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How many hours should you sleep at 16 years old? How much sleep do people of different ages need?

We'll sleep it off in the next world!

People's Hope

Indeed, why spend approximately a third of your life sleeping if the “lost” time can be used for good purposes? For example, announce on the grid: “Go! I created! Or read the summary. In the first case, we play and relax the brain, and in the second, we enrich it. It would seem like a profit! But it says the opposite: lack of sleep does not give the brain proper rest and leads to a decrease in cognitive functions, worsening reactions and memory lapses.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that people cannot soberly assess the weakening of their mental and physical abilities, believing that they are in optimal condition. Thus, a sleep-deprived person begins to lose at least in front of himself, but who sleeps normally. Lost hours of sleep are sure to have a negative impact on both the professional and personal life of every person.

You've probably heard that the average amount of sleep for an adult varies around 7-8 hours every day. Is it really? Maybe you need to add a little or, conversely, subtract? How much sleep do you need in childhood, adolescence and adolescence? The answers to these questions are presented in a detailed study of the American National Sleep Foundation (USA), a non-profit organization with a 25-year history of studying sleep-related phenomena.

A group of 18 researchers studied more than 300 (!) scientific works in the field of sleep and based on them made a number of conclusions about the norm of rest.

This is the first time that any professional organization has developed age-specific sleep duration recommendations based on a rigorous systematic review of the global scientific literature regarding the effects of sleep duration on health, productivity and safety.

Charles Czeisler, professor at Harvard Medical School

As expected, the younger the person, the more sleep his body needs to rest. So, newborns should sleep up to 2/3 of the day, while seven hours will be enough for older people.

The report by Charles and his colleagues confirms the previously stated framework of 7-9 hours of daily sleep. Of course, this is an average figure, which some will find too exaggerated, such as supporters. But science does not have reliable information confirming the safety of such recreational techniques.

But scientists boldly say that. Stick to the norm, and your remaining 15–17 hours of wakefulness will be marked by quality, benefit and pleasure!

But what to do if sleep doesn’t come? Find out how to get rid of insomnia.

Temperature of water during hardening

Contrary to popular belief, hardening does not require low temperatures. It requires temperature contrast. Cold causes blood vessels to constrict; heat causes them to expand. And the main thing in hardening is vascular training.

Teenagers are very active: they study diligently, attend additional classes, go in for sports, enjoy creativity, communicate with friends, watch movies... To restore the energy expended after physical and mental stress, the body needs sleep.

Lack of sleep quickly affects a teenager’s condition: he quickly gets tired, becomes lethargic, inattentive, and irritable. His academic performance deteriorates, difficulties appear in communication, and interest in his former hobbies disappears.

That's why correct mode sleep for teenagers is of great importance.

What time should a teenager go to bed?

The daily sleep requirement is approximately 9 hours for adolescents 10-14 years old and 8 hours for adolescents 14-18 years old. If mental and physical exercise daily exceed the norm, sleep time can be increased to 10 hours.

Based on these indicators, you can create the right sleep schedule for teenagers.

What time should a teenager go to bed? If in the morning he has to wake up at 7.00, then he should fall asleep no later than 22.00-23.00. You should not give up a short daytime sleep - just 1 hour (for example, 15.00-16.00) will help make up for the lack of sleep at night and restore the strength expended in the first half of the day.

Teenagers are night owls and early risers

“Larks” and “owls” are common types of human biorhythms. “Larks” wake up easily in the morning, are active in the first half of the day, and fall asleep before midnight. Owls have difficulty waking up in the morning. Their peak activity occurs in the afternoon, falling asleep occurs after midnight.

Most people are early risers - waking up early and falling asleep early is common. to the human body. Those who call themselves “night owls” are most likely simply accustomed to this lifestyle.

Teenagers are especially guilty of this. Their daily schedule is occupied not only with schoolwork, but also with communication with friends, games, walks, and hobbies. Not having time during the day, teenagers transfer some of their work to the evening and night. Gradually, the body gets used to falling asleep late, but the problem of waking up early appears.

What to do if your teenager goes to bed late?

Parents often find teenagers reading books, smartphones or computers long after midnight. There is no time to compensate for the lack of sleep - you have to get up early in the morning for school.

What should parents do if their teenager goes to bed late?

  • Explain for a teenager, the importance of a good night's sleep - to improve performance at school, sporting achievements, creative results;
  • Reduce daily loads or correctly distribute school and extracurricular activities throughout the day so that the teenager does not have to transfer some of his activities to the night;
  • Limit computer games, surfing the Internet, watching movies, listening to music;
  • Exclude energy drinks (including cola), strong coffee and tea at night;
  • Encourage short nap and timely (no later than 23.00) falling asleep at night;
  • Avoid long sleep on weekends.

Sleep is an important and complex process that occurs in the body. A person spends about a third of his life in a state of sleep. It is necessary to renew the energy spent during the day. In a dream, a person’s physical and spiritual health is restored. How much sleep does an adult need?

Sleep duration

The required duration of sleep for an adult is a relative concept. It is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours a day. In general, these are statistical data, and not in every case they correspond to reality.

Some people can sleep 6 hours and feel great, but for others 10 hours is not enough.

The length of night's rest can be affected by age, health, physical activity and other factors.

In the first year of their baby’s life, parents lose up to 2 hours of sleep per day, which is about 700 hours per year.

Depending on age, the need for sleep changes, so it is recommended to sleep:

  • for newborns - at least 15 hours a day;
  • children under 2 years old - 11-14 hours;
  • children from 2 to 5 years old - 10-11 hours;
  • children from 5 to 13 years old - 9-11 hours;
  • teenagers over 17 years old - 8-10 hours;
  • adult sleep - 8 hours;
  • people over 65 years old - 7-8 hours.

These data are considered average, so each person decides for himself how much sleep he needs per day. The body knows how many hours of nightly rest it needs. A person can only listen carefully to himself.

The rate of sleep in older people is constantly decreasing, periods of sleep and dozing are changing, and the duration of night rest is shortening. Therefore, they have a need for daytime sleep.

According to scientists who conducted research on sleep duration, it turned out that people who sleep 6.5 to 7.5 hours a day live the longest.

Principles of healthy sleep

How much sleep does an adult need? In order for sleep to benefit the body, you must follow these rules:

  • It is better for a person to go to bed and get up at the same time. If you break your routine, it can lead to sleep disturbances, irritability, mood swings and, in some cases, illness.
  • After sleep, it is better to get out of bed immediately. If a person falls asleep again, this will lead to a deterioration in health.
  • The time before a night's rest should be spent in a calm environment, without activity and fuss. You can come up with a kind of ritual aimed at preparing for bed.
  • It is not recommended to sleep during the day to avoid problems falling asleep in the evening.
  • There should not be a computer or TV in the bedroom. Time spent in bed should be spent resting at night.
  • Don't eat heavy food before bed. The last meal of such food should not be later than 2 hours before bedtime. A the best option- 4 hours. You can, for example, eat an apple or drink a glass of kefir.
  • Physical activity during the day will help you fall asleep quickly in the evening.
  • Before going to bed, it is better not to drink coffee or drink alcohol, or smoke.

Having given up several bad habits As a result, you can get healthy and sound sleep.

Do you need a nap during the day?

Is sleeping during the day beneficial for an adult? Taking a short nap, no more than 30 minutes a day, helps reduce the risk of heart disease. A person who naps 3 times a week during the day experiences improved mood, attention, and memory.

Daytime rest is useful for people who do not get enough sleep at night. Sleeping for more than 30 minutes can lead to difficulty falling asleep in the evening.

What can lack of sleep lead to?

How many hours should an adult sleep? Systematic deviation from the required sleep norm can lead to deterioration of health. Trying to compensate for a lack of sleep on weekends only makes things worse. may cause:

  • decreased immunity;
  • deterioration in performance;
  • the occurrence of heart and vascular diseases;
  • overweight;
  • insomnia;
  • depression;
  • deterioration of attention and vision.

How much sleep does an adult need per day? In men, lack of sleep can lead to decreased testosterone production. This, in turn, leads to a loss of strength and endurance, an increase in adipose tissue and the occurrence of prostatitis.

Weight gain occurs due to the need to replenish energy with high-calorie foods. When you don't get enough sleep, cortisol is produced, which is called the stress hormone. And the emerging nervous disorders people often overeat.

With insufficient sleep, a person is very often visited by anger, irritability and depression. The nervous system suffers primarily from lack of night rest.

This condition may cause an increase blood pressure and disruption of the gastrointestinal tract. Often on a person’s face you can see the consequences of lack of sleep in the form of dark circles under the eyes and puffiness.

Insufficient night rest can lead to disruption of human biorhythms. Some changes in the body lead to irreversible processes that a person cannot solve on his own. In this case, you will need the help of a specialist.

Is long sleep beneficial?

It is known that lack of sleep negatively affects human health. Long-term sleep of 9-10 hours also does not benefit the body, because the average sleep for an adult is about 8 hours. Because of this, the following health problems arise:

  • weight gain;
  • pain in the head and back;
  • depression;
  • heart and vascular disease.

When a person sleeps a lot, he feels constantly tired. This condition also leads to disruption of the body's biorhythms.

Oversleeping can cause hormonal imbalance. In this state, few hormones are produced for the normal functioning of the body. Sleep hormones are produced in large quantities.

Is it harmful for an adult to sleep a lot? Scientists have found that increasing sleep duration leads to a reduction in life expectancy.

Eating before bed

The quality of sleep is largely influenced by the timing of meals. A person must rationally distribute the diet throughout the day and leave the right products for an evening meal.

The existence of restrictions on eating food after 18 pm is not entirely correct, because being hungry is harmful to health and to the duration of sleep.

Before a night's rest, it is better to eat light foods that will not create a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. For dinner you can use cottage cheese, chicken, eggs, seafood, and vegetable salad.

How to sleep properly

There is an opinion that sleep better with your head on North. This assumption is supported by the Chinese teaching of Feng Shui, according to which the human electromagnetic field is represented in the form of a compass: the head is north, and the legs are south.

Therefore, if a person sleeps with his head to the north, his sleep will be sound and healthy, and it will be easy to wake up.

How to learn to wake up early?

When a person wakes up early in the morning, he can do many urgent things, because his productivity is at its highest at this time.

Initially, you should determine: how much sleep does an adult need per day? It depends on what time you go to bed in the evening in order to wake up in a cheerful mood in the morning.

When the sleep schedule is determined, the person will determine the motivation for waking up early. Some people use this time to solve work-related problems, while others use it to play sports.

How to wake up correctly:

  • it will be easier to wake up in a room where the optimal temperature is maintained;
  • you can wake up using an alarm clock, to which you need to travel some distance;
  • some people ask family or friends to help them wake up early with a phone call;
  • after getting up, you should take a shower and drink a cup of coffee, which over time will develop into a certain ritual;
  • awakening should occur at the same time.

The habit of waking up early can be formed within 2 weeks and will help solve previously planned tasks.

How long should an adult sleep to get enough sleep?

Considering the harm from lack of sleep or prolonged sleep, we can come to the conclusion that each person’s sleep norm is individual. If he sleeps no more than 5 hours a day and feels great, then there is no need to worry.

It is important to listen to your body. One of the conditions: after a night's rest you need to feel alert and fresh.

Sometimes there are life situations when a person can sleep several hours a day and feel great. After some time, he returns to his normal sleep and rest patterns.

During illness, sleep duration increases. Doctors advise sleeping more during this period.

The concept of sleep quality largely depends on the duration and time when a person falls asleep. It is well known that people are divided into “larks” and “night owls”.

Each person can choose for himself optimal mode sleep in which he will get enough sleep and feel good.

Women's sleep norm is at least 8 hours, while men need 6.5 - 7 hours to stay alert.

Each person must determine how much and when to sleep for himself, then he will not have problems associated with poor health.

Very often, teenagers stay up late at their computers, go to bed in the middle of the night, but still have to get up early in the morning to go to school. Some parents are alarmed that the teenager does not have time to properly rest during the night, while some consider this phenomenon to be in the order of things and are not very worried about it. But in vain, since lack of sleep in adolescence is fraught with a variety of problems both physically and psychologically.

Sleep norm for a teenager

Researchers have found that the norm for teenagers is about 9 hours of sleep. good sleep. Eight hours of sleep is already considered a critical norm, and it is better not to allow a teenager to sleep less than this amount of time. If a teenager does not devote enough time to sleep, this can provoke many different disorders in his development - these are physical, emotional, and psychological deviations.

Sleep deprivation and social problems in adolescents

Lack of sleep among adolescents is associated with social problems. First of all, lack of sleep affects a teenager’s academic performance; he also has problems communicating with others. It is worth noting that lack of sleep makes a teenager irritable and negatively disposed towards the people around him throughout the day, both adults and peers. He experiences a lack of normal communication at home and at school, which, in turn, provokes the development psychological problems.

Psychological problems

The researchers concluded that lack of sleep causes psychological problems in adolescents such as depression, thoughts of suicide, and the desire to harm themselves. Scientists note that similar problems occur in teenagers who went to bed after midnight. Moreover, the less time a teenager has to sleep, the higher the likelihood of developing various psychological diseases.

In addition to psychological problems, adolescents also experience physical ones. Lack of sleep is very often associated with the development of obesity, and teenage girls are most often affected by overweight. Lack of sleep in adolescents is also very often associated with the development of a disease such as vegetative-vascular dystonia. You need to know that the signs of this disease are fast fatiguability, weakness, headache, tendency to fainting states, feeling of lack of air, poor adaptation to heat or stuffy rooms, increased sweating and other disorders.

As you can see, there are many problems associated with lack of sleep among teenagers, so parents should bring to the attention of the teenager what Negative consequences arise as a result of sitting at the computer or in front of the TV screen until midnight. Lack of sleep negatively affects not only its quality that night, but can also affect natural biorhythms and provoke the development of insomnia.

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