Home Coated tongue And now it is considered a sign of health. What should a healthy person be like? Signs of a healthy person

And now it is considered a sign of health. What should a healthy person be like? Signs of a healthy person

Signs of health are:

Resistance to damaging factors;

Indicators of growth and development within the average statistical norm;

The functional state of the body is within the average statistical norm;

The presence of reserve capabilities of the body;

Absence of any disease or developmental defects;

High level of moral-volitional and value-motivational attitudes.

The norm is defined as the range of optimal functioning of the body (V.P. Petlenko, 1998). When assessing health status, age and individual standards are used (body height and weight, vital capacity lungs, heart rate, blood pressure level, blood glucose level, etc.). However, people included in the same group differ significantly from each other, which is determined by many factors: gender, profession, place of residence, lifestyle, etc. In this regard, the concept of normal health is strictly individual. Health should be viewed in terms of dynamics of change external environment, in progress individual development body throughout life.

I.I. Brekhman pointed out that between health and illness lies an intermediate “third state,” when a person is not yet sick, but is no longer healthy. Academician V.P. Petlenko calls this condition pre-disease or pre-pathology. Pre-pathology is a state of extreme tension in the normal functioning of the body, this is an extreme norm (V.P. Petlenko, 1998). More than half of all people living on Earth are in this state. Those in the “third state” include people who expose themselves to harmful chemical substances(smog, chemicals in agricultural products, chemical additives in food products, synthetic drugs), poor nutrition (overweight or obese, with dental caries), regularly drinking alcohol; smokers; working night shifts; subject to transmeridional movements. According to I.I. Brekhman, in the “third state” a person has only half of the psychophysical capabilities inherent in him by nature. The third state contains the origins of all diseases. Anticipate, recognize, prevent and eliminate the “third state” of the human body - the most important tasks valeology.

Health Risk Factors

An important condition for solving the problems of valeology is the identification of health risk factors. These include those factors that contribute to the development of diseases such as obesity, atherosclerosis, hypertension, diabetes, immunosuppression, cancer.

The main risk factors for human health are excess body weight, physical inactivity, poor nutrition, mental stress, alcohol abuse, and smoking.

Thus, human health is his ability to maintain age- and gender-appropriate mental and physiological stability in constantly changing environmental conditions.

Nature has provided the human body from birth with the ability to self-regulate and maintain life with a large margin of safety; his future life will depend on how he manages this natural gift, namely on his lifestyle.

If we take the health level as 100%, then 20% depends on hereditary factors, 20% - from environmental factors, i.e. from the environment, 10% from healthcare, and 50% of health depends on the person himself, on the lifestyle he leads.

It happens that the disease develops deep inside for years and does not show its presence in any way, until one day the patient’s well-being sharply worsens. However, according to indirect signs you can notice when it’s time to get examined by a doctor.

Doctors identify ten such signs that need to be monitored throughout life, but especially important after thirty.

After all, any psychological shocks, poor nutrition and bad ecology affect the condition of the skin, turning it dull and flaccid.

Excessive thinness (anorexia) or obesity ( excess weight) are, without a doubt, a signal of a medical problem.

Weakening of the body at the cellular level can cause brittle nails and dull hair prone to hair loss. However, frequent cosmetic procedures can also lead to this.

4. A face can tell a lot about the state of internal organs and systems.

Problems may be indicated, in particular, by yellowness of the whites of the eyes and red veins in them, pale lips, noticeable circles under the eyes, a reddish or too pale nasolabial triangle.

5. An absolutely healthy person can boast of strong tooth enamel.

Strong enamel is a sign of good metabolism. And crumbling teeth do not necessarily indicate neglect of oral hygiene. This effect may cause a deficiency nutrients, gastrointestinal disease or other disease.

6. A healthy person does not suffer from shortness of breath or other problems of the cardiovascular system, even during stress or physical exertion.

In order to monitor the health of the heart and blood vessels, you must have a tonometer. Now this device is inexpensive and easy to use, but it brings a lot of benefits: it allows you to monitor blood pressure, heart rate and pulse.

Coated tongue or bad smell there is no discharge from the mouth, stool is regular, and appetite is good, but in moderation - these are signs of health.

8. Health problems are sometimes indicated by a sharp addiction to unusual dishes and an aversion to ordinary food, a sudden change in taste habits.

But sometimes it can just be a whim, or hormonal stress. Pregnant and breastfeeding women are also prone to changes in eating habits.

A healthy person has a positive attitude towards life, and if there are no serious reasons for frustration, he remains in good spirits. good mood. Perceive the world in gray color and exaggerating problems is typical for those suffering chronic diseases nervous system.

By the way, only people with a strong, healthy psyche enjoy life, are able to empathize, fear for themselves and others, make thoughtful decisions, and react to the situation adequately.

A depressed person does not experience any joy, is pessimistic, and shows complete indifference to the problems of loved ones and relatives. Physical and emotional inhibition are signs of depression and problems with the nervous system.

10. Sound, quality sleep that gives you a feeling of vigor in the morning.

Sleep disturbances, inability to fall asleep quickly, chronic lack of sleep - with these problems, absolute health is impossible.

There is no need to panic even if you notice signs of ill health. Sometimes little things like bad weather or simple fatigue can throw you off track. And all the listed symptoms do not necessarily indicate illness. However, you should carefully monitor your condition and consult a doctor in time in case of serious suspicions.

Is it possible without visiting a doctor, just one by one? external signs, compose general idea about the state of human health? It is possible, and quite accurately.

State of the tongue

In addition to the fact that language serves taste bud, is responsible for articulate speech, ensures salivation and chewing, it is a very accurate and sensitive indicator of human health.

Let's start with color. Dark red or crimson will indicate high body temperature, acute infection, pneumonia, poisoning or ischemia.

In case of serious disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems or in case of severe infectious disease the tongue will take on a purple tint.

A white thick layer of plaque on the tongue is present in persons suffering from. In cases of more serious digestive problems, the coating on the tongue turns yellow.

In case of acid-base imbalance, dehydration or indolent organ diseases digestive system the color of the coating on the tongue will be gray.

In addition to diseases, the cause of the formation of all of the above types of plaque can be an addiction to smoking, strong tea or coffee.

Pay attention to the surface of your tongue: if it is smooth and shiny, you most likely have serious disease stomach, anemia or exhaustion, a rough and dry surface is evidence of an acute allergic process occurring in the body.

For diseases of the kidneys, blood and serious problems at work endocrine system numerous cracks on the surface of the tongue will indicate. If teeth marks remain on the tongue, it’s time to talk about slagging in the body or.

Skin on the face

In case of exacerbation of diseases of the digestive organs (stomach, liver or spleen), the skin of a person’s face acquires a pronounced yellowness, and a blue tint of the skin is characteristic of those suffering from oxygen starvation or people with lung problems.

Facial redness - alarm signal about an increase in body temperature or serious malfunctions of cardio-vascular system.

Greenish color skin indicates an exacerbation cholelithiasis, about problems with gastrointestinal tract will tell you the earthy complexion of your skin.

Darkening of the facial skin is usually associated with impaired kidney function, and unhealthy flushed cheeks are most often caused by a deficiency of vitamin C in the body.

Cause of blue circles under eyes – functional disorders in the work of the heart and circulatory system, black circles are characteristic of hot-tempered, nervous and overly emotional people.

A pronounced red color of the tip of the nose indicates increased blood pressure, and blue - about hypotension.

The smell of sweat

Everyone is sweating. If through sweat glands water did not escape outside and did not evaporate, the human body temperature in case of heat or physical activity would increase by 1 degree per hour, and having reached a value of 42 0 C, human body I would just die.

Increased sweating when not nervous tension, physical activity or high temperature ambient air may indicate vegetative-vascular dystonia, hormonal imbalance in the body and even about tuberculosis.

The smell of sweat will tell you a lot. In case of liver problems, the sweat smells like fish; if the kidneys are not working well, the sweat is characterized by an ammonia smell.

Smell rotten eggs will point to stomach bleeding, sweat smells like vinegar in case of tuberculosis, and rotten apples or acetone in case of.

The smell of chlorine appears in sweat if there is a problem with the liver or kidneys.

Urine color

U healthy person The color of urine ranges from light lemon to yellow.

If your urine is darker or closer to an amber hue, your body does not have enough fluid and is suffering from dehydration.

About excess fluid in the body associated with hypertension or unstable work will tell the heart almost complete absence urine colors.

The color of meat slop (dark brown) is characteristic of the urine of a person with kidney problems, rich yellow will indicate diseases of the liver and biliary tract, and a pink or purple tint is evidence of hematuria caused by a number of diseases.

You should know that some medications can give the urine the most unexpected shades.

IN Brown color It can be colored by laxatives, and green or blue by antidepressants, antipyretic and painkillers.

Take care of yourself! Be always healthy!

At the physiological level, health indicators are as follows:

  • There is plenty of energy to carry out everyday activities. This includes work activity, everyday life It is important to feel like a happy and healthy person;
  • Full sleep. Easy awakening, instant start to daily activities, feeling cheerful and energetic;
  • Regular bowel movements. If this does not happen at least once a day, this may indicate slagging. The consequence of this is a weakening of the immune system and loss of strength.

External indicators

A healthy person usually does not suffer from extra pounds, his complexion, skin and smile give him away. External indicators:

  • Smile. A person’s gums and teeth have a healthy color - he eats, there are no intestinal diseases. Gums should not have a purple or dark red tint, because such a color can indicate existing diseases;
  • Hair. Brittle and oily curls usually warn of pathologies. A person should have shiny hair without noticeable damage. If they are very dry, this may indicate a lack of amino acids in the diet;
  • Language. The tongue should be pink, with no white or yellow coating.

Healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle is individual system human behavior that provides him with spiritual, social and physical well-being. According to doctors, the physical appearance of an individual is largely influenced by his lifestyle (50%). Other factors have a much smaller influence: genetics and environment - 20%, healthcare system - 10%.

This topic became relevant in the 70s of the 20th century. There have been changes in environment human habitation, life expectancy has increased, the environmental situation has worsened.

Now many people do not need physical labor to survive, there are no food restrictions, and they have more free time. At the same time, the increasing pace of life leads to frequent stress and others. These factors have a negative impact on human health; every year the number hereditary diseases increases. All this makes you wonder how modern world preserve the spiritual and physical health. How to lead healthy image life?

Bad habits

Bad habits are smoking, excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages, drugs. If a person does not get rid of them, further aspirations for a correct lifestyle can be considered pointless.

A person who does not have bad habits, lives about 14 years longer. Giving up them can be difficult, but many people succeed. People read relevant books (A. Carr “The Easy Way to Quit Smoking”), visit doctors. The most important thing in this struggle is a person’s understanding that these habits are destroying his life. It is especially important to pay attention to this for women planning a child.

Proper nutrition

A healthy lifestyle means... Dishes must be natural and contain the necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements. It is advisable to eat according to a predetermined regimen, 5-6 times a day. The main meal should be in the first half of the day.

Breakfast It is ideal to start the day with porridge: millet, semolina, buckwheat, oatmeal, etc. It is advisable to eat whole grain products rather than quick breakfasts such as cereal. Breakfast can be varied with fruits, nuts, dried fruits. You can make a sandwich with butter and make tea. Sometimes it is permissible to have a “protein breakfast” - an omelet, scrambled eggs, hard-boiled eggs, boiled meat or fish.
Snack After 3 hours, it’s good to have a snack: fruit, dried fruit, bread with cheese and herbs. You should not eat sausage, sausages, fast food.
Dinner For lunch you should eat a lot of grilled or steamed vegetables. Also soups, meat, fish, whole grain bread sandwich with cheese. It is better to give preference to baked and stewed dishes.
Snack For an afternoon snack, a glass of yogurt, fermented baked milk, or kefir is suitable.
Dinner Dinner should be lighter than morning and afternoon meals. This could be seafood, light vegetable salads, cottage cheese casseroles.
Snack Three hours before going to bed, you can eat an apple, drink kefir or warm milk with honey.

In the evening you can create a menu for the next day. Afterwards, you can adjust it by carefully listening to your own feelings and desires. Also, do not start eating without feeling hungry.

Proper nutrition- the basis of good health


Scientists have proven that spending a long time at a computer has a bad effect on health, in particular on nervous system. Problems with the spine also appear. To lead an active lifestyle and be healthy, you need to follow these recommendations:

  • Sleep at least eight hours a day;
  • Observe ;
  • Do morning exercises;
  • Walk outside more often, be closer to nature.

Body care

It is necessary to observe the rules of personal hygiene, take a shower at least 2 times a day. Sometimes it is worth visiting a sauna or bathhouse.

A healthy lifestyle includes sports and fitness. Men can visit Gym, women should do aerobics. Yoga is also suitable for everyone, as it allows you to keep not only your body in shape, but also maintain mental balance.

Yoga leads to harmony

All these rules will help you live a long, fulfilling life. A person who follows these tips copes with difficulties much easier, infecting everyone around him with his positive energy. After communicating with him, everyone begins to wonder how to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Read about the main factors that promote health.

Ecology of knowledge: A person can live, without getting sick or aging, very long and happily. The root of all diseases lies in the fact that a person has a closed heart

A person can live happily ever after without getting sick or getting old.

“Sarve suhrino bhavanti!” “May all living beings be happy!” The first commandment of Ayurveda.

© Randal Collis

According to Ayurvedic philosophy, each person is a cell of our universe, a cell connected not only with the “living” objects of our universe, but with absolutely all other cosmic bodies (stars, planets,... etc. It is not by chance that we took into account quotation marks the word Alive, since according to Vedic philosophy, all objects around us are no less, and often more, alive than you and me). Therefore, everything that happens around is necessarily reflected on a person, and everything that happens inside a person is reflected on the world around him. Therefore, the Ayurvedic vaidyas said, we must increase our sense of responsibility for everything that comes from us, and learn to distinguish between good and evil, so as not to fall under bad influence. Each person has his own unique development program, each person has a certain dharma, a duty to his state, family, the planet on which he lives, to God, finally.

Every person in his life must constantly learn, go through all sorts of tests, and carry out certain lessons. And when he finally comprehends his nature, he begins to constantly devote all his energy, all his strength to serving the common good. But true bestowal comes only through the heart. This is the law of energy exchange.

Ayurvedic doctors not only declared this - they by example, they showed by example throughout their lives that a person can live, without getting sick or aging, for a very long time and happily. Studying the structure human body, they found the so-called energy-information centers, or chakras, and determined that each chakra is characterized by its own specific frequency, which corresponds to the energy-information characteristics of various planets and other cosmic objects. On Earth this manifests itself in the correspondence of the rhythms of the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms. They knew this law of correspondence and took it into account in all areas of life. Only according to the law of correspondence did they use herbs, compounds and other drugs to heal diseases in their very initial stages. But, most importantly, they showed: the root of all diseases lies in the fact that a person’s heart is closed.

Ayurvedic doctors argued that a person should live with an open heart because it is his natural state. If the heart is open, then he lives harmoniously, in accordance with his nature. If the heart closes, the energy-information exchange of a person with the Universe stops and various vices are activated: pride, envy, greed, malice, hatred. They not only destroy his body, giving rise to numerous diseases, but have a corrupting effect on the entire society as a whole. Anyone who came to Ayurveda Doctors and asked: “What should I do, why am I sick?” heard answers that were unusual for us: “You are sick because you are too greedy.” Or: “You are envious. Get rid of this and your illnesses will go away.”

In Ayurveda, the word diagnosis has a completely different meaning. According to doctors who adhere to the principles of Ayurveda, diagnosis means knowledge and understanding of the patient, not the disease. When the true nature of the patient is known, then and only then can the disease also be understood and treated at the most fundamental level.
From the point of view of Ayurveda, the highest form of health care is not just to cure the patient's disease, but to help the person live in such a way that the disease never comes first.

Therefore, the Ayurvedic approach to health begins with a simple question: who are you? It doesn't just mean, "What kind of heart do you have?" or “What are you sick with?” This means: what are your physical, emotional and spiritual characteristics? How does the energy and information of the Universe enter into your flesh and blood, into your hopes and dreams? How does this affect your work, your relationships with people, the type of food you eat, your response to stress, and even the time you go to bed in the evening and wake up in the morning? What makes you different from other people, and what do you have in common with them? What are your innate strengths and weak sides? According to Ayurveda, the answers to all these questions can be expressed through your individual constitution, your unique mind-body connection.

If a person has love in his heart, he has nothing to fear. Love has the power to burn away everything negative in our body. That is why true knowledge always came from people who were considered saints, from those people who did not create any religions or parties, but sought to teach people Love.

Now we have lost the Law of Love. Therefore, our most important task is to return to observance of the Law of Love, to rise to the level of consciousness of Love. This is precisely the main task of Ayurveda at the current stage, and everything else: diagnostics, medicinal preparations, methods of their use and nutrition are secondary. We encourage you, every person, to live with an open heart. Love each other! Love never involves attachment. Love is acceptance of what is. Love will help you overcome fear. If you conquer fear, then the impossible will become possible for you. Because you have everything to be happy. Open heart is the basis of fearlessness, and Love is your best defense. Happiness does not depend on health, beauty, wealth, fame or power. Happiness depends only on Love! Happiness does not depend on who you are or what you have; it depends entirely on what you think.

Modern western medicine almost completely lost the vision of man as an integral spiritual-material system and lost its connection with the source - Ayurveda. The main thing that we find difficult to come to terms with is modern approach- this is the transformation of a person into a “patient” - a passive observer, punctually fulfilling the instructions of “certified” doctors and not bearing any responsibility for his own health. Meanwhile, the main idea Ayurveda, in our opinion, says: “Health is in your hands!”

From the point of view of Ayurveda, a sign of health is not simply the absence of disease.

Signs of a healthy person are:

1. Good digestion - the presence of Agni (digestive fire) in the body.Agni is one of the basic concepts in the Ayurvedic concept of health. rowya. If in the world that surrounds us, Agni is the energy of the sun, then in the human body it is internal energy, biological fire, responsible for all metabolic processes. It can be considered a manifestation of Pita, since the thermal energy contained in this Dosha is metabolic fire. The author of one of the most ancient Ayurvedic treatises, Charaka, says this: “There is no Agni in the body without Pita, Pita is Agni.”

Agni exists in every tissue and every cell of our body, it supports immune system, destroying foreign microorganisms, removes and neutralizes toxins, initiates and carries out metabolism, breaks down food into components in the stomach and intestines, and also ensures the transport of nutrients and their absorption. Agni is largely responsible for the functioning of the intellect. In addition, biological fire is subtly connected with Vata, with its movement, since bodily air ignites bodily fire.

2. The appearance of hunger at the right time - a feeling of hunger with a good appetite. For good absorption of food, at least 5 (five) hours must pass between meals.

3. You fall asleep immediately when you go to bed.

4. You get out of bed immediately when you wake up.5. You don't snore - no snoring. Snoring is a major symptom of obstructive sleep apnea, a condition that causes short periods of breathing to stop when tissue in the larynx contracts and blocks the passage of air. In severe cases, this can happen 60-70 times per hour. Sleep apnea can cause increased blood pressure, memory problems, obesity and depression. An 18-year study found that people without obstructive sleep apnea live 3 times as long longer than people with severe forms of apnea.

6. Normal functioning of 5 (five) senses - vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch. What was normal for you from early childhood should be preserved and weaken minimally throughout your life.

7. Normal urination.

8. Normal bowel movement.

9. Normal sweating. All secretions must be removed from the body ON TIME, regularly and in the right quantity.

10. Peace of mind - peace, kindness, benevolence to ALL living beings.

11. Preservation of natural strength - performance.

12. Preservation of immunity.

13. Preservation of natural skin color.

14. Good memory.

15. The desire to live is having a goal in life.

In general, Ayurveda defines health as biophysical and physiological well-being, a satisfactory state of consciousness, senses and mind.
All human suffering and illness have one single cause - SELF (Sanskrit "raga", passion).

The life of one who lives happily has the following characteristics:

  • Absence of physical and mental illnesses
  • youthfulness
  • Enthusiasm
  • Strength, patience, strength, durability
  • Energy, asceticism
  • good name, dignity, honor
  • Excellence in Action, Humanity, Devotion to God
  • Courage, resourcefulness, enterprise, proactivity
  • Spiritual and material knowledge
  • Spiritual knowledge based on scriptures and personal experience, wisdom
  • Strong and healthy senses focused on strong and healthy objects
  • Presence in the present
  • Feelings of wealth, abundance, beauty and support
  • Reaching everyone desired results and goals
  • The ability to go wherever you want

An unhappy life is characterized by opposite manifestations. A beneficial, useful life (hitayu) is healthy life, bringing benefits to the person himself, those around him and the whole world as a whole.

Signs that life is rewarding are:

  • Concern for the good and benefit of all beings
  • Lack of desire to appropriate other people's property
  • Honesty, truthfulness, sincerity
  • Modesty, calm and poise
  • Performing any act only after careful consideration of the consequences
  • Attentiveness, sensitivity, vigilance
  • Harmonious desire to achieve the first three goals human life– purpose (dharma), abundance (artha) and fulfillment of desires (kama), without conflicts between goals and without causing harm or disturbance to the environment and surrounding beings
  • The mood of serving and helping others “as oneself” and expressing respect to those worthy
  • Constancy, peace and tranquility, virtue and piety arising from spiritual knowledge and personal spiritual experience
  • Serving Elders
  • A mind free of passion, anger, envy and pride
  • Constant, varied gratitude to others and God, generosity, magnanimity
  • Humility gained through knowledge gained through voluntary repentance, abstinence and severity
  • The ability to see the spiritual principle in yourself and in everything
  • Discrimination and recognition of material and spiritual worlds
  • Excellent practical memory and wisdom to act correctly

A useless, and therefore unhealthy and harmful life for the person himself and those around him, is characterized by opposite signs and manifestations. It leads to illness and suffering. published

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