Home Gums Beneficial properties of wolf fat. In folk medicine, mink oil is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity, tonsillitis, purulent wounds, soften coughs, and cleanse the lungs of smokers. Method of preparation and use Arctic fox oil

Beneficial properties of wolf fat. In folk medicine, mink oil is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity, tonsillitis, purulent wounds, soften coughs, and cleanse the lungs of smokers. Method of preparation and use Arctic fox oil

Traditional medicine has long been famous for the use of various animal fats to treat colds and some skin lesions. The use of badger and bear fat treats pneumonia in adults and children during the absence of fever. People use bear, seal, dog, beaver, marmot, deer, wolf and goose fat for medicinal purposes.

Hunters can offer customers a natural product that will have superior healing properties to pharmacy analogues. But in this case it is easy to stumble upon a fake. It is better to purchase the product from familiar foresters and hunters, who can prepare and sell a quality product. At the pharmacy you can purchase the product in liquid form or in capsules for internal use.

Medicinal properties and contraindications of goose fat

The goose is a valuable poultry, from which a person receives eggs, tasty meat, liver and valuable internal fat. A properly prepared and preserved product can be used externally even in children under three years of age. To use this product internally It wasn’t so unpleasant, you can dissolve it in warm milk and honey.

Goose fat is valued in folk medicine for its great benefits to the human body. It is distinguished by a high content of various fatty acids and vitamins of group “B”, “E”, “PP” and others. In its composition you can find minerals essential for human health: zinc, selenium, magnesium, sodium, copper.

Prescribe this substance with insufficient saturation of the body with Omega-3 fatty acids, the deficiency of which may manifest itself:

  • Brittle nails.
  • Dry skin.
  • Metabolic disorders in the body.
  • Hair loss.
  • Digestive disorders.

Goose fat has been used for a long time to treat a wide range of diseases: from pneumonia to gynecological complications. In Ancient China they believed that it was capable of dissolving tumors and could be successfully used against cancer.

Currently, traditional medicine uses goose fat to treat:


Among substances of animal origin this product has virtually no restrictions. It is considered the safest product. Contraindications for internal use include children under three years of age, pregnancy and breastfeeding, acute and chronic liver diseases. Children under three years of age can use chest rubbing provided there are no allergies or high body temperature.

Use of badger fat for medicinal purposes

Badger fat is used in folk and traditional medicine to treat:

Badger fat: beneficial properties

It contains polyunsaturated acids, the production of which is absent in the human body. They reduce inflammation, thrombus formation and the development of atherosclerosis. Badger fat also contains vitamins B, A, E, PP, K, and folic acid.

Vitamins are good for the condition of nails and hair, improve vision and rejuvenate the skin. Taking the product internally can eliminate headaches, chronic fatigue, anxiety, and depression. The product is easily absorbed by the human body and allows you to quickly restore strength after illness. Vitamin “E” enriches the blood with oxygen and strengthens the walls of blood vessels.

Where to store badger fat

To answer the question: “How long can you store natural badger fat?”, you should know the conditions for its proper storage. At home, you can store the natural product in the refrigerator door at a temperature of no more than 5 degrees. The product should be kept in a glass container. It can be stored in a thickened state for over two years.

The industrial product contains various preservatives, so it should be stored under the conditions specified in the instructions. Dyes and flavors are often used, which can not only negatively affect the treatment process, but also aggravate the patient’s health, causing him harm.

Wolf fat: application

Wolf fat, as well as dog fat, is used to treat pulmonary tuberculosis and bronchial asthma. In folk medicine, it is valued as a wound healing agent for cuts, postoperative scars, and trophic ulcers.

Bear fat: features of use

Bear fat ranks first among all fats used in medicine. It is rich in cytamines, which are bioregulator proteins. They help the body absorb the necessary nutrients for normal functioning.

The area of ​​application is similar to other animal fats. Bear fat is successfully used to prevent cancer. When using this product by patients with human immunodeficiency virus, an improvement was noted after the start of use.

When used to treat the reproductive system of men and women, the product showed a positive trend. When using potent medications, the use of the medication promotes normal liver function and protects it from harmful effects.

In children, this substance is successfully used as a means of protecting the skin from chapping and frostbite. The product is also indispensable in the treatment of diathesis and eczema in young children. Women use it as part of homemade creams to rejuvenate their facial skin.

The use of the product is contraindicated for people with cholelithiasis, nursing and pregnant women and children under three years of age. It is better to start internal use with small amounts of the drug in order to assess the effect on the body and possible intolerance to the substance.

Kristina Belorusova is sure: with the introduction of fish oil into the children's diet, her daughters began to get sick less. This dietary supplement actually contains vitamin D, which is so necessary for a growing body, experts say. But just prescribing it without consulting a doctor is extremely dangerous.

– The most serious complication of an overdose of vitamin D is kidney and liver failure, when a sufficiently large amount of calcium falls out, and even death if the mother gave a milliliter instead of a drop.

Christina does not think about bad things. Continues to prescribe fat to both children and himself.

Kristina Belorusova:

“I don’t forget about myself either, but it’s better for adults to drink bear fat rather than fish.”

Horse - for radiculitis, badger - for arthrosis. Lamb, goose, marmot and even dog - this is not a complete list of fats that are credited with healing properties. If you believe the annotations, lipid therapy has a lot of indications, but there are even more contraindications!

Vladimir Parenago, general practitioner:

– After some time, a person begins to deposit these fats in different places. Today they seem to turn on the immune system, the body’s defense, but over time the opposite picture occurs.

First of all, fatty dietary supplements are dangerous for people with cardiovascular diseases. High cholesterol is also a contraindication.

Lyudmila Lapa, general practitioner:

– When consuming fats internally, there is a serious danger - this is a violation of lipid metabolism. On the one hand, we will get better, and on the other hand, the liver will stop recycling toxins, fats and proteins.

It is especially dangerous to prepare a magical natural ointment yourself, as numerous video tutorials from the Internet teach. Lard purchased from hunters can become not a medicine, but a real poison for the body.

Tuyara Zakharova, pediatrician:

– Bears and badgers are carriers of severe lethal diseases. It is strictly forbidden to use their fat without proper testing and processing!

There are fewer complaints about ointments from the pharmacy. But you need to remember: this is a powerful allergen that can provoke an exacerbation of chronic diseases. In addition, frequent use will cause the opposite effect - there is a risk of drying out the skin.

Gennady Goryushkin, biochemist:

– If you begin to intensively and often nourish your skin with other fats, your own fat will stop being produced.

So don't be fooled by promising labels on the packaging. According to doctors, no arthritis has ever been cured by animal fat. And the now fashionable lipid therapy only works in combination with other traditional treatments.

Svetlana Bushtyreva, Alexander Sporyshev, “Mood”


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  • for diseases of the respiratory system - chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, silicosis;
  • for gastrointestinal ulcers;
  • externally for burns, wounds;
  • increases immunity;
  • for arthritis, polyarthritis, rheumatism;
  • with swelling of the joints.

Wolf fat is an additional and auxiliary remedy in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. According to the indications, it is very similar to dog fat, but unlike it, the wolf is a cleaner animal, with a strong immune system, so there is no doubt about its consumption. In the Caucasus, they try to use wolf fat more often than dog fat. Wolf fat normalizes the activity of the human body as a whole.

This is an essential combination of proteins, nucleic acids, fats, carbohydrates, and minerals that are easily absorbed by the human body, normalizing its activity after suffering serious illnesses and injuries.

Wolf fat is not a panacea for many serious diseases; basic treatment should not be neglected. Pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, dark spots on the lungs, general exhaustion of the body regardless of the factors, the initial stages of silicosis, some types of asthma, stomach and duodenal ulcers help to cure wolf fat only when the patient is in remission.

In acute and chronic liver diseases, in addition, it protects the liver from damage by antibiotics and other drugs.

Wolf fat has a bactericidal effect on tubercle bacilli. The secretory activity of the stomach and intestines is normalized, the tone increases. Purulent processes are extinguished, fistulas and lesions are closed, frames are cleaned and the body begins to recover.

Mode of application

Take 1 tablespoon orally at night after meals, 5-6 hours later. For tuberculosis, it helps destroy Koch's bacillus.

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Is it possible to eat wolf meat?!

The main trophy of a wolf hunt is considered to be a skin or stuffed animal made from a killed animal by a taxidermist. If we touch upon the issue of whether it is possible to eat wolf meat, then here hunters often have serious disagreements. Most believe that the carcasses of this animal are only suitable for baiting dogs, but using wolf meat for culinary purposes is unacceptable. But is this really so?

Features of wolf meat

By itself Wolf meat has excellent taste and dietary properties. It is soft and very juicy. From this point of view, wolf meat is superior even to lamb, beloved by all nutritionists. True, wolf meat is a little fattier than lamb, but this can hardly be called a significant disadvantage. In the end, as you know, taste and color...

But what can really be attributed to the disadvantages of wolf meat is the smell that comes from it when cutting and does not disappear even after prolonged heat treatment. Its presence is explained by the lifestyle of the gray predator. Individuals of these animals are very active and indiscriminate in their diet. As a result, the fat becomes saturated with sweat, and a lot of different salts accumulate in the wolf’s meat, which are absent in the body of herbivores. This specific aroma, very similar to the smell of rotten foods, is the main argument of those who answer the question of whether wolf meat can be eaten in the negative.

Echinococcus is a tapeworm that lives in the main organs of the wolf, primarily the heart and liver. But at the same time, it lays eggs directly into the meat tissue. Over time, microscopic larvae appear from them, which cannot be seen with the naked eye. Eating such meat threatens a person with infection with echinococcus. This disease is not fatal, but very unpleasant.

But trichinosis is a very dangerous disease, the course of which is accompanied by elevated temperature and general weakening of the body. At the same time, it is impossible today to check meat for the presence of helminth eggs and larvae, and it will not be possible to clean it using the artisanal method, no matter how hard you try.

It should be noted here that Only adult animals are susceptible to infection with echinococcus and trichinella, which have been feeding on the meat of artiodactyl forest inhabitants for several years. Meanwhile, young wolves, especially still unintelligent wolf cubs, as a rule, turn out to be “clean”. Therefore, their meat can be eaten.

So, is it possible to eat wolf meat? In general, yes. But it is recommended to eat only the meat of young animals. This guarantees protection from dangerous helminths that are contained in the body of adult wolves. In some areas of Siberia, for example, experienced hunters who know where the wolf den is located specially make forays into it to get wolf cubs. It is from their meat that traditional hunting dishes are prepared.

From a culinary point of view, it is recommended to boil wolf meat and then fry it in a hot frying pan. But only until a light brown coating forms, no more, otherwise the meat will become tough and tasteless. Another cooking trick is long marinating in brine with finely chopped herbs and garlic.

What do you think about eating wolf meat? Write about it in the comments!

Beneficial properties of wolf fat


According to the beliefs of ancient Azerbaijanis, the wolf is the bearer of numerous magical properties. It was believed that potions prepared from its organs gave a person strength, courage, victory and fertility. The gray wolf (bozgurd) was considered the legendary ancestor (totem) of the ancient Turks. Similar legends existed among the Romans and partly the Persians (according to legend, the first Persian king Cyrus was suckled by a she-wolf). Christians, on the contrary, considered the wolf to be an assistant of evil, the embodiment and servant of satanic forces. According to Christian beliefs, the Antichrist, also called the beast in the Bible, often takes the form of a wolf or dog. Europeans have widespread legends about ghouls, werewolves, who take the form of people during the day and wolves at night.

As for the Azerbaijanis, they, like all Turks, from ancient times deified and revered the wolf as a strong, proud and freedom-loving animal. Perhaps the wolf somehow reminded the courageous and warlike people of the steppes of themselves. In fact, what other steppe animal, besides the wolf, was worthy of admiration and imitation of the Turkic warriors? After all, wolves travel in packs; they are as fast, strong and merciless as the numerous detachments of Turkic horsemen who held vast expanses of Eurasia under their rule for hundreds of years.

In modern black magic, wolf fat (gurd yaga) is used to cause damage. However, such unseemly practice is not described in medieval Turkic sources. On the contrary, the fat in which wolf fang was infused was considered a means of enhancing male potency.

Turkic-language monument of the 18th century. Tibb-i Jalinus reports the following about wolves:

Protection from enemies

No one can cause any harm to a person who carries the right eye of a wolf (59, p.2)

No enemy will be able to resist the one who [before battle] puts on a belt made of wolf skin (59, p. 2).

A warrior [before a battle] who ties a wolf's leg to his clothes will throw all his enemies into panic (59, p.2).

A warrior who carries with him the lower fang of a wolf will put all his enemies to flight and defeat them (59, p. 2).

The one who [always] carries the right eye of a wolf with him will earn the love and respect of the people (59, p. 2).

A man who fries and eats wolf yatras will be able to indulge in intimate intimacy with a woman for as long as he likes (59, p.2).

The front fang of a wolf is kept in oil for a week, after which an ointment is made from this oil, which greatly increases male strength (59, p.2).

If a man soaks a wolf's fang in oil, and then, using this oil as an ointment, immediately enters into a close relationship with a woman, then this woman will never leave him or fall in love with another man (59, p. 2).

If you tie a wolf skin around your stomach, it will relieve pain in the ribs (59, p.2).

In medieval Azerbaijani magic, love potions, love potions, and sobering remedies from crow were known.

According to Tibb-i Jalinus:

If you melt crow bile, mix it with camphor and add this mixture to wine, then no matter how much a person drinks this wine, he will remain sober (59, 24).

Abstinence from wine

If you kill a black crow, add its blood to wine and give it to a drunkard, he will stop drinking (60, 101).

If a man wants his wife to never sleep with other men, he must smear her womb with crow bile - then no one else will be able to have sex with his wife (59, 24).

The striped hyena is occasionally found in Azerbaijan. In the Middle Ages, Azerbaijanis believed that hyenas dug up and desecrated graves. Hence their Turkic name “gereshyan” (digging up a grave). The Arabs believed that hyenas were werewolves who turned into people during the day and into hyenas at night. In medieval Azerbaijani magic, the hyena was used as a remedy for fornication, damage, infertility, protection from dogs and predatory animals.

If a barren woman ties hyena wool to her belt and sleeps with her husband, then, with the permission of the Almighty, she will soon become pregnant (59, p. 6).

Dog protection

Dogs will not bark at the one who carries the skin of a hyena with him (59, p.4).

Protection from predatory animals

If you melt the fat of a hyena on a fire, rub yourself with it and go to where the tigers are, the tiger will not be able to harm you and will run away (59, p.6).

Remedy against fornication

If a woman of bad behavior is fed with the womb (farj) of a female hyena, she will correct herself and repent of her sins (59, p. 4).

Damage protection

You should place the right eye of a hyena in very strong vinegar, keep it for seven days, then boil it and put it under a bunch of burial ground grass (uzerlik) - this will protect against damage (jadu). After this, you can be calm and confident that no damage will affect a person (59, p.6).

In medieval magic it was used as a sleeping pill, a means to induce sleep and deprive one of sanity.

According to the treatise Risala-i Tibb:

If you add a worm that grows on mountain poppies to wine and give this wine to a person to drink, it will drive him crazy (87, p. 3).

A favorite remedy of medieval healing magic. In Azerbaijan, it was believed that hedgehog meat and skin magically healed all diseases: headaches, jaundice, freckles and birthmarks, and hedgehog bone protected against enemies. Millions of hedgehogs have fallen victim to these beliefs. They are still being destroyed today.

According to the medieval Azerbaijani treatise “Tibb-i Jalinus”:

If you cut off the head of a hedgehog with a saber and hang it on the neck of a person suffering from a headache, then he will get rid of this illness (59, p. 18).

Protection from enemies.

No one can harm someone who carries a hedgehog bone (59, p.18).

In medieval Azerbaijani magic, the hare was used to treat infertility. With the help of hare fat, meat, bile, stomach, sperm, they tried to speed up childbirth, achieve the birth of a boy or girl, etc. It was also used as a love remedy and to induce sleep.

In order for a barren woman to become pregnant, you need to feed her fried hare rennet (59, p.3).

If a barren woman ties a hare's feces to her belt and, after that, spends the night with a man, with the permission of Allah, she will become pregnant that same night (59, p. 5).

If a barren woman mixes hare bile with human bile, wraps it in wool and keeps it with her, she will soon become pregnant (59, p.5).

If a man uses ointment from a hare's brain and makes love to a woman, then [subsequently] no one will be able to harm this woman (59, p. 5).

If you feed a pregnant woman with hare sperm, she will give birth faster (59, p.3).

If you feed a woman a hare’s uterus, she will give birth to a girl (59, p.3).

If you add hare bile to wine and give it to a person who is about to fall asleep to drink, he will never wake up. If they want to wake him up again, let him give him strong vinegar (59, p.5).

If a stupid person eats a little hare feces, he will immediately become wiser and get rid of bad habits (59, 5).

The magicians used the bison's hoof in the same way as the hoof of a cow, i.e. to fight pregnancy, to cause miscarriage, etc.

If you crush a bison’s hoof and give the powder to a pregnant woman to drink, she will immediately miscarry the child, and the bleeding after the miscarriage will immediately stop (59, p. 12).

In the magical practice of many peoples, amulets and magical potions from goat organs were used to enhance male potency.

According to the medieval Azerbaijani treatise “Tibb-i Jalinus”.

Male power. If a man melts the fat of a red goat and, before intimacy, uses it as a stimulating ointment, it will give him strength and bring a lot of pleasure (59, p. 15).

In medieval Azerbaijan, a cow's hoof (dirnag) was used to induce damage and infertility. The bull's genitals were used as a love potion. The cow's hoof was also used for good purposes: to stop bleeding.

If anyone bleeds from his right nostril, he must tie the bull's left testicle to it. Conversely, if blood comes from the left nostril, the right testicle of the bull should be tied to it. The blood will stop instantly (59, p.12).

If a man dries the penis of a red bull, adds 9 grams of this drug to wine and gives it to a woman, then besides him, she will not love any other man (59, p. 12).

In medieval Azerbaijani magic, there was a widespread belief that various organs of the swallow could cause and prevent gray hair.

According to the book "Tibb-i Jalinus":

If you drip swallow bile into someone’s nose, his hair and beard will [immediately] turn gray (59, p. 26).

If you add olive oil and musk to the brain of a swallow and drop it all into the nose of a person, then all his hair will turn gray (59, p. 26).

If you mix the brain of a swallow with musk and lily and rub your beard with this mixture, it will not turn gray for a long time (59, p. 26).

If you mix the feces of a male and female swallow, add it to wine and drink it, then all the hair will [immediately] turn gray (59, p. 26).

If you smear gray hair with swallow bile, it will turn completely black again (59, p. 26).

According to Dioscorides (1st century AD):

If they cut open the belly of the first chick of a swallow, they will see that it contains two eggs: one of them is single-colored, the other is variegated. If, without placing them on the ground, they are immediately wrapped in calfskin and hung on the neck of a patient with epilepsy, this will cure the disease (2, p. 659).

In the Middle Ages they believed that lion meat, skin, fangs, etc. bestow upon man valor, glory and virtue. To achieve victory, warriors wore amulets made of lion fangs and dressed in lion skin. The veneration of the lion is reflected in the epic “Dede Korkut”. The name of the Azerbaijani region Shirvan translates as “land of lions.” Lions were one of the emblems of the Shirvanshahs; their images can be seen above the Shamakhi fortress gates (gosha gala gapysy) in Baku.

Muhammad Mu'min wrote in 1669:

Bravery and masculine strength

According to Aristotle, kebab from the heart of a lion makes a person brave, strengthens the heart and increases sexual desire (45).

Muhammad Yusif Shirvani wrote in 1712:

If you mix a little lion feces into the food or drink of a drunken person, then after consuming it, he will stop drinking (61).

Medieval magicians considered the bat one of the main means of black magic. She was associated with the dark forces of nature. Bat organs have been used to kill, tranquilize, or silence enemies. Bat fat was considered a remedy against drunkenness.

According to the medieval Azerbaijani treatise “Tibb-i Jalinus”:

If you put a bat's head under someone's pillow, he will fall asleep and never wake up (59, p. 22).

Snake repellent

If a bat's tongue is kept in a house, snakes will never enter that house (59, p. 22).

The Azerbaijanis, like other Turkic peoples, revered the horse. For example, according to the epic of the 17th century, the hero and warrior Koroglu performed all his exploits on the legendary war horse - Gyrat. The traditional Muslim respect for the horse is reflected in the legends of Burak. It was believed that Burak was an unusual animal, similar to a horse. It was on it that the Prophet Muhammad and the angel Jebrail (Gabriel) accompanying him made a night journey from Jerusalem to Mecca. Burak lifted the Prophet Muhammad into the sky and, within a brief moment, airlifted him to Mecca. According to Muslim tradition, Burak is a small white horse with white wings on its back or legs. It is believed that before the coming of the prophet Muhammad, Burak also helped other prophets. They all tied Burak to a ring on the Jerusalem rock. This episode is somewhat reminiscent of the ancient Greek myth about the winged horse Pegasus (42, pp. 60-64).

According to the treatise “Tibb-i Jalinus” (“Medicine of Galen”, (XVIII century):

If you hang horse teeth on a child’s neck, he will not suffer from toothache (59, p. 13).

According to the beliefs of the Tatars and Bashkirs:

How to make a horse fast?

In order to make a horse fast and tireless, you need to add a little orchis to its barley, and lubricate its belly and legs with fox fat.

To make a horse tireless, you need to hang the teeth of a killed wolf on its neck while running.

How to tame a horse?

To make a horse fall to the ground as if dead, you need to insert a snake's tongue in wax into its ear. As soon as the snake's tongue is removed from the ear, the horse will come to life again.

To subdue a horse, you need to throw small pebbles into its ear.

The similarity of a bear to a person has given rise to many legends about the extraordinary qualities of this animal. In Christianity and Judaism, the bear is considered the personification of the devilish, animal side of human nature. In the Muslim East, on the contrary, the bear was used to achieve good goals. In medieval Azerbaijan, it was believed that a bear has magical powers, can relieve a person of debts, helps win a court case, and gives a person courage. Only occasionally was it used for unseemly purposes (to deprive one of feelings, etc.). The Oghuz Turks have revered the bear since ancient times. In one of the versions of “Oguzname” it is said that Oguz was of stature and had the strength of a bear (57, p. 32). In medieval Azerbaijani sources (the treatise “Tibb-i Jalinus” - 18th century) the following is said about the bear:

Anyone who sleeps on a bearskin will get rid of debts (59, p.6).

To be brave and not be afraid of anything, you need to wear a necklace made of bear teeth (59, p.6).

to deprive a person of his senses, it is necessary to add dried bear feces to tasty food and feed this mixture to the person (59, p.6).

To win a court case, before going to court, you need to rub your face with a mixture of melted bear fat and olive oil (59, p. 6)

Legends about the magical properties of the donkey existed in ancient times. Sometimes this was the subject of ridicule by scientists and writers of those times. The love adventures of a temperamental werewolf donkey are described in the erotic comedy of the Roman writer Lucius Apuleius (2nd century) “The Golden Ass.” Amulets, healing dishes and magical potions made from donkey meat, milk and hooves are also mentioned in medieval Muslim sources (2, p. 293; 59, p. 14, etc.). Donkey meat was also consumed, but not in ordinary cooking - it was part of various medicines, healing dishes and magical potions. As for donkey milk, it is still used today in folk medicine as an anti-cold and expectorant.

According to the book "Tibb-i Jalinus":

If you tie a donkey skin around a child’s neck, he will not be afraid in his sleep (59, p. 14).

If you fumigate a house with the smoke of a donkey's hoof, all the mice will run away from it (59, p. 14).

It was considered a symbol of courage and fighting character. Rooster amulets were carried with them to intimidate the enemy and win victory.

According to the book "Tibb-i Jalinus":

If a warrior goes at the enemy holding the right leg of a rooster in his hands, then he will win (59, p. 28).

If there is a white rooster in the caravan, then neither a lion, nor a tiger, nor other predatory animals will attack this caravan (59, p. 28).

If a person burns the hind claw of a rooster, adds it to food and eats it, then from now on neither a knife nor a spear will take it (59, p. 28).

This remedy was widely used in magic as an antidote, elixir of youth, a means to enhance male potency and protection against tarantula, karakurt and other poisonous animals. It was brought to Azerbaijan from China and India. In medieval Azerbaijan, cups and bowls carved from rhinoceros horn were popular among the nobility. It was believed that if poisoned wine or sherbet was poured into such a goblet, it would immediately boil, warning the owner of the danger (89, p. 41).

According to Nasireddin Tusi's Javahirnama:

Those who carry rhinoceros horn with them are not affected by poisons. As soon as the poison approaches the horn, it becomes covered with sweat, warning its owner of the danger (82, p.26)

According to Islam, the pig was considered an unclean animal. However, sorcerers in medieval Azerbaijan believed that “desecrating” (murdarlama) a person with pork fat removed the evil eye and damage from him.

According to the treatise "Tibb-i Jalinus":

To protect yourself from any damage, you need to melt pork fat and lubricate your hands and feet with it (59, p. 8).

If you hang a pig's tooth on a child's neck, this will protect him from any evil eye and damage (61, p.71).

It was believed that dog amulets protected against attacks and dog bites, imparted valor, and helped against toothache. Dog feces were widely used as a remedy for the evil eye and damage.

Judging by the medieval Azerbaijani treatise “Tibb-i Jalinus” (XVIII century):

The one who carries a dog's eye with him will have increased courage and dogs will not bark at him (59, p. 7).

If you tie a dog's tooth to a wound, it will bring healing (59, p.7).

Talking in your sleep

If the one who talks in a dream carries with him a tooth recently extracted from a dog’s jaw, then he will get rid of this habit (59, p. 7).

If the hair of a black dog is tied to the fur of a rabid dog, it will get rid of rabies (59, p.7).

If a child carries a dog’s front tooth with him, then during the teething period he will not feel pain (59, p.7).

Dog protection

A dog will not bite someone who carries a dog tooth with him (59, p.7).

If a person bitten by a dog is fed dog feces, he will not suffer from the wound and will be healed (59, p. 7).

Being a nocturnal animal, the owl was associated with sleep, death, and the mysterious other world. Among the ancient Greeks, the owl was considered a symbol of wisdom and an assistant to the goddess Athena. Azerbaijanis considered the appearance of an owl a bad omen. Magicians made from it means for inducing and improving sleep, to make a person talk in his sleep, to protect him from predatory animals.

According to the book “Tibb-i Jalinus” (XVIII century), the owl has the following magical properties:

Know that one eye of an owl brings sleep, but the other does not. If someone has both owl eyes with him, it is necessary to check their properties. To do this, they are thrown into the water. The eye that remains on the surface of the water does not bring sleep, the other eye that sinks to the bottom, on the contrary, brings sleep (59, p. 26).

According to Russian "village" magic:

If you place the right leg of an owl on the chest of a sleeping person, he will truthfully answer all the questions asked to him in a dream.

Dog protection

If someone hangs the right leg of an owl under his arm, the dogs will not bark at that person.

The ancestors of the Azerbaijanis, the Oghuz Turks, called the falcon ak sungur and depicted it on their battle banners. Along with the wolf, birds of prey, including the falcon, were considered totems (legendary ancestors) of a number of ancient Turkic tribes. “Tibb-i Jalinus” (XVIII century) writes the following about the falcon:

If a man fries and eats falcon meat, it will enhance his sexual ability and add pleasure to intimate relations (59, p. 31).

In medieval Azerbaijani magic, tiger amulets served to enhance valor, achieve victory and glory. Judging by the medieval Azerbaijani treatise “Tibb-i Jalinus” (XVIII century):

Love and respect of the people

If a person wants people to love him, he must melt the fat from the tiger's eye and rub himself with it. After that, so as not to meet him, he will be friendly with him (59, p.3).

Anyone who carries a tiger's eye with him will enjoy the respect of the people (59, p.3).

This bird has been widely used in magic since ancient times. It was believed that amulets and magical potions made from hoopoe allowed one to subjugate people, dictate their desires to them, take advantage of their love and affection, ward off the anger of enemies and make friends. According to medieval Azerbaijani sources, hoopoe amulets can make a person “not notice” someone’s actions and “not object” to them (“gozyun ve dilin baglanmasy”). In addition, amulets and hoopoe food were believed to enhance memory, intelligence and intelligence.

According to the medieval Azerbaijani treatise “Tibb-i Jalinus”:

Love and submission of the people

If a person walks with six hoopoe claws tied to his belt, then people will love him and obey all his desires (59, p.3).

If a person ties the tongue of a hoopoe to his belt, then the enemy will begin to treat him as a friend (59, p.3).

Protection from enemies

If a person ties hoopoe feathers to his belt, then no one will be able to harm him (59, p.3).

According to Tibbnama (1712)

Intelligence and acumen

If a person ties amulets made from the claws, brain or beak of a hoopoe to his head or any other place, then his intelligence and intelligence will increase (61, p. 39).

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© Farid Alekberli, 2006. // “Elm” History & Heritage Website // When quoting text, reference to the source is required.

Wolf fat - the power of immunity

The wolf is a predatory mammal of the Canidae family that lives in various geographical zones of our planet. They live in the north (polar wolves), in the south (steppe wolves), in the mountains and the middle zone. A special feature of the wolf's body is its extraordinary endurance and adaptability.

Wolves feed almost exclusively on animal food (hares, ungulates, birds, small rodents, etc.), sometimes on wild berries.

A hardened body and strong immunity allow the wolf to maintain its activity and endurance until old age.

Wolf fat is a very valuable source of nutrients and is widely used for various ailments.

Wolf fat is easily absorbed by our body and can be used both internally and externally.

According to the indications and composition, wolf fat is similar to dog fat, but the wolf is a cleaner animal with a strong immune system, so its fat has a higher potential and does not cause allergic reactions.

Wolf fat contains easily digestible proteins, nucleic acids, cytamines, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins (PP, E, group B), macro- and microelements, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3, Omega 6) and many other useful elements . This composition and ratio of useful substances allows us to consider wolf fat an effective remedy.

Wound healing effect

Wolf fat has a good healing effect. It accelerates the process of regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes, wounds close faster. It is used for stomach and duodenal ulcers; it normalizes the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Wounds, cuts, insect bites;
  • Purulent processes, fistulas, trophic ulcers;
  • Burns, frostbite, bites, skin irritations;
  • Postoperative scars;
  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis.

Respiratory diseases

Wolf fat has a bactericidal effect, therefore, as an additional adjuvant, it is used to treat tuberculosis. It is not only able to suppress Koch's bacillus (the causative agent of tuberculosis), but also quickly restores the body after a long illness. Wolf fat is also an effective remedy for bronchitis, colds, coughs, and bronchial asthma. Thanks to its immunostimulating effect, wolf fat quickly restores the body after illness or general exhaustion of the body. In addition, it protects the liver from damage after taking antibiotics and other medications.

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Bronchial asthma:
  • Bronchitis (including chronic), pneumonia, silicosis, colds, cough.

Joint diseases

Wolf fat can be used for joint pain and rheumatism. It has a slight warming effect, relieves swelling in the joints, aches, pains, and increases their mobility. You can use it as a rub for lower back pain or with a heat compress.

To generally strengthen the body and boost immunity, you can take wolf fat in a small amount (1 tablespoon per day) with meals every day. Duration of treatment is 1 month, after 2 weeks the treatment can be repeated.

Wolf fat does not cause any unwanted reactions or disorders. Thanks to the high content of vitamins, fatty acids and minerals, you will strengthen your body in cold and damp weather, replenish it with useful substances and prevent many colds and infectious diseases.

Wolf internal fat

one knowledgeable person recommended fat as a component of a medicine for the treatment of respiratory tract disease

[Message modified by user 03/25/2011 15:51]

since they started laughing:

A man comes to a hunting store and says to the seller:
- Do you remember me?
- Yes, of course, you bought this wonderful gun from us.
- The gun is truly wonderful, with its help I killed 3 ducks, one hare and even one fox. Then I met experienced hunters, after moving away from laughing, they explained to me that with cartridges all this would be much easier.

Well... now at least it’s clear why))) The dog and the badger are their fat and meat.

Let your knowledgeable person bring this fat himself. You won’t eat dogs from a garbage dump, a wolf also eats non-sterile food... there can be a lot of infection in it

I can't understand why people want to buy who knows what?
In pharmacies, for a very reasonable price there is bear, two producers, badger, two producers, marmot.
I’m on Hansa (you need to search), I specifically opened the topic. In the topic I tested ethyl fats. Himself, personally. Naturally by the organoleptic method. Having all these fats of my own extraction and preparation at home, I went to the pharmacy, bought them (pharmaceutical manufacture) and checked them. Smell, taste, smell when heating. Well, in general, as best I could.
Then, through a friend with whom we made an ointment according to my recipe (based on honey bile), through the pharmaceutical department, we tested them according to science.
And we received strong assurance that this is appropriate. declared indicators. The question is, what prevents you from buying fat at the pharmacy?
Answer. Distrust of everything state, factory, store.
Consequence. Buy it, supposedly real.
Conclusion. If you decide to buy secondhand, then buy only from people you have known for a long time or friends. Or from a hunter who hunts for himself.

Advice from myself. Be sure to look, smell, taste.
(what this should be is another topic).

Dog fat

Dog fat, which has a variety of uses in folk medicine, is distinguished by its high content of citamines, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids, macro- and microelements and vitamins (vitamins A, E and group B). In the articles “Bear Fat” and “Badger Fat” you can learn in detail about the beneficial properties of these biochemical components of dog fat.

Easily digestible by the human body, having a bactericidal, immunomodulatory and restorative effect, dog fat has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the bronchi, lungs and upper respiratory tract, and therefore has long been and traditionally used as an auxiliary natural remedy in the treatment of diseases such as pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, bronchitis , laryngotracheitis, laryngitis, pulmonary silicosis. As part of the complex treatment of diseases of the lower respiratory tract, it is most useful to combine the internal use of dog fat with its external use(for diseases of the lower respiratory tract, it is recommended to rub dog fat on the chest and back).

Helping to accelerate the processes of granulation and epithelization of damaged skin, preventing the development of inflammatory processes, dog fat is also very effective as part of complex therapy for various skin injuries and dermatological diseases (cuts, abrasions, skin cracks, burns, frostbite, bedsores, fistulas, anal fissures, psoriasis, eczema , neurodermatitis, “fox disease” (scalp disease accompanied by hair loss), etc.).

Rubbing with dog fat helps relieve pain in muscles, bones and joints.

Containing components that moisturize the skin (vitamin E, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids), protecting the skin from the adverse effects of cold wind and frost, promoting the rapid healing of microtraumas and skin cracks, dog fat can also be recommended for regular external use. , whose professional activities are often associated with work in adverse weather conditions (fishermen, sailors, geologists, hunters, etc.).

Method of use

Before internal or external use, dog fat should be melted naturally, at room temperature, or heated to room temperature in a water bath.

In order to prevent and treat most of the above diseases, it is recommended to consume dog fat orally 2 times a day, 1 hour before meals, 1 tablespoon.

The therapeutic and prophylactic course of taking dog fat is 1 month. If necessary, such a course can be carried out 2-3 times a year with a break between courses of 2-4 weeks.

To improve the taste of dog fat, you can add a little natural honey before consuming it.

Bronchitis is considered one of the most common diseases of the respiratory system. Many patients prefer to combat this problem with expensive medications, in particular antibiotics. However, traditional healers advise using animal fats for treatment, each of which has its own set of healing properties.

What is bronchitis

As for the effectiveness of using animal fat in the treatment of this disease, it is explained by the high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins A and E. It is these substances that help restore lung tissue, blocking the process of inflammation. The components of animal fat also help remove mucus and relieve cough. Among the negative properties when using animal fat, one can note excessive stimulation of bile excretion and the formation of lipase if used internally.

Treatment using animal fat

Badger, dog, goat, goose and many other types of animal fat are used in the treatment of bronchitis both internally and externally. They are used as an ointment for warming massage, and are also added to drinks, the intake of which stimulates the discharge of phlegm.


This fat can be purchased at the pharmacy not only in its pure form, but also in capsules. Unfortunately, it has a persistent unpleasant odor. For the treatment of adults, it is recommended to take badger fat internally. With it you can prepare a completely edible and at the same time medicinal mixture. You will need to melt about 8 tsp in a water bath. badger fat with 100 g of butter, add to the resulting mass a crushed bar of dark chocolate without filler and add another 6 tsp. cocoa powder Mix everything thoroughly, remove from heat and cool. As a result, you will get real chocolate butter, which must be spread on bread. Remember: such “healthy sandwiches” should be eaten no more than 3 times a day.

Another treatment option with badger fat involves the use of linden honey, which should be mixed with the main raw material in a ratio of 1:3.

And to completely kill the smell of fat, you can add pureed raspberries or currants to this sweet mixture. By the way, in case of an allergy to honey, it can be replaced with currant jam.

You can also melt a glass of badger fat in the usual way in a water bath, mix it with 2 tbsp. l. cocoa, a quarter glass of aloe juice and pour the resulting mass into a separate container. After preparation, the medicine must be stored in the refrigerator, taking it 1 tbsp. l. along with a glass of hot milk before going to bed. After just a few days of this treatment, bronchitis will go away.

Experts still advise children to have massages using badger fat, as well as compresses, lubricating the chest, back and feet with the fat base.


This animal fat can be used in different variations. Its beneficial properties are especially revealed in a healing drink. To prepare it, you will need to add a tablespoon of goat fat, an egg yolk and half a teaspoon of sugar or honey to a glass of warm milk.

In total, you need to drink three glasses of this drink a day for a week.

If you feel that you are starting to get sick, then as a preventative measure, drink a tablespoon of melted goat fat shortly before going to bed.

But for prolonged bronchitis, the best ointment is prepared from equal proportions of goat fat and honey. This composition must be rubbed daily on the chest. Due to the similar composition of this animal fat to human fat, as well as the absence of carcinogens, harmful substances and carbohydrates, it is gentle on the skin.

Attention: goat fat should be used with caution in people who are overweight and have poor metabolism.


Dog fat has an increased bactericidal, immune and general strengthening effect, having a quick and effective effect on the bronchi and lungs.

Remember: for treating children under 12 years of age, dog fat can only be used externally.

In particular, they rub the child’s chest and back with melted fat, and then wrap him in a warm blanket and give him tea with raspberries.


Goose fat is considered one of the most ancient and time-tested remedies for bronchitis. Rich in minerals and vitamins, it helps to actively participate in all metabolic processes and strengthen the body. This fat contains absolutely no harmful substances, so it can be safely used even by patients with heart disease.

However, due to its specific smell, experts recommend using goose fat in combination with honey, cocoa powder and aloe juice, mixed in equal proportions.

All these components must be heated over low heat, without bringing the mixture to a boil, then dissolve a tablespoon of the resulting medicine in a glass of warm milk and drink in two doses throughout the day. It is necessary to continue the course of treatment until complete recovery.

In addition to this medicine, prepare another equally effective recipe for the treatment of bronchitis, which can be used both externally and internally. To do this, you need to grate one large onion on a fine grater and mix the resulting gruel with goose fat to end up with a thick, porridge-like consistency. After preparation, apply the resulting mass to the back and chest, and then wrap the body in film and wrap yourself in a warm blanket. It is recommended to carry out this procedure at night, and take 1 tbsp internally in the morning. l. mixture of fat and onions.

For prolonged forms of bronchitis, experts advise preparing a mixture of 100 g of grated garlic and 500 g of goose fat, after melting it in a water bath. We use this composition in the same way as the previous recipe in the form of a compress.

Bearish Bear fat contains B vitamins, oils, minerals and trace elements.

And all thanks to the special diet of these animals, which includes nuts, berries, honey, meat and fish products, and ants. Bear fat is most often used for advanced forms of bronchitis. The advantage of this remedy is that it can be used to treat children over 2 years of age.

A simpler and no less effective method involves using a compress with bear fat, which must be thoroughly rubbed into the patient’s back and chest, and then covered with a warm blanket.

And for a quick recovery, do a special warming massage, for which you will first need to thoroughly lubricate your back with bear fat, and then move a massage jar over it for 5-7 minutes. After such manipulations, you should put parchment paper on the massaged area and wrap your back with a warm scarf. Leave the compress on all night.

Againstindications and features of use for children

In addition to a set of beneficial properties, the use of animal fat has its contraindications. Thus, it is not recommended for use by people with diseases of the liver, pancreas and biliary tract. You should also be careful when using animal fats and when used externally due to the high risk of individual intolerance.

Treatment of bronchitis and other diseases of the respiratory system is strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, as well as nursing mothers, infants and children under 6 years of age, due to the immaturity of the gastrointestinal tract. The only exception to the list is goat fat. It can even be used by pregnant women and as a rub for infants.

Quick treatment of bronchitis is possible only with complex treatment. So, for internal use, use badger fat, and for external use, goat, dog and others. When the slightest symptoms of the disease appear, compresses will help you, and in advanced stages, drink warm milk with fat and do warming massages.

In folk medicine, mink oil is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity, tonsillitis, purulent wounds, soften coughs, and cleanse the lungs of smokers.


Goat fat is often used in folk medicine. This remedy can quickly cure colds and gastrointestinal diseases. So, to cure a cold, you need to warmly rub your back and chest before going to bed: then you can cure cough and bronchitis in a short time. For peptic ulcers of the stomach and intestines, you can do an enema with this fat. Due to the fact that it hardens quickly, it is considered a more effective remedy than pork fat. It is also convenient to use due to the fact that the body quickly processes it.

Among other beneficial properties of goat fat, it is worth highlighting:

§ improvement of digestive processes;

§ providing the body with vigor and energy;

§ getting rid of joint diseases;

§ mild laxative effect;

§ decrease in body temperature;

§ support of male sexual desire.

Doctors recommend using this product for hearing problems, after fainting, and for disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. Goat fat is also effective for healing the skin, perfectly heals wounds, burns, and strengthens nails.

This product is widely used in cosmetology and is one of the main components for the preparation of medicinal ointments, tinctures, and decoctions. After using goat fat, you can heal wounds, burns, and get rid of excess salt deposits.

Its rejuvenating effect is also known. As a result, consumption of goat fat will help reduce the risk of cancer and increase immunity and protective functions of the body.

If you apply goat fat to the skin, the pores quickly open: the substances easily penetrate the dermis, saturating the cells with valuable components. As a result, the skin becomes stronger, inflammation, red spots, and cosmetic skin problems go away.

Goat fat also improves blood circulation and helps remove toxins from the body.

As a result, this product provides an incomparable effect: it relieves puffiness, irritation, moisturizes and whitens the skin, nourishes it well, adds elasticity and serves as an effective means of preventing premature age-related changes, and will also help delay skin aging.

Mink oil

In folk medicine, mink oil is used to treat diseases of the oral cavity, tonsillitis, purulent wounds, soften coughs, and cleanse the lungs of smokers.

It protects cells from premature aging, as it has a physiological similarity to the structure of human skin and contains a related natural complex of microelements, removes wrinkles, prevents peeling and aging of the skin, enhances cell regeneration, has a beneficial effect on abrasions, redness, irritation, burns and wounds, cures itching and acne, improves elasticity and nutrition of the skin, maintains its tone, easily penetrates the facial skin, leaving behind a non-greasy feeling.

Cosmetic effect of mink fat (oil):

Mink oil is able to restore the hydro-lipid protective barrier of the skin, has excellent penetrating ability, softens and nourishes the skin.

Creates and maintains ideal hydration, improves complexion and skin elasticity.

Well softens and smoothes the skin, protects against excessive moisture loss.

Particularly effectively nourishes, softens, and removes fine wrinkles around the eyes, lips, and neck.

Protects skin from premature aging
-Evens out complexion and skin texture.

Stimulates regenerative processes and promotes active healing of damaged skin: dry flaky areas, cracks, abrasions, diaper rash, heals minor wounds, etc.
- Has sunscreen properties, is an ideal means of protecting the skin from the damaging effects of dry frosty air.
- Completely absorbed, leaving no greasy shine, makes the skin smooth, elastic, soft.

It has pronounced photoprotective properties and is used in a variety of skin care products for the face, hands, body, and sunscreen preparations.

Relieves itching and burning after insect bites.
- Strengthens hair - promotes growth, prevents hair loss, eliminates dandruff.

Nourishes, moisturizes, restores hair structure.
- Is an ideal product for caring for split ends and

hair, after perm and coloring.
- Protects hair from aggressive environmental influences.
- Restores natural shine and brightness of hair.

Wolf fat


· for diseases of the respiratory system - chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, silicosis;

· externally for burns, wounds;

· for arthritis, polyarthritis, rheumatism;

· with swelling of the joints.

Wolf fat is an additional and auxiliary remedy in the treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis. According to the indications, it is very similar to dog fat, but unlike it, the wolf is a cleaner animal, with a strong immune system, so there is no doubt about its consumption.

Pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis, dark spots on the lungs, general exhaustion of the body regardless of the factors, the initial stages of silicosis, some types of asthma, stomach and duodenal ulcers help to cure wolf fat only when the patient is in remission.

In acute and chronic liver diseases, in addition, it protects the liver from damage by antibiotics and other drugs.

Wolf fat has a bactericidal effect on tubercle bacilli. The secretory activity of the stomach and intestines is normalized, the tone increases. Purulent processes are extinguished, fistulas and lesions are closed, frames are cleaned and the body begins to recover.

Mode of application

Take 1 tablespoon orally at night after meals, 5-6 hours later. For tuberculosis, it helps destroy Koch's bacillus.

Bear fat


Bear fat contains: proteins, nucleic acids, triterpene glycosides ginsenosides (panaxosides), cytamines (thymusamines, pancramines, bronhalamines, cerebramines, renisamines, ventramins, hepatamines, etc.), vitamins A, group B (B1, B2, B3, B4 (choline), B12 ), E, ​​poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids (including Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9), macro- and microelements and other substances beneficial to the human body.

When used externally, bear fat:

· Helps relieve pain in muscles, spine and joints

· Accelerates the healing of skin damage, prevents the appearance of scars.

· Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (such as gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, pancreatitis, colitis, enterocolitis), diseases of the esophagus

· Respiratory diseases (tonsillitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, pulmonary tuberculosis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary silicosis, acute respiratory infections caused by the influenza virus, diseases of the larynx).

· As part of complex therapy for diseases of the lower respiratory tract, a combination of internal use and external use of bear fat is recommended.

Insomnia, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome

· Diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, osteoporosis, myositis, fractures, sprains and tendons, etc.).

· As part of the complex treatment of such injuries and diseases, a combination of internal use and external use of bear fat is recommended (rubbing with bear fat helps eliminate pain and inflammation, associated diseases and injuries of muscles, spine and joints).

· Diseases of the male genitourinary system (erectile dysfunction, prostate adenoma, prostatitis, etc.).


· Dermatological diseases and skin injuries (abrasions, scratches, cuts, skin cracks, trophic ulcers, bedsores, anal fissures, stretch marks (skin stretch marks), frostbite, burns, furunculosis, lichen, urticaria, psoriasis, eczema, etc.).

As part of the complex treatment of injuries and diseases of this group, a combination of internal use and external use of bear fat is recommended.

Internal consumption of bear fat is also very useful:

· During the rehabilitation period after undergoing courses of chemotherapy and radiation therapy

· For older people - to strengthen the immune system, improve metabolic processes and prevent various age-related diseases.

· For cerebrovascular accidents, neurological and psychoemotional disorders associated with metabolic disorders in the brain

For liver damage caused by long-term use of medications

Method of use

In order to prevent and treat most of the above diseases, bear fat is consumed orally 2 times a day 1 hour before meals.

The therapeutic and prophylactic course of taking bear fat is 1 month. If necessary, such a course can be carried out 2-3 times a year with a break between courses of 2-4 weeks.

Before internal or external use, bear fat should be melted naturally, at room temperature (it is not recommended to heat this product before use). Single dose of bear fat for adults - 1 dessert spoon

(mixed with honey - 1 tablespoon)

A single dose of bear fat for children: from 3 to 6 years

- one third of a teaspoon from 6 to 12 years

- half a teaspoon from 12 to 16 years old

- 1 teaspoon

To improve the taste, bear fat can be taken orally, after mixing with warmed milk (1 glass) or with the addition of honey or jam (in a 3:1 ratio). If a child or adult is intolerant to milk, bear fat can be spread on a piece of black bread and washed down with such a sandwich warm tea.

Internal consumption of bear fat is not recommended for children 2-3 years old; children of this age can only have their chest and back rubbed if they have diseases of the lower respiratory tract.

Internal consumption of bear fat is not recommended for children 2-3 years old; children of this age can only have their chest and back rubbed if they have diseases of the lower respiratory tract. Arctic fox fat

is a unique set of substances that are positive for human health and are not synthesized by cells independently. This includes polyunsaturated acids, which are necessary for tissue nutrition and a qualitative reduction in bad cholesterol. The drug also contains a fairly high level of oleic acid, which improves metabolism and blocks the growth of cancer tumors.

Method of preparation and use of Arctic fox fat: For adults:

dilute a tablespoon of the drug and a tablespoon of honey in a cup of milk. Take the mixture 2 times a day before meals. Externally:

Wolf fat - the power of immunity

The wolf is a predatory mammal of the Canidae family that lives in various geographical zones of our planet. They live in the north (polar wolves), in the south (steppe wolves), in the mountains and the middle zone. A special feature of the wolf's body is its extraordinary endurance and adaptability.

Wolves feed almost exclusively on animal food (hares, ungulates, birds, small rodents, etc.), sometimes on wild berries.

A hardened body and strong immunity allow the wolf to maintain its activity and endurance until old age.

Wolf fat is a very valuable source of nutrients and is widely used for various ailments.

Wolf fat is easily absorbed by our body and can be used both internally and externally.

According to the indications and composition, wolf fat is similar to dog fat, but the wolf is a cleaner animal with a strong immune system, so its fat has a higher potential and does not cause allergic reactions.

Wolf fat contains easily digestible proteins, nucleic acids, cytamines, carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins (PP, E, group B), macro- and microelements, polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fatty acids (Omega 3, Omega 6) and many other useful elements . This composition and ratio of useful substances allows us to consider wolf fat an effective remedy.

Wound healing effect

Wolf fat has a good healing effect. It accelerates the process of regeneration of the skin and mucous membranes, wounds close faster. It is used for stomach and duodenal ulcers; it normalizes the secretory activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Wounds, cuts, insect bites;
  • Purulent processes, fistulas, trophic ulcers;
  • Burns, frostbite, bites, skin irritations;
  • Postoperative scars;
  • Ulcers of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis.

Respiratory diseases

Wolf fat has a bactericidal effect, therefore, as an additional adjuvant, it is used to treat tuberculosis. It is not only able to suppress Koch's bacillus (the causative agent of tuberculosis), but also quickly restores the body after a long illness. Wolf fat is also an effective remedy for bronchitis, colds, coughs, and bronchial asthma. Thanks to its immunostimulating effect, wolf fat quickly restores the body after illness or general exhaustion of the body. In addition, it protects the liver from damage after taking antibiotics and other medications.

  • Tuberculosis;
  • Bronchial asthma:
  • Bronchitis (including chronic), pneumonia, silicosis, colds, cough.

Joint diseases

Wolf fat can be used for joint pain and rheumatism. It has a slight warming effect, relieves swelling in the joints, aches, pains, and increases their mobility. You can use it as a rub for lower back pain or with a heat compress.

To generally strengthen the body and boost immunity, you can take wolf fat in a small amount (1 tablespoon per day) with meals every day. Duration of treatment is 1 month, after 2 weeks the treatment can be repeated.

Wolf fat does not cause any unwanted reactions or disorders. Thanks to the high content of vitamins, fatty acids and minerals, you will strengthen your body in cold and damp weather, replenish it with useful substances and prevent many colds and infectious diseases.

should be rubbed twice a day for colds and joint problems.

Wolf fat is a remedy that is unique in its properties, effective and proven over centuries.

Wolf fat is an effective additional remedy for the treatment of tuberculosis, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, for strengthening and restoring the body after physical exhaustion and long-term illness, helps the liver recover faster after taking antibiotics, strengthens the immune system, and also helps heal wounds and ulcers.

Wolf fat is similar in characteristics to dog fat. But the wolf is a cleaner animal and eats clean foods (mainly meat). The wolf has strong immunity and great endurance.

Wolf fat is very rich in proteins, amino acids, and fatty acids (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated). It contains vitamins A, B vitamins (B2-B6, B12), E, ​​PP, nucleic acids, triterpene glycosides, ginsenosides, cytamines, macro- and microelements, etc.

The composition of wolf fat promotes faster tissue healing, suppression of many bacteria, incl. Koch's sticks, relieve inflammation and strengthen the immune system.


Like all other animal fats, wolf fat can be used both internally and externally.

In the old days, it was used mainly as a wound-healing agent, which not only helped the wound heal faster, but also carried out antibacterial treatment. Wolf fat was placed directly into the wound, after which the wound healed in a matter of days. It also helped a lot with trophic (non-healing) ulcers.

Wolf fat was used to rub, which relieved coughs and colds, and was smeared on the joints. After bruises, wolf fat relieves swelling faster. It is also an analgesic for joint pain and rheumatism.

Main indications for the use of wolf fat

  • Weakened immunity;
  • Wounds and cuts;
  • Trophic ulcers;
  • Postoperative scars;
  • Joint diseases;
  • Bruises, swelling after injuries;
  • Diseases of the respiratory system (pneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis, silicosis, cough);
  • Gastrointestinal diseases, stomach and intestinal disorders;
  • As a general tonic.


Wolf fat can be used in the same recipe as dog fat. But wolf fat has a denser consistency, so in all cases it is advisable to melt it before use.

After processing, wolf fat has virtually no smell or taste!

  • For the treatment of tuberculosis, in addition to the main method of treatment, wolf fat is taken in its pure form orally, 1 tbsp. spoon at night after meals, approximately 5 hours later.
  • To strengthen the immune system, you should take wolf fat 2-3 times a day, 1 tbsp. spoon for 30 minutes. before meals.
  • For diseases of the respiratory system (bronchitis, cough), wolf fat should be taken internally and externally. At night, thoroughly rub the patient's chest and back with fat, then wrap him in a warm blanket. Add 1 tbsp to boiled milk. a spoonful of wolf fat and give it overnight.
  • For joint pain, you can apply a compress. Soak gauze with heated wolf fat and apply it to the sore spot, then apply warm cloth and secure with a bandage. Such compresses are best done at night, when the patient is at rest.
  • To heal wounds and cuts, lightly melt wolf fat and apply it directly to the wound. If the wound is shallow, then there is no need to bandage it. Wolf fat significantly accelerates tissue fusion and disinfects the wound.


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