Home Removal Shchelkovo treatment facilities are under public control.

Shchelkovo treatment facilities are under public control.

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The problem of the pungent smell of hydrogen sulfide, which envelops almost the entire town of Shchelkovo near Moscow, has long ceased to be local. The new regional authorities are working on solving it together with the government of the Moscow region. They promise to normalize the operation of the Shchelkovo treatment facilities - the source of the unpleasant odor - by mid-December 2014. A correspondent for the Shchelkovo news agency found out the cause of the terrible smell and how they will deal with it.

Moscow region gutter

Shchelkovo interdistrict wastewater treatment plants- one of the largest in the Moscow region. Here they receive and treat domestic and industrial wastewater coming from four cities (Korolev, Ivanteevka, Fryazino, Yubileiny) and two districts of the Moscow region - Shchelkovsky and Pushkinsky, with a total population of more than 700 thousand people.

The first mechanical-biological treatment complex was put into operation almost 50 years ago - in 1966, the second - in 1982. The company's subscribers include more than 1,000 organizations.

Shchelkovo receives over 300 thousand cubic meters of wastewater per day. On this moment The enterprise has accumulated up to 500 thousand cubic meters of sludge. At the moment, 40% of wastewater comes from Korolev, 20% from the Shchelkovsky district, 40% from other municipalities.

Source of the stench

Water treatment facilities of MUE "Vodokanal" It has been known for a long time that not everything is in order with the treatment facilities. Both district, regional, and federal media have repeatedly written about the massive death of fish in the Klyazma River below the Shchelkovo wastewater treatment plant. The company seemed to be undergoing modernization, but it did not produce significant results. As a result, last summer, in July - August, at the very peak of the heat, residents could not open the windows - the smell of hydrogen sulfide was so strong.

The reason for the smell is that the Shchelkovo wastewater treatment plant was originally intended for other purposes. They were designed and built to receive and treat exclusively domestic wastewater, i.e. human waste products. However, over several decades of operation of these public utilities in common system hundreds were “embedded” industrial enterprises, periodically dropping harmful substances, such as carbon tetrachloride, phenanthrene, dichlorobromomethane, benzopyrene - substances of the second and third hazard classes, which are generally prohibited for discharge anywhere and should not go beyond the enterprise.

All this chemistry is met at the treatment plant by activated sludge, which neutralizes, as far as possible, toxic substances. During its decay, hydrogen sulfide is released - this is the source of the stench.

Fresh ideas

Water treatment plants in Shchelkovo Since August 2014, in accordance with the road map agreed upon by the regional government, large-scale reconstruction has been underway at the treatment plants. He personally monitors its progress. O. Head of the district administration Alexey Valov, appointed to this position in July. Last thing

At the on-site meeting on October 25, the installation of equipment for the new primary settling tank was inspected. A structure with a diameter of 30 meters will allow toxic waste to be drained into an additional reservoir from central system water disposal of the enterprise, which did not exist before. This means that activated sludge will no longer die.

Since 1999, the production complex of the Shchelkovo interdistrict treatment facilities has been under the trust management of JSC Ecoaerostalker.

General Director of Ecoaerostalker CJSC Andrei Ivanovsky said that inspections are currently underway in industrial zones where chemical enterprises are registered, which are subtenants of treatment plant subscribers.

Earlier, during the work of the commission, consisting of representatives of Ecoaerostalker, Shchelkovsky Vodokanal and the enterprises themselves, samples were taken for industrial production five municipalities that serve the Shchelkovo wastewater treatment plant. The research was carried out in the laboratory of one of the independent analytical centers in Moscow. As a result, organizations have become known that dump chemicals into sewers.

Thus, out of 15 samples from Shchelkovo enterprises, 11 contained toxic poisons, and in samples from the city of Fryazino - all eight. In Korolev, substances prohibited for discharge were also found at all ten enterprises where samples were taken. Things are a little better in Ivanteevka: out of six, only three enterprises can be considered violators, in Pushkino - eight out of 12. The Shchelkovo prosecutor's office will work on the identified facts.

The general director of Ecoaerostalker claims that the company does not deviate a single step from the road map.

“The production program is carried out strictly according to plan, as is the installation and commissioning of equipment. Due to the fact that the cash gap has not been eliminated (the company's accounts receivable are about 400 million rubles), we were forced to turn to equipment manufacturers with a request for a serious deferment of payments, and they explained what this was connected with. They met us halfway,” said the general director, adding that the debt is covered by the founders of Ecoaerostalker CJSC.

Combating illegal dumping

Alexey ValovBefore entry into force Federal Law on water supply and sanitation, it was almost impossible to punish those responsible for discharging toxic substances into sewers. The law now provides for serious penalties for violators. For this purpose, an interdepartmental working group with the participation of law enforcement agencies. Each case of dumping of toxic substances is recorded and the perpetrators will be held accountable in court.

“We knew that we were being bullied, but the law did not say how to deal with it. Now enterprises must determine a discharge plan by the end of the year, and in 2015 build local treatment facilities. Otherwise, we will punish - using a special formula, issue invoices in the amount of 2-10 times the tariff,” said Gennady Leshchov, adviser to the general director of Ecoaerostalker.

However, district authorities do not view multimillion-dollar fines as an end in themselves.

“For us, something else is much more important: we want all enterprises that discharge chemicals to build local treatment facilities by the end of next year, as required by law. There will be no discharges - there will be no smell,” said deputy head of the district administration Andrei Kazak.

The need for the construction of local treatment facilities was noted by And. O. Head of the Shchelkovo district administration. According to him, the district authorities met with representatives of all municipalities that transport wastewater to Shchelkovo and set the task of building their own treatment facilities.

“We will continue to accept untreated wastewater for a year, but in the future, build,” Valov warned.

Beneficial sediment

CJSC "Ecoaerostalker"Another problem of wastewater treatment plants is accumulated sludge. Now it is transported to specialized landfills, but only half of the total annual volume of sludge, the rest remains on the territory of treatment facilities. Up to 96 thousand cubic meters of sludge are formed here per year.

The company already knows how to solve this problem. “The first method of disposal involves the construction of a plant for the production of soil mixture or a component for the production of concrete from sludge. The second is to allocate a site where we could obtain soil ourselves using various technologies,” said Andrei Ivanovsky, general director of Ecoaerostalker.

According to him, the soil can be used for land reclamation, including backfilling some areas during the construction of the Central Ring Road.

The Shchelkovo interdistrict treatment plant is the largest facility utilities Moscow region.

The treatment facilities are located at the address: Shchelkovo, st. Zarechnaya, 137; they include two production complexes with a total capacity of 320,000 m 3 /day; total The population served is about 700 thousand people.

Since the end of 2015, the Shchelkovo interdistrict treatment plant has been a production unit of the Shchelkovo Interdistrict Vodokanal Municipal Unitary Enterprise.

In 2016, the following activities were carried out with funds from the federal budget allocated by the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region:

1. “CORONA” air purification installations were put into operation in the grate building of the first and second production complexes, which made it possible to improve the air condition of the sanitary protection zone of the enterprise and the working area in the workshop;

2. a major overhaul of TP-2 was carried out, which saves electrical energy and increases the reliability of the energy supply of the second production complex;

3. 2 primary settling tanks were put into operation after major repairs and equipment replacement at the first and second production complexes, which improves the quality of clarified waste and reduces the load of suspended solids on the biological treatment unit;

4. The ALDES G 2-115 centrifuge from Alfa Laval was put into operation, which allows increasing the capacity of the mechanical dehydration workshop and creating a reserve of equipment;

5. Blowing equipment was purchased and installed at the first and second production complexes, which improves the quality of biological treatment, optimizes energy costs while obtaining the required amount of dissolved oxygen in aeration tanks;

In 2017, at our own expense, it is planned to continue work to replace worn-out equipment - 10 primary settling tanks, 2 sludge compactors and improve technology for wastewater treatment and sludge disposal.

In March, a major overhaul of primary settling tanks began - one each at the 1st and 2nd production complex, sludge compactors at the 2nd production complex and in the mechanical sludge dewatering shop.

In 2016, industrial tests were carried out on a number of biological products designed to eliminate unpleasant odors accompanying the wastewater treatment process. The technology for their use has been developed. To date, MicrobeLift series preparations have been purchased and used in the treatment of sewage sludge, which will help improve the environmental situation at the enterprise and in the city of Shchelkovo.

According to the production program, the quality of wastewater treatment is regularly monitored.

In the mid-1950s, the Shchelkovo executive committee decided to build its own treatment facilities in the bend of the Klyazma River. The first mechanical-biological treatment complex with an area of ​​20 hectares was built and put into operation in 1966.

By the mid-1970s, due to the high level of housing construction, as well as intensive work industrial enterprises in the Shchelkovsky district and nearby cities, a land plot of 43 hectares was allocated for the construction of a second, more modern stage of treatment facilities. In 1982, the second complex was put into operation. Both complexes were named Shchelkovo Interdistrict production management aeration stations (SHMPUSA).

In the early 1990s, ShchMPUSA was renamed OJSC Aerator.

Years of perestroika have brought the once prosperous enterprise, known in the Shchelkovo region for its social attractiveness, into a deplorable state. By the end of the 1990s, due to lack of funding, the equipment of the treatment facilities was completely technically and morally worn out. A large amount of sewage sludge containing harmful substances has accumulated on the sludge maps. There was a threat of environmental disaster. Difficult working conditions and irregular payments wages led to constant staff turnover.

The heads of cities and districts using the services of Aerator turned to the Governor of the Moscow Region with a request to take urgent measures to overcome the crisis. One of the measures proposed attracting a private management company to the management, which has administrative resources and its own financial resources to carry out a complete reconstruction of inter-district treatment facilities.

On January 18, 1999, by decree of the government of the Moscow region, the Shchelkovo interdistrict treatment facilities were transferred to the trust management of JSC Ecoaerostalker for a period of 20 years.

Currently, the Shchelkovo interdistrict treatment facilities provide the reception and treatment of wastewater coming from four cities: Korolev, Ivanteevka, Fryazin, Yubileiny and two districts - Pushkinsky and Shchelkovsky with a population of more than 700 thousand people.

The company's subscribers include more than 1,000 organizations.

During the period of trust management, with the financial support of shareholders and the Administration of the Shchelkovsky District, the management company CJSC Ecoaerostalker carried out a number of activities for the overhaul and modernization of treatment facilities. New technologies for wastewater disinfection have been introduced. Experimental work is underway to introduce technologies that improve the physical and mechanical properties of sediments with the aim of using them in forestry and rural areas in the region to increase land fertility, reclamation of mined-out quarries and waste lands. But the most important thing is that after repeated appeals to the Governor of the Moscow Region B.V. Gromov and the adoption of the law “Providing the population with quality drinking water and provision of water disposal in the Moscow region for 2002-2006.” A full-scale reconstruction of the enterprise has begun.

According to the new “Feasibility Study for Reconstruction”, ordered by Ecoaerostalker CJSC, the technical re-equipment process will take from 4 to 6 years and its cost will be about 1,600 million rubles. The most modern equipment will be purchased and Newest technologies, which will enable the enterprise to operate successfully for 25-30 years.

In 2003, the first stage was completed - reconstruction of the mechanical sludge dewatering workshop. From now on, the sediment is “squeezed out” by a centrifuge from one of the leading European manufacturers of technological equipment, Hiller.

The volume of financial investments in reconstruction increased from 6.9 million rubles in 2000 to 80 million rubles in 2003. In 2004, it is planned to use about 160 million rubles.

Ecoaerostalker's partners in the supply of equipment and technological materials are foreign companies Huber, Ciba, Hiller, Meva.

Close cooperation has been established with Russian scientists working in the field of land detoxification. The technologies they developed for disinfecting water and sediments from heavy metals made it possible to quickly stabilize the sanitary situation in the Shchelkovsky district at minimal cost.

Ecoaerostalker specialists provide engineering services and provide consulting on implementation modern technologies and equipment act as representatives of the customer in negotiations with Russian and foreign companies.

Wastewater treatment plants are an attractive investment opportunity. The payback period for investments in them ranges from three to five years.

Shchelkovo interdistrict treatment facilities Ecoaerostalker are the largest public utility facility that receives and treats domestic and industrial wastewater coming from three cities: Korolev, Ivanteevka and Fryazino, united with Yubileiny, as well as from Shchelkovsky and Pushkinsky districts.

To the unpleasant the musty smell of sewage from the treatment plant in Shchelkovo Residents have complained more than once before. Thus, in February 2014, the press service of the Ministry of Housing and Communal Services of the Moscow Region stated that the department intends to relieve residents of the Shchelkovsky district and Shchelkovo from the presence of an unpleasant odor that arises due to problems at the water treatment plant and discharges from enterprises.

Fragrant products are supplied to the Shchelkovsky district from several neighboring cities, and due to the growing volume of construction of residential complexes and microdistricts in Korolev, Pushkino, Ivanteevka and Shchelkovo, the volume of discharges is growing. The actual flow of wastewater exceeds the technological capabilities of treatment facilities by 40%. Municipalities do not pay for excess discharge volumes. At the moment, 60% of discharges come from the city of Korolev, 20% from the Shchelkovsky district, 20% from other municipalities.

Several other reasons were also given: many enterprises discharge chemically clogged discharges, and the unpleasant odor was explained by problems in drainage and working with sediments remaining after water treatment; they are not removed on time and many enterprises in the defense industry and processing food products dump waste unauthorized.

How about others:

The utility workers, the management of the treatment plants and the officials of the Lyubertsy region turned out to be much more efficient than the Shchelkovskys, solving the problem with the smell at the treatment plants and it was done quite simply: first, all the water passes through mechanical screens, sand traps, where the garbage is sifted out, then the water enters the metatanks - or containers where it settles. Then the water enters aeration tanks, where it is cleaned, treated with ultraviolet light and coal, then into secondary settling tanks and sent to the Pekhorka River. But the main source of odor is open containers with dirty water(channels, chambers, sand traps and others) we cover them with a special sealed stainless steel lid. The hydrogen sulfide that accumulates in them is taken away and neutralized using low-temperature plasma by the “Crown” installation. This invention was made with the participation of the Institute of Chemical Physics named after. N.N. Semenov RAS, but the development has already been used in a number of projects, including the international space project “Mars 500”. And our locomotive called “Ecoaerostalker” is still standing still.

At the same time, the reconstruction of the Lyubertsy wastewater treatment plant does not cost the city a penny. The company allocated all funds for the transformation from its own sources, or from tariffs collected from city residents for the use of water supply and sewerage systems.

Is the smell from wastewater treatment plants harmful or not?

Many people are interested in whether the smell from wastewater treatment plants is harmful or not and why this is so. Shchelkovo smells bad, immediately comes to mind - the smell rotten eggs. And according to science - HYDROGEN SULFIDE. Hydrogen sulfide (HYDROGEN Sulfide) is released not only in industrial, but also in natural conditions in the process of rotting organic matter containing sulfur, as well as during the decomposition of proteins of dead animals and plants. In human habitats, hydrogen sulfide is found in landfills and sewers, as rotting food waste releases this gas. In large cities, it is released into the air as a result of the activities of numerous aeration stations.

Hydrogen sulfide is a very toxic gas that acts directly on nervous system. On the danger scale it is classified as class 3. Be sure to take this fact into account whenever you smell its distinct scent. But what is especially dangerous is the property of hydrogen sulfide to dull the olfactory nerve, which is why a person simply ceases to distinguish between the toxic vapors surrounding him, and intoxication can occur suddenly.

Expert opinion:

The lethal concentration of this gas in the air is very small - only 0.1%. This amount of hydrogen sulfide can cause a person to fatal outcome in 10 minutes.
One has only to increase concentration a little - and death occurs instantly, after the first breath. For example: in the sewer system, the concentration of hydrogen sulfide sometimes reaches as much as 16%.

We have not yet studied the concentration of hydrogen sulfide in Shchelkovo. But judging by the fact that some people feel a sweetish taste on the palate, the concentration is not lethal, but quite high.

The most noticeable signs of severe hydrogen sulfide poisoning are: pulmonary edema, convulsions, nerve paralysis, and subsequent coma. If the atmosphere contains hydrogen sulfide in smaller quantities (from 0.02%), the symptoms are not so fatal, but very unpleasant: dizziness and headache, nausea and rapid adaptation to the smell of “rotten eggs”.

People who work or live in close proximity to factories with hydrogen sulfide emissions experience so-called chronic hydrogen sulfide poisoning. At the same time, they begin to feel worse, experience headaches, rapidly lose weight, cases of fainting become more frequent, and a metallic taste appears in the mouth. Hydrogen sulfide also has a negative effect on vision, affecting the mucous membrane of the eye and causing conjunctivitis and photophobia.

At high concentrations, a single inhalation may cause instant death. At low concentrations, adaptation to unpleasant smell“rotten eggs”, and it ceases to be felt. Chronic poisoning with small amounts of HYDROGEN Sulfide causes general deterioration well-being, weight loss, headaches. Sometimes, after a while, sudden fainting occurs, and a sweetish metallic taste appears in the mouth. Characteristic damage to the mucous membrane of the eyes is conjunctivitis, photophobia.

What to do if you feel sick from inhaling hydrogen sulfide during emissions from the treatment plant in Shchelkovo:

The first thing you need to do is call ambulance. It is necessary to isolate the victim from the source of hydrogen sulfide and enrich his lungs with oxygen.
After recovery, it is recommended to contact supervisory authorities regarding the fact of harm to health. Glucose, vitamins, and iron supplements are also recommended.

How to escape:

If you smell a strong smell of hydrogen sulfide, try not to breathe deeply; it is better to use gauze or a special bandage for protection. respiratory tract. When in apartments during emissions, try to isolate the apartment from odors by closing the windows.

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