example, evening swimming or reading.

Why did my one-year-old child begin to have trouble falling asleep?

Insomnia has its reasons. The first is the lack of desire to sleep. Common cause is thirst, hunger. Perhaps the baby did not have enough daily ration. A child will not fall asleep if he feels hungry and uncomfortable. Uncomfortable clothes, wet diapers, bright lights, noise - negative factors, preventing you from falling asleep. It was noticed that there was an increase in physical activity, it will be difficult for the child to fall asleep. Of course, the baby will not sleep if he is in pain. Your teeth, ears, and tummy may hurt. In a healthy, calm baby, the process of falling asleep always goes smoothly.

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