Home Prosthetics and implantation Recipe for fried beef liver on carrots. Beef liver fried with onions and carrots

Recipe for fried beef liver on carrots. Beef liver fried with onions and carrots

I bring to your attention a recipe for a delicious and unusual hot snack. We will cook beef liver with onions and carrots in cognac sauce. The liver prepared according to this recipe turns out to be unusually tasty, tender, and soft. The recipe is very simple and my step-by-step photos will help you understand how to prepare a delicious hot appetizer.


  • beef liver - 500 g;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • sugar - a pinch;
  • cognac - 50 ml;
  • flour - for breading;
  • ground black pepper;
  • salt;
  • sunflower oil.

How to cook beef liver with vegetables

To begin, rinse the beef liver with running water, cut out large vessels and remove the film. Cut the liver into small thin pieces no more than 5 mm thick. Now roll each slice of liver in flour and shake off the excess.

IMPORTANT: Before frying, you should not salt and pepper the liver, so it will retain its delicate structure.

In heated oil, fry the liver pieces on both sides for 2 minutes.

This is what the liver looks like in the photo after frying.

IMPORTANT: To prevent the liver from becoming hard during frying, fry it quickly - literally 1-2 minutes on both sides.

A delicious hot liver appetizer is a dish that requires special cutting and... Cut the onion into large pieces and fry in vegetable oil. As soon as it becomes transparent, sprinkle the onion with a pinch of sugar until browned.

Cut the carrots into circles approximately 5 mm thick and cut each circle into four parts. Add carrots to onions and fry, stirring.

When the onions and carrots are sufficiently browned, add the fried carrots to them and stir.

The liver appetizer will acquire an incredible taste and aroma if you add cognac to the pan at this stage. That's what we'll do now. Stew the beef liver with onions and carrots in cognac sauce for some more time - 5-7 minutes. Now the dish can be salted and sprinkled with black pepper.

The hot beef liver appetizer is ready. I emphasize again, the key word is hot! You can serve the liver with vegetables as a separate dish as a snack dish.

You can also offer a side dish for the fried liver: pasta, potatoes.

Tender, unusually aromatic, soft beef liver with onions and carrots in cognac will decorate your feast!

Bon appetit and cook with us!

How to properly fry the liver so that it becomes soft and tender, video from the famous chef Ilya Lazerson

Liver fried with onions and carrots turns out tender and soft, however, in order to cook it correctly, you must follow some rules. It's quickest to use chicken liver, although the dish will turn out delicious with either beef or pork. This is a hearty dish rich in iron. To prepare it, it is best to use fresh offal, since frozen liver loses some of its beneficial properties.

In the article, we will look at recipes for fried liver with onions and carrots, give step-by-step execution of the work, and teach readers how to choose the right product on the market in order to buy high-quality and fresh main ingredients.

How to choose a liver?

When purchasing chicken livers, the first thing to consider is its appearance. It should be brown with a burgundy tint. If you see green spots or the entire liver has a yellowish coating, then do not take it, as the chicken could be sick with some kind of infectious disease.

If possible, carry out not only a visual inspection, but also smell the product. Fresh liver should have a sweetish smell. If you feel sour, do not buy it as it has already expired.

When you are confident in the quality of the product, you can cook fried liver with onions and carrots calmly, without worrying about your health.

How to prepare the dish?

In addition to the chicken liver, prepare 1 large carrot and 2 medium-sized onions. The dish is prepared in several ways. Some people first fry the liver in vegetable oil on both sides until golden brown, and only then add chopped onions and carrots and simmer further over low heat until the vegetables are ready. Then you can add spices, salt and fresh herbs.

The second way is in reverse. First, add onions, chopped into small cubes, onto a heated frying pan. The carrots are grated, but added only after the onions have acquired a golden color. When the vegetables have softened, add the washed chicken liver and stir with a spoon.

At the end, sprinkle with a pinch of salt and black pepper to taste. Some housewives add nutmeg to fried chicken liver with onions and carrots for flavor. To determine whether the dish is ready or not, cut the liver with a knife. If the color inside is gray, turn off the heat immediately, otherwise it will overcook and become tough.

Fried liver with onions and carrots in sour cream

To prepare, you need to buy 0.5 kg of liver, 1 carrot and 2 onions. To add tenderness to the dish, add sour cream - 200 grams (choose low-fat - 10-15%). The dish is pre-prepared in the usual way, that is, first finely chopped onions are fried, then chopped carrots are added.

When the vegetables have softened, add the raw liver and fry it on both sides. When the liver is almost ready, the next stage of cooking begins.

Pour half a glass of hot water into the pan and add sour cream. Mix the liver with the sauce and simmer for another 10 minutes over low heat. At the end you need to add a pinch of salt, black pepper and other favorite spices. Chopped parsley or dill will refresh the dish. Some housewives prepare not only sour cream sauce, but also add a spoonful of tomato paste to it or add tomato juice instead of water. It turns out a very beautiful delicate color of the sauce.

In order for fried liver with onions and carrots to simply melt in your mouth, you must first remove all the veins and films. Then it is advisable to take the liver, wrap it in cling film and beat it with a rolling pin several times to make it softer.

Some housewives, before frying the liver, roll the pieces in white flour on all sides. This gives the liver a golden brown crust and a beautiful color.

This dish can be served with any porridge, mashed potatoes or pasta. Even children will happily eat soft liver without veins.

Bon appetit! Cook with pleasure!

Beef liver is the best source of B vitamins and other beneficial substances. It should definitely be on our menu. You just have to know how to cook it correctly. In our article we want to talk about how tasty and soft it is to the taste of all family members.

Liver stewed in milk

Liver is a special product that can be spoiled during cooking, but you can, on the contrary, make a delicious dish out of it. You just need to know the little tricks. The liver in milk turns out incredibly soft and tender. To prepare it we will need the following ingredients:

  1. A glass of milk.
  2. ½ kilogram of beef liver.
  3. A couple of cloves of garlic.
  4. Two onions.
  5. Salt.
  6. 1/3 glass of water.
  7. Ground pepper.
  8. Vegetable oil.
  9. Three tablespoons of flour.


Stewed in milk, easy to make. Before you start cooking, you should prepare the liver. It must be cleared of films and veins, and then cut into cubes, each of which is divided into three parts and beaten on both sides. Next, roll each piece in flour and place in a frying pan with vegetable oil.

The liver should be fried until pink on both sides. Now you can pour water into the frying pan so that it half covers the pieces, and on top you can lay the onion, cut into rings. The liver should simmer for a couple of minutes, after which it should be turned over. The pieces gradually acquire a brown tint. Next, fill the pan with milk so that it completely covers the liver. Instead of milk, you can use sour cream, but it needs to be diluted a little with liquid. As soon as the mixture in the bowl begins to boil, you need to start stirring it so that it does not burn. At the moment when the liver darkens and becomes the same color as the gravy, you can add pepper and salt, then cover with a lid for five minutes. Then you can add garlic, passed through a press. Ready beef liver with onions has a light brown tint and is half-covered with gravy. It is very tender and juicy inside. Perhaps someone will like this recipe for beef liver (stewed) and will help them learn how to prepare a wonderful addition to a side dish.

Liver with onions and carrots: ingredients

Stewed with onions and carrots is a tasty and healthy dish. To prepare it we need to take:

  1. One carrot.
  2. ½ kilogram of liver.
  3. A glass of broth.
  4. Three tablespoons of flour (tablespoons).
  5. Two onions.
  6. ½ teaspoon sugar.
  7. Vegetable oil.
  8. Salt.
  9. ½ teaspoon paprika.
  10. A teaspoon of curry.

Recipe for beef liver stewed with carrots and onions

We defrost the liver and clean it of films, then wash it and cut it into pieces. Each piece must be salted and dipped in flour, then quickly fried over high heat until a crust appears. After this, you can add carrots with onions and spices. Mix all ingredients and add vegetable oil.

The liver must be fried until the carrots acquire a golden hue and the onions become transparent. Next, all this should be poured with broth and simmered over low heat for at least five minutes after the mixture boils. This recipe for beef liver stewed with vegetables is absolutely simple to make and doesn’t take much time to prepare.

Liver in sour cream: ingredients

Continuing the conversation about how to cook tasty and soft beef liver, you should definitely remember the recipe with sour cream. The sauce with spices gives the finished dish an unusual, pleasant and piquant taste. To bring the recipe to life, we will take the following ingredients:

  1. Five tablespoons of sour cream (tablespoons).
  2. One onion.
  3. A couple of cloves of garlic.
  4. Half a kilogram of liver.
  5. A tablespoon of flour.
  6. Vegetable oil.
  7. ½ teaspoon nutmeg.
  8. A teaspoon of dill (fresh or dried).
  9. Salt.
  10. A teaspoon of sweet paprika.
  11. Ground pepper.
  12. ½ teaspoon coriander.

Cooking liver in sour cream

We prepare the liver for cooking by clearing it of films. To simplify the process as much as possible, you can pour boiling water over the product, then the film will separate without problems. Next, cut the liver into slices and place in a heated frying pan. It should be simmered with constant stirring to prevent the food from burning, until the liquid has completely evaporated. Then add vegetable oil, garlic, onion, dill and all the spices (do not add salt and pepper yet). Fry all ingredients for five minutes. Of course, if you are not a fan of spices, then you can exclude them from the recipe. Then add one hundred milliliters of water, bring to a boil and cover with a lid.

You need to simmer for at least ten minutes, after which sour cream, salt and pepper are added to the liver. Dissolve flour in half a glass of water. But this must be done so that there are no lumps. The resulting solution is injected into the liver. Next, cook over very low heat, stirring constantly, until the gravy thickens. The dish should sit for about fifteen minutes, after which it can be served. The whole family will love this soft beef liver. Moreover, the stew is incredibly healthy.

slow cooker recipe

For those housewives who own a multicooker, we would like to offer a recipe for cooking liver using it.


  1. One onion.
  2. One carrot.
  3. 0.6 kilograms of liver.
  4. Three tablespoons of vegetable oil (tablespoons).
  5. Flour.
  6. Pepper, salt.

For sour cream sauce, take:

  1. ½ teaspoon mustard.
  2. Four tablespoons of sour cream (tablespoons).
  3. Clove of garlic.
  4. ½ teaspoon each of dry parsley and dill.
  5. A glass of cream or milk.
  6. Pepper, salt.

The onion must be peeled and cut into half rings. Grate the carrots on a grater (preferably a coarse one). We wash the liver, remove films and cut into small pieces. Mix the flour with salt and pepper, then roll the liver in the mixture.

Pour oil into the multicooker bowl and select the “Baking” mode. At the same time, we set the cooking time to forty minutes. You need to warm up the multicooker for a couple of minutes and only then put the liver in the heated oil. Cook it for ten minutes and don’t forget to stir. Then add carrots and onions and mix. After another ten minutes, pour in the sour cream sauce and continue cooking (continue stirring). After the program is completed, turn off the heating and close the lid. The finished dish should sit for about five minutes.

To prepare, you need to mix sour cream with garlic, passed through a press, mustard, herbs, salt and pepper. And then add cream or milk and mix. The sauce is ready.

Another slow cooker recipe: ingredients

This recipe is simpler in the sense that it requires less participation from the housewife in preparation. What is actually good about multicookers?


  1. A kilogram of liver.
  2. A glass of sour cream.
  3. Glass of water.
  4. Three onions.
  5. Three tablespoons of flour (tablespoons).
  6. One carrot
  7. Spoon of sugar (teaspoon).
  8. Ground pepper.
  9. Vegetable oil.
  10. Salt.

Cooking liver in a slow cooker

The liver must first be cleaned and soaked in water (about an hour). Then cut it into pieces. Chop the onion into thin half rings and grate the carrots. Pour oil into the multicooker bowl and heat it. In the “Baking” mode, fry the onion, liver and carrots for twenty minutes.

Liver is a very versatile instant food product. Dishes made from it turn out tasty and healthy. In addition, liver is an alternative to meat, and in some properties it even surpasses it in quality. With its help, blood hemoglobin is raised. But it is worth remembering that for such purposes it is necessary to use only fresh beef liver. Unfortunately, a frozen product is of little use.

When purchasing a liver, you should choose pieces that have the least number of films and vessel walls. A high-quality product is elastic and juicy, has a dark red color. To keep the liver soft, you can soak it in water, milk, and grease it with dry mustard. The rules for preparing the products are simple. You need to cook the liver over low heat, it is afraid of drying out, and you should salt it at the very end.

Since liver is healthy and nutritious, it should be consumed not only by adults, but also by children. But kids are not always willing to eat it. But if you choose the right recipe with sour cream sauce or milk, then the kids may well like the delicious and tender liver disguised in the sauce.

Instead of an afterword

In our article we looked at the most interesting recipes for stewed beef liver. When prepared correctly, this delicacy product is incredibly tasty and healthy. We hope you enjoy one of our recipes and find the product selection tips useful.

- a simple and tasty dish that you can prepare for a quick lunch or dinner. In addition, liver fried with onions according to our recipe turns out very soft, tender and aromatic. Usually, when I cook liver, so that it turns out soft and juicy in taste, I salt it after it is completely fried and ready to eat. This is the main recommendation for preparing soft and tasty fried liver: add salt after cooking.

Fried liver with onions, recipe


  • 1 kg of liver (pork, beef or veal);
  • 2-3 large onions (the more onions, the juicier the liver), cut the onions into rings, half rings or cubes;
  • flour as needed;
  • vegetable oil (odorless) + a piece of butter for greasing the pan
  • salt and black pepper to personal taste

How to cook fried liver with onions

  1. Before cooking, the liver must be washed and cleared of films and bile ducts. Then beat it through the film.
  2. Cut the prepared liver into slices about one centimeter thick, or you can cut it into pieces, like chops, also about 1 cm thick. Roll the liver pieces in flour.
  3. Now place the liver on a preheated and greased frying pan. Fry on both sides. Fry the liver for no more than 10-12 minutes. This time is enough for the liver to cook.
  4. When the liver is fried, put it in a separate container, and put the prepared chopped onion in the frying pan where the liver was cooked. Fry the onion until transparent, turn off the heat.
  5. Salt, pepper and mix the fried liver. Sometimes I use Italian seasoning instead of salt and black pepper. I really like the combination of fried liver and Italian seasoning. Now I’ll announce the composition of this seasoning, in case you also want to experiment. It includes: sea salt, rosemary, pink pepper, thyme, tarragon, thyme, basil. When I use this seasoning, there is a simply magical aroma in the kitchen.
  6. So, now we put the fried liver on the fried onions. Mix the liver with onions. Cover with a lid and let it brew for 5-7 minutes. That's it, the fried liver with onions is ready.
  7. When serving, you can sprinkle the liver with finely chopped fresh herbs. Boiled or mashed potatoes, rice or buckwheat are perfect as a side dish.

Recipe: Fried liver with onions and carrots


  • beef liver 800 gr.
  • onions 3 pcs.
  • 1 large carrot or 2 medium carrots
  • tomato 1 pc. optional
  • sour cream 180g.
  • butter 1 tbsp.
  • salt to taste

How to cook fried liver with onions and carrots in sour cream

  1. Three carrots on a coarse grater, finely chop the onion. We also finely chop the tomato. We prepare the liver as in the first recipe and cut it into pieces.
  2. Fry onions, carrots and tomatoes in a mixture of vegetable oil and butter. Fry until soft. Add liver pieces. Fry for 5 minutes. Add sour cream. Mix.
  3. Close the lid and simmer for another 15 minutes until done. At the end, add salt and pepper (optional).
  4. Cover with a lid and remove from heat. Let the dish brew for 5-7 minutes and serve. It turns out to be fried liver with onions and carrots, plus a delicious sour cream and tomato sauce (tomato-sour cream sauce).

Rinse the liver, remove the hymen and veins. Cut into large portions 1 cm thick. Beat off the liver pieces on both sides on cling film.

Salt the chopped pieces of beef liver.

Pepper the liver and leave to soak for 10 minutes.

Pour flour into a bowl. Roll each piece of liver in flour on both sides.

Heat a frying pan, pour 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil into it and place the liver breaded in flour.

Place the prepared liver on a plate.

Peel the carrots and onions. Chop the onion and grate the carrots on a coarse grater.

Wash the frying pan where the liver was fried and pour 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil into it, then add the onion and carrots and mix.

Add butter to the vegetables and simmer the onions and carrots, stirring occasionally, over low heat until half cooked.

Pour 3 tablespoons of water into the vegetables and place pieces of beef liver on top.

Cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for 10-15 minutes; during simmering, turn the liver pieces over once.

At the end of cooking, you can add herbs and garlic, which will give the dish additional flavor. Appetizing, delicious fried beef liver with onions and carrots is ready! Set the table and serve with any side dish of your choice.

This is not the first time I have cooked fried beef liver with onions and carrots according to this recipe, and it always turns out tasty and tender, try it too.

Bon appetit!

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