Home Prosthetics and implantation The left side of the face and head hurts. Unilateral headaches and facial pain

The left side of the face and head hurts. Unilateral headaches and facial pain

It becomes impossible to function normally in this state, so the first thing you should do is consult a doctor. If on this moment There is no such possibility, you should determine as accurately as possible why half of your face hurts, and try to reduce the impact of pain on the body. After all, discomfort in the facial area can often radiate to the eyes, teeth, and ears. Even doctors forbid to endure severe, unbearable pain, so the treatment process should begin by identifying the causes.

The frequent question of why the left side of the face and eyes hurts worries many people. Doctors recommend first identifying the most painful point, the so-called hearth. This will help you avoid making mistakes in determining the cause of discomfort. However, this method is useful only in the first stages of inflammation, until painful sensations did not spread over the entire face. Otherwise, it becomes simply impossible to determine which half of the face hurts more, the right or the left.


Pain that occurs directly in the facial muscles is related to neurology. With neuroses, work decreases nerve centers, which regulate muscle function. As a result, certain muscles are in constant tension, which entails sharp pain in a certain part of the face.


A syndrome that is associated with inflammatory processes in nerve endings. As a result, pain occurs, usually in one part of the face, which can also be accompanied by unpleasant rashes. Symptoms may also include: impaired facial expressions in a certain area of ​​the face, dry eyes, dysfunction taste buds. The nature of the pain and its location depend on the location of the inflamed nerve.


The most common cause of pain, translated from Latin as “half of the head.” This disease disrupts the functioning of the blood supply, due to which a sufficient amount nutrients does not enter the brain. The symptoms of migraine are quite simple - continuous, sometimes throbbing pain on one side of the face and head, which may be accompanied by nausea.

An increase in pain may occur with a sharp increase in sound or bright light

Bruises and injuries

Pain in the face area often spreads to the entire lateral part, the pain is quite sharp, often accompanied by swelling and subcutaneous hemorrhages.


It occurs due to diseases of the sinuses, as a result of which the temperature rises and pain in the ears and eyes occurs.


Glaucoma, conjunctivitis, inflammation of the orbit - all these diseases are accompanied by complications such as severe pain in the head and one half of the face.

Atypical facial pain

Pain on the right side of the face

Most often, if it hurts Right side face and right eye, this is caused by bruises or infection, which led to inflammatory processes. Everything here is extremely simple: dysfunction of tissues leads to painful sensations. If the focus is located on the right side of the face, then the pain will gradually spread throughout this area.

Particular attention should be paid to inflammatory processes on the left side of the face. To people who have not experienced this problem, it may seem very confusing how pain can be felt exclusively in one area of ​​​​the face and head. However, such cases occur quite often. The primary cause of pain may be migraine. This pathology often also affects the left eye and temples.

A fairly common cause of pain in the left area of ​​the face and head is osteochondrosis of the neck. Pressure on the arteries that supply blood to the brain can cause pain. This is due to the fact that useful material, which nourish the brain, are not supplied in the required quantity, which provokes the appearance of spasms. Symptoms may include pressure surges, pain in the temples and around the eyes.

If the left side of the face and eyes hurt, you should immediately consult a doctor, because often the pain does not subside, but spreads throughout the face and head

How to get rid of pain

In order to ease the hours of waiting for a doctor or completely relieve pain, you should resort to the following procedures:

  • Painkiller. But you should not get carried away with such drugs, because they only dull the pain and do not cure.
  • Massage. This procedure can not only relax, but also relieve pain.
  • Compress. Cold compresses and bandages have an analgesic effect; this can significantly ease the pain and wait until you see a doctor without discomfort.
  • Air and sleep. The modern world has brought into human life a huge amount of technology and gadgets, the use of which is often the cause of pain in the face. A walk in the fresh air or good, healthy sleep can be excellent medicine.
  • Aromatherapy. Some experts note that ordinary essential oils, the smell of which perfectly calms and relaxes.
  • Coffee. But only if you are one hundred percent sure that pain in the facial area is caused by high blood pressure.
  • Psychotherapy and antidepressants. Often, severe discomfort arises due to a person’s emotional state, which only a competent psychotherapist can cope with.

These tips are universal, but will not save you from severe pain. Resorting to alternative medicine And traditional methods, you can significantly harm your health. If the left side of your face and eyes hurt, you should immediately visit a neurologist. The doctor will select necessary medications, which stabilize metabolic processes in the body, will tone the blood vessels.

Prevention of such pain is good mood and reducing stressful situations. Taking care of health is an important aspect of every person’s life, so you should not self-medicate, but first of all, give preference to professionals.

Half of my face and eyes hurt

Pain on the face occurs at the most various reasons. Based on the nature of the pain and external signs, it is not always possible to immediately determine what disorder caused this symptom.

Unilateral pain

Pain on the right or left side of the face is classified according to its origin as follows:

  • headache;
  • neurology;
  • neuralgia;
  • pathology of the skull bones;
  • bruises;
  • pathologies of the sinuses;
  • eye pathology;
  • toothache;
  • atypical pain.

The right side of the face and eyes hurt

Facial pain is a consequence of infection or mechanical damage to tissue on the right side.

As a result of tissue damage, inflammation occurs. Since all the bones, muscles, blood vessels, nerve nodes, and nerves that can be affected by the inflammatory process are located symmetrically on the face, pain symptom occurs either on one side or the other.

Note! When the source of inflammation is located on the right, the pain spreads to the right side.

Pain in left eye and left side of face

When a focus of infection occurs on the left, pain occurs on the left side of the face. It is also possible that the cause of the pain depends on the inflammatory processes in the eye, with the pain spreading to the entire half of the face.

In rare cases, inflammation and pain can affect both sides of the face.

For some treatment methods, the location of the pain is an important factor.

Important! This is especially true for homeopathy treatment. Many homeopathic medicines are prescribed when pain is localized on one side or another, such symptoms dictate the choice homeopathic remedy, which is why it is so important where exactly the pain is localized.

Causes of unilateral pain



The Latin name for this disease is hemicrania, which translates as “half the head.” This is a neurological pathology that affects the blood supply to the brain. Migraine is characterized by constant severe pain on one side of the head and face, often throbbing. The pain intensifies from a bright sound or light, with any movement of the head. Accompanied by nausea.

Cluster pain

This is severe paroxysmal pain that occurs without identified causes. Pain occurs in the area of ​​the right or left eye at approximately the same time every day. Attacks are more common in men.


Pain that occurs in the muscles of the face usually has neurological causes and are associated with increased tone.


In these conditions, the function of the nerve centers involved in the regulation of muscle function is often disrupted. As a result, pain occurs in a constantly tense muscle. Often this occurs only on the right or left side.

Osteochondrosis of the neck

Develops as a result of metabolic disorders and loss of strength of the intervertebral discs. Pain that occurs in the neck can spread to the face. In addition, the tone of several muscle groups increases: those supporting the spinal column, suboccipital, and facial, which also causes pain.


Neuralgia is a syndrome associated with inflammation or compression of a nerve. In this case, severe pain occurs on the face on one side, behind the ear, often accompanied by herpetic rashes.

  • violation of facial expressions on one half, asymmetry during laughter and expression of other emotions;
  • enlarged palpebral fissure, lagophthalmos (dry eye);
  • taste disturbance.

Important! The nature of the pain and its localization depend on the location of the nerve affected by the pathology.

Trigeminal nerve

This is the main sensory nerve in the face. It is called trigeminal because it has three branches. Symptoms: severe, short-term shooting pain only on the right or left. Pain spreads to the ear, jaw, neck, forefinger hands. An attack of pain is provoked by a weak touch and is accompanied by a tic (muscle contraction).

Glossopharyngeal nerve

Attacks of pain in the tonsils and root of the tongue. Attacks occur from cold, hot. The pain is accompanied by tachycardia, loss of consciousness, and a sharp decrease in pressure.

Superior laryngeal nerve

Pain in the larynx on one side, radiating to the shoulder. The attack is provoked by coughing or sudden movement.

Pterygopalatine ganglion

When this node is inflamed, the patient suffers from profuse lacrimation, swelling, and nasal discharge. Pain occurs on one side in the cheekbone, jaw, eye, temple, ear.

Nasociliary ganglion

An extremely rare pathology. Paroxysmal unilateral pain at the base of the nose, runny nose.

Facial bone pathologies


Purulent processes in bone marrow. Most often it is a complication of purulent pulpitis or periodontitis. The pain is throbbing, accompanied by fever, general weakness, swelling of the face, and inflammation of the lymph nodes. The pain spreads along the same side on which the inflammation occurred.


Sharp pain, swelling, change in skin color in the damaged area, displacement or retraction of the bone. Location and symptoms of fracture:

  • Eye socket: Blunt pain, worsening with eye movement, double vision, limited mobility or retraction of the eyeball.

Disorders of the temporomandibular joint

This pathology occurs due to:

The pain spreads to the entire side of the face and is felt in the ear. Pains of various types: aching or throbbing, paroxysmal or constant.


Facial pain also occurs due to soft tissue injury: sharp, accompanied by swelling and subcutaneous hemorrhage.

Pathologies of the sinuses


Inflammation that occurs in the sinuses. With sinusitis, pain in the cheekbone, eye, ear is accompanied by noise in the ear, worsening general condition, increasing temperature.

Eye pathologies

Pain arising from eye disease is often transmitted to other parts of the corresponding half of the face.

Inflammation of the eye socket

Caused by hormonal imbalances and infection. Accompanied by swelling and aching pain.


Irreversible damage due to high pressure inside the eye. Accompanied by redness of the eyes, dilated pupils, pain that extends to the temporal part of the face.


Develops due to infection of the conjunctiva or due to allergic reactions. Symptoms: redness, itching, purulent discharge from the lacrimal canal.


Dental diseases are the most common cause of asymmetrical pain on the face. Diseases of the teeth of the upper jaw often radiate to the eye and are localized only on one side:

  • deep caries;
  • pulpitis (inflammation inside the tooth - in soft tissues);
  • periodontitis (inflammation near the root of the tooth);
  • abscess (accumulation of pus in cavities);
  • osteomyelitis (inflammation in the jaw with the formation of pus - described above).

Atypical facial pain

This term refers to facial pain, the causes of which have not been identified. The diagnosis is made if other pathologies are excluded as a result of a complete examination of the patient.

Features of atypical pain

  • They affect only one side of the face or are asymmetrical on both sides.
  • Permanent in nature, aggravated by heat and stress.
  • Superficial, of various types (severe burning, aching; itching and other sensations).
  • Sometimes they feel like toothaches or tongue pain.
  • May disappear for long terms and arise again.

What to do?

At the following symptoms After a head injury, you must immediately call a doctor at home:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • sudden onset of nasal discharge;
  • persistent nosebleeds;
  • visual impairment (double image, blurriness, etc.);
  • hearing impairment;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • malocclusion, inability to close the jaws or close the mouth;
  • any pain or other unusual sensations;
  • open wounds.

Important! For any pain on the face, self-medication is dangerous! To avoid complications of any of the above diseases, you need to consult a doctor: a neurologist, ENT specialist or dentist. After examination, the specialist prescribes a course of treatment depending on the nature of the pain and the diagnosis.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathic treatment effectively relieves symptoms of neurological, neuralgic and other types of pathology.

Pain in the face (part of the face, side of the face)

Facial pain is often pain in the face that is caused by various diseases or other reasons. Facial pain can be a symptom of a serious illness.

Face hurts - causes of pain.

The trigeminal nerve always greatly influences the human nervous system; the face has a wide network of nerve endings, each nerve node is connected into a network. Connected preganglionic fibers, which are located in the lateral horns of the spinal cord, go to the cervical angle. Some of the fibers approach the cranial nodes - pterygopalatine, auricular, ciliary and others, if they are not broken. Innervation is carried out by the brain stem and nerve nuclei of different cranial nerves, each nerve approaches a specific area and turns into a network of nerves, from which fibers are directed to the ganglia. The nerve ganglion is a formation of nerves, a reflex center, it includes motor, sensitive, sympathetic and other cells. When the node is affected, the person experiences various symptoms of facial pain. Severe autonomic reaction, redness, sweating, hyperesthesia. The ganglia are connected to the ternary nerve. Ganglion - a node of nerves, the ganglion has a sheath and connects cells and tissues. Pathologies in the neck, head, face, and other external parts of the body can cause facial pain on the left and right sides. There is a classification of facial pain, each part of the face is responsible for a disease of some organ, or can be the cause of a specific disease, so they created a classification of points and zones on the face that are responsible for a disease or for specific human organs.

Classification of facial pain

  • - neuralgia is a disease that is accompanied by pain in the face and separately in areas affected by the disease; frequent attacks of burning pain occur, depending on the severity of the disease.
  • - neuralgia laryngeal nerves, larynx - pain in the larynx, immediate or constant.

2. Sympathalgia - throbbing pain in the facial area in the arterial trunks, accompanied by autonomic reactions:

  • - facial vascular pain (migraine) - neurological disease, accompanied by severe and frequent headaches or pain in different areas of the face, the pain can last from several minutes to several days.
  • - sympathalgia, damage to the innervation of the face (neuralgia of the ear ganglion, auriculo-temporal syndrome...).

3. Other pains, different parts faces, long-lasting or instantaneous pain. 4. Hysteria, hypochondriacal - depressive state - a syndrome that is characterized by other symptoms and syndromes, such as: inhibition of movement and brain activity as well as bad mood. 5. Disease internal organs, prosopalgia.

Diseases that cause facial pain.

Facial migraine lasts a very long time, it is accompanied by sharp and aching pain in the face, or pressure on the eyeballs, and can develop into headache migraine, accompanied by a decline in mood and mental anxiety (in some cases for a day), sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting, the pain is mostly localized in the vessels, and not in the nerves. They occur when the upper cervical nodes, carotid arteries and its branches are affected. The main part of the pain falls on the ears, upper jaw, eyes, and blood pressure decreases. Headache on the left or right side of the face. Charlene's syndrome - acute pain in the eyeballs or orbit, can spread to the nose, attacks occur at night. May be accompanied by herpes rashes on the skin of the nose and forehead. Herpes is a skin disease in which inflammatory pimples appear on the skin of a sick person. The main epicenter of pain is the corner of the eye; if you press on this place, you can cause an attack of pain. The causes of pain may be frontal sinusitis, herpes, or a viral reaction. To relieve pain, you can put drops in your eyes, or smear your nasopharynx with adrenaline and dicaine. Sluder syndrome - very long-lasting pain in the nose, upper jaw, and around the eyes. Symptoms are expressed by redness of the mucous membrane, lacrimation, frequent sneezing, and salivation. A node is connected to branches trigeminal nerve and therefore the pain can move to the occipital region, or neck or other places. To confirm the diagnosis, the mucous membrane is lubricated with dicaine. Frey's syndrome - (nerve in the lower jaw) - pain in the ear and temporal area. Lasts approximately minutes. While eating, sweating and redness of the ear area occurs. This is a vegetative disorder (disturbances in the functioning of the heart or vascular system, which can be represented by arrhythmia, baricardia, high blood pressure, or other diseases of a vegetative nature). Common cause The disease is inflammation of the ear gland. Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve - pain in the tongue, back of the throat, pain in the lower jaw. The disease changes the taste of food and is accompanied by difficulty swallowing. When an attack develops, it may be accompanied by fainting, baricardia, and decreased blood pressure.

Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve.

Ganglionitis of the upper cervical ganglion is pain that can last from a few seconds to hours. Pain in the face, neck, back of the head. Upon examination, Horner's syndrome may be detected. The disease is also accompanied by additional sensitivity. A herpetic rash often appears in the innervation zone. Horner's symptom also appears for other reasons. It often appears with a tumor of the upper part of the lung or with other types of tumors, thyroid gland, aortic diseases, or heart disease, with high blood pressure and eye pressure. If such a symptom appears, you should consult a doctor. Glossalgia, glossodynia - burning, tingling in the tongue area, lasts a very long time and is constant. Often attacks of severe pain occur at night. Stomalgia is present. This condition occurs with gastric insufficiency. In case of dental diseases, the pain syndrome lasts for a very long time (up to several days), and can extend to the neck and even under the shoulder blade. There may be an increase in temperature and pain may increase upon contact with cold water. In the face, pain can occur during dental prosthetics, or due to malocclusion. Or for other diseases associated with dentistry. Pain in the face due to disease of the sinuses - sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, it occurs as a result of inflammatory processes, there is chronic and acute sinusitis), sinusitis (inflammation of the nasal sinus, one or two, infection, as a result of acute runny nose, cough or scarlet fever, or other similar diseases) and more. Pain in the sinuses, radiating to the eye, may be accompanied by tinnitus, difficulty breathing through the nose, fever, and deterioration of well-being. Constant chronic pain. Postherpetic neuralgia - may occur as a consequence herpetic infection, accompanied by pain in the areas of the rash. Persistence of pain for a long time. Damage to the ganglia and their inflammation. Temporal arteritis- palpation of the artery in the temples, acute increase in temperature, pain in the temples, lasting from several hours to days. Over the course of a few weeks, the walls of the artery thicken and nodules appear in it. Vascular thrombosis is possible, and partial or permanent blindness is also possible. Develops in old age, along with various rheumatic diseases. Pain in the face can develop as a result of eye disease - inflammation, tumor, injury, glaucoma. With glaucoma, pain from the eye can move to the temple, while the eyes turn red and the pupils dilate. Vision drops sharply. Conjunctivitis is accompanied by redness of the eyes, burning in the eyes, souring, and mucous discharge. Facial pain can be caused by a disease of the internal organs. For example: angina pectoris is a disease in which a person feels pain in the chest area, pain appears when physical activity or emotional stress, after eating, the pain moves to another area (shoulder, shoulder blade, head), ulcer. Zakharin-Ged zones are zones that divide the face and classify pain.

1 - hyperopia (or farsightedness, poor vision of objects that are located far from a person), 2 and 8 - glaucoma (this serious disease the eye, during which the pressure on the eyeballs increases), 3 - stomach, 4 - nasal cavity, 5 - dorsum of the tongue, 6 - larynx, 7 - part of the tongue, 9 - cornea, 10 - chest cavity.

Each area on the face, and the pain caused in it, can be a sign of some serious disease, or a problem with some internal organ.

What examination is prescribed if the face hurts:

If you experience pain in your face, you should immediately consult a doctor and describe the symptoms in detail. The doctor will order the necessary tests when he examines you. Perhaps he will order a blood test for the person. An increase in white blood cells may indicate an inflammatory process in the body. Positive tests may indicate an activated rheumatic process. The doctor may order an x-ray. X-rays may show lesions in the sinuses. An otolaryngologist can help with such diseases. If you have pain in the eye area or blurred vision, you need to undergo computed tomography- for exclusion multiple sclerosis, vascular aneurysm, thrombosis, tumor and other diseases. Perhaps you should contact an ophthalmologist, dentist, neurosurgeon, or rheumatologist.

Treatment for facial pain:

Self-medication can be dangerous to human health; you should immediately consult a doctor. If you do not contact a doctor, a serious complication may develop. Doctors use anticonvulsants for the treatment of neuropathic pain. These are mainly drugs such as: gabapsepin, carbamazepine (a drug that is used to relieve seizures and to relieve seizures) and others. Non-steroids, group B drugs, Xefocam, Dicloberp can also be used. These drugs are prescribed in complex treatment with other antibiotics. If the diagnosis has already been established and the disease is chronic, then self-medication and self-administration of medications is possible. For example: gabapentin, 300 mg, 1 tablet, it is possible to increase the dose of the drug. The recommended frequency of administration is 3 times a day, 1 tablet. If a migraine develops, then it is possible to independently take an antimigraine or other similar drugs. In some cases, doctors allow patients to leave for home treatment, without their supervision, but in cases where facial pain is not caused by any serious illness. Reflexology is used in the treatment of neuralgia. Acupuncture is also used acupressure, psychotherapy, tranquilizers, antidepressants and others strong drugs and antibiotics. Much attention is paid psychological treatment, since the disease can be caused psychological disorder or poor mental state.

Why does the left or right side of the face hurt?

Why does my face start to hurt? The causes of pain can be different, ranging from an incorrectly formed bite to skin diseases. You can determine exactly why the left side of your face or the right side hurts, or whether there are pockets of pain in the nose area, by consulting a doctor and accurately describing your sensations.

Why does my face hurt?

Pain in the face (prosopalgia) is the occurrence of unpleasant sensations in the facial part of the head. There are several pathologies that indirectly provoke the occurrence of such discomfort:

  • Inflammation of the carotid arteries.
  • Osteochondrosis cervical spine spine.
  • Arterial hypertension.
  • Depressive states, neuroses.

In addition, there are a number of diseases in which one or both sides of the face hurt.


Neuralgia is a disease whose main symptom is pain. Considering that there are many nerve nodes in the facial muscles that can become inflamed as a result of infection or hypothermia, or pinched, pain syndrome is divided into several types:

  • Neuralgia of the mandibular nerve. It is characterized by burning pain in the cheekbone, temple, and parotid region. Usually the patient has pain on one side of the face, which swells and turns red.
  • Neuralgia of the nasociliary ganglion. The pain is localized in the area of ​​the eyebrow, near the inner corner of the eye. The nature of the pain is paroxysmal, discomfort usually appears at night. Periodically there are lumbagoes in half of the nose. The mucous membrane in the nasal cavity noticeably reddens, and a rash similar to herpes appears on the skin.
  • Neuralgia of the pterygopalatine ganglion. Accompanied by swelling and redness of one half of the face. The patient's taste is impaired, salivation increases, and lacrimation from one eye. Pain sensations are localized near the eye, root of the nose, or rather the jaw.
  • Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve. If the nerve node on the left is affected, it hurts left side faces. At the same time, attacks of intense pain appear under the tongue, in the tonsils, throat, and palate. A burning pain in the lower corner of the jaw, near the ear, on one side of the neck may appear at night, during sleep. An aggravation of unpleasant sensations occurs when chewing, swallowing, or eating too hot or cold food.

Neuralgia can be triggered by a previous cold, flu, sore throat, or Zoster virus. Sometimes the cause of damage to nerve endings is untreated sinusitis, frontal sinusitis, and sinusitis.


Facial migraine is often accompanied by inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. In this case, the pain syndrome causes a disturbance in the patient’s emotional state: apathy, overexcitation, aggressiveness, and a hysterical state appear. During an attack, a person’s face and head hurt, and there are painful shootings in the lower jaw, half of the neck, and under the eye.

The patient has swelling in the area of ​​the carotid artery, half of the neck turns red, and the skin of the face and neck is painful to touch.

Skin diseases

Skin lesions can cause facial pain. Rash and dermatitis dry out the skin, while the upper layer of the epidermis cracks, the patient experiences a feeling of tightness of the facial skin, itching and burning in the area of ​​the rash. Discomfort also provokes:

  • Contact with an allergen. A person develops Quincke's edema, the skin of the face swells, begins to ache and itch, and the eyes become watery and red.
  • The appearance of deep pimples and boils on the face. At the same time, the skin on the face hurts, point inflammation and redness appear. The purulent contents of acne cannot be removed at home; it is better to go to a beauty salon.
  • Degeneration of a mole. Normally, moles do not hurt or itch. If a mole changes color, begins to grow, stand out, become structural, hurt or itch, you should consult a dermatologist.

If necessary, if there is a suspicion of development cancer, the doctor will refer the patient for analysis: a scraping will be made from the person’s face and the material will be examined to make sure that the neoplasm is benign.

Dental problems

As a result of dental disease, pain of odontogenic nature occurs. Discomfort depends on where the diseased tooth is located. If your face hurts on the left side, then the affected tooth is located there. Unpleasant sensations occur when:

  • Caries that has deeply affected the tooth.
  • Pulpitis – when the soft tissues of the tooth are damaged.
  • Periodontitis is a long-term inflammatory process near the root of the tooth.
  • Abscess - when the inflamed cavity near the root of the tooth is filled with purulent contents.
  • Osteomyelitis of the jaw.

The pain in the face can be twitching and sharp. During the inflammatory process, a person's temperature rises. Cold, hot food, sweet liquids that come into contact with a sore tooth aggravate discomfort.

The reason that the patient's face hurts may be unsuccessful tooth extraction. Painful sensations appear if the trigeminal nerve was affected during removal, the dental canal was poorly processed, the tooth root was not completely removed, or tooth fragments or parts of dental instruments remained in the socket.

ENT diseases

If a person has pain on the right side of his face, this may indicate the development of inflammation in the ear or nasopharynx. Diseases that provoke pain syndrome include:

  • Sinusitis. The nose, cheeks, and cheekbones hurt if the runny nose continues for a long period of time. Swelling of the nose occurs, accumulation of pus in the paranasal sinuses Oh.
  • Frontit. Unpleasant sensations cover the forehead and nose. The pain has a pulsating, bursting character.
  • Sinusitis. The pain is localized above the eyebrows and intensifies when the person tilts his head forward.
  • Otitis. The inflammatory process with the accumulation of purulent contents provokes painful shootings under the lower jaw, in the cheekbone.

Pain can be caused by herpes that occurs on the nasal mucosa or facial skin. In this case, the pain is acute, the temperature may rise, the face “aches,” aches, and burns.


Does a person have pain on the right side of their face? Perhaps the cause is injury. Unpleasant sensations can occur not only immediately after the face has been injured, but also after some time. Pain occurs when:

  • Fracture of the nose, jaw, and other facial bones.
  • Fracture of the base of the skull.
  • Bruise of the soft tissues of the face: nose, cheek, forehead.
  • Cutting of eyebrows, lips, chin.

In addition, facial pain may be atypical when the exact cause of the discomfort has not been established. It can appear regularly and have an aching, pulsating character. Some patients report that their face feels like it is burning, drilling, or stabbing. Painful sensations affect not only the skin of the face, but also the neck area and scalp. The pain is not symmetrical and usually appears on only one side of the face.

How to eliminate pain?

Usually, anyone who experiences discomfort in the facial area first takes painkillers. But what to do if the pain becomes burning, appears constantly, interferes with work, eating, and sleeping?

To get rid of pain, you need to eliminate the cause of its occurrence: cure caries, relieve inflammation in the ear, open the boil.

When the skin on your face hurts for a long time, you need to consult a doctor who will identify the disease causing the discomfort and prescribe effective treatment.


All information on the site is provided for informational purposes only and cannot replace consultation with your attending physician.

Why does my face hurt? (Pain in the face)

What are the main causes of facial pain?

  • Neuralgia is pain caused by irritation of the nerves that run in the facial area.
  • Muscle pain.
  • Pain associated with lesions of the bones of the facial skull and paranasal sinuses.
  • Pain syndrome, caused pathological process on the skin of the face: inflammation, acne (blackheads), neoplasms, etc.
  • Pain caused by other diseases: migraine, cluster headaches, osteochondrosis, etc.

A person may be bothered by pain only in one half of the face, in the entire facial area (this situation is less common), only in a certain specific place. In some cases, their cause can be determined immediately, and sometimes a thorough examination of the patient is necessary.

When do facial muscles hurt?

Most often, facial muscles hurt as a result of the following reasons:

1. Malocclusion. If the teeth do not close properly, this leads to disruption of the entire chewing mechanism. Due to impaired mechanics, the chewing muscles are constantly under increased tension. As a rule, teeth and jaws experience more pressure, and the temporomandibular joint wears out faster. All this leads to pain.

2. Frequent stress. Some people clench their jaws very tightly in moments when they are in a state of anger, anxiety, fear, irritation, etc.

3. Neurological and mental diseases. At nervous exhaustion, neuroses, depression and some other conditions, changes occur in the functioning of the nerve centers that are responsible for regulating muscle tone. As a result, the facial muscles and chewing muscles are in a state increased tone, they experience pain.

4. Osteochondrosis of the neck. Firstly, degenerative changes in the spinal column themselves are sources of pain that can spread to the facial area. With osteochondrosis, the tone of the muscles of the neck, suboccipital muscles and facial muscles increases.

5. Sometimes the facial muscles hurt due to past injuries, for example, the temporomandibular joint.

What diseases cause pain in the facial bones?

1. Osteomyelitis. It is characterized by the development of purulent inflammation in the bones of the facial skull. Most often it is a complication of long-term caries, pulpitis, periodontitis. Pain in the bones of the face is accompanied by symptoms such as an increase in body temperature to 38 o C, malaise, weakness, swelling of the facial skin.

2. Injuries. The most dangerous and severe of them is a fracture of the base of the skull. The most common is a broken nose. For fractures of the facial bones, the following symptoms are noted:

  • strong pain;
  • swelling in the facial area;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages (with fractures of the base of the skull, hemorrhages around the eyes are most typical - the so-called “symptom of glasses”);
  • discharge of clear fluid or blood from the ear;
  • deformation of the nose due to fractures.

3.Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. In this case, pain in the face is accompanied by pain in the ear. Pathology can develop after injuries, infections or inflammation in the joint, due to malocclusion or as a result of other reasons leading to increased loads on the temporomandibular joint. The nature of facial pain varies greatly depending on the course of the disease. It can occur in the form of attacks or be constantly disturbing, dull, aching, pulsating. Most often, temporomandibular joint dysfunction develops in women aged 30–60 years. Medications, bite correction, and physiotherapy help to successfully combat these conditions.

Facial pain associated with skin pathologies

Contusion of soft tissues of the face

What to do if a mole on your face hurts?

  • if a mole on your face hurts;
  • if its color changes (it darkens, turns, for example, from brown to bluish), the nature of the surface (it was flat - it became lumpy, or vice versa);
  • if its contours become less clear;
  • if it quickly increases in size;
  • if weeping or bleeding appears on the surface of the mole.

In all the situations described, you should immediately come for an examination to a dermatologist, surgeon or oncologist. To identify malignant neoplasms, the skin in the area of ​​the mole is scraped and the material is sent for cytological examination.

What to do when acne on your face hurts?

Allergic reactions

  • lacrimation, redness of the eyes;
  • runny nose, watery nasal discharge;
  • redness of the facial skin;
  • with simultaneous allergic swelling of the larynx, the patient is bothered by difficulty breathing.

Allergic angioedema always occurs at the moment of contact with an allergen to which a person is hypersensitive. All symptoms, as a rule, are easily relieved with antiallergic (desensitizing) drugs. If their use does not bring results, then you need to call an ambulance team. To accurately identify the allergen that leads to angioedema, you can conduct special allergy tests with an allergist.

What pathologies cause pain in the scalp and face?

  • tight ponytails and braids, uncomfortable hairpins and elastic bands that a person with long hair wears all day long;
  • allergic pathologies, for example, dermatitis, which affects the skin of the face and scalp;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • various nervous diseases.

If pain in the skin of the face and head bothers you frequently, and you cannot identify their cause on your own, then you need to visit a therapist and a neurologist.

Conditions that cause nerve pain in the face

Facial nerve pain

1. The most typical movement disorder facial muscles in one half of the face. In this case, the right or left side of the patient’s face seems to droop; there are no movements or facial expressions.

2. When laughing and expressing other emotions, the face becomes asymmetrical.

3. There is a widening of the palpebral fissure on the affected side, dryness of the eye (a symptom that is called lagophthalmos among neurologists).

4. Many patients note disturbances in the sense of taste.

5. In rare cases, neuritis facial nerve manifests itself in the form of severe pain in the face and ear, with the simultaneous appearance of herpetic rashes.

Trigeminal neuralgia

1. Pain occurs in the form of short-term attacks. Most often they last no more than 2 minutes.

2. Pain in the face is stabbing, shooting in nature. It is always strong and causes significant suffering to the patient.

3. Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by pain only in the right or left half of the face. They are extremely rare on both sides.

4. Pain syndrome can spread to the head, neck, teeth, ear and other areas. Sometimes pain occurs in the face and index finger. It all depends on how the facial nerve runs in a particular person and how it contacts other nerves.

5. Facial pain associated with the trigeminal nerve can be provoked even by mild irritants: touching, rubbing clothing, shaving, etc. Most often, the most sensitive area is located between the nose and upper lip.

6. A painful tic occurs - an involuntary contraction of the facial muscles caused by pain.

7. Outside of an attack, the patient is not bothered by anything.

Pain in the face with neuralgia of other nerves

Atypical facial pain

1. It usually occurs in women aged 30 to 60 years.

2. In most cases, only part of the face hurts, its right or left half. Sometimes the pain affects the entire facial area, but in this case it is asymmetrical on both sides. Some women cannot even accurately describe where the pain is bothering them.

3. Most often, atypical facial pain is permanent. But she rarely disturbs patients at night. The pain intensifies in stressful situations, during overheating.

4. The nature of the pain varies; in most cases, patients characterize it as superficial (pain in the skin of the face), burning, boring, aching, pulsating.

5. Sometimes, in parallel with pain in the face, pain occurs in the oral cavity. It could be tongue or tooth pain. They bring some patients to the dentist because they disguise them as toothaches.

6. A characteristic feature of atypical facial pain is that it may disappear for weeks or even months, and then reappear with renewed vigor.

7. Such patients often complain of paresthesia - various unpleasant sensations in the face, head, and neck.

Psychogenic facial pain

Facial pain of odontogenic nature (arising as a result of

Dental diseases that lead to facial pain

  • deep forms of caries;
  • pulpitis – inflammation of the dental pulp (soft tissue);
  • periodontitis is an inflammatory process in the tissues that surround the root of the tooth;
  • abscess – a complication of periodontitis, which is a cavity filled with pus;
  • osteomyelitis ( purulent inflammation) jaws.

It is not always possible to understand that the source of the symptoms that arise is a diseased tooth. In most cases, other signs of the disease are quite characteristic. Pain, as a rule, occurs when eating hot, cold, salty, sour, spicy food, when it gets on the tooth. By evening, the pain always intensifies. Body temperature may rise, most often up to 37 o C. When these symptoms appear, first of all, you need to visit the dentist.

Pain after tooth extraction and treatment

  • neuropathy of the trigeminal nerve when its branches are affected;
  • poor quality dental treatment: insufficiently good treatment of the root canal, its incomplete obturation with filling material;
  • development of an inflammatory or purulent process;
  • leaving small fragments of dental instruments in the root canal;
  • incomplete tooth extraction, when root fragments remain in the socket.

If your face hurts after tooth extraction, and this pain does not subside for quite a long time, then you need to urgently consult a dentist.

What diseases cause pain in the face and head?


1. Characteristic pain is one half of the face and head. They always occur only on the right or left, and never spread to the other side.

2. The pain is very strong. Patients often complain of drilling pain.

3. The attack is prolonged. Typically, it lasts from 18 to 36 hours.

4. Migraine pain in the head and face is much more common in older women. They weaken with age.

5. The disease is characterized by an aura. Before pain appears, the patient experiences some strange sensations, smells, etc.

Cluster headaches

The face burns and turns red, the head hurts: hypertension

In some patients, these symptoms are minimized, and the person suffers one hypertensive crisis after another, without suspecting that he has a disease. This is dangerous, because without further treatment, hypertension is fraught with complications such as heart attacks and strokes. Diagnosis and treatment are carried out by a neurologist.

What diseases cause headaches and numbness in the face?

1. Stroke – severe acute condition, which requires emergency medical care. Numbness of the face may be the first sign of incipient paralysis of half the body.

2. Sometimes trigeminal neuralgia manifests itself in the form of such symptoms.

3. Hypertensive crisis. Numbness of the face when this state most often associated with transient cerebrovascular accident.

4. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.

5. Migraine. In some patients, the face goes numb before an attack of headache - a peculiar manifestation of the aura.

6. Cervical osteochondrosis. Numbness of the face and headache have at cervical osteochondrosis the same reason - pinched nerve roots.

7. Neuroses, various mental disorders and diseases of the nervous system.


  • symptoms of an acute respiratory infection do not go away for a long time: a slight increase in body temperature, nasal congestion and discharge from it;
  • swelling of the face in the area of ​​the inflamed sinus;
  • for inflammation maxillary sinus characteristic toothache, and frontal - head.

An ENT doctor diagnoses and treats sinusitis. Drug treatment or sinus puncture and rinsing may be prescribed.

Pain in the facial area caused by vascular diseases

Facial pain due to eye pathologies

1. Fatigue due to prolonged visual stress. The so-called “computer eye syndrome” is especially common nowadays.

2. Diseases of the orbital nerves.

3. Pathologies of the lens.

4. Conjunctivitis – inflammatory lesions of the conjunctiva of a viral, bacterial or allergic nature.

5. Pathologies of the orbit: inflammatory processes, tumors, hormonal diseases.

If a person’s skin on the face hurts when touched, and this in turn causes a lot of unpleasant sensations that significantly reduce the comfort of life, most likely this is a disease called allodynia. There are many reasons for the appearance and development of such a disease. Treatment of the disease is quite complex. In this publication we will talk about the causes of the disease, its varieties, diagnosis and treatment methods.

Types of facial skin pain

This disease can be classified in this way:

  • allodynia of the tactile type, in which the skin of the face hurts when you touch it with your fingers;
  • statistical allodynia (mechanical) - pain occurs when touching the face with a cotton swab or pad;
  • mechanical or dynamic impact - pain develops during actions such as washing;
  • Allodynia of the thermal type occurs during temperature changes, for example, if a person enters a warm room straight from the cold.

All types of the disease cause almost the same symptoms. But depending on the cause of its appearance, signs of the disease make themselves felt at different stages of the lesion.

It is almost impossible to cure this disease on your own. Therefore, you should immediately consult a doctor at the first symptoms of the disease. The risk group includes people aged 20 to 30 years, although signs of the disease can also develop in young man at 18-19 years old.

Reasons for the development of pain

The skin on the face can hurt from psychological factor due to excessive skin sensitivity. The same problem can be caused by ultraviolet radiation received during cold seasons when visiting a solarium, and in the summer - on the beach.

But there may be more serious problems. Pathological disturbances in the functioning of the brain are possible when signals from various stimuli are confused. In such cases, the brain usually turns on protection against tactile touch, which is what occurs when trying to touch the skin on the face. This situation usually occurs after a stroke or severe damage to the skull.

The culprit of the disease may be neuropathy, which is caused by vitamin deficiency, injuries or disorders in the endocrine system.

Viral infections and inflammatory processes can provoke increased sensitivity of the skin.

A similar condition can appear after herpes, shingles or chickenpox (so-called shingles). Even common migraine may serve as an impetus for the development of the disease. Some people develop fibromyalgia, where this type of pain occurs throughout the body. In this case, the patient feels constant fatigue.

There is a group of diseases that affect the myelin sheaths that cover nerve tissue. They can also cause skin pain on the front of the head.

If the spine is damaged or nerve cells spinal cord patients experience increased sensitivity of the skin.

Allodynia can develop due to a lack of certain nutrients, such as minerals.

The skin may hurt due to cracking that occurs when exposed to chemical substance, chapping or lack of various vitamins.

A person may experience pain on the cheeks due to age. Capillaries narrow over time, which causes stagnation of blood in them, and then the development of pain.

The occurrence of high sensitivity of the skin on one side of the face can be caused by osteomyelitis, caries, and injuries to the bones of the skull.

Similar phenomena occur with AIDS or chemical (radiation) exposure.

Various signs of the disease

Allodynia often occurs suddenly. The main symptom of the disease is pain caused by touching the face. Soreness may be localized. Some patients experience pain that develops on the facial surface on the left or right. The pain itself can be acute or minor. In many cases, redness of the skin is observed due to inadequate action of the receptors.

If pain appears on one side with fever, you must first find out what comes first—pain or fever. If the inflammatory process is caused by an infectious lesion, then the sweat glands try to remove toxins from the body. This causes inflammation of the nerve endings. All of the above leads to the fact that the skin on the face turns red in the part where the invasion of microbes occurred. This usually happens during infection.

If a pain syndrome localized on one side of the face first developed, and then the temperature rose, then perhaps this is the appearance of a boil or erysipelas. With allodynia, a person experiences insomnia and nervousness. In many patients, the appearance of the disease causes a burning sensation on the skin, itching, and sharp tingling sensations. Another symptom of the disease is the sensation of an insect moving under the skin. Some people complain to doctors during examination that their face is burning, as if they had received a severe burn.

Treatment of the disease with various drugs

It can be quite difficult for doctors to make a correct diagnosis of this disease. This is easiest to do if you know that the patient recently visited a solarium, after which his skin began to hurt. Then, to successfully eliminate the problem, doctors advise the patient to avoid going to the solarium for 12 months.

The disease is treated with various local medications. They relieve inflammation and eliminate redness.

If it is determined that the disease is caused by endocrine disorders or autoimmune diseases, then doctors need to monitor some blood parameters and sugar levels in the patient.

In cases where skin pain is caused by injuries or previous illnesses, doctors try to stabilize the situation by putting the patient’s body into remission or, if possible, eliminating the underlying disease.

While doctors are looking for the causes of allodynia, patients receive medications that eliminate pain. The following drugs are used to relieve pain:

For some people, the disease causes such pain that it can only be relieved by using drugs. But in some cases, even they do not help, since the pain syndrome appears in the patient again after three injections narcotic drug. In this case, hospitalization and treatment in a hospital are necessary.

Other methods of treating the disease

To alleviate the patient's situation, doctors may prescribe physiotherapy. Some people find that using dry heat helps. Techniques such as reflexology and acupuncture have shown high effectiveness in combating the disease.

Some patients feel better after the session psychotherapy. The most modern method To combat the disease, implantation of devices under the skin that control the passage of nerve impulses is considered.

But on modern stage development, medicine cannot always help the patient, since when eliminating this disease, doctors often have to act almost blindly. In some cases, after achieving normal skin sensitivity, the patient's condition subsequently worsens. The reasons for this phenomenon have not yet been clarified. The use of therapeutic procedures in this case can greatly harm the patient.


If something is disrupted in the activity of the brain, then doctors will not be able to eliminate increased skin sensitivity. Any attempts at treatment in this case lead to a violation of the adequacy of perception on the part of the patient, which increases his nervousness and worsens the condition. However, such disorders are quite rare; most allodynia has less serious causes and is treatable.

The trigeminal nerve always greatly influences the human nervous system; the face has a wide network of nerve endings, each nerve node is connected into a network. Connected preganglionic fibers, which are located in the lateral horns of the spinal cord, go to the cervical angle. Some of the fibers approach the cranial nodes - pterygopalatine, auricular, ciliary and others, if they are not broken. Innervation is carried out by the brain stem and the nerve nuclei of different cranial nerves, each nerve approaches a specific zone and turns into a network of nerves, from which the fibers are directed to the ganglia. The nerve ganglion is a formation of nerves, a reflex center, it includes motor, sensitive, sympathetic and other cells. When the node is affected, the person experiences various symptoms of facial pain. Severe autonomic reaction, redness, sweating, hyperesthesia. The ganglia are connected to the ternary nerve. Ganglion - a node of nerves, the ganglion has a sheath and connects cells and tissues. Pathologies in the neck, head, face, and other external parts of the body can cause facial pain on the left and right sides. There is a classification of facial pain, each part of the face is responsible for a disease of some organ, or can be the cause of a specific disease, so they created a classification of points and zones on the face that are responsible for a disease or for specific human organs.

Classification of facial pain

  • - neuralgia is a disease that is accompanied by pain in the face and separately in areas affected by the disease; frequent attacks of burning pain occur, depending on the severity of the disease.
  • - neuralgia of the laryngeal nerves, larynx - pain in the larynx, immediate or constant.

2. Sympathalgia - throbbing pain in the facial area in the arterial trunks, accompanied by autonomic reactions:

  • - facial vascular pain (migraine) is a neurological disease accompanied by severe and frequent headaches or pain in different areas of the face; pain can last from several minutes to several days.
  • - sympathalgia, damage to the innervation of the face (neuralgia of the ear ganglion, auriculo-temporal syndrome...).

3. Other pains, different parts of the face, long-term or instantaneous pains. 4. Hysteria, hypochondriacal - depressive state - a syndrome that is characterized by other symptoms and syndromes, such as inhibition of movement and brain activity, as well as bad mood. 5. Disease of internal organs, prosopalgia.

Diseases that cause facial pain.

Facial migraine lasts a very long time, it is accompanied by sharp and aching pain in the face, or pressure on the eyeballs, can develop into a migraine headache, is accompanied by low mood and mental anxiety (in some cases for a day), sometimes accompanied by nausea, vomiting, the pain is localized in most in the vessels, not in the nerves. They occur when the upper cervical nodes, carotid arteries and its branches are affected. The main part of the pain falls on the ears, upper jaw, eyes, and blood pressure decreases. Headache on the left or right side of the face. Charlene's syndrome - acute pain in the eyeballs or orbit, can spread to the nose, attacks occur at night. May be accompanied by herpes rashes on the skin of the nose and forehead. Herpes is a skin disease in which inflammatory pimples appear on the skin of a sick person. The main epicenter of pain is the corner of the eye; if you press on this place, you can cause an attack of pain. The causes of pain may be frontal sinusitis, herpes, or a viral reaction. To relieve pain, you can put drops in your eyes, or smear your nasopharynx with adrenaline and dicaine. Sluder syndrome - very long-lasting pain in the nose, upper jaw, and around the eyes. Symptoms are expressed by redness of the mucous membrane, lacrimation, frequent sneezing, and salivation. The node is connected to the branches of the trigeminal nerve and therefore the pain can spread to the occipital region, or neck or other places. To confirm the diagnosis, the mucous membrane is lubricated with dicaine. Frey's syndrome - (nerve in the lower jaw) - pain in the ear and temporal area. Lasts approximately minutes. While eating, sweating and redness of the ear area occurs. This is a vegetative disorder (disturbances in the functioning of the heart or vascular system, which can be represented by arrhythmia, baricardia, high blood pressure, or other diseases of a vegetative nature). A common cause of the disease is inflammation of the ear gland. Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve - pain in the tongue, back of the throat, pain in the lower jaw. The disease changes the taste of food and is accompanied by difficulty swallowing. When an attack develops, it may be accompanied by fainting, baricardia, and decreased blood pressure.

Neuralgia of the glossopharyngeal nerve.

Ganglionitis of the upper cervical ganglion is pain that can last from a few seconds to hours. Pain in the face, neck, back of the head. Upon examination, Horner's syndrome may be detected. The disease is also accompanied by additional sensitivity. A herpetic rash often appears in the innervation zone. Horner's symptom also appears for other reasons. It often appears with a tumor of the upper part of the lung or with other types of tumors, thyroid gland, aortic diseases, or heart disease, with high blood pressure and eye pressure. If such a symptom appears, you should consult a doctor. Glossalgia, glossodynia - burning, tingling in the tongue area, lasts a very long time and is constant. Often attacks of severe pain occur at night. Stomalgia is present. This condition occurs with gastric insufficiency. In case of dental diseases, the pain syndrome lasts for a very long time (up to several days), and can extend to the neck and even under the shoulder blade. There may be an increase in temperature and pain may increase upon contact with cold water. In the face, pain can occur during dental prosthetics, or due to malocclusion. Or for other diseases associated with dentistry. Pain in the face due to disease of the sinuses - frontal sinusitis (inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx, it occurs as a result of inflammatory processes, there is chronic and acute frontal sinusitis), sinusitis (inflammation of the nasal sinuses, one or two, an infectious disease as a result of acute runny nose, cough or scarlet fever , or other similar diseases) and more. Pain in the sinuses, radiating to the eye, may be accompanied by tinnitus, difficulty breathing through the nose, fever, and deterioration of well-being. Constant chronic pain. Postherpetic neuralgia - can occur as a result of a herpetic infection, accompanied by pain in the area of ​​the rash. Pain persists for a long time. Damage to the ganglia and their inflammation. Temporal arteritis - palpation of the artery in the temples, acute fever, pain in the temples, lasting from several hours to days. Over the course of a few weeks, the walls of the artery thicken and nodules appear in it. Vascular thrombosis is possible, and partial or permanent blindness is also possible. Develops in old age, along with various rheumatic diseases. Pain in the face can develop as a result of eye disease - inflammation, tumor, injury, glaucoma. With glaucoma, pain from the eye can move to the temple, while the eyes turn red and the pupils dilate. Vision drops sharply. Conjunctivitis is accompanied by redness of the eyes, burning in the eyes, souring, and mucous discharge. Facial pain can be caused by a disease of the internal organs. For example: angina pectoris is a disease in which a person feels pain in the chest area, pain appears during physical activity or emotional stress, after eating, the pain moves to another area (shoulder, shoulder blade, head), ulcer. Zakharin-Ged zones are zones that divide the face and classify pain.

1 - hyperopia (or farsightedness, poor vision of objects that are located far from a person), 2 and 8 - glaucoma (this is a serious eye disease, during which pressure on the eyeballs increases), 3 - stomach, 4 - nasal cavity, 5 - back tongue, 6 - larynx, 7 - part of the tongue, 9 - cornea, 10 - chest cavity.

Each area on the face, and the pain caused in it, can be a sign of some serious disease, or a problem with some internal organ.

What examination is prescribed if the face hurts:

If you experience pain in your face, you should immediately consult a doctor and describe the symptoms in detail. The doctor will order the necessary tests when he examines you. Perhaps he will order a blood test for the person. An increase in white blood cells may indicate an inflammatory process in the body. Positive tests may indicate an activated rheumatic process. The doctor may order an x-ray. X-rays may show lesions in the sinuses. An otolaryngologist can help with such diseases. If you have pain in the eye area or blurred vision, you need to undergo a computed tomography scan to rule out multiple sclerosis, vascular aneurysm, thrombosis, tumors and other diseases. Perhaps you should contact an ophthalmologist, dentist, neurosurgeon, or rheumatologist.

Treatment for facial pain:

Self-medication can be dangerous to human health; you should immediately consult a doctor. If you do not contact a doctor, a serious complication may develop. Doctors use anticonvulsants to treat neuropathic pain. These are mainly drugs such as: gabapsepin, carbamazepine (a drug that is used to relieve seizures and to relieve seizures) and others. Non-steroids, group B drugs, Xefocam, Dicloberp can also be used. These drugs are prescribed in combination with other antibiotics. If the diagnosis has already been established and the disease is chronic, then self-medication and self-administration of medications is possible. For example: gabapentin, 300 mg, 1 tablet, it is possible to increase the dose of the drug. The recommended frequency of administration is 3 times a day, 1 tablet. If migraine develops, it is possible to take antimigraine or other similar drugs on your own. In some cases, doctors allow patients to go for home treatment, without their supervision, but in cases where facial pain is not caused by any serious illness. Reflexology is used in the treatment of neuralgia. They also use acupuncture, acupressure, psychotherapy, tranquilizers, antidepressants and other strong drugs and antibiotics. Much attention is paid to psychological treatment, since the disease can be caused by a psychological disorder or poor mental state.

Half of my face and eyes hurt

Facial pain occurs for a variety of reasons. Based on the nature of the pain and external signs, it is not always possible to immediately determine what disorder caused this symptom.

Unilateral pain

Pain on the right or left side of the face is classified according to its origin as follows:

  • headache;
  • neurology;
  • neuralgia;
  • pathology of the skull bones;
  • bruises;
  • pathologies of the sinuses;
  • eye pathology;
  • toothache;
  • atypical pain.

The right side of the face and eyes hurt

Facial pain is a consequence of infection or mechanical damage to tissue on the right side.

As a result of tissue damage, inflammation occurs. Since all the bones, muscles, blood vessels, nerve nodes, and nerves that can be affected by the inflammatory process are located symmetrically on the face, a pain symptom occurs on either one side or the other.

Note! When the source of inflammation is located on the right, the pain spreads to the right side.

Pain in left eye and left side of face

When a focus of infection occurs on the left, pain occurs on the left side of the face. It is also possible that the cause of the pain depends on the inflammatory processes in the eye, with the pain spreading to the entire half of the face.

In rare cases, inflammation and pain can affect both sides of the face.

For some treatment methods, the location of the pain is an important factor.

Important! This is especially true for homeopathy treatment. Many homeopathic medicines are prescribed when pain is localized on one side or another; such symptoms dictate the choice of homeopathic remedy, which is why it is so important where exactly the pain is localized.

Causes of unilateral pain



The Latin name for this disease is hemicrania, which translates as “half the head.” This is a neurological pathology that affects the blood supply to the brain. Migraine is characterized by constant severe pain on one side of the head and face, often throbbing. The pain intensifies from a bright sound or light, with any movement of the head. Accompanied by nausea.

Cluster pain

This is severe paroxysmal pain that occurs without identified causes. Pain occurs in the area of ​​the right or left eye at approximately the same time every day. Attacks are more common in men.


Pain that occurs in the muscles of the face usually has neurological causes and is associated with increased tone.


In these conditions, the function of the nerve centers involved in the regulation of muscle function is often disrupted. As a result, pain occurs in a constantly tense muscle. Often this occurs only on the right or left side.

Osteochondrosis of the neck

Develops as a result of metabolic disorders and loss of strength of the intervertebral discs. Pain that occurs in the neck can spread to the face. In addition, the tone of several muscle groups increases: those supporting the spinal column, suboccipital, and facial, which also causes pain.


Neuralgia is a syndrome associated with inflammation or compression of a nerve. In this case, severe pain occurs on the face on one side, behind the ear, often accompanied by herpetic rashes.

  • violation of facial expressions on one half, asymmetry during laughter and expression of other emotions;
  • enlarged palpebral fissure, lagophthalmos (dry eye);
  • taste disturbance.

Important! The nature of the pain and its localization depend on the location of the nerve affected by the pathology.

Trigeminal nerve

This is the main sensory nerve in the face. It is called trigeminal because it has three branches. Symptoms: severe, short-term shooting pain only on the right or left. The pain spreads to the ear, jaw, neck, index finger. An attack of pain is provoked by a weak touch and is accompanied by a tic (muscle contraction).

Glossopharyngeal nerve

Attacks of pain in the tonsils and root of the tongue. Attacks occur from cold, hot. The pain is accompanied by tachycardia, loss of consciousness, and a sharp decrease in pressure.

Superior laryngeal nerve

Pain in the larynx on one side, radiating to the shoulder. The attack is provoked by coughing or sudden movement.

Pterygopalatine ganglion

When this node is inflamed, the patient suffers from profuse lacrimation, swelling, and nasal discharge. Pain occurs on one side in the cheekbone, jaw, eye, temple, ear.

Nasociliary ganglion

An extremely rare pathology. Paroxysmal unilateral pain at the base of the nose, runny nose.

Facial bone pathologies


Purulent processes in the bone marrow. Most often it is a complication of purulent pulpitis or periodontitis. The pain is throbbing, accompanied by fever, general weakness, swelling of the face, and inflammation of the lymph nodes. The pain spreads along the same side on which the inflammation occurred.


Sharp pain, swelling, change in skin color in the damaged area, displacement or retraction of the bone. Location and symptoms of fracture:

  • Orbit: dull pain that gets worse with eye movement, double vision, limited mobility or retraction of the eyeball.

Disorders of the temporomandibular joint

This pathology occurs due to:

The pain spreads to the entire side of the face and is felt in the ear. Pains of various types: aching or throbbing, paroxysmal or constant.


Facial pain also occurs due to soft tissue injury: sharp, accompanied by swelling and subcutaneous hemorrhage.

Pathologies of the sinuses


Inflammation that occurs in the sinuses. With sinusitis, pain in the cheekbone, eye, ear is accompanied by noise in the ear, deterioration of the general condition, and increased temperature.

Eye pathologies

Pain arising from eye disease is often transmitted to other parts of the corresponding half of the face.

Inflammation of the eye socket

Caused by hormonal imbalances and infection. Accompanied by swelling and aching pain.


Irreversible damage due to high pressure inside the eye. Accompanied by redness of the eyes, dilated pupils, pain that extends to the temporal part of the face.


Develops due to infection of the conjunctiva or due to allergic reactions. Symptoms: redness, itching, purulent discharge from the lacrimal canal.


Dental diseases are the most common cause of asymmetrical pain on the face. Diseases of the teeth of the upper jaw often radiate to the eye and are localized only on one side:

  • deep caries;
  • pulpitis (inflammation inside the tooth - in soft tissues);
  • periodontitis (inflammation near the root of the tooth);
  • abscess (accumulation of pus in cavities);
  • osteomyelitis (inflammation in the jaw with the formation of pus - described above).

Atypical facial pain

This term refers to facial pain, the causes of which have not been identified. The diagnosis is made if other pathologies are excluded as a result of a complete examination of the patient.

Features of atypical pain

  • They affect only one side of the face or are asymmetrical on both sides.
  • Permanent in nature, aggravated by heat and stress.
  • Superficial, of various types (severe burning, aching; itching and other sensations).
  • Sometimes they feel like toothaches or tongue pain.
  • They may disappear for long periods and reappear.

What to do?

If you experience the following symptoms after a head injury, you should immediately call a doctor at home:

  • loss of consciousness;
  • sudden onset of nasal discharge;
  • persistent nosebleeds;
  • visual impairment (double image, blurriness, etc.);
  • hearing impairment;
  • facial asymmetry;
  • malocclusion, inability to close the jaws or close the mouth;
  • any pain or other unusual sensations;
  • open wounds.

Important! For any pain on the face, self-medication is dangerous! To avoid complications of any of the above diseases, you need to consult a doctor: a neurologist, ENT specialist or dentist. After examination, the specialist prescribes a course of treatment depending on the nature of the pain and the diagnosis.

Homeopathic treatment

Homeopathic treatment effectively relieves symptoms of neurological, neuralgic and other types of pathology.

The right side of the face and teeth hurt and

Anonymous, Female, 28 years old

Severe attacks of pain on the right side of the face

Hello. About two or three weeks ago I started having pain, as it seemed to me, in my upper molar. Then these pains intensified and covered the area under the eye, temple, then disappeared until the evening. Basically it was a constant pain, aching, but bearable. I was sure that the problem was in the tooth, I took Kitanov, and prepared to go to the dentist. But yesterday I had the first attack of simply unbearable pain - the whole right side of my face hurt VERY badly - all the teeth and gums on top, the sinus under the right eye and my temple was wildly bursting. The pain, which is difficult to even describe, lasted for about an hour until the painkiller began to take effect. At night the attack repeated and repeats with even greater force to this day if you don’t take the pill in time. This morning I went to the dentist and the doctor couldn’t find anything in her area. Then I went to the ENT specialist, they did an X-ray - sinusitis with swelling on the right side (by the way, it hurts on the right side). The ENT specialist prescribed pills and referred me for a consultation with a neurologist (inflammation of the ternary nerve?). But I will only get to him in three days. How to live these days when I can’t sleep, eat, or just move. Are there any medications? And another question: I read that with inflammation of the ternary nerve, the pain is paroxysmal and the attacks do not last long. And for two days now I have had constant, persistent severe pain, it’s like driving a nail into my gum, cheek and pulling it out through my temple. I really hope for your speedy response. Thank you in advance.

Yes, it doesn't look like trigeminal neuralgia. Unfortunately, your hopes for a quick response were not met. In your case, the usual painkillers are Ibuprofen 400 mg, 1 tablet x 3 times a day (if there are no contraindications). I think the pain is associated with inflammation in the paranasal sinus.

Anonymous, Female, 28 years old

Hello again. Today I finally got an appointment with a neurologist. After listening to me, the doctor diagnosed it as inflammation of the second branch of the trigeminal nerve. I, like you, doubt that this is a matter of the triadic nerve. After all, the pain is constant, not paroxysmal. As a result, the doctor prescribed Carbamazepine and B vitamins. Please tell me, if this is still an inflammation of the paranasal sinus, will these medications help me or do I need completely different medications? And another question about carbamazepine, as far as I understand, this is a drug that has a strong effect on the psyche and is intended for epileptics. Is it dangerous to take it?

Good afternoon. Carbamazepine will help reduce pain in any case, like any drug with a sedative effect. However, if you treat pain associated with a progressive reversible condition (inflammation of the paranasal sinuses - sinusitis) in this way, you may encounter other problems (purulent complications, for example). Carbamazepine is indeed a psychotropic drug; at the beginning of use, a fairly pronounced sedative (psyche depressing) effect can develop, however, over time, patients get used to it and can take the drug for a long time in fairly high doses. Indications for the use of carbamazepine are not limited to epilepsy; it is indicated for chronic neuropathic pain (neuralgia, polyneuropathy), mood disorders, including in the provision of drug treatment. Taking it according to indications is relatively safe. The effectiveness of B vitamins for pain has not been proven. In your case, it sounds like a sinus headache. However, precise diagnostic criteria for this type of headache have not been established, and there is not always a causal relationship between sinusitis and headaches (sinusitis can cause headaches, but in a patient with sinusitis, the headache may have another cause). I have subjective feeling, that in your case, these states are connected and it’s worth dealing with the sinuses. You can’t completely rely on my opinion - I haven’t seen you. It is more advisable to resolve the issue with doctors who can examine you. I wish you recovery.

Consultation is provided for informational purposes only. Based on the results of the consultation received, please consult a doctor.

Each of us often experiences some pain in the facial area.

These sensations can appear and disappear quickly, or they can be quite long-lasting.

The pain may be localized, the skin or some part of the face may hurt.

Let's try to figure out what causes certain pains.

Reasons why the skin on the face hurts

Facial skin has extremely high sensitivity, therefore, is highly susceptible to the influence of negative factors.

There are many reasons for the appearance of pain: poor diet, age, chronic lack of sleep, poor cosmetic care, allergic reactions and many others. It is possible to accurately determine the cause in order to successfully get rid of it later, based on the person’s specific sensations.

Pain and itching of the skin.

If your facial skin hurts and itches, this may indicate inflammation, infections and nervous tension. When the skin on your face hurts and itches, constant scratching can only make the situation worse.

To eliminate this problem, your doctor will prescribe regular use of a refreshing lotion and an antipruritic agent.

Painful sensations on the skin in the cheek area.

Most often, the cause of such pain is burst blood vessels. With age, blood begins to circulate through the vessels more slowly, forming stagnation in some areas.

It is where the blood stagnates that the thin vessels of the face usually burst, causing a lot of unpleasant sensations.

This problem requires serious treatment. If the skin on the face hurts due to burst blood vessels, the electrocoagulation procedure, which is carried out in clinics, can significantly help.

In the future, you should adhere to certain rules for prevention: exclude spicy foods from your diet, avoid hypothermia and overheating.

The skin hurts due to cracking.

The cause of cracking may be weathering, lack of vitamins and chemical exposure. If a person feels that the skin on his face hurts for one of these reasons, the best option treatment - the use of silicone cream with vitamin A in capsules.

The cream and vitamin must be mixed proportionally and applied to the damaged areas. It would also be a good idea to take this vitamin internally. Rubbing the skin with a solution of warm milk and olive oil has a good effect.

Reasons why half of the face and the face as a whole hurt

The appearance of pain in the face, as well as pain on the skin of the face, can have many reasons: the skin on the face hurts photo It could be:

  • irritation of the facial nerve, as well as the muscles of the eye;
  • various injuries to the bones related to the facial part of the skull;
  • migraine;
  • headaches (cluster);
  • osteochondrosis, etc.

Muscle pain may indicate a malocclusion of the jaw, frequent stress influences, mental and neurological diseases, traumas.

Eliminating such causes is the task of a neurologist who provides treatment with medications. The bone origin of discomfort, when half of the face hurts, may have reasons such as:

  • caries, pulpitis and periodontitis in an advanced state, as a result of which osteomyelitis develops. This disease is a purulent inflammation in the bones of the face. As a rule, the left side of the face hurts or the right side - the one in which the process of decay occurs. The pain comes with high temperature, general malaise of the patient;
  • injuries various kinds, especially fractures of the facial bones;
  • pain in the ear, dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint.

Pain with neuralgic causes is the most difficult to diagnose. Whether the right side of the face or the left side hurts depends on the area in which a certain nerve is affected. A neurologist diagnoses and treats this disease.

There are people who complain of atypical facial pain. This name is given to pain that does not have a specific cause. Even the most thorough studies could not establish them.

The result of a depressive state, past hysteria, past neurasthenia and disorders of a similar nature is psychogenic pain in the facial area. Dental disease is also often the cause of facial pain.

When a person’s face and head hurt, the first reason for this is considered to be migraine. The peculiarity of migraine is that pain is present only on one half of the face and only in very rare cases spreads to the other.

A boring pain can torment a person for 18 hours, sometimes even thirty-six hours. Females as young as age fall into the risk zone.

If the left side of the face or the right side hurts, and the pain is quite severe and occurs serially, it is probably cluster pain.

There are cases in which pain radiates to the eye - it turns red and watery. Representatives of the risk group are men who abuse alcohol and smoke.

The onset of a hypertensive crisis is preceded by redness of the face and severe headache. A person clearly feels pain on the right side of the face or the left.

As a result of a sharp increase in blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, heart pain and tinnitus appear.

When a person begins to experience pain in the face, the best way out will contact a doctor.


Why does the left or right side of the face hurt?

02.07. Physical health Facial pain can be simply unbearable, often no less painful than toothache. Although, indeed, facial pain can be a consequence of dental diseases - from caries to inflammation of the periosteum. But this is only a special case. Among the reasons causing pain facial muscles - bruises, allergies to cosmetics, inflammation of moles, and internal pimples or boils.

How can I relieve pain at least temporarily, at least before visiting a doctor? Of course, the simplest method that comes to mind at such a moment is to take painkillers. But when more than enough of them have been drunk in a day or night, everyone comes into play possible means. So, for example, when facial paralysis or inflammation of the ternary nerve, you can press on special points. Well, for example, this: mentally draw two horizontal lines - under the base of the nose and just above the wings of the nose and perpendicular to them through the middle of the left pupil. Massaging the point at their intersection helps with numbness, nervous exhaustion, facial paralysis and triangular neuralgia. You can massage with a pencil with a round tip.

Causes of facial pain

To correctly find the cause, you need to understand the quality of pain. It may be superficial, which indicates inflammation of the skin or allergic reaction. Or there may be several reasons for muscle pain and causes. The pain can be of a neuralgic nature, and can be a consequence of dental problems - from caries to periodontitis. Similar pain can occur with a cerebral hemorrhage - usually on the opposite side from the one where it occurred.

In fact, there have been cases where facial pain was caused by inflammation of the sinuses, sinusitis. Moreover, even stress and nervous disorders.

But how can you deal with this pain before the cause is found? It is possible that you will need to undergo a detailed examination of the body and begin with a visit to a therapist. Perhaps visit a dentist.

However, until the cause of the pain is found, you have to take antispasmodics. But since such drugs affect biochemical processes in the body and the gastric mucosa, their long-term use is unacceptable. Therefore, when facial pain occurs, it is extremely important to take emergency measures and together with the doctor, look for and eliminate the cause.

If the cause of facial pain is neuralgia

Damage peripheral nerves may occur due to infections, hypothermia, metabolic disorders, intoxication. Acute cutting pain can occur in attacks and last several minutes.

Thus, neuralgia of the trigeminal nerve (it is responsible for the innervation of the face) occurs due to inflammatory processes in the teeth or paranasal sinuses.

Among the neuralgic causes, neuritis of the facial nerve is also called. And in addition to the above reasons - infections, hypothermia, it can also be caused by inflammation of the middle ear. With such neuralgia, atrophy of the facial muscles is not excluded. As a rule, in these cases anti-inflammatory drugs and physiotherapeutic procedures are prescribed. At the same time, B vitamins are prescribed. But in any case, the course of treatment is developed by the doctor in each specific case.

The appearance of pain is always a sign of the emergence and development of a pathological process. Any part of the body and face can get sick. The causes of painful spasms of facial muscles and tissues can be varied: dental diseases, neurological disorders, problems with ENT organs. In medical practice, there is a clinical term “prosopalgia”, which refers to pain in the facial area for many reasons.

Possible causes of pain on one side of the face

The causes of pain on the face are a huge number of diseases of various organs and disorders in the physiology of the body. Localization of pain impulses, determination of the nature, intensity and accompanying symptoms can help determine the source of pain. In one situation, the skin on the face hurts, in another, the cheekbones cramp and painful sensitivity appears when chewing or when opening the mouth. Sometimes a person notices that the jaw on the left or right is swollen.

In medicine, there are a number of factors that explain why a person has pain on the left or right side of the face:

  • headaches or throbbing migraines;
  • pathologies of a neurological nature;
  • deviations in the structure of the skull bones;
  • bruises, fractures and dislocations (we recommend reading: what are the main signs of a jaw fracture?);
  • inflammatory processes in oral cavity and nasopharynx;
  • discomfort in the eyes;
  • dental diseases;
  • arthritis;
  • complications after prosthetics and tooth extraction, damage to the oral cavity;
  • pain of unusual origin.

For pain in the cheekbone

Pain in the cheekbone is most often caused by the development of pathological diseases or injury. To the most probable reasons causes of pain in the cheekbones or cramping of the jaw directly in the cheekbone area include:

  1. Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint. The main symptom is aching pain with increasing intensity in the ear area (we recommend reading: how is aching pain in a tooth treated?). There may also be a crunching sensation when chewing or opening the mouth. The pain is reminiscent of otitis media.
  2. Dental diseases. This can be pulpitis, caries, inflammation of gum tissue, or damage to teeth. The pain is throbbing and intensifies when you press on the sensitive area. With osteomyelitis, the temperature rises and the face swells.
  3. Neuralgia is accompanied by noise and clicking in the ears, acute and burning pain when moving the jaw, increased salivation.
  4. Dislocation of the jaw joint. It occurs as a result of an injury or a wide yawn, as a result of which the chin moves to the side, speech becomes slurred, and aching pain appears.
  5. Arthritis of the jaw joint. Without treatment, there is a risk of serious complications.
  6. Tumor. The growth of some tumors is accompanied by constant or sharp pain in the cheekbones. These include: osteoid osteoma, osteoblastoclastoma, sarcoma of the upper jaw - a malignant and rapidly progressing tumor (we recommend reading: how osteoma of the lower jaw is treated and its consequences).

Other causes of pain in the cheekbones include:

Muscles hurt

Sometimes painful spasms occur on the face - the muscle part hurts on the right or left side. The causes of this pain are neurological problems. Pain syndrome is caused by increased muscle tone. Among the probable diseases that provoke pain in the facial muscles are the following:

  1. Neurosis. There are malfunctions in the functioning of the nerve centers that regulate muscle contraction, as a result of which they are constantly under tension.
  2. Cervical osteochondrosis develops due to metabolic disorders, loss of strength and flexibility by the intervertebral discs. Increased muscle tone is one of the signs of the disease.
  3. Inflammation facial muscle. This can happen as a result of injury or hypothermia. In this case, any touching of the face, turning the neck and head causes pain.

Jaw pain

Occasionally, a person may notice the occurrence of throbbing pain with a characteristic clicking sound directly in the jaw, especially when opening the mouth. The source of what hurts jawbone, are the following factors:

  1. Chronic caries. If the tooth is completely destroyed, the carious cavity inflames the nerve endings and is accompanied by severe and unremitting pain.
  2. Arthritis of the jaw joint. Without treatment, this may result in the patient's inability to open his mouth and chew food normally.
  3. Injury to tooth enamel, which can be caused by the habit of cracking nuts with your teeth.
  4. Chronic gum inflammation. If left untreated, gingivitis progresses and spreads to the bone tissue and jaw joints, accompanied by pain and clicking (we recommend reading: how to quickly cure gingivitis at home: treatment methods).
  5. Adamantinoma. The first sign is thickening in the cheek area. On initial stage development, the malignant tumor does not manifest itself in any way, but over time the bone tumor grows, leading to sharp pain in the jaw and disruption of the chewing process.
  6. Osteogenic sarcoma. It affects only bone tissue. The development of the pathology begins with a clicking sound, and gradually stable pain sensations arise that bother the person regardless of the condition of the jaw.

Skin hurts

The skin on the face is very sensitive, so it is primarily susceptible to negative impact. The most common reasons that may result in unpleasant painful sensations are:

In addition to pain, irritation and itching on the face may occur. Possible sources occurrence - an inflammatory process, infection or nervous tension. An additional cause of increased skin soreness in the cheek area is burst blood vessels. This problem appears with age when blood circulation slows down.

When should you see a doctor?

Cheekbones and jaw pain can occur for various reasons, and not all of them are equally dangerous. However, regardless of the severity of the symptoms, the problem cannot be ignored. If the pain does not go away for a long time, you should consult a doctor, and not try to get rid of it yourself, dulling it with analgesics and without understanding the source.

There are symptoms that should prompt you to see a specialist, such as eye socket pain and visual impairment.

Such manifestations may indicate the presence of:

  • tumors;
  • aneurysms of cerebral vessels;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • thrombosis

All this is enough serious illnesses, but if left untreated, other manifestations also pose a threat. This is directly related to the rapid spread of pathological reactions to neighboring organs (ears, eyes, The lymph nodes, brain).

Diagnostic methods

When painful symptoms on the face, you must first go for an examination to a therapist, regardless of what it is: muscles, skin, cheekbones or jaw. Will need to provide Full description existing symptoms. In some cases, this is enough to make a diagnosis and prescribe appropriate treatment.

But not always, based on the patient’s complaints and visual examination, the therapist can diagnose the problem. In this case, the doctor gives a referral to more specialized specialists:

According to the preliminary diagnosis and anamnesis data, a number of laboratory tests are carried out:

  1. Blood analysis. Conducted to assess the condition immune system. The analysis can also reveal inflammatory processes and the presence of certain diseases, such as tonsillitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis and others.
  2. Strokes. Take from the ears and nose, if there is a runny nose.
  3. CT scan.
  4. X-ray of the jaw apparatus.
  5. Endoscopy.
  6. MRI of the brain.
  7. Biopsy of the problem area. It is carried out in cases where the pathological solid inflammatory neoplasm is located deep under the skin.

Methods for treating facial pain

It is not recommended to treat facial pain syndrome on your own. To smooth out the symptoms, you can take minimal measures at home, but you should not put off going to the doctor.

The course of treatment depends directly on the causes of the problem:

  • in the presence of inflammation, antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed - Nurofen, Movalis and Dicloberl;
  • to combat arthrosis, special chondroprotectors are used - Chondrolon, Teraflex, Chondroxide, Artra, Structum (we recommend reading: how and with what to treat arthrosis of the maxillofacial joint?);
  • in case of dislocations, it is necessary to set the problem joint in place and fix it;
  • if the cause is a tumor, treatment may include radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or surgery.

An effective method of combating facial pain is physical therapy, which includes:

  • massage - general, acupressure and facial gymnastics;
  • acupuncture;
  • warming up;
  • reflexology.

Prevention measures

The appearance of pain on the right or left side of the face - alarming symptom, as this may cause serious consequences. The main prevention is aimed at eliminating and preventing the causes that can provoke pain. First of all, this concerns timely and high-quality treatment of ENT diseases and dental diseases, including chronic ones, and relief of inflammatory processes. Such a therapeutic approach eliminates the possibility of further development of the disease and the occurrence of unpleasant and painful sensations accompanied by unwanted complications.

Thank you

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Facial pain denoted in medicine by the term prosopalgia. It can be caused by a large number of reasons, and even experienced professional doctor It’s not always possible to deliver quickly accurate diagnosis. Below we will look at the main diseases that are accompanied by pain in the face.

What are the main causes of facial pain?

Pain in the facial area can have the following origins:
  • Neuralgia is pain caused by irritation of the nerves that run in the facial area.
  • Pain associated with lesions of the bones of the facial skull and paranasal sinuses.
  • Pain syndrome caused by a pathological process on the skin of the face: inflammation, acne (blackheads), neoplasms, etc.
  • Pain caused by other diseases: migraine, cluster headaches, osteochondrosis, etc.
A person may be bothered by pain only in one half of the face, in the entire facial area (this situation is less common), only in a certain specific place. In some cases, their cause can be determined immediately, and sometimes a thorough examination of the patient is necessary.

When do facial muscles hurt?

Muscle pain in the facial area almost always occurs as a result of a condition called myofascial pain syndrome of the face. The main muscle groups that are located here are:
  • facial muscles;
  • chewing muscles;
  • In the lower part of the face, some neck muscles are attached under the skin.
Most often, facial muscles hurt as a result of the following reasons:
1. Malocclusion. If the teeth do not close properly, this leads to disruption of the entire chewing mechanism. Due to impaired mechanics, the chewing muscles are constantly under increased tension. As a rule, teeth and jaws experience more pressure, and the temporomandibular joint wears out faster. All this leads to pain.
2. Frequent stress. Some people clench their jaws very tightly in moments when they are in a state of anger, anxiety, fear, irritation, etc.
3. Neurological and mental diseases. With nervous exhaustion, neuroses, depression and some other conditions, changes occur in the functioning of the nerve centers that are responsible for regulating muscle tone. As a result, the facial muscles and chewing muscles are in a state of increased tone, and pain occurs in them.
4. Osteochondrosis of the neck. Firstly, degenerative changes in the spinal column themselves are sources of pain that can spread to the facial area. With osteochondrosis, the tone of the muscles of the neck, suboccipital muscles and facial muscles increases.
5. Sometimes the facial muscles hurt due to past injuries, for example, the temporomandibular joint.

Neurologists are most often involved in the diagnosis and treatment of myofascial pain syndrome in the facial area. Medications are prescribed to help cope with stress and increased muscle tone, physiotherapy.

What diseases cause pain in the facial bones?

Pain in the facial area may have a bone origin. Most often this is associated with the following pathologies of the facial skull:
1. Osteomyelitis. It is characterized by the development of purulent inflammation in the bones of the facial skull. Most often it is a complication of long-term caries, pulpitis, periodontitis. Pain in the bones of the face is accompanied by symptoms such as an increase in body temperature to 38 o C, malaise, weakness, swelling of the facial skin.
2. Injuries. The most dangerous and severe of them is a fracture of the base of the skull. The most common is a broken nose. For fractures of the facial bones, the following symptoms are noted:
  • strong pain;
  • swelling in the facial area;
  • subcutaneous hemorrhages (with fractures of the base of the skull, hemorrhages around the eyes are most typical - the so-called “symptom of glasses”);
  • discharge of clear fluid or blood from the ear;
  • deformation of the nose due to fractures.
3. Dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. In this case, pain in the face is accompanied by pain in the ear. Pathology can develop after injuries, infections or inflammation in the joint, malocclusion or as a result of other reasons leading to increased loads on the temporomandibular joint. The nature of facial pain varies greatly depending on the course of the disease. It can occur in the form of attacks or be constantly disturbing, dull, aching, pulsating. Most often, temporomandibular joint dysfunction develops in women aged 30–60 years. Medications, bite correction, and physiotherapy help to successfully combat these conditions.

Facial pain associated with skin pathologies

Diseases that affect the skin of the face can cause pain.

Contusion of soft tissues of the face

Pain in the facial area can be a consequence of bruising of the skin and soft tissues. In this case, acute severe pain, swelling, and hemorrhage under the skin of the face occur. Usually these symptoms pass within a few days. It is not always possible to immediately distinguish soft tissue bruises from fractures of the nose and base of the skull, so it is better for the victim to immediately visit the emergency room.

What to do if a mole on your face hurts?

Moles, or, in other words, pigmented nevi, are benign neoplasms. Many people have them on their faces from birth. Pigmented nevus is not a disease; it can exist throughout life and not lead to any symptoms or complications other than a cosmetic defect. But under certain conditions, nevi of the face and other areas of the body can degenerate into malignant tumors– melanomas. The following symptoms should alert the patient and force him to see a doctor:
  • if a mole on your face hurts;
  • if its color changes (it darkens, turns, for example, from brown to bluish), the nature of the surface (it was flat - it became lumpy, or vice versa);
  • if its contours become less clear;
  • if it quickly increases in size;
  • if weeping or bleeding appears on the surface of the mole.
In all the situations described, you should immediately come for an examination to a dermatologist, surgeon or oncologist. To identify malignant neoplasms, the skin in the area of ​​the mole is scraped and the material is sent for cytological examination.

What to do when acne on your face hurts?

Blackheads (acne) on the face occur in adolescence almost every person.

Acne manifests itself in different ways. If pimples are located superficially under the skin, they are easily squeezed out. You can do this yourself or, even better, contact a specialized cosmetology salon.

Deep acne is always much more troublesome. It is these pimples that most often hurt and force the patient to see a doctor.

To treat deep painful acne, medications, creams and ointments, lotions and various special hygiene products and physiotherapy are used.

Allergic reactions

Allergic reactions on the skin of the face manifest themselves in the form of so-called Quincke's edema. Pain and itching of the facial skin are accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • lacrimation, redness of the eyes;
  • runny nose, watery nasal discharge;
  • redness of the facial skin;
  • with simultaneous allergic swelling of the larynx, the patient is bothered by difficulty breathing.
Allergic angioedema always occurs at the moment of contact with an allergen to which a person is hypersensitive. All symptoms, as a rule, are easily relieved with antiallergic (desensitizing) drugs. If their use does not bring results, then you need to call an ambulance team. To accurately identify the allergen that leads to angioedema, you can conduct special allergy tests with an allergist.

What pathologies cause pain in the scalp and face?

Pain in the scalp and face can be bothersome in the following situations:
  • tight ponytails and braids, uncomfortable hairpins and elastic bands that a person with long hair wears all day long;
  • allergic pathologies, for example, dermatitis, which affects the skin of the face and scalp;
  • various nervous diseases.
If pain in the skin of the face and head bothers you frequently, and you cannot identify their cause on your own, then you need to visit a therapist and a neurologist.

Conditions that cause nerve pain in the face

Such pathologies are called neuralgia. They are caused by irritation of the nerve as a result of its compression by a tumor, an enlarged tortuous vessel, other pathological formations, as a result of the inflammatory process. Sometimes the causes of neuralgia cannot be determined.

The nature of facial pain differs depending on which nerve in the facial area is affected.

Facial nerve pain

In general, facial nerve pain is a rare symptom, since the nerve itself performs a motor rather than a sensory function. It is responsible for the movements of the facial muscles. Sometimes with neuritis of the facial nerve there is pain in one half of the face and behind the ear. Other symptoms characteristic of this disease:
1. The most typical disorder is the movement of facial muscles in one half of the face. In this case, the right or left side of the patient’s face seems to droop; there are no movements or facial expressions.
2. When laughing and expressing other emotions, the face becomes asymmetrical.
3. There is a widening of the palpebral fissure on the affected side, dryness of the eye (a symptom that is called lagophthalmos among neurologists).
4. Many patients report disturbances in the sense of taste.
5. In rare cases, neuritis of the facial nerve manifests itself in the form of severe pain in the face and ear, with the simultaneous appearance of herpetic rashes.

Neuralgia of the superior laryngeal nerve. This disease manifests itself in the form of unilateral pain in the face and larynx, on the right or left. They radiate to the ear, neck and shoulder, and are accompanied by coughing, increased salivation, and hiccups. Pain in the face occurs in the form of attacks during coughing, eating, and sudden turns of the head.

Neuralgia of the pterygopalatine ganglion. Associated with irritation of a large nerve ganglion, which is located inside the skull. A number of doctors question this diagnosis, considering its symptoms as a manifestation of migraine and cluster headache. Pain syndrome occurs in the face, ear, teeth, jaw, and eyes. The patient complains of a constant runny nose, lacrimation, swelling of the face, redness of the eyes.

Neuralgia of the nasociliary nerve ganglion. This condition is very rare. Paroxysmal facial pain occurs in the area of ​​the inside of the eye, at the base of the nose. At the same time, the patient is bothered by a runny nose and constant nasal discharge, redness of the eyes and narrowing of the palpebral fissure (blepharospasm). Facial pain with this type of neuralgia is always one-sided, bothering the patient on the right or left.

All of the diseases described above are diagnosed and treated by a neurologist. He prescribes medications, physiotherapy, and gives recommendations on lifestyle.

Atypical facial pain

Atypical facial pain is a symptom that has no specific cause. This diagnosis is established if a thorough examination has been carried out and no other causes of pain have been identified. Perhaps atypical facial pain is a consequence of disorders of the nervous system and psychogenic causes. Facial pain in in this case characterized by the following features:
1. It usually occurs in women aged 30 to 60 years.
2. In most cases, only part of the face hurts, its right or left half. Sometimes the pain affects the entire facial area, but in this case it is asymmetrical on both sides. Some women cannot even accurately describe where the pain is bothering them.
3. Most often, atypical facial pain is permanent. But she rarely disturbs patients at night. Painful sensations intensify in stressful situations, during overheating.
4. The nature of the pain varies; in most cases, patients characterize it as superficial (pain in the skin of the face), burning, boring, aching, pulsating.
5. Sometimes, in parallel with pain in the face, pain occurs in the oral cavity. It could be tongue or tooth pain. They bring some patients to see the dentist because they disguise them as toothaches.
6. A characteristic feature of atypical facial pain is that it may disappear for weeks or even months, and then reappear with renewed vigor.
7. Such patients often complain of paresthesia - various unpleasant sensations in the face, head, and neck.

It is believed that atypical facial pain is due to the fact that the brain disrupts the production of some important neurotransmitters - substances that are necessary for the transmission of nerve impulses. Stress, other neurological and mental disorders, and frequent irritation of the nerves in the face and head (for example, with frequent dental treatment) play a certain role.

Psychogenic facial pain

In their manifestations they strongly resemble atypical facial pain. This diagnosis can also only be established if all others have been excluded.

The most common causes of psychogenic pain in the facial area are depression, neurasthenia, hysteria, obsessive states (phobias), etc.

Neurologists, psychotherapists and psychiatrists are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of this symptom. To exclude more serious diseases, it is necessary to conduct an examination and refer the patient for consultations with other specialists.

Facial pain of odontogenic nature (arising as a result of
dental diseases)

Dental diseases that lead to facial pain

Dental pathologies are one of the most common causes of pain in the face. Facial pain can be caused by nerve irritation due to diseases such as:
  • deep forms of caries;
  • pulpitis – inflammation of the dental pulp (soft tissue);
  • periodontitis is an inflammatory process in the tissues that surround the root of the tooth;
  • abscess – a complication of periodontitis, which is a cavity filled with pus;
  • osteomyelitis (purulent inflammation) of the jaw.
It is not always possible to understand that the source of the symptoms that arise is a diseased tooth. In most cases, other signs of the disease are quite characteristic. Pain, as a rule, occurs when eating hot, cold, salty, sour, spicy food, when it gets on the tooth. By evening, the pain always intensifies. Body temperature may rise, most often up to 37 o C. When these symptoms appear, first of all, you need to visit the dentist.

Pain after tooth extraction and treatment

If your face and jaw hurt after tooth extraction, this may be a normal condition, provided that the pain is not very severe and subsides on its own after a couple of days. There is nothing wrong with the fact that the tooth hurts a little for some time after complex massive dental interventions.

If the pain in the face is severe and continues for a long time, then it may be a symptom of one of the complications:

  • neuropathy of the trigeminal nerve when its branches are affected;
  • poor-quality dental treatment: insufficient treatment of the root canal, its incomplete obturation with filling material;
  • development of an inflammatory or purulent process;
  • leaving small fragments of dental instruments in the root canal;
  • incomplete tooth extraction, when root fragments remain in the socket.
If your face hurts after tooth extraction, and this pain does not subside for quite a long time, then you need to urgently consult a dentist.

What diseases cause pain in the face and head?


Migraine is a disease that manifests itself in the form of severe headaches. But sometimes its main symptom can be pain in the face. The pain syndrome is characterized by the following features:
1. Characteristic pain is one half of the face and head. They always occur only on the right or left, and never spread to the other side.
2. The pain is very strong. Patients often complain of drilling pain.
3. The attack is prolonged. Typically, it lasts from 18 to 36 hours.
4. Migraine pain in the head and face is much more common in women aged 20-30 years. They weaken with age.
5. The disease is characterized by an aura. Before pain appears, the patient experiences some strange sensations, smells, etc.

If you experience headaches and facial pain at the same time, you should consult a neurologist. The doctor will conduct an examination and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Cluster headaches

Given this pathological condition There may be not only a headache, but also pain in the face. Painful sensations occur serially, they are always very strong and cause significant suffering to the patient. In this case, only half of the face, right or left, also hurts. The pain can radiate into the eye, with redness of the sclera and lacrimation noted. The disease is most common among men, especially among those who abuse alcohol and smoke.

The face burns and turns red, the head hurts: hypertension

Headaches combined with a feeling of heat and redness of the facial skin are characteristic of hypertension. These symptoms are especially pronounced during a hypertensive crisis – a sharp rise in blood pressure. In addition to the fact that the patient’s face is burning and his head hurts, he is also bothered by other symptoms:

What diseases cause headaches and numbness in the face?

Facial numbness is a symptom associated with decreased skin sensitivity. The cause of this condition may be nervous or vascular disorders. They occur in the following diseases:
1. Stroke is a serious acute condition that requires emergency medical care. Numbness of the face may be the first sign of incipient paralysis of half the body.
2. Sometimes trigeminal neuralgia manifests itself in the form of such symptoms.
3. Hypertensive crisis. Numbness of the face in this condition is most often associated with transient cerebrovascular accident.
4. Vegetative-vascular dystonia.
5. Migraine. In some patients, the face goes numb before an attack of headache - a peculiar manifestation of the aura.
6. Cervical osteochondrosis. Numbness of the face and headache have the same cause in cervical osteochondrosis - pinched nerve roots.
7. Neuroses, various mental disorders and diseases of the nervous system.

Often, when a patient comes to the doctor complaining that he has a headache and his face is numb, it is not possible to immediately understand the cause of this symptom. It is necessary to conduct a thorough examination and prescribe consultations with other specialists.


Pain in the face is characteristic of inflammation of the paranasal sinuses - sinusitis. Most often, pain occurs during colds. In the future, they persist and are accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • symptoms of an acute respiratory infection do not go away for a long time: a slight increase in body temperature, nasal congestion and discharge from it;
  • swelling of the face in the area of ​​the inflamed sinus;
  • Inflammation of the maxillary sinus is characterized by toothache, and inflammation of the frontal sinus is characterized by headache.
An ENT doctor diagnoses and treats sinusitis. Drug treatment or sinus puncture and rinsing may be prescribed.

Pain in the facial area caused by vascular diseases

Some pathologies of the cardiovascular system that can lead to facial pain were discussed above (migraine, arterial hypertension). Below we describe less common diseases.

Temporal giant cell arteritis. This is vasculitis (inflammation of the vessel wall), which affects temporal artery located under the skin in temporal region. The disease is characterized by burning pain in the temple and upper jaw. If the damage spreads to the eye vessels, complete blindness may occur.

Carotidynia. It is a pathology of the carotid artery, in which the patient experiences pain in the upper neck, face, toothache, pain in the jaws, and ears. The pain increases significantly when you feel the place where the carotid artery passes.

Facial pain due to eye pathologies

With fatigue and pain in the eyes, pain often spreads to the facial area. This happens with the following diseases:
1. Fatigue due to prolonged visual stress. The so-called “computer eye syndrome” is especially common nowadays.
2. Diseases of the orbital nerves.
3. Pathologies of the lens.
4. Conjunctivitis is an inflammatory lesion of the conjunctiva of a viral, bacterial or allergic nature.
5. Pathologies of the orbit: inflammatory processes, tumors, hormonal diseases.

If you suspect that facial pain is caused by an eye disease, you should consult an ophthalmologist.

There are contraindications. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

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