Home Oral cavity Why do you need dental braces? How did dental braces appear, how do they work and what is the price of a beautiful smile? The first braces in the world.

Why do you need dental braces? How did dental braces appear, how do they work and what is the price of a beautiful smile? The first braces in the world.

Everything about braces and brace systems, history, types of braces

Many problems fade if you smile more often. People with gloomy and gloomy faces are unlikely to remember this truth. Or maybe they are just embarrassed to smile? Unfortunately, not everyone has been blessed with a beautiful smile by nature. Defects, deformations, and improper growth of teeth cause certain inconveniences, including from an aesthetic point of view. However, these inconveniences last only until a visit to a good orthodontist. Dentistry of the 21st century combats dental anomalies with the help of braces.
Braces are a permanent orthodontic device designed to correct uneven teeth and malocclusion. On the teeth, braces look like an arch on which “clasps” are attached.

History of the creation of braces

The first braces appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. The invention is credited to Edward Engle, the founder of orthodontics. At first it was a rather cumbersome device. The teeth were tied to a steel arch, which changed their inclination. The roots remained motionless. It looked unaesthetic, but patients had no alternative. At first, braces were made of metal. They were strong, but too big and noticeable. To make the device less conspicuous, they began to use plastic in its manufacture. The material could be matched to the natural color of the teeth. This was the only advantage of plastic braces, since they were much inferior in strength to metal ones.
Over the course of a century, braces have gone through several modifications until modern technologies They were not allowed to be what they are now. Thanks to the use of shape memory alloy and fixation of the bracket directly to the tooth, the device has become more effective and comfortable for the patient.

Even though the first braces caused discomfort for those who wore them, they were not a failed experiment in history. On the contrary, they have developed and still help to achieve a beautiful smile. What will Edward Engels offer his patients that the demand for his invention has not fallen for almost a hundred years?

Firstly, when treating with braces, there is no regime for wearing them. This is a non-removable device, and therefore the patient simply cannot forget to put them on or take them off. And if in the last century constantly wearing braces could cause discomfort, today the device is practically not felt in the mouth and does not cause inconvenience.
Secondly, correcting tooth growth with braces is a continuous process for 1-2 years. Once installed, the patient continues to live his normal life, limiting himself only to too solid food. None additional procedures he doesn’t need to carry it out.
After treatment is completed, the braces are removed and retainers are put in their place - a thin wire that supports correct position teeth. This is a necessary measure even for small deviations in tooth growth.

Other Teeth Straightening Methods

To be fair, braces are not the only way to straighten teeth. There are several more inventions in dentistry to correct such an anomaly.
1. Aligners (aligners). Mouth guards are polymer transparent plates that follow the shape of the dentition. They are made individually for a specific patient. The aligners are worn around the clock and are removed only when eating and brushing your teeth. Their main drawback is the price. The aligners are worn for more than a year, and they need to be changed every two weeks, so the cost of treatment is not affordable for everyone.
2. Veneers. This remedy is effective for small defects (interdental gaps, minor curvature). Veneers are plates that are glued to the tooth. They do not correct the defect, but only hide it. But the teeth acquire an aesthetically attractive appearance in the shortest possible time: from taking an impression to gluing the veneer, no more than 2 weeks pass.
With all the variety of choices, braces remain the only means of correcting serious dental growth disorders.


Like anyone else medical product, braces have a list of diseases for which wearing them is contraindicated. These include:

  1. tuberculosis;
  2. HIV infections, sexually transmitted diseases;
  3. oncological diseases;
  4. disorders of the neuropsychic sphere (schizophrenia, paranoia, dementia, etc.);
  5. pathologies of the skeletal system (osteoporosis, osteonecrosis, osteopathy);
  6. decompensated diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  7. serious disturbances in the functioning of the immune system;
  8. blood diseases;
  9. periodontal disease, periodontitis;
  10. pathology of the temporomandibular joint.

In addition, there are a number of relative contraindications, such as:

  • grinding teeth in sleep;
  • allergic reactions to braces material;
  • the presence of metal implants in the mouth;
  • questionable oral hygiene.

As for age restrictions, from the age of four, braces can be used if necessary. And there is no upper age limit at all.

There are different types of braces, more details on the Z3 dentistry website

Initially, braces were only metal. But now, depending on the material from which they are made, braces are:
1. Metal
This is the most common type of braces. It is a durable, reliable system that straightens teeth relatively quickly. At the same time, the price of the device remains affordable due to the low cost of the metal. A significant drawback of the device is that it is clearly visible on the teeth. This minus can easily be turned into a plus if you decorate your braces with rhinestones. At the client's request, braces are installed on the outside or on inside teeth.
If the patient is particularly sensitive to metal, he will be offered gold-plated or nickel-free braces.
2. Plastic
Plastic braces are more fragile. They are made of a material that is easily deformed. What then is their meaning? Plastic braces are less noticeable on the teeth if you choose a color identical to natural. If you make the locks multi-colored, you will get bright braces that children will appreciate.
Unfortunately, plastic braces quickly lose their aesthetic qualities: they become dull and may darken. The advantage of braces is the price: they are the cheapest among aesthetic brace systems.
3. Ceramic
Ceramics has excellent aesthetic properties. These braces are invisible in the mouth and their color matches the natural shade of the teeth. Over time, ceramic braces remain the same color as they were originally. Among the disadvantages are the high cost and difficult removal of braces from the enamel.
4. Sapphire
Braces made of artificial sapphire look completely transparent. This is achieved due to the fact that crystals reflect and refract light. Artificial sapphire is resistant to staining, so it is always invisible on the teeth. From an aesthetic point of view, sapphire braces are the best option. The only thing that can stop a patient is the high cost.
There is another classification of braces. According to it, bracket systems are divided according to the place of attachment and are:

  • lingual;
  • vestibular (external).

Lingual braces are attached to back wall teeth and are practically invisible to others. However, not all patients agree to install such braces. The fact is that, out of habit, lingual braces provoke speech defects and create discomfort for the tongue.
External braces are divided into ligature and self-ligating. The difference between them is in the fastening of the arch: using ligatures or locks built into the bracket groove. Ligature-free braces are smaller in size, easier to care for and do not require frequent visits to the orthodontist.

Manufacturers of bracket systems

On the world market, high-quality braces are represented by several manufacturers, among them mainly American, German and English companies: ORMCO, GAC, 3M Unitec. Each company tries to make its products as best as possible in order to compete with others.
German Incognito braces have a special place on the market. They are manufactured using high-precision technology, thanks to which the base of the braces exactly matches the surface of the teeth. Incognito are internal braces made of gold alloys.
One of the most popular are Damon braces. These are non-ligature external systems that can be metal or ceramic. They are named after their creator, American orthodontist Dwight Damon.

Clarity braces have appeared on the market relatively recently. This is a miniature device that looks very natural on the teeth, thanks to the polycrystalline material. It does not stain or darken throughout the entire treatment period.
Inspire Ice braces are the most transparent. They are made of single crystal sapphire. Thanks to excellent polishing, the friction force in these braces is minimized. This ensures absolute comfort when wearing the corrective device.
For patients who love precious metals, you will like the Orthos Gold and Luxi II Keramik bracket systems. These are luxurious braces made of gold. And if in Orthos Gold, expensive metal immediately catches the eye, then in the sophisticated Luxi II Keramik the gold grooves are invisible.
Modern braces are much better than those that were available just a few years ago. Today, correction systems are individualized and absolutely safe. In the shortest possible time and with maximum comfort, they restore the normal state of the dental system. π

Irregularities in the dentition. They are devices that are fixed using orthodontic glue (bond) to the outer or inner surface of the teeth. The bracket has a groove in which lies an orthodontic arch that has “shape memory” (for example, a nitinol alloy based on nickel and titanium) or steel. The resistance of this arch when it is fixed by braces on crooked teeth is a force that slowly but steadily straightens the teeth and dentition, under the influence of heat in the oral cavity.

Types of braces

There are vestibular (located on the outside of the tooth) and lingual (internal). Based on the type of material used, bracket systems are divided into metal, plastic, polymer and combined. According to the method of connecting the arch to the braces, a distinction is made between classic braces (using ligatures) and self-ligating ones (without ligatures).

Metal braces

Most old look bracket systems. They are made from stainless steel, titanium or an alloy of nickel and titanium. Metal braces are still widely used today (2016) due to their low price and wide range various options. The appearance of modern metal braces differs from their ancestors - they are now smaller in size and may have various shapes. The main advantage of metal brace systems over other types is the minimal friction force between the groove and the arch, the magnitude of which largely determines the duration of the entire treatment. The main disadvantage of metal braces is their greater visibility on the teeth compared to other types.

Gold braces

They are a type of metal braces. They are chosen by patients who want to emphasize their status and individuality. As biologically neutral, gold braces are also an option for patients who are allergic to other materials.

Plastic braces

The advantage of plastic braces over metal ones is that they are more aesthetically pleasing. appearance. However, the design of such bracket systems uses a metal groove due to the insufficient strength of the plastic. Also, this type of braces can be stained by food colorings contained in coffee, tea and other products and is quite fragile. However, plastic braces can be made in a variety of colors and shapes, making them widely used, especially in pediatric orthodontics.

Ceramic braces

Compared to plastic braces, ceramic braces are more expensive, but also more durable. The color of these braces matches the color of the teeth, making them virtually invisible to others. The disadvantages of ceramic bracket systems include higher friction between the arch and the bracket slot, which can increase the duration of treatment. To solve this problem, sometimes a metal groove is introduced into the structure, which impairs aesthetics.

Sapphire braces

They belong to the group of ceramic bracket systems and are made from artificial sapphire crystal. They are completely transparent, as invisible and beautiful as possible.

Lingual braces

This is a separate group of bracket systems. Unlike all of the above, lingual braces are attached to the inner (lingual) side of the teeth and are completely invisible to others. In addition, lingual braces can correct some abnormalities that are difficult to correct with labial braces, such as deep bites. The disadvantage of lingual systems, in addition to the high cost, is the reduction of the inside of the oral cavity. Therefore, patients initially experience diction problems. As a rule, after 2-3 weeks the tongue adapts to the reduced size of the oral cavity, and diction becomes normal. In the case of using lingual braces, more labor-intensive oral care is also required.

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An excerpt characterizing Braces

- What will you tell me, prince, about my Boris? – she said, catching up with him in the hallway. (She pronounced the name Boris with special emphasis on the o). – I can’t stay longer in St. Petersburg. Tell me, what news can I bring to my poor boy?
Despite the fact that Prince Vasily listened reluctantly and almost discourteously to the elderly lady and even showed impatience, she smiled tenderly and touchingly at him and, so that he would not leave, took his hand.
“What should you say to the sovereign, and he will be directly transferred to the guard,” she asked.
“Believe me, I will do everything I can, princess,” answered Prince Vasily, “but it’s difficult for me to ask the sovereign; I would advise you to contact Rumyantsev, through Prince Golitsyn: that would be smarter.
The elderly lady bore the name of Princess Drubetskaya, one of best names Russia, but she was poor, had long since left the world and had lost her former connections. She has now come to secure a placement in the guard for her only son. Only then, in order to see Prince Vasily, did she introduce herself and come to Anna Pavlovna for the evening, only then did she listen to the Viscount’s story. She was frightened by the words of Prince Vasily; Once upon a time her beautiful face expressed anger, but this lasted only a minute. She smiled again and grabbed Prince Vasily’s hand more tightly.
“Listen, prince,” she said, “I never asked you, I will never ask you, I never reminded you of my father’s friendship for you.” But now, I conjure you by God, do this for my son, and I will consider you a benefactor,” she hastily added. - No, you are not angry, but you promise me. I asked Golitsyn, but he refused. Soyez le bon enfant que vous аvez ete, [Be the kind fellow you were,] she said, trying to smile, while there were tears in her eyes.
“Dad, we’ll be late,” said Princess Helen, who was waiting at the door, turning her beautiful head on her antique shoulders.
But influence in the world is capital, which must be protected so that it does not disappear. Prince Vasily knew this, and once he realized that if he began to ask for everyone who asked him, then soon he would not be able to ask for himself, he rarely used his influence. In the case of Princess Drubetskaya, however, after her new call, he felt something like a reproach of conscience. She reminded him of the truth: he owed his first steps in the service to her father. In addition, he saw from her methods that she was one of those women, especially mothers, who, once they have taken something into their heads, will not leave until their desires are fulfilled, and otherwise are ready for daily every minute harassment and even on stage. This last consideration shook him.
“Here Anna Mikhailovna,” he said with his usual familiarity and boredom in his voice, “it’s almost impossible for me to do what you want; but to prove to you how much I love you and honor the memory of your late father, I will do the impossible: your son will be transferred to the guard, here is my hand to you. Are you satisfied?
- My dear, you are a benefactor! I didn’t expect anything else from you; I knew how kind you were.
He wanted to leave.
- Wait, two words. Une fois passe aux gardes... [Once he joins the guard...] - She hesitated: - You are good with Mikhail Ilarionovich Kutuzov, recommend Boris to him as an adjutant. Then I would be calm, and then I would...
Prince Vasily smiled.
- I don’t promise that. You don’t know how Kutuzov has been besieged since he was appointed commander-in-chief. He himself told me that all the Moscow ladies agreed to give him all their children as adjutants.
- No, promise me, I won’t let you in, my dear, my benefactor...
- Dad! - the beauty repeated again in the same tone, - we will be late.
- Well, au revoir, [goodbye,] goodbye. Do you see?
- So tomorrow you will report to the sovereign?
- Definitely, but I don’t promise Kutuzov.
“No, promise, promise, Basile, [Vasily],” Anna Mikhailovna said after him, with the smile of a young coquette, which must once have been characteristic of her, but now did not suit her exhausted face.
She apparently forgot her years and, out of habit, used all the old feminine products. But as soon as he left, her face again took on the same cold, feigned expression that was on it before. She returned to the circle, in which the Viscount continued to talk, and again pretended to listen, waiting for the time to leave, since her work was done.

The general process of correcting a malocclusion is simple: the orthodontist puts on braces, you wear them, then take them off, then put on a retainer on the lower teeth and a mouth guard on the upper teeth. You probably know a lot of people who have or have had braces, and you might be one of them yourself. Braces may seem quite common, but there are actually many incredible facts about them that you may not know!

Fact #1 - braces are almost 300 years old

French physician Pierre Fauhard, known as Father modern dentistry, made the first set of braces in 1728. They consisted of a flat piece of metal material tied to the user's teeth with thread. 200 years later, dentist Edward Engle has made some important advances to more effectively correct problematic teeth alignment. He created modern braces in 1915 using 14 and 18 karat gold because of its malleable properties.

Fact #2 - The type of wire used for braces was invented by NASA.

One thing you might like is that the wire used for braces was created by none other than NASA!

Dr. Engle's vision was modern, but gold braces were also expensive. The field of orthodontics took a giant leap when NASA developed a metal alloy called nickel-titanium in 1959. While they created this heat-resistant metal for the space shuttle, it is also ideal for making thin, flexible wires that could maintain their shape after being bent and attached to a patient's teeth.

Fact #3 - braces are not just for straightening teeth

While perfectly straight teeth are a wonderful aspect of braces, one of the main benefits is that braces secure the wearer's bite. If your upper front teeth overlap your lower teeth and the ridges of your molars do not touch, you have a perfect bite. Not many people can boast of this.

Braces are more than just cosmetic devices. Because they stabilize your bite, they also provide relief from a variety of health problems, including:

  • Breathing problems;
  • Problems with chewing and swallowing.

Fact #4 - Smile like the Egyptians

The desire for straight teeth can be traced back even further than the 18th century in France, all the way to Ancient Egypt! Who knows whether the ancient Egyptians were aware of the health benefits given in the previous fact, or whether they simply wanted straight teeth for cosmetic reasons, but some mummies have indeed been found with temporary "braces." Archaeologists believe that animal intestines wrapped around the mummies' teeth, similar to modern braces, were an attempt to straighten crooked teeth.

Fact #5 - There are more than ten different types of braces.

You may think that all curly braces are the same; however, they are different from each other. You and your orthodontist evaluate which type of braces is ideal for you. Invisalign (lingual) - great option for patients who do not want to see braces. Mini braces or porcelain braces are also sometimes an option for people who don't need invisible braces but want braces that are less noticeable.

Fact #6 - All orthodontists are dentists

Remember when you learned in elementary school that “all squares are rectangles, but not all rectangles are squares”? It looks like! An orthodontist is actually a dentist who specializes in the prevention and treatment of malformations and other dental problems. Orthodontists go to dental school, but then they complete an additional two to three years in orthodontic practice. About 6% of dentists are orthodontists.

Fact No. 7 - braces are not only for teenagers, but also for adults

Braces are only for children and teenagers, of course, this was a stereotype of the past. The American Association of Orthodontics reported that approximately one in five orthodontic patients are adults. These days, parents, grandparents and even great-grandparents are determined to reap the benefits of a healthy bite and a straighter smile. It's never too late!

But you should know that the maximum effective treatment Braces are used specifically in children. The sooner you take your child for his first orodontist consultation, the sooner you will know what he may need. The American Association of Orthodontics recommends that your child be seen by an orthodontist by age seven. Some incorrect inclusions are best corrected young; in fact, sometimes timely orthodontic care for a small child can completely solve the problem of malocclusion and the child will not have to wear braces!

Fact #8 - You need to bust some myths!

Sometimes myths prevent us from making the right decision and putting on braces. Destroy the myths that prevent you from taking a step towards a beautiful smile?

  • You will be able to engage in any sport without restrictions;
  • You will be able to play musical instruments effectively, including those that use your mouth;
  • Staples do not beep in metal detectors;
  • The brackets do not interfere with radio signals;
  • The brackets are not magnetic;
  • It is impossible to “lock” braces by kissing another person with braces!

Ugh! Nobody wants to have problems with airport security, give up a hobby or kissing. Good news!

Fact No. 9 - the wonders of time and pressure

Time and pressure work together to create the perfect smile! If you've ever wondered why you have to wear braces for a long time, you'll find this fact especially interesting.

Each tooth has a nerve ending inside it known as cellulose. If your teeth were to realign too quickly, the process would cut off the blood supply. Instead, we adjust your teeth with slow, steady pressure so that the pulp continues to move with the tooth, providing the dental tissue with the blood and nutrition it needs. Braces armatures are designed to apply the ideal amount of pressure to each tooth, moving it to the desired location as efficiently as possible!

Fact #10 - One in four million

Going through a big change, such as getting braces, can sometimes make people feel lonely or self-conscious. Although there is nothing wrong or awkward in taking care of your smile. Why? Because FOUR MILLION other people are wearing braces right now and that's just in our country!

The American Association of Orthodontics reported that four million people also have braces this minute. Not only are millions of people in search of a healthier, more beautiful smile, but about a million of these orthodontic patients are adults over the age of 18.

Be healthy, destroy bad myths and smile at good ones!

What are braces and is it worth getting them?

It seems to many that they have always had braces, but I want to surprise you - fixed systems in their current form became widespread only in the late 80s of the last century, and they came to Russia even later. Every year new methods for straightening teeth appear, however, proven iron structures are still successfully used at any age and for any malocclusion. So what are braces, what are they?

A little history and who even invented braces?

Orthodontics is now working hard with various types of fixed appliances, but this was not always the case. The very first such systems were invented by the American Edward Engel at the beginning of the 20th century. Yes, they performed the function of correcting malocclusion, but they were very uncomfortable and even dangerous to health due to their bulky design.

Time passed, orthodontic instruments improved, but the main impetus for the rapid development was space technology and the invention of new materials. Before this, high-quality structures were made of expensive metals, and only a wealthy person could afford such a pleasure. With the advent of an alloy of nickel and titanium (hello from NASA), it became available to all people to straighten their teeth using braces.

The arcs of the devices are made from a unique nickel-titanium alloy, which are flexible and have the property of “memory,” that is, they tend to return to a predetermined position. Nickel and titanium have made orthodontic treatment more effective and faster in time. Although mouthguards are still used in orthodontics, it is nevertheless impossible to imagine treatment without braces for serious dental anomalies.

What are braces, how do they work and what do they do?

A braces system is a non-removable device that is attached to the inside or outside of the teeth for the entire period of treatment to obtain the correct bite. One bracket (special lock) is glued to each tooth, setting the direction. The clasps are connected to each other by an orthodontic arch, which serves as a source of force for the movement of the dentition. No matter what shape the arch takes, and no matter what obstacle stands in front of it, it always strives to return to its original state and thus straightens the teeth.

The design also uses various auxiliary elements to apply force to the teeth: brush locks, springs, rings, elastic bands. In the classic version, the arch is attached to the clasps with metal or elastic ligatures, but today non-ligature braces are becoming popular, which represent the next generation of fixing elements, in which the ligatures are already included in the design of the clasps themselves.

Although fixed systems are regularly improved and modernized, it cannot be said that such braces and innovative developments are much more effective. First of all, the success of treatment depends on the professional experience of the orthodontist, and all other components are tools on the way to obtaining a beautiful smile. The only thing that can prevent you from correcting your bite is inflammation of the gums and severe forms allergies.

Popular types of braces

The first important parameter when choosing a bracket system is the material, what the structure is made of. Metal ones are considered the most affordable and unpretentious; they remain the most popular among all other systems. However, for many patients, the aesthetic side of the treatment and maximum invisibility are important; they choose plastic, ceramic or sapphire systems, each of which has its own characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, but their operating principle is the same and the purpose is the same - to get rid of crooked teeth.

The issue of aesthetic beauty was completely closed with the advent of the lingual system, which is installed on the inner surface of the dentition. Although crooked teeth in themselves are absolutely not aesthetic, nevertheless, if you are not satisfied with numerous things sticking out, then this type of invisible devices will completely satisfy your need. Unfortunately, the cost of installing invisible braces still remains the highest among all other types of braces.

In any case, knowing what braces are and how they are used to correct malocclusion is the first step towards a charming and attractive smile.

Who invented braces?

Correcting malocclusion using various braces is traditionally considered one of the many technologies that the 20th century brought to humanity.

Indeed, if we talk about the first professional association of orthodontists in history, it arose in 1901 in the USA. Thus, professional orthodontics is, in a sense, contemporary with the twentieth century. This organization eventually became the American Association of Orthodontists, and its founder was Edward Engle, who is considered the founder of modern orthodontics.

The merit of Edward Engle lies not only in the fact that he was the first to scientifically classify and analyze different kinds malocclusion, but also in the fact that he clearly formulated the principles for their elimination.

The devices he created were non-removable and looked like a metal arc that was installed on the molars. The remaining teeth were attracted to it by metal ligatures, which made it possible to gradually straighten the inclination of the teeth. This device was subject to various modifications, one of which replaced the ligatures with rings that were placed on each tooth. However, such a system did not become widespread due to the complexity of regulation and the discomfort it caused when worn.

Only in 1928, Edward Engle created a system called the edgewise technique, which made it possible to correct not only the angle of the teeth, but also the position of the tooth roots. The fundamental difference between this system and the previous ones was the replacement of the vertical groove with a horizontal one. Edgewise technology became the basis of all berket systems and remained so for a long time, until the emergence of new and the latest systems correction of bite in adults and children. With some modifications, the edgewise technique is used in orthodontics to this day.

Meanwhile, the first braces appeared in ancient times. It is known that the ancient Egyptians were among the first dentists, surgeons and dental prosthetists. They were also the first orthodontists in history. This is evidenced by mummies found by archaeologists with teeth fastened with gold wire. It is unlikely that such systems could effectively correct the bite, because gold is too soft a metal. However, these orthodontic structures held the dentition in place and prevented the teeth from shifting or spreading after death, which was important for the afterlife.

For the same purpose, orthodontic structures were also used by the Etruscans, who inhabited Italy in the pre-Roman era (IX-VI centuries BC), who buried their dead with special devices in the mouth that preserved the shape of the dentition.
In ancient times, correcting the bite was a topic of thought for the philosopher Aristotle and the physician Hippocrates, who wrote about it in their treatises. However, we know nothing about the practical successes of ancient Roman and Greek orthodontists (unlike, for example, dental prosthetics).
Thus, for thousands of years this problem remained unresolved. And only in 1728, the book of the French surgeon Pierre Fauchard (1690-1762) “Dental Surgery or Treatise on Teeth” was published, one of the chapters of which was devoted to correcting malocclusion.

In his book, Pierre Fauchard described a device he invented in the form of a horseshoe made of precious metals. The Fauchard bracket system was called “Bandeau” and was in fact the first real orthodontic system in Europe, and throughout the world.
The next major research in the field of orthodontics was done by the American doctor Norman Kingsley, who published his Treatise on Maxillary Deformities in 1880.
It is noteworthy that Kingsley was not only a dentist, but also a sculptor, artist and writer. In 1868, he founded the New York Dental Society, and his treatise on malocclusions had a significant influence on the subsequent development of orthodontics.

Another significant orthodontist of the time was Dr. John Farrar, who published a two-volume treatise On Dental Malocclusions and Their Correction.

And finally, the already mentioned Edward Hartley Angle, who in 1886 created his “universal Angle apparatus.” This was the first bracket system in the sense in which we understand it. And more than forty years later, his famous edgewise technique appeared, which was improved by his student Charles Tweed, who came up with the idea of ​​making bends on the main arch of the bracket system, which ensured optimal bite correction.

Subsequently, many technological innovations were used in the development of brace systems - the use of special titanium-nickel alloys, fastening braces to teeth using special glue, etc. and so on.

In 1970, Bergensen invented and patented special plastic mouth guards for correcting malocclusion, which could be worn during the day and removed at night. These aligners became the forerunners of the system we know today as invisalign.

Nowadays, dental clinics offer a large number of a wide variety of bite correction systems not only for children, but also for adults - metal, ceramic, sapphire, conventional (with external fastening) and lingual, incognito systems, invisalign, Marco Ross apparatus and many other inventions and development.

From the article you will learn:

Surely each of us, at least once in our lives, has met a person whose teeth had a strange structure on them, consisting of a wire running horizontally along the dental row and miniature rectangles, each of which was attached to a specific tooth. This device is called braces system.

Many adults, far from knowing the intricacies of medicine, although they know the name of such a device, do not fully understand its capabilities and purpose.

In this article we will try to answer the question as clearly as possible for someone who is not too uninitiated in medical terms, what braces are and what they are needed for. However, before we begin the description and methods, let’s get acquainted with the basis - the concept of orthodontics.

What is orthodontics and what does an orthodontist do?

The very concept of orthodontics as a separate branch in medicine has its roots in ancient times - in the times Ancient Greece. The term orthodontics literally means “straight teeth” and is made up of two words: Greek. orthos – “straight”, lat. dentis - “tooth”.

Important! P.S. Remember how Americans call their dentists – dentists!

Specialization requires having knowledge and performing certain actions aimed at:

  • correction of crooked teeth;
  • Diagnosis and treatment of jaw malocclusion.

What are the dangers of having a malocclusion and crooked teeth?

The presence of a person is reflected not only in the beauty of his smile. Uneven teeth indirectly increase the likelihood of various kinds troubles associated with improper digestion. It is known for certain: the better the food entering the stomach is chewed, the better it is digested in it. Good grinding of it allows the stomach to work normally, without applying additional effort, which significantly reduces the risk of diseases: ulcers, gastritis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, dysbacteriosis, etc.

Therefore, a person with crooked or abnormally positioned teeth needs prompt treatment. An unnatural bite also requires correction, since in most cases the consequences of its presence are reflected on the face - its appearance becomes unnatural, with a clearly visible flaw. More information about what types of bite exist and what their features are has already been written in our previous article entitled “”, we advise you to read it.

Braces are used to treat all the ailments described above.

How does malocclusion occur?

Malocclusion can develop even in the fetus in the womb - the bad heredity of one of the parents (or the genes of two at once) is to blame.

After the birth of a child, the correct bite of his teeth can also be lost due to many factors, for example: free sucking of the breast, bottle formulas, pacifiers without using the jaws; sleeping with your head thrown back, often putting your fingers in your mouth.

Read also: Combined braces. System Features

In a child, unlike an adult, the skeletal system has not yet fully formed, and therefore any treatment, including the treatment of malocclusion, in childhood occurs easier, better and faster. For minor correction of the human dental system, both as a whole and individual dental units, starting from about 7-8 years, a removable type is used. More serious corrections require treatment with braces.

Correction of abnormal bite in adults does not occur as quickly as in children. As a rule, they are used for these purposes, less often. Treatment takes place in several stages, and on average lasts approximately 1-2 years, depending on the severity of the pathology.

What types of braces are there?

It should be noted that one thing unites general feature– they cannot be removed by yourself. In fact, this means that they are non-removable bite-correcting devices.

According to the type of design, braces are divided into:

  • ligatures;
  • lingual.
  1. . They got their name due to the presence of a ligature in them - an arc that holds the brackets on the teeth in the desired position. The connecting link between the ligature and the clasps can be of two types: in the form of a wire, or as an elastic band. The undoubted advantage of such devices is their affordable price; the disadvantages are the unpresentable appearance of the device; the likelihood of allergic processes associated with the reaction of the mucous membrane to metal; Possibility of damage to the oral cavity by the wire.
  2. . They are attached to the surface of the teeth from the inside, from the side of the tongue (linguo - from the Latin “tongue”), and therefore are hardly noticeable. They differ from ligature ones in the absence of wires and elastic bands. They provide comfortable therapy, but at the same time their price is noticeably different from the cost of the previous option, and moreover.

Braces are made from the following materials:

  1. . The most common type of corrective systems, and therefore the most affordable in terms of price. Metal braces are durable, but their appearance leaves much to be desired, and they are very noticeable when worn. This fact imposes some restrictions on their use by people who need everyday business communication.
  2. . Ceramic braces are visually more aesthetically pleasing than products based on metal. A good “average” product in terms of ease of use and cost.
  3. Medical sapphire. Sapphire devices, although they are attached to the outside of the teeth, however, thanks to the translucent elements, they completely merge with the shade of the teeth - only the visibility of the wire can tell the interlocutor that the person in front of him is undergoing treatment using braces. The most expensive option among ligature systems. Popular among students and middle-income people.

Braces can also be combined and colored.

  • include two types of material, the more noticeable one being metal, installed on the lateral dental rows, and the less noticeable one being ceramic or sapphire, fixed on the front teeth. This achieves optimal value systems in terms of cost and degree of visibility.
  • are popular in youth environment, allowing the teenager to give the corrective apparatus his own unique style. Thanks to a well-chosen combination of colors of braces and ligatures, you can not only stand out clearly among your peers, but also emphasize your individual characteristics, for example, eye color.

Read also: Smoking with braces installed. Is it possible?

How to install braces

Before installing a brace system, the orthodontist evaluates the patient's oral cavity for the presence of various diseases, including. If no ailments are detected, the specialist moves on to the next stage - radiography. When diagnosing the presence of any disease, the doctor postpones continuing the procedure for installing braces until the source of the infection is completely eliminated.

X-rays are performed to identify the characteristics of the patient’s jaw and dentition. After it is completed, impressions of the dental system of the person in need of treatment are made - it is from them that the braces will be made in the future. Inexpensive external systems can take several days, while expensive lingual ones with gold plating can take up to 1-2 months - this time is required mainly for their delivery from abroad.

Regardless of its type and the material used in it, it is strictly individual for each patient. In general, the length of time that braces are worn varies from one to two years, but one must understand that there are exceptions. In this case, the devices cannot be removed by the patient and are worn around the clock.

A potential patient needs to take into account the fact that treatment after removing braces does not end at all, but smoothly flows into the final stage, which includes the use of devices similar to a mouthguard that secure the result. They, unlike braces, are removable, which promises the patient many advantages when used - the trainer can be removed for meals or for oral hygiene. The period of wearing trainers after braces is about one and a half years.

Rules for using braces

Let us list the main features of brace systems associated with their operation:

  • addictive. The first ten days after installation of the device there is an adaptation period - during this time the patient may experience some discomfort from the constant presence of a foreign structure in the oral cavity, difficulty pronouncing certain words, etc. After the adaptation period has passed, wearing braces does not cause any particular inconvenience during use.
  • Hygiene. Caring for braces is somewhat different from caring for dental teeth. So, the installed system needs regular cleaning, after every meal. Along with regular toothbrushes, braces use their own, called “brush brushes.” Their cone-shaped bristles are able to penetrate hard-to-reach places between the teeth, cleaning out food debris from under the arch.
  • Food. To eliminate the possibility of damage to the locking mechanisms, the patient should somewhat limit the variety of his diet. It is necessary to completely avoid hard and too viscous foods: nuts, crackers, Snickers and even chewing gum for a person performing treatment with braces are prohibited. Failure to follow this recommendation may result in premature failure of the expensive corrective mechanism. It is also advisable for the patient to avoid foods and drinks that contain large amounts of food coloring, otherwise there is a real risk of staining the braces, which will certainly affect the appearance of the system, and not for the better.
  • Dismantling. All operations related to the installation/removal of braces are carried out exclusively by a specialist. An attempt to independently correct the position of the structure, or to completely dismantle it, can lead to irreparable consequences, including fatal damage to the teeth and gums.
  • Operational problems. In most cases, there are no problems with braces throughout the entire treatment period. However, sometimes troubles still happen. The most common are, and its entry into the stomach with food. How the patient should act in these cases is described in detail in the corresponding article published earlier, entitled “”.
  • Service. Braces, like a car, require certain types of maintenance-related manipulations. To achieve maximum results, bite-correcting structures are periodically adjusted. The adjustment procedure is carried out in a specialized clinic, by an orthodontist. At the same time, the specialist checks the correct position and reliability of fastening of the bracket locks, as well as the tension force of the device’s arc. If necessary, the doctor makes appropriate adjustments to the structure, aimed at increasing the efficiency of the installed brace systems. The maintenance procedure is usually carried out once every two to three months.

First Toothbrush appeared in the 15th century, 300 years later tooth powder was invented, and already in 1873 the Colgate company created the world's first flavored toothpaste. And if everything is clear with dental cleaning products, then who and why invented braces? Who came up with this idea and how braces have developed over the past two hundred years - all this and much more in the collection “ 5 interesting facts about braces."

Catch a bullet with braces: reality or myth

First braces(if you can call them that) appeared in 1072 in the monastery of Le Dentil. Monks used them to purify the spirit and body. These were thin metal strips that had nothing in common with modern braces. But the real prototype of braces are considered to be metal structures that were used by British army soldiers as protection. The stripes on the teeth helped protect the dentition from strong blows, and some craftsmen, thanks to them, even managed to catch bullets with their teeth. Who would have thought that braces could not only correct your bite, but also save your life?

How braces relate to NASA

Modern braces for teeth made from nickel titanium. It was created in 1959, and was developed by the NASA space agency. The material was originally used for space shuttles, but also turned out to be simply ideal for the manufacture of braces. This gift from NASA made orthodontics not only accessible and comfortable, but also of high quality.

Gold braces, or what were the first braces

The most first braces systems were created in 1728 by Pierre Fauhard (French physician). Metal strips were attached to the teeth using thread. Almost 200 years later, Edward Engle developed modern designs made of gold and metal. If we talk about braces of the 21st century, they look much simpler and better, while the variety of systems allows you to choose the ideal option for any wallet.

Braces - decoration for the privileged

IN Ancient China The braces were silver plates decorated with pearls. They were not available to everyone, but only to women of the imperial family who took an active part in the socio-political life of the country. It was a kind of decoration, which was popularly called the “Moon Crown”. Modern braces have long ceased to be a luxury item, but, nevertheless, ceramic, sapphire or colored braces can also serve as decoration for teeth.

At least 1 million adults wear braces

Convincing yourself to get braces, especially when you are already over 30, is like making the most important decision in your life. Many people are embarrassed to wear metal structures in their mouths, citing age, fear of ridicule from others, and other reasons. In fact bracket systems- this is not just for teenagers. According to a study conducted by the American Association of Orthodontics, more than a million people over the age of 18 wear braces. Remember the Hollywood stars - many of them found perfect smiles, as adults, precisely with the help of braces. In addition, there is always the option of choosing lingual braces. They are attached to the inside of the teeth and are completely invisible. Don’t be shy about braces, because at least 1 million people have already made their most important decision in life - the path to a perfect smile.

Treatment with modern braces takes from 1.5 to 3 years, depending on the pathology of the bite and individual characteristics every patient. So that this time passes unnoticed and comfortably before install braces Minsk, it is necessary to put your teeth in order (cure caries and carry out professional hygiene oral cavity). To do everything necessary procedures without pain and fear, and you can also choose the ideal braces system for yourself in the Minsk Center Family Dentistry"Medical expert."

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