Home Pulpitis DPT revaccination side effects in children. DPT vaccination: side effects in children, pros and cons of vaccination

DPT revaccination side effects in children. DPT vaccination: side effects in children, pros and cons of vaccination

The creation of vaccinations is aimed at preventing the development in children and adults of diseases that can cause serious complications and health problems. One of the most dangerous and controversial is the DTP vaccine. side effects which makes some parents consider refusing vaccination. Parents should remember the low likelihood of side effects and the benefits for protecting the child’s body from terrible diseases.

Pros and cons of vaccination

The vaccine protects the child from 3 diseases: whooping cough, diphtheria, tetanus - this is what it is. She allows him to transfer the disease to mild form if the baby does become infected. Statistics show that negative reaction organism for vaccination is rare. The population has access to not only the domestic version of vaccination, but also imported vaccines.

The procedure itself involves the injection of a drug consisting of killed microbes and inactivated toxins intramuscularly. The procedure provokes a temporary weakening of the immune system, and possible vaccination reactions.

Vaccination against diphtheria and tetanus is a necessity, as the mortality rate from these diseases reaches 85%. The need to introduce a vaccine that includes a pertussis component is controversial; it is this component that can cause complications from the central nervous system.

Important! Whooping cough in children under 3 years of age can cause coughing attacks that may be accompanied by respiratory arrest, convulsions, and infants are sent to intensive care for nursing.

In children over 3 years of age, whooping cough causes inconvenience due to constant paroxysmal coughing, but it is not life-threatening.

Possible consequences in children after vaccination

The reaction to the introduction of a vaccine may be a normal response of the body to the entry of foreign elements into the body, and passes without a trace. Reactions to the second and third revaccinations are common.

Side effects of the vaccine:

  • redness at the injection site indicates a slight inflammatory reaction body. If there are no complaints from the child, no special treatment needs to be started; the redness will subside along with the resorption of the drug;
  • compaction is also one of the body’s standard reactions to vaccination and resolves itself within a few weeks from the moment of vaccination;
  • the rash occurs as an individual reaction of the child’s body to the components of the vaccine;
  • a bump on the leg indicates deviations from the standards of vaccine administration (violation of antiseptic standards due to which dirt got into the wound);
  • the temperature after vaccination indicates the reaction of the child’s body to the introduction of the drug into the body;
  • gastrointestinal disorders: nausea;
  • the child cries, becomes capricious, drowsy, and may lose appetite.

If a child limps for several days after receiving a vaccine, this is a normal reaction to pain from the vaccine, which varies from person to person, and to the presence of a lump in the leg.

Attention! Prolonged lameness requires immediate medical attention.

What to do if a reaction occurs

If a child has a fever, doctors advise giving antipyretics (Ibuprofen,). It is recommended to take medications even in case of a slight rise in temperature, since it is not an indicator of active formation immune defense body. The medicine can be given immediately after returning from the clinic.

The following question from parents about temperature is often encountered: “”. Normally, the fever should stop on the third day after vaccination.

To remove the seal, you can use ointments that accelerate the blood, allowing you to speed up the resorption process: Traumeel C, Troxevasin, Aescusan.

Important! If your child’s leg hurts for several days after vaccination, there is no need to worry, you can give your baby Nurofen. For long periods pain at the injection site, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If the child has become very restless, whiny, and capricious, try to pay more attention to him, ensure the correct drinking regime, and do not force him to eat if he does not want to.

Complications in children

Immediate consultation with a doctor requires an increase in temperature above 39°C, swelling greater than 8 cm, continuous crying (more than 3 hours).

Complicated reactions to vaccination in children:

  • severe form of allergy ( anaphylactic shock, );
  • convulsions;
  • neurological disorders (encephalopathy).

Such complications can be caused by non-compliance with the rules of preparation for vaccination. The child must be thoroughly examined by a pediatrician and is completely healthy on the day on which vaccination is scheduled and 2 weeks before it.

Attention! The child should not have any neurological abnormalities, immunodeficiency conditions, viral infections and severe cases of reaction to previous vaccinations.

The likelihood of complications in a baby if it is healthy is almost zero. That is why the pediatrician can adjust the timing of vaccine administration to a child, deviate from the timing specified in the national vaccination calendar, if there is the slightest deviation in the baby.

What to do after DTP vaccination - questions from parents

Parents' anxiety is often related to how to behave after vaccination. Some doctors prohibit walking and swimming for 3 days after vaccination, others say to keep the child in isolation and not wash him for just a day.

Bans on bathing are associated with a possible rise in the child’s temperature and a drop in immune defense, which can easily lead to a cold after bathing (if the baby gets cold).

When can you bathe your child after DTP vaccination?

On the day of vaccination, it is better to free the child from water procedures, but the very next day, if there is no temperature and no complaints from the child, he can swim.

Why you shouldn’t get the vaccination site wet

Doctors prohibit getting the vaccination site directly wet for 2 hours, and advise refraining from swimming due to the risk of bacteria getting into the injection site. After the injection, a small wound forms on the skin, which provides open access to the baby’s body for bacteria found in tap water.

Is it possible to walk with a child after vaccination?

If the child does not have a temperature or it remains at a low level, and there are no other complaints, there is no need to deny the baby walks. Fresh air will do him good; you just need to avoid places with large crowds of people.

Important! Do not leave the clinic area in the first 30 minutes after vaccination in order to have time to contact a qualified medical care in case of an acute allergic reaction.

Mothers of infants should remember that a week before and after vaccination they should not introduce new complementary foods to their baby and try a new product on their own. breastfeeding.

Vaccination is a way to help a child’s body fight many dangerous diseases. The DTP vaccine is not the most pleasant and useful, but it can save a child from deadly diseases, and other people from outbreaks of disease epidemics.

The DTP vaccine should not be underestimated, much less avoided: before its invention in the 40s of the last century, infections with tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough were the main causes of child death! With the improvement of living conditions, advances in medicine, and the introduction of compulsory vaccination, the danger from these diseases is no longer so serious. However, the risk always remains and refusing vaccinations is extremely unwise and dangerous. Although DPT vaccinations are fraught with side effects and reactions, this is a small price to pay before the danger of contracting tetanus or diphtheria. The national vaccination schedule in the Russian Federation establishes four main periods DPT vaccinations: first vaccination in infancy (3–6 months), revaccination at the age of one and a half years, revaccination of diphtheria and tetanus at 6 years and vaccinations in adulthood (at 14 years and once every 19 years thereafter, only diphtheria with tetanus). The timing of DTP vaccination is clearly shown in the table below.

First vaccination

Without a doubt, the most important stage in the formation of children's immune defense is the first months after birth. At the beginning of life, children are much more susceptible to infection by dangerous viruses and microorganisms, and the body itself is not able to withstand severe infectious blows. Therefore, the first DTP vaccination, as one of the primary ones, takes place already in the 3rd month of life. This stage consists of three vaccinations, one every 45 days - at 3, 4.5 and 6 months. It is very advisable to follow the schedule as accurately as possible, but if necessary (illness of children, temporary contraindications, etc.), the dates of vaccinations can be postponed for a short period of time, the success of developing immunity does not suffer from this.

Three days before the very first vaccination, doctors recommend giving your baby baby antihistamines- this will reduce the risk of allergies and reduce the reaction in general. In addition, it is necessary to stock up on antipyretic drugs.

The first injection is given at the age of 3 months, because the immunity transferred to children with mother's antibodies begins to disappear by this time. This process may take place differently in different children, but the ideal time for the first vaccination is different countries They consider the age to be from 2 to 4 months. As in subsequent times, the drug is introduced into the body by intramuscular injection. The best place for administration - the inner surface of the thigh, where the muscles are well developed even in newborn children. At the time of vaccination, the child must be healthy and fully examined for contraindications. The first stage of DPT is important because it can reveal a hidden allergic reaction and give an idea of ​​how the child’s body reacts to the components of the vaccine. It is important for parents to be especially vigilant in order to promptly notice any abnormal changes in the child’s condition.

The second vaccination of the DPT vaccine is given 45 days after the first. The procedure is no different from the previous injection, but children often tolerate the vaccination much worse. In children, the temperature rises greatly, convulsions, drowsiness, or, conversely, prolonged high-pitched crying may occur. This happens because after the first vaccination the child has time to develop antibodies to the vaccine toxoids and during the second vaccination the baby’s body tries to protect itself from the practically harmless components of the vaccine. That is, the child’s condition during this period is a consequence of the internal struggle of the immune system against toxoids. Despite the fact that the process is normal, it cannot be left to chance - the baby needs to be given an antipyretic and his condition carefully monitored. An increase in temperature above 39.5 °C, severe convulsions that continue for more than a day, prolonged redness of the body and other strange phenomena are a reason to immediately consult a doctor. Doctors do not recommend changing the drug during vaccination, however, if after the first vaccination the child experienced a severe reaction (temperature 38.5 °C or higher, severe convulsions), it makes sense to give the second and subsequent injections a more expensive and safe imported drug.

Some DPT vaccinations coincide in timing with other vaccinations - in this case, you can use combined imported vaccines, this will reduce the number of painful injections.

The last of the three DPT vaccinations serves to fully strengthen immunity and is given to children at 6 months. If it was impossible to vaccinate at the required time, the scheme allows for the vaccination to be postponed up to two months in advance. It is also done intramuscularly and is relatively painless for children. If there were no negative reactions after the first two vaccinations, it is advisable to inject the same drug. Otherwise, it is permissible to change the vaccine to imported Infanrix or another.

Revaccination first

A single vaccine shot at one and a half years of age (18 months). The most common question parents ask before re-vaccination is: why is it needed? The DPT vaccine provides children with immunity from whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria for more than 5 years, as many parents know. However, far fewer parents go into the intricacies of immunology, not suspecting that the first acquired immunity from whooping cough and tetanus disappears in 15–20% of cases within a year after vaccination. The body stops considering an infection real threat subsequently and gradually stops producing antibodies. To prevent this, children should receive another additional vaccination, which will give a 100% immune response for the required period. Many parents, without knowing this, refuse such a quick re-vaccination with DTP, especially if the baby had serious reactions the first time. Important: if the child nevertheless ends up in the 20% of children who have lost immunity after the first DTP injections, he will be defenseless against the three most dangerous infectious diseases up to 6 years of age. It is impossible to establish this for sure without a serious immunological study, so it is easier to simply do an extra vaccination.

In accordance with the national vaccination calendar, the anti-pertussis component is not administered to children over four years of age.

Second and subsequent revaccinations

Further vaccinations are separated by significantly longer time intervals and have an important difference - the pertussis component is excluded from vaccination. For children over 4 years of age, domestic medicine completely excludes whole-cell whooping cough vaccinations (immunity is not developed; the vaccine will simply infect the child with whooping cough). Russia does not produce acellular pertussis vaccinations, so vaccination against it ends in the Russian Federation after 4 years. This is also justified by the fact that older children are much less susceptible to the disease, tolerate it more easily, and the mortality rate with proper care is zero. The drug DPT (adsorbed pertussis-diphtheria-tetanus) is not used in further vaccination because it contains a pertussis component. Up to 6 years of age, the drug ADS (adsorbed diphtheria-tetanus vaccine) is used to instill immunity against tetanus and diphtheria in children, and after that - ADS-M (an identical drug with a much lower content of active substances).

The second revaccination (this time only against tetanus and diphtheria) takes place at 6 years of age. The child is given only one vaccination intramuscularly, the reaction from which should be minimal compared to all previous ones. If you still want to protect your child from whooping cough, it is permissible to use an imported drug (Pentaxim, Tetraxim, Infanrix and others). There is little need - the disease from the age of 6 years is more easily tolerated than influenza, and after one case of the disease, the child will receive natural lifelong immunity.

The last revaccination for children is done at the age of 14 with the drug ADS-M, with a low content of active toxoids. The drug has been changed so as not to put unnecessary stress on the body; to maintain immunity in adulthood, several times smaller doses of the active components are sufficient. ADS-M does not generate immunity in the body, but is only a “reminder” for the body to maintain it.

Revaccination for adults is done every 10 years, starting from the age of 24, with the drug ADS-M. Most people neglect it, since the risk of infection and the danger for an adult is much less than for children. But nevertheless, the risk remains quite high; infection with these infections can seriously undermine one’s health and even make a person disabled. Prevention of tetanus with diphtheria is especially recommended for people at risk: working with children, animals, and medical personnel.

Brief reminder

  • Vaccination of whooping cough, tetanus, diphtheria takes place in two stages: two vaccinations in the period of 2-6 months, at 1.5 years and 6 years;
  • Tetanus-diphtheria vaccinations are given separately at 6 and 14 years of age, as well as every subsequent 10 years of life;
  • The vaccination schedule may be changed as necessary, with the approval of the doctor. The number of vaccinations does not change;
  • All drugs certified in Russia, including imported ones, are interchangeable;
  • The person being vaccinated must be healthy and have no contraindications to vaccination;
  • An open, especially contaminated wound is a reason for urgent vaccination if it has not been done for more than 5 years;
  • It is recommended to give children an antihistamine at any stage, be sure to reduce the fever after vaccination;
  • All vaccinations, including extraordinary ones, must be reflected in the vaccination card.

The DTP vaccination scheme is much more transparent after careful examination than many parents think. Carefully follow the doctor’s instructions and vaccination rules so that DTP does not leave behind anything but peace of mind for the health of your children!

On the World Wide Web today, you can most often find discussions about vaccinations against diphtheria, tetanus or whooping cough, as many parents are afraid that complications after DTP can harm the health of their child. Although unwanted side effects may occur, doctors recommend that children be vaccinated against infectious diseases.

DTP vaccination and consequences in children

Children react differently to many vaccines given, it all depends on the state of the immune system. For parents, vaccinating a child is also to some extent a test, since it is unknown how the vaccine will work, what consequences or complications it may have for the unprotected body of the newborn.

DTP vaccination is considered one of the most difficult procedures to tolerate, as it can often cause allergies in children and not only that. After the administration of the drug, it is rare that a mother will not notice any changes in her child’s well-being.

Why do children tolerate vaccinations poorly?

The DTP vaccine includes diphtheria and tetanus toxins, the action of which is aimed at protecting the child’s body from infection with harmful bacilli. The body reacts most severely to the third component of the drug - to killed pertussis bacilli.

The initial dose of the drug is administered to babies at the age of three months. At this time, the natural immune system received from the mother along with breast milk, begins to weaken little by little. Most often, immunization coincides with this period.

An important aggravating factor is the introduction of foreign harmful cells, albeit non-functioning ones. Therefore, the combination of weakened immunity and vaccination can lead to unwanted complications in children.

Main complications after DTP vaccine

There are two types of reactions to vaccination: local and general. Let's get to know them briefly:

  • Local complications appear after the vaccine is administered locally on some area of ​​the skin;
  • General complications affect the entire body. This may be manifested by general malaise, low body heat and other health changes.

The state of the immune system will determine how long the reactions obtained after the administration of DTP will last. Most often, after the vaccine, children experience a body fever of up to 37.5-38 C. With good immunity it usually lasts a day or two, but longer lasting reactions also occur.

It all depends on the accompanying factors present at the time of vaccination. For example, during this period the child contracted a viral infection.

Who are vaccinations contraindicated for?

Contraindications are short-term. This applies to cases when the doctor, for various reasons, recommends delaying the child’s vaccination for a certain period. There are also significant contraindications when immunization is not indicated.

Let's look at them:

  1. Significant contraindications. This category of prohibition includes children suffering from nervous diseases that are in the progression stage. This is epilepsy that cannot be controlled, encephalopathy in a progressive stage, febrile convulsions lasting a long time;
  2. Severe allergic reaction to the main components of the drug or to substances from a previous vaccine;
  3. Relative contraindications. The period when chronic diseases are in an acute stage. Or there are acute infectious diseases;

The main danger of DTP vaccination is that it reduces the functioning of the baby’s immune system. This is normal for this vaccine. The child can tolerate its administration tolerably if he is relatively healthy at the time of vaccination.

Adverse reactions of DTP

Each child reacts differently to the drug. Severe complications may arise if the child was not properly examined or were missed important points on his health. There were contraindications, but the vaccination was done.

Local side effects

  1. Minor induration (up to 1cm) after DTP administration. Such manifestations can be short-term – 1-2 days. To alleviate the child’s condition, it is recommended to apply a compress to this area. If the lump does not go away after a couple of days, you need to show it to a doctor;
  2. Cones of small diameter. They indicate the presence of a serious complication in the body. It may be local purulent inflammatory process or infiltration. In addition to the bump, the child experiences body heat and pain at the injection site.

Most often, this indicates an infection caused by vaccination. You must immediately contact your treating pediatrician for a prescription. necessary for the child treatment to eliminate this problem;

  1. Allergy in the form of rashes at the site of vaccine administration. Redness and minor swelling may occur on the skin. The reactions are caused by the body’s fight against toxins and foreign, ineffective pertussis strains.

Common side effects

Common adverse reactions fall into four main types. Let's take a brief look at each of them:

  1. Pathological disturbance of the thermal energy mechanism, lethargy, moodiness, observation of the gag reflex, loss of appetite. The critical temperature is 38.5 C. If the baby is very restless, it is necessary to give an antipyretic;
  2. The nervous system primarily reacts to the introduction of a new foreign substance. Many parents complain that after DTP child cries monotonously, he may experience convulsions, a short-term rise in temperature. A convulsive state may appear on the first day and disappear, or it may recur. This is due to minor cerebral edema;
  3. The inflammatory process observed in soft shells brain (encephalitis), but this is quite a rare event. At initial stage the child experiences repeated convulsions, a gag reflex, and hyperthermia;
  4. Lameness after drug administration. If the vaccination was done without following the required administration technique, the child’s leg may hurt, which results in slight lameness. Or, when administering the vaccine, the needle got into the nerve endings of the anterior outer region of the thigh;
  5. Quincke's edema, anaphylactic or collaptoid state of shock. These are the most severe manifestations of complications. Usually they can occur after vaccination within 20-30 minutes;
  6. Addition of concomitant infectious diseases;
  7. Side effects from DTP vaccination.

As a rule, severe complications appear literally immediately after vaccination. It is for this reason that medical personnel usually offer to sit in the vaccination room for a while after vaccination. This is necessary if you need to provide emergency assistance to your baby.

There are more severe forms of complications. Let's look at them.

Autism as a complication of DTP vaccination

No matter how safe the drug is, parents are always concerned whether the baby will have serious consequences after it. There are cases when a child developed autism after receiving the DPT vaccine.

But the opinions of doctors and parents differ on this matter: some consider the vaccine to be the cause of the disease, others reject this fact. It should also be noted that autism is primarily either hereditary or congenital disease. But DTP vaccination can become a provoking factor if the child is initially predisposed to this disease.

Poliomyelitis after DTP

Today, comprehensive vaccination is observed, that is, during a one-time visit to the vaccination office, the child is given the DTP vaccine and anti-poliomyelitis drops are dripped into the mouth.

Parents are concerned about this innovation, as unforeseen complications may arise from such a combination. If the baby has a weakened immune system, for example, after an infectious disease, then after immunization he may develop polio. But this happens extremely rarely.

Symptoms after DTP vaccination

After vaccination with DTP, many children may experience certain manifestations. Let's look at the most common symptoms of post-vaccination malaise.

Increasing body heat

This is the most common symptom and the usual reaction of a child’s body to the introduction of a foreign agent. Average The thermometer is usually in the range of 37.5-38 C. If the temperature exceeds this level and exceeds 38.5-39 C, you should seek medical help.

Post-vaccination reactions usually last no more than three days. If the situation does not change after this period, it means that the baby has developed complications after vaccination. Or there is a possibility that the child was additionally infected and the reason has nothing to do with the vaccine administered.

A temperature exceeding 38.5-39 C can be indicated against the background of a weak immune system in a child. The task of immunity is to produce antibodies that protect the body from the effects of serum components. Prolonged body heat after vaccination indicates the development of the disease. You need to call a doctor and give him an antipyretic.

Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract

Some may experience dyspeptic symptoms in the form of a gag reflex, nausea, and indigestion. Loose stool may appear either briefly or will last for some time:

  • Diarrhea may appear in a baby after vaccination if he has accompanying illnesses stomach or intestines. Digestive problems. The unhealthy stomach of children often reacts poorly to a new product, especially to a foreign agent.
  • Loose stools may be due to a reaction general plan on the polio vaccine, since it is this that is dripped into the mouths of children, where it enters the digestive tract, irritating it.

After the drops, medical personnel advise not to let the child drink or eat for a couple of hours. Any drug requires a certain time to be absorbed by the body. If parents do not follow the recommendations, the baby may develop diarrhea. It is often short-lived therapeutic therapy does not require. To eliminate the toxic effects, you can give your child Enterosgel.

Rashes on the body

The body may react to the main components of a medicinal vaccine with an allergic rash. It is necessary to monitor her for some time so that the doctor can describe the symptoms:

  • The rash can be local, that is, located in one specific place or scattered throughout the body in the form of small red dots;
  • In rare cases, a rash may be a complication after vaccination and not be allergic in nature. For example, with a weakened immune system after DTP, chickenpox may appear. Here the rash will be radically different. With chickenpox, the rash on the body resembles watery red pimples. In addition, the significant difference between chickenpox and a rash is that it itches. The itching will continue until the blister is covered with a crust on top.

If a rash of any nature is detected in a child, he must be shown to the treating pediatrician. Emergency help- Give him an antihistamine.

An increase in body temperature is also associated with the development infectious chickenpox. In some cases, body heat can reach 39-40 C. It can be very difficult for a child to tolerate the disease, since the child’s body has to overcome several viruses.

Allergic rash

This type of rash may appear in the first hours after vaccination with DTP. An allergic nature can also be Quincke's edema, which causes danger to the respiratory tract. There may not be a rash here, but due to the rapid development of pulmonary edema, it will be difficult for the baby to breathe.

When administering the drug for the first time, it is recommended to stay near the vaccination room for about half an hour. If the baby experiences allergic complications, the medical staff will be able to provide competent assistance in a timely manner.

In such situation next vaccination DTP is canceled or replaced with another drug that does not contain pertussis strains. ADS vaccine M is usually less aggressive and does not cause such serious complications.

Runny nose and cough

The pertussis component included in the DTP vaccine, although practically inactive, is still considered dangerous virus. After vaccination, your baby may experience side effects in the form of a strong cough and mucus discharge from the nose.

Infectious whooping cough itself is dangerous because when the disease becomes more complicated, it is difficult for the child to breathe due to frequent coughing. It is especially difficult for very young children. Their lungs are not yet very well developed, and it is difficult for them to withstand the stress of endless, periodically recurring coughing attacks.

After administration of the DTP vaccine, a child may experience a natural reaction of the body to the pertussis strain in the form of a cough. It often goes away within a few days and does not require special drug therapy.

Treatment of side effects

  1. If body heat appears and begins to rise above 38.5-39 C. You can give him an antipyretic drug. If this situation lasts more than two days, this is a reason to contact your local pediatrician;
  2. After receiving the DTP vaccine, children may experience local reactions to the drug in the form of bumps, redness or thickening. An examination of the child by a health care worker is mandatory here. After consultation with the pediatrician, he is given an anti-inflammatory medication;
  3. For allergies in the form of a rash on the body, you can give an antihistamine;
  4. If after vaccination the child is bothered by pain at the injection site, it is recommended to apply a compress or lubricate him with anesthetic ointment;
  5. To avoid complications after vaccination, you need to visit a pediatrician so that he can visually examine the child and talk about possible side effects.

Every parent in Russia comes across the abbreviation DTP - a child under one year old is given three injections of this drug to instill immunity to whooping cough, tetanus, and diphtheria. National calendar Vaccinations in the Russian Federation include vaccination with this vaccine every month and a half starting from three months. Vaccine components always cause side effects in the child’s body, from mild and fleeting to extremely unpleasant and dangerous. Therefore, when vaccinating with DTP, it is important to follow the doctor’s instructions, avoid contraindications, and monitor the baby’s well-being after vaccination.

There are a huge number of private clinics or vaccination clinics across Russia that provide vaccination services. In such institutions, the service is much better than in state ones - the main thing is the certification and reliability of the clinic.

Imported DTP vaccines

The reason for this reactogenicity Russian drug lies in its composition - to create immunity to whooping cough, one dose of the vaccine contains up to 20 million weakened whooping cough cells. They are the main reason feeling unwell children or a strong reaction. In addition, domestic vaccines are made using large amounts of harmful “heavy” preservatives and excipients. This composition causes significant stress in the body and, if the circumstances are unsuccessful, can provoke a serious illness.

IN Russian pharmacies Only certified DPT preparations are sold, but the choice of a particular vaccine must be discussed with your doctor.

For very worried parents or children with poor health, it is recommended to use imported vaccinations, such as Infanrix, Pentaxim and others. Foreign drugs have a much lower level of reactogenicity, which allows children to tolerate vaccinations without a reaction at all. The main disadvantage of such vaccines is the price; the most inexpensive imported DTP vaccine costs at least 700 rubles.

Possible reactions

The side effects of the Russian drug are quite numerous and variable - for different children and conditions, vaccination gives completely different consequences.

All side effects from vaccination, starting with the most common:

  1. Redness with compaction at the site of vaccination, the so-called. infiltrate. Reaches 8 centimeters in diameter and is very hard to the touch. Occurs due to tissue damage by injection and injection of solution. The injection site often hurts, which can be understood by the child’s behavior - limping, painful reaction when touched, and so on. You cannot smear the infiltrate with ointments or apply compresses, this will only worsen the situation. This phenomenon may subside within a week.
  2. Increased temperature due to the action of the pertussis component of the vaccine. The temperature rises to an average of 38° C and is easily reduced with children's antipyretics. A temperature above 39 °C is considered critical and requires contacting a clinic if it cannot be brought down to normal for more than a few hours.
  3. Child's drowsiness, loud, long crying, moodiness, loss of appetite. Often such reactions appear in children along with an elevated temperature.
  4. A runny nose, cough, and other symptoms of ARVI are quite common in the context of weakened immunity. Symptoms can be treated in the same way as in normal cases.

Pathological reactions or complications after DPT requiring mandatory medical intervention:

  1. Baby has seizures. Appear against the background of a very high temperature or disturbance nervous system, If there are any. Even mild cramps are a cause for concern - you should immediately seek qualified medical help.
  2. Swelling of the neck and face, difficulty breathing, incessant high-pitched crying of the child - with such symptoms or other signs of severe deterioration in the condition of children, hospitalization is required.
  3. Allergic reactions. They can vary greatly in presentation and severity. The most common: rash, frequent sneezing, runny nose, itching, purulent abscess at the vaccination site. An increase in temperature is often accompanied. If the child’s health is poor or there is no improvement for more than four days, a doctor’s consultation is required.

Do not give in to the panic surrounding DTP vaccination, which is often created on forums and chats by impressionable mothers - in 90% of cases, their stories are greatly exaggerated and are the result of their own carelessness.

How to avoid

The best way to protect children from the unpleasant consequences of DTP vaccination is an imported drug. Unfortunately, they are not available to everyone because of their high cost, and in some places they are not available for sale at all. In this case, it will be useful to draw up and take into account a small reminder on how to undergo vaccinations without consequences:

  • At least a week must pass between the child’s vaccination and his last illness. You cannot vaccinate after a recent infection or exacerbation chronic disease;
  • Request doctors not to neglect the examination. The immunologist must carefully examine children for abnormalities and contraindications;
  • Three days before the DTP vaccination, it is advisable to give the child a children's antihistamine in order to reduce the risk of an allergic reaction to a minimum. Stock up on antipyretic medication for children to be prepared to fight the temperature;
  • Do not feed your baby for an hour before and after vaccination. For three days after vaccination, it is recommended to stay at home with the baby and protect it from other children due to the threat of infection;
  • If there is a temperature, you should not bathe the baby; if there is no temperature, wet the injection site as little as possible and do not rub it with a washcloth.
  • If your baby feels unwell or has unusual side effects after DTP vaccination, this is a reason to urgently consult a doctor.

As a parting word

This is all the necessary information that parents need to know about this stage of vaccination. Many mothers and fathers neglect such knowledge, completely trusting their babies medical personnel. Meanwhile, the actions of doctors are brought to automaticity by a huge flow of patients, which negatively affects the flexibility of thinking. Try to follow the progress of the procedure, note the correct or incorrect actions of the doctors, and do not hesitate to ask questions. Despite the fact that the DPT vaccine is considered quite harmful, most of the problems with vaccination are caused by people! Don't forget about this and let your baby grow up healthy!

ADSM vaccination - decoding and application
Compaction after DTP vaccination

The question of the need for vaccinations for newborns in Lately is quite acute in modern society. Many parents decide to give up such preventive measures, suggesting that vaccination poses a greater threat to the infant's health than potential diseases. Doctors warn that such decisions can have very serious consequences. Negative consequences, up to the repetition of epidemics throughout the country for a long time forgotten illnesses(eg diphtheria). The greatest controversy is caused by a vaccine such as DTP. Adverse reactions to it are quite common, which certainly makes you think about the advisability of it. Let's try to figure out how much this vaccine is necessary for a child, what the consequences of receiving it or refusing it may be.

What is the vaccine?

So, let's talk about what the DTP vaccine is. Children may think that this is just an unpleasant injection, but parents should understand that such a vaccine is designed to provide protection against such the most terrible diseases, like tetanus, diphtheria and whooping cough. All of these problems are characterized by severity, the presence of a large number of complications for the child’s body and the difficulty of treatment.

The vaccine helps to form the necessary immunity, but does not completely guarantee the absence of the possibility of disease. Despite this fact, a baby who picks up an infection after a routine injection experiences it in a milder form (without complications) and recovers faster.

Classic forms of reaction

If you decide to take DTP, adverse reactions to the vaccine should be studied very carefully. Such information will help you make a decision about the need for vaccination, weigh the pros and cons, and, if necessary, take appropriate proactive measures. The body's response to the introduction of a foreign agent is conventionally divided into three main categories:

Possible serious consequences of vaccination

Unfortunately, there are more severe consequences DTP vaccinations. Adverse reactions in rare cases may include:

  • vomiting (occurs in only 2 out of 100 vaccinated people);
  • extremely high body temperature (39 degrees and above);
  • brain damage;
  • impairment of physical or mental development;
  • coma;
  • (rash, urticaria, up to Quincke's edema).

Such manifestations are quite rare, most often in cases where the vaccination was not given on time or in the presence of obvious contraindications to it.

Adverse reaction at the immediate injection site

There are also local consequences of DTP. Adverse reactions after administration of the vaccine may include the appearance of a lump at the injection site. Most often, this area swells slightly, the skin acquires a reddish tint, and pain begins to appear, which causes the greatest inconvenience to the child. The baby cannot sleep, tries to constantly touch the wound, and cries. Parents rarely pay attention to such a seal, but if there is specified symptoms The child should be given a fever reducer, which can also reduce pain.

Whooping cough

Many parents worry that after DTP their child will get sick or experience discomfort. Well, this is quite possible, but you need to understand what is on the other side of the scale. What are you more afraid of: such a phenomenon as DTP (vaccination)? Temperature, pain, temporary vagaries? Or complications caused by one of the most terrible diseases that will ruin the baby’s health for life?

So, let's talk about the diseases that the vaccine is designed to protect your child from. One of the most difficult of these is whooping cough. Its characteristic signs are a dry, frequent cough, a slight runny nose in the first few days of illness, and a slight increase in body temperature. Over time, whooping cough progresses, coughing attacks become more frequent, accompanied by spasms and difficulty breathing. The peak of deterioration occurs on days 15-20 from the onset of the disease. It is customary to distinguish three main forms of whooping cough:

  1. Easy. The patient feels almost no change in his condition. Only characteristic attacks of rare coughing (no more than 15 times a day) remind of the disease; they do not interfere with the child’s normal life.
  2. Average. The patient often experiences insomnia. The child becomes apathetic, lethargic and slow. There may be an increase in temperature, coughing attacks are more frequent and severe (up to 30 times a day).
  3. Heavy. There is a high temperature and fever. The patient can hardly sleep or eat, and becomes extremely irritable. Among the external signs, pallor stands out skin, the appearance of edema. Coughing attacks can overcome a baby up to 50 times a day, more often in the evening and at night, with respiratory dysfunction observed, bleeding and vomiting observed. Involuntary urination may occur.

In most cases, the disease ends in successful healing, but complications are often recorded in children under one year of age. So, whooping cough can cause pneumonia, seizures, brain damage, and even death. As you can see, the reaction after DTP - compaction, fever and loss of appetite - is the lesser of the possible evils.


The second disease that the vaccine helps against is diphtheria. The disease is transmitted by airborne droplets and is characterized by severe intoxication of the body and the negative impact of infection on the nervous, vascular and cardiac systems. During the illness, symptoms such as swelling of the pharynx and larynx and enlarged lymph nodes are observed. In some cases, paralysis and disruption of work are possible internal organs, and deaths are often reported. Before mass vaccination, diphtheria was characterized by a large number of deaths. Treatment of the disease is carried out in infectious diseases hospital, an infected child must be isolated. After DTP, you can be sure of reliable protection of your baby from diphtheria.


Tetanus is the third, but no less dangerous disease that a child can avoid after DTP. The bacteria that cause this disease enter the baby's body through cuts and wounds that he may receive as a result of playing outdoors and indoors. These include high temperature, perspiration, spasms of the muscles of the face and body. Quite often, various complications are observed - this can be coma, death, respiratory paralysis. The disease can be prevented by administering a vaccine. The consequences of vaccinations are minor compared to what tetanus can lead to.

Conditional and absolute contraindications

In what cases is it not recommended to vaccinate with DTP? Contraindications do exist. And you should know them. Some of them are indirect, others are considered absolute. Thus, scheduled vaccination should be rescheduled for the following reasons:

  1. Infection. If your child is sick at this particular moment, the planned event must be rescheduled. The period for which the transfer must be carried out depends on the severity of the disease and the doctor’s recommendations.
  2. Stress. If your baby is currently in a state of stress or is very worried about some event, postpone the vaccination for a few days.
  3. Acute period of a chronic disease. If your child suffers from any illness on permanent basis, then the period of its exacerbation is a signal to postpone the DTP vaccination indefinitely.

Some symptoms are an absolute contraindication to such vaccination. Typically, such information is taken into account by the pediatrician, but parents should also have similar data. First of all, these include:

  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • allergy to components included in the vaccine;
  • negative reaction to previous vaccinations;
  • weak immunity, diseases affecting immune system baby;
  • whooping cough.

ADSM - alternative to DTP

If you want to give your child a DPT vaccine, for which there are contraindications, try a lighter version, DPT. This way you will protect your child’s health and reduce the risk of possible complications. A similar vaccine is used when a child reaches 4 years of age. This composition includes only two components, it is designed to resist diphtheria and tetanus - the most dangerous diseases which often lead to death. ADSM has much fewer side effects due to the exclusion of the component responsible for protection against whooping cough. It often happens that the child is initially given a DTP injection. Vaccination, fever, severe allergies tell adults that a second injection of the same vaccine will be unsafe for the baby. In this case, re-vaccination is carried out without the pertussis component.

When should you consult a doctor?

Does your child seem lethargic, tired and sick after DPT? There is no need to panic, but there are some symptoms you should pay close attention to. So, you should consult a doctor if:

  1. The temperature rises above 39 degrees, does not drop and is maintained for a very long time.
  2. A prolonged or delayed febrile state is observed.
  3. Hypotension and bluish discoloration of the skin develop. This state usually lasts no more than 6 hours.
  4. Pronounced nervous disorders appear.

If after DPT you notice a small lump, moderate temperature and tearfulness of the child, this does not mean at all that you should sound the alarm and worry. As a rule, most side effects disappear in just one day; you just need to watch the child and be patient. If you think that your baby’s health is in danger, try to consult a specialist.

Preparatory stage before vaccination

Preventive vaccinations are good because they can be planned in advance, canceled if necessary, and also prepared for them in advance. Two days before the vaccine is administered, you must start taking antihistamines. medications(protect the body from possible allergic reactions). Immediately after vaccination, without waiting negative manifestations, the baby should be given an antipyretic. Monitor the child’s behavior and temperature; if necessary, you will need to take a second dose of the drug (especially important in evening time, before going to bed at night). Yours further actions should be built according to the following algorithm:

  1. The first day after vaccination - from 1 to 3 antipyretic suppositories (morning-lunch-at night), an antihistamine (once a day).
  2. Second day - 1 antipyretic suppository if there is a fever, in other cases you should not take medications, antihistamines must be taken.
  3. The third day - no special treatment is required; if the baby has an increase in temperature, you should call a doctor and determine the causes of the malaise.

How to choose a medicine for fever

DTP vaccination for children is often accompanied by unpleasant consequences. You should not be afraid of this, any reaction signals that immunity is being formed. To prevent possible complications, give your child an antipyretic drug without waiting for symptoms to appear. Many parents ask the question: “How to choose the right remedy to reduce the temperature and reduce pain for such young children?” So, before buying a medicine, pay attention to the following characteristics:

  1. The form of the drug should be adapted to the age of the baby (suppositories for up to a year, syrup for older babies. It must be remembered that suppositories are much less likely to provoke an allergic reaction).
  2. Buy the composition in advance. It must be given before the onset anxiety reactions, otherwise there is a high chance that you will not be able to control them.
  3. It is not allowed to use the drug "Aspirin" to reduce a child's temperature.
  4. Alternate medicines with different components, this will help you not to exceed the permissible daily dose and achieve the desired effect.
  5. Remember, it is quite possible that even if the first vaccination was easy, the second or third will cause unpleasant symptoms.

Please note: the temperature after DPT usually lasts for one day (maximum two days). Treatment with antipyretic drugs is carried out for three days (the most long term). If you cannot control your child's health condition, be sure to consult a doctor.

DPT vaccination schedule

If you want to get your children vaccinated, scheduling them is very important. To form stable immunity to the three named diseases, it is necessary to carry out the vaccination procedure four times. The classic scheme for the prevention of whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria involves administering doses at the following times:

  • the first time - at 3 months after birth;
  • the second time - 45 days after the first procedure (that is, 4.5 months);
  • the third time - 45 days after the second procedure (at 6 months);
  • The fourth time is considered to be a revaccination; it is carried out a year after the third injection (approximately at 18 months).

The last two vaccinations are the most important for the formation of immunity. When the baby grows up, he will have to go through several more similar events - at 6 and 14 years old. If for some reason it is not allowed to give such vaccinations to children, the vaccination schedule can be slightly shifted. Thus, repeated preventive injections are not carried out in case of illness of the child or a situation specified in the list of contraindications. The timing of the transfer in each specific case is determined by the pediatrician observing the child.

Vaccinations at school and kindergarten are often mandatory when sending a child to educational institution, you should be prepared to be asked to provide your vaccination card. Vaccination will help protect your child from whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria when in a fairly large group of children, that is, in an area of ​​potential danger.

Foreign analogues of DTP

Preventive DPT vaccinations can be divided into several types, that is, domestic and foreign vaccines. Parents can make their own decision about which product to use to protect their child from possible diseases. The Belgian product “Infarix” has recently become the most popular. There are three categories of vaccine under this brand:

  • IPV (similar to DPT and polio);
  • the drug "Penta" (analogue of IPV and hepatitis B);
  • Hexa (an analogue of Penta and

Among the foreign drugs, the most notable compounds are Pentaxim, Tetraxim, and Hexavak. A wide selection of different vaccines is usually found in paid medical centers. However, recently it is possible to get a foreign injection at a district clinic.

If you doubt the need for DTP vaccination, the pros and cons should be weighed very carefully and thoughtfully. Try to perceive first of all the information that is given to you by experts, and not by acquaintances and friends. Remember, you should not be afraid of such a phenomenon as temperature after DTP: within reasonable limits, it is considered a variant of the normal reaction of the child’s body and serves as a sign of the formation of strong immunity from whooping cough, tetanus and diphtheria. Take the issue of vaccination as carefully as possible, this will help keep your children healthy.

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