Home Stomatitis The osprey's wings help. Skopets is the best fisherman in the world of feathered predators

The osprey's wings help. Skopets is the best fisherman in the world of feathered predators

Skopina families. Many scientists are confident that she is the best fisherman among birds, as she is able to catch fish even in rivers with very fast currents. Alas, today the life of this inhabitant of heaven can hardly be called carefree, because due to the fault of man he was on the verge of extinction. But let's talk about everything in order.


So, first, let's figure out where the eunuchs live. Photos of these birds taken in different parts of the planet indicate that these birds have settled on almost all continents, with the exception of Antarctica. However, depending on the season, they can migrate from one region to another, thereby avoiding the cold of winter.

Therefore, in Russia they can only be found in summer or late spring. The same applies to Iceland, Scandinavia and some states of North America. Moreover, with the arrival of cold weather, these birds fly away to warmer climes. For example, to the southern part of China, East Asia, Africa, Indonesia or Malaysia.

Skopets is a fairly large bird. On average, it grows to 50-60 cm in length, while its wingspan can reach 140-160 cm. It is noteworthy that females always exceed their gentleman in size. This difference can be seen even with the naked eye, because their weight is too different.

All eunuchs wear brown or black plumage, which varies only slightly in shade depending on where they live. But the lower part (chest and belly) of the bird is white or light gray. Around the eyes there is a black edging of feathers, which smoothly turns into two parallel stripes going to her shoulders. Thanks to them, one gets the impression that the feathered predator is wearing a dark mask, hiding its true appearance.

Eunuch's diet

Skopets is a bird whose menu mostly consists of “fish dishes”. According to scientists, fish makes up more than 90% of everything eaten by the predator. That is why in the world of feathered creatures this species is considered one of the best hunter-divers. In addition, fresh fish serves as an excellent source of moisture for the predator, and therefore it rarely drinks plain water.

However, this does not mean that the eunuch does not hunt other game. If the weather or terrain does not allow fishing, the bird easily switches to other targets. For example, rodents, reptiles, insects and even other birds can become dinner for a predator. Moreover, there is evidence that eunuchs hunted animals that could become formidable opponents in their own right.

Features of behavior

Considering the diet of this predator, it is not surprising that the eunuch is a bird that is accustomed to settling near large bodies of water. Here she feels more than comfortable, because at any moment she can go hunting. At the same time, the osprey prefers to lead a solitary lifestyle, only occasionally forming strong tandems. Because of this, it is possible to see pairs of birds “in love” only during the mating period.

In hunting his favorite game, the eunuch is greatly helped by his excellent eyesight. Thanks to him, the bird is able to notice the fish while high in the sky. For example, an experienced predator can spot a carp swimming underwater from a distance of 40 meters. In addition, he ignores the distortion that water gives to an object due to the refraction of light on its surface.

After the eunuch selects its victim, it quickly parries downwards. It enters the water with its paws forward, using them like a harpoon. Often the fish does not have time to react in time and ends up in the sharp claws of a predator. And she will no longer be able to get out of them, since the eunuch grabs its prey from both sides, as if squeezing it in a vice.

Reproduction and mating games of birds

Skopets is a very amazing bird. Accustomed to living alone, she is still very sensitive to family ties. Having found its soul mate, the osprey forms a monogamous pair, which remains indestructible throughout the bird's life. And only the death of one of the partners can change this.

As for the mating season, for migratory birds it begins in April-May, and for sedentary birds - in February-March. At the same time, the males are the first to fly to the nest, thereby showing the ladies that they have not forgotten about them. If the gentleman does not yet have an established pair, then he begins to look for available females, flirting with them.

It takes about 4-5 weeks to hatch the eggs. All this time, the male takes care of his family, bringing food to the nest and protecting it from enemies. And only two months later, when the chicks learn to fly, he leaves his home.

Skopets: significance for the ecosystem and humans

Despite the fact that the eunuch eats a lot of fish, it does not cause significant damage to fisheries. But the bird itself suffers greatly from human action. The use of pesticides and herbicides has a detrimental effect on the predator population. For example, in some agricultural regions it stopped settling altogether.

Therefore, today many environmental organizations have taken the eunuch under their care. In particular, on the territory of the Russian Federation the bird is protected by the Red Book. This species is also protected by a resolution adopted by the Convention on International Trade.

Osprey range falls on Europe from Lapland to the Mediterranean Sea; absent in England, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, France, Greece, Bulgaria and Serbia; in Germany it breeds in Mecklenburg and Brandenburg. Asia from the border of forest vegetation (along river valleys in the forest-tundra) to Kamchatka and Japan in the east, Southern China (mainly in the eastern coastal parts), the Himalayas, Baluchistan and Iran (South Caspian provinces, Khorassan) in the south; southern Arabia, northern Africa (Algeria, Tunisia). In the USSR in the north it is found on the Kola Peninsula, on the Solovetsky Islands, further near Arkhangelsk, on the lower Pechora, along the Ob near Obdorsk (66° 30" N), in the Turukhansk Territory on the Bolshoi Yelagui River and in the upper reaches of the Taz; on the Lower Tunguska near Ilimpeya; further to the east the northern border is unclear - found on Vitim and in the upper reaches of Kolyma, on the northern coast of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and in Kamchatka. In Central Asia on Balkhash, Issyk-Kul, possibly in the lower reaches of the Syr Darya and in the mountainous Fergana (Lake Sary-chilek); does not breed in Tajikistan and Turkmenistan, but the osprey is common in the southeastern Caspian Sea within northern Iran. Absent in Central Asia, reaching south to the Tannu-Tuva region, northern Mongolia (northwestern Kentei) and Baikal region. Possible sporadic nesting in tropical Africa (Victoria-Nyanza; Lake Naivasha). Wintering in the Mediterranean Sea, as well as in Africa south of northern Nigeria and Congo in the west. Somalia and southern Arabia in the east, as well as in Western Asia and in the south of this continent (Mesopotamia), Iran near the Persian Gulf, near the Caspian Sea and in Seistan; in Balochistan, India and Burma to Ceylon, in Indochina.

Nature of stay. Osprey is a migratory bird in the northern part of its range, in particular in the USSR (we have wintering grounds only on Atrek in southwestern Turkmenistan and in mild winters, according to Radda, 1886, in Talysh).

Dates. In African wintering grounds, the osprey was recorded from August to April (Grote). Arriving in the USSR mainly in April, for about a month (multiple passages of different breeding populations). All in. parts of the distribution area from the second half of April and early May (in Kamchatka in May; on the Shantar Islands around mid-May; in early May on Lake Baikal; near Arkhangelsk in early May). In the south in the first half of April and even at the end of March. In autumn, migration occurs from late August to early November, but mainly in September. The spring migration is most likely associated with the melting of ice and the opening of rivers. They fly alone and in pairs.

Habitat. The reservoirs in which the osprey fishes must be fairly transparent. Vertically in the mountains to the forest zone; in Turkestan approximately up to 1800 and maybe up to 2500 m; in Transcaucasia in Armenia up to 2000 m, to the same heights in Altai.

Number. Uneven. The distribution is associated with infrequently encountered conditions (clear, fish-rich reservoirs and coastal high-trunk forests), so livestock are numerous only in places (for example, in southern Transcaucasia and northern Iran). Usually nesting pairs are located at a great distance from each other.

Reproduction. Osprey nesting sites are very permanent and are used for many years (in one case, for example, 18 years, Ryazan region, Khomyakov, 1900). The pair apparently has only one nest. The mating flight begins with arrival (at the end of April in Central Asia, Severtsov). With rare exceptions, nests are located in tall trees; as a rule, nests are located on trees with dead tops (possibly as a result of long-term nesting), on larches, pines, birches, spruces; usually high from the ground, from 8-10 to 20-25 m. The average diameter of the nest is about 1 m, height 50-70 cm. The structure is made of thick branches, with a rounded bottom and a shallow tray. In rare cases, nests are located far from the banks of reservoirs (up to 2 and even 3 km, Barguzin and Turov, 1923). In very rare cases, nests are on rocks (Gilli Lake, Armenia, Sosnin and Leister, 1942).

The osprey lays a clutch of 2-3 eggs (according to Severtsov and 4), in late April and early May. Geographical differences in the timing of laying have not been established, but their presence is very likely. Egg color: on a pale bluish background, reddish-brown and lilac-brown streaks of different sizes; The background color is sometimes reddish or brown in various shades. Dimensions: 62.5-64x46-47.6 (Eastern Siberia, Tachanovsky, 1891); 63-66x43-47 mm (lower Volga, Bostanzhoglo, 1911).

Incubation begins with the laying of the first egg, with the participation of both parents (brood spots and males). The incubation period is somewhat more than a month (35 days, Niethammer, 1938; there are no direct observations in the USSR). Half-feathered chicks are found around mid-July (Baraba; Novgorod region; July 15 - Voronezh region; July 25 - lower Ob). Flight young meet from the second half of August. The nesting period is therefore about 8 weeks. Families stay together until departure.

Shedding. Requires further study. Birds taken between October and April, in fresh feathers. The change of primary flight feathers begins in the second half of the breeding season - in July. The sequence of changing flywheels is probably from the rear edge of the party to the front. Change of outfits: first downy - second downy - first annual (breeding) - second annual (final), etc.

Nutrition. The common osprey is a stenophage: it feeds on medium-sized fish, weighing up to approximately 2-3 kg (Averin, 1910). Fish are caught from flight, by diving - therefore, the opacity of water, rainy or foggy weather prevents the fish from catching fish. In the spring, when the water is cloudy during floods, the fish have to feed on frogs, gophers, mice, parrots, even jackdaws and ducks, etc. (Zarudny, 1888, Bergman, 1935, etc.). At the same time, the osprey attacks wounded animals, for example, ducks, even the herring gull (Pechora, Dmokhovsky, 1935). The indications of old authors that the osprey sometimes dies by clinging to a large fish and being carried under the water by it are doubtful. In connection with the hunting method of the osprey there are a number of its morphological features: dense and rigid plumage, weak feathering of the lower leg and tarsus, large development of the coccygeal gland, the presence of a rotating finger, spines on the plantar surface of the fingers, long and steeply curved claws, etc. Large fish are grasped two paws, small one.


At the VIII Report and Election Conference of the Russian Bird Conservation Union, held in Moscow in February 2017, the osprey was chosen as the bird of 2018.

Osprey is an unusual bird. A magnificent flyer, a skilled fisherman, a caring parent, a brave traveler, an elegant, beautiful bird. The osprey is so unique that ornithologists have identified a separate family for it in the animal world. Osprey is widely distributed throughout the world, found on all continents except Antarctica. And at the same time, it feeds almost exclusively on fish; other prey is extremely rare in the osprey’s diet. Osprey hunting (yes, not fishing, just hunting fish) is a breathtaking spectacle. This is a calm search flight over the surface of the water, and a swift rush towards prey, when the bird instantly turns into white lightning rushing towards the water, and a sharp throwing forward of its paws just before the dive, and a sheaf of splashes, from which a bird suddenly flies out with a fish in its paws... An osprey can even grab a fish that is gaping at the surface, almost without getting its feather wet. But often you have to immerse yourself in water almost completely. And then the bird, rising heavily with its prey in its claws, shakes itself off in flight - well, exactly like a dog that has climbed onto land after a swim.

Large nests of ospreys are often far from water, and the bird has to carry difficult prey to its chicks several kilometers away. At the same time, the male feeds not only the brood in the nest, but also the female, who incubates the clutch and later continuously protects the growing chicks. And even when fully feathered chicks leave the nest, parents have to feed them for a long time until the young ospreys master the art of hunting on their own.

Rare throughout almost its entire vast range, the osprey requires especially careful treatment and protection. Its numbers depend on many factors - both on the fishiness of reservoirs and on the availability of suitable nesting sites. Water pollution and deforestation have led to a significant reduction in the number of feathered fishermen. Excessive human disturbance is also a determining limiting factor for ospreys. And where now, with a developed road network, with the active use of passable all-wheel drive vehicles, ATVs, boats, kayaks, and other yachts by vacationers, can they find a quiet river stretch or a deserted lake?

What can we do to preserve this truly unique species? In the global aspect - to ensure the cleanliness, and therefore the fishiness of our rivers and lakes, to preserve forests on their banks, in the water protection zone, in the adjacent swamps (it is the pine forests in the raised swamps that are the main nesting site of the osprey). But we ourselves can help the osprey. Maintain peace and quiet on such attractive river and lake banks, choose already inhabited, equipped places for camping in nature, and not create new bivouacs. The osprey also responds very well to artificial nesting sites. Of course, installing a nesting platform for an osprey is not an easy task, but in this way you can not only support birds in known habitats, but even attract them to new places that were previously uninhabited by ospreys.

And what is completely unacceptable is raising a gun at these magnificent birds.

We hope that 2018, the year of the osprey, will bring us many interesting observations of these beautiful birds, new data about their biology, will help us be closer to nature, and ospreys - at least a small step closer to humans.

Vladimir Melnikov

© Victor Tyakht

© Victor Tyakht

© Victor Tyakht

© Oleg Sidorov

© Oleg Sidorov

The osprey is a bird of prey that lives in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. The bird belongs to the osprey family. It has one genus, one species and four subspecies. In the Northern Hemisphere, osprey can be found in Alaska, Newfoundland, USA, on the Gulf Coast, and in Florida. In South America these are Argentina, Uruguay, and the southern regions of Brazil. In summer, the bird is present almost throughout Europe. She reaches Scandinavia and Iceland. In winter it migrates to North Africa. You can also meet it in Australia, the Solomon Islands, and New Caledonia. He likes to spend the winter months in Southeast Asia, Southern China, Indonesia, the Philippines and Malaysia.

The length of the osprey reaches 60 cm, and the wingspan is 180 cm. The weight of females, which are larger, can reach up to 2 kg, and the weight of males is usually 1.6 kg. The plumage of females is darker in color. The wings of a bird of prey are long. On the upper part of the body they are brown. The chest and belly are light gray. There is a distinctive brown speckled necklace around the neck. There are brown stripes on the sides of the head. The legs and beak are black.

Reproduction and lifespan

These birds form pairs for life. In the Northern Hemisphere, ospreys fly south during the nesting season. Those who have chosen the Southern Hemisphere for themselves do not migrate, but live in the same territory all the time. Only after nesting do they move to nearby areas. “Northerners” begin mating games in April-May. “Southerners” in February-March. Males first fly to the nesting sites, and after a few days the females also arrive. Already established couples find each other, and young males court free females and look for a life partner.

The construction of the nest is done by the female. The only responsibility of the male is to bring building material. The nest is built in tree forks, on rocky ledges, and also on artificial platforms. People make them specifically for these birds. This was first practiced in the state of New Jersey, and then residents of other regions began to prepare platforms for nests for birds. There is nothing surprising. In Russia, from time immemorial, people have been building birdhouses. The osprey is no worse than the starling, therefore it also has the right to a man-made place for a nest.

It is constructed from sticks, seaweed, and branches. The couple has been using this structure for many years, only updating it and adding to it every year. The female lays 2-4 eggs. They are slightly larger than a tennis ball and weigh 60 grams. The eggs are white with brown specks. The incubation period lasts 5 weeks. The hatched chicks are wrapped in white fluff. After 10 days it changes color to dark gray. At birth, the chicks weigh 60 grams. They become winged after 10 weeks. Puberty occurs at the age of 3 years. Ospreys usually live 8-10 years. Some birds live up to 20-25 years. There are also centenarians who live more than 30 years. About 20 adult birds out of 100 die every year.

Behavior and nutrition

Osprey is a solitary bird. Only during the nesting period does it form a pair. The rest of the time she lives and hunts alone. The main diet is fish. The osprey flies above the water at an altitude of 10-30 meters and looks out for prey near the transparent surface. Seeing the prey, the bird of prey lowers down and plunges its limbs into the water. The claws on them are powerful, and in addition there are sharp needles that help to hold the slippery fish bodies. To take off, the bird makes a powerful flap of its wings and rises into the air. The fish weighs, as a rule, 150-300 grams with a body length of 25-35 cm. But the feathered predator can lift prey weighing up to 2 kg into the air. In addition to fish, the sharp claws also catch mice, rats, hares, rabbits, small reptiles and other birds.


The population today numbers 460 thousand individuals. The osprey is not considered an endangered species. The situation was deplorable in the 60s of the last century. The reason for the decline in numbers was pesticides. They were banned in the early 70s. Also, many states have introduced bans on the catching of these birds. The result of all this was that the number of ospreys has increased and remains at a stable level.

There are many varieties of birds in nature, including the most amazing ones. These can be both familiar birds and completely rare species. It is in the latter category that the bird called the osprey, or osprey, belongs. Today, as part of our article, we will get acquainted with this amazing creature, consider what makes the Osprey bird remarkable, what it looks like, where it lives and what it eats, as well as why this feathered predator is on the verge of extinction.


Externally, the bird differs from other representatives of its species. The description of the osprey bird is quite characteristic, and it is not easy to confuse this feathered predator with other inhabitants of the sky. Looking at the photo of the osprey bird, its size immediately catches your eye. The osprey bird is quite large:

  • Its wingspan reaches 1.8 m.
  • Body length 0.6 m.
  • The mass of an individual varies from 1.6 to 2 kg.

Females weigh more than males.

What does an osprey bird look like? Its back is dark, and its chest and belly are almost white. Males are lighter than females. Another sign by which a female can be identified is a kind of “necklace” of specks on the chest.

On the sides of the head, starting from the eyes, there is a characteristic stripe of dark feathers. The wings are dark brown. The legs and beak are black. The feathers are hard and have water-repellent properties. Young individuals differ from older ones by being more spotted. The eye membranes of young individuals are orange-red. The birds' voice is abrupt and sharp, reminiscent of the sound "kai-kai".

The nostrils of these birds have peculiar valves that serve as protection against the ingress of water. The legs are strong, the tail is short, the fingers end in sharp claws. Under the claws there are spiked pads that allow the osprey to hold slippery prey. The hind and middle toes are the same length. The outer finger is reversible. Such adaptations are not accidental. The fishing bird Osprey is an aquatic predator whose main diet is fidgety and slippery fish. It can be quite difficult to wriggle out with such a grip.

Living conditions

Despite the fact that representatives of this species of birds are relatively few in number, they are distributed across all continents of the planet, except Antarctica. It is not known whether sea eagles nest on the South American continent, but they winter in Uruguay, Argentina and Brazil. Birds of prey love to nest in winter on islands in the Red Sea and in Egypt.

The osprey fishing bird winters on the Indonesian islands, the Philippines and Malaysia. Sometimes the sea eagle is caught on the territory of Australia and the islands of Melanesia (for example, on the Solomon Islands). These birds have completely mastered the North American continent. They are found along the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, in Florida and even in Alaska. The summer habitat of ospreys reaches northern latitudes. In Europe these are Iceland and Scandinavia.

The Osprey bird of prey prefers to settle along the banks of shallow bodies of water - lakes, rivers and swamps. The main part of their diet is fish.

Osprey nests at some distance from bodies of water (about 3-5 km), but sometimes they make their homes on small islands or on coastal rocks. The main condition is that the nest site be sufficiently safe and inaccessible to predators. Birds fly away from their nests at a distance of 14-15 km. If individuals do not have offspring, they travel less.


It is no coincidence that ospreys are called sea eagles. These are fishing birds. Fish makes up about 98% of their diet. They do not have any specific food preferences. The predator's prey can be fish, which can be seen from the height of the bird's flight.

Sea eagle hunting is a fascinating and very beautiful spectacle. Ospreys ambush very rarely. In most cases, they look for fish in flight, from a height of 10-30 m. Having seen a potential victim, the bird quickly descends with its wings laid back and its clawed paws extended forward. At this moment, the feathered predator resembles a super-fast fighter. The calculation is so accurate that the fish has virtually no chance of escape.

According to ornithologist statistics, the percentage of successful osprey dives reaches 75%. The bird catches fish not with its beak, but with its claws. It dives to a shallow depth, grabs its prey and, with a powerful flap of its wings, abruptly breaks away from the water. The osprey holds the fish tightly with the help of special spikes on its paws. At the same time, she easily carries prey almost equal to her in mass. The victim can weigh from 0.1 to 2 kg. The sea eagle holds the fish in front with one paw, and in the back with the other.

The feathers of representatives of this species are water-repellent, so after immersion in water the bird retains the ability to fly. Sometimes the predator dives quite deep. In this case, the Osprey bird, moving its wings, shakes off excess water and takes off.

However, hunting for feathered predators is not without known risks. If the prey is too strong and massive, the feathered hunter may dive deep into the water. He cannot free himself from prey: the grip of his claws is almost dead. At the same time, the sea eagle chokes in the water and drowns.

Sometimes ospreys diversify their diet with small rodents and reptiles. In the tropics, the predator sometimes indulges itself even with small crocodiles. An important condition: ospreys do not eat carrion. Food must be fresh. The source of water for them is the same fresh fish.

Where did the name come from

So why was the bird named osprey? Translated from the Kolyma language, the word “osprey” means “fisherman” or “aquatic hunter”. By diving into the water and sinking their claws into their prey, sea eagles obtain food for themselves. Representatives of this species form a separate family, consisting of one biospecies, in the order Accipitridae.

Why sea eagles are rare

Unfortunately, these interesting and very beautiful birds are not often found in the animal world. Why has the osprey become a rare bird? Their numbers decreased especially dramatically by the beginning of the last century, due to the uncontrolled destruction of birds of prey. The widespread shooting was motivated by the fact that birds of prey cause damage to agriculture and hunting grounds. It was only in 1964 that the destruction of raptors was prohibited in Russia. However, the number of ospreys could not be restored. One of the reasons is the use of organochlorine pesticides, which were ingested by predators with fish.

Only in recent years the number of birds of this species has increased slightly. As before, the limiting factors are:

  • Uncontrolled shooting.
  • Destruction of nests.
  • Declining fish stocks.
  • Pollution of water bodies, reduction of their transparency. Of considerable importance is the ingress of heavy metal salts and plant protection products into water bodies, which have a detrimental effect on fish.

Osprey - Bird of the Year 2018

There is a good tradition in Russia: every year is celebrated under the sign of some protected bird. The osprey became such a favorite of 2018. A beautiful and strong predator is the embodiment of the greatness of nature. Choosing the Osprey as the 2018 Bird of the Year is a way to draw people's attention to this perfect creation of nature. The same applies to other rare inhabitants of our planet.

And below is a fascinating video about how the Osprey bird hunts - be sure to watch!

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