Home Prevention What does a large church candle mean in a dream? Black basement covered in ash in a dream

What does a large church candle mean in a dream? Black basement covered in ash in a dream

In a dream, you can watch various scenes and participate in various adventures. You can be sad in a dream, or you can be happy.

But why do you dream about candles? It's worth looking into.

Why do you dream about candles - basic interpretation

The appearance of a candle in a dream is interpreted differently by different dream books. Some interpret this as an omen of important and positive changes, while in other dream books there is an extremely negative interpretation.

It is important to pay attention to the following details of the dream:

Where did the candles come from in the dream?

What color are the candles in a dream;

Are they church or ordinary?

Who else is involved in your dream;

What sensations and emotions accompany you in your sleep.

If church candles in a dream are good sign. So you are protected higher powers, but it is important to remember all the details of the dream. If in a dream you find a burnt out church candle in your house, someone is planning evil against you and your loved ones.

If you find a bunch of church candles in your home, it is important to remember what color they were:

Yellow wax candles- to new achievements, fulfillment of plans;

White wax candles - for cleansing from past sins;

Red wax candles - you will be lucky in love;

Green wax candles - your financial situation will improve;

Black wax candles - it’s time to clear your conscience;

Blue wax candles - it’s time for you to make contacts;

Purple wax candles - a trip awaits you.

If you dreamed of paraffin candles, such a dream indicates artificial desires and hopes. To artificial feelings and insincere intentions of your partner. The dream book advises you to take a closer look at him; perhaps you are missing something important in his behavior.

If you were already worried about something in his behavior, your worry was not in vain. The dream book advises you to trust your intuition. If you see that the candle in your dream smokes when burned, this is a bad sign. A lot of negativity, fears and disappointment have accumulated in your life; it’s time for you to cleanse yourself of these negative phenomena.

If you see yourself in a dream, standing in front of the altar in a church, remember your emotions and sensations; perhaps you were overcome by fear. If you were scared and uncomfortable in church, such a dream means that in reality you are holding back emotions, sincere, real feelings. This leads to hidden resentment accumulating in you. you don't live full life, hide your emotions. The dream book advises you to repent of your sins and continue to live a full life.

If you experience indescribable joy and pleasure from being in church, such a dream means that you live a full life and are open to communicating with people. You are a sincere and self-satisfied person. You don't need praise for self-esteem. This is how the dream book interprets such a dream.

If in a dream you hold a candle in your hands and it constantly goes out, you should take care of your health. Something will blow it up. Perhaps yours nervous tension will affect your health. If in a dream you see a candle going out, but you manage to light it and everything falls into place - such a dream means that you will overcome an illness. The disease will be given to you to understand everything that is happening in your life.

If in a dream the candle fire begins to dance, sharply tilting from side to side - someone is strongly discussing you. You are evaluated and your actions are not approved. If you dream that you have two candles in your hands and their flames are leaning towards each other, such a dream means that a period of joy and happiness will begin in your relationship with your significant other. You will become closer to each other, mutual understanding and mutual assistance will reign between you.

If the candle flames deviate from each other, such a dream means that your interests will diverge and it will be very difficult for you to find mutual language with your soulmate. If in a dream you see one of the candles go out, your partner will abandon the relationship.

The reason for this will be constant resentment and disappointment. Perhaps your partner has repeatedly told you about your shortcomings. But you didn't give it any importance. The dream book advises you to listen to your partner now. Don't let it break.

If you see in a dream an unfamiliar place that is illuminated by candlelight, such a dream promises you rather strange and difficult events in your life. At first you will be inspired by something new and extraordinary, but soon you will feel despondent and disappointed.

If you see a dream in which you are expected romantic dinner by candlelight - you miss this in reality. It's time to give yourself a holiday. It's time to arrange a truly romantic meeting with your soulmate. You both dream about this.

Why do you dream about candles according to Freud’s dream book?

If you light candles in a dream, you will get maximum pleasure from sex with your partner. But don’t get your hopes up right away. You will still need to work on yourself so that your partner will have just as great sex with you.

If you had a dream about a candlelight dinner, you lack openness in relationships, lack fulfillment in relationships. In sex you are also tense and closed. The dream book advises you to relax and allow yourself more, otherwise you will regret that you never tried many things in life.

If the candle flame trembles, then everything in your relationship is not as smooth as you would like. Disappointments and clarification of relationships replaced mutual understanding. You may no longer be bound by anything, but you will remain in the relationship.

The dream book advises you to either continue to work on relationships or stop working on them. It's time to make a decision. Lighting a candle in a church in a dream means you will not have to count on the support of loved ones. They will be busy with their own troubles and will not be able to help you solve important problems. You should not despair or be upset because of their refusal. You just have to solve this problem yourself.

Why do you dream about candles according to the Esoteric Dream Book?

IN Esoteric dream book it is said why candles are dreamed of. Such a dream foretells disturbing and exciting events for you. Most likely, you will be looking for one single correct answer to all your questions. You will try to resolve a situation that has not been resolved on your own for a long time.

If you see a lit candle in your home, your hope for help will be justified. You will really get support. But help will not come from the person you are counting on. It will come from a completely different source.

A candle floating on water means tears. You will become depressed and frustrated;

A candle standing in a church means the illness of a loved one;

A candle going out in a church means the death of a loved one;

A candle not burning in a church means grief and tears;

Candle unusual shape- to unrealized dreams and opportunities.

If you see in a dream how someone lights candles, you should take a closer look at all the actions of this person, perhaps they contain hidden meaning. If a person in your dream performs some hidden ritual, someone is trying to interfere in the course of your life. Maybe negative impact for your life.

If you recognize a person in a dream, try to minimize communication with him in reality. It won't bring you anything good. If in the near future after the dream your health deteriorates, there has been a negative impact on your energy.

Why do you dream about candles according to other dream books?

IN Women's dream book It is said that if you dream of a burning candle, this is a very good sign. After such a dream, you will be able to restore communication with those friends with whom you have long lost contact.

Also, after such a dream, you will be able to establish important financial contacts and connections. Don't miss any opportunity to make new acquaintances. If in a dream you see several candles that burn very brightly and the flames are even and beautiful, there will be peace and harmony in your family. If you see pictures or even faces in the flame of a candle, it is worth interpreting these symbols separately.

In the Russian dream book the appearance of a candle in a dream is interpreted as some kind of mystical sign. Most likely they are waiting for you pleasant surprises and positive changes in life if the candle in your dream burns brightly. If the candle smokes, some negative incident will happen in your life. If the candle swells with black wax, this is a faithful symbol of bitter tears. And there will be a good reason for them. But even if your dream promises a negative future, you should not be disappointed in advance. Everything is in your hands, using dream tips - you can make your life much better, as well as the lives of your loved ones.

Dream interpretation of church candles

Dreams in which the elements appear are symbolic. But interpreting them is quite difficult, because it is important to take into account not only the basic meaning of what you saw, but also a large number of details of the dream.

If you dreamed of lit church candles, then you can expect changes in the near future. The quality of the fire will indicate their character. Bright, clean, high flame - expect pleasant events. Smoking and trembling - you will come across a lot of obstacles on the way to what you want. An extinguished candle is sadness.

The starting point for interpreting what church candles mean in dreams is the explanation of the “fire” symbol. But if you dreamed about them in church, then you also need to take into account the influence of Christian egregor and religion.

Praying fervently with lit candles means experiencing an urgent need for something. And these are completely intangible values. Perhaps this is a search for a spiritual mentor and the necessary knowledge. Perhaps you really need to just confess.

To interpret a dream, it is important to take into account the power of fire. The higher and brighter it is, the greater the chances of fulfilling your cherished desire. To light it up means to participate in a new project, to put it out is to commit a not entirely honest act that will greatly affect relationships with loved ones.

If you dreamed of church candles

Different views on the symbol

When you dream of a burning candle, it is important to pay attention not only to the main symbolic meaning of the dream, but also to your own feelings. Because the interpretations of such night dreams can differ very strikingly - even to the contrary. Older sources speak of sadness and possible mourning. And modern ones are about spiritual search and changing the main principles of the worldview.

In any case, the details of the dream and your own feelings will play a key role.

Ancient Slavic dream book - strength

This dream book is based on the traditional explanation of the primary elements. Therefore, old interpretations consider the appearance of fire in a dream to be a good sign if it burns evenly. A candle in the hands of a deceased person should alert you. It is also an unfavorable dream to see many burning candles and hear a church funeral service and sobs. Such a dream could mean that someone you know will die. It is also possible that you will learn about the death of a person whom you have not seen for many years.

It is also important to take into account the gender of the dreamer to interpret such dreams. Because fire is a sign of strength. And in male hands it is a primary element capable of increasing this strength. And in female ones - to suppress primordial feminine traits.

For men

Watching candles burning in a temple means many opportunities that will soon open up for the dreamer. If you dream that they all went out because of a blow of wind or a draft, expect a heap of troubles that will happen one after another.

  • Dreaming of a burning candle in a temple means fulfillment of a wish. If the fire has increased and become very high, unnatural for a candle, strength and perseverance are hiding inside you. And you may not even know about it. But it manifests itself almost every time you encounter injustice.
  • Buying new ones and putting them in the church means you are very worried about your loved ones and are always ready to come to their aid. This time the situation only seems very serious, but in fact everything will be resolved very quickly.
  • Lighting up new homes means family comfort and well-being. If in a dream you were tasked with lighting candles in a temple, you will be invited to a society that will bring a lot of benefit to other people.
  • If you dream of something burning in your hands, you can start any business. Good luck will smile on you in trade and in almost any craft.

For women

if the dreamer is a woman

If a woman dreams of a burning candle, then her hopes and plans should be associated with a man. Everything she tries to do on her own or without the blessing of her father (husband) is doomed to failure.

A young girl dreams of burning candles in her room to signify the matchmaking of several men at once. You should not rely on the first feeling that arises inside - appearance and brightness may impress, but in no way characterize a person as a reliable companion. It is worth giving preference to a person with an ordinary appearance, but a sharp mind.

  • Lighting new candles near the icons of the house means family comfort and well-being thanks to your sacrificial attitude towards your household.
  • To buy and place it in a temple - you are now tormented by doubts. By choosing one solution, you lose in another. Do something atypical for a modern woman - ask your husband or father for advice. Then decision will be as productive as possible.
  • To dream that the fire inside the lamp in front of the icons in the house has gone out is a bad sign. Perhaps you are too tired from routine work. Staying in nervous tension It’s hard for you to resist making further comments to your household. But this is precisely what can lead to a major scandal. As a result, the home fire may go out and the family will fall apart.
  • For a young girl, putting out a candle is a loss of innocence before marriage. As a rule, girls who are too progressive-minded don’t dream of this. This is a sign only for young ladies who attach special meaning to virginity.
  • A suddenly extinguished candle near the prayer book is mourning.

Miller's Dream Book - friendships

The small light that a candle gives speaks of the pure energy of friendship, according to Miller’s dream book. It can also be a symbol of hope for reciprocity of feelings of both love and friendship.

Freud's Dream Book - men's health and strength

The main interpretation given by Freud’s dream book is based on sexual and aggressive principles. It is not worth using it as a starting point to explain the dream, but it is advisable to obtain additional data in order to delve into the essence of the symbolism and look at the dream from a different angle.

  • The candle is a symbol of the male penis. If a man dreams that he is holding a lit candle in his hands, he has strong male health.
  • Break - problems with the genitourinary system.
  • If it goes out, there will be embarrassment in bed.
  • A woman lights a candle - a new acquaintance with a very nice person. If she blows out the fire, a passion for hitherto unknown pleasures will appear in you.
  • To make it yourself means to have high sexual potential. Possibility of conception

Own actions and surroundings of night dreams

Candles are a unique item that is used not only for ritual, but also for occult purposes. Therefore, its occurrence in a dream should not be ignored. It is very important to pay attention to the room in which the candle is lit and the presence/absence of interior details.

  • Lighting candles and placing them in a beautiful candelabra means family comfort, a pleasant atmosphere at home, says the latest dream book.
  • Making candles with your own hands means you can convey your own vision of the problem to a large audience. If your work involves public speaking, this is a sign that you will make significant progress up the career ladder.
  • Burning in front of icons or a prayer book - a feeling of hardship, or a premonition of trouble. To avoid trouble, visit the temple.
  • Placed on the table in front of fortune telling cards– an outsider may interfere in your life, warns the esoteric dream book.
  • Scattered pearls on the table between the candles - tears, mourning. If a string of pearls is collected into beads, it means a celebration at which all relatives will gather.
  • On the black table, among the velvet and lace, there is sad news, mourning.

Your mark:

Elderly and spiritual people often wonder why candles are dreamed of, because they put into this image a special mystical meaning coming from God. For many, this is like a sign from above to further actions and thoughts, some do not attach importance to dreams at all. But for people who are not constrained by religion and strict rules, would it be interesting to know what candles mean in dreams? What does this dream mean and what to expect in the near future?

Candle according to the dream book: symbolism

Romance and tender feelings, comfort and faith, mystery and higher powers - all this is symbolized by a candle. But at the same time, it is also a symbol of asceticism and self-denial from something important in life. The exact meaning of the interpretation often depends on the details of the dream: what the situation and atmosphere were, who manipulated the candle, and what was said. What emotions did you experience while looking at the candle? Perhaps there was some specific ritual or rite that would make the deep implications of the dream clear. All these small details play a significant role, so the meaning that the image of the candle carries will depend on them.

No less important played by people who dreamed of candles: they lit them or extinguished them, gave them as gifts or simply held them in their hands. These people are of particular importance to you and it is worth paying attention to your relationships, and the image of the candle will suggest which area to focus on more.

Why do you dream about candles in church?

Most often, candles, one way or another associated with the church, priests, churches and monasteries, foreshadow little good because the candle is one of the attributes of the transition to another world, wandering in the darkness of ignorance and the search for the spiritual path. Lighting a church candle is a dream about the illness of relatives or friends, but if it goes out at the same time, it is a very bad sign, it can be a misfortune. If in a dream you dared to blow out a candle in a temple, especially near the images, be prepared: all your worst fears and fears will come out and cause you harm.

A temple full of burning candles with an even and beautiful light, which you admired in a dream, portends recovery after a long period of failures, illnesses or troubles. Your inner mental balance will be harmonized, which will make you even stronger in spirit and stronger in life’s ups and downs.

If you dream that the candles in the church are very melted and burnt, this symbolizes a strong life shock, during which there will be a feeling of complete helplessness and vulnerability in front of everyone. After this incident, life will no longer be the same, and your worldview will change once and for all.

According to the interpretation of dreams, a candle burning and floating on water foreshadows the death of a relative or a tragic incident, tears and sadness. If you dreamed that a lit candle in a church smoked a lot of black smoke, crackled and tried to go out, this is a sign of an evil eye or damage, thus your guardian angel is trying to warn you.

If you dream about wax church candles

The details of such a dream are important, which will indicate the correct interpretation:

If in a dream you carry a thin wax candle that has never been lit, this is a harbinger of unplanned waste, purchases or financial investments;

Church candles dreamed of by young parents indicate that in real life there will come a moment of pride for your child who will do something significant for you or the world;

If you dream that someone brought a wax candle into your house and lit it, expect betrayal or a base act;

A dream in which you keep a lot of new church candles portends an improvement in relationships - family or with people who were dear to you, but at some point these relationships were damaged; such a dream indicates the possibility of a return to the past warm relations, you just need to take a step forward.

If in a dream new wax candles were simply in sight, then this promises a sticky situation from which it will be difficult to get out. You need to use all your skill and prudence to remain unsullied.

A dream with burning candles on the eve of an important event foreshadows positive changes in life and success in the upcoming business. If no important event is planned, a dream with candles predicts it - the main thing is not to miss it and not consider it something unimportant. Be more attentive to what is happening around you - this is sleep advice.

If the candle goes out

A dream in which all the candles went out in one fell swoop: a gust of wind, a draft, someone’s actions or inexplicable factors speaks of insidious attempts by the forces of evil to hinder your spiritual ascent and growth. They are searching weakness in your environment, to surreptitiously harm and turn you away from integrity. Unjustified rumors and intrigues behind one's back also apply to these intrigues.

Unproductive attempts to light a candle in a dream indicate an impending danger that may unexpectedly and at the wrong time arise on your way. You need to be prepared for all sorts of inconsistencies and inconsistencies in the near future, everything will collapse. There is also an opinion that such a dream predicts the death of a person, for which you will be guilty, and the feeling of guilt will haunt you for a long time - this could be a consequence of an accident or conscious inaction: you could have saved the person, but chose to remain indifferent. Reconsider your attitude towards people and moral principles before it’s too late!

Blowing out the candle yourself: the dream foreshadows the news of the death of a close friend with whom you spent many pleasant minutes. There will be a feeling of pity that you couldn’t say goodbye to him, but you need to understand that this is how the world works.

If you dreamed that a brightly burning candle suddenly went out before your eyes, this is a harbinger of an approaching serious illness, which could end very badly if no serious measures are taken.

Candle in a dream according to Freud

Sigmund Freud considered a candle to be a frankly phallic symbol: if in a dream a candle burns with an even and bright flame, everything is in order with libido and intimate health. If you saw candles of an unconventional shape in a dream, it means that you have a seething thirst for experiments and new sensations. Be careful with innovations!

If, in addition, there are a lot of candles in a dream, and they are different in color, shape and size, then you are too loving. Most likely, you have had too many partners, and you do not intend to stop.

If the candle goes out or, even worse, breaks, this is a warning about deteriorating health and future problems with potency. A candle that smokes dreams of something conflicting in a relationship: a quarrel or a breakup, this also foreshadows a flickering and trembling light.

If you dreamed that you were lighting a candle in a dream, it means that you are finally ready to enjoy intimate relationships, you just need to make some effort to agree with your partner.

If there are a lot of candles in a dream

Seeing a street illuminated by candlelight in a dream is a symbol that the love of your life is still ahead, and there is no need to be upset if the desired relationship does not yet exist. Be patient - and you will be rewarded!

Many candles burn with a bright flame - such a dream foreshadows success in business and prosperity in any endeavor, happiness and understanding in relationships. A dream in which you throw away a candle (or several) gives a warning: be careful in your actions, think about every step and word, otherwise fortune will turn away from you for a long time.

But in a dream, buying candles means misfortune and tears, especially if you were paying with small coins, change, and not paper bills. If the purchase of candles was accompanied by paper money, especially a large denomination, such a dream foreshadows important news, long-awaited information or an answer to a request.

Nostradamus's opinion

If you believe the dream book of Michel de Nostredame (the real name of this famous astrologer), then a dream in which a crowd of people with lit candles was encountered along the way indicates a misfortune that will most likely happen next spring and will take many lives. If you dreamed of candlelight in a dark window, this is a symbol of the upcoming cloudless old age: you will be revered and loved for the rest of your life.

The healer Vanga had a different opinion on this matter: the light of a candle in the window indicated the protection of higher powers and invisible care for the person who dreamed about it. In life, this can manifest itself as a magical deliverance from dangerous situation or the appearance in your close circle of a person who will play an important role in your life: this could be a patron or a loved one.

Nostradamus also considered a bad harbinger of a dream in which wax candles were scattered along the road, and a person collected them - this promised persecution and deprivation, often for life position, religion or moral values. Be careful and do not open your heart to everyone you meet, trust only time-tested people.

Candle in hand

A dream in which you made or were present during the process of making candles indicates that your hard work and zeal in your work will be rewarded. According to the dream book, a candle of an unusual, strange shape, no matter whether it is burning or not, indicates a person’s ability for mystical sciences and a subconscious craving for esoteric knowledge, which is constrained by the framework of society and its opinion.

Walking with a candle in your hands in a dream means failures of various kinds: theft or loss of money, leaving loved one or major problems at work. If in a dream you met people walking towards you with candles, expect the return of old problems of an extremely unpleasant nature that you put on the back burner without solving them.

If in a dream you saw a burning candle in a beautiful candlestick, this is a symbol of a wonderful future that is already close. It also promises good friends, a successful job or an improvement in your financial situation. If the candlestick is empty, it means that fortune will turn its back on you for an unknown period of time.

Why do you dream of candles in the hands of a dead person? This may foreshadow emotional experiences that will calm down, and if a candle was placed on the grave, some kind of cordial and tolerant act will do you honor.

The flickering and weak light of a candle symbolizes spiritual quests that have not yet found their core and stable position in life: the soul rushes from one refuge to another, not finding its corner. You need to understand yourself: to honor the spiritual or psychological literature, contact a specialist for advice or try to meditate, because, as they say, in meditation a person comes into contact with God and learns his true essence.

Why does a woman dream of candles?

If a young girl dreamed that she was lighting a candle, this prophesies a secret relationship with a man whom her parents did not approve of, and if in the dream the candle was already lit in her hand, there would be an official engagement. A candle flame that burns you in a dream hints that you are too frivolous and do not see the essence of things.

A dream in which you dreamed of a small candle faintly illuminating a large darkened room means that the planned meeting will not take place: no one will come, and if in a dream you were fortune-telling by candlelight, this indicates that in the real world you will not be able to predict the course developments, you don’t even have to try.

If you dreamed of a romantic dinner by candlelight, this is a hint from the subconscious that you are too constrained in relationships and intimate life: you should try to become more relaxed and natural in your desires. Also, one must not forget that guesses and doubts are not The best way To build strong, trusting relationships, you need to openly express your desires to your partner.

A dream in which a woman removes carbon deposits from candles foreshadows tears and disappointments, but if a small extinguished stub remains from the candle, this is a sign that you can’t count on the generosity of loved ones, and you will have to solve your financial problems yourself.

If you dream that a candle flutters in the wind but does not go out, such a dream suggests that the events that bother you or troubles in life have no basis, you should not pay attention to them and continue to enjoy life.

Why do you dream about candles according to the days of the week?

  • Sleep from Monday to Tuesday: Church candles in such a dream foreshadow the help of higher powers in the upcoming vicissitudes of life.
  • If in sleep from Tuesday to Wednesday there were vain attempts to light candles - be careful: danger is on your heels and will lie in wait in the most unexpected corners and turns. You must be extremely careful, otherwise she will take you by surprise.
  • Dreams from Wednesday to Thursday are considered empty, you should not pay attention to them. The only exception: recurring dreams, which are considered prophetic.
  • Friday dream, in which the candles have gone out, promises great troubles and unfulfilled desires.
  • If in a dream from Saturday to Sunday If you dreamed of a brightly burning candle in your hands or in a window - there is no need to worry about the future: a cloudless old age awaits you in the company of your loved one and loved ones.

It is also believed that dreams during the Christmas holidays, as well as on the eve of major Christian holidays (Easter, Annunciation, Trinity, Protection of the Holy Virgin) are prophetic: you need to listen to them and draw the accompanying conclusions, without ignoring the clues of fate and the subconscious.

David Loff is a professional psychotherapist who believed that dreams are the work of your subconscious, thanks to which you can catch signals sent by your consciousness in time.

In his opinion, church candles are the personification of something mysterious, supernatural, unusual and romantic. And the meaning of the dream will depend on the circumstances occurring in the kingdom of Morpheus:

  • Do you see church candles in your dreams, the flames of which are simply huge - in real life they don’t happen like that? This means that you are safe - both are and feel so. There is nothing in your life that threatens your success, health, relationships with loved ones
  • If in a dream you did something magical rituals with candles: they told fortunes, cast a love spell or read a spell, this is very symbolic. So you have some magical abilities which have not yet been fully disclosed
  • Do you watch how in a dream someone you know in real life holds church candles in their hands? It means that this person has a great influence on you - you listen to his opinion, follow his advice

Loff believed that in most cases candles are a symbol of providence, security, some mystery and romance.

Miller's Dream Book

Gustav Miller - American psychologist who studied dreams for a long time. He gives the following interpretations in his dream book:

  • Lighted church candles indicate that, thanks to a fortunate coincidence, you will meet old friends who now live far from you. You haven’t seen each other for a long time, and the meeting will bring joyful and good emotions
  • If you dream of many church candles, you will meet several people who will influence your life, will be very useful, and will help solve many current problems.
  • Several church candles, the flame of which is even and very bright, dream of mutual understanding with the other half and quiet family happiness
  • If you dream about lit church candles being blown away by the wind, this is an unfavorable sign. He prophesies that many unpleasant rumors will arise around you, which will be fanned by some ill-wisher

If you dream about blowing out a church candle, expect sad events that will upset and greatly upset you.

Esoteric dream book

The esoteric dream book is the most ambiguous. Its author, Anopova, has her own opinion about what church candles may mean in dreams:

  • A candle that burned and then went out is a dream of melancholy and sadness. In real life you will have to experience exactly these negative emotions. But don't despair - sooner or later everything will change for the better
  • A lit candle in a dream means that in the near future you will really need help, and you will be provided with it. But your assistant will be completely different from the person you count on.
  • It is an unfavorable sign if you dream of a candle in a church or floating on water. Such a dream promises serious, difficult events. You will have to cry, lose someone close to you - this person will die
  • If you dream of a candle of a non-standard shape, it means that you have psychic abilities that you are not yet aware of. It's time to develop your magical potential, because your purpose is to help people with it

Watch the video to see what else church candles can mean in dreams:

Vanga's predictions

The most mysterious and ambiguous soothsayer compiled the following interpretations of dreams with candles. Very often, interpretations concern not only the life of the dreamer, but also humanity as a whole. Here are her predictions:

  • A burning candle symbolizes prosperity, peace and tranquility in the entire world around you. People will live in prosperity and harmony with each other, there will be fewer murderers, thieves and simply bad individuals who want to destroy rather than create
  • If in a dream you see not the candle itself, but a reflection from it in glass, a mirror or a window, this is a favorable sign. You are very strong and able to cope with any difficulties that arise along the path of life. You are under the protection of higher powers that patronize and help you through some earthly, very influential person
  • If you dream that you are trying to light a candle, but nothing works, this is a very bad sign. You will commit some serious offense, perhaps even a crime, as a result of which an innocent person will die
  • And if you dreamed that you were blowing out a church candle, then bad news will soon overtake you - a person close to you will die. You will be covered with a feeling of guilt due to the fact that during your life you did not pay attention to him at all.
  • Do you dream that the candle was burning and burning and then went out? This is a sign of an imminent, serious illness. The disease can be prevented if you consult a doctor in time
  • Do you see not one, but a whole bunch of candles scattered chaotically around the room? Such a dream has a very bad value- will happen in the world terrible tragedy or a global fire-related disaster. It could be a huge fire or a terrorist attack with explosions
  • Do you see in a dream how many people you know are holding candles in their hands? This means that in real life all these people are extremely negative towards you. They will try to create a lot of problems for you, be on your guard - there are a lot of ill-wishers and enemies

Don't be upset if the interpretation of your dream turns out to be unfavorable. Troubles can be prevented if measures are taken in time.

To determine why you see candles in a dream, you need to remember the details of the dream, pay attention to your own thoughts and feelings in the dream, draw an analogy with current events in life and try to find the answer in the dream book. Candles in a dream can mean absolutely versatile concepts, such as love, luck, improvement in business, sadness, melancholy. Moreover, the appearance of the candle, its condition, your feelings in the dream, and the emotional fallout after sleep matter. In order to figure out what this or that dream means, you need to carefully review the dream book and find the most suitable answer.

  • Dream Interpretation: candles – your inner spark, spiritual light, harmony with yourself. Your inner world filled with light and insight, some events in life make you wiser and understand greater things.
  • Dream Interpretation: church candles - such a dream means your repentance, emotional experiences, troubles, a turning point in life that needs to be experienced.
  • Dream Interpretation: candles are burning - very good news awaits you, happiness that you have been waiting for a long time. You should not be afraid of changes, they will lead to the desired well-being.
  • , candles - if you dreamed of candles in a church, then this means cleansing your soul, reconsidering your principles, actions, priorities.
  • Dream Interpretation: lighting candles - pleasant and unexpected changes await you, good luck in business and endeavors. At first glance, these changes may seem quite insignificant, but the people you meet will influence your future state of affairs.
  • a candle is a good harbinger, in the near future you will solve a pressing problem, find the right way out difficult situation which for a long time they could not find a correct and reasonable solution.
  • Dream Interpretation: black candles - this symbol represents magic. You should take a closer look at your surroundings, beware of enemies or competitors. Perhaps someone's envy of you is spoiling your plans.
  • Dream Interpretation: a candle goes out - such a dream portends sadness, sorrow, disappointment.
  • Dream Interpretation: an unlit candle portends a good combination of circumstances, good luck that will lead to the desired result. To catch this luck, you need to be more attentive and serious about the signs of fate.
  • Dream Interpretation: extinguishing candles is a risky action for life, for relationships and career growth. Don't rush to make rash decisions.
  • Dream Interpretation: a white candle - such a dream speaks of your spiritual purity, the desire to change and reconsider your own outlook on life, the desire for improvement.
  • Seeing a church and candles in a dream means that you will soon find family happiness and mutual understanding. Church is the path to God and awareness of one’s sinfulness.
  • Decorative candles: the dream book predicts that unexpected news will soon await you from a person from whom you do not expect it.
  • Dream Interpretation: a huge candle that is not burning - this dream can warn of a serious illness. Do not neglect going to the doctor, especially if you have chronic diseases.
  • “Red candle” - a dream speaks of the approach of a romantic relationship and strong feelings. You will meet a person who will really hook you.
  • The dream of “buying church candles” means the imminent appearance of minor troubles and problems around the house and work.
  • The dream “new candles” foretells bright prospects in work, try to work more hard and you will see the result.
  • Dream Interpretation: Holding church candles in your hand means distance from a loved one, coldness in relationships. To avoid separation, it is necessary to discuss all the issues of concern and come to a compromise.
  • and candles: your second “I” is not in harmony with you. You regret past actions.
  • Dream Interpretation: a tombstone and candles - such a sad dream speaks of a tense nervous system, fatigue, desire to change something in life. Take a break from work and immerse yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream of a church inside with candles - joy, light, kindness on your part towards others, complete harmony with yourself.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a broken candle - such a dream may indicate health problems, you should get examined and listen to your body, adjust your sleep and diet, and avoid stress.
  • Why dream of wax candles - you are haunted by misfortune and envy from your competitors. Be extremely careful and don't trust anyone 100%.
  • Why dream: a candle is burning - it means quick success in your endeavors, recovery for a sick person.

Miller's Dream Book

  • Miller's Dream Book: a candle denotes a meeting and close communication with friends.
  • The dream: “candles are burning” promises a meeting with friends with whom you have not seen or communicated for a long time, as well as with people who will have a beneficial effect on your career.
  • Dream Interpretation: lighting a candle portends increased interest in you from the opposite sex, but you must beware of easy relationships without obligations.
  • The dream “white candles” means that your future is filled with positive events and dreams come true. But this requires your attention and concentration.
  • Dream Interpretation: a lot of candles - you will become the object of discussion and gossip.
  • If candles are lit in a dream, then in the near future you will meet new acquaintances who will turn out to be true friends. But you shouldn’t trust every person - people proven by time and actions will not stray from your path.

Noble dream book by N. Grishina

  • Lighting candles in a dream means expect pleasant changes in various areas of your life.
  • Why dream of candle wax: the more wax, the worse condition health.
  • The dream “burning candles in the church” foretells improvement of affairs and successful opportunities.
  • Why dream of a cake with candles - such a dream promises great joyful news.

Esoteric dream book

  • Dream: “church, candles” - such a dream can promise the death of loved ones, grief, sadness.
  • The dream of “church candles” may mean your desire for spiritual growth, repentance, and peace. The fast pace of life has tired you, it’s time to take care of yourself.
  • Why do you dream of a man from a candle – there is an adviser in your life who is ready to advise you and accompany you in all your endeavors.
  • Lighting a candle in a dream means that you should doubt the sincerity of your friends.
  • Dream: “a burning candle” is a request for help, but it will be provided by someone from whom you do not expect it at all.

Freud's Dream Book

  • Breaking a candle in a dream means poor health. For men - problems with potency.
  • The dream “candles, a lot” - you need to pay attention to their condition - if they are burning, then such a dream means that a white streak has come in your life, an improvement in relationships with family and friends. If the candles are extinguished, then on the contrary, about complications and problems.
  • Lighting church candles in a dream means that you will soon gain peace of mind and satisfaction from life.
  • Lighting candles in a church in a dream means that you mistakenly think that friends should help you in everything.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus
Seeing a candle in a dream means feeling homely and romantic.
Seeing icons and candles in a dream means regretting mistakes made earlier, remorse.
Modern dream book

  • The dream “a church candle is burning” speaks of the onset of mutual understanding and support in relationships. If in a dream it burned evenly, then soon you will have a pleasant meeting with friends.
  • Dream Interpretation: a cake with candles is an imminent significant event that the dreamer will celebrate. It will either be a personal victory or broad good news. You should pay attention to the number of candles in the cake - it can mean how many days or weeks are left before it is realized.
  • Seeing new church candles in a dream is a harbinger of wealth.
  • The dream book interprets the dream of “lighting candles for the repose” as follows: you are afraid of your death and losing loved ones, you have a great desire to avoid death and help a person prevent the inevitable.
  • Seeing candle stubs in a dream means being disappointed in people and their actions. Unjustified expectation of something more.
  • A black candle in a dream brings loss of loved ones and death.
  • candles in church means that you are overcome by sad thoughts and depression.

Loff's Dream Book
What do candles mean in a dream? In the dream book, such a dream is interpreted as wisdom, the ability to reveal a person and his intentions, reason.
Why do you dream about church candles? Expect spiritual experiences, moral tension, depression.
French dream book
The dream of “lighting candles in church” means a new addition to the family. It doesn’t have to be a child, it can be any new family member.
The dream “the candle has gone out” promises trouble, misfortune, big problems. Avoid risky things and events, they can turn out very badly.
New family dream book

  • Seeing a lot of candles in a dream can be a sign of big and significant changes in your life. Don't be afraid of them - they will bring a lot of good news and events.
  • Why do you dream of an extinguished candle - your plans risk being thwarted. Don't talk about your plans.
  • Why do you dream of a church, icons, candles - a dream with these attributes speaks of your errant inner world.
  • Why dream of lighting a candle for repose - an unconscious fear of death that haunts your consciousness.
  • Seeing a black candle in a dream means the death of a loved one or friend.
  • The dream of “many burning candles” means prosperity and success. If on this moment Everything is getting better for you, then in the future everything will be even better.
  • Seeing candles in a dream - burning church candles mean see you soon with old acquaintances or friends.
  • Why do you dream of a white candle - such a dream suggests that you are changing, growing up and becoming wiser, your life will change a lot in better side, since you have come to the realization that you need to change some principles and character.
  • The dream of “blowing out a candle” warns that you need to prepare for bad and unpleasant events, accept them with courage and not despair.

English dream book

  • “Candle wax” - a dream means that you will be useful to someone with your help, you will dramatically change a person’s life.
  • Dream Interpretation: a large candle means inflated self-esteem and demands from other people. You need to reconsider your actions and words from a different perspective.
  • Dream Interpretation: a candle in your hands symbolizes that you are ready to take responsibility for yourself and your actions before others.
  • Dream interpretation: an extinguished candle promises the illness or death of one of the relatives.

Eastern dream book
Seeing “light a candle” in a dream for a girl means that she romantic relationship will happen secretly from parents.
General dream book

  • This dream book interpretation of “candle” symbolizes living energy, the desire to live and create.
  • Buying candles in a dream means suffering financial losses.
  • Seeing church candles in a dream means being subjected to melancholy and sadness, nostalgia.
  • A church candle was burning in a dream - a sign that at the moment you are reconsidering your attitude towards life, the predominance of sadness and sadness. Your mood is bad because you are dwelling on the past.
  • The dream of “wax candles” means that you will soon get rid of debts.
  • Why do you dream of a candle going out: you urgently need to change your attitude towards friends and acquaintances.
  • Why dream of blowing out candles - your internal emotional instability, unwillingness and inability to control your emotions.
  • Why dream of decorative candles - a penchant for magic and everything supernatural.

Aesop's Dream Book

  • If candles go out in a dream, then in real life you do not have a clearly defined goal or principle.
  • The dream of “candle stub” means that at the moment you should not expect help from your family and friends.
  • “Candle in a dream” which means: spiritual development, secrets of loved ones.

Dream book for the whole family

  • The dream of "burning candles" may indicate that you are exposed to danger that may interfere with your plans, dreams and desires.
  • Dream Interpretation: buy church candles – in yours family life Pleasant changes are expected that will help strengthen family relationships.
  • Why dream of lighting church candles: you will meet an old acquaintance or friend whom you have not seen for a long time.
  • Dream Interpretation: blowing out candles - expect great disappointments in people or the end of a relationship with someone.
  • The dream of “seeing your mother in a coffin, candles around” foreshadows troubles and failure in business. (cm. )
  • The dream of “lighting church candles” promises a happy future and protection from evil tongues. In terms of marital status, do not talk about it so as not to jinx it.
  • For a young girl, two candles in a dream can mean quick love, which can develop into a family relationship.
  • For a woman, an extinguished candle in a dream promises the risk of separation from her lover. Only a woman can prevent this breakup.

Dream Interpretation of Juno

  • If a candle goes out in a dream, then you will be overcome by memories of the past, the past. Don't get depressed.
  • Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a candle - the dream promises the beginning of spiritual enrichment, churching.
  • Why do you dream of a candle in your hand: for a long and pleasant trip to visit relatives or friends.
  • Why do you dream of red candles: red color is a symbol of love and passion, therefore, according to the dream book, red candles signify strong love.
  • Dream Interpretation: a burning candle - such a dream gives hope for the patient’s recovery and overall improvement in health.

Vanga's Dream Book

  • Vanga's dream book: candle – calm and peace on earth, mutual understanding, positive dynamics of change.
  • Putting out candles in a dream promises bad news. It is worth spending more time with loved ones.
  • The light of a candle in a dream says that you can cope with any problems and experiences, you have a lot of moral strength.
  • Dream Interpretation: a candle goes out - such a dream may indicate that in the future you can cause the death of another person.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima
The meaning of the dream “candle” is hope for a better and brighter future, dreams, expectations.
Unlit candles in a dream are a good sign.
Women's dream book

  • Holding a candle in a dream predicts a marriage proposal, as well as a long trip for a long time.
  • Why do you dream of a lot of candles? For a woman, such a dream can mean an unexpected prospect in family life, an addition to the family or material well-being.
  • Dream Interpretation: lighting candles in a church can mean a change in self-esteem, a revision of your personality, and the discovery of new character traits in yourself. For people with depression, this means a fresh start in life.
  • Dream Interpretation: seeing church candles symbolizes that they will soon help you solve your problems.
  • Dream Interpretation: red candles mean a sudden love affair.

Medieval dream book of Daniel
The dream of “lighting candles in church” is a risk of losing one of the parents.
Dream Interpretation: Lighting church candles - wait great joy or holiday.
Azar's Dream Book
Burning church candles in a dream means soon falling deeply in love. Be careful, excessive feelings may turn against you in the end.
A candle on a grave: the dream book foretells good deeds from both you and those around you.
Chinese dream book of Zhou Gong

  • What does a dream with candles mean: a happy, measured and carefree life. Stress will leave you, and you will begin to feel better about everything that happens.
  • Detailed universal dream book
  • The dream of “seeing a red candle in a dream” may indicate a quick and fleeting love interest that will leave a big mark on you and change your view of human relationships.
  • Dream Interpretation: a church candle is burning - you should be more patient and polite towards your family, spend more time with them, be polite and tolerant.
  • Why do you dream of lighting candles in a dream: someone from your environment wants to help you, give you advice.
  • Why do you dream of a candle on a grave: such a dream promises you the right actions. (cm. )
  • Why do you dream of black candles - the death of a friend or relative. There may be sad news that will negatively affect your life.

Lunar dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: seeing candles means love both in a couple and love for parents, friends, and loved ones.
  • Why do you dream of a church inside and candles: this dream indicates that in the near future a certain stage in your life will end, and a new, but more successful one will begin.
  • Dream Interpretation: candle stub - lack of trust in you from relatives or friends. Avoid unconscious words and actions.

Russian dream book
Dream Interpretation: why do you dream of a candle - unexpected news, surprise, secret. You are completely confident in yourself and your future.
Old Russian dream book
Dream Interpretation: burning church candle - big success in a matter in which you are unsure.
Erotic dream book
Dream interpretation: candle wax - predicts separation from a partner for a long time.
Autumn dream book
Candle – dream book, meaning – road to church, spiritual repentance.
Dream Interpretation of Medea
Seeing a burning candle in a dream means that success and good luck will overtake you in all matters and endeavors.
Dream Book of the Wanderer
This dream book interprets the interpretation of “candle” dreams as follows: if you saw a burning candle, it means that your spiritual state is peaceful, personal development is at a high level.
Dream Interpretation: a lot of candles are burning in the church - such a dream can foretell positive emotions and increased productivity.
Maly Velesov dream book
Dream Interpretation: lighting candles in church - expect more family happiness.
Dream book of esotericist E. Tsvetkova

  • Dream Interpretation: lit church candles - good luck in a new industry for you.
  • Why dream of lighting candles: possible illness or general deterioration health status.
  • Why dream of lighting candles - you are very sincere and trusting of your close friends, your relationships are open and have no secrets.
  • Why do you dream about church and candles: great luck will come to you, restoration of moral strength.

Psychotherapeutic dream book
Why dream of buying candles: such a dream can promise you a rapid improvement in relationships within your family; conflicts, quarrels and misunderstandings will no longer spoil your life.
Dream Interpretation: the candle goes out - soon your friends or relatives may accuse you of something. Be careful what you say.
Summer dream book

  • Dream Interpretation: I dreamed about a candle - pay attention to your health and attitude towards yourself in general, pay more attention to relaxation and entertainment.
  • Why dream of lighting candles in a church: such a dream promises you the fulfillment of your desires and goals.
  • Dream interpretation: drops from a candle - to the death or illness of one of the relatives.

Dream book of lovers
Why do you dream about candles? Such a dream in this dream book is interpreted as complete satisfaction with an intimate life with a partner.
Why do you dream of burning church candles - the dream promises marriage or engagement.
Gypsy dream book
Why do you dream of an unlit candle: you will find yourself in the right place at the right time. This will give you bright prospects in your work.
Why dream of a candle stub - dissatisfaction in a relationship, insufficient attention from loved ones to you.
Dream Interpretation of Martyn Zadeki
Why do you dream of a burning candle - for marriage.
Why do you dream of a blue candle - you are too dreamy, and this does not lead you to any result. Start taking action, go towards your dreams.
Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea
Why do you dream of extinguished candles: you realize that earlier in your life there were promising opportunities that you missed.
Based various dream books, a candle is a symbol of spiritual balance, an indicator of the internal state of health, both moral and physical. May foreshadow important events in life, such as death, birth, marriage. Every detail that describes candles in a dream plays a big role, even the interpretation of the dream depends on the color of the candle. A candle is a symbol of the church and peace, repentance, spiritual wealth. You should pay attention to your own self-esteem, your attitude towards others and regulate your emotional state.

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