Home Hygiene All about lymph. Lymph

All about lymph. Lymph

Lymph - living water our body

The lymphatic system consists of lymph nodes, lymphatic vessels, capillaries and intercellular fluid. It comes from the bottom up and never reverse order! That is, from the fingertips to the thoracic lymphatic duct. Lymph in the form of intercellular fluid, like water in streams, washes every cell of our body, then through the lymphatic vessels-rivers it enters the The lymph nodes. Leaving the lymph nodes and merging with each other, lymphatic vessels form the main lymphatic ducts, from which the lymph again enters the bloodstream. In the blood and liver, the neutralization processes begun in the lymph nodes are completed.

The nodes occupy a key place in the lymphatic system. Lymph nodes are wastewater treatment plants the whole body. In our body every day naturally about 1 billion cells die at the same time immune system Viruses and bacteria are destroyed, and unnecessary toxic substances penetrate through food, air and water. All this is partially neutralized in the lymph nodes. At the exit from the nodes, the lymph appears already purified.

Lymph nodes produce lymphocytes and antibodies that protect the body from infections.
Lymph nodes contribute to the uniform movement of lymph through the vessels, facilitating the supply of nutrients necessary for cell functioning to the tissues of internal organs.
In other words, lymphatic system responsible for transport and cleanliness internal environment body.

It's not hard to imagine what happens when this cleaning system fails. All cellular waste products flow through additional pathways, for example, skin. As a result, it may appear acne, complexion deteriorates and general state skin. Sudden redness and dark spots can also be the consequences of malfunctions of the lymphatic system.

In case of dysfunction of the lymphatic system up to 83% harmful substances accumulates in the intercellular space and as a result, contamination of the lymphatic bed is formed - lymphotoxicosis. This increases the load on all organs of elimination and detoxification: liver, intestines, kidneys. It turns out that the cleanliness of the internal environment of our body is directly related to the network of lymphatic vessels.

To prevent all these toxic factors from damaging cells, a constant outflow of intercellular fluid, or drainage, is necessary. How can we help the lymphatic system cope with the ever-increasing flow of substances poisoning our body?

Lymph cleansing points

The lymphatic system is the only system, other than the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract, that has a discharge through the mucous membranes to the outside!
This is a completely unique phenomenon, because we cannot throw anything away through the skin! The release of poisons can only be through the mucous membranes, because they do not have a solid dead protective barrier of the epidermis.

So, first bridgehead lymphatic evacuation - the first place where bacteria corpses land outside is the vagina (in women) and the urethra (in men)!
As soon as something gets into the body, this “something” is immediately detected here: an uncomfortable state begins below, pain, stinging, etc.

As a rule, it turns out well: there is no discharge for three days - and then it starts again (thrush, for example). What is thrush, what is discharge from thrush? - these are the “corpses” of the fungus that were destroyed by our body with the help of leukocytes!
Therefore, we must fight not “corpses”, but living fungi! And there is only one way to fight it – by raising your immunity. Because nothing will work with other methods: you can’t kill everything living in the body...

Second bridgehead disembarkation - the intestines, through which a huge amount of poisons is released! There are thousands of lymph nodes open into the intestines - so they secrete it all!

Third bridgehead- These are sweat glands, especially in the armpits. A person simply has to sweat - the body removes all poisons (hormones, toxic poisons) through the skin.

What do we do to ensure that they are never displayed? That's right, the much-hyped 24-hour deodorant! And all the problems with sweat are solved: even if you scare you, even if you ride on a roller coaster, there will be no more sweating! Where will the poisons go? To the nearest place - to the mammary gland!
And hence mastopathy, pollution of the lymphatic pool: the lymph drove everything out - and you sprinkled (anointed), and now you are a fearless, never sweating (but potentially sick) James Bond!

Never use 24-hour deodorant! Only for 6 hours, and then give the body a chance to sweat - and wash everything off! Unfortunately, chemical substances, splashed on the skin, constrict blood vessels according to a given program - for 12 - 24 - 48 hours. And now super-deodorants have appeared - 7-day ones. Then the mechanism of your sweat glands will simply be blocked - and that’s the end...

Everything is very simple: here is the knee joint - two bones with a smooth supporting surface, and around them - joint capsule(capsule). Some people have swelling in their joints... it would seem, why should there be swelling?

But it turns out that behind this joint there is a huge lymph node, and if it is thrombosed (by bacteria, for example, beta-hemolytic streptococcus), which lives in the blood, then this is where you get arthritis (rheumatoid, infectious-allergic, polyarthritis - if many joints are affected).

The temperature may rise, but ask yourself: what is it for? Yes, to fight bacteria!
Or swelling appears. Why? And the lymph node does not allow fluid to pass through. What do we usually do: warm it up, apply mud ointments, hormones, rubs - and do you think it will help? Never! – because, first of all, you need to cleanse the lymph!

But first we need to determine who “lives” there. Until we know this, neither joints, nor skin, nor kidneys will be able to be cured! To get rid of different “residents” you need different medicines: let’s say a fungus lives there, and we are prescribed a course of antibiotics, but they absolutely do not work against the fungus and even feed it! And a powerful fungal arthritis occurs, which is very difficult to cure! And after it, ankylosing spondylitis begins (when a person’s joints begin to twist at one moment), and everything you want...

Fourth bridgehead– nose, through which the main amount is excreted airborne infection. The adenoids were cut out - they killed their defensive line!

Fifth bridgehead– tonsils. They constantly swelled, got in the way - they cut off and buried another defensive line!

Sixth bridgehead– the larynx is laryngitis.

Seventh bridgehead– trachea – development of tracheitis.

Eighth bridgehead– bronchi – development of bronchitis.

Ninth bridgehead– lungs – development of pneumonia.

That’s it, there are no more protective barriers... A person can block or cut off everything, but it’s completely unclear how he will then secrete poisons!

Lymph is fine - thanks to exercise!

In order to cleanse the lymph, you need to purposefully influence not only the lymphatic system, but also the functioning of the liver and intestines.

Our intestines are surrounded by a very rich lymphatic network. The transport of all fats and fat-soluble substances passes through it and the removal of toxins is carried out. The process of neutralizing substances brought by lymph actively occurs in the liver.

If the intestines and liver do not work properly, intoxication of the body can increase. As a result, the lymph nodes may not be able to cope with the increasing flow and fail. At the same time, in those parts of the body that are “served” by these lymph nodes, stagnation of lymph will form, accompanied by swelling.

In 1955 German doctor G.G. Rekeweg formulated the theory of slagging in the human body. Its essence is that disease is a manifestation of the body’s reaction to the effects of various toxins.

Why do those who pay attention to exercise usually have everything in order with their lymphatic system? A person does not have a separate heart for the lymphatic system, but how is a moving flow of lymph created? Here is a lymphatic vessel, and around it are muscles. The muscle contracts - the lymph is pushed through, but the valves in the lymph vessels do not allow it back. But if the muscle around the vessel does not work, where will the movement of lymph come from?..

Rules you need to know

Firstly, never allow the lymphatic system to become clogged with toxins, as over time it will become so clogged that it will be very difficult to restore it. If the situation gets out of your control, contact a knowledgeable specialist in a timely manner.

Secondly, always monitor the condition of the small and large intestines, their complete and regular emptying. To do this, strictly follow your diet. It is also useful to massage the central area of ​​the palms of the hands, where many biological active points related to organs abdominal cavity. During bowel movements, it is useful to massage the entire intestine.

Third, regularly, at least twice a year, conduct lymphatic drainage massage sessions - on your own or, if possible, with experienced specialists. If this is not possible, regularly, while visiting a bathhouse or taking a hot bath, use a hard brush or washcloth 10 to 15 times with force along the body along the lymphatic system: on the limbs, in the pelvic, abdominal and thoracic areas - from bottom to top and from the outside inside; on the head and neck - from top to bottom and back to front. When self-massaging, you can use special massage creams, rubbing them into the skin with your hands in a circular motion.

Fourthly, periodically monitor your weight. When overweight it is necessary to pay attention to the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, small and large intestines, be sure to intensify physical movements to enhance the movement of stagnant lymph with toxins, balance food intake and expenditure of energy received, and avoid overeating. Remember that the appearance of excess weight is a sure sign of aging.

What not to do

The lymphatic system cannot be heated; forget about quartz for the rest of your life!

You can’t put any compresses on the lymphatic system; during a massage, avoid the lymph nodes: leukocytes live there, and if you press them, go against the flow, you will simply destroy them...

If you damage the lymph node under the knee, it will swell for the rest of your life! There is such a disease as elephantiasis - lymph flows from the inside, all external procedures will not help! Lymph can be cleansed from the inside, but only active movements, muscle contractions—gymnastics—can make it move.

So that the lymph does not stagnate

If you feel tired while sitting at work, it means your lymph is stagnant! Whoever moves his arms and legs even a little (hidden gymnastics for the body) – his muscles contract and lymph movement appears.

And to avoid hemorrhoids, “jump” 30 - 50 times on the gluteal muscles: this is a massage of the lymphatic collectors of the small pelvis. If there is no such massage, there will be prostatitis, adenoma...

Lymphatic drainage massage

The technology of such massage was developed in the middle of the last century. It was originally used to relieve swelling in postoperative period. Over time, lymphatic drainage massage began to be used for venous diseases. Massage, in which there is an active effect on the body along the lymph flow lines, is most often used today in cosmetology, since its effectiveness in improving appearance can be quickly seen with one’s own eyes. However, the method has contraindications that need to be heeded.


Lymphatic drainage massage for cosmetic purposes is used for:

  • Treatment of cellulite (including its edematous form).
  • Getting rid of excess fat deposits.
  • Reducing swelling in the face, problem areas of the legs and other parts of the body.
  • Elimination of bruises and bags under the eyes.
  • Accelerate skin cell regeneration.
  • Eliminate skin sagging.
  • Reducing the number of wrinkles.
  • Improved body contours.

No anti-cellulite program is complete without a course of lymphatic drainage procedures. The most effective of them is lymphatic drainage massage.

In order to improve the health of the body, lymphatic drainage massage is used for:

  • Enhance immunity.
  • Improvement of psycho-emotional state.
  • Treating stress, relieving internal tension.
  • Treatment of lymph flow disorders.
  • Elimination of excess intercellular fluid.
  • Treatment of varicose veins.

Any of the massage techniques can be successfully used to improve and maintain the body, when losing weight, as a preventive measure to prevent the formation of cellulite. Lymphatic drainage massage is a natural method of slowing down the aging process in the body.


There are several techniques for this type of massage. They are divided according to execution methods. There are manual and hardware lymphatic drainage massage.

Manual lymphatic drainage massage is performed using the method of light, smooth pressure and sliding along the lymph flow line on the body using special massage mixtures. Manual massage techniques are divided into subtypes:

  • superficial (stimulates metabolic processes body and in the layers of the skin and unblocking the capillaries);
  • deep (impact on the vessels that ensure the outflow of lymphatic fluid from the internal organs directly);
  • internal (impact on lymph nodes).

Hardware lymphatic drainage massage is divided into:

  • Pressotherapy is the effect of compressed air on certain parts of the body. Most often, the technique is used to reduce the volume of the arms, hips and legs. This hardware method requires the use of special equipment. During pressotherapy, the client is dressed in a suit that resembles a giant cuff for measuring blood pressure;
  • microcurrent drainage is a painless procedure in which the body is exposed to a pulsed current supplied through several electrodes;
  • vacuum hardware massage- occurs on the principle of vacuum anti-cellulite massage, the effect is almost identical. In the process, special vessels are installed on the body, under which the pressure is reduced. As a result, excess liquid begins to come to the surface.

Manual technique requires much more time than hardware massage.

All methods are performed according to the same principle and have approximately the same result: metabolism in the body’s cells accelerates, toxins and waste are eliminated along with excess fluid.


Any impact on the body using tactile techniques or the use of devices has contraindications. In this case they are:

  • Thrombophlebitis, thrombosis.
  • Serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system.
  • Skin diseases, purulent inflammation.
  • Herpes in active stage.
  • Lymphadenitis and lymphadenopathy.
  • Neuralgia.
  • Burns and other damage to the skin.
  • Aggravated inflammatory processes (after the acute phase is removed, such a massage is even recommended for a speedy recovery).
  • Presence of cancer.
  • Pregnancy.

You should not try to give lymphatic drainage massage to yourself or loved ones unless you have undergone appropriate training or familiarized yourself with correct technique execution. This may lead to unpredictable results.

There are no very common contraindications. This is one of the factors behind the ever-growing popularity of the procedure. It is chosen not only to improve appearance, but also to treat a number of diseases.

However, before the procedure, you should definitely undergo examinations and find out whether you have any contraindications.


In order to do lymphatic drainage massage of the legs and body at home, make sure that you do not have any contraindications and remember that:

1.All movements must be smooth and careful. Often, clients even fall asleep during sessions. After the procedure there should be no bruises or bruises left on the body

2. Lymphatic drainage massage of the body begins with warming up the problem area (legs, hips, arms): begin slow stroking in the direction of lymph movement. Do several approaches in one place, then move a little

3. After the tissues of the legs or arms are warmed up, move on to a more active stage: move in one direction with the edge of the palm towards the lymph nodes.

4. After the procedure, take a contrast or cool shower.

Lymph flow lines:

  • From neck to chest.
  • From wrist to shoulders.
  • From the abdomen and legs to the hip joint.

The lymph nodes:

  • Floor of the lower jaw.
  • Side of the neck.
  • Armpits.
  • On the bend line of the elbow.
  • In the center chest and others.

You can also purchase a special device with which you can do lymphatic drainage massage at home. Contraindications to its use are the same as when using the manual method.


Most often, lymphatic drainage facial massage is used to relieve swelling. There are special rules for this:

1.Before doing lymphatic drainage massage, your face needs to be thoroughly cleansedlymphatic drainage facial massage

2. In general, lymph drainage occurs using movements directed from the center to the contour. First you need to massage towards the nearest nodes - submandibular and chin

3. B temporal region you need to move from the temples and the nodes behind the ears

4. On the scalp, massage is done, starting from the crown and moving to the nodes behind the ears, on the neck in the back of the head

5. A corrective mask or any procedure with a lifting effect can be an excellent finish.

The average duration of a facial and head massage is 15 minutes. After the session there is a feeling of lightness and pleasant warmth.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the legs, body and face occurs using a massage mixture from a composition of basic and essential oils. The components are selected in accordance with the required psychophysiological effect.

Lymphatic drainage massage of the face, legs and other possible problem areas is one of the simplest and most accessible methods of cleansing and rejuvenating the body. Today it is available and necessary for everyone who has no contraindications and who wants to stay healthy, young and beautiful longer.

Nutrition for lymph

Human life, without the presence of lymphatic vessels in it, would be in constant danger from a variety of pathogenic microorganisms. It is the lymphatic system that plays the role of a biological filter that protects the body from viruses, bacteria, cancer cells and other negative factors of modern ecology.

The lymphatic system consists of nodes connected by vessels. Through them, a colorless liquid that does not contain red blood cells, but is rich in lymphocytes—lymph—circulates around the clock. As a result of circulation, lymph from distant parts of the body enters the central ones, passing near the large veins on which the lymph nodes are located. In the lymph nodes, the lymph is cleared of impurities and, enriched with antibodies, flows further.

  • Lymph owes its origin to blood, from the plasma of which it is formed.
  • The human body contains from one to two liters of lymph.
  • Lymph, translated from Latin, means “ pure water».

Healthy foods for lymph

  • Carrot. Due to the beta-carotene content, carrots can significantly slow down the aging process. In addition, it prevents the destruction of lymphocytes and helps in the production of antibodies.
  • Walnuts. Due to the large amount of vitamins and microelements they contain, nuts are an important product for the entire lymphatic system. They participate not only in the nutrition of lymph nodes and blood vessels, but also increase the protective properties of lymph, thanks to the phytoncide they contain - juglone.
  • Chicken eggs. Thanks to lutein, it has a stimulating effect on the regenerative abilities of lymph.
  • Chicken meat. It is a source of easily digestible protein, which, as a building material, is involved in the creation of new blood vessels.
  • Sea kale. Famous for its large amount of iodine. Thanks to this, it is able to increase the immune properties of lymph.
  • Fatty fish. The polyunsaturated acids it contains help maintain the electrolytic balance of the lymph, and also ensure the health of the blood vessels themselves.

For normal functioning of the body, it is necessary that all its organs and systems be protected from negative impact environment. It is this role that the lymphatic vessels perform. But they also require attention. To ensure that the entire lymphatic system is in working order, the following recommendations must be followed:

  • Avoid hypothermia. Lymph nodes are very sensitive to colds.
  • Exercise. This will maintain the tone of the lymphatic vessels.
  • Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol. Thanks to this, the lymphatic vessels will remain functional for a long time. long years, and the lymph will freely reach the most distant part of the body.
  • visit more often fresh air. Walking will strengthen the defenses of the entire lymphatic system.

Folk remedies for cleansing lymph

In order to provide the body with healthy lymph, it must first be cleansed. To do this, the following technique is used:

Every day, for two weeks, take 4 tablets of activated carbon, 2 in the morning, and 2 in the evening. During the break between charcoal meals, take a mixture consisting of crushed serviceberry and black currant berries, dried apricots, dates, figs and prunes. Take everything in equal quantities. Add 3 tablespoons of honey to 1 kg of mixture, preferably buckwheat. Stir, take a dessert spoon 3 times a day. Wash it down with a decoction of chaga or Ivan tea.

Harmful foods for lymph

  • Alcohol. They cause vasospasm and disrupt lymph circulation.
  • Salt. Excessive salt consumption increases the pressure inside the blood vessels, causing the blood vessels to “risk” rupture.
  • Sausages, canned food and crackers. They contain substances harmful to lymph, which disrupts the filtering mechanism of the lymph nodes.

Composition of lymph

Lymph contains: cellular elements, proteins, lipids, low molecular weight organic compounds(amino acids, glucose, glycerol), electrolytes. The cellular composition of lymph is represented mainly by lymphocytes. In the lymph of the thoracic duct their number reaches 8*109/l.
Red blood cells in lymph they are normally found in limited quantities, their number increases significantly with tissue trauma, platelets are not normally detected. Macrophages and monocytes are rare. Granulocytes can penetrate into the lymph from foci of infection.
Ionic composition lymph does not differ from the ionic composition of blood plasma and interstitial fluid. At the same time, lymph differs significantly from blood plasma in the content and composition of proteins and lipids. In human lymph, the protein content is on average 2-3% of the volume.
Protein concentration in lymph depends on the rate of its formation: an increase in the flow of fluid into the body causes an increase in the volume of formed lymph and reduces the concentration of proteins in it. Lymph contains small amounts of all the coagulation factors, antibodies and various enzymes found in plasma.

Cholesterol and phospholipids are found in the lymph in the form of lipoproteins. The content of free fats, which are found in the lymph in the form of chylomicrons, depends on the amount of fats entering the lymph from the intestines. Immediately after eating, the thoracic duct lymph contains a large amount of lipoproteins and lipids absorbed into the gastrointestinal tract. Between meals, the lipid content in the thoracic duct is minimal.

Cleaning lymph nodes and ducts

This method of lymph cleansing was proposed by American naturopathic physician Norbert Walker. To use it, you need to stock up on citrus fruits in advance. You will need to be able to make two liters of mixed juices for three days in a row.

These two liters will consist of:

  • 800-900 g grapefruit juice,
  • 200 g lemon juice,
  • 800-900 grams of orange juice.

This is a portion for one day. This amount of juice is prepared in the morning and then diluted with two liters of melt water. In total, you will need to drink four liters of liquid every day.

How does the procedure work? In the evening you take an enema (yes, there is no escape from this method of cleansing the intestines), and the next morning you take 50 grams (this is a tablespoon) of Glauber's salt per glass of water. According to Walker, this composition of the laxative salt is very important: it is the adsorbent that removes specific dirt from the body. When the laxative works, every half hour you begin to take a glass of the prepared liquid, slightly warming 200 grams of juice. And besides him - nothing!

That is, you do not take anything orally for three days except citrus juice and Glauber’s salt, which makes all the mechanisms of lymph formation actively work with the help of this specific liquid. Enema in the evening, every day in the morning - Glauber's salt, and in between - twenty two-hundred-gram glasses of slightly warmed juice.

The result is a remarkable cleansing of the entire body. I can say that you don’t experience any feeling of hunger these days, because the aforementioned citrus juice - and even with melt water - is a colossal energy booster. After which, calmly, without haste, you can switch to light porridges and normal nutrition.

This cleaning should be done once a year, preferably in January-February, when all citrus fruits are delivered to us at the same time. This is the method of Walker, the man who developed the whole doctrine of juice treatment. He already knew about the existence of tangerines, but it was grapefruits, lemons and oranges that he introduced into practice. Therefore, it is better not to allow any deviations from this recipe.

Attention: The liquid must be prepared anew every day so that it is fresh in the morning.

Important information about the lymphatic system

Functions of the lymphatic system

How does blood move in our body? Blood through the arteries causes the heart, a muscular vascular organ, to move, and the movement of blood through the veins is ensured by the muscular-valvular structure of the veins. This is how the large and small circles of blood circulation function.

But the lymphatic bed does not have such a “drive”. The movement of lymph is slow and is achieved through muscles. The main muscle for driving lymph is diaphragm. This is a kind of “heart” of the lymphatic system. With physical activity and deep breathing with the belly, the amplitude of movement of the diaphragm increases, and lymph circulation increases, i.e. its stagnation is eliminated.

If you are obese and lack certain physical activity lymph stagnation occurs in any lymph nodes. At the same time, waste products of cells (fragments of disintegrated lipids, proteins, waste, etc.) accumulate in the intercellular spaces, which even gradually grow into fibers connective tissue(doctors call this process fibrosis). And these cells simply begin to rot - sluggish cells appear oncological diseases, hypertension, allergies, etc.

Lymph cleansing occurs through saliva.Salivary glands They belong to the lymphatic system, have access to the oral cavity and, together with saliva, carry waste and impurities from their system into the digestive tract for their further removal from the body.

When under stress, the mouth usually becomes dry, saliva is not produced, and stagnation occurs in the lymphatic system. And the person is given water to drink. But this is not advisable to do. It is better to stimulate the secretion of saliva by sucking the lips to release saliva in the mouth, and make swallowing movements.
You can also use it to enhance saliva production. chewing gum or half an hour after eating, put salt on the tip of a knife under your tongue.

Should be abandoned bad habit- immediately after meals, drink drinks for third and eat fruit for dessert.

Do not store yesterday’s food in the refrigerator, since it (especially when heated) is rich in toxins that appear from the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria, and after consumption it fills with ballast the entire intercellular space and lymph system in the human body.

The lymphatic system is a system that even doctors don't know well. They never seriously studied it. The lymphatic system works in one direction. All lymph flows from bottom to top. Swelling in the legs, arms, eyes, lower back, joints - this is all lymph. A bacteria, virus or fungus enters the body. What does lymph do? A large lymph node, for example, the genital tract, is located near the impact. Lymph nodes block the infection from passing further. If gonorrhea passed through the body and entered the brain, people would die immediately.

Lymphocytes emerge from the lymph nodes, and they patrol the entire mucous membrane, urethra, and vagina. If they find something there, they eat it and take it back to the lymph nodes. In the lymph nodes, all this is lysed, activated and thrown out. The first route of lymph discharge in the body is the vagina and urethra.. Everything that is connected with leucorrhoea in women, discharge in men, indicates that someone lives in the body, and the lymph eats this someone, at the cost of its own life, and removes it. The second route of evacuation is in the intestines, in which tens of thousands of small lymph nodes are located.

Through sweat and armpits up to 50% of poisons are released. Nowadays people use deodorants that prevent you from sweating for 24 hours. They don't sweat under their armpits, but their palms do sweat. They also do cosmetic surgeries when they cut the lymphatic ducts. The forehead should not sweat. If your armpits are clogged, the entire surface of your body sweats. This indicates the second degree of damage and contamination of the lymph. The face should be relatively dry, and there should be leakage from under the arms, because there is a powerful sweat collector there. On the face sweat glands not much.

Adenoids- these are lymph nodes. Everyone who breathes through their mouth has adenoids - enlarged lymph nodes in the nose.
Salivary glands- the most powerful detoxification organ. Up to half a liter of toxic sputum is released through saliva. If a child drools on the pillow, then this indicates serious problems with the lymphatic system.

If a person or child sweats in a dream, this may indicate that he has pinworms, lamblia, or something else. Children should not sweat even at an ambient temperature of 30C. Their sweat system is poorly developed. If small child A wet head at night means he is sick. Everything in a child must go through the kidneys and intestines.

Larynx. Chronic laryngitis or pharyngitis is the lymph nodes of the pharynx and larynx. With this diagnosis in a person chronic infection chronic fungus or chronic streptococcus. They are candidates for chronic lymphatic system disease.

Tonsils are the most powerful springboard for various bacteria. Streptococcus always comes through the tonsils. These are sore throats and rheumatism. Staphylococcus will not go through the tonsils. It goes through the nose.

Sinusitis is a lesion of the lymphatic system, not the respiratory system. There is nothing in the nose, there are only holes for air and membranes 1 micron thick. Everything else there is pus. Where does pus come from? From the abdomen, from the lymph, from the blood, from the intercellular spaces, and exit through the nose. Staphylococcus has this path. The fungus will never go through the nose. The fungus is released through nearby organs. If it is a foot one, then it will stand out there. The skin will crack. The lymphatic system will never drag the fungus into the nose, because it will not drag it. It will interrupt all lymphatic collectors. The lymphatic system will open the skin and throw out lymph fluid right between your fingers. The lymph nodes of the bones will never miss the fungus. If the whole body is affected by the fungus, fungal bronchitis begins. The deep lymph nodes of the bronchi are connected, and the person may begin to bronchial asthma(we are not talking about psychosomatics, when a person attracts attention to himself with illness).

Joint inflammation is a damage to the lymphatic system. Everyone believes that swelling in the legs is cardiac or renal. Edema can only be lymphatic. The heart is exhausted and cannot pump blood. But it is not blood that is retained in the legs, but lymph. Elephantiasis is a lesion of the lymph when clogged inguinal lymph nodes, and the liquid does not rise. Swelling of the hands is a blockage of the axillary lymph nodes. Puffiness of the eyes is a blockage of the submandibular and facial lymph nodes. This indirectly indicates kidney blockage. If the kidneys secrete less fluid than needed, then there is more of it in the body.

IMPORTANT! For the functioning of the lymphatic system It’s not enough to just “take a pill” - for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, at a minimum, you need to do breathing exercises, “breathe with your stomach,” do at least minimal exercise, try to walk more. This allows you to partially eliminate lymph stagnation.

If we talk about the work of the body and in particular about the fluids that flow in the body, then not many people immediately name lymph.

However, lymph has great value for the body and has very significant functions that allow the body to function normally.

What is the lymphatic system?

Many people know about the body's need for blood circulation and the functioning of other systems, but not many know about the high importance of the lymphatic system. If lymph does not circulate throughout the body for just a couple of hours, then such an organism can no longer function.

So everyone human body experiences continuous need in the functioning of the lymphatic system.

It is easiest to compare the lymphatic system with the circulatory system and distinguish the following differences:

  1. Openness, Unlike circulatory system the lymphatic is open, that is, there is no circulation as such.
  2. Unidirectionality, if the circulatory system provides movement in two directions, then lymph moves in the direction only from peripheral to central parts systems, that is, the liquid first collects in the smallest capillaries and then moves into larger vessels, and the movement goes only in this direction.
  3. There is no central pump. In order to ensure the movement of fluid in the desired direction, only a valve system is used.
  4. More slow motion fluids compared to the circulatory system.
  5. The presence of special anatomical elements– lymph nodes, which perform a significant function and are a kind of warehouse for lymphocytes.

The lymphatic vascular system is of greatest importance for metabolism and providing immunity. It is in the lymph nodes that the bulk of foreign elements that enter the body are processed.

If there is any virus in the body, then it is in the lymph nodes that work begins to study and displace this virus from the body.

You yourself can notice this activity when you have signs that indicate the body's fight against the virus. In addition, lymph regularly cleanses the body and removes unnecessary elements from the body.

Learn more about the lymphatic system from the video:


If we talk in more detail about the functions, we should note the connection between the lymphatic system and the cardiovascular system. It is thanks to lymph that the delivery of various items, which cannot immediately end up in the cardiovascular system:

  • proteins;
  • fluid from tissue and intertissue space;
  • fats that come mainly from the small intestine.

These elements are transported to the venous bed and thus end up in the circulatory system. These components can then be removed from the body.

At the same time, many inclusions unnecessary for the body are processed at the lymph stage, in particular we are talking about viruses and infections that are neutralized by lymphocytes and destroyed in the lymph nodes.

It should be noted the special function of the lymphatic capillaries, which have larger size compared to the capillaries of the circulatory system and thinner walls. Thanks to this, from the interstitial space into the lymph proteins and other components may be supplied.

Additionally, the lymphatic system can be used to cleanse the body, since the intensity of lymph flow largely depends on the compression of blood vessels and muscle tension.

Thus, massage and physical activity allow you to make the movement of lymph more efficient. Thanks to this, additional cleansing and healing of the body becomes possible.


Actually, the word “lymph” comes from the Latin “lympha”, which translates as moisture or clean water. Just from this name it is possible to understand a lot about the structure of lymph, which washes and cleanses the entire body.

Many could observe lymph, since this liquid secreted on the surface when there are wounds on the skin. Unlike blood, the liquid is almost completely transparent.

By anatomical structure lymph refers to connective tissue and contains a large number of lymphocytes with complete absence erythrocytes and platelets.

In addition, lymph usually contains various products vital activity of the body. In particular, the previously noted large protein molecules, which cannot be absorbed into the venous vessels.

Such molecules are often may be viruses Therefore, the lymphatic system is used to absorb such proteins.

Lymph may contain various hormones that are produced by endocrine glands. Fats and some other nutrients come here from the intestines, and protein from the liver.

Direction of lymph movement

The figure below shows a diagram of the movement of lymph in the human lymphatic system. It does not display every lymphatic vessel and the entire lymph nodes, which about five hundred in the human body.

Pay attention to the direction of movement. Lymph moves from the periphery to the center and from bottom to top. The liquid flows from small capillaries, which further connect into larger vessels.

The movement occurs through the lymph nodes, which contain a huge number of lymphocytes and cleanse the lymph.

Typically to the lymph nodes more vessels come in than leave, that is, lymph enters through many channels and leaves through one or two. Thus, the movement continues to the so-called lymphatic trunks, which are the largest lymphatic vessels.

The largest is the thoracic duct, which is located near the aorta and passes through itself lymph from:

  • all organs that are located below the ribs;
  • the left side of the chest and the left side of the head;
  • left hand.

This duct connects to left subclavian vein, which you can see marked in blue in the picture on the left side. This is where lymph flows from the thoracic duct.

It should also be noted right duct, which collects fluid from the right upper side of the body, in particular from the chest and head, arms.

From here the lymph enters right subclavian vein, which is located symmetrically to the left in the figure. Additionally, it should be noted such large vessels that belong to the lymphatic system as:

  1. right and left jugular trunks;
  2. left and right subclavian trunks.

It should be said about the frequent location of lymphatic vessels along blood vessels, in particular venous vessels. If you pay attention to the picture, you will see some similar arrangement of vessels of the circulatory and lymphatic systems.

The lymphatic system has great importance for the human body.

Many doctors consider a lymph analysis to be no less relevant than a blood test, since lymph can indicate some factors that are not detected in other tests.

In general, lymph, in combination with blood and intercellular fluid, constitutes the internal fluid environment in the human body.

The tasks of lymph include removing and neutralizing the most harmful waste, as well as pumping excess fluid from the intercellular space back into vascular bed. It is into it that the remains of decayed cells, microbes, viruses, toxins, and the final products of the vital activity of cells, tissues and organs are dumped. The lymphatic system is a kind of large and branched sewer system of the body. Your immunity largely depends on how this system functions correctly.

Lymph flow always occurs from bottom to top. From the fingers to the thoracic lymphatic duct, from the toes, to the inguinal lymph nodes. Lymph, unlike the circulatory system, does not have its own pump (heart) and its flow occurs mainly due to muscle contraction. Important role in the lymphatic system there are valves that allow lymph to pass only in the direction of movement (up). This is why the massage must be done in the direction of lymph movement (bottom-up), otherwise the valves of the lymphatic system can be damaged.

All lymph passes through the thoracic, i.e., the main, lymphatic duct only 6 times a day, and a complete blood circulation is completed in 20-25 seconds. With age, lymph moves through the vessels more and more slowly, because the tone decreases blood vessels, and a person’s muscle activity also decreases.

Lymph nodes act as customs, where partial processing of some microorganisms by others occurs, a kind of primary cleaning and neutralization of harmful inclusions.

The lymphatic system has its own “gateways” in the body, through which “garbage” (poisons, toxins, microbial corpses) is discharged.

Let's take a closer look at these gateways:

Most often, it turns out quite well: there is no discharge for three days, and then it starts again (thrush). What is thrush? - these are the corpses of the fungus that were destroyed by our body with the help of immune defenders!

4. NOSE. Through it, the main amount of airborne infection is removed. They cut out the Adenoids - they killed their defensive line!

5. TONSILS– They constantly swelled, got in the way – cut off – and buried another defensive line!

6. LARYNX– Disruption of lymph flow leads to laryngitis

7. TRACHEA– development of tracheitis

8. BRONCHI– bronchitis

9. LUNGS- pneumonia

According to some doctors, PNEUMONIA is always accompanied by thrombosis of the lymph nodes, which prevents the release of fluid.

The lymphatic system is also involved in the development of neurodermatitis and psoriasis.

What needs to be done to avoid problems associated with lymph?

First of all, movement is necessary. This is followed by cleansing the lymph and eliminating inflammatory processes in organism. If you are in this moment If you are healthy and lead an active lifestyle, then you don’t have to worry; you don’t have to read this article any further.

To speed up the movement of lymph, you can do the following exercises:

1. Birch tree pose. We raise our legs up, leaning on our shoulders and neck. We stay in this position for the maximum amount of time until we get tired of it (3-10 minutes).

2. Lie on the floor with your elbows and elbows straight (preferably) knee joints Raise your arms and legs up, perpendicular to the floor. Make oscillatory movements (shaking) with your arms and legs.

If you are sitting at work or in another place where you cannot afford full-fledged gymnastics, do hidden gymnastics. Office workers often experience congestion in the pelvic area. Move your buttocks to improve the movement of lymph and blood in the area. The exercise is also very useful: tighten and relax the anus at regular intervals. This increases the circulation of fluids and develops the pelvic diaphragm.


How to cleanse the lymphatic system?

1. Lymph cleansing should be done on an empty stomach

2. We take lymphostimulants (for example GLICORY)

3. We take sorbents orally (for example Activated carbon). You probably remember that our second gateway is the intestines. This is where lymph toxins and sorbents will meet.

4. Restore normal microflora intestines. (after the third point, a violation of the intestinal microflora often occurs)

And don’t forget that gymnastics should be your way of life, and not an episodic activity motivated by fear from another illness.

May 20, 2017 Olga

The lymphatic system is one of the most important in the body. It carries out excretory, immune and cleansing functions. An important part of this system is lymph, a fluid that returns salts, proteins, water, and metabolites from tissues to the blood.

What is lymphatic fluid (lymph) and its composition

Lymphatic fluid is clear, colorless, has a sweetish odor and a slightly salty taste.

The amount of it in the body of an adult is about one and a half to two liters, however, with the acceleration of metabolism, various pathologies and increased pressure in the blood vessels, its amount increases.

The composition of lymph is somewhat similar to blood. The basis of lymph is water and shaped elements(mainly lymphocytes). Red blood cells and platelets are normally absent from the lymph, but with tumors, shocks of various etiologies or inflammation, they may appear in it.

Like blood, lymphatic fluid has the ability to clot, but this process occurs much more slowly. The chemical composition of lymph is close to blood plasma, but its protein content is lower (about three percent). There is slightly more albumin than in plasma (having a smaller molecule, they penetrate the lymphatic capillaries faster).

The lymph located in the thoracic duct is enriched with fibrinogen and prothrombin; as mentioned above, it coagulates more slowly than blood, resulting in the formation of a loose white clot containing white blood cells and fibrin strands.

The minerals that make up lymph are similar to those in blood plasma:

  • the first place is occupied by sodium chloride (67% of the solid residue), which gives the lymph a salty taste;
  • 25% is sodium carbonate;
  • in small quantities it contains magnesium, calcium and iron ions.

The main cations of lymph are sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium, and the anions are phosphorus, chlorine and protein, which alkaline environments lymph manifests itself as an anion. Many microelements are found in peripheral lymph, which are of great importance during physiological and pathological processes in organism. Having figured out what the composition of lymph is, what lymphoid fluid is, you can move on to its functions and find out how it moves.

How does lymph move?

The movement of lymph occurs from bottom to top through the lymphatic vessels, due to the contraction of the lymph nodes during the transmission of impulses nerve cells, as well as due to the movements of the muscles that are located next to the lymphatic ducts.

The smallest of them - capillaries - are located in the tissues of internal organs and their membranes, around the ducts of the glands and blood vessels. The exceptions are the placenta, brain and spleen. There are no lymphatic capillaries in cartilage, the lens of the eye, or bones.

The capillaries flow into small lymphatic vessels, which, gradually increasing in diameter, form lymphatic ducts, and, in turn, flow into the innominate veins of the neck, where venous blood and lymph mix, and then enter the general bloodstream.

Functions of lymph

Lymph performs certain functions:

  • Provides a constant volume of tissue fluid.
  • Transfers nutrients from digestive organs to tissues (in particular fats).
  • Performs protective function, taking bacteria, toxins (for inflammation) and red blood cells (for injuries) from tissues.
  • It is a connecting link between tissues and organs, as well as the blood and lymphatic system.
  • Returns proteins, water and electrolytes from the interstitium to the blood.

  • Performs a metabolic function, transferring certain enzymes (histaminases or lipases) into the blood.
  • Maintains an unchanged composition of the cell microenvironment.

Lymph: what is lymph cleansing

Based on the basic functions of lymph, it follows that the lymphatic fluid and lymph nodes, clogged with fats and dead microbes, do a worse job of protecting the body. And this can lead to various diseases. This is why lymph needs periodic cleansing.

  • chronic fatigue;
  • persistent feeling of weakness, drowsiness;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system and lungs;
  • eye and ear diseases;
  • arthritis and arthrosis;
  • pathologies of the genitourinary area;
  • inflammation of the lymph nodes;
  • inflammatory processes in the paranasal sinuses;
  • obesity.

Methods for cleansing lymph

To cleanse lymphatic fluid it is used as folk remedies, so medications. Most often used:

  • citrus juices;
  • vegetable juices;
  • a mixture of apple and beet juice;
  • syrup/tablets from licorice root in combination with Enterosgel or other sorbents.

Cleaning with vegetable juices looks like this:

  1. Preparation of the mixture. To do this, you will need 200 g of beet juice, 1,200 g of carrot and 600 g of cucumber juice (that is, in the end, we get two liters of the mixture).
  2. Reception. Take a glass of the juice mixture every 60 minutes.

When using this method, as a rule, there is no discomfort, only a slight feeling of hunger is possible. It is recommended to carry out such cleaning once every four months, and for preventive purposes once every six months/year.

Another common way to cleanse the lymph is to drink freshly squeezed juices from grapefruit, orange and lemon. These fruits contain a large amount of acids and vitamins that effectively cleanse the lymph flow and remove toxins from it.

The regimen is as follows:

  1. Prepare 1 liter of fresh citrus juice and dilute it with a liter of water (not carbonated).
  2. Begin the procedure in the morning, taking a glass of the juice mixture every hour until it ends.
  3. The duration of the cleaning is three days.

Entire systems have been developed according to which the lymph is cleansed. Any hematologist will tell you what the Butakova system is, for example, and its main advantages in this process.


Having figured out what functions lymph performs, what is lymphoma? , it will be much easier to understand.

Lymphomas are malignant lesions of lymphoid tissue. Their occurrence is associated with the uncontrolled division of T- and B-lymphocytes. Cells of this tumor are rarely found in the blood; their main localization is the organs of the lymphatic system (spleen, lymph nodes) and internal organs, manifesting themselves in the form of painless enlarged nodes/glands.

There are:

  • Lymphogranulomatosis (so-called Hodgkin's lymphoma).
  • Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas.

Non-Hodgkin's lymphomas are tumors of the lymphatic system that do not belong to lymphogranulomatosis. They can develop in the stomach, liver and nervous system.

Lymph: what is lymphogranulomatosis

Lymphogranulomatosis is a malignant lesion of lymphoid tissue that occurs with increased division of mutating B-lymphocytes.

Hodgkin's lymphoma can appear in any organ (most often found in the lymph nodes, liver, spleen, lungs or bone marrow). This disease affects both children and adults.

The presence of pathology is diagnosed taking into account:

  • complaints;
  • anamnesis;
  • external inspection data;
  • blood test data;
  • ultrasound/x-ray picture;
  • biopsy results (the main research method);

Main signs of lymphoma

Symptoms of lymphomas look like this:

  • Itching of the skin without a specific localization.
  • Unreasonable increase in temperature (above 38 degrees).
  • Major weight loss (more than 10% in six months).
  • Night sweats.
  • Weakness, lack of appetite, painful condition.
  • Shortness of breath and persistent cough (with the development of the process in the pleura, lungs or intrathoracic lymph nodes).
  • Pale skin (due to anemia).
  • Enlarged painless lymph nodes located in the groin, in axillary region, on the back of the head, on the neck and above the collarbones.

  • Pain in joints and bones (if they are damaged).
  • Painful sensations in the abdomen, back (in case of damage to the intra-abdominal lymph nodes or spleen, liver).

This interesting article is from the page of Nazar Ruzanov vk

Popular about the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM,

or Don't let the lymph stagnate!

Lymph movement is youth!

Move blood through arteries forces the muscular vascular organ - the heart, and the movement of blood through the veins is ensured by the muscular-valvular structure of the veins. This is how the large and small circles of blood circulation function.

But the lymphatic bed does not have such a “drive”. The movement of lymph is slow and is achieved through muscles. The main muscle for driving lymph is the diaphragm. This is a kind of “heart” of the lymphatic system. With physical activity and deep breathing with the belly, the amplitude of movement of the diaphragm increases, and lymph circulation increases, i.e. its stagnation is eliminated.

With obesity and the absence of certain physical activities, lymph stagnation occurs in any lymph nodes. At the same time, waste products of cells accumulate in the intercellular spaces (fragments of disintegrated lipids, proteins, waste products, etc.), which even gradually grow into connective tissue fibers (doctors call this process fibrosis). And these cells simply begin to rot - sluggish oncological diseases, hypertension, allergies, etc. arise.

Lymph cleansing occurs through saliva. The salivary glands belong to the lymphatic system, have access to the oral cavity and, together with saliva, carry waste and impurities from their system into the digestive tract for their further removal from the body.

When under stress, the mouth usually becomes dry, saliva is not produced, and stagnation occurs in the lymphatic system. And the person is given water to drink. But this is not advisable to do. It is better to stimulate the secretion of saliva by sucking the lips to release saliva in the mouth, and make swallowing movements.

You can also use chewing gum to enhance the secretion of saliva; half an hour after eating, place salt on the tip of a knife under your tongue.

You should give up the bad habit of drinking drinks immediately after eating third and have fruit for dessert. Do not store yesterday’s food in the refrigerator, since it (especially when heated) is rich in toxins that appear from the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria, and after consumption it fills with ballast the entire intercellular space and lymph system in the human body.

The lymphatic system is a system that even doctors have little understanding of. They never seriously studied it. The lymphatic system works in one direction. All lymph flows from bottom to top. Swelling in the legs, arms, eyes, lower back, joints - this is all lymph. A bacteria, virus or fungus enters the body. What does lymph do? A large lymph node, for example, the genital tract, is located near the impact. Lymph nodes block the infection from passing further.

If gonorrhea passed through the body and entered the brain, then people would die immediately. Lymphocytes emerge from the lymph nodes, and they patrol the entire mucous membrane, urethra, and vagina. If they find something there, they eat it and take it back to the lymph nodes. In the lymph nodes, all this is lysed, activated and thrown out. The first route of lymph discharge in the body is the vagina and urethra. Everything that is connected with leucorrhoea in women, discharge in men, indicates that someone lives in the body, and the lymph eats this someone, at the cost of its own life, and removes it. The second route of evacuation is in the intestine, which contains tens of thousands of small lymph nodes.

Up to 50% of poisons are released through sweat and armpits. Nowadays people use deodorants that prevent you from sweating for 24 hours. They don't sweat under their armpits, but their palms do sweat. They also do cosmetic surgeries when they cut the lymphatic ducts. The forehead should not sweat. If your armpits are clogged, the entire surface of your body sweats. This indicates the second degree of damage and contamination of the lymph. The face should be relatively dry, and there should be leakage from under the arms, because there is a powerful sweat collector there. There are not very many sweat glands on the face.

Adenoids are lymph nodes. Everyone who breathes through their mouth has adenoids, which are enlarged lymph nodes in the nose.

The salivary glands are the most powerful detoxification organ. Up to half a liter of toxic sputum is released through saliva. If a child drools on the pillow, then this indicates serious problems with the lymphatic system. If a person or child sweats in a dream, this may indicate that he has pinworms, lamblia, or something else. Children should not sweat even at an ambient temperature of 30C. Their sweat system is poorly developed. If a small child has a wet head at night, it means he is sick. Everything in a child must go through the kidneys and intestines.

Larynx. Chronic laryngitis or pharyngitis- These are the lymph nodes of the pharynx and larynx. With this diagnosis, a person has a chronic infection of a chronic fungus or chronic streptococcus. They are candidates for chronic lymphatic system disease.

Tonsils are the most powerful springboard for various bacteria. Streptococcus always comes through the tonsils. These are sore throats and rheumatism. Staphylococcus will not go through the tonsils. It goes through the nose. Sinusitis is a lesion of the lymphatic system, not the respiratory system. There is nothing in the nose, there are only holes for air and membranes 1 micron thick. Everything else there is pus.

Where does pus come from? From the abdomen, from the lymph, from the blood, from the intercellular spaces, and exit through the nose. Staphylococcus has this path. The fungus will never go through the nose. The fungus is released through nearby organs. If it is a foot one, then it will stand out there. The skin will crack. The lymphatic system will never drag the fungus into the nose, because it will not drag it. It will interrupt all lymphatic collectors. The lymphatic system will open the skin and release lymph fluid directly between the toes. The lymph nodes of the bones will never miss the fungus. If the whole body is affected by the fungus, fungal bronchitis begins. The deep lymph nodes of the bronchi are connected, and the person may develop bronchial asthma (we are not talking about psychosomatics, when a person attracts attention to himself with illness).

Joint inflammation is a lesion of the lymphatic system. Everyone believes that swelling in the legs is cardiac or renal. Edema can only be lymphatic. The heart is exhausted and cannot pump blood. But it is not blood that is retained in the legs, but lymph. Elephantiasis is a lesion of the lymph when the inguinal lymph nodes are blocked and the fluid does not rise. Swelling of the hands is a blockage of the axillary lymph nodes. Puffiness of the eyes is a blockage of the submandibular and facial lymph nodes. This indirectly indicates kidney blockage. If the kidneys secrete less fluid than needed, then there is more of it in the body.


For the functioning of the lymphatic system, it is not enough just to “take a pill”– for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, at a minimum, you need to do breathing exercises, “breathe with your stomach,” do at least minimal exercise, and try to walk more. This allows you to partially eliminate lymph stagnation.

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