Home Dental treatment Daily fat intake. Ideal fat percentage Normal fat content

Daily fat intake. Ideal fat percentage Normal fat content

Body fat content is very important indicator to monitor health status. If it is within normal limits, then the likelihood of problems is significantly reduced. In addition, the size of the fat layer determines appearance person. If the percentage of fat is high, the body will be flabby, with noticeable folds. An excessively low percentage is also harmful. Therefore, it is important to understand what is normal for men and women.


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    Body fat percentage

    Fat percentage shows what proportion it makes up in your total body weight. In addition to adipose tissue, the body contains bone, muscle, and water.

    Their ratio determines how a person will look. After all, you can often notice that people who have the same weight in kilograms look completely different. This is because if the fat percentage is high and the muscle is low, the body quality will be poor.

    Different body quality at the same weight

    But this does not mean that you need to strive for complete absence adipose tissue. It is necessary for any person, as it performs the following important functions:

    • thermoregulation, that is, maintaining body temperature depending on external conditions;
    • protection of internal organs from damage;
    • provision of stock nutrients and energy;
    • softening the joints.

    Excess fat mass is also harmful, not only for appearance, but also for human health. People with a high percentage of body fat may experience the following problems:

    • hormonal imbalances;
    • varicose veins;
    • the occurrence of disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
    • high risk of developing diabetes mellitus;
    • formation cholesterol plaques etc.

    That is, both too low and too high percentages of fat are bad for the body. Therefore, this indicator must be healthy and normal.

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    Norm of subcutaneous fat

    The norm of subcutaneous fat will be individual. It will depend on gender, age and degree of physical activity.

    It is worth considering that on average, men have a lower fat percentage than women by 5–8%.

    The table provides information on the normal body fat content of men and women depending on their level of physical fitness.

    You also need to make calculations taking into account that the percentage of fat inevitably increases with age. Therefore, the older a person is, the closer the value will be to the upper limit of these norms.

    In addition, the amount of body fat depends greatly on your body type. Ectomorphs (thin people), even without exercise, can easily have only 15-20% body fat. Endomorphs (naturally plump), with such a low percentage, will face numerous problems: hormonal changes, disorders menstrual cycle in women, hair loss, brittle nails, etc.

    How to measure?

    There are several ways to measure your body fat percentage.

    Some can be easily used at home. Others will require special equipment.


    The simplest method is a visual inspection of the body. You will need to undress to your underwear and stand in front of a full-length mirror.

    It is very important to objectively evaluate yourself, without flattery and excessive pickiness. If there is excess somewhere, sagging, loose skin and other imperfections are observed, the percentage of fat is most likely to be high.

    To make it easier to navigate, girls can use this picture. It shows examples of female figures with different amounts of body fat.

    Men can rely on the following image.

    Body Composition Scales

    For precise definition To measure body composition, special scales are used that work using the bioimpedance analysis method. They measure not only exact weight down to the gram, but also the ratio of fat, muscle and bone tissue.

    The principle of operation of such scales is based on the fact that weak electrical discharges are passed through the body. This makes it possible to determine the ratio of various tissues in the body, since their permeability differs.

    For example, the resistance to current in the fat layer is less than in muscles due to the lower water content.

    The current pulses used in the measurement are weak. Therefore, using such scales will not harm a person in any way.


    If it is not possible to use special scales, you can purchase another device at the pharmacy. It's called a caliper and is inexpensive.

    This device has two “jaws”, a lock with the inscription “press” and a scale in millimeters.

    The percentage of fat should be determined using a caliper by measuring the thickness of the fat folds at 4 points. You can do this yourself or with the help of another person.

    In the first case, you need to take the fold with the fingers of your left hand and pinch it with a caliper, which should be held in right hand. After this, the position of the jaws of the device is fixed with a hook, the device is removed and the result is recorded.

    Thus, the measurement must be carried out at 4 points.

    1. On the triceps (back of the arms), holding the fold vertically.

    2. On the biceps (front of the arms). The fold should also be taken vertically.

    3. On the stomach. In this case, the skin is taken from the side, just below the waist.

    4. On the shoulder blade. The fold should be kept at an angle of 45 degrees. You will not be able to carry out this measurement yourself. You will have to use the help of another person.

    The result should be 4 numbers. They must be added up and converted into fat percentage according to the table. The final value will depend on gender and age.

    For example, a 25-year-old girl’s measurements resulted in a total of 45 millimeters. Referring to the table, you can understand that the percentage of fat in her body is 25%.

    Visceral fat

    In addition to subcutaneous fat, there is visceral fat in the body. It lies much deeper in abdominal cavity.

    Such deposits perform the following functions:

    • provide protection of internal organs from mechanical damage;
    • maintain the correct temperature;
    • provide the body with the necessary nutrients and energy.

    But if the content visceral fat too high, the following negative consequences may occur:

    • increased risk of heart attack and stroke;
    • development of diabetes mellitus;
    • hormonal imbalances;
    • problems with the kidneys, liver and other organs located in the abdominal cavity.

    You can determine whether your visceral fat content is normal using the methods listed above. If the calculated percentage of subcutaneous fat falls within the standard values, then the amount of abdominal fat will be satisfactory.

    Another way to determine whether your visceral fat percentage is above a safe level is to measure your waist. If its girth is less than the following values, there is no need to worry:

    • for girls - 90 cm;
    • for men - 100 cm.

    If the percentage of subcutaneous or visceral fat exceeds standard values, you need to start burning it as quickly as possible. To do this, you definitely need to adjust your diet and try to eat more. healthy food. You can speed up the process by exercising several times a week.

    And a little about secrets...

    The story of one of our readers, Inga Eremina:

    I was especially depressed by my weight; at 41, I weighed as much as 3 sumo wrestlers combined, namely 92 kg. How to remove excess weight fully? How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person look younger than his figure.

    But what can you do to lose weight? Operation laser liposuction? I found out - no less than 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? A little more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a nutritionist consultant. You can, of course, try to run on a treadmill until you go crazy.

    And when will you find time for all this? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. That's why I chose a different method for myself...

Previously, to determine general state health used mass index human body. Today for this purpose it is tracked body fat percentage.

You can find many articles on this topic that include determining this indicator using tables, formulas or other methods. This material discusses the main ideas of these articles, and the result is presented in pictures for a visual representation of the state of male and female body depending on this indicator.

To have an idea of ​​what this material is about, you need to understand several terms and concepts.

How is this percentage calculated? The amount of fat in kilograms is divided by body weight and then converted into a percentage. For example, with a total weight of 80 kg of a man and a fat mass of 13 kg, the percentage of fat content will be 16.

Fat distribution

Everyone has their own characteristics of the body and organism, including the distribution of fat deposits. So, some women have a small amount of fat on their abdomen, but excess fat in the triceps and thighs. For others it's the other way around. As for men, in most cases, fat deposits are mainly observed in the abdominal area. The pictures clearly show in which parts fat is most often deposited in females and males.

Features of the figure

They are also different for everyone, so people with the same percentage of fat will look different in appearance. As an example, we can cite models and athletes for whom this indicator is absolutely the same, and the differences are visible to the naked eye.


The photographs depict people in the age category of 25-35 years. It should be noted that The older a person gets, the more fat his body contains.. For example, men aged 20 and 50 years old have the same percentage of body fat, but for the first (young) it will be 15%, and for the second – 20%. This is due to the tendency of fat to increase with age around organs and in muscles.

Muscle grooves

In the process of pumping up the body, a relief is formed, the muscles become more noticeable and resemble grooves in appearance. It is also important to have an understanding of what vascularity is. As the percentage of body fat decreases, veins appear on the body - this is the meaning of this term.


This percentage of fat content is typical for the period of preparation for sports competitions. IN in this case increased vascularity is observed - veins are visible on almost every muscle. Even the muscles on the buttocks have small gaps, and the absence of them indicates a very low fat content. The norm for men is considered to be about 2% fat content. This is the amount necessary for the body to function normally, since fat protects the organs in the abdominal cavity and thoracic region.


This indicator is not as categorical as the previous one, but it is still not normal for most representatives of the strong field. The fact is that this is reflected in the appearance, for example, the face looks emaciated, which causes concern among people around. This percentage of fat content is typical for most models; their muscles are clearly defined, and there is clear vascularity, including the muscles of the limbs and abdomen. When the abdominal muscles are clearly visible, the muscles are clearly separated - this indicates low fat content.


Is normal level for a man. Of course, the abdominal muscles are not as clearly visible as in the previous case, but the abdominal muscles are clearly visible. This is exactly the condition and body shape that most men strive for. He is also considered attractive by the fair sex. This percentage of fat is characterized by grooves only in the arms and shoulders, and not in every muscle.


This level corresponds to men with a fit and slender figure. The contours of the muscles are clearly visible, but there is no visible separation between them. Typically, the grooves are covered with a small amount of fat. However, this does not negatively affect the shape of the body - the figure is beautiful, despite the fact that there is no obvious muscle definition.


This level of fat content is characterized by not very clear identification of muscles and blood vessels. In most cases, men develop a small belly. For example, the male population of New York City generally has a body fat level of 20-25%. But in other places this figure may differ. As a rule, a man with a height of 180 cm and a body weight of 81 kg has a body fat content of about 20% fat.


In this case, there is a significant increase in waist size, muscles and blood vessels are practically not visible. If a man is 180cm tall, his minimum waist size can reach 91cm. Also, this percentage of fat content is characterized by a slight increase in neck volume and small fat folds. But all this is perfectly hidden by clothes. Men with more high level fat content than specified in this paragraph, face the problem of obesity. Abdominal obesity is recognized if the waist circumference exceeds 101 cm.


This indicator is characterized by the distribution of fat throughout the body, including the formation of fat deposits in the waist, hips, back, and calves. Visually, the waist looks larger than the hips, the muscles are not visible at all, and the stomach sags.


When body weight constantly increases, the amount of fat also increases, more of which accumulates in the abdominal area. At this level, an even more saggy belly is observed, the waist as such disappears completely (its volume can exceed 101 cm). This type of belly is called a “beer belly.”


As in the previous case, fat deposits are concentrated in the waist and abdominal area. Waist size can exceed 145cm. With this indicator, a person faces a number of problems with movement, especially on stairs. It's difficult to bend over. These are the first signs of obesity!


The minimum level that can be observed only in women involved in. Vessels and muscle grooves are clearly visible. For normal functioning of the body, a fat content of 8-10% is acceptable. What is the reason for this difference compared to minimum indicator for men (2%)? This is due to the high fat content in the area around the uterus and mammary glands, so there is no need to strive for a male figure, since this poses a health hazard for the fair sex. The girl in the photo is probably at the upper limit because the vessels are hard to see.


Corresponds to the second level of fat content in males. This indicator is typical for the majority of models advertising underwear. However, most of them may encounter problems associated with impaired functionality of the body. The muscles of the limbs, shoulders, and abs are clearly visible. Due to the low fat content, the shape of the hips and buttocks is not clearly defined.


Most female athletes have this percentage of fat in their bodies. A small amount of fat is observed on the limbs, the abdominal muscles are clearly visible. Minimum level of separation between muscles.


Characteristic of most representatives of the fair sex. Such a woman cannot be called too thin, but not too fat either. A small layer of fat is present on the buttocks, the curve of the hips is clearly visible. This level is typical, for example, at 163 cm height and 59 kg body weight.


Unlike men, in whom fat accumulation is observed mainly in the abdominal area, in the majority of women it is deposited in the buttocks and thighs. The latter are clearly expressed with a rounded shape. 30% fat content is the upper limit for the average woman.


The hips increase even more, and the neck and face acquire rounded shapes. The hips can exceed 100cm, the waist – 80cm. The stomach begins to sag.


Hip circumference can exceed 106cm, waist – 90cm, hip – 63cm.


This level is characterized by the appearance of noticeable folds and the condition of the skin worsens. Hip circumference can exceed 115cm, waist – 90cm. The shoulders look noticeably narrower than the hips.


The hips become even larger, noticeably exceeding the width of the shoulders. The condition of the skin worsens, the fat is clearly visible. Hip circumference can exceed 115cm, waist – 101cm. Example: if a woman is 163 cm tall and has a body weight of 90 cm, half of it is muscle mass, the remaining 50% is fat.

How to reduce body fat percentage - Video

Based on: builtlean.com

For many, it is surprising that low weight is not a sign of health. It is much more important that the body fat content is within the limits permissible norm. At the same time, people who monitor their health also evaluate the volume of muscle mass. With proper nutrition and exercise, both of these indicators can be easily corrected.

Why do we need fat?

It should be understood that adipose tissue must be present in a person. Otherwise it will be liquidated protective function body, including internal organs and human bones. Adipose tissue also provides:

  • normal functioning of the immune system;
  • energy support for a person;
  • absorption of vitamins;
  • conduction of nerve impulses, which allows movement;
  • transport of nutrients to muscle cells;
  • comfortable body temperature;
  • protection from damage, because in case of falls, cuts and other injuries, the adipose tissue suffers first, and then internal organs or bones.

No matter how much a person exercises, he cannot live without a certain amount of fat. There is no point in getting rid of products that contain this substance. It should be borne in mind that excessive consumption of carbohydrates leads to their conversion into fats. Therefore it is necessary to organize balanced diet. Products with polyunsaturated fats are very useful in small quantities for everyone: both children and adults.

How to determine the norm of body fat?

To understand whether the percentage of body fat is normal, you need to carry out certain measurements and calculations. Then they turn to special tables that indicate what fat content is acceptable, taking into account:

  • gender;
  • age;
  • working conditions;
  • area of ​​residence, because in the north in the conditions of low temperatures observed long time, the percentage of adipose tissue should be higher.

There are many ways to determine the percentage of body fat in a person:

  • Special scales. When indicating age and height, they give out the percentage of fat tissue and water during the weighing process. They can be used in everyday life to track the dynamics of the decrease or increase in layers.
  • A computer scan of the body that allows you to calculate your body fat percentage more accurately.
  • Measurement of selective skin folds to determine a person's fat content.
  • Bioelectric measurement.
  • X-ray absorbiometry, which is done in 5 minutes, but has a high cost, etc.

Modern fitness centers provide everyone with paid services by measuring the ratio of fat and muscle mass. This allows you to get an idea of ​​how much and what substances are contained in the body, and what health group a person belongs to.

What indicators of adipose tissue are considered normal?

All people have individual characteristics Therefore, it is customary to focus on the percentage of adipose tissue within certain limits. This allows us to talk about whether a person has problems or is developing normally.

For those who do not play sports, the following standards have been adopted:

  • for women – 15–25 percent;
  • for men – 8–14 percent.

This level should be for persons over 18 years of age. After 50 years, it is advisable not to go beyond boundaries upper norm, but it is acceptable if the indicator is exceeded by 2–5%.

If a person lives in the northern territory with a large number days of the year when there is frost, the percentage of body fat can be 5-7% higher. The volume and appearance of a person often do not reveal this. In such individuals, the metabolism is restructured in order to accumulate adipose tissue during periods of low temperatures, which prevents frostbite and protects the person as a whole.

For those who are building a ripped body, the fat content should be at the lower limit or 3-5% lower. In a woman, an indicator of less than 16% is associated with risks of disruption of the menstrual cycle and decreased reproductive function. Children under 15 years of age should have no more than 15% body fat.

How to measure body fat at home?

If it is not possible to take a fat test medical conditions, you can find out this at home. The measurement process looks like this:

  • pull the skin fold in the center of the triceps and measure it with a ruler;
  • carry out a similar procedure on the biceps, on the shoulder blade and under the navel;
  • summarize the obtained indicators and write the result in millimeters;
  • use data from tables that can be found on the Internet, taking into account age group, where the corresponding results are reflected.

Knowing anthropometric parameters, you can use calculators that quickly provide results on body fat online.

For a woman, measurements should be taken on days 3–7 of the menstrual cycle. Otherwise, the fat percentage will be determined incorrectly. The body of the fair half is designed in such a way that before the start of a new cycle, not only weight increases, but also the volume of folds. They retain more moisture to protect a woman’s body from loss of fluid during menstrual periods.

A relevant question would be how many times such measurements should be made. Doctors recommend that those who are engaged in weight loss carry out calculations no more than once a month. For professional athletes, tests should be carried out weekly before key competitions.

It must be remembered that a low level of adipose tissue in the body does not mean that the figure will be beautiful. In any case, training is needed to shape your physique.

To motivate yourself to achieve better results in physical development, the individual wants to see a decrease in fat percentage faster. If certain conditions for taking measurements are not met, the level will be incorrect. As a result, there is a risk that the individual will become upset and withdraw from an effective training and exercise regime. The rules for measuring the proportion of adipose tissue are as follows:

  • the assessment must be carried out on an empty stomach, i.e. 3–4 hours before taking the indicators, the individual stops eating;
  • 3 days before the test, reduce the amount of salt intake, reduce the amount of liquid you drink by a third, so as not to provoke the body to retain water;
  • It is better to measure folds in the morning, because swelling increases after lunch;
  • in winter, the indicators are more correct;
  • it is better to retract skin folds using a special tool - a caliper, which will reduce the error;
  • the test should be carried out before training, and not after it;
  • It is useful to drink several glasses of lingonberry juice or diuretic tea a day before the test to remove excess moisture from the body.

The body will tell you how much fat tissue a person needs. After all, deterioration in health, poor appearance and development various diseases will indicate that the combustion effort was excessive. For a man, the fight against adipose tissue is more successful, because nature has placed a larger number of its cells in the waist area of ​​women. This allows you to protect the fetus during pregnancy and internal organs throughout life. In the fight against excess weight, do not forget about physiological correct standards to maintain health for many years.

You can find out the ratio of fat, water and muscle in your body in any medical center. Doctors can take measurements using a special device - a caliper, or using computed tomography. There is also such a study as bioelectrical analysis of body composition.

If you do not have the opportunity to undergo a special examination at a medical center, you can take approximate measurements at home. To do this, you will need Sheldon's classification, which he made in the last century, having studied data from about 50 thousand people. Sheldon believed that all people are divided into three types. The first is people who do not have problems with excess weight, they have narrow bones and long arms and legs. The scientist called such people ectomorphic. They usually have a small percentage of body fat and muscle. The second type are people who have wide bones. Sheldon named them. They usually have more muscle than fat in their body. The third type is people who are overweight. Sheldon called them endomorphic. In their body fat usually predominates over muscle mass.

How thin should you be? The "healthy" range of body fat is controversial issue. Therefore, below are 2 different tables for determining the percentage of body fat. Here's how they should be read and understood:

1. Ideal body fat percentage: table 1

According to the table below, women have a higher percentage of body fat compared to men. The fact is that women have more fat due to physiological differences such as hormones, breasts and genitals. Additionally, women need more fat to ovulate. The “main” fat in the body of each of us is the minimum amount of fat deposits necessary for normal physiological health. There is a lot of debate about what amount of body fat is optimal for overall health. American clinical nutrition researchers have concluded that low body fat is “unhealthy.” According to this study, people aged 20-40 with up to 8% body fat are considered unhealthy. A healthy range is 8-19%. As for women of the same age group, we should strive for 21-33%, which is considered optimal.

Fat is only one indicator of health, so a certain level of body fat is not the whole story. It's surprising how some sumo wrestlers have significant amounts of body fat, but generally have low level cholesterol and live long. Conversely, it is not a fact that an athletic and well-eating man with 8% body fat is “unhealthy” and needs to store it. We all have various ways, shapes and fat distribution indicators, but I think the tables are a great help to understand all of this. However, the disadvantage of this table is that it takes into account gender differences, but does not take into account your age.

2. Ideal body fat ratio according to Jackson and Pollock: Table No. 2

This body fat percentage chart is based on research by Jackson and Pollock, and has become somewhat of an industry standard, both from an aesthetic and health standpoint. If you don't understand how to use this chart, age is in the column on the left, body fat percentage is in the chart itself, and the colors mean Thin, Ideal, Normal, and Above Average. So if you are a 30-year-old man, a body fat percentage of 10% to 16% is considered “ideal” for you, 18% to 22% is considered “average”, and so on. This chart uses red to highlight fat percentages that are too high, and green to represent the ideal range. Remember that the first graph is for men and the second is for women.

You may also have noticed that as you age, the acceptable amount of body fat also increases. Why, you ask? The fact is that as we get older, some physiological changes occur in our body, and the amount of fat in the body increases. There are 3 types of fat: subcutaneous (under the skin), visceral (near the organs), and intramuscular (between the muscles). It is visceral and intramuscular fat that increase in quantity with age. We recommend you read about it, you will definitely be surprised at how diverse the methods are.

We hope you found this discussion on ideal body fat percentage helpful!

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