Home Wisdom teeth International Day Against Drug Abuse. International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

International Day Against Drug Abuse. International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

Dependence narcotic drugs- this is a terrible problem modern generation. That is why the International Day Against Drug Addiction provides an opportunity for people suffering from this addiction to unite and believe in themselves.

History of establishment of such date

June 26 is Day Against Drug Addiction. This date is a day of struggle against addiction and against illegal trafficking of such harmful drugs. The date was founded in 1987. This was a kind of demonstration of the determination of the General Assembly of the North Atlantic Alliance to focus its work on this area and create a society that does not use narcotic drugs.

At the end of the nineties a session was held of this body, the goal of which was to significantly reduce this negative phenomenon throughout society by 2008. However, today approximately 185 million citizens use narcotic drugs. Moreover, every year the numbers become higher and more threatening. The consequences of drug use directly affect demographic situation. More and more children and adolescents are using illegal drugs, and more and more young women are taking stimulants.

For your information:

Just a few years ago, the age of addicts was 17 years old. Now this threshold has been reduced to 14 years. Over the past decade, the number of representatives of the fairer sex taking psychotropic substances has increased sevenfold.

The fight against this addiction in Russia

International Day Against Drug Addiction in Russia is also celebrated on June 26th. This is another one preventative measure which is of a propaganda nature. On this day, various events dedicated to this problem are organized in schools and on the streets, in universities and workplaces.

For several years now, special bodies have been operating in our country to control the distribution of drugs and prevent the commission of crimes in this area. It is they who carry out preventive measures, produce various posters on the topic of the dangers of such substances and conduct conversations with schoolchildren and youth representatives.

Modern drug addiction is not only a disease, but also profitable business. Drug dealers want to profit from the misfortune of others; after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the level of drug-related crimes in Russia has increased. So rapid spread harmful addiction causes concern to the relevant authorities and government officials. That is why, when the day of combating this phenomenon passes, educational and informational events are held.

What is included in preventive measures

Actions to prevent and prevent addiction and crimes in this area include the following:

What is the problem of drug addiction?

World Anti-Addiction Day encourages young people to give up addictions that can lead to serious consequences.

The key to getting rid of this phenomenon is to inform society about the extremely adverse consequences after using any type of drug. Only in this case can the younger generation be protected from a monstrous mistake.

Drug addiction leads to complete deformation of personality and to health complications. If a person is addicted to harmful substances, gradually he loses respect for his own person and moral principles, his mental health becomes unstable. Due to mental pathology, he stops fully communicating with friends and relatives, young people cannot get a decent profession, and already working citizens quit.

Another danger of such addiction is the irreversible condition of the addict. The changes that occur in the body due to the use of substances remain forever. If a recovered addict decides to try a dose again, he will have to undergo the course of therapy again.

For your information:

Experts do not use the phrase "recovered drug addicts", drug addicts can only be "recovering".

The international day dedicated to the fight against this phenomenon should not leave any citizen indifferent. It is important to support all preventive actions and take active part in them. Only in this case can the number of addicted people in our country be reduced.

How to treat drug addiction

Is it possible to get rid of this habit on your own? There is only one answer: return to full life possible only in inpatient conditions in modern drug treatment centers.

If you notice signs in your relative or friend that he is partial to drugs (confused consciousness, strange eyes, inappropriate behavior), be sure to persuade him to visit a professional narcologist.

In such clinics they will do everything necessary to rid the patient of a terrible habit:

  1. detoxification of the body. In this case, with the help of special medications, toxins that have accumulated during drug use are removed from the body.
  2. Getting rid of addiction through the use of psychotherapeutic techniques and other means.
  3. Social rehabilitation. With such an event, the patient returns to life in society, and psychotherapy sessions of an individual and group nature are conducted.

World Day Against Substance Abuse is a necessity in modern society. It is important to carry out it correctly preventive actions and encourage young people to engage in healthy activities. If you still encounter such a problem close person, promptly contact a specialist who will not allow further development dependencies. Many clinics provide the opportunity anonymous treatment, so you don’t have to worry about your reputation.


The information in the article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute instructions for use. Consult your healthcare provider.

Many countries around the world celebrate the International Day Against Drug Abuse and Drug Abuse. illegal trafficking. The date was set by the UN General Assembly on December 7, 1987 to express its determination to strengthen action and cooperation to achieve the goal of creating an international society free of drug abuse. This decision was made based on the recommendation International conference on combating drug abuse and illicit trafficking in 1987.

The rapid spread of drugs is seen as a multi-level disaster, entailing a variety of harmful consequences - from a demographic catastrophe to the criminalization of the economy, social and political environment.

According to the UN Office on Drugs and Crime, the number of drug users in the world has exceeded 300 million people.

At the global level, the most common drug is cannabis - this term combines all derivatives of hemp, such as marijuana, hashish and some others. It is consumed by 2.6% to 5% of the world's population. The second place is occupied by synthetic stimulant drugs of the amphetamine group - from 0.3 to 1.2%. Approximately 0.2-0.6% of the adult population of the Earth are somehow familiar with ecstasy - this word refers to a whole range of drugs of the same amphetamine group, and 0.6-0.8% are familiar with cocaine. Opioids, which primarily include heroin and substances similar in effects to it, were used at least once a year by 0.6 to 0.8% of people.

In a list of 43 risk factors - the leading causes of death in the world - drug use is in 19th place (alcohol is third and tobacco is second).

Globally, drug-related mortality is estimated to account for between 0.5% and 1.3% of all-cause mortality among persons aged 15–64 years. There are 211,000 drug-related deaths each year, with young people at greatest risk. Drug use is the sixth most common cause of death for people aged 15-49 years. In Europe average age those who died from drug use are about 35 years old.

In addition to drug-related mortality data, there are estimates that of the 14 million people in the world who inject drugs, 1.6 million are infected with HIV, 7.2 million are infected with hepatitis C virus, and 1. 2 million are infected with hepatitis B virus.

Drug abuse causes enormous harm to public health and public safety, and threatens the peaceful development and stable existence of society in many countries.

In economic terms, this is reflected in the costs of prevention and treatment, health care and hospital costs, and increased morbidity and mortality. Estimated, necessary treatment only one in six problem drug users in the world receives treatment - that is, approximately 4.5 million people - and the global total cost of such treatment is approximately $35 billion a year.

People under the influence of drugs not only cause health care costs, but also pose a serious threat to the safety and well-being of others and the environment.

Drug addiction is one of the most acute problems health and social life. According to Viktor Ivanov, director of the Federal Drug Control Service, there are eight million drug users in Russia who to varying degrees use drugs regularly. Of these, four million are severely dependent and take drugs regularly.

The number of heroin addicts in Russia is , each of whom needs two doses per day. A third of them do not have money to buy drugs and obtain them by distributing them. In total, about one billion doses of heroin are sold throughout the year.

The average age of onset of drug use in Russia is 15-16 years, and the average age of those who die from drug-related diseases and overdoses is 30 years. At the same time, the majority of drug users are outside the scope of medicine and relevant social services states - both federal and regional levels.

Drug consumption directly to the country, since eight million drug users spend 4.5 billion rubles on drugs every day and thereby withdraw up to one and a half trillion rubles from the country’s GDP annually. The actual annual damage to the country's economy is three times higher, at least four trillion rubles.

The material was prepared based on information from RIA Novosti and open sources

Drug addiction is a painful craving for the use of medicinal and other substances/drugs that form a strong addiction in a person. Drug addiction occurs on the mental and physical level. Drug addiction has long been a global problem.

The difficult situation has not spared Russia either. According to statistics, the use of psychotropic substances is most acute among young people. It is at this age that teenagers first embark on the path of drug addiction. One of the main points in the fight for the health of the nation is prevention, which includes International Anti-Drug Day.

June 26 is the day against drug addiction; this event is of global importance. The holiday was approved not so long ago, in 1987 by the UN General Assembly. The main goals pursued by the creators of the celebration were the following:

  1. Strengthen the position and sphere of influence of the UN.
  2. Creation of a new world community free from drug influence.

Reasons for creating international holiday came the urgent recommendations of the world conference held in 1986. The issues discussed at the meeting related to the rapidly increasing drug trafficking and, as a consequence, the increase in the number of drug addicts.

Anti-Drug Addiction Day established in 1987

The outcome of the decisions of the world meeting was the development of an action plan aimed at combating drug addiction. A session of the UN General Assembly, specially dedicated to this issue, organized in 1988, set itself the task of significantly reducing the problem of drug addiction by 2009.

According to UN statistics, about 190 million citizens regularly take drugs. These figures cover about 3% of the world's population. Of the drug addicts, 12% are young people (aged 14-35), who form the basis and hope of any country.

The results of growing drug addiction are becoming more and more alarming every day. Especially when considering demographic development. After all, both the fair sex and teenagers get used to psychotropic substances.

Sad numbers

World Drug Abuse Day is extremely important, because the indicators of regularly conducted social research are very tragic and sad. If 5 years ago the average age of a drug addict varied between 17-18 years, today it has dropped to 13-15. And over the current decade, the number of women drug addicts has increased 7 times.

Drug addiction is a terrible phenomenon modern life. Every day, people find themselves in the deadly networks of drug dealers who are trying to “escape” from oppressive, constant disorders and stressful situations.

But such a “race” always ends tragically, the results of a frivolous hobby become irreversible and fatal. Even an individually developed, carefully prepared therapeutic course for drug addiction does not help an individual overcome addiction.

The public is concerned about the growing number of drug addicts

Sometimes, after many years of a “clean” life, a former drug addict runs the risk of regressing and returning to his former life in a psychotropic stupor. And existence again turns into a series of terrifying nightmares and piercing uselessness. This problem should concern and concern everyone.

People different countries who care about the family, the health of their children, the future of their homeland, unite in the battle between good and evil. It is for these purposes that the International Day against Drug Addiction and Drug Trafficking was created. A date that reminds humanity that life and destiny are too fragile to be subjected to such terrible tests - the use of drugs.

Narcotization in Russia

IN Russian Federation The drug control system has been operating successfully for several years. The main areas of work of the Federal Drug Control Service of the Russian Federation (Federal Service for Control of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances) include:

  1. Preventing and combating crimes related to drug trafficking.
  2. Extensive preventive actions to reduce the level of drug addiction among citizens.
  3. Carrying out various activities aimed at stopping the growing drug addiction.

On Anti-Drug Day in Russia, various sports and recreational events are held. Meetings are organized with parents, teachers, and students themselves.

Map of the number of drug addicts

Statistical indicators

According to the data obtained as a result sociological research, in the Russian Federation over the past 10 years the number of drug addicts has increased 8 times. This figure affects about 5-6 million Russian citizens suffering from addiction. Of these, approximately 2.5-3 million are young people aged 12-25 years.

These sad data have been officially confirmed, but in reality things are much sadder. According to independent experts, we can talk about 11 million Russians who regularly consume psychotropics.

About 30% of crimes in the Russian Federation occur against the background of the use of drugs or relate to the manufacture, sale and storage of drugs.

Anti-drug policy

The rapid increase in the number of people suffering from drug addiction and the number of offenses related to drug substances causes particular concern in the Russian legal community. In June 2010, the President of the Russian Federation signed Decree No. 690 “On approval of the Strategy of the state anti-drug policy of the Russian Federation until 2020.”

The risk group includes young people aged 14-30 years

The main goals of this direction in the work of the state, pursuing a reduction in the growth of illegal drug trafficking, are:

  1. Undermining the existing economic base of drug production.
  2. Elimination of existing and emerging corruption that contributes to the growth of the drug business.
  3. Complete elimination of all raw materials created in the Russian Federation for the purpose of drug production.
  4. Strict monitoring of the legal distribution of psychotropics and narcotic substances from pharmacies.
  5. Severing the ties that exist in the criminal world within the country with drug production on a global scale.
  6. Development of a powerful system that protects the territory of our country from the illegal supply of psychotropic and narcotic substances from abroad.
  7. Global liquidation of the created and functioning infrastructure based on the creation, transportation and distribution of narcotic drugs within Russia.

All these events in mandatory should take place against the backdrop of a preventive fight against the growth of drug addiction. Organizational work is primarily aimed at young people and teenagers. And it must include the following activities:

  • conducting conversations with parents;
  • organization extracurricular activities in the form of conversations;
  • arranging meetings with former drug addicts who have undergone rehabilitation;
  • disseminating information about the consequences of drug use.

It is young people who become the main targets of drugs. Addiction to psychotropic drugs turns the life of both the addict and his family members into a tragedy. But despite all its seriousness, this problem is extremely delicate. Its solution requires a thorough, competent and balanced approach.

International Anti-Drug Day helps achieve mass action on a pressing issue. And such an event should not go unnoticed by all people living on the planet. Only through massive efforts can we defeat the most terrible evil on the planet - drug addiction.

The Day against Drug Addiction has international status. It was established in 1987 at the initiative of the UN General Assembly and dedicated to the date of June 26. International Day Against Drug Abuse also includes the fight against drug trafficking. Its main goal is to attract the entire world community to freeing people who have stumbled from abusing substances of narcotic origin.

The day - June 26 is marked as a special date according to the recommendations of the International Conference on Combating the Abuse of Drugs and Drugs, as well as their Illicit Trafficking. The conference adopted a global action plan to combat drug addiction. Read: .

Why was a day to combat drug addiction appointed?

Back in 1998, a special session was held in the UN General Assembly, setting a goal to significantly reduce the spread of drug addiction by 2008. The UN released figures of 185 million drug users worldwide. This figure indicates that as many as three percent of all people on the globe, and in the age range from 15 to 30 years - all 12% - systematically take drugs. It should be noted that these are official figures, which are always somewhat underestimated.

Every day, the consequences of drug addiction become more menacing in terms of demographics. Drug addiction takes hold of minor teenagers and children, women whose calling is to become mothers.

Drug addiction specialists are concerned about the fact that just a few years ago the average age of drug addicts was 15-17 years old, but now it has dropped to 13-14 years old. Over the past ten years, the number of women abusing psychotropic and narcotic drugs has increased 7 times.

Drug addiction is the plague of the 20th and early 21st centuries. All more people run away from their problems and stress to drugs. Such an “escape” results in ending up in a cage. And the success rate in drug addiction treatment is only 1/5. Relapses of the disease often occur, and treatment must be resumed again. But here too much depends on the worldview of the sick person himself - the drug addict.

The memorable date - June 26, 2015 will once again remind us that we need to unite globally in the fight against drug addiction to preserve the health and personality of everyone healthy person and providing understanding and assistance to the patient.

The fight against drug addiction in Russia

In Russia, drug control has been especially strict for six years. The task of the Federal Service for Control of Trafficking in Narcotic Substances and Psychotropic Drugs is to solve crimes and carry out measures to combat drug addiction and prevent public drug abuse. Especially on this day, in Russia, there are various health and sports events, meetings with schoolchildren, students, teachers and parents under the slogan “NO TO DRUGS!”

Drug addiction has always been shameless and very profitable business. And this is not surprising. The soulless and unhealthy demand for narcotic goods gives rise to a criminal supply. Drug dealers know neither pity nor compassion. The trade in narcotic drugs is concentrated in Asia, the Near and Middle East, and Latin America. Afghanistan is the world's heroin supplier.

After it fell apart Soviet Union, then the level of drug crime has increased not only in Russia, but also in its neighboring countries. This has led to a ninefold increase in the turnover of psychotropic drugs and narcotic substances over the past 10 years. It is believed that about 4.5 million of our fellow citizens use drugs every day, of which 2 million are young people and children from 11 to 24 years old. Some experts believe that in Russia there are ten million people suffering from drug addiction, and a quarter of all crimes in Russia are related to drug addiction.

June 26 is intended to carry out preventive actions against the use and spread of drug addiction among young people.

The main problem of modern society

The world community considers drug addiction to be the most serious problem of modern life. And, although drug addiction is a recent phenomenon in Russia, it quickly spread after the fall of the Iron Curtain.

Methods and techniques for combating drug addiction include the dissemination of negative information about drugs, the harmfulness of drug addiction, methods, directions and measures for its treatment and prevention. It is very important to protect the younger generation from this drug infection. After all, young people are the most susceptible to this disease.

Our offspring are our future! The continuation of humanity. And drug addiction erases a person's personality and damages his health. A drug addict loses moral and moral qualities of the individual, peace of mind, health, loved ones, good and reliable friends, work skills, profession, and work. Gradually, for the sake of a dose of the drug, he may resort to theft, robbery, extortion and other crimes. Moreover, this is an irreversible process unless the addict gives up drugs and takes the right path!

There is another problem, which is that a former drug addict who has undergone treatment and rehabilitation will always be drawn to drugs. It is a fact. You must always be on your guard! Don't give in bad mood, loss of strength, pessimism, because all this can create a relapse of the disease in a former drug addict.

International Day Against Drug Abuse was created to collectively address the problem of drug addiction throughout the world. When we are together we have positive energy, which will direct the course of our world life in a positive, happy and creative direction.

It is difficult to imagine how many troubles drugs have brought to humanity, and what else lies ahead. Not as a bow to an undefeated scourge, but rather as a tribute to those people who are trying to resist the epidemic of the century, June 26 is celebrated in all countries as the International Day against Drug Addiction and Illicit Trafficking. Why on this day? In 1987, it was approved by the UN General Assembly and symbolizes the strengthening of people's efforts to create a world society without drug addiction. The decision was preceded by recommendations from the International Conference on Combating Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking. Then the conference adopted a broad program of activities in this direction.

Eleven years later, in 1998, a special session of the UN General Assembly was held. Its participants set a goal to reduce the impact of drugs on society over the next decade. The UN has officially recognized that more than 185 million people take drugs. This represents 3% of the world's population and 12% of young people aged 15 to 30 years. At the same time, the real rate of expansion of the drug epidemic was incorrectly taken into account: every year they become more and more threatening, as evidenced by demographic indicators. Drugs are becoming more and more “popular” among minors and teenagers, and more and more girls and women are becoming addicted to them.

Narcologists are sounding the alarm: over three years of observation, drug addiction has become “younger” by 3-4 years and now the average age range of drug addicts has decreased from 16-17 years to 13-14 years. And the number of women “hooked” on drugs over the past decade has increased 7 times!

That is why drug addiction began to be called the most terrible vice of the current century. People trying to escape from stress and other problems modern society, more and more often grab a syringe with poisons. When the moment of truth comes and it becomes obvious that the situation has reached a dead end, many begin to understand that the experiment on their own destiny may have a tragic ending. Even special courses of treatment do not always provide treatment for drug addiction. desired result. After several years of abstinence from drugs, former drug addicts may relapse. And then disappointment sets in: the sensations that evoked a sense of salvation from failures and problems that have arisen turn into emptiness and a nightmare. After all this, is it worth giving preference to drugs as a tool to get out of a deadlock situation?

Therefore, all people - both those who have experienced the horror of drug intoxication, and those who perfectly understand its consequences, unite in the fight against such a complete danger that threatens all of humanity - drug addiction.

Based on this, a single day against drug addiction was established; it reminds humanity of this terrible disease and is called upon to unite in the fight against it.

Drug addiction in Russia: struggle or its imitation?

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For four years, a special structure has been operating in Russia - the Federal Service for Drug Control.

Heroin addicts live approximately 5-7 years. After three, maximum four, years, such patients experience dysfunction of one or more organs. In addition, four out of five such patients are HIV-infected, and nine out of ten are “desomorphine addicts.” Currently, every third drug addict who contacts medical institutions, is an adult at the age of 16, seven out of ten are young offenders.

According to official statistics, there are 550 thousand drug addicts in Russia. In fact, the figure is almost three times higher. According to experts, approximately 3-4 million citizens of the Russian Federation have tried drugs.

For accurate statistics, officials believe, it is necessary to distinguish between three groups of patients:

  • first: “drug addict”;
  • second: “drug patient”;
  • third: “consumer with harmful consequences.”

In order to promptly identify risk groups, special testing is being introduced in Russian schools to identify teenagers who use drugs and psychotropic substances. Specially designed tests will be completed in parallel with the thematic conversation.

Today, specialized federal Service completed work on creating a unified data bank on persons involved in drug trafficking crimes. This helps fulfill the main task of the federal service to identify crimes and carry out preventive measures and the fight to reduce drug use in society. Many sports and civic events are held under the slogan “Stop drugs!” These actions are especially active on the eve of and during anti-drug days.

The situation is not easy. Therefore, an adequate move was made - a new federal service was formed, its appearance is completely justified.

Drugs are a profitable evil

Drug trafficking is considered the most profitable business. The arithmetic is simple: an Afghan sells a kilogram of heroin to resellers in his homeland for 9 thousand dollars, and in the capital of the Russian Federation the same drug is sold to Russians for 150 thousand dollars. This is how the “black market” of drug dealers works. One of the traditional whitening points " dirty money» – construction and operation of shops, restaurants, cafes and markets. A third of the profits, estimated at up to $800 billion in annual global turnover, go to bribing officials. Analysts associate this “arithmetic” with the abolition of criminal and administrative liability for the illegal use and possession of narcotic drugs for personal use in the early 90s.

Foreign experts provide the following data.

Up to 80 tons of the most ruthless and dangerous drug – heroin – will be “stuck” in Russia. This is more than three times more than in Canada and the United States of America combined and twice as much as in the Middle Kingdom. But in China, according to the latest data, there are more than one billion three hundred million people.

Of particular concern is the statistics of female drug addiction: an increase of 6-7 times. At the same time, the effectiveness of treatment for drug addicts is 3-5 out of a hundred people suffering from drug addiction. The funds invested in “recovering a drug addict” do not work. Judge for yourself: it costs 900 rubles per day for one patient in a specialized research institute of narcology. Calculate how much per year. Subtract the amount for useless treatment of 95-97 patients. The result is money down the drain!

Drug addiction is problem No. 1 for modern society

Analyzing the situation related to drug use, you are not surprised why contemporaries consider drug addiction the most difficult problem in the world. It is new for Russia.

Relatively recently, drug addiction was perceived as something alien and impossible for Europeans. You can read about narcotic drugs in fiction about the events of the period civil war, post-war devastation or learn from foreign films.

The situation changed very quickly. Nowadays angry condemnation is not enough bad habit or moralizing conversations. Today it is important to convey convincing information about the dangers of narcotic drugs, the course of the disease, the harm of painful drug addiction and its consequences. Main preventative work should be focused on youth environment. It is teenagers, boys and girls who become easy victims of drug addiction. Their carelessness towards their own health turns into a tragedy for friends, neighbors, and family.

Total personality degradation, complications physical health- the banks along which it flows short life drug addict.

Experts in drug addiction call it nothing more than a “biopsycho-socio-spiritual” disorder. The definition is long, complex, not immediately understandable, sounds unusual and intimidating. If you decipher it, it turns out that a drug addict:

  • very quickly ceases to respect himself;
  • goes beyond morality;
  • loses mental balance.

All this prevents the addict from continuing to communicate normally with his comrades, work colleagues and family members. Being drawn into criminal circles, a drug addict is accompanied by all the vices of society that destroy both his life and the lives of those around him.

The worst thing in this entire list is that drug addiction, by the nature of the course of the disease, is an irreversible pathological process. In other words, even after therapeutic correction, traces of the “restoration” of the disease remain in the addict’s body forever. And if a former drug addict suddenly “breaks” and remembers the taste of the “dose,” he will have to go through all the pain all over again. Therefore, when remembering their patients, doctors do not call them “recovered,” they call them “inactive drug addicts.” How long the “period of inactivity” will be for a particular drug addict depends only on the “inactive” person. And here mental disorders- This is a lifelong diagnosis.

Among doctors there are many people in white coats who sincerely want to help the patient. But unfortunately, modern science haven't put it in their hands yet necessary tools. And if the whole world does not stand up against drug addiction and help the patient and his doctor, the problem will remain unresolved for a long time.

So for now, International Day Against Drug Abuse is not just a date on the calendar. It is like a reminder that the struggle for human destiny is not yet over.

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