Home Orthopedics Stage four of lung cancer: symptoms, treatment. Why does small cell lung cancer develop and how does it manifest? Small cell lung cancer stage 4 life expectancy

Stage four of lung cancer: symptoms, treatment. Why does small cell lung cancer develop and how does it manifest? Small cell lung cancer stage 4 life expectancy

Lung cancer (LC) is a collective diagnosis for malignant tumors of different origin, structure, clinical course and prognosis, originating from epithelial cells respiratory tract. Another name for it is bronchogenic carcinoma.

According to localization they distinguish:

1. Central cancer (occurs in the bronchi of large and medium caliber).

2. Peripheral (comes from bronchioles or from the pulmonary parenchyma).

The histological structure of the tumor is very important, since carcinomas of different structure have different sensitivity to certain treatment methods, and the type of tumor initially determines the prognosis.

Currently, oncologists divide malignant neoplasms of the lungs into two main groups - small cell and non-small cell lung cancer(which in turn includes 5 different histological types).

The small cell variant is perhaps the most aggressive tumor, and is therefore classified as a separate group. It is characterized by an extremely rapid course, early metastasis and unfavorable outcome.

Formation of metastases

RL grows from the epithelium of the mucous membrane. Then it grows into the wall of the bronchus, into the pleura, and blood vessels. With the flow of lymph, cancer cells enter the lymph nodes located around the bronchi, the mediastinal, supraclavicular and cervical (this is lymphogenous metastasis), and other parts of the lung. The tumor can grow into neighboring organs, compress them, and spread to the chest wall.

When hit cancer cells into the bloodstream, they spread throughout the body and form screenings in other organs (this is the hematogenous route of metastasis). Lung cancer most often metastasizes to the liver, bones, brain, adrenal glands, kidneys, and less often to other organs.

There is a unified international classification of malignant neoplasms using the TNM system. T—spread of the primary lesion, N—damage to regional (nearby) lymph nodes, M—presence of distant metastases.

The fourth stage of lung cancer is characterized by a combination of any T and N index, but with the presence of distant tumor screenings, that is, M1. M1 is considered not only lesions in other organs, but also in the pleura or pericardium.

Stage 4 cancer is considered inoperable and essentially terminal. But this does not mean that she is not being treated. Properly selected chemotherapy, radiation therapy, as well as new methods of immunotherapy, including molecular targeted drugs, can slow down tumor growth, reduce existing lesions, prevent the development of new metastases and, as a result, prolong the life of such a patient.


Bronchogenic cancer in developed countries is one of the most common malignant tumors and the most common cause of death among all cancer diagnoses.

Lung cancer occurs 3-10 times more often in men than in women. In Russia, in the structure of cancer incidence in men, bronchial cancer has long and firmly occupied first place (17.6% according to 2016 data), and in the general structure (among both sexes) it ranks third (10.1%).

An increase in the incidence of the disease is observed with age.

The diagnosis of stage 4 lung cancer is made in 34% of cases of newly diagnosed malignant tumors of this location.


In the early stages, lung cancer may be asymptomatic. Manifestations, if there are any, are nonspecific:

  1. Prolonged persistent cough. More typical for central cancer: at first it is dry, intrusive, later it can be with sputum, streaked with blood.
  2. Dyspnea. It also often accompanies central cancer and is caused by obstruction of the airway. The larger the caliber of the compressed bronchus, the more pronounced the shortness of breath. With the development of pleurisy, the feeling of lack of air is more pronounced.
  3. Hemoptysis. It's already late sign, which immediately scares the patient and forces him to see a doctor.
  4. General symptoms of intoxication caused by tumor metabolism: weakness, malaise, loss of appetite, nausea, fast fatiguability, low-grade fever bodies.
  5. Paraneoplastic syndromes. They are explained by the action biologically active substances, which are produced by the tumor. Thrombophlebitis, arthritis, myositis, vasculitis, neuropathies, dermatitis, itchy skin, anemia, thrombocytopenia, Cushing's syndrome.
  6. Cancrosis inflammation. May present as normal pneumonia, with improvement with antibiotic treatment, but without complete resolution on x-ray.
  7. Pain in chest. Appears when a tumor grows into the visceral pleura.
  8. Hoarseness due to damage to the recurrent nerve.
  9. Swelling of the face, neck, arms due to compression of the superior vena cava.
  10. Symptoms of organs affected by metastases. In the presence of massive tumor growth in the liver - jaundice, ascites, swelling of the legs. If the brain is damaged - headaches, dizziness, loss of consciousness, convulsions, paralysis. If distant lesions are localized in the bones, the patient is tormented severe pain in the musculoskeletal system. Pathological fractures are also common - violations of the integrity of bones in the area where tumor tissue is located with minimal physical activity.


Basic methods

  • Fluorography or radiography. In the vast majority of patients, lung cancer is detected by x-ray examination. The photographs show either a spherical shadow with unclear contours, or indirect signs bronchial compression: local emphysema, hypoventilation, atelectasis.
  • Contrast-enhanced computed tomography. Perhaps the main method for diagnosing tumors today. Prescribed when pathology is detected on conventional radiographs; or in the absence of changes in the images, but in the presence of other suspicious signs.
  • Examination of sputum for atypical cells.
  • Fiberglass bronchoscopy. It is mandatory for all patients with pathology detected on CT.
  • Biopsy. A biopsy of tumor tissue can be performed endoscopically during bronchoscopy, transthoracically - by puncture chest wall or open method.
  • Ultrasound of organs abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space, supraclavicular and axillary lymph nodes.

Additional diagnostic methods are prescribed according to indications:

  • positron emission tomography (PET);
  • thoracoscopy with biopsy of the pleura or peripheral lesions;
  • mediastinoscopy;
  • for pleurisy - thoracentesis with evacuation and examination of fluid;
  • scintigraphy of skeletal bones;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • CT or MRI of the abdominal cavity;
  • puncture of the supraclavicular lymph node;
  • biopsy focal formations in the liver;
  • determination of tumor markers CEA, CYFRA 21-1, CA-125 and others.

In addition, all general clinical examinations are carried out - tests, ECG, spirometry, infection markers, echocardiography, examination by specialist doctors. This is important to determine the patient's general condition and his readiness to undergo treatment.

Treatment of stage 4 lung cancer

The treatment methods used depend on the histological type of the tumor and the results of molecular genetic studies, as well as on the somatic status of the patient.

Treatment of non-small cell cancer (NSCLC)

  • Cytostatic drugs. If the condition is satisfactory, two-component regimens are used, 4-6 courses with breaks of 2-3 weeks. Chemotherapy significantly reduces the symptoms of the disease and increases life expectancy. In elderly weakened patients, therapy is carried out with one drug. Chemotherapy uses platinum drugs, etoposide, vinorelbine, pemetrexed, gemcitabine and others.
  • Targeted therapy. This is a molecularly targeted effect on molecules that induce the proliferation of cancer cells. It is prescribed to those patients who have a mutation of the epidermal growth factor receptor EGFR (diagnosed in 15% of patients with NSCLC) or a translocation of the ALK gene (occurs in 5% of cases). Targeted therapy for EGFR mutations can be prescribed as the first stage of treatment, or in combination with chemotherapy. Targeted drugs do not cause the toxic effects that cytostatics do, so such treatment can be prescribed to weakened patients and continue continuously throughout life. These are drugs such as gefitinib, erlotinib, crizotinib.
  • Radiation therapy. Used as a palliative method for local control of tumor size, with severe pain syndrome, to reduce the size of metastases (brain irradiation is most often used).
  • For tumor foci in the bones, bisphosphonates are prescribed.

Treatment of small cell cancer (SCLC)

  • Chemotherapy.
  • Palliative radiotherapy.
  • Targeted therapy for SCLC has not been developed. But small cell cancer is the most sensitive to chemotherapy, so it is possible to long time stabilize tumor growth.

Small cell lung cancer metastases to the brain: before and after treatment (China)

Palliative care

This treatment is prescribed for severe general condition if therapy is ineffective or if chemotherapy is intolerable. The goal is to reduce symptoms and relieve suffering. With good care and support from loved ones, it can prolong life. Main events:

  • Effective pain relief according to an increasing scheme: non-narcotic analgesics - weak opiates - potent narcotic drugs.
  • Antiemetics.
  • Thoracentesis, laparocentesis for fluid accumulation.
  • Infusion therapy for the purpose of detoxification and rehydration.
  • Hemostatic drugs for bleeding
  • Oxygen therapy.


Lung cancer with metastases has a poor prognosis. But in modern oncology the understanding of incurable tumors is changing. Stage 4 is perceived not as a sentence, but as chronic illness where you can help.

Methods of influence have been developed and continue to be developed. Very promising direction– research of targeted and immunotherapy.

Without treatment, the average survival of patients is 4 - 5 months. Standard chemotherapy increases this figure to 9. Targeted drugs can extend the patient’s life up to 2 years.

A disease characterized by strong tumor growth and an increase in malignant cells in a person’s lungs, as a rule, implies stage 4 lung cancer and the prognosis for it, unfortunately, is unfavorable. With stage 4 cancer, extensive metastases form that grow beyond the lungs, affecting The lymph nodes, enter the liver, bone tissue, kidneys, into the human brain. As a result, the bronchial walls are affected, the mucous membrane is destroyed and blood vessels, chest pains appear more and more often. The pain that occurs in such cases is very closely related to damage to the tissues adjacent to the lungs - oddly enough, in the most lung tissue no pain receptors.

The picture of the disease is very pronounced: paroxysmal, hysterical cough with the presence of bleeding in sputum. Shortness of breath, angina pectoris develops, and heart rhythm is disturbed.

Prognosis for non-small cell cancer

There are several types of lung cancer, these include:

Non-small cell lung cancer is a malignant tumor formed from epithelial tissue. In 90% of affected men and 80% of women, the disease occurs due to smoking. On this moment There are 3 types of non-small cell cancer:

  1. Squamous cell carcinoma is the most common and grows in the tissues of the respiratory tract.
  2. Adenocarcinoma occurs in glandular tissues. Often found in people smoking cigarettes and women.
  3. Large cell carcinoma (undifferentiated carcinoma) is called cancer because cancer cells are clearly visible under a microscope. This disease can affect different parts of the organ. One in ten people gets sick.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • cough;
  • difficulty breathing, even without exertion;
  • sputum mixed with bloody bodies;
  • hoarseness;
  • chest pain;
  • lack of appetite, fatigue, uncontrolled weight loss;
  • violation of the swallowing reflex;
  • swelling of the facial part of the body.

The prognosis for stage 4 non-small cell lung cancer is disappointing, since usually the disease already affects both lungs and metastasizes to other organs. 60% of cases are detected very late, the life expectancy of patients for 5 years is no more than 17%. Squamous cell lung cancer arises from flat cells of the bronchial epithelium (which are not normally present).

As a rule, smokers and workers in hazardous industries get cancer.

In addition, the occurrence squamous cell carcinoma There are a number of other reasons:

  1. Dust and air pollution in big cities.
  2. Work in a radioactive zone.
  3. Frequent diseases of pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis.

The disease is most often detected in people 40-50 years of age, and men are more often affected.

  1. The reason for this is:
  2. Marginal lifestyle.
  3. Poor quality food.
  4. Lack of vitamins in food.
  5. Heredity.

Signs of the disease:

  1. Lethargy and lack of interest in life are often mistaken for another disease.
  2. Unreasonable, instant weight loss.
  3. Constant low temperature.

The prognosis for stage 4 squamous cell lung cancer is unfavorable - it is incurable, since metastases penetrate almost all internal organs and poisoning of the body begins. The organs necessary for human life cannot cope with their functions and the person fades away.

Prognosis for small cell cancer

Small cell cancer lung stage 4 prognosis: life expectancy without therapy ranges from 6 to 18 weeks. This is the aggressor tumor. The outbreak spreads throughout the body at tremendous speed. The characteristic signs of the disease are the same as with other types of cancer, with the addition of speech impairment and headache attacks.

Has two forms:

  1. Small cell carcinoma is often an irreversible process that develops at lightning speed and attacks extensively.
  2. Combined small cell carcinoma - includes a type of adenocarcinoma with features of squamous and oat cell carcinoma.

Small cell lung cancer is malignancy, which develops as a result pathological change cells of the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract. The disease is dangerous because it develops very quickly, already at initial stages may metastasize to lymph nodes. The disease occurs more often in men than in women. At the same time, smokers are most susceptible to its occurrence.

As in any other cases, there are 4 stages of small cell type lung cancer. Let's look at them in more detail:

Stage 1 the tumor is small in size, localized in one segment of the organ, there is no metastasis
Stage 2 SCLC the prognosis is quite comforting, although the size of the tumor is much larger, can reach 6 cm. Single metastases are observed. Their location is regional lymph nodes
Stage 3 SCLC the prognosis depends on the characteristics of a particular case. The tumor can exceed 6 cm in size. It spreads to adjacent segments. Metastases are more distant, but are located within regional lymph nodes
Stage 4 SCLC the prognosis is not as comforting as in previous cases. The neoplasm extends beyond the organ. Extensive metastasis occurs

Of course, the success of treatment, as with any cancer, will depend on the timeliness of its detection.

Important! Statistics show that small cell makes up 25% of all existing varieties of this disease. If metastasis occurs, in most cases it affects 90% of the thoracic lymph nodes. The share of the liver, adrenal glands, bones and brain will be slightly smaller.

Clinical picture

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the symptoms of small cell lung cancer at the initial stage are practically invisible. They can often be confused with a common cold, because a person will experience a cough, hoarseness, and difficulty breathing. But when the disease becomes more serious, clinical picture becomes brighter. A person will notice such signs as:

  • worsening cough that does not go away after taking regular cough medications;
  • pain in the chest area that occurs systematically, increasing in intensity over time;
  • hoarseness of voice;
  • blood in the sputum;
  • shortness of breath even in the absence of physical activity;
  • loss of appetite and, accordingly, weight;
  • chronic fatigue, drowsiness;
  • difficulty swallowing.

Such symptoms should prompt immediate medical attention. medical care. Only timely diagnosis And effective therapy will help improve prognosis for SCLC.

Diagnosis and treatment features

Important! Most often, SCLC is diagnosed in people aged 40-60 years. At the same time, the share of men is 93%, and women suffer from this form of cancer in only 7% of cases. total number cases.

High-precision diagnostics performed by experienced specialists is the key to successful recovery from the disease. It will allow you to confirm the presence of oncology, as well as determine exactly what type of cancer you are dealing with. It is quite possible that we are talking about non-small cell lung cancer, which is considered a less aggressive type of disease and allows for more comforting prognoses.

The main diagnostic methods should be:

  1. laboratory blood tests;
  2. sputum analysis;
  3. chest x-ray;
  4. CT scan of the body;

Important! A lung biopsy is required, followed by examination of the material. It allows you to more accurately determine the characteristics of the neoplasm and its nature. A biopsy may be performed during bronchoscopy.

This is a standard list of studies that the patient must undergo. It can be supplemented with others diagnostic procedures if necessary.

If we talk about the treatment of small cell lung cancer, the main method remains surgery, as with other types of oncology. It is carried out in two ways - open and minimally invasive. The latter is more preferable because it is considered less traumatic, has fewer contraindications, and is characterized by high accuracy. Such operations are performed through small incisions on the patient’s body and are monitored by special video cameras that display images on a monitor.

Considering the fact that the type of oncology in question progresses very quickly and is often detected already at the stage of metastasis, doctors will use chemotherapy or radiation therapy How additional methods SCLC treatment. In this case, irradiation or therapy with antitumor drugs can be carried out before surgery, with the goal of stopping tumor growth, destroying cancer cells, and are also often performed after surgery - here they are needed to consolidate the result and prevent relapse.

Additional methods of therapy can be used in combination. This way you can achieve more significant result. Sometimes doctors resort to polychemotherapy, combining several drugs. Everything will depend on the stage of the disease, the characteristics of the health status of the individual patient. Radiation therapy for SCLC can be internal or external - the appropriate method is determined by the size of the tumor, as well as the extent of metastases.

As for the question of how long people live with SCLC, it is difficult to give an unambiguous answer. Everything will depend on the stage of the disease. But, given the fact that pathology is often detected already in the presence of metastasis, the main factors determining life expectancy will be: the number of metastases and their location; professionalism of attending physicians; accuracy of the equipment used.

In any case, even in the last stage of the disease, there is a chance to prolong the patient’s life by 6-12 months, significantly alleviating the symptoms.

Accounts for approximately 20% of the total number of diseases. Over the past few years, the number of patients has decreased. This is partly due to the fact that the composition of cigarettes and the air inhaled have changed. The disease in most cases occurs from smoking.

General information about the disease

Small cell refers to malignant tumors accompanied by an aggressive course and metastasis. The metastatic process is very active. Already in the early stages of the disease, metastases can be detected in the lymph nodes. 95-100% of the damage occurs in the intrathoracic nodes, 20-45% in the liver, 17-55% in the adrenal glands, 30-45% in the bones, and up to 20% in the brain.

The choice of oncology treatment method depends on the type of metastasis. Statistics show that 90% of those sick are men. The age of patients ranges from 38 to 65 years. The patient must live with this diagnosis from one to 5 years. In medicine, there are 2 types of small cell cancer:

  1. Mixed carcinoma.
  2. Small cell carcinoma.

Small cell to other tissues of the body. It is called oat cell because of the specificity of the species cellular structure. Lung adenocarcinoma is characterized by slow growth, but is still considered one of the most aggressive forms cancer. Small cell carcinoma has another name - a poorly differentiated neuroendocrine type of carcinoma.

Most often, this disease belongs to the first type. There is also a two-stage classification of pathology:

  1. A localized process that is limited to one side of the lung. As a rule, the disease is at stages 1, 2 or 3.
  2. A common form of oncology (the disease is at stage 4).

There are a number of factors that provoke the appearance of a malignant disease:

  1. Tobacco smoking. The likelihood of the disease is affected by the age of the smoker, the number of cigarettes smoked per day, the quality of tobacco, and the time of smoking. Even if a person gives up smoking, he will still remain at risk. There are 2 times more smokers with SCLC than non-smoking patients. Those who smoke starting from adolescence, suffer from the disease 32 times more often.
  2. Heredity. There may be a specific gene in a person’s blood that causes lung cancer. The risk of developing the disease is especially high in those whose parents or close relatives had small cell cancer.
  3. Environmental factors. Enterprise waste, heavy metals enter the body with air, thereby causing harm to health.
  4. Harmful working conditions. People who have long-term contact with toxic substances, such as nickel, asbestos, arsenic, chromium, suffer from cancer more often than representatives of other professions.

Signs of pathology

Oncological process in in this case is specific in that it is practically asymptomatic until the tumor is localized in the lungs. The course of the disease is characterized general symptoms characteristic of a wide range of diseases. Among the symptoms characteristic of early stage The course of the disease can be distinguished:

  • presence of cough;
  • hoarse breathing;
  • pain in the chest area.

To more late symptoms The course of the disease can be attributed to:

  • coughing up blood;
  • headache;
  • back pain;
  • hoarseness in the voice;
  • difficulty swallowing.

Most characteristic feature SCLC is considered to be a persistent cough that is difficult to control. Later he is accompanied painful sensations in the chest and coughs up bloody discharge. A specific sign of SCLC is the presence of shortness of breath along with a cough. This is due to impaired functioning in the vessels and capillaries of the lungs.

Stages 2 and 3 are characterized by the appearance of fever, elevated temperature body that is difficult to knock down. Pneumonia may be a warning sign cancer. Bleeding from the lungs is an unfavorable symptom, which indicates that the tumor has grown into the pulmonary vessels. This is a sign of advanced disease.

An increase in tumor leads to the fact that neighboring organs also begin to suffer due to oppression. As a result, a person may experience pain in the back, limbs, swelling in the arms and face, and hiccups that cannot be stopped. Metastases affecting organs give additional symptoms.

If the liver is affected, jaundice and pain in the ribs may appear. The metastatic process in the brain leads to numbness of the limbs up to paralysis. Metastases to the bone are accompanied by aching joints. In addition, a person begins to rapidly lose weight, and a feeling of fatigue and lack of strength appears.

Diagnosis of the disease

Before directly diagnosing cancer, the doctor examines the patient, listens to the lungs, and collects anamnesis. Among the procedures aimed at, we can highlight:

  • scintigraphy of skeletal bones;
  • X-ray of the chest area;
  • complete blood count;
  • computed tomography;
  • liver function analysis;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • positron emission tomography;
  • sputum analysis;
  • thoracentesis.

Taking into account the features clinical course To mandatory methods examinations (fibre-optic bronchoscopy, CT scan lungs, ultrasonography regional zones, abdominal cavity and retroperitoneal space) of patients with a morphologically confirmed diagnosis include radionuclide diagnostics of skeletal bones, laboratory test bone marrow and brain tomography.

Treatment methods

IN official medicine Small cell lung cancer is treated using the following methods:

  1. Surgical intervention. This type treatment is indicated only in the early stages of the disease. After the operation, the patient undergoes chemotherapy. For patients in this group, the predicted life expectancy is more than 5 years (40% of patients).
  2. Radiation therapy. At successful application method, the tumor regresses in 70-80% of patients, but life expectancy does not increase if it is used independently.
  3. . This method is not as effective in treating small cell lung cancer. Only 30-45% of patients report improvements.

Treatment may vary depending on the form of the disease. For localized cancer, treatment effectiveness is observed in 65-90% of patients. Life expectancy is more than 2 years.

If the patient has a localized form of cancer, he may be given radiation therapy with chemotherapy. When the patient shows improvement, he is additionally given radiation to the brain. With a combined treatment method, the two-year survival rate is 40-45%, and the five-year survival rate is 25%. For patients suffering from an advanced form of SCLC, chemotherapy is performed; radiation therapy is done only on the recommendation of a doctor. The effectiveness of this method is about 70%.

To the question of how long people live with this disease, the answer is ambiguous. If the patient begins therapy at the initial stage, his survival can reach 5 years. Treatment for small cell lung cancer depends on the stage of the disease, its form, and the condition of the patient. The choice of method is the main part that determines the success of therapy as a whole.

Small cell lung cancer is a form of lung cancer characterized by the formation of a malignant tumor with the rapid development of metastases in the body.

Unlike other forms, this type of cancer is the worst, occurs rarely (in 20% of all pathologies) and has a very unfavorable prognosis.

So, a tumor is a malignant degeneration epithelial tissue, which provokes a violation of air exchange. This provokes hypoxia and rapid formation of metastases. Small cell lung cancer is characterized by a rapid course, as a result of which it has high rates fatal outcome.

Etiology and causes of development

The presented pathology poses a risk of death to the patient’s life, and already within the first 2-3 months after diagnosis. Malignant transformation of epithelial tissues results in the rapid and rapid formation and growth of a tumor, which can be localized both in the organ itself and in the bronchial system.

TO distinctive characteristics small cell form includes rapid metastasis. Metastases first strike lymphatic system– lymph nodes. Then they “go beyond”, affecting the internal organs and even the spinal cord and brain of a person.

Depending on the type of tumor, the course of the disease differs somewhat. Thus, the nodular nature of tumor development leads to damage pulmonary arteries, as a result of which their walls thicken significantly. During development, the level of the hormones serotonin, calcitonin, and antidiuretic increases. Hormonal activity is the cause of the formation of metastases.

The rapid course of the disease leads to the fact that almost all patients suffer from already advanced stages - this leads to a lack of proper effect from treatment.

Development is deadly dangerous pathology Smoking contributes, therefore, most of the cases are men aged 40 to 70 years. Behind last years The dynamics of small cell lung cancer cases among women began to increase sharply - this is due to the increase in women smoking.

Small cell lung cancer develops due to the following reasons:

To protect yourself as much as possible from developing small cell lung cancer, you should protect yourself from harmful substances and quit smoking.

Symptoms and types

Symptoms of SCLC include:

As the pathology progresses, the cough becomes paroxysmal and constant. Gradually, when coughing, sputum begins to separate, in which streaks of blood are noticeable. Final stages characterized by an increase in body temperature. If the tumor has affected the superior vena cava, the patient will experience unhealthy swelling of the upper part of the face and neck. Metastases often affect the liver, which is manifested by the development of jaundice.

Small cell cancer, depending on the location of the tumor, is divided into the following types:

Depending on the location of the malignant tumor, its increase and further development. Thus, the peripheral and apical species quite quickly “overgrow” with metastases - this is due to the contact of the circulatory system.


Like any cancer, small cell lung cancer is divided into 4 stages. They directly indicate the characteristics and development of pathology at a given moment in the course of the disease:

Stage 4 is determined by serious damage and significant development of metastases in the human body. Mostly the liver is isolated here - jaundice occurs, the bones - aches in the bones and other lesions.


If you notice the symptoms presented above, you should immediately consult a doctor, since diagnosing the pathology at stages 3 or 4 will not lead to effective treatment. To the number diagnostic measures include following methods examinations:

It is important for the patient to undergo full examination to determine not only cancerous tumor, but also the spread of cancer cells throughout the body. This makes it possible to prescribe a course of treatment to maintain work and partial recovery organs with metastases. The examination can give an approximate prognosis for recovery and the effectiveness of treatment.


Small cell lung cancer is treated in three ways, including:

  • Chemotherapy;
  • Drug treatment;
  • Surgical intervention.

During treatment, it is possible to give an approximate prognosis for recovery and life expectancy of the patient.


Chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer is the basis of all treatment. The presented procedure is applied at any stages, and especially at stages 1, 2 and 4. In the initial stages, the destruction of cancer cells partially guarantees the prevention of metastases. At stage 4 of the disease, chemotherapy can somewhat alleviate the patient’s plight and prolong his life.

Chemotherapy for small cell lung cancer is carried out as the main method of treatment or in combination with additional radiation. After completing the first course, you can determine the life expectancy prognosis in 2-3 months.

Localized cancer of the right or left lung requires 2-4 courses of chemotherapy. The drugs used for treatment are Etoposide, Cyclophosphamide, Cisplatin and others.

Drug treatment

Treatment medicines more aimed at maintaining already damaged organs. Anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics are prescribed here to prevent the spread of infection. If metastases are found in the liver, a drug is prescribed to protect and restore cells - Essentiale.

If there is damage to brain cells, drugs are used that saturate the cells with oxygen - Glycine, from the more serious ones Pantogam and others.

As a rule, small cell lung cancer is not treated with drugs. positive result. Even if the disease was detected at an early stage, the only way to get rid of cancer cells is through surgery.

Surgical intervention

Surgical intervention is almost always used - it is important to remove it in time malignant tumor. If stage 1 or 2 is present, the prognosis for increasing life expectancy is quite favorable.

Used to completely remove cancer cells complex treatment– tumor removal and chemotherapy. At favorable outcome The patient’s life can be extended by 5-10 years, or even the disease can be completely overcome.

If small cell lung cancer was detected at stages 3-4 with the presence of extensive damage internal organs body, specialists do not always resort to surgical intervention– there is a high risk of death even during the operation.

To begin with, the patient is prescribed a full course of chemotherapy and radiation treatment. Partial elimination of cancer cells and reduction of metastases have a beneficial effect on the decision on surgical treatment.

A 45-year-old man came to the clinic with complaints of a persistent dry cough without other accompanying symptoms. colds. The patient was recommended to undergo examination - take a fluorography photo, donate blood for analysis. Upon review of the data obtained, a tumor was discovered in lung cavity measuring 2.5 cm. Blood tests indirectly indicated the malignancy of the detected tumor. In addition, sputum samples were taken laboratory analysis, as well as a biopsy of the tumor itself.

The results showed that the patient was rapidly developing small cell lung cancer, since the man did not quit smoking despite having a cough.

The patient was sent to the hospital in the oncology department. Here they carried out a course of chemotherapy, and then proceeded to remove the tumor. By preventing the formation of metastases, specialists extended the patient’s life. 6 years have passed since the operation, the man undergoes regular examinations, quit smoking, and takes appropriate medications to maintain his body. The test results deny a relapse, but it cannot be completely ruled out, since remission cancer can last up to 10-15 years.

Of course, when cancer pathology is detected, patients are more interested in how long they live in such cases. It is impossible to answer exactly, since everything depends on the circumstances inherent in the moment the disease is diagnosed.

When a tumor is identified in the initial stages, survival rate is more than 50% with partial remission and 70-90% with complete remission. But if the patient refuses chemotherapy, he shortens his life - on average, the duration is estimated at 10-12 weeks in the absence of timely treatment.

It is important to undergo regular examinations and if any unpleasant symptoms contact a specialist. You should not refuse the prescribed treatment after diagnosis of small cell lung cancer - this form of oncological pathology develops rapidly, where a day of delay can cost a person his life.

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