Home Removal What does S storage not match 3182 mean? Decoding common SP FlashTool errors

What does S storage not match 3182 mean? Decoding common SP FlashTool errors

Manually editing the Windows registry to remove invalid Error 3182 keys is not recommended unless you are a PC service professional. Mistakes made when editing the registry can render your PC inoperable and cause irreparable damage to your operating system. In fact, even one comma placed in the wrong place can prevent your computer from booting!

Because of this risk, we highly recommend using a trusted registry cleaner such as WinThruster [Download] (developed by Microsoft Gold Certified Partner) to scan and repair any Error 3182-related issues. Using Registry Cleaner [Download] can automate the process of finding corrupted registry entries, missing file references (such as those causing the %%error_name% error), and broken links within the registry. Before each scan, a backup copy is automatically created, allowing you to undo any changes with one click and protecting you from possible damage to your computer. The best part is that fixing registry errors [Download] can dramatically improve system speed and performance.

Warning: Unless you are an experienced PC user, we DO NOT recommend manually editing the Windows Registry. Incorrect use of Registry Editor can lead to serious problems and demand Windows reinstallation. We do not guarantee that problems resulting from incorrect use of Registry Editor can be corrected. You use Registry Editor at your own risk.

Before you manually repair the Windows registry, you must create a backup by exporting the portion of the registry associated with Error 3182 (for example, Microsoft Access):

  1. Click on the button Begin.
  2. Enter " command" V search bar... DON'T CLICK YET ENTER!
  3. While holding down the keys CTRL-Shift on your keyboard, press ENTER.
  4. A dialog box for access will be displayed.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. The black box opens with a blinking cursor.
  7. Enter " regedit" and press ENTER.
  8. In the Registry Editor, select the Error 3182-related key (for example, Microsoft Access) that you want to back up.
  9. On the menu File select Export.
  10. On the list Save to Select the folder where you want to save the Microsoft Access key backup.
  11. In field File name Enter a name for the backup file, such as "Microsoft Access backup."
  12. Make sure the field Export range value selected Selected branch.
  13. Click Save.
  14. The file will be saved with extension .reg.
  15. You now have a backup of your Microsoft Access-related registry entry.

The following steps for manually editing the registry will not be described in this article, as they are likely to damage your system. If you would like more information about editing the registry manually, please check out the links below.

When flashing a Lenovo phone using the Smart Phone FlashTool program, before starting the process or at a certain stage of the firmware, various errors may appear.
As a result, we cannot complete the process and receive a four-digit code from the SP FlashTool program

Explanation of common errors:

Problem with the port.

    This error occur if com ports are disabled in your BIOS (Despite the fact that in in this case The com port is virtual, and a physical USB is used, but when you connect the device, you simply will not see the equipment on which the preloader drivers are installed).
    There may be a problem with the USB cable (changing the USB firmware cable will help).
    The problem is directly in the USB port of the computer (changing the USB port will help).


    The size of any part of the firmware exceeds the size of the space allocated to it (Usually this is a kernel or recovery block).
    Also, this error sometimes appears when using “raw” versions of FlashTool. Changing the flashtool version will help


    The error is similar in nature and direction to error 1003. Solutions must be sought according to the same principle.
    Reduce recording speed in the program settings. Tab: Options -> DA Download All -> Speed ​​-> Full Speed.
    Also, changing the firmware version to v5 may help.

Scatter file does not match the phone. For example, the name contains 6592, but the phone number is actually 6589

    Solved by replacing or changing the Scatter file

On phones with MTD flash the error occurs:

    When selecting Download, the preloader or dsp_bl blocks are not checked. You need to use the appropriate version of SPFT, for example v2.xxx for MT6573 phones, or turn off DA Download All mode.
    When you select Download, the preloader or dsp_bl blocks are checked. We need to uncheck these blocks! If these blocks need to be flashed, connect the phone in BOOTROM mode.
    When you select ReadBack, Format or MemoryTest. The phone must be connected in BOOTROM mode.

There may be connection problems.

    Check the cable and/or reconnect the cable to a different port. Don't use too long a cable

Perhaps there is no checkbox for uboot in the SP_Flash_Tool program window. uboot - bootloader operating system+ drivers for initializing the main equipment (display, processor, GPIO).
Or there are Russian folder names in the path line, for example: D:\Firmware\Lenovo K930 Firmware\

There is a hardware problem or the Scatter file does not fit the phone. For example, emmc is in the name, but the phone actually has MTD flash.

Occurs during automatic formatting, you need to try setting formatting addresses manually.

SP Flash Tool the address of the PMT block on the device’s flash does not match that in the scatter file.

    The PMT block needs to be deleted through the "Format" tab, and a new one must be uploaded from the scatter file through the "Download" button and the SP Flash Tool will write new data about the PMT block and others too onto the flash.


    Change the USB port and move the SP Flash Tool to the root of drive C:
    There is also an option that the download agent file does not contain information about the CPU/flash. The solution is to update the version of FlashTool.
The problem may be hardware, for example 4001 error occurs when Flash memory has failed.


    Changing the firmware version, possibly to an older version.
    Changing the cable for firmware.
    Charge the battery before flashing the phone and try flashing it again.

In addition to reading errors in the phone itself, the same error occurs when there are errors in the PC file system. For example, there is not enough space for the file or the file cannot be overwritten because it is locked. Perhaps you are uploading firmware from 8 GB to a 4 GB device. To clarify, you need to look at the log file.


    An error related to an incorrect preloader block, perhaps changing the firmware or version will help. On a device with an MT6589 processor, the problem was solved by formatting the phone and uploading the firmware from scratch.
    Perhaps you should reinstall the drivers and format it again, and then reflash it if the previous attempt was unsuccessful.

The block sizes in PMT and scatter.txt do not match. You need to look for the line in the BROM_DLL log.
size changed from 0x
Happens often
Partition 13 (USRDATA) size changed from 0x0000000000000000 to 0x000000000B620000
If the processor is MTK, there is no size in the scatter, and SPFT itself calculates the USRDATA size based on the size of the flash and the space for BMTPOOL. And in the PMT tables inside the body, the size of the blocks is registered, and in this case, someone or something wrote zero there:sh_ok: . To work around this case You can rename scatter.txt USRDATA to __NODL_USRDATA... but now 8038 may occur due to the difference in names. IN general case this error can be cured by loading all blocks (maybe one usrdata is enough), after which the size in PMT should change to the correct one.

You need to reinstall the drivers.

Incorrect files. There are no required files in the folder with the scatter file.


    Reduce recording speed in the program settings. Tab: Options -> DA Download All -> Speed ​​-> Full Speed

Occurs if the names or addresses of the blocks in the scatter differ from the table inside the phone (PMT). You need to look at SP_FLASH_TOOL.log and look for the NOT MATCH line in it
NandLayoutParameter::CompareIsNandLayoutMatched(): NOT MATCH: load item key(CUSTPACK2), value(0x3444000), target item key(CUSTPACK), value(0x3444000)
in this example, you need to replace the name CUSTPACK2 with CUSTPACK in the scatter file. If there are several differences, then this error will occur until the scatter, after the corrections made, becomes identical to the PMT. You can fix everything right away if you compare the tables that are in the log just above the NOT MATCH line. The first one is from scatter, the second one is from PMT phone. All block names in scatter must be the same as in the second table

The error is similar in nature to 8038, but in practice editing scatter.txt does not help.

    You can try flashing via the DOWNLOAD button with all the boxes checked.
    The previous options did not help - resurrecting the device through the programmer.


    The firmware is intended for one platform, you are trying to flash it with firmware from another (for example, you have a 6592, and you are trying to flash it with firmware from a 6589 device, etc.)
    Try changing the firmware version.

Reflash the native Preloader via the Download button

(8038) SP FLASH TOOL ERROR)/(PMT changed for the ROM; it must be downloaded

Occurs if the names or addresses of the blocks in the scatter differ from the table inside the phone (PMT). You need to correct the scatter file in the folder with the firmware, i.e. bring to the same view as your current scatter file, from the firmware you have in this moment on the device. An example of how to catch and edit manually is given here.
If nothing was done with the scatter file, but this error is still displayed, then you can try changing the firmware version. It is recommended to start with version SP_Flash_Tool_v5.1352.01
Another method (does not always work, because droidtools does not always create a second scatter with corrected sections):
Download the latest mtkdroidtools
We connect the phone and save the block map (2 files will be saved and one of them will be named PMP)
We leave only PMP and rename it to the usual type of scatter
Through it you can flash any firmware without error 8038


The error is similar in nature to 8038, but in practice editing the scatter file did not help. To solve the problem, many went to service center and they resurrected the device through the programmer.
Very few people were helped by flashing the firmware via the DOWNLOAD button with all the boxes checked.


Occurs if you are trying to flash a device on one platform, with firmware from another (for example, you have mt6577, and you are trying to flash firmware from a device on mt6575, etc.)
Changing the firmware version may also help.

Possible errors that the SP Flash Tool program produces when flashing devices based on MediaTek processors.


Problem with the port.

This can occur if, for example, you have com ports disabled in the BIOS (although in this case the com port is virtual and the physical port is USB, but when disabled, you simply will not see the equipment on which preloader drivers are installed). This is either a problem in the USB cable (changing the cable for the firmware helps), or a problem in the USB port of the computer (plugging the cable into another port helps).


Occurs when the size of any part of the firmware exceeds the size of the space allocated to it (Usually this is a kernel or Recovery block). Perhaps changing the flasher version will help.


The error is similar in nature and direction to error 1003.


Need to use more new version SP Flash Tool


Scatter file does not match the phone. For example, the name contains 6577, but the phone number is actually 6573.


On phones with MTD flash the error occurs:

1) When selecting Download, the preloader or dsp_bl blocks are not checked. You must use the appropriate version of SPFT, for example v2.xxx for MT6573 phones, or turn off the DA Download All mode.
2) When you select Download, the preloader or dsp_bl blocks are checked. We need to uncheck these blocks! If these blocks need to be flashed, you need to connect the phone in BOOTROM mode.
3) When selecting ReadBack, Format or MemoryTest. You need to connect the phone in BOOTROM mode.


There may be connection problems. Check the cable and/or reconnect the cable to a different port.


It is possible that there is no uboot checkbox in the SP Flash Tool window. uboot - operating system loader + drivers for initializing the main hardware (display, processor, GPIO). Or when the path line contains Russian folder names, for example: C:\Users\Andrey\Desktop\Hata\Firmware\Tablet Firmware\8.31\Surfer 8.31 3G_20130402_V1.03\Surfer 8.31 3G_20130402_V1.03


In addition to a hardware problem, there may be a Scatter file that does not fit the phone. For example, emmc is in the name, but the phone actually has MTD flash.


Occurs during automatic formatting; you should try setting formatting addresses manually.


The problem is that before flashing the firmware, the SP Flash Tool compares the address of the PMT block on the device’s flash with the scatter file and finds the difference, which is why it gives an error. The PMT block is created dynamically by the SP Flash Tool from a scatter file.

Solution to the problem:

To delete/rewrite a PMT block with a new one from a scatter file, you must first erase it in the device you want to flash. To do this, you need to click on the “Format” button in the SP Flash Tool program (in the window that opens, we don’t change anything, just click OK), then click “Download” and the SP Flash Tool will write new data about the PMT block and others too onto the flash.


The solution is to change the USB port and move the SP Flash Tool to the root of drive C:

There is also an option that the download agent file does not contain information about CPU/Flash. The solution is to update the flasher version.

The problem may be hardware, for example, a failed flash memory


Solution to the problem:

  • changing the flasher version, possibly even to an older version;
  • changing the cable for firmware;
  • It is also possible that the battery ran out during the firmware process. Solution: charge the phone and try the firmware again;
  • It may also be worth flashing with the battery inserted.


In addition to reading errors in the phone itself, the same error occurs when there are errors in the computer’s file system. For example, there is not enough space for the file or the file cannot be overwritten because it is blocked (see log).


The error occurs when you try to change the firmware on a device with a processor using the SP Flash Tool program.

Solution to the problem:

After flashing the phone, format the phone using the Format button (do not do this if you have a device with an MT6575 or 6577 processor) in the SP Flash Tool program, then flash the official firmware or the one from your device and flash all the blocks (check all the boxes). Sometimes you need to remove and reinstall drivers and format again, and then reflash if the previous attempt was unsuccessful.


The block sizes in PMT and in the scatter file do not match. You need to find the line in the BROM_DLL log:

size changed from 0x

It often happens:

Partition 13 (USRDATA) size changed from 0x0000000000000000 to 0x000000000B620000

There is no size in the scatter file, so SPFT itself calculates the USRDATA size based on the size of the flash and the space for BMTPOOL. And in the PMT tables inside the body, the size of the blocks is registered, and in this case, someone or something wrote zero there.

To solve this case, you can rename the scatter USRDATA to __NODL_USRDATA ... But here error 8038 may occur due to the difference in the names wink.gif. In general, this error can be corrected by loading all blocks (sometimes one usrdata is enough), after which the size in PMT should change to the correct one.


When setting up the SP Flash Tool download agent, you need to select the one included with this version of the firmware. Selecting other agents gives the same error.


If you are fully assembled through the SP Flash Tool, and there is no way to install new firmware, and also it is not possible to reset again.

Solution to the problem:

Reinstall the drivers again.


Incorrect files. For example, we selected a scatter file from a folder with files not yet prepared for FT. You need to select a scatter file from the folder of files prepared for FT.


Hardware problem with flash memory

The error occurs:

If you do Format, the error S_PART_NO_VALID_TABLE (1037) will appear and it says that you need to do Download to create the partition table.
Firmware Upgrade does not allow me to do it -> again due to error 1037
You can download only PRELOADER. Loading any other partition produces error (5069) S_DL_PMT_ERR_NO_SPACE.
Does not depend on the version of the scatter file.
It also does not depend on the size of the FAT partition.
You can do Manual Format - it does, but within the UA Size. After this, an attempt to upload any partition again ends with error 5069.

Most likely this is a feature of flash memory - there are cases when neither formatting nor low-level formatting has any effect.


Solution to the problem:

Select: Options -> DA Download All -> Speed ​​-> Full Speed ​​(when High Speed ​​mode is selected, an error (6124) appears on some PCs).


Occurs if the names or addresses of blocks in the scatter file differ from the table inside the phone (PMT). You need to look at SP_FLASH_TOOL.log and look for the NOT MATCH line in it.

NandLayoutParameter::CompareIsNandLayoutMatched(): NOT MATCH: load item key(CUSTPACK2), value(0x3444000), target item key(CUSTPACK), value(0x3444000)

It is necessary to replace the name CUSTPACK2 with CUSTPACK in the scatter. If there are several differences, then this error will occur until the scatter, after the corrections made, becomes identical to the PMT. You can fix everything right away if you compare the tables that are in the log just above the NOT MATCH line.

The first one is from the scatter file, the second one is from the phone’s PMT. All block names in scatter must be the same as in the second table.


The error is similar to 8038, but editing the scatter file did not solve the problem.

Solution to the problem:

1) Firmware of the device via the programmer.
2) In rare cases, flashing the firmware via the DOWNLOAD button with all the boxes checked helped.


It occurs if you try to flash a device on one platform with firmware from another.

Solution to the problem:

In other cases, changing the version of the flasher.

Invalid ROM or PMT address

If the hardware of the device is known to be in order, it is necessary to format the memory, and then flash the firmware in the standard manner.

Decoding common FlashTool errors. ™

You can share your experience or discuss instructions in the topic:

The instructions are supplemented and updated.



Problem with the port.
This may occur if: - For example, you have com ports disabled in the BIOS (although in this case the com port is virtual and the physical port is USB, but when disabled, you simply will not see the equipment on which preloader drivers are installed).
- The problem is in the USB cable (changing the cable for the firmware helps).
- The problem is in the computer’s USB port (reconnecting the cable to another port helps).



Occurs when the size of any part of the firmware exceeds the size of the space allocated to it (Usually this is a kernel or recovery block).
Sometimes it occurs on “raw” versions of the flash drive, so maybe changing the firmware version will help. May occur when flashing with the wrong firmware version for a different amount of memory.



Use a more recent version of the firmware.



The error is similar in nature and direction to error 1003. Solutions must be sought according to the same principle (see 1003).
- Changing the firmware version to v5 may help. - The problem was solved as follows: Options -> DA Download All -> Speed ​​-> Full Speed(when High Speed ​​mode is selected, the error described above appears on my computer)



You need to use a newer version of SP FlashTool.



Scatter file does not match the phone. For example, the name contains 6577, but the phone number is actually 6573



Verification file error. Delete the checksum.ini file from the folder with the firmware and try to flash it again.



Error writing DA bootloader to internal SRAM memory of the processor.
1. The problem is in the connection between FlashTool and BootROM.
2. The device may turn off unexpectedly due to low battery power.
1. Try again.
2. Check the cable and connector of the device for damage.
3. Check the battery voltage. Charge the battery on the charger. 4. Try flashing without a battery.



Error cases:
1. When selecting Download, the preloader or dsp_bl blocks are not checked. You must use the appropriate version of SPFT, for example v2.xxx for MT6573 phones, or turn off the DA Download All mode.
2. When you select Download, the preloader or dsp_bl blocks are checked. We need to uncheck these blocks! If these blocks need to be flashed, you need to connect the phone in BOOTROM mode.
3. When you select ReadBack, Format or MemoryTest. You need to connect the phone in BOOTROM mode.



The error occurs when trying to write the bootloader to the internal SRAM of the processor. The problem is in the internal memory, resulting in a 16-bit error. checksum.



After clicking the Download button, try connecting a switched off device to the computer with the volume buttons held down.



There may be connection problems. Check the cable and/or reconnect the cable to a different port.



There is a problem with detecting the device's flash memory. Known methods to overcome this problem:

  1. Try using different versions of the flash driver, because... As different versions are released, information about flash memory is updated.
  2. Try flashing your smartphone on another computer, because... There are software problems that prevent you from correctly identifying memory on a specific machine.



It is possible that there is no checkmark for uboot in the SP_Flash_Tool window. uboot - operating system loader + drivers for initializing the main hardware (display, processor, GPIO).
Or when the path line contains Russian folder names, for example: C:\Users\Kolyan\Desktop\Hata\Firmware\Tablet Firmware\8.31\Surfer 8.31 3G_20130402_V1.03\Surfer 8.31 3G_20130402_V1.03



The problem is that before flashing the firmware, the SP Flash Tool compares the address of the PMT block on the device’s flash with the scatter file and finds the difference, which is why it gives an error. The PMT block is created dynamically by the SP Flash Tool from a scatter file. To delete/overwrite a PMT block with a new one from a scatter file, you must first erase it in the device you want to flash. To do this, you need to click on the “Format” button in the SP Flash Tool program (in the window that opens, we don’t change anything, just click OK), then click “Download” and the SP Flash Tool will write new data about the PMT block and others to the flash again.



Occurs during automatic formatting; you should try setting formatting addresses manually.



In addition to a hardware problem, there may be a Scatter file that does not fit the phone.
For example, emmc is in the name, but the phone actually has MTD flash.



The error occurs when you try to write to a faulty flash drive.



The problem may be hardware, for example, a failed flash memory.



Invalid scatter file. Use the native scatter file from your device. The phone has a different processor.



Solution: change the USB port and move the SP Flash Tool to the root of the C:\ drive
There is also an option that the Download Agent file does not contain information about the CPU/flash. Solution: update the firmware version.
The problem may be hardware, for example, a failed flash memory.



Methods from practice that solved this problem:

  • Changing the firmware version and the most interesting thing is that to an older version.
  • Changing the cable for firmware.
  • It is also possible that the battery is dead during the firmware process... Solution: charge the phone (battery) and try the firmware again.
  • Formatting the device can also sometimes help.



In addition to reading errors in the phone itself, the same error occurs when there are errors in the PC file system. For example, there is not enough space for the file or the file cannot be overwritten because it's locked. To clarify, you need to look at the log.



Flash formatting error. Check your format settings.



It appears if the preloader firmware file does not know the ROM memory installed in your smartphone. As a rule, this means that you bought a smartphone from a new batch, in which memory was installed that was not taken into account at the time of release of this firmware. You need to find a newer or Chinese firmware and use the preloader from it.

Try to format the phone.
- Sometimes you need to remove and reinstall drivers and format again, and then reflash if the previous attempt was unsuccessful.
- If the firmware standard method does not bring results, you may have to flash the device through testpoint.



I encountered error 4048 when trying to test memory through the Memory test tab in the SP Flash Tool. Symptoms of the device's behavior are as follows: the phone does not boot, it constantly reboots on the screen saver.



The block sizes in PMT and scatter do not match. You need to look for the line in the BROM_DLL log:


Size changed from 0x

It often happens:


Partition 13 (USRDATA) size changed from 0x00000000000000000 to 0x000000000B620000

This error can occur after editing the scatter incorrectly during the treatment of error 8038. It can be cured by loading all blocks through FT, or only one userdata block, after which the size in PMT should change to the correct one. Instead of a whole block, you can flash userdata_nvram_only.img from your backup or a dummy file. There is no size in scatter, so SPFT itself calculates the size of USRDATA based on the size of the flash and the space for BMTPOOL. And in the PMT tables inside the body, the size of the blocks is registered, and in this case, someone or something wrote zero there. To work around this case, you can rename the scatter USRDATA to __NODL_USRDATA ... but this may cause error 8038 due to the difference in names. In general, this error can be corrected by flashing all the blocks, after which the size in PMT should change to the correct one.



When setting up the SP Flash Tool - Download Agent, you need to select the one included with this version of the firmware. Selecting other agents gives the same error.



This error can be “cured” by choosing a different firmware method Firmware Update -> Download.



Sometimes it can be solved by reinstalling the drivers.



Incorrect files. For example, when you selected a scatter from a folder with files not yet prepared for FT. You need to select scatter from the folder of files prepared for FT.



It can occur when the physical memory is faulty or the flash drive has gone into protection (read only).



The problem was resolved as follows: Options -> DA Download All -> Speed ​​-> Full Speed(when the High Speed ​​mode is selected, the error described above appears on my computer) and by the way, the method also worked for error 1013 target item key (CUSTPACK), value (0x3444000)

in this example, you need to replace the name CUSTPACK2 with CUSTPACK in the scatter. If there are several differences, then this error will occur until the scatter, after the corrections made, becomes identical to the PMT. You can fix everything right away if you compare the tables that are in the log just above the NOT MATCH line. The first one is from scatter, the second one is from PMT phone. All block names in scatter must be the same as in the second table:

Scatter must be edited carefully! Change only the names and keep the original number of lines!
Some people manage to remove the line feed and the line with the block name ends up on the same line with the curly brace. FT does not see this block and writes PMT without it. Then you have to spend effort restoring this table! Another way:
- Download the latest mtkdroidtools
- Connect the phone and save the block map (2 files will be saved and one of them will be named PMP)
- We leave only PMP and rename it to the usual type of scatter
- Through it you can flash any firmware without error 8038 For phones with a new type of scatter (MT6572/82/92 and newer):
1. Currently the old scatter type is used and/or old version FT, which does not work correctly with the new scatter.
2. Previously, an old scatter type or an inappropriate version of FT was used, which changed the PMT table inside the body to a table of the old type.
Use the SP FT version that understands the new scatter type and do not use older FT versions with the old scatter type!
3. The names or addresses of blocks in scatter are different from the table inside the phone (PMT)



The error is similar in nature to 8038, but in practice editing the scatter file did not help. To solve the problem, many went to the service center and they resurrected the device through the programmer.
Very few people were helped by flashing the firmware via the DOWNLOAD button with all the boxes checked.



Occurs if you are trying to flash a device on one platform, with firmware from another (for example, you have MT6577, and you are trying to flash firmware from a device on MT6575, etc.)
Changing the firmware version may also help.

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