Home Stomatitis The use of rectal suppositories ASD 2 Dorogova. ASD (candles): instructions for use and reviews

The use of rectal suppositories ASD 2 Dorogova. ASD (candles): instructions for use and reviews

When a person is faced with such an unpleasant scourge as hemorrhoids, he looks for any way to get rid of this disease forever. Patients often add traditional recipes or alternative medicine methods to their usual treatment methods, which include treatment with Dorogov suppositories with ASD-2. On the one hand, this remedy is considered by many to be a universal cure for many diseases, and it is officially sold in veterinary pharmacies. On the other hand, the remedy has not been fully studied, although its effectiveness has been confirmed by many patient stories.

Are these candles effective and how to use them correctly??

History of creation

In the 40s of the last century, the Soviet government set scientists the task of creating a drug that would effectively protect living organisms from the effects of radiation. During experiments by candidate of sciences Alexey Dorogov, by thermal sublimation of frog tissue with liquid condensation, a fraction was obtained that had a wound-healing and antiseptic effect. Since the fraction did not acquire these qualities immediately, but after the distillation of meat and bone meal was added to it, the substance was named ASD-2 (Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant, fraction 2).

The invented drug exceeded all expectations: it has proven itself in the treatment of psoriasis (until then psoriasis was not treatable at all), bronchial asthma, varicose veins, uterine fibroids and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area, gastritis, enteritis, colitis. ASD improved metabolic processes in tissues, increased their permeability, and normalized the functioning of the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems.

After large-scale clinical trials, the unique properties of the resulting fraction were confirmed: it turned out that it easily overcomes intercellular membranes, is not rejected by cells and tissues, and does not have side effects on the human body. ASD began to be successfully used in medical institutions, where it helped in the treatment of a variety of diseases: from skin to oncological. It was even used for the treatment and rehabilitation of high-ranking party leaders. But, unfortunately, the drug was never able to gain the status of an officially registered drug.

It's hard to say why this happened. Perhaps because the medical establishment was jealous of the fact that such an effective medicine was invented not by a doctor, but only by a veterinarian. There was pressure on Dorogov to remove the first letter of his last name from the abbreviation, but he did not do this and even in such conditions continued to improve his brainchild at his own expense. After the death of the scientist, development and research in the field of ASD-2 stopped.

Suppositories with ASD fraction 2 are biologically active substances and are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids due to their anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and immunomodulating effects. In addition, they help effectively fight viruses and fungi.

Candles ASD-2 Dorogov. Application in modern times

Today, ASD-2 is widely used in veterinary medicine and the treatment of skin diseases. Alexey Dorogov’s daughter Olga, a homeopath and immunologist, candidate of medical sciences, strives for the drug to be included in the official list of medicines for people. But so far this has not happened. And the unique therapeutic effect of the fraction is available to us thanks to the manufacturers of dietary supplements: they make suppositories with ASD fraction 2, the use of which for hemorrhoids helps to recover from it faster:

  • Suppositories relieve inflammation in the anus, reduce itching;
  • Strengthens immunity, both local and general;
  • Help the body fight bacteria;
  • Destroy tumors;
  • Helps restore hormonal levels;
  • Increases the body's resistance to external negative influences.

How to recognize real ASD-2f spark plugs?

Dorogov's suppositories are made from cocoa butter with the addition of the ASD-2 fraction in the required therapeutic dose. Candles of a grayish-beige color have the usual cylindrical shape and have a very strong specific smell, which should not be alarmed. Perhaps this is the only drawback of the medicine, but for the sake of its unique properties you can be patient a little, especially since after administration the smell disappears.

ASD-2 candles must be stored in the refrigerator, since at room temperature cocoa butter quickly softens, which makes the use of candles impossible.

Probably the only drawback of both suppositories with ASD and the “pure” drug is its specific and very unpleasant smell. The developers sought to get rid of it, but the deodorized version of the fraction lost some of its unique healing properties.

Candles with ASD-2. Instructions for use

The course of treatment for hemorrhoids lasts from 10 to 20 days, 1-2 suppositories are administered per day. If necessary, the course is repeated after some time. When treating with this remedy, you must follow some rules:

  • Depending on the stage of the disease, use no more than three suppositories per day;
  • The best time to light a candle is before bed after bowel movements;
  • The candle must be inserted deeply, up to 10 cm.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with the ASD-2 fraction has a positive effect on both hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. But there is no need to consider them a panacea and refuse basic drug treatment. The greatest effect is seen when combining the regimen prescribed by the proctologist and suppositories with ASD. This especially applies to hemorrhoids, which have already become chronic.

It should be understood that ASD-2 suppositories themselves do not have antimicrobial or antibacterial effects. The drug is obtained from raw materials of animal origin, which have undergone heat treatment at the molecular level. Thanks to this, it triggers processes in the body that activate our internal potential to fight the disease. It sounds like a description of a miraculous elixir, but it really is. After all, ASD stands for: antiseptic stimulant.

The instructions for using Dorogov's ASD-2 suppositories are simple: to treat hemorrhoids, place 1-2 suppositories per day for 10-20 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

Precautions when treating with suppositories with ASD-2

This drug is a biological activator, not a drug in the medical sense, and has no contraindications, but when treating it you still need to remember precautions.

  1. Avoid taking ASD if you have serious kidney or liver disease or a severely weakened immune system.
  2. Do not exceed the dosage in the hope that a loading dose of the drug will help faster. This will not happen, rather, on the contrary, in this case the medicine risks turning into poison.
  3. Consult your doctor about the use of these suppositories.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with the ASD-2 fraction is a safe and effective auxiliary method that complements and enhances the effectiveness of the main treatment. By following the instructions for using ASD-2f suppositories and the doctor’s instructions, you can forget about this sore for a long time.

When a person is faced with such an unpleasant scourge as hemorrhoids, he looks for any way to get rid of this disease forever. Patients often add traditional recipes or alternative medicine methods to their usual treatment methods, which include treatment with Dorogov suppositories with ASD-2. On the one hand, this remedy is considered by many to be a universal cure for many diseases, and it is officially sold in veterinary pharmacies. On the other hand, the remedy has not been fully studied, although its effectiveness has been confirmed by many patient stories.

Are these candles effective and how to use them correctly??

History of creation

In the 40s of the last century, the Soviet government set scientists the task of creating a drug that would effectively protect living organisms from the effects of radiation. During experiments by candidate of sciences Alexey Dorogov, by thermal sublimation of frog tissue with liquid condensation, a fraction was obtained that had a wound-healing and antiseptic effect. Since the fraction did not acquire these qualities immediately, but after the distillation of meat and bone meal was added to it, the substance was named ASD-2 (Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant, fraction 2).

The invented drug exceeded all expectations: it has proven itself in the treatment of psoriasis (until then psoriasis was not treatable at all), bronchial asthma, varicose veins, uterine fibroids and inflammatory diseases of the urogenital area, gastritis, enteritis, colitis. ASD improved metabolic processes in tissues, increased their permeability, and normalized the functioning of the nervous, endocrine, and immune systems.

After large-scale clinical trials, the unique properties of the resulting fraction were confirmed: it turned out that it easily overcomes intercellular membranes, is not rejected by cells and tissues, and does not have side effects on the human body. ASD began to be successfully used in medical institutions, where it helped in the treatment of a variety of diseases: from skin to oncological. It was even used for the treatment and rehabilitation of high-ranking party leaders. But, unfortunately, the drug was never able to gain the status of an officially registered drug.

It's hard to say why this happened. Perhaps because the medical establishment was jealous of the fact that such an effective medicine was invented not by a doctor, but only by a veterinarian. There was pressure on Dorogov to remove the first letter of his last name from the abbreviation, but he did not do this and even in such conditions continued to improve his brainchild at his own expense. After the death of the scientist, development and research in the field of ASD-2 stopped.

Suppositories with ASD fraction 2 are biologically active substances and are used in the treatment of hemorrhoids due to their anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and immunomodulating effects. In addition, they help effectively fight viruses and fungi.

Candles ASD-2 Dorogov. Application in modern times

Today, ASD-2 is widely used in veterinary medicine and the treatment of skin diseases. Alexey Dorogov’s daughter Olga, a homeopath and immunologist, candidate of medical sciences, strives for the drug to be included in the official list of medicines for people. But so far this has not happened. And the unique therapeutic effect of the fraction is available to us thanks to the manufacturers of dietary supplements: they make suppositories with ASD fraction 2, the use of which for hemorrhoids helps to recover from it faster:

  • Suppositories relieve inflammation in the anus, reduce itching;
  • Strengthens immunity, both local and general;
  • Help the body fight bacteria;
  • Destroy tumors;
  • Helps restore hormonal levels;
  • Increases the body's resistance to external negative influences.

How to recognize real ASD-2f spark plugs?

Dorogov's suppositories are made from cocoa butter with the addition of the ASD-2 fraction in the required therapeutic dose. Candles of a grayish-beige color have the usual cylindrical shape and have a very strong specific smell, which should not be alarmed. Perhaps this is the only drawback of the medicine, but for the sake of its unique properties you can be patient a little, especially since after administration the smell disappears.

ASD-2 candles must be stored in the refrigerator, since at room temperature cocoa butter quickly softens, which makes the use of candles impossible.

Probably the only drawback of both suppositories with ASD and the “pure” drug is its specific and very unpleasant smell. The developers sought to get rid of it, but the deodorized version of the fraction lost some of its unique healing properties.

Candles with ASD-2. Instructions for use

The course of treatment for hemorrhoids lasts from 10 to 20 days, 1-2 suppositories are administered per day. If necessary, the course is repeated after some time. When treating with this remedy, you must follow some rules:

  • Depending on the stage of the disease, use no more than three suppositories per day;
  • The best time to light a candle is before bed after bowel movements;
  • The candle must be inserted deeply, up to 10 cm.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with the ASD-2 fraction has a positive effect on both hemorrhoids and rectal fissures. But there is no need to consider them a panacea and refuse basic drug treatment. The greatest effect is seen when combining the regimen prescribed by the proctologist and suppositories with ASD. This especially applies to hemorrhoids, which have already become chronic.

It should be understood that ASD-2 suppositories themselves do not have antimicrobial or antibacterial effects. The drug is obtained from raw materials of animal origin, which have undergone heat treatment at the molecular level. Thanks to this, it triggers processes in the body that activate our internal potential to fight the disease. It sounds like a description of a miraculous elixir, but it really is. After all, ASD stands for: antiseptic stimulant.

The instructions for using Dorogov's ASD-2 suppositories are simple: to treat hemorrhoids, place 1-2 suppositories per day for 10-20 days, depending on the severity of the disease.

Precautions when treating with suppositories with ASD-2

This drug is a biological activator, not a drug in the medical sense, and has no contraindications, but when treating it you still need to remember precautions.

  1. Avoid taking ASD if you have serious kidney or liver disease or a severely weakened immune system.
  2. Do not exceed the dosage in the hope that a loading dose of the drug will help faster. This will not happen, rather, on the contrary, in this case the medicine risks turning into poison.
  3. Consult your doctor about the use of these suppositories.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with the ASD-2 fraction is a safe and effective auxiliary method that complements and enhances the effectiveness of the main treatment. By following the instructions for using ASD-2f suppositories and the doctor’s instructions, you can forget about this sore for a long time.

Features of application

In order for treatment with suppositories with Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant to bring maximum therapeutic effect, the product must be used correctly. It is recommended to adhere to the following recommendations.

  1. If the regimen provides for the use of the drug twice a day, the procedure is carried out in the morning and evening. And if only once, then it is preferable to light a candle before going to bed.
  2. Before inserting the suppository, it is necessary to toilet the perineum.
  3. When administered rectally, the intestines should first be cleansed.
  4. The suppository should be placed 10 cm deep for rectal administration, and 3-4 cm for vaginal administration.
  5. During the therapeutic course, you should refrain from drinking alcohol.
  6. If after using the medicine there is a deterioration in health, therapy should be discontinued.

Suppositories ASD-2 rectal features and medicinal properties

Developed in the middle of the last century for veterinary purposes and named after the author, the drug, upon further research, showed amazing results in the treatment of many pathologies in humans. It began to be used in hospital settings for the treatment of psoriasis. Until this point, the disease was considered incurable.

The drug turned out to be able to quickly restore metabolism at the cellular and intercellular level, increase the permeability of walls, and had powerful antibacterial properties.

By activating the defenses and functioning of the immune system, it restores the body’s ability to fight the disease on its own, naturally.

The drug has a number of medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • immunocorrective;
  • antiseptic;
  • antiviral and antifungal;
  • antitumor.

It is thanks to these qualities that it copes well with the causes of hemorrhoids and its unpleasant symptoms.

Treatment of hemorrhoids with Dorogov’s antiseptic stimulant

The drug differs from others in its low cost of production. It is obtained through the process of distilling the flour remaining after processing animal meat and bones.

The isolated substances are divided according to their qualitative composition into 3 fractions:

  • No. 1 - clean water;
  • No. 2 - an immunostimulant with a therapeutic effect, soluble in water, fat and alcohol;
  • No. 3 - substances with weak healing properties (perhaps they have been little studied; already in 2000, Candidate of Medical Sciences O.A. Dorogova received a patent for methods of using ASD-3F.).

The beginning of the use of the drug ASD-2 in human therapy is not associated with hemorrhoids, but with severe skin lesions of unknown etiology (psoriasis). Then they added nervous and endocrine pathology, bronchial asthma. It turned out that the restructuring of immunity at the cellular level makes it possible to cure a pathology that is allergic in nature and associated with a hyperinflammatory reaction.

For hemorrhoids, ASD-2 began to be used when they received the form of suppositories. At the same time, the remedy is suitable to treat any inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs (intestines, genitals). The ability to delay the transformation of tumor cells in cancer pathology deserves special attention.

The following properties are important for influencing damaged hemorrhoidal structures:

  • eliminate pathogenic bacteria, fungi, viruses by activating one’s own immune status (antiseptic effect);
  • prevent and fight inflammation;
  • increase vascular tone, protect the walls from negative factors;
  • stimulation of intestinal motility;
  • accelerate metabolism and tissue repair process;
  • prevention of transformation of mucosal cells into malignant ones.

To the general effect should be added the improvement of the absorption of organophosphorus compounds in the body and the removal of oxygen deficiency from cells.

For hemorrhoids, the drug is recommended as part of complex therapy with other drugs. No negative interactions were found. In order to enhance the effect, you can simultaneously take both forms: rectal suppositories and liquid drops. No special diet is required except for compliance with the drinking regime. Effectiveness appears within 2-3 days. Patients feel pain relief.

Release forms in dark 100 ml bottles and rectal suppositories allow you to choose the most suitable application for a particular case. Fraction No. 2 ASD for hemorrhoids is recommended as a preventive measure in courses twice a year.

ASD fraction 2 benefits and harm to humans

The benefits or harms of ASD-2 for humans can only be judged by reviews of people using the drug. Although most reviews are positive, sometimes there is information about the negative impact of ASD (deterioration of well-being) or the absolute absence of changes in condition. To obtain maximum benefit and avoid negative effects, you should know 15 nuances of using ASD-2 for people:

  1. It is recommended to start taking the drug with small doses. Rapidly increasing the dose may cause an exacerbation of the disease.
  2. The course - 5 days of admission and a 3-day rest - can be repeated 4 times. Then you should take a 10-day break.
  3. During treatment, it is recommended to drink 3 liters of water. This is easy to explain: toxins are excreted in the urine. This is why you should be especially careful if you have severe kidney disease.
  4. Dorogov categorically prohibited alcohol while taking ASD. Although there are reviews about taking ASD before a feast, which ensures the absence of a hangover. Remember: you shouldn’t trust all reviews unconditionally!
  5. No dietary changes are required.
  6. Some methods include the additional use of hepatoprotectors (Karsil, Liv-52, Heptral, etc.) to protect the liver from toxic effects.
  7. The drug ASD does not like the sun. It should be stored in the refrigerator. The expiration date is indicated on the bottle.
  8. The unpleasant, oily aftertaste can be eliminated with candy.
  9. ASD-2 is compatible with all medications. Dorogov argued: one cannot refuse traditional therapy; the best result is achieved with simultaneous treatment prescribed by a doctor and taking ASD.
  10. With long-term use, ASD may increase blood clotting. Therefore, in such cases, it is recommended to take Aspirin 1/4 tablet. or another drug containing acetylsalicylic acid.
  11. ASD has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. This is fraught with overstimulation. Take with special caution to children, hypertensive patients, patients with cardiac pathology and neurological diseases.
  12. Like any other drug, ASD fraction 2 does not exclude the occurrence of individual intolerance.
  13. Some people experience improvement after 2-3 courses, while others have to take the drug for a long time. It all depends on the individual characteristics of the body.
  14. Although there is no information about negative effects on the fetus, it is not recommended to use ASD for pregnant women.
  15. During treatment for ASD, you should listen to your own body. If your health worsens, you should stop using it, and after a while you can start treatment with minimal doses.

One way or another, due to the lack of documented confirmation of its effectiveness in full-scale studies, ASD-2 is a controversial drug for use in humans. Whether to accept it or not is a personal choice for each individual.

If you have no other choice - there is no effect from traditional treatment - you should use ASD fraction 2 strictly according to the recommendations, relying on your own feelings and, in the best case, undergoing a diagnostic examination!

Spark plugs ASD-2F

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ASD 2F Dorogov candles

PRICE - 350 rubles packaging of 10 candles of 0.05 g ASD and 0.01 g fir oleoresin

299 rubles from 10 packs

wholesale - from 220 rubles

The candles are manufactured using licensed medical equipment with an error of up to thousandths.

This is a universal remedy for reducing inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system (prostatitis, colpitis, endometritis) and rectum (paraproctitis), correcting imbalances in the functioning of the immune and endocrine systems, manifested in potency disorders, the menstrual cycle and the development of tumor pathologies.

Regular use of suppositories prevents the formation of small cracks by increasing the elasticity of the mucous membranes and skin of intimate areas, and the bioactive components of the product promote faster healing of injured areas, have an antimicrobial effect and prevent the development of inflammatory reactions in prostatitis, prostate adenoma, adnesitis, vaginitis, cervicitis, cervical erosion and other diseases. The use of suppositories is useful for erectile dysfunction, anal and vaginal itching, and microflora disorders.

Fir resin is a natural antibiotic. Purpose:

In proctology: Crohn's disease (some forms), anal itching, paraproctitis, polyps, rectal cancer (prevention).

In urology: urethritis, cystitis, nephritis, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, prostate adenoma, erectile dysfunction, cancer (prevention). These candles are called " Russian Viagra".

In gynecology: adnexitis, ovarian cyst, colpitis, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, endometritis, cervical erosion, menstrual irregularities, premenstrual syndrome, polyps, cancer (prevention).

When treating cancer, the patient's age, location and nature of the cancer lesions are of great importance. ASD F-2 quickly stops further development of cancer and relieves pain.

The effectiveness of treatment increases significantly with the simultaneous use of fir extract (thick).

The drug ASD has a wide range of therapeutic and prophylactic effects and is used for a fairly large number of diseases with different etiologies. There is no addiction to the drug. The lungs increase oxygen assimilation. Ingestion of drops can be replaced with suppositories with the ASD fraction, which are applied rectally on a cleansed stomach. One suppository contains 0.05 g of the ASD fraction, but the effect of suppositories is 2-5 times more effective than oral administration.


From one to three candles a day, in the evening before bed. It is recommended to lay candles to a depth of at least 10 cm. Course - 30 - 60 days. Prevention - at least 2 times a year, preferably in spring and autumn. For prostatitis, prostate adenoma, polyps, sexual dysfunction, and for the prevention of tumors, the use of suppositories should be combined with the use of oat decoction.
Vaginally – 3-4 cm.
Rectally – preferably 10 cm.

Monitor your health; if it worsens, stop using the drug.

Directions: After the expiration date, the drug is no longer used. Store in a cool place, protected from light.

Shelf life: 18 months.

What is the drug ASD (suppositories)? Reviews about this product, its therapeutic characteristics and indications for use will be discussed below. You will also learn about the benefits of this medication and how to use it.

Basic information

Dorogova ASD-2 candles were created by order of the government back in 1947. According to experts, this remedy affects many processes occurring in the human body. Its use normalizes the state of the patient’s immune, endocrine and nervous systems, and also has a beneficial effect on other organs of the patient.

Features of the drug

What is remarkable about the drug ASD (suppositories)? The instructions state that with long-term use, this medication improves the elasticity of the patient’s skin and other tissues, which leads to rejuvenation of the patient’s entire body. It also works well for varicose veins.

The drug in question is often used in gynecological practice. The drug ASD (suppositories) successfully fights diseases such as uterine cancer, fibroids, breast cancer, fibroma, trichomoniasis, mastopathy and chlamydia. In addition, the mentioned suppositories are actively used in the treatment of hemorrhoids. With this disease, the effectiveness of the drug manifests itself in a shorter time, as well as with better results than when using other medications.

It should also be said that the type of candles in question is the ASD-2 fraction. It has proven itself excellent in the treatment of diseases such as oncology, various lesions of the gastrointestinal tract and lungs, as well as skin and cardiovascular ailments.

Composition, packaging

The drug ASD (suppositories) is produced in a plastic jar, which is placed in a cardboard box. One unit of suppository contains 0.01 g of the main substance (that is, ASD-2) and 1 g of cocoa butter.

The principle of action of the drug

How do ASD suppositories work? According to the instructions, this medication has a neurotropic effect on the human autonomic and central systems. It stimulates the motility of the digestive tract quite well, and also improves the secretion of the digestive glands and enhances the activity of enzymes that are directly involved in the digestion process. The listed properties of the drug in question help improve the quality of absorption of various nutrients.

It should also be said that ASD-2 suppositories significantly improve the performance of tissue enzymes that transport nutritional fractions and ions through the membranes of cellular structures. In addition, this remedy actively affects the mechanisms of protein synthesis and processes associated with the processing of phosphorus.

Thanks to this effect of the drug, metabolism in the human body improves, which significantly improves the trophism of tissue structures. It also helps to normalize the ongoing processes in the patient’s body in various dystrophic conditions.

The medication in question exhibits a pronounced antiseptic effect. It does not produce a cumulative effect and is practically non-toxic.

Benefits of the medicine

What are the advantages of the drug ASD (suppositories)? According to experts, the medicine in the form of suppositories is much easier to use than in the form of a solution. This is due to the fact that the candles already contain the necessary dosage of active elements. In addition, compared to the liquid form of the medication, using suppositories is much more convenient.

During the therapeutic process, all necessary elements immediately enter the systemic circulation. At the same time, not a single substance passes through the liver. This contributes to the effective action of the drug by 60-75% (compared to other methods of its use). Also, during the use of the suppositories in question, patients do not experience irritation or allergic reactions, which very often occur during injections.

It must also be said that ASD in the form of suppositories is much cheaper than other types of this medication. Also, this drug acts comprehensively and more specifically. Experts have found that suppositories treat various diseases 5 times more effectively than products intended for oral administration.

Indications for prescribing the drug

The ASD medication in the form of suppositories has many different indications for use. According to the instructions, as well as reports from experienced specialists, this remedy works well for:

  • immunodeficiency states;
  • benign and malignant tumors (of various locations);
  • venereal and gynecological problems, as well as inflammatory diseases in the genital area (for example, colpitis, adnexitis, chlamydia, trichomoniasis, candidiasis, genital herpes, cervical erosion, and so on);
  • fungal and viral infections;
  • diseases of the urinary system and kidneys (for example, cystitis, nephritis and pyelonephritis);
  • sexual weakness and impotence;
  • skin diseases (including eczema, dermatitis, psoriasis);
  • problems of the digestive tract (for example, dysbacteriosis, enteritis, gastritis, colitis);
  • helminthic infestations;
  • problems with the lungs and upper respiratory tract;
  • diseases of the joints (for example, arthritis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis);
  • hemorrhoids;
  • thrombophlebitis, varicose veins;
  • cardiovascular pathologies.


There are practically no contraindications for use of the drug in question. It should not be prescribed only to those patients who have a personal intolerance to its components.

ASD drug (suppositories): instructions for use

How should the suppositories in question be used? Experts say that this medication must be administered rectally in the amount of one suppository twice or once a day. The course of treatment with this drug should last at least 12-20 days. If necessary, treatment with suppositories can be repeated as prescribed by the doctor.

Side effects

At the very beginning of treatment with ASD medication, the patient may experience nausea, dizziness and mild weakness. If such side effects develop, you should immediately stop using suppositories and immediately consult a doctor.

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