Home Orthopedics Download the winter traffic rules presentation for first graders. Extracurricular activity and presentation on the topic "Road Rules" (1st grade)

Download the winter traffic rules presentation for first graders. Extracurricular activity and presentation on the topic "Road Rules" (1st grade)

Extracurricular lesson on traffic rules in 1st grade

Goals: fix the names of road signs; remember how to cross the road correctly; develop memory and thinking; expand students' horizons about rules traffic, about ensuring life safety.

Equipment : road signs, traffic light model. Students learn poetry in advance.

Progress of the event

Teacher's opening speech

Guys, we live in a beautiful city with green, wide streets and alleys.There are many cars and trucks moving along them, trams and buses. And no one bothers anyone. This is because there are clear and strict rules for car drivers and pedestrians. It is not easy to cross from one side of the street to the other. And who helps us with this, guess the riddle:

I blink my eyes

Relentlessly day and night.

I help cars

I can help you too!

Students. This is a traffic light.

(three students come out with crowns of traffic light colors)

- Tell me what you know about the colors of the traffic lights.

Red: A red light winks at you - there is no traffic on the road!

The red light tells us:

Stop! Dangerous! The path is closed!

Yellow: I warn everyone that the road is not a laughing matter for us! Before you walk on it, get ready, look!

Green: green if it blinked: “The path is clear,” he said! And remember, friends, best light, of course it's me!

TEACHER: And what cars can freely pass through a red light?

D. Ambulance, fire, police, Gorgaz.

TEACHER: Imagine that the traffic light is broken and there will be chaos on the street? What to do? Who will help us?

D.: Adjuster.

TEACHER: Today I will be your supervisor of extracurricular activities and so that there is no disorder I will guide you.

(teacher puts on a police cap and TAKES A WHISTLE)

TEACHER: Imagine that there are traffic jams all around and the traffic controller did not immediately find out about the breakdown of the traffic light. So where will the chaos start?

D: Signs will help.

TEACHER: Do you know that there are about 266 road signs and people all over the world use them. Let's listen to poems about some road signs.

(pre-prepared students show a sign and recite a verse. After reading the verses, the sign is hung on the board)

“No traffic” sign:

This sign is very strict,
Since he is standing on the road.
He tells us: "Friends,
You can't drive here at all!"

Pedestrian crossing sign:

There's a land crossing here
People walk around all day.
You, driver, don't be sad,
Let the pedestrian pass!

TEACHER: - How many of you are attentive and have noticed that there is such a sign near the school? Where does it hang?

Sign "Pedestrian traffic prohibited":

In rain or shine
There are no pedestrians here.
The sign tells them one thing:
"You are not allowed to go!"

Sign "Underground pedestrian crossing":

Every pedestrian knows
About this underground passage.
He doesn't decorate the city,
But it doesn’t interfere with cars!

Sign "Point One" medical care":

If someone breaks a leg,
Here doctors will always help.
First aid will be provided
They will tell you where to get treatment next.

Residential zone sign

Children's playground near the house
According to the Rules, it is a residential zone.
A sign will tell the driver -
In the yard - be vigilant.
You drive quietly, carefully,
Park where you can.

"Children" sign

This is a very important sign
It hangs there for a reason.
Be careful, driver!
Nearby is a kindergarten and a schoolyard.

Sign " Roundabout Circulation

My head is spinning
In a circular motion.
The kids played out -
At the amusement park.
And the driver doesn’t play -
In a circular motion
The path along the arrow continues -
According to Driving Rules.

Bicycle path sign

Bike Lane
Overtake Maxim Seryozhka.
No one will bother you -
All children know this sign.

Sign “Pedestrian path”

Along the walking path
Only the legs walk.
Only in a stroller, for babies,
You can drive slowly.

Teacher: Look what different signs! Can they be divided into groups and on what basis? (Children - by shape, by color)

It turns out that road signs can be classified according to what they are needed for and what task they perform on the road. For example, the signs in red triangles are called warning . (plate with the word). Let's find all the warning signs, name them and place them under the appropriate label.

There are also red signs, but they are round. Here is a sign “Entry prohibited”, and here is a sign “Traffic prohibited”. They prohibit, which means they... prohibiting . Let's find all the prohibitory signs, name them and place them under the appropriate inscription.

- And here are the signs of blue color. What can the blue circle tell us? (allows). Or rather, it prescribes, recommends. These signs are called
prescriptive . Let's find them and name them.

- And this
service signs . They tell us what services they can provide us. Let's name them.

– We met some of the signs, but there are many more

- Now let's play!

Game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends”

Which one of you is going forward?

Only where the transition is?

Who knows what the red light is?

Does it mean: no move?

Which one of you is in a cramped tram?

Does it give way to adults?

Which one of you, on your way home,

Is it on the pavement?

(On the desk)

Mostovaya - hard road surface of city streets

Which one of you is flying so quickly?

What does the traffic light not see?

Getting to know the rules for crossing the road

- What to do if the red signal flashes and you have already started the transition? (Children's suggestions are listened to.)

Correct answer- go back to the sidewalk if you have just started crossing the road. If you find yourself in the middle of the roadway, you need to wait for the green signal, standing on the traffic island or on the center line, but you cannot back away or rush in front of moving cars.

The yellow signal is a warning. When the signal turns yellow, start crossingit is forbidden .

You can cross the road only when the traffic light is green. You, of course, have seen traffic lights on the roads that do not have a yellow signal. These are pedestrian traffic lights; their signals are mandatory only for pedestrians.

(showing a pedestrian traffic light)

Physical education minute

The guard stands stubborn,

(We walk in place.)

He waves to people: don’t go!

(Move your arms to the sides, up, to the sides, down.)

Here the cars drive straight

(Hands in front of you.)

Pedestrian, you wait!

(Hands to the side.)

Look: he smiled,

(Hands on waist.)

Invites us to go.

(We walk in place.)

You machines, don't rush,

(Clapping hands.)

Let pedestrians pass!

(Jumping in place.)

Getting to know the signs

(Children come out with signs.)

Only me for the pedestrian -

Sign at the crossing point.

In the blue square I walk -

Transition indicator.

Teacher: Now you have learned how to cross the street and where to cross it. Let's work in pairs.

"We're going to school"

The groups are given a drawing diagram “A student’s path to school in the city”; they must show the correct route on it.

Sample drawing-scheme

Teacher: Let's play! You must answer yes or no questions quickly!

A game

Is driving fast in the city? -Yes!

Do you know the rules of movement? -Yes!

The traffic light is red

Can I go across the street? - No!

Well, the green light is on, then

Can I go across the street? -Yes!

I got on the tram, but didn't take a ticket.

Is this what you're supposed to do? - No!

Old lady, very advanced in years,

Will you give up your seat on the tram to her? - Yes!

I'm lazy, you gave me the answer,

Well, did you help him with this? - No!


Well done guys, let's remember

What is “no” and what is “yes”

And do what needs to be done

Always try.

Teacher: Guess the riddles:

Strange zebra: does not eat or drink,

But without food and drink he will not die.(Crosswalk.)

Hey, don't stand in the road!

The car rushes in alarm.

Why is she in such a hurry? What do you mean why?

Put out the fire!(Fire engine.)

A house is driving along the asphalt,

And there are a lot of people in it,

And under the roof of the house there are reins,

He can't travel without them.(Trolleybus.)

What a miracle - the blue house!

There are a lot of kids in it!

Legs, shoes - made of rubber

And it runs on gasoline.(Bus.)

He doesn’t go on his own, he doesn’t go.

If you don't support it, it will fall,

And you put the pedals to use -

He will rush you forward.(Bike.)

The houses stand in two rows.

Ten, twenty, hundred in a row.

And square eyes

Everyone is looking at each other.(Street)

A canvas, not a path,

Horse, not a horse - a centipede

It crawls along that path,

The whole convoy is carried by one.(Train)

Hey driver, be careful
It's impossible to go fast
People know everything in the world
They go to this place( Children ).

And here, guys, it's no laughing matter,
You can't drive anything here,
You can only do it on your own
You can only( For pedestrians ).

What should I do?
I need to call urgently
Both you and he should know
In this place( Telephone ).

Everyone knows stripes
Children know, adults know,
Leads to the other side
Pedestrian( Transition ).

In cars here, friends,
No one can go
You can go, kids know,
Just on( Bicycle ).

I didn't wash my hands on the road,
Ate fruits, vegetables,
I'm sick and I see a point
Medical( Help ).


1. What traffic lights do you know?

2. Where should pedestrians walk?

3. Where should cars drive?

4. How is a pedestrian crossing designated?

5. Is it possible to play outside? Why?

6. Is it possible to cross the street when the traffic light is yellow?

7. How should you cross the street if there is no traffic light?

8. What are road signs used for?

9. Where can you ride bicycles?

11. In what places can you cross the street?

12. When should you start crossing the street?

Work in groups.

Nowadays, there are a lot of people who, when crossing the street, do not look around, but look at their phones. I propose to protect drivers and come up with new sign: "Be careful pedestrian with a phone"! In groups, try to draw a sign and think about what it will look like.

Lesson summary:

TEACHER: What conclusion can we draw from today's conversation?

A student reads Ya. Pishumov’s poem “The ABC of the City”

The city whereWe live with youYou can rightfullyCompare with the ABC book.

ABC of the streets,Avenues, roadsThe city gives usLesson all the time

Here it is the alphabet -Overhead:Signs are postedAlong the pavement.

ABC of the cityAlways rememberSo that it doesn't happenYou're in trouble.

Cartoon traffic rules Baba Yaga

Each child receives a traffic rules reminder


Crossword “The most important thing on the road.”

    Reckless drivers love to do this. (Overtaking)

    Three-eyed guard. (Traffic light)

    The strictest road signs. (Prohibiting)

    Path along the road, not for cars. (Sidewalk)

    This happens to those who do not follow traffic rules. (road accident)

    Pedestrian crossing in a different way. (Zebra)

    The most dangerous place for pedestrians. (Crossroads)

    This is the yellow traffic light “saying”. (Attention)

    The part of the car that gets hit by the gap. (Wheel)

    Rule breakers fear him. (Inspector)

    A careless driver gets into it. (Ditch)

Class hour on traffic rules in primary school with presentation

Class hour in 1st grade. Topic: “First grade with Uncle Styopa!”

Author Solodovnikova Olga Valerievna, teacher primary classes, MBOU School No. 47, Samara city district.
Author of the poem“My Uncle Styopa” Solodovnikova Olga Valerievna, primary school teacher, Municipal Budget Educational Institution School No. 47, Samara City District.
Description This material can be used by primary school teachers and preschool teachers to conduct extracurricular activities in 1st grade.
It is advisable to carry out the event I propose before conducting a study walk, excursion and other trips along the city streets. It can also be carried out after the excursion to consolidate and repeat the material. In this case, in a conversation it is necessary to address personal experience children and use this as an example to show their mistakes.
To familiarize schoolchildren with the basic provisions of traffic rules for pedestrians, to develop skills of correct behavior in the environment, as well as the ability to quickly and correctly respond to its changes.

-Teach safe behavior on the streets and roads of our city;
-Teach compliance with safety rules at school and at home;
- Update knowledge of traffic rules and rules of safe behavior at home;
- To introduce the color symbolism of road signs;
- To introduce and update the knowledge of some literary works: S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”, poem by G. Titov “About a Little Bunny”, excerpt from Charles Perrault’s fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”, Alexey Tolstoy “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”;
- introduce the songs: “Pinocchio’s Song”, “Little Red Riding Hood’s Song”;
- Develop the ability to understand the world, use the acquired knowledge and skills in life;
-Develop communication skills (lead a discussion, argue your opinion);
- Develop student independence;
- Develop psychological qualities of the individual: thinking, attention, memory.
- Cultivate the desire to use the acquired knowledge in Everyday life;
- To foster a culture of personality, an understanding of the significance of the studied material for scientific and technological progress.
Teacher Equipment:
- Federal State Educational Standards of the new generation extracurricular activities;
- texts of readable literary works (S. Mikhalkov “Uncle Styopa”, G. Titov’s poem “About a Little Bunny”, an excerpt from Charles Perrault’s fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”, Alexey Tolstoy “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”);
- computer and interactive whiteboard;

Progress of the event

I. Org moment.
1. Greeting.
- Today, September 2, 2016, thousands of people in our cities and villages Russian state We woke up early, had breakfast, dressed nicely and went to study. Some went to school, others to college, technical school or university. And they all sat down at their desks, just like you are now.
- Why do you think we need to study? (You need to study to be literate, to be able to read, write and count).
- Every person must acquire the skills and abilities to work and work for the benefit of their Motherland, their country, family and Fatherland.
- Everything is correct! Look around. We are now in a cozy, very bright and clean classroom! In order for him to become this way, many people tried: these are your parents, the teacher, the school administration and our state, which provides all of you with the opportunity to receive a secondary education at school. I hope you will love your classroom and take care of school property; You will be faithful and friendly comrades.

2. Checking readiness for the lesson.
- And in order to be good comrades, we must first get to know each other. Therefore, now you will stand up one by one, loudly and clearly say your first and last name.
II.Learning new material
1. Primary perception.
1.1 Conversation between teacher and students about traffic rules.
– What is the name of the city in which you and I live? (Our city is Samara).
- Along which river is ours located? hometown? Name it. (Our city is located on the left bank of the Volga River).
- What do you see a lot on the streets in our city every day? (There are many streets, cars, houses and roads in our city).

- That's right, you and I live in big city, along the numerous streets of which a lot of different vehicles move - these are cars and trucks, buses and trolleybuses, trams. Therefore, it is very often difficult for us pedestrians to cross from one side of the street to the other. Who do you think comes to our aid in such difficulties? (In case of difficulty, we are helped by traffic signs, traffic lights, and a traffic controller).

- But! There is also a type of transport to which pedestrians and cars must always give way.
-What kind of transport is this? (We must always give way to ambulances, fire engines and police vehicles.)

- Why do you think we have to let these cars through? (We are obliged to let the ambulance, fire truck and police officer through, because their call can be very important and cost someone's life).
- Right!
- We have now named a trolleybus, a car, a bus.

- How can you call this transport in one word? (Trolleybus, car... - these are all ground transport).

- Right. This transport moves on the ground. In other cities, for example, in Moscow or in our city, there are other types of transport. Think about whether we have any other modes of transport? Which ones haven't we named? (We did not name air transport (moves in the air), water transport (moves on water), underground (moves underground) and underwater (moves under water)).

1.2 Conversation with Buratino: “Pinocchio is in a hurry to visit”
- Someone is rushing to our lesson. Try to guess who it is.
Pinocchio's song (see Appendix 1.)
- You all, of course, recognized our beloved and famous character from the fairy tale. (This is Pinocchio!)
- What is the name of this fairy tale? (The fairy tale is called: “The Golden Key or the Adventures of Pinocchio”).
- Who is the author of this fairy tale? (This fairy tale was written by Alexey Nikolaevich Tolstoy)
Pinocchio: Once in a big and noisy city, I was confused, I was lost!
Without knowing the traffic lights,
Almost got hit by a car!
There are cars and trams all around,
Then suddenly a bus is on the way.
To be honest, I don't know
Where should I cross the road?
- Guys, can you help me?
And, if possible, tell me,
How to cross the road
So as not to get run over by a tram!

- Shall we help Pinocchio?
- In big cities where there is a lot of traffic, you can often see a helper.
-Guess the riddle:
Standing on the edge of the street
In a long boot
Three-eyed stuffed animal on one leg.
Where the cars move
Where the paths converge
Helps the street
People move on. (Traffic light)

- Do you know how to use a traffic light? What colors does it consist of? (The traffic light consists of three colors: red, yellow and green).

- You will find out what each color means by looking at the screen:
You see, the light turned red,
So, stop! It's dangerous to go!
And you'll have to wait
Even though there are no cars in sight!
Yellow light when on
He tells the drivers:
“Be careful, drivers!
Another light will light up soon!”
And the green light is on
You can go! The way is open!

1.3 Game "Traffic Light"
- Unfortunately, guys, a traffic light, like other equipment, can break down at any moment. What should we – pedestrians and drivers – do then? (Students' assumptions)
- In the event of a traffic light breakdown, a traffic controller comes to our aid. He holds a striped stick, which is called a “rod”. With its help, he shows who can continue on his way - a pedestrian, that is, you and me, or a driver.

If the traffic light is broken,
If there is no traffic, there is a congestion,
The traffic controller is rushing to help,
And it goes right onto the road!
He is the most important one on the road
With a striped wand!
Pedestrians and drivers are welcome:
“We don’t need traffic lights now!”
- In what work was a person able to reach a traffic light and repair it? (Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov is the author of the work “Uncle Styopa”, in which his hero reached the traffic light while standing on the ground and repaired it).
- When I was still very little, I read this book with my parents and, literally, was in love with Soviet hero Sergei Mikhalkov - Uncle Styopa. I knew his poems by heart, and tried to follow all the author’s advice and instructions. Later she wrote her poem: “My Uncle Styopa.”
I was a baby then
When from cute children's books
Uncle Styopa said,
How he lived, served, loved,
Dedicated his life to the Fatherland!
How did he play sports?
And strengthened my health,
Got wet, hardened
And he taught his son.
Walked the straight road
Tower and guard.
I compared Uncle Styopa
With the Holy Bell Tower.
Once upon a time there was Stepan Stepanov -
He is the best of the giants!
He was known as a sailor in the navy,
He served in the Russian army.
I loved Uncle Styopa
Not for height and height:
For your spiritual participation,
Nobility, kindness.
He has been my hero for many years
Uncle Styopa is dear!
Honesty, courage and soul
Visible in the Russian Vityaz.
Our hero is handsome in deeds,
And not in red words.
I'll thank you all my life for that
I am my book of wisdom.
“Uncle Styopa, Uncle Styopa!” -
The kids exclaim.
My life is going to sunset
A book of wisdom for the ages.

Reading an excerpt from the book, see Appendix 2.
- What is Uncle Styopa's last name? (Uncle Styopa's last name is Stepanov).
- Who did Uncle Styopa serve in the navy? (Uncle Styopa served as a sailor in the navy).
- What nickname did Stepan Stepanov receive? (Uncle Styopa received the nickname “kalancha”).
- In our city, on the highways, as a rule, there are few traffic lights, and you can rarely see a traffic controller. How can we cross the road? (Students' assumptions)
- We have special places for crossing the road. They are called pedestrian crossings. Each of them is marked with marking lines on the roadway and a road sign.
A pedestrian! A pedestrian,
Remember about the transition
Underground, above ground,
Know that only a transition
It will save you from cars.

- But in our city there are also places where there are no pedestrian crossings. What to do in this case?
Cross the road like this:
Look left first
And, if there is no car, go to the middle.
Then look carefully
To the right is a must.
And if there is no movement,
I walk without a doubt!
Pinocchio: Thanks, guys!
I will obey without arguing
I'm a traffic light signal
I will follow the traffic rules
Treat with respect!
- Guys, the law of roads and streets is quite strict and should not be violated, because it does not forgive if a pedestrian walks along the street as he pleases, without following the traffic rules.
1.4. Teacher reading G. Titov’s poem “About the Little Bunny”

There lived a little Bunny in our city,
There was this little Bunny - an arrogant one.
We need to walk along the avenue a little,
Here a path ran in white checkers...
But the little bunny ran in any weather
Where there is no crossing on the street.
Jumped at the very nose of the cars,
Near the angrily inflated tires -
I didn’t want to listen to my elders,
And the truck hit him.
So our scythe got under the car,
He cries bitterly that he broke his paw.
Both mom and dad grieve with the bunny:
I feel sorry for my little son with a broken paw.
But his brother told him very well:
“Arrogant bunny, it’s your own fault.
It's always good to listen to your elders
So that trouble never happens!”
- Do you feel sorry for Bunny? Why? (Yes, I got into trouble! / No, because it was my own fault!)
- Who is to blame for his misfortune? (He himself is to blame for his misfortune).
- Why did he get into this situation? (He got into trouble because he didn't want to listen to his elders.)
- Will you, like the arrogant Bunny, run across the road? Explain why. (No. We don't want to get in trouble!)
1.5. Physical exercise game “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!!!”
- Only constant observance of traffic rules allows us all to confidently cross the streets. And now I want to see how well you know the traffic rules!
- So, the game is like this: I will ask questions, and you will answer me: “This is me, this is me, these are all my friends!!!” You need to answer only where necessary. In other cases - remain silent:
- Which of you is in a cramped carriage?
Did you give up your seat to the old lady?
- Who will honestly tell everyone,
Doesn't it hang on the tram?
- Who flies forward so quickly,
What does the traffic light not see?
-Which one of you is coming forward?
Only where the transition is?
- Who knows that red light -
Does this mean there is no move?
1.6 Making riddles
- Now let's see which of you is the smartest!

1) He has three different eyes,
But it won’t open them right away:
If the eye opens red -
Stop! You can't go, it's dangerous!
yellow eye- wait a minute,
And green - come on in!
(Traffic light)

2) What a miracle this house is:
The windows are glowing all around,
Wears rubber shoes
And runs on gasoline?

3) The red carriage is running along the rails,
He will quickly get everyone where they need to go.
Children like its jingling sound.
So what are we wearing around the city?

4) He will oblige us to drive quietly,
Turning close will show
And it will remind you what and how
You're on your way... (road sign)

5) On the road sign
A man walks.
Striped paths
They made a bed under our feet.
So that we don't have any worries

And they walked forward along them.
(Pedestrian crossing or zebra crossing)

6) What are the names of those tracks
On which the legs walk.
Learn to distinguish them accurately,
Don't fly like you're on fire.
Pedestrian paths –
It's just … ? (Sidewalk)

1.7 Reading a poem by the teacher
And avenues and boulevards
The streets are wide everywhere.
Walk along the sidewalk
Only with right side!
Here to play pranks, disturb people
Be a good pedestrian
To accustom
Pedestrian to order
Lined asphalt
Like a notebook
There are stripes across the road
And they lead the pedestrian behind them!
There are quite a few rules on the road
It wouldn’t hurt us to learn them all,
But the main rule of movement is
Know how to do multiplication tables,
On the pavement - do not play, do not ride,
If you want to stay healthy!

2. Secondary perception.
2.1 Game to reinforce what you have learned “Give me a word”
Memorize the simple law:
The red light came on... (wait)
Yellow will say to the pedestrian:
Get ready for... (transition)
And green is ahead
He tells everyone... (go)

Who is in the big, big frost
Never hides his nose?
Who will answer without hesitation,
How do you find the street?
How to cross the road?
To any question
He will answer you... (guard)

At school you are students,
And in the theater there are spectators,
And in the museum, in the zoo -
We are all visitors.
And if you went out into the street,
Know this, buddy, in advance:
You have become taller than all names,
You immediately became... (pedestrian)

There is underground and above ground,
And there is one similar to a “zebra”.
It will save you from cars
Your assistant... (transition)

And walking along the roads,
Don't forget, kids:
Sidewalks for pedestrians
The rest is for... (cars)

Underground corridor
It leads to the other side.
There is no door, no gate -
This, children, ... (transition)

He is facing you -
Be patient, be good.
He looks at you sternly -
So the road is busy.
Then he turned sideways -
The path is clear ahead
Don't yawn, hurry up... (go)

And avenues and boulevards -
The streets are noisy everywhere.
Walk along the sidewalk
Only on the ... (right) side.

If you are traveling on a tram,
And there are people around you,
Without pushing, without yawning,
Come quickly... (forward)

2.2 Teacher reading an excerpt from Ch. Perrault’s fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”
Little Red Riding Hood's Song (see Appendix 3)
- What main rule did Little Red Riding Hood break and pay with her life? (You cannot open the door to a stranger.)
-Have you ever been alone at home? Please name some rules for safe behavior at home. (Students' assumptions).
2.3 Winnie the Pooh came to visit us.
- Winnie the Pooh gave me a bag with safety rules. Whoever can read them will receive a sweet souvenir from him.

- So!
When you're home alone:
1. Do not play with gas and gas burners.
2. Do not turn on electrical appliances.
3. Don’t forget to turn off the water so as not to flood your neighbors.
4.Do not handle the medicine or drink it without permission.
5. Don't lean out of the window.
6. Don't open the door for anyone.
Fire is your friend. But be careful!
If you joke with fire, trouble is possible.
Electrical trauma is painful, terrible.
Don't touch the wire - it's dangerous!
Do not leave the gas stove unattended.
When you leave, check all the burners!

Pinocchio: Thank you guys for your help! Thank you for telling me all the basic traffic rules and home safety rules that we should all know and follow.

III. Lesson summary
- Today we repeated the basic rules of the road, and maybe some of you learned a lot of new and interesting things. Let's remember these rules again!
- So:
- How should pedestrians behave?
- What colors does the traffic light consist of? Name them.
- What does each traffic light color mean?
-Who is a traffic controller?
- What is a pedestrian crossing?
- How to cross the road, there is no pedestrian crossing?
- What other traffic rules should each of us follow?
- All these Traffic Rules are very important and we need them!!! Everyone needs to know them: every adult, every child. Don’t break them, guys, and then we won’t have accidents on the roads, and you will grow up strong and healthy.
Uncle Styopa warns each of us:
So be careful and careful
And know that a lot depends on you.
Big trouble can be avoided
If you know how to behave.
Well, suddenly something bad happened.
How will you behave then?
Don't panic and don't get lost
Find a reasonable way out
You better try.
Select the number you need
And quickly call for help!
Wherever you are:
Whether in the yard, at school, or at home,
Know that you have friends near you,
Always ready to help.
01 – Fire service
02 – Police officers
03 – Ambulance
04 – Gas service

Annex 1.
Song Pinocchio
Who enters the house with a good story?
Who is everyone familiar with since childhood?
Who is not a scientist, not a poet,
And conquered the whole wide world,
Who is recognized everywhere
Tell me, what is his name?
Boo! Ra! Ti! But!
On his head is a cap,
But the enemy will be deceived
He will show his nose to the villains
And make your friends laugh until they cry,
He will be here very soon
Tell me, what is his name?
Boo! Ra! Ti! But!
He is surrounded by people's rumors,
He is not a toy - he is alive!
In his hands is the key to happiness,
And that's why he's so lucky
All the songs are sung about him,
Tell me his name!
Boo! Ra! Ti! But!

Appendix 2.
Uncle Styopa the policeman
Who doesn't know Uncle Styopa?
Everyone knows Uncle Styopa!
Everyone knows that Uncle Styopa
Was once a sailor.
That he once lived a long time ago
At the Ilyich outpost.
And what was his nickname:
Uncle Styopa - Kalancha.
And now among the giants
Those that the whole country knows,
Stepan Stepanov is alive and well -
Former naval sergeant major.
He walks around the area
From yard to yard,
And again he’s wearing shoulder straps,
With a pistol holster.
He has a badge on his cap,
He's wearing an overcoat under a belt,
The country's coat of arms shines on the buckle -
The sun was reflected in it!
He's coming from the department
And some pioneer
His mouth opened in amazement:
"That's how mi-li-tsi-o-ner!"
Uncle Styopa is respected
Everyone, from adults to children.
They meet you and see you off
And with a smile they say:
- Yes! People of this height
It’s not easy to meet easily!
Yes! Such a good guy
The new uniform suits you!
If he stands at his post,
Everyone will see it a mile away!
There is a traffic jam near the square -
The traffic light is broken:
The yellow light came on
But still no green...
A hundred cars are standing, honking -
They want to get moving.
Three, four, five minutes
They are not given passage.
Here to the ORUD employee
Uncle Styopa says:
- What, brother, is it bad?
The traffic light is not on!
From a glass round booth
A voice is heard in response:
- I, Stepanov, have no time for jokes!
What should I do, give me advice!
Stepan did not argue -
I took out the traffic light with my hand,
Looked into the middle
Something turned up somewhere...
At the same moment
The right light came on.
Movement restored
There are no traffic jams!
The guys told us
What is Stepan from now on?
The kids in Moscow were nicknamed:
Not "Mayak", but "Traffic Light".
What's happened?
At the station
A boy of about five is crying.
He lost his mother in the hall.
How can I find her now?
Everyone is calling the police
And she’s right there!
Uncle Styopa slowly
Raises the baby
Lifts me above myself,
Above yourself and above the crowd
For high ceilings:
- Look around, son!
And the boy saw: straight,
At the pharmacy kiosk
Mom wipes away her tears,
Lost her son.
Mom hears Colin's voice:
- Mother! Mother! That's where I am! -
Uncle Styopa was pleased:
"The family hasn't broken up!"
A student was walking home from school -
A well-known mischief maker.
He wanted to quarrel
But I didn't know where to start.
Two girlfriends were walking home from school -
Talkers in white aprons.
There are books and notebooks in the bags,
But everything is fine in the notebooks.
Suddenly a mischievous man comes along,
In the backpack there is a diary with twos,
There is no emblem on the cap,
And the belt is already without a buckle.
The students didn't have time
Stay away from him -
He pushed them right into the dirt
Laughing at the braids.
No way did he offend them
In plain sight of passers-by,
And then I saw the tram -
Got hooked on the move.
I put my foot on the bandwagon,
Another one is waving in the air!
He didn’t know that Uncle Styopa
Sees everything from afar.
He didn’t know that Uncle Styopa
Will not forgive a mischievous person.
From the doors of the department store
Uncle Styopa at the same moment
Took three huge steps
Straight across the square.
At the tram turn
He took the tomboy off the bandwagon:
- Answer: where do you live?
What is your father's last name?
With a guard of such height
It's not easy to argue.
On the river there is crackling and thunder -
Ice drift and icebreaker.
Rinse the old fashioned way
Grandma in the hole in the sheets.
The ice cracked - the river flowed,
And grandma swam.
Grandma groans and groans:
- Oh, my underwear will drown!
Oh! I'm in trouble!
Oh, save me! I'll be lost!
Uncle Styopa is on duty -
He's on duty at the bridge.
Uncle Styopa through the fog
Looks into the distance like a captain.
He sees an ice floe. And on the ice floe
The grandmother is crying on the basket.
You can’t describe what happened here!
Uncle Styopa - hands down,
Leaning over the railing,
Like hanging over an abyss.
He managed to grab
Frightened grandma
And the old woman is behind the basket:
- I won’t throw away my underwear!
Uncle Styopa saved her
And the basket and the laundry.
The guys walked past the building
What's on Vosstanya Square,
Suddenly they look - Stepan is standing,
Their favorite giant!
Everyone froze in surprise:
- Uncle Styopa! It is you?
This is not your department
And not your area of ​​Moscow! -
Uncle Styopa saluted
He smiled and winked:
- I received an honorary post! -
And now on the pavement,
Where the building is high-rise,
There is a high-altitude guard!
Like a stretched scarf
Smoothly filled skating rink.
Everyone in the stands stands up:
The speed skaters are given a start.
And they run in circles
And fans to each other
They say: - Look! Look!
The longest one is yet to come!
The longest one is ahead
Number "8" on the chest!
There's one strict dad here
I asked my son:
- Probably these legs
The Spartak team?
Mom intervened in the conversation:
- Dynamo has these legs.
It's a pity that our "Spartak"
There’s no way he’ll catch up with them!
At this time they announce:
The competition is over.
Congratulations to Uncle Styopa:
- Well, Stepanov! Well done!
Proud of Uncle Stepa
All capital police:
Styopa looks down from above
Receives first prize.
To Uncle Styopa, as if on purpose,
I need to go on duty urgently.
Who would be able to along the way
Should I give the guard a lift?
One driver says,
Young car enthusiast:
- I'll give you a lift to the police station.
I would consider it an honor
But, unfortunately,
You can't get into my Moskvich!
- Hey, Stepanov! I'll throw it in -
Then another driver called. –
Get into my car
Into a multi-ton dump truck!
IN " Children's world" - store,
Where are the toys on display, -
A bully appeared.
He knocked over the sleigh
He took a carnation out of his pocket,
The drum got a hole.
The seller told him: - Pay! -
He answered: “I won’t pay!”
- Do you want to go to the department? -
Answers: - Yes, I want to!
Only suddenly the hooligan
My heart skipped a beat:
In Stepan's bright mirror
He saw behind.
- Do you want to go to the department?
- What do you! What do you! Don't want!
- Pay the money to the cashier!
- How much do you need? I'll pay!
Guard Stepan Stepanov
He was a thunderstorm for hooligans.
One Sunday morning,
Styopa came out of the yard.
Stop! Don `t move!
There is no escape:
The kids stuck around.
Vitya looks at the authorities,
His nose wrinkles in embarrassment:
- Uncle Styopa! Sorry!
- What's happened?
- I have a question!
Why, having come from the Baltic Fleet,
Did you go to the police?
Are you really working
Haven't you found anything better than this?
Uncle Styopa frowns,
The left eye squints a little,
He says: - Well, friends!
I will answer the question!
I'll tell you a secret,
That I serve in the police
Because this service
I find it very important!
Who with a baton and a pistol
On duty in winter and summer?
Our Soviet guard -
It's the same sentry!
It’s not for nothing that he avoids
Police post
And he's afraid of the police
One whose conscience is not clear.
Unfortunately, it happens
Why are they afraid of the police?
Naughty kids.
How can parents not be ashamed?
This is stupid and offensive!
And when I hear this
I'm blushing from ear to ear...
For second grade kids
More than an hour with Uncle Styopa
The conversation continued.
And goodbye guys
They shouted: - Goodbye!
Goodbye! Goodbye,
Uncle Styopa - Traffic light!

Appendix 3.
Little Red Riding Hood's Song
If it's long, long, long,
If it's long along the path,
If it's long along the path,
Stomp, ride and run,
Then, perhaps, then, of course,
That's probably true, true,
It's possible, it's possible, it's possible,
You can come to Africa.
Ah, there are rivers in Africa
This is the width.
Ah, there are mountains in Africa
That's how tall it is.
Ahh, crocodiles, hippos,
Ahh, monkeys, sperm whales,
Oh, and a green parrot,
Oh, and a green parrot.
If only, only, only,
If only on the path,
If only on the path,
I'll meet someone.
That, to whomever I meet,
Even the beast, I believe, I believe,
I won’t forget, I will, I will,
I will say hello.
Ah, there are rivers in Africa
This is the width.
Ah, there are mountains in Africa
That's how tall it is.
Ahh, crocodiles, hippos,
Ahh, monkeys, sperm whales,
Oh, and a green parrot,
Oh, and a green parrot.
But of course, but of course
If you're so lazy
If you're so shy
Stay at home, don't go out.
You don't need roads for anything,
Slopes, mountains, mountains,
Gullies, rivers, crayfish,
Take care of your hands and feet.
Ah, there are rivers in Africa
This is the width.
Ah, there are mountains in Africa
That's how tall it is.
Ahh, crocodiles, hippos,
Ahh, monkeys, sperm whales,
Oh, and a green parrot,
Oh, and a green parrot.

The game is a journey through traffic rules for grades 1-2. Development.

Author: Elena Aleksandrovna Chusovitina, teacher
Place of work: MKU "Social rehabilitation center for minors" Rainbow ""

Scenario of a game-travel according to traffic rules "The ABCs of Safety"

On modern streets, the number of cars is increasing every day and, unfortunately, the number of accidents is also increasing. Statistics show that very often children are the cause of road accidents. This is caused by elementary ignorance of the basics of the Rules of the Road. This means that the child must learn the rules of the road as effectively as possible. What should a child learn in order for him to develop the skills of proper behavior on the street? Children must learn to understand that they are road users, what elements of the road there are (road, roadway, sidewalk, pedestrian crossing, shoulder, intersection). It is very good if children can distinguish between types of vehicles (bus, trolleybus, car and truck, bicycle, motorcycle). Children also need to be told about the means of regulating traffic and the colors of traffic lights. Young pedestrians should know the rules for driving on sidewalks and roadsides, and the rules for crossing the roadway. An important part of the process of learning traffic rules is learning the rules of behavior, boarding and disembarking on public transport.
During the trip, the guys stopped at stops: “traffic light riddles”, “road alphabet”, “pedestrian passengers”, “automulti”, where they repeated the rules of pedestrians, passengers, road signs and their purpose, vehicles. At the “inspector warns” stop, the guys were expected to meet with an employee of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate’s propaganda department. He urged the children to be attentive and responsible road users.
Goals and objectives:
1. Propaganda of traffic rules among schoolchildren.
2. Prevention of children's road traffic injuries.
3. Education of law-abiding road users, discipline, responsibility.
4. Propaganda healthy image life.
Equipment: computer, projector, stand with traffic signs, yellow, red, green flags; presentation, medals for the “Best traffic rules expert”.

Progress of the event:

Slide 1
In our big city
In every house
People know, people remember
An important law of life.
Helps pedestrians and drivers everywhere
And that law is called traffic rules for short.
Roads and streets, guys, have their own strict laws, their own alphabet - these are the rules of the road that drivers and pedestrians must follow. Ignorance of the language of the roads can lead to trouble and traffic accidents. And in order to prevent this from happening to you, today we will go on a short trip and remember the rules of the road.
During our journey we will make several stops: slide 2
“Traffic light mysteries”, “Road ABC”, “Pedestrians and passengers”, “Inspector warns!”, “Automulti”, where you will be offered interesting tasks. Children who correctly answer questions or complete tasks will receive tokens. At the end of our journey, we will determine the best expert on the rules of the road.
Before starting the journey, I suggest you game "Allowed or prohibited"
I will say a phrase, and you must end it with the words “it is allowed” to do this or “it is prohibited.”
-Walking in a crowd on the sidewalk... (prohibited)
- Crossing the road... (prohibited)
- Helping older people cross the street... (allowed)
- Running out onto the roadway... (prohibited)
- Cross the road when the light is green... (allowed)
- Respect traffic rules... (allowed)
Well done!
Slide 3 So, stop one "Traffic Light Mysteries". Let me remind you that at the end of our journey we will determine the best expert on traffic rules. For the correct answer you receive a token.
To help you
The path is dangerous
It burns day and night -
Green, yellow, red.
(traffic light)- slide 4
There is a place to go
Pedestrians know this.
They lined it for us,
Everyone was shown where to go
(crosswalk)- slide 5
This horse doesn't eat oats
Instead of legs there are two wheels.
(Bike)- slide 6
He will tell the driver everything
It will indicate the correct speed.
By the road, like a beacon,
Good friend -...
(Road sign.)- slide 7
Drinks gasoline like milk
Can run far
Carries goods and people.
Be careful around her. (Car)- slide 8
Here's a road riddle:
What is that horse's name?
What lay on the transitions,
Where do pedestrians walk? (Zebra)- slide 9
The bus doesn't roll here.
Trams will not pass here.
It's peaceful here for pedestrians
They are walking along the street. Sidewalk- slide 10
Knows traffic rules,
Like a lesson teacher
Plus skill in driving. His name is... (driver)- slide 11
Well done boys! They did a great job solving the riddles. The traffic light has prepared a game for us "Cross the street."
I ask everyone to line up in one line. Remember what traffic lights mean? Red – stop, it’s dangerous to move!
Yellow - better wait.
Green – movement is allowed.
Imagine that there is a road in front of you. I will now show traffic light signals with flags, and you be careful: at a red signal you must take a step back; on green two steps forward; on yellow stay still and clap your hands.
Get ready! Let's start!
Well done boys! You know traffic lights very well. Take your seats.

Slide 12 And the next stop awaits us "Road ABC"
In addition to traffic lights, traffic control means include road signs. They can rightfully be called friends of drivers and pedestrians. Each sign has its own name; they tell you what the road is, how to drive, what is allowed and what is not allowed.
Slide 13 Now I will read the quatrain to you, and you must answer what sign we are talking about. Find it on this slide and come show it to all of us. For the correct answer you can also get a token.
1. What kind of sign is this?
Stop - he tells the cars.
Pedestrian, walk boldly
Striped black and white.
2. Look, boy Fedya
Riding a bike
Guess why
Dissatisfaction among passers-by?
(“Bicycles are prohibited”)
3. Show road sign,
Where can Feda ride?
("Bike Lane")
4. Tom’s stomach hurts,
He won't make it home
In a situation like this
Need to find a sign, which one?
(Medical aid station)
5. In this place, oddly enough,
They are constantly waiting for something.
Some are sitting, some are standing
What kind of place is this?
("Bus stop")
6. Pedestrian in the blue circle -
Take your time, go!
The path is safe
He's not afraid here!
7. All motors stop
And the drivers are attentive
If the signs say:
Close to school kindergarten.
8. In rain and in clear weather -
There are no pedestrians here.
The sign tells them one thing:
"You are not allowed to go!"
("No Pedestrians").
Very good! And at this stop you showed yourself excellently.
I know that there are guys in this room who would like to give advice on how to behave on the city streets.
1 student.
For everyone who likes to take a walk,
Everyone without exception
We must remember
Need to know
Traffic rules.
2 student.
So that your hands are intact,
So that your legs are intact,
There are many signs you need to know!
We must respect the signs!
3 student.
Learn the simple law
The red light comes on - stop!
Yellow will say to the pedestrian:
- Get ready for the transition!
And green is ahead
He tells everyone - go!
4 student.
Going out into the street
Prepare in advance
Politeness and restraint
And most importantly - attention!
5 student.
The pavement is seething with movement,
Denis saw his friend ahead:
Just think, cars and... trams.
He should cross the road faster.
I thought, ran and...
Oh, I almost got hit by a car.
6 student.
Only the one who will not suffer
Who walks there
Where is the pedestrian crossing?
7 student.
My neighbor tells me:
- If you have a bicycle,
Wherever you want, go there,
Know pedal!
- No, buddy, it's not like that!
I'll tell you, weirdo!
Briefly and clearly!
Only where this sign is
Ride safely!
8 student.
striped horse,
Her name is zebra.
But not the one at the zoo,
People keep walking along it.
She's on our street
Here at the crossroads
A zebra is just right -
Transition to stripes.
9 student
And avenues and boulevards -
The streets are noisy everywhere.
Walk along the sidewalk
Only on the right side.
10 student
Around the city, down the street
They don’t just walk like that:
When you don't know the rules
It's easy to get into trouble!
Be careful all the time
And remember in advance:
They have their own rules
Driver and pedestrian!
11 student
Everywhere and everywhere there are rules,
You should always know them:
They won't go sailing without them.
From the ship's harbor.
Go on a flight according to the rules
Polar explorer and pilot.
They have their own rules
Driver and pedestrian.
Thanks guys for your tips on traffic rules, I hope everyone will follow them.
Slide 14 And we are at the bus stop "Pedestrians and passengers."
You will be asked questions about the rules of behavior when you are pedestrians and how to behave if you are passengers.
So, pay attention to the screen.
1. Under what number are the traffic light signals correctly located? 1 slide 15
What signal are we crossing the road at?
2. What number indicates the “Pedestrian crossing” sign? 2 slide 16
3. Why is it necessary to cross the road at pedestrian crossings? slide 17
- The driver knows that pedestrian traffic is allowed in these places, he slows down and is more attentive. A pedestrian who crosses the road in the wrong place interferes with the flow of traffic and may himself get hurt.
4. On which side should you go around the bus? 2 Why? slide 18
(But it’s better to wait until the bus leaves the stop; a standing bus makes it difficult to notice approaching traffic.).
5. In which picture do children violate the rules of behavior on the road? 2 slide 19
6. Who walks correctly: grandmother or grandson? 2 You need to walk towards moving traffic. slide 20
7. When crossing the road, where should you look first, where then? 1 slide 21
8. Where can you wait for a trolleybus or bus? (Expect public transport needed at the bus stop.) slide 22
9. What rules must passengers follow on public transport?
(do not make noise or push; give way to elderly people and disabled people, women with heavy bags; hold on to the handrails while vehicles are moving, do not forget to pay the fare) slide 23
Well, you answer well, well done, I hope you will follow these rules just as flawlessly.
slide 24 Now we are waiting stop “Inspector, warns!”.
At this stop we are met by the traffic police inspector, ____________________________________
(The traffic police inspector tells the children about the organization and road users, the need to follow the rules, etc.)
We thank __________________________________________ for the interesting story and promise to be attentive road users.
slide 25 I must say that we have reached last stop of our journey, and it’s called "Automulti".
Now I invite those guys who were able to get tokens at previous stops - from 5 or more (guys with tokens come out) to come out to me.
You will now be asked questions from cartoons and fairy tales in which vehicles are mentioned. You need to name them. You are ready? Then let's begin.
What did Emelya ride on to the Tsar’s palace? (On the stove) slide 26
Leopold the cat's favorite two-wheeled mode of transport? (Bike) slide 27
What gift did Uncle Fyodor's parents give to postman Pechkin? (Bike) slide 28
What did the good fairy turn the pumpkin into for Cinderella? (Into the carriage) slide 29
What did old Hottabych fly on? (On an airplane carpet) slide 30
Baba-Yaga's personal transport? (Mortar) slide 31
What did the absent-minded man from Basseynaya Street go to Leningrad on? (Train) slide 32
What did Baron Munchausen fly on? (On the core) slide 33

Well, let’s count who collected how many tokens?
Based on the largest number of tokens, we have determined the winners. And we present them with medals for experts in traffic rules.
Summary of the lesson.
Our lesson has come to an end!
And I would like to make sure once again that you are fluent in the rules of the road. I suggest you Game "YES and NO".
The conditions are very simple. Answer my questions in unison either YES or NO.
Are you crossing the road at a red light? (No)
Do you ride a scooter in the yard? (Yes)
They say that you do not give up your seat to elders in transport. This is true? (No)
Is it true that you are crossing the road when the light is green? (Yes)
Are you playing on the road? (No)
Is it true that you can safely cross the road at a yellow traffic light? (No)
Do I have to wait for the bus at the bus stop? (Yes)
Are there any children in this room who can ride the transport while attached to it? (No)
Would it be right if the “Pedestrian crossing” sign was abolished? (No)
So is it necessary to follow traffic rules? (Yes)
Well done boys! Thank you all for your active participation. Be careful on the city streets.
Follow the traffic rules!

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